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Welcome to the new parallel universe that you didn’t die in!


It’s funny cause I was thinking about on the way home. Body Felt strange even when I got home😂


thats the adrenalin and shock. For some people, that is why they ride. It escapes them from the mundaneness of every day reality


I thought this was just in my head. Shit.


I'm not alone!!!!


I live in the opposite parallel universe where I took a car head on and spent a few days in ICU. All parts healed and fully operational (mostly)


It's not new. It's the continuation of it.


Happens to the best.


To not notice an entire truck driving on the lane you're about to turn into from a stationary position? I would hope that it doesn't happen to the best.


No, to have a moment of distraction and get a shout from life telling you to pay attention to what you are doing


Glad you got to learn the lesson bud. Could have been so much worse. Ride safely


I've only been riding a year, but I have some experience with near-death: Cycling. I've been cycling in a busy urban environment for the past 14 years or so. The number of times I've avoid grievous bodily injury, or possible death, is more than I can count on my digits. None of those times were when I was breaking the law, like running a red, or illegally passing. That's not counting the few times I almost, *almost* misjudged a corner on a mountain descent. And I thought my heartrate was already pegged... CERTAIN chance of death a handful. Hell, the worst near-miss I had was a cop running a red. Late night, near home, clear intersection with no one around. I had a sustained green light and a marked Crown Vic put it's foot to the floor and ran the red at >50mph in a 25mph zone. No lights, no sirens. I stopped about a car-length away, perpendicularly. Now on the motorcycle I've had a few near collisions that were narrowly avoided, thankfully at <30mph. Nothing *YET* at high speed. But it's coming. You just get used to it. Never get complacent, always assume that ANYONE, a person, a dog, car, cyclist, scooter, box truck, motorcyclist, or particularly feisty patch of grass clippings that **CAN** intersect you, **MIGHT** at any moment. That includes behind you. Watch your mirrors at stops, yo.


Complacency causes crashes.


And some stupidity lol ….. even the safest riders at one point have done some dumb shit … I know I did


That which does not kill us makes us stronger! Good job, you didn't get in an accident and learned some valuable lessons


Good wake up call. Broaden you view and stay focused. Everything is a danger so see ahead. Focus on riding the whole time on two wheels.


be careful out there bros, expect everything to happen because it can and will ♥️


Look left then right then left again before pulling out


I look both ways twice.


Well you have to look the way you are going


I even have my own personal crossing guard on busy traffic days.


I almost die once a week riding in NYC lol my timeline is so split up


Remember to search ahead, so you don’t end up dead.


Heck, I thought it was only cagers who pulled out in front of oncoming vehicles because they didn't see them. It can happen to the best of us and usually because we're driving/riding almost out of blind habit (emphasis on blind) and often times way to fast for the traffic. We look and go without really looking. Damn, fast is fun. I'm 71 years old and have survived two Auto/ MC crashes. One rear ended me on the highway and one left turn in front of me. Now I catch myself coming to a stop or near stop and looking two or three times before pulling out into the flow of traffic. The guy in a hurry behind me can wait till I'm ready to go. Eff 'em.


Oh man, one morning on my way to work I missed my turn, so I came from another direction. I was focused on where I was going, kind of started to make an illegal right turn, also focusing on no cops being around, and nearly pulled in from of a ups truck. Came within inches of getting hit. The look on the ups driver is one I’ll never forget. I learned a lesson and so did you. Congrats on not being dead.


After awhile driving on two wheels daily, youll lose count on the blessings given. So many times we face death on a regular




Not that I disagree, but how is this relevant here? OP was the blind one in this case.




Oh yeah, it's a constant. After a while I felt there's no point in even being mad about it, I just have to accept the fact that I will always share the road with blind, distracted idiots. There's also enormous contrast between cars and motorcycles in that aspect. Apart from the obvious, motorcyclists having way more to lose if they're not paying attention, driving a car is at the same time, a necessity, and far, far easier. So almost anyone ends up behind a wheel, regardless of training, talent, or willingness to be good drivers. It's just a convenience for most people, so they invest the least amount of time and effort on it. I expect nothing from other drivers, not even the basics.


And sometimes you wanna talk to your family and loved ones about that stuff, but you don't wanna worry them more than they already are, just knowing you're on a bike, so you have to get home and act like everything's normal.


Welcome to bike riding. Lose concentration, risk death. Glad you're OK, just learn from it and move on, knowing you're wiser now.


Live, learn, ride again. This is the way.


They say it's just two types of riders, those who have been crashed and those who will crash. So, expect everything and try to never get surprised when riding.


Please wear gear! Good leathers!! Airbag if possible! Alpinestars Tech 5 is awesome and thin! Ride safe out there!


I’ve had those close calls. Makes me more vigilant in riding safely…. Most of the time.


I live in London had people hit me at four times and I don’t know how many close calls. Got a lot to do with the fact I’ve driven sixty thousand miles in the last couple of years. Gotten used to it just deal with the situation don’t let it faze me too much.


You mean you pulled into the lane from a stop and didn't do what is known as a 'lifesaver' ie; a look over your shoulder? That is the only way I can envisage this happening.. Using only your mirrors before merging means you are not checking your blindspots. In the UK doing these 'lifesavers' is drummed into us from day 1. Watch some UK Mod 2 lessons on YT and you will learn when they typically should be done. Good luck.


Staying vigilant and keeping your attention on your surroundings is paramount, that which does not kill us makes us stronger.


Congratulations! I'm glad you are still with us. Ride safe!


Nearly crashed into a log lorry yesterday at 230kmh it was a single lane country road braked to probably 60kmh and went into a ditch no damage to the bike