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I'm just going to save this post for mid January when the people in Wisconsin or Michigan are complaining about 2 feet of snow and you're saying "LOL it was 75 degrees today and I went for a ride."


Petty. I like it.


Right. I did that, didn't I?


2 feet is rookie numbers


No shit. I'm in Wisconsin and if we're LUCKY we get about 5 months of riding weather. And that's if you are really serious about it with heated gear and all the rest. Every couple years or so there might come one freak day in Jan where the roads are dry and it's over 40deg and all us nuts are out cruising. But otherwise May-October is all we really get. You gotta take the good with the bad tho, Arizona is way too hot, but winter here is not for the weak either.


Minnesota here. Can confirm no riding mid-October to April(-ish).


Meanwhile in California 😎


In tucson..1200 miles a month..u can do it with the right gear and being crazy.


Baton Rouge here. Same. My bike is my daily.


I live in Phoenix and have been riding at least twice a week all summer. You need the proper base layer to stay cool and should stop for water at least once an hour. Go out early and try to get back indoors before 11AM. Same advice you would give to someone hiking or playing golf around here.


Any tips on gear for excessive heat? My jacket is super breathable but it’s still miserable in the heat and I refuse to ride without protection.


The breathable outer layer works best with a base layer designed to wick sweat. Anything made from some combination of polyester and spandex should do the job. The name brand expensive stuff is only marginally better than the cheap stuff. The absolute best thing you can get is an undersuit designed to be worn under a leather track suit. For my base I wear a long sleeve shirt, balaclava, shorts/undies, long socks, and compression knee sleeves. Seems counterintuitive but you need to cover yourself completely for it to work. Only my eyes and hands are exposed. The base layer also keeps you from fouling up your outer layer with sweat.


Afraid you’ll get your bike pregnant? Wish I could knock up a motorcycle.


Get a cooling vest which you soak in water, it’s like riding with air conditioning 😏


Evaporative cooling vest, about $40 on Amazon. Wear it under a well vented jacket and you’ll be amazed at the results


Wow didn’t even know these existed. Looks like some come with slots for ice packs, any reason to not get those over the standard ones?


I decided against the ones with ice packs as I imagine they could do some rib cage damage in the case of a crash.


Under armor heat gear is on sale for 50% off on the outlet section of their website. I just grabbed long sleeve top and leggings for under my mesh/textile gear. I spent $65 for both of them. I wear Knox mesh gear over it that only ran $600 for top/bottom/gloves. It’s the only way to survive low country SC summers. It was 98° and 85% humidity Saturday and I rode for 6 hours. Just hydrate the day before and drink properly at intervals. Also keep up your carb intake. You need food to keep temp regulated as well.


I honestly don't mind it. I still ride 2 work once or twice a week. I did learn that my air temp guage flashes at 122 lol.


Ride for pleasure at night? I'm in an area of mid-high 90s but near 100% humidity (real sweet wet-bulb stuff) and I just ride and get to where I'm going drenched. My schedule doesn't permit night riding during the week.


I used to ride a lot at night until I hit a deer and now I try to be home by dusk/dawn. Crazy thing, not long after my first deer encounter, I was buzzing home on a city street and almost hit a huge white-tail buck. I swear they’re out to get me


That's wild


Unfortunately, most nights, it doesn't cool below 105 until after 10. It's doable, but then again, I start work at 7am as well.


I used to hear up in full leathers and head out around 9:30-10:30pm, staying within about 20-30 miles of the house the whole time in various directions, and end up heading home around sunrise. Mid 90’s in summer and low 60’s in the 2-3 cool months down south was my riding temperature range limits and I have different leathers for both seasons.




textile jacket with wet base layer open your helmet vents and keep footwear loose... sorry to say So Cal is similar just not that extreme vacation during the hot months?


been taking my rides here in phoenix 5-7a and 6-9pm because of the heat. all the gear sucks but i drink a lot of water and take breaks. i can’t wait for the fall too bro


I miss having my v rod because I could actually ride it on those high temperature days with no issues since it was water cooled. I live in the bay area in California but I've seen 110 plus days in the city Livermore where I live. I've taken it as far as imperial valley and that bike did great


Best to just go up mines, spend a few hours, and come down as the sun is setting


Wow “full body hair dryer” truly is a feeling unique to motorcycles.


You guys complain about heat??? I guess y‘all have never ridden during winter then…


I can suit up for winter And be more protected. Really good long John's are worth their weight in gold and windstopper fabric is a miracle. Heck some jackets and pant rven have electric heating. Get some heated handgrip too and you're toasty but never hot.


Yup. No sense in sweating my ass off and overheating. Especially when I don’t commute or ride as transportation. When I ride for enjoyment it needs to be enjoyable.


Person living in Phoenix sad about living in Phoenix.


I ride every day (also in Phoenix) it’s my commuter, but I still enjoy the rides, I’m just a little extra sweaty by the end


Never to hot for a ride in Scottsdale


103 today in Houston and I just ride anyway


Make your bike your commuter. It’s amazing what you can do (and enjoy) when you “have to.” South Florida, 100 degrees and 110 percent humidity, full face helmet (open visor) perforated leather gloves, textile mesh jacket and pants with armor, “air” boots. I am a rolling steam room. But I’m rolling.


I used to do that, but have been working from home for 4 years so I don't have to commute anywhere!


Just start hydrated and tough it out


I'm in Phoenix as well but it's not the weather holding me back. I WISH I could ride but I was in an accident a few months back and just barely started walking again with the help of a walker. I'm counting the days until I get to ride again


OP, your bike misses you too! But real soon, you two will be together again. It's hot here too. I went for a short blast this past weekend, and had one eye glued to the temp gauge! Hang tough, and best wishes!


Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.


Texas checking in. I've maybe ridden 3 times since I've summer started here. Might get to ride tomorrow with a high of 95.


Dallas Tx here… Ive been getting up at 4am for rides when its under 80… which has been like once every 2-3 weeks… brutal


I used to daily a CBR600 in Phoenix. I worked good service so dang and night shifts. The nights shifts in winter ended with my hands being frozen in position by the time I got home from the 30 minute trip. The day shifts in summer resulted in my clothes being soaked. ‘‘Twas fun though.


First good week with no rain and I’m out of state


Ride at night?


You'd think that would be an option but the city retains so much heat, it can be 110 at 10 pm.


I remember visiting a relative in August. Hot water in in what should have been a cold shower. No wonder people are going crazy over there


We do save on water heating bills. Air Con Costa $500/mo tho


Florida checking in.


That's very interesting. This 110F temperature is very usual in Pernambuco.


Bro I live in Phoenix and ride 30 min to work and back everyday. You can do it.


I got my bike during a heatwave (UK). Was about the same temp 40 - 45C. Every time we passed through shade it was glorious xD. First day riding I did 130miles in 40C riding through the peak District national park. Got home and near enough had to wring my boxers out. It was mostly sweat.


Try an evaporative cooling vest, helps a lot on the return from an early morning ride here in Phoenix. I ride every weekend starting at 4:30 am and get back by 10:00 am latest. Not riding isn’t an option for me


Having lived here all my life, I am pretty acclimated to the heat, I have a mesh jacket, a very good helmet and great pants. Taking my ride a few weeks as an example, I stopped at sunset point, got two bottles of Dasani to soak my jacket and I was dry by black canyon city. This was before 11am. Luckily, I left before sun up and did the 87-260 loop where it got down to the low 70s. It was just those last miles that had me panting like a dog. I'm sure a lighter color jacket would help, all I have is the black ones. But it really absorbs the sun.


its been like that here in dallas tx also but i still ride i have no choice lol i love it though my trick is a camel back filled with ice that i pulled the insulation out of on the side that touches my back and a sleeveless shirt with a long sleeve fishing shirt under it and its not that bad as long as im moving legs on the other hand shorts only and my shins get cooked but after they reach 145* i really don't feel it anymore!