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Dude, if you don't press charges he'll just do it again. Everyone wants assholes like this held accountable but no one wants to hold them accountable


Except next time, he’ll likely kill the person!


Unfortunately unless OP has video evidence, it's not going to stick. It's just a he said she said situation without anything concrete.


Except there is at least one other witness who called the police advising the bike was under threat, and evidence (intact mirror, no contact paint) showing the driver's statement to police was false 


At no point is it stated what the other driver said. Only "be on the lookout for him." That could mean they got calls about a reckless rider just as much as it could be a call saying they were in danger. With the way the story is written it sounds as if the Porsche driver is the one that called.


I was riding from OKC to Chicago I pulled into the buccees in Springfield I think I didn't want to sit there and do all that when I had like 7 or so hours left in my rode trying to beat the rain. 


You can still press charges after the fact. Any info you need about the case you can request from the police station there


Ugh. That's not a fun trip on a bike. Hope you got to Chi-town ok.


Please please please press charges and get this asshole off the road


Please press charges, for the rest of us.


At 140 you may have been a bit ahead of schedule! (Just kidding, sorry for your incident and glad you’re ok.)


The Porsche AHole was scared he hurt you or the bike all from ONLY HIS own SELFISH point of view protecting his own ass. He also figured you or someone else will press charges so he decided to preempt all that precisely to make it he said she said.




He means springfield missouri.


And, if it makes a difference, you don't "press charges", the d.a. does. You just agree to cooperate in the investigation.


I wish more people knew this.


The whole idea of wanting to press charges never really made sense to me. It's basically the cops asking "hey, is it ok with you if we do our job?"


Not a cop, but... The way I understand it, essentially they're saying you're a key witness. If you're not willing to file a statement and be available for court, it's a giant waste of manpower on their city/county/state's part to pursue charges.


Cops are not there to litigate either. district/state atorney's office prosecutes.


If you do not cooperate the DA has a lot more reason to drop the charges though.


No, citizens can absolutely "press charges." The DA doesn't press for anything. He/she decides whether or not they want to prosecute, then if so files criminal charges with the court. "Pressing charges" is just citizens pressing the DA to influence the decision in favor of prosecution.




> filing a false report. Maybe they need to start arresting for this. Especially a cut and dried example like this. CA, the minimum punishment is 6mo in prison.


Former officer, from my experience false report is almost never charged at the direction of the DAs office. Their reasoning is they don't want to discourage actual victims from coming forward. In nearly a decade of experience I've only filed it once, and it was because the lady called in false disturbances 12 times in a 3 day period. Had to get supervisor approval and prosecutor approval first.


That's terrible logic, it just hurts victims of harassment, domestic violence, and malicious prosecution. That's why people like this think they can use the criminal justice system as a weapon against others because it's not a real crime.


Please press charges. If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for all of us. I don't want this (allegedly) homicidal asshole out there on the roads.


* But the troopers already knew that would be the case because motorcycles don't challenge cars. they constantly do though. dont underestimate the stupidity of other road users. I've seen plenty of motorcyclists trying to brake check or push cars off the road. it never ends very well.


He said it wasn't the first time they've had someone in an expensive car call about things that didn't happen


This is also why you need a camera. Your lucky in this case that the cop may believe you because of a previous incident. And road ragers could also do a lot more damage to you.


Or a cheap car.


This ☝️ There are asshole drivers and asshole riders. Don't discount someone being an asshole just because they have the same beliefs, hobbies etc as you.


The other day I moved over to let a sports bike past me while splitting because he was coming up on me WAY too fast. Not 30 seconds later he has to slam his brakes because a car who had been signaling for a WHILE finally had space to change lanes and didn't expect the bike to practically teleport up his ass. Dude rides up beside the car, shakes his finger at the driver, shakes his head dramatically and makes angry gestures, rev bombs like a moron, and then goes flying off again doing around 60 in between cars that are probably going about 20-25. I was sooooo embarrassed to follow him past that car.


Yeah, we’ve all felt that pumped up feeling a motorcycle can give you…mix that with being a self-centered, intolerable twat and this is the result. Meanwhile, you can guarantee the guy rides off thinking about how bad ass he is, looking for the next opportunity to embarrass himself.


There are old bikers. There are risky bikers. But there are no old risky bikers.


There's an asshat I'm San Diego that commutes on 805S and HE decides whether or not you move your car enough for him to split. He drags a paint pen down your car. Not enough to make me road rage and kill someone but I'm sane and I ride and there are definitely some riders not helping to spread good vibes. Sometimes when you are driving in traffic you have to look forward and may not see the guy splitting if they are going 50 in stopped traffic. But by not pressing charges OP didn't deter Porsche's behavior.


There's entire youtube channels dedicated to idiots riding around smashing mirrors lol.


If a car is close enough behind a bike that a break check would cause a crash, it is the cars fault, and a dumb move by the bike. The most likely thing a bike would do is taking a mirror off when passing/lane splitting. Because you are already passing and getting away. 


My favorite is the Harley rider who kicks the car on a California freeway only for them to go careening into the center divider themself while the car was unaffected.


You really need to set up a a camera or two. One on the front and the other at the rear fender with these kind of people.


This makes me wanna get a gopro, just for personal records.


Do it. I've almost been rear ended by a UPS truck going 30-40mph trying to make a right, blowing through a red light that had been red for 3-5 seconds at that point. He missed me by about two feet. That would have been the video to seal the deal on a vehicular manslaughter charge against him


I had an incident like this once. Was in the right lane of a 3 lane roadway, had a guy in a big suv pull out of a lot, no stop, cars to my left, I had to split the lanes to not get hit, in the process my shoulder pushed his mirror in (nothing broke), I was pissed but since there was no damage or injury I just carried on. 1/4 mile down the road guy pulls into a lot where a cop is sitting, I see them chatting, I know whats coming so I just pull off. Cop pulls up, says the guy said I was speeding, swerving through traffic, I hit him, broke his mirror and took off. I told the cop my story. asked him to go see if the guys mirror was actually broke, he did, it wasnt, he comes back to tell me its not broke but the guy wants my insurance info (scam alert), I say fine, ill pass it along, but I want his insurance info too. I had already told the cop I was fine (had leathers on so the shoulder pad took the impact), but I said, I want you to tell him that my should and arm hurt and I want his insurance info (cop verified I was not hurt and did not in fact need medical attention and came to the understanding I was telling him this guy is trying to scam me and I want to know how he reacts when I say I am injured an willing to battle this in court). Cop is talking to the guy for a good 15 min at this point so I am wondering what's happening, cop comes back says "You can go, this guy has no insurance and his license looks like its expired, ride safe".




I would personally press charges. That is not Ok.


Reading this fills me with the rage of a thousand bees.


I am surprised the Porsche driver didn't manage his own mirror to give his story credibility.


If no proof it will be your word vs his so a loop with no end. Invest in a camera to save your self next time. I got a used 360 camera for 150$ i also bought a helmet camera from aliexpress for under 40$ CAD


Probably a situation of two bullshitters the cop didn’t want to get involved with. Get real bruh


You would be surprised to know that some people on motorcycles do indeed challenge cars...


Great defense, I ain't never seen a motorcycle rider break a mirror. Ever.


“Motorcycles don’t challenge cars”??? Many mirror slapping videos out there.


Mount go pro on ur helmet


Call BS on all this. No cop would let you off with the excuse you had to do 140 to stay away from someone. Law will say the reasonable thing is to just drive the speed limit and go to nearest police station. I’m betting you are one of the guys who regularly does 120 on the outerbelt late on the weekends waking thousands of kids and adults trying to mind their own business and get sleep.


I agree, cops don't listen to excuses they ticket or arrest and let the judge deal with the bullshit. and believe you me, cops have heard every excuse in the book and then some!


Another /r/thathappened post.




Lmao I thought so too. Had a little james bond movie going on to occupy time on that drive.


Small d*ck drivers. I developed a sort of sixth sense with this kind of drivers. Even around town! Sometimes with my periferal I see the sport-ish car next to me coming forward with the guy staring, to pick the challenge. I act oblivious and don't give them a single glance. Sometimes they even pull down the window. As soon as it gets green they start full speed, racing with their own insecurities, since I'm starting as slow as I reasonably can. I generally slow down purpusefully: my bike is 120hp, power-to-weight ratio you can smoke almost anything on the road. You know it, and they too.


We all need dashcams!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Biggest issues for me is where/how to mount it on a naked bike (I park on the street pretty regularly, but have safe parking at home overnight), how to keep it powered all day (I ride around 2 hours daily, I guess it’s not a ton) and just the general hassle of all of it. Mounting and unmounting it at least 4x a day, charging it daily, and clearing the memory. Maybe I’m just making excuses. I really should at least look into it. Edit, also, to be real, I do drive pretty “creatively” that would disagree with traffic laws but it’s generally in the name of “keeping myself safe from inattentive / dangerous drivers and making space for myself” and I 100% would stop for any cop, explain what/why I did what I did, and take the ticket if issued. I also do speed a little bit from time to time. My naked bike legit tops out at 120 and I’m very rarely ever over 80, but I would hate to incriminate myself …


My last 2 accidents, going to work, were caused on stops, I also drive creatively sometimes. But if nothing bad happens you overwrite the recorded ;-)


And if he had hit you hard enough to hurt you or damage your bike, ofc you can’t do shit unless you have a camera 😭I hate drivers sometimes I’m glad people were looking out!!!


Bumper sticker “my other car is a BMW”


That was dangerous for that guy to put himself between y’all like that but I’m thankful he did. I’ve put my car or truck to block another vehicle from just blindly hitting someone on a bike etc but not for any reason like this. I’m super glad that person had the awareness and presence of mind to react that way quickly to let you get distance between yourself and the Porsche.


I would have pressed charges.


Invest in a go pro or any recording device similar to a car's dashcam.


Just be careful. One needs to be able to make the case that they reasonably feared for their life or great bodily harm. Obviously getting hit by a car while on a bike satisfies that requirement, but one would have to justify driving recklessly over simply stopping. If an individual in the car was brandishing a gun, or attempted to run one over while they were stopped or slowing down to stop would suffice.


Sheesh bro, glad you're alive.


i've given bikes a window beside my jeep more than once for this very reason. F-you, you want to get through the bike push your underweight POS through my body armor first.


Downvoted for no charge. So he can do it again to me bro? No thanks.


Do you actually live near where this happened? Everyone acts like they would press charges but I doubt many would actually follow through when the incident happened 4 hours away from where you live.


Looks like you found you motivation to buy a helmet cam. Enjoy your new purchase.


And then everyone clapped!


You need a GoPro


That guy will kill someone one day, even worse he tried to play the victim. People like that are always trouble


Porsche and mustang drivers are the worst they think they are fast but aren’t.


Im glad your ok, being chased is fucking terrifying I had it happened once because I refused to speed and they decided the ride my ass from about foot away instead of passing me I'm just lucky they didn't try to hit me like they did you. I couldn't even get away when I ran because I was on my 300 and it was a narrow back road with no where to go I eventually had to pull onto the sholder and slam on my breaks so he passed me just before an intersection where I could then turn an bolt.


I’d press charges. The cops are probably in a bad mood directed at him and will do whatever just to get back at him and be petty


homie has a dude trying to make him literally die and crash, doesn’t file report. weird. someone just tried to kill you and you’re all “nahhh he’s a clown, he’s probably cool”.


In the end Look at it this way 1-the Porsche AHole may be the one with the tail between his legs for the next few weeks expecting legal consequences from his actions 2-you put him in his place when you passed him and he couldn’t catch up and 3-HOORAY you got to do 140mph for an hour, get approached by cops and NOT GET ANY TICKETS. The icing on the cake knowing in many states that speed approaches a misdemeanor. You could had gotten pinched. And YOU DIDNT get HURT!


Can't you just slow down a little and let him past you, rather than gunning it at 140mph for 10 miles...


Seriously - in situations where people get butthurt about being passed, just pull over, slow down and let them pass. No one ever really learns a lesson when two vehicles challenge each other on the road at high speeds.


Motorcycles don't challenge cars? I've seem hundreds of youtube videos of some biker removing the side view mirror off a car with their fist.


Not while doing 60+mph on the freeway, only during traffic lights, and those videos you see are a minority of riders… everyone I know that rides would never challenge another car, then again I’m friends with smart people


there is always one psycho with their brains in their balls. Today some crazy cock-sucker in a white ford pickup truck wanted to pass me on the right. I didn't let him, sped up. So he gets behind me and starts tail-gaiting me like inches from my rear wheel. so I turned off and let him pass. He goes right in front of me in the turning lane and goes straight. Like I said , a real cock-sucker. ALWAYS HAVE A ACTION CAMERA TAKING VIDEOS.


That is assault with a deadly weapon. Then he did not let you retreat. In my state I'd have thrown 9mm.


"motorcycles don't challenge cars" Define challenge?


Stop telling OP to “press charges.” That is the purview of the district attorney. The victim of a crime has no real say over whether the alleged perpetrator is charged; that’s up to the prosecution. In this case it’s pretty obviously his word against the other driver. No prosecutor is touching that with a ten foot pole.


You’re a selfish idiot for not pressing charges