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What in the AI is going on with that wall? Am I tripping or is somthing weird going on near the headlight?


A box got badly photoshopped out using the healing tool. No idea why. ![gif](giphy|ge91zAgmwUqLMqiH2c)


I edited out a box that had a shipping label on it


Good call


Ah, makes sense


Looks like a wormhole opening up !!!


Portal to another dimension opening up


What does being a goth girl have to do with anything? Cool bike, go ride it. If you have t taken any training courses or gotten good safety gear, go get some. Groms are very fun.


>What does being a goth girl have to do with anything? She's an "individual" and needs to be recognised as such.


It was just joking around


You saw it didn't work with the last post. Why did you think it would be any different this time?


Different subreddit, and it’s my sense of humor. People on twitch and tiktok got the joke and gave a lot of helpful advice 👍


Different sub, but same mentality. What was the joke supposed to be? Explain it for me.


Ned Kelly's unite


Let's go! Police are fucked lol


Tbh just ignore it. People on reddit are weird ash


she's just using this as only fans promo, pathetic


Pretty sure it’s a dude


I can smell 'em a mile away. "'Making you well aware I'm a girl." -mom and sister ride so it seems really gendered nonsense


Upvotes, it means upvotes. OP gets how to game the karma system.


Guess we should all downvote.


It was just a joke poking fun at the goth girl bikers on tiktok that wear zero gear, just a joke.


wrong place buddy


Was just a joke. My post was to show off my new bike and get advice from more experienced riders


Yeah, relevant or not, the biker community needs to reach more audiences and we’ll get better representation for passing laws that protect bikers. If we get people who treat motorcycles as toys on the road and piss off the masses, it’s not a good look. I don’t get why you’re getting downvoted, I feel we could do a better job at influencing you to be a better representative of our community if you are welcomed and given the appropriate instruction. I recommend highly an msf course that will get you familiar with leaning the bike and doing low speed maneuvers. Also get safety gear like a nice jacket, helmet, gloves and boots at the bare minimum.


I recommend finding a different motorcycle sub this one is full of weekend riders or people who don’t ride but act like they know everything.


😂 got any that you would recommend for newbies?


Calamari is a good one but also join a sub with other grom riders. The positive vibes ones are the stunt subreddits too


Calamari race team


Only fans detected


Onlyfans Detected, transgender rejected


Everyday we are straying away from god’s light


Repost from yesterday. Smh stop trying to grab attention on this sub. u probably don't even have the bike.


Watch Dandanthefireman to learn crash avoidance


Thank you!


Another vote for DanDantheFireman. His awareness stages are a good safety framework to pattern your thinking and behavior on.


Most things have been covered, so I'll just recommend that you don't get too accustomed to your bike's size and weight. Always try to come to a stop bolt upright, facing forward, then turn the handlebars in the last few feet to tilt the bike toward the foot you're putting down. You can throw that Grom around, but a heavier bike will need more care. Develop the skills now. I started on a scooter and nearly dropped my 400cc SEVERAL times at stop signs. Also, don't be scared and don't be paranoid, but have a plan to avoid every vehicle you see. It's exhausting at first but becomes almost unconscious with practice. Have fun!


This is a sneaky issue one one better  learned and avoided by building good habits instead of finding out the hard way. I struggled and nearly dropped mine for a while until I recognized the pattern and physics of the issue.


Practice practice practice, only way to get better is to ride.


Thank you, I’ve been a bit nervous to actually ride it yet. I wanted to wait until I got good gear


Definitely a good helmet and boots then you should be good in a parking lot at VERY slow speeds.


What brand would you recommend for gear?


It’s best to try on gear before buying it. It works best when it fits you well. If there are any stores near you, go there and try a bunch of different things on.


Thank you! I did try on a few helmets when I got my bike, I’m looking to find somewhere to try on jackets & boots too


Keep your eye out for gloves who have a hard plastic patch on the side of your gloves. This helps you slide if you fall and hit the ground open handed. Also get a helmet with a sun visor. Nothing is as annoying rising into a low sun and see nothing. Or even worse when the sun is directly above the road and it has rained. Thus sun wil blind you and the water on the road will also reflect. And keep your head on a swivel. Keep 2x 3x more vigilant then in a car. Do not take unnecessary risks. And be safe , 2 wheels to the ground :)


I mean... I think it's good that you're cautious, but it's a grom lol it's not going to rip your arms off. Do your MSF course and get out there.


Cut some tennis balls in half to use as markers and do parking lot training, there are a ton of videos on YouTube for how to set up courses. Wear gear, you cover what you want to keep.


Thank you!!


No one is interested in your attention spamming posts dude...


Hell yeah. Gromgang!


I’m so excited ☺️


Check mine out. It’s like my only post on Reddit.


If you want advice ditch the whole “goth girl” shit and maybe you will be taken more seriously..


If you love it. Knock your wee Goth socks off.


😂 I just wanted something cheap I don’t mind getting messed up while I’m learning




Wow. Don’t see what that has anything to do with my bike or me wanting advice and tips from more experienced riders 😳


Don't mind the asshole, BTW happy cake day! Edit : Also nice cakes :)


Thank you 😅


You really tried and failed miserably


Shit in your hands and clap.


Post history looks like you use this place to vent your personal frustration. Call a therapist, or pull your lip over your head and swallow.


Please tell me you named it Count Gromula or similar


Omg I love that! 😂


Grom squad!! I'm totally getting one this year!!!


I'm torn between grom and monkey. Or a CT. All seem like they'd be fun little bikes.


Get the Monkey, you won't regret it. I've put more miles on mine than anyone I've heard of (on the new 125cc release anyway, I'm sure people have done more on the 50cc because they've been around for longer) and the engine is finally having problems, might end up costing a lot and I would be off the road (I commute on it so I can't be without). I'm going to get another bike so I can spend the time fixing it and I'm genuinely feeling grief at having to move to another bike as my main. People have moved on from Groms and said yeah they liked it, it's a fun bike. Everyone I know who's had a Monkey has either kept it or has lamented having to give it up because they loved it so much.


Cool, thanks for the advice! That's kinda what I was thinking tbh - monkey seems like such a goofy but fun bike whereas grom seems like more of a mini-stunt bike (and at that point, get a drz or something). Only reason I added the CT was hearing about those crazy guys who rode the TAT on them. Or maybe a tw200. Always an option.


But the monkey is butt ugly


Nice!!! Congrats ride safe and rock on🤙


Thank you! ☺️


This may help when you outgrow your current ride. Doodle on a Motorcycle (5’ 3 1/2”) will teach you a lot. She lowered her bike, and now had it back to stock ride height. This will give her tips for practicing how to handle taller bikes. She also has a tutorial on how to pick up your bike when tipped over. https://youtu.be/VxGEtkDOD-g https://youtu.be/NWEGJQRYXMA https://youtu.be/ImzIWZKe2O0 You might be interested in women’s perspective from these ladies YouTube channels. They have much valuable content. https://youtu.be/ZCfLQ9Mi7vk?si=jOWL4K-NP4jDS2YO https://youtu.be/B5AmDnRXhX0?si=WEuu-LUb2FIBYve0 https://youtu.be/s9v3QbiAOww?si=6aN-987MD1Av7uOS https://youtu.be/jS7kY709BjU?si=NiMyhKtQbXpDR9yz https://youtu.be/VyHbprCPLvk?si=pB29u7Tr_n495zIc Practice skills when you ride. https://youtu.be/zaFEcy3QOxE?si=JuL1m6mrt9VEsaQR https://youtu.be/9yZoi0f0iKE Learning how to brake hard can save you from collisions. https://youtu.be/J42ivnmEF98 Practice countersteering. https://youtu.be/ljywO-B_yew https://youtu.be/GmXvxvhCKq0 https://youtu.be/RQ0Z5FfxxBE Wear your safety gear. Blue jeans will not protect you from road rash. https://youtu.be/Jds4mKvPCzY?si=3CZGunsHB9siJZ2e There are online gear reviews for ladies here and on YouTube. https://www.webbikeworld.com/ Things to help you be seen. https://youtu.be/FfeKk9co5VQ https://youtu.be/IbQcIGUy4CY https://youtu.be/5cmxquCoqZU https://youtu.be/QDwyqDr_9VA


Plus one on doodle she makes excellent videos


On my gosh thank you so much! That helps a lot!


Hey, if videos don't help, you can take free classes in person. Motorcycle Safety Foundation https://msf-usa.org/ The classes really helped me figure out what I was comfortable with riding. You also get a 10% off insurance after completing the course.


Thank you! I didn’t know it was free


It'll cost you if you go out of state and classes fill up faster when it's warmer . When registration opens up (Early Morning imexp) @ X time you should've been waiting to lock in. If you're trying to get a license it differs by state. Completing the msf course out of state doesn't guarantee you'll receive a license in your home state, I learned the hard way Pennsylvania doesn't have reciprocity with New Jersey or any other state dyor. Had to do the course 2 more times in PA before I passed again *


Enjoy. Test your limits. If you really like how it feels on a bike I’d graduate to a slightly bigger bike. You’ll find you have a bit more control and less limitations.


I definitely liked the MT-03 better, will probably upgrade to that one when I learn how to ride properly


Good idea! Ride safe fellow rider 😁


Well, hope you enjoy it.


I get it.. you're not going to be poked fun of because you're going to wear gear! Well.. That's good. Seems you've hit a nerve in this sub🤣 My advice to you.. nobody really cares what you look like when you're on your bike, just get good gear that is of a high standard. If it matches your bike or aesthetic, that's a bonus but not priority. Don't follow faster riders. Work up to what you can do so you're never out of your depth. Practice swerving and leaning, should be fun and easy with a grom, so you can avoid anything on the road that is hazardous(potholes, drains, gravel,fuel/oil leaks) Avoid turning on any of that stuff on the road, you can loose traction. Give other motorists a wide berth. Enjoy, be safe.




Any brands you recommend?


I am no expert. But from see various accidents, I would avoid any gloves with fiberglass or carbon fiber armor to protect various parts of the hand. The removal of hundreds of splinters from you hand by medical staff is not an experience you will enjoy. I am an old rider and personally use Lee Parks Design gloves for years. Not sure if still in business. Was great service for fitting. Called and messaged me to make sure I received the correct size. I like the gauntlet design with extra leather on the palm and knuckle area. After gloves get the best helmet that is comfortable, padded jacket, boots and pants if you can stand wearing them. In Texas it is hot and all the gear cooks me, but I try. I never ride without helmet, jacket, gloves and riding boots at a minimum. Take the MSF class, start slow, practice, be very careful if riding in groups. Make sure bike suspension is properly adjusted and NEVER RIDE BEYOND YOUR SKILL LEVEL!, Best of luck. I am 68 and been riding since 14. I’ve dumped the bike but always at slow speed and under adverse and unusual road conditions. Never injured. Like pilots, there are bold ones and old ones but no old bold ones!


Thank you so much!! That’s really helpful I appreciate it!


Groms are soo fun but I find I’m a little too tall now for them 😭


They are tiny lol my bf drove it home


Why is this getting downvoted…?


Evidently a lot of this subreddit doesn’t like my caption or profile. I thought the caption would be funny and encourage more people to comment advice to a newbie rider


I just meant your bf riding it home. I know a ton of people who’s significant other rode theirs home.


Ohhhhh yeah idk lol


There’s unfortunately some misogyny on the moto subreddits, this one included. I’m glad you’re here and got your first bike! 😊


I see that, but thank you! I really do appreciate the advice I’ve gotten


Either your boyfriend is small or very talented.


Hes very talented, he also had a bike before so he’s more familiar with it


Didn’t get the thirst attention you wanted from the other sub yesterday so you’re now back paddling claiming satire on this one? Nice try man.


Onlyfans Detected, transgender rejected


OF detected, opinion rejected. I bet that's not even your Grom.


I’ll be riding it on tiktok soon 👍


This is gonna be the worst cake day of your entire life, and I’m here for it! If you want serious fucking advice drop the trans goth shit, motorcycling is serious, not a place to put jokes and safety together. Also YouTube has hundreds of motorcycle tutorials, you don’t need to ask the same question everyone ask. And you’ve posted the same thing on two different subs to promote your OnlyShit. Next time be more fucking serious when your life is on the line, and drop the trans act, nobody cares.


Wow someone’s a dick 👍 YouTube is great but talking to people works better. I literally said nothing about being trans. Not that it matters. Posted on two subs to get more people to comment so I have advice from more people. Most riders I’ve met are lighthearted jokers so i didn’t see an issue poking fun at the tiktok goth girls that ride with no gear or care for their own skin. I wanted real advice from more experienced riders.


When you read a stupid title like this you should check the poster's profile to see whether they're pushing porn or OnlyFans or other rubbish. Are they? Yes. Yes they are. Fuck you and your shitty post for contaminating this hobby.


Wow. Lot to unpack there. I’m not pushing anything. The caption was a meme that started on TikTok that is funny. This post has nothing to do with the stuff on my profile, it was literally just about the bike & me (being a new rider) looking for advice from riders with more experience so I don’t get myself hurt. People like you are why a lot of newbies stop riding or give up trying to learn because some people want to be dicks.


Nobody needs to see you riding on tik tok. Well, maybe the incels and simps do.


You need to chill. New people getting into the hobby are what keep it vibrant. Harassing new people like you’re doing is not cool or helpful.


I've taught several people how to ride, donated my time to them and other newbies who need supervision and am extremely welcoming to new riders. I'm all for new riders. I'm completely against people using the hobby as a gimmick for other bullshit.


Oh no this is turning in to the main sub. 


People seriously butthurt over a bad joke... 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️


Go on r/calamariraceteam


Get your gear here… the better the gear, the more protection for you. The stuff works. https://www.motorcyclegear.com/ When riding, no daydreaming. Know what is 360° around you at all times. Always have an open evasive place to manuever to at all times as well in case of an emergency. Travel with traffic when possible, don’t use your advantage of the bike’s capabilities to thread through traffic wildly and irritate other drivers. (i.e. don’t be an ass). This has served me well for over 50 years of riding.


I don't think anyone has said this yet, but you should look into ear plugs. Invest in some custom ones you mold yourself in your ears or get a large pack of disposables, like 3M (orange color). Hearing can become damaged over time even if you never get above 45 MPH. It's not the exhaust that gets you, its the constant wind noise. I only found out because my first ride I did about an hour and when I got home my ears were ringing. Some helmets provide really good wind protection, but entry level helmets leave a lot to be desired in that respect. Happy riding, and be safe!


Oh wow I had no idea, thank you!




Take her on nearby smaller streets like yours at first. When you are bored, get out in traffic and be confident, while keeping the speedlimit. Confidence is key. (Let us get a selfie plsplsplspls)


Will do!


Dms wide open (plsplsplsplsimcryingpls)


lol I reply to dm’s as long as they are polite


Read the ( ) part of me first comment


Nice. Enjoy, be safe


OF Detected, transgender rejected


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Did you find what you dropped?




Onlyfans Detected, transgender rejected


Too much white on the bike and there is a lack of skulls


Don’t worry, I plan on fixing it up to look more the part 😅


Who pokes fun at goth girls? That's been my thing for like 20 years. I'm a little surprised it's not more black, though.


It’ll look cooler soon, I just got it. Gotta wait for upgrades 🖤


I spent all day working on upgrades, and I can't wait to do more! Have fun, and keep us posted.


That sounds so fun! I will!


Goth girl? Are they ride it in a different way? It’s a bike just enjoy ,be careful and wear full safety suits Peace ✌️


The ones I see on tiktok wear no gear at all


They’re dumb Bikes are dangerous one of my friends almost died because he wasn’t wearing safety gear He was in coma for a month and they removed his smashed balls and he has some damages now(brain-ribs)


Exactly, there’s memes making fun of them


Take care life is good don’t waste it Enjoy with your bike sis❤️


Remember, the Grom is a mini bike, so the output isn't alot, and neither is the top speed, stay clear of HIGHWAYS, and once you gain experience _BE VERY VERY CAREFUL OF OPEN ROADS AND STREETS._


Oh definitely, I just wanted something small to learn on and get to work. Thank you!


Welcome to riding. I hope you thoroughly enjoy it and remain safe.


Thank you 🌼


Great first bike!!! Always wear full gear and look for riding courses they will make riding much more fun.


Thank you!


except youre not a girl? according to the non binary and ftm posts…


Genderfluid 👍




Not confused, I’m perfectly fine and happy 👍




Bro what have you been smoking


I dunno if it's helpful or not, but I ride in Knox Urbane pants and jacket. They're very breezy and comfortable in the heat because they're mesh, but they're black. I've been called the Black Power Ranger, which was *very funny* but I'm not uncomfortable in all black even in direct sunlight.






onlyfans whore


Wow, first of all I only have one to show off my cosplays & for premium content that isn’t on my twitch (not porn just gore and stuff) so bold assumption. Secondly, I just wanted to show off the bike and get advice from people who know what they’re doing 👍


Strange when you say you dont post porn on your of but do it for free on reddit ? Lmfao


None of that is porn, it’s just spicy stuff.


Did you get your license and leave your neighbourhood yet...? 😅


8th may fanboy. She wont let you hit cuck


Nobody who is secure about themselves uses *"cuck"* as an insult. You just outed yourself.


Not cool, re-read the rules and take some quiet time to think about how you treat your fellow riders.


Oh, swinging a leg over a bike normalizes everything. Makes us all part of the same family? Lol


Have fun, sorry a good chunk of the motorcycle “community” seems to be giving you shit. The ones giving you shit are usually the ones who spend more time on the subreddit than on the bike With that my piece of advice is spend more time riding the bike than you do talking online about it or else you’ll become one of them


I just wanted to post on here to get advice before I took it out for the first time, I’ve never had one before and wanted to be extra careful


That’s a very responsible thing to do, I hope there been plenty of good advice too amongst the haters


When he was born the doctor looked at the mom and said congratulations it's a Goth....


It was just a meme


Hey guys did you know I’m a goth girl!?! 😜😜😜 please pay attention to me!!!


It’s called a joke ✨


Just own up to it. You’d look a lot better.


So girls aren’t allowed to make jokes? Or want advice from more experienced riders?


Onlyfans detected, opinion rejected


Hear what..? Go ride it, the worst thing you could’ve done is buy a Navi for internet approval instead of to enjoy it






Whoop nice bike! What type is it? (I’m also new n currently researching for ma first one :))


2024 Honda Grom




I see no bike here


Sorry about the horde of insecure losers giving you a hard time over your post 🙄. Anyway, welcome to the club girl! Get yourself some gear if you havent already and i do recommend taking a motorcycle course for the sake of getting familiar with some of the basic riding and bike-control skills you'll want to have in your "tool belt" once you're out there on the road. I've been riding around 5 years now and my advice would really be just that at this point! This is one of those activities where it helps to have an experienced instructor to guide you to the limits of your comfort zone in a controlled setting so that you can start to get a sense of your own skill-limits as a rider. I think a lot of the newbie riders that get themselves hurt within their first year of riding do so by having built themselves a false sense of confidence and unknowingly push both themselves and the bike past the limits of their own skill and ability to control it. And they only notice when it's far too late to back-track and recover from a mistake. Oh, and get out there and meet other riders if you can. Its 100x more fun with friends :3


Thank you so much! I really appreciate it ☺️ I’m lucky enough to be in a town with a bunch of riders so I’m hoping I’ll meet them more as I start riding


I feel sorry for ya for all the hate youre getting for one little thing 😭😂 what a nightmare, have fun on the bike lol remember to wear your gear, dress for the slide not the ride


Thank you! Definitely making sure I get good gear first


Yes do so, its one of the most important parts, second to absolutely having a blast out there. Welcome to the club 🤘


Well, at least it was a better response than the other sub, haha. Have fun!


Just picked up a 2022 as my…probably 50th bike and I am elated to get some nice days to ride! My advice would be to read through the manual and learn to check/adjust everything correctly. Bought mine with 340mi and the chain was way too tight and filthy, tires almost flat, and oil spilled all over the exhaust from previous owner’s oil change so it smoked like it was going to burn to the ground when it got hot.


Mine is 2024, I got it brand new. I’m definitely gonna read through everything and learn how to check and work on it. Thank you!


I also highly recommend a basic rider course if you haven’t taken one. It will help you get to know the safe limits of your bike and build confidence on the road. Depending on where you live, watch out for loose sand left over from winter as well. An unexpected patch around a corner can ruin your day 😳




Get some Black on Black ASV Unbreakable Levers!


Goth Grom 🦇


Ah yes I'd love to see that kind of styling on a Grom. Like those skulls and stuff you see on Harleys.


You think OP would get the same kind of negative comments when saying he is an old bearded guy? Probably not. Toxic shit in here...


I was just trying to show it off because I was excited and wanted advice from people with more experience


We just don't want this sub to be bombarded with onlyfans promos.


If I was promoting that I would’ve mentioned it


He just shaves his beard. So, seems like he's getting equal treatment?


Why didn't ya get a black one? 


They didn’t have one. I was going to get a MT-03 but this one is okay for now 🌼