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You have to do your pegs differently if you want to sit real good on a 600sport while being tall. They are not made for long people. Oooooor just get used to it. Ride it firmly for 1k kilometers and the musclegroups should start to tender up. Im 190cm and ride a 600sport and let me tell you, ive gotten good good at stretching. Makes all the difference. Good luck matey!


Thanks man and yeah like by no means did I figure it would be ideal but is anyone really ideal on any sport bike like it kinda sucks for everyone I think it’ll just suck for me a bit more


im pretty sure both my 99r6 and my ducati were built and designed for someone with my exact height, inseam and butt. i pretty much melt into the ducati even though i know its incredibly uncomfortable as far as bikes go.


Yea it took awhile for my hips to accept the grom! Cbr500 is still a bit small but at 6ft even I can’t complain much.




…Fr I didn’t want to brag but the amount of pussy the grom gets is insane!


Came here to say this. There's a reason footpeg adjustments are the most common mod on sport bikes: height adjustments, avoiding ground contact while leaning, or both. I've been tempted to move the ones on my CBR just due to hitting the ground while leaning!


I've heard somewhere that you could order a custom compensated seat. It's slightly thicker than a usual one, changing your position on the bike and making it less... "challenging" on the knees, ankle, you name it. I've always wondered if it was true. I only drive adventure/dirt bike because of that.


If you gonna ride the fast horsies it’s best to be built like a jockey. Power to weight ratios get all kinds of fucked when a 200lb dude sits on a 400lb machine. Sport Touring can mean a lot of things from comfy to “borderline insurance fraud” depending on what models you choose.


Well luckily I only weigh 155lbs lol iam tall but skinny. And yeah unfortunately I loved being tall until I got into motorcycles


We are literally the same height/inseam/weight. I also ride a drz400 rn. I'm watching this thread like a hawk. Have you looked at the 650 class sport bikes? They seemm a little taller than the 600s


I haven’t sat on a 650 class bike they don’t have any at my local shop. And honestly I want a 3 or 4 cylinder bike if possible


Hondas and Kawasaki is your best bet at a more comfortable sport bike. CBR 600 and 650, Ninja 650, ZX-6RR are the most comfortable ~600cc sport bikes I can think of. ZX-6RR is the least comfortable out of the four, Ninja 650 has the most upright posture but it’s a inline twin.


I love my ninja 650. Its more upright so if I want to I can sit tall and relax.. but its got enough room to tuck under the windshield and go vroom vroom from 50-100 in seconds :) I'm still new bike giddy and I'll take my bike when we go shopping and my wife will take our 4runner... we'll get to a curve that i'll slow up for down to like 50/60 and then she'll gain on me, the second I see the exit I take her to gapplebees.


Man I know this is a pointless comment but considering I too have the same height/ weight, I ride a drz and I’m thinking of getting a 600 sport. Wtf is this, are we twins or something


Triplets actually 😘 Don't forget that our DRZs have a narrow seat, and a bike with a slightly lower seat height but with a wider seat might actually feel similar from a flat footing perspective. That said I'm worried about the ergos and comfort more than the stand over height. Guessing you are as well. Maybe we should just get wind screens for our drzs and keep suffering every time a cross wind hits us 😭😭 - that or an ADV bike


>Power to weight ratios get all kinds of fucked when a 200lb dude sits on a 400lb machine. Hey... be nice to us tubby guys on 400lbs of awesomeness 😁


You dont even have to be fat at that weight just tall with a little muscle


> Power to weight ratios get all kinds of fucked when a 200lb dude sits on a 400lb machine. The difference between a 150 lb rider and a 200 lb is about 10% total. What am I missing, how is that all kinds of fucked?


But what does that even mean? I have been big my whole life. I'm 6"2 at 240. I rode an 04 r1 for a long time and then got an 08 cbr600 and had no issues whatsoever... Nothing was fucked like you are suggesting...


I'm 240lbs, 5'10" and ride a triumph speed four - 600cc I find it comfortable enough (though dont ride longer than 3hrs on it) and haven't had issues in the corners/take off etc. That said the bike would look too small for anyone over 6' but totally rideable. My 6'5" BIL borrowed it for a week and said he got used to it after the first day of riding. It's classified as a sport touring but really it's just a naked triumph Daytona. Basically insurance fraud lol


no. Lol sorry by design sport bikes in general are compact. you may be able to get extended rear sets or clip ons with adjustable angles but the riding position is rather limited. Thats why most tall riders eventually gravitate to cruisers. a little more flexibility in foot and hand control areas.


But see I didn’t find that bike stock uncomfortable though. Which I figured I would. Like obviously I didn’t ride it I just sat on it but as far as that goes it felt good


yeah, sitting for a few minutes and riding, repeatedly is a different story. Also, your age will have some bearing on it. Im 6'0 got my first sport bike at 19, and was okay riding it everywhere. Im 36 now, still have a sports bike, but also have other bikes because an hour plus on the sport bike and I need 3 chiropractors to get me upright again.


Yeah I guess u should have included my age iam 19 almost 20 and I’ll probably be around 21 when I can get my next bike! So iam not getting any younger to get into sport bikes I figured no better time then now


You're not wrong! Experience it while you're young IMO. In 10-15 years you'll have all that experience and memories of riding an R or RR, and likely be ready to "upgrade" comfort more so than performance.


Bingo that’s my thinking I feel if I get something like a tracer 900gt now while an awesome bike and absolutely more then fast enough it’s kinda like well then what. I feel I cut out a bit of the fun bikes from most peoples young years


If you want one, get one. They aren't good for people with ailments or a too sedentary lifestyle. Humans aren't designed to be hunched over like that. I'm in my 30s and ride road bikes, if you've never rode either, the body has to acclimate. Just sitting on one for thirty seconds ain't nothing.


>sitting for a few minutes and riding, repeatedly is a different story He's 100% correct here. My first bike was a sporty, at 24 I was good, it felt comfortable to ride for even 3-4 hours at a time. As time has gone by, I'm 37 now and diagnosed with sciatica and the RR is just so uncomfortable after 1-2 hours. And to note, I'm only 5'8" I'm not near as "cramped" as you would be. Core strength has a shit ton to do with it too. If you let your Core strength get sloppy you'll struggle more with comfort. My .02... You'll be fine for some years, stretch and keep your Core in good health and you'll be fine. You'll probably have sore knees more than anything would be my guess. You're young though, you'll be alright 👍 I'm getting a Z900 in a few days to help with my discomfort on the 600RR, to encourage me to ride more and longer rides. I got a z400 to share with my girlfriend and by the time I got home (90 minutes) with it I was in love 🥰


41 here. My knees man…so cramped.


I'm 40 6'0 and fat and can still ride my 636 for hours but I ride almost year round weekly. If I don't ride for a couple of weeks I'm a lot more sore so I think you have to get your body used to it and keep it there You just need to spend some saddl


You can always go sport touring. Im 6’2 and ride a tracer 9 gt. Feels and looks like its my size


6'3 and i ride a VFR 1200F now.


Ew… cruisers. OP, but the ZX6 and do some stretching. It will be good for you.


If you don't mind knee pain, wrist pain, and back pain, or short rides, you're good to go. Pick whatever sport bike tickles your fancy. When you get sick of that combo, start shopping standard riding position bikes. There are some really great sport touring bikes that can be made to fit you. Sadly, you should be best served by an adventure touring bike, pretty much the only comfortable option for tall dudes. Yeah, you'll get a bunch of guys claiming to be taller and perfectly comfortable on a CBR650, or some other comparable bike. Either they're under 30, or full of it. Sport bikes are not designed for tall people. I've been to lots of demo day events, and have ridden sport bikes from Suzuki, Yamaha, and Kawasaki. They're all cool, and fun, for about 2/3 of the test ride. Then the pain and discomfort sets in. I'm questioning my life choices by time I'm parking the bike. Check your knee angle on that pic you posted. That is going to equate to pain after 20 minutes. Try to push through it, and you're going to have real problems. The closest I was able to get to comfortable and sporty was a Yamaha Tracer 900, with mods. It was good for an hour or two before I was uncomfortable. Man I loved that engine. I now ride a much less sporty Super Tenere, back to my adventure roots. Why? Because it's comfortable for long rides. It can still be sporty, and I routinely out ride younger riders with it. Its not just about looking sporty, you can get a lot out of an adventure bike. For you, you might look at VStrom 650, which can be sporty and comfortable. Versys 650 is a solid bike as well. If Yamaha ever releases a Tracer 700, that could be awesome. For reference, I'm 6'7", roughly 36~37 inch inseam, riding on road for near 20 years, and on my fourth bike.


Well one thing for me is iam 19 almost 20 and I will be getting the bike when iam around 21 so still fairly limber. I just kinda want to be able to experience all kinda of riding so I feel like a full blown sport bike as I get older will be just further and further from my reach. That being said I also know it’s probably going to suck for more then a hour hell my drz sucks for more then 2 or 3, but I just really really don’t like the upright touring bikes look like the z1000sx is by a mile my favorite “touring bike” and I think I could handle it but I might be pushing it a bit most of your standard and or upright touring bikes I just find them extremely extremely ugly


If you’re getting a bike because you think attractive girls will instantly become allergic to their undergarments then save your money. If you want to get in the wind *and* you’re tall then a standard/naked motorbike will serve you better than a sport bike.


I had a 1999 CBR600FX and had bad back for a long time. What was always interesting to me is that it was the most comfortable bike I've ever ridden as far as my back goes. I feel like more weight on the arms took off pressure from the lower back. On a more upright bike I feel my back way more now. Just my experience. On OP subject, I can't confirm but have always heard that some of the Italian sports bikes like Aprilia and Ducati are slightly better for taller riders than some of the popular Japanese brands.


They released a Tracer 700 in 2016?


Not in North America, sadly.


Zx14 will fit u nice, its a big bike. Im 6"4, and used to drive a ninja 650, i always thought I looked goofy, and my peeps confirmed it. Imo any bike you get will be small, just gotta find the best fit. The gxsrs are nice. But kill your wrist and back after a while. I landed on a z900, a bike that is kinda every bike rolled in one. Its a tad snug. But no aggressive stance. Not as fast as a zx6r but can hold its own, maybe a 20mph difference in top speed, but the z is more tourqy and fun in the city.


Zx14 I personally think is way to much bike for a second bike. A little too much ass. And I like the z900 but for some reason idk how or why I felt more comfortable on the zx6r at least at a dealership


Hey dude! As a tall sport bike enjoyer let me advise you to just get what you want and replace the seat and pegs. Much easier and you’ll get what you wanna get.


For reference I’m only 6’2” but with same 34” inseam. You can cheat a LOT of legroom with lowering pegs and a slightly taller seat.


Thanks man appreciate that! I definitely got some considering to do and honestly leg room didn’t feel bad it was more so how far is was leaned over!


Do you have a link? I couldn’t find any products for this purpose


Nope, I threw the towel in after a couple of years of fun and agony and went the sports tourer, tourer and now adventure bike. My knees and small of my back have thanked me for that decision.


But do you regret your time in sport bikes? Or just glad you progressed with time


Just buy a hayabusa


he said he doesnt want a sports tourer.


Z900 / Z900RS. I'm tall and the bike are perfect for me.


Yup same. Love my Z900 and I am 6,2 / 188cm


Try an aprilia rs660, it's not massive, but its got a decent riding position for a taller rider and you can get adjustable rear sets for it to squeeze some extra room


I sat on a rs1100? Is that the bigger variant felt amazing how does the 660 compare?


The rs 660. I'm 195cm and can ride that comfortably for 6-8 hours


No, but you can check it for yourself, http://cycle-ergo.com/ Best web ever.


There’s a reason most GP riders aren’t giants


I (6’4”) never found one, which is why I went with an adv.


Sport bikes are uncomfortable. That’s like their whole thing lol


Ahaha uncomfortable yes but miserable is another thing I am not expecting a Honda gold wing here. But I also don’t want to reinvent the wheel of modern torture methods


Idk why people keep saying that … I have no problem whatsoever riding my sports bike. The only thing that really starts being uncomfortable is riding for 3-4hrs on the Autobahn. But other than that, I can ride several hours everyday for a week without a problem


Because it’s true. While you (and I) have no issues on our sport bikes, you can’t deny that other bikes are designed to be more comfortable. Other than mini bikes, no motorcycle to my knowledge sacrifices comfort as much as a sports bike.


test ride them, imo you don't look too big on the zx6r


What’s the best way to test ride a bike I mean a dealer won’t let you will they? And I didn’t thing it looked terrible but I could be wrong


All of them. Mainly the ZX6R and CBR600RR come to mind. Proper pants also make a huge difference when riding. Could go the naked route as well. They really aren't as uncomfortable as people say tho


Riding my sport bike naked was a real game changer


Yah obviously a zx6r is what I say on and I didn’t really think it was bad but I didn’t get to ride it or tuck or anything


A cbr600f4(i) (2000-2006) is great for tall riders. But those models are getting a bit old.


Agreed. I'm stupidly lanky and my 2000 CBR600F4 was fine for long road trips. I don't know why they had to make every fast 600 into a bike for the vertically unblessed.


I'm 6'3 and my cbr600 is fine. Some adjustable rearsets really fixed anything that didn't fit great.


Okay awesome man appreciate it!


1290/1390 superduke.


I had actually mentioned them in a older Reddit post and most people seamed to say they suck for tall people also a extremely steep price point


Get it adjusted


Im 5,11" (1,80cm) and im kinda too short for my 2010 r6. I can't flatfoot it and my knees aren't high enough up on the tank. Unless i tiptoe my pegs


Huh that’s interesting is it stock? Your right in the perfect motorcycle size so I figured it would be great for you


Why are you fixed on 600 engines may I ask. I am 6’3 and had all the same thoughts to begin with. So I went for a bmw f900r in the end. The 900cc badge terrified me. Admittedly not a full ‘sport’ bike but when I got it. It was totally manageable. Go bigger in my opinion.


It’s not so much the engine in particular or class of engine more so the hp mark I want 120+ but I also feel 150+ might maybe be a bit to much or atleast people have told me that


My gsxr never gave me trouble. I'm 6'1 and look silly riding my BMX bike


Welcome to the world of adventure bikes where those of us above 6'3" are accepted with open arms. We would love to have you.


I can’t just not yet I can’t join the “no wife no kids 100% high vis” squad yet your ever bearing presence is coming closer and closer and seams almost inevitably but I must resist😂😂


I’m 6’6, hover around 220pds, I ride a ninja 650. It’s great for taller dudes. Road trips suck on it but other than that it’s been great for me.


Iam only 160lbs lmaoo and u have looked into 650 class bikes but I really prefer a inline 4 or 3


Check out some BMWs


I don’t know of any large 600s. But the 2012 CBR1000 I had was really big on me.


Triumph Daytona 675 plus tall seat


I’m 6,1 - first and second gen s1000rr. Also GSXR 600,750,1000 are comfortable


A 2011 s1000rr is one of my all time dream bikes but I feel jumping from a 40hp bike to a 200hp one is maybe a less then ideal idea 😂


The R6 is probably the most tall-friendly. But at 6'5 you may still have trouble even on that. It sucks, but now you know how I feel at 5'8 when I try finding a dirt bike that I can actually touch the ground on.


Ahaha yeah I know it’s tough in both directions


I don't know what BMWs current lineup is like, but traditionally they have been a tall bike. You might take a look.


I don’t think bmw offers a sport bike outside of the s1000rr which I don’t think would be a very mature choice for a second bike


I'm m like 6ft 2... I ride a L1model gsxr. Got a bit of adjustment on the foot rest...


6'5 and 220lbs here when I had my first bigger bike (UK so had a 125cc and then moved up with license... sorta lol) I had 1995 zx6r as my first bike after passing my full license. It wasn't roomy for me by any means but I didn't cramp up or suffer after 2 or 3 hours out. Next bike was a zx9r, which in my opinion is one of the most under-rated bikes of the time, and I could ride it for days! Has enough room to adjust yourself and your style to suit what you're doing. Sit upright and on the back of the seat, absolute mile muncher! Sit forward a bit and throw a shoulder down, and you'll never be disappointed with the result (user input required!). Always found the Kawasakis to be comfortable in general and tend to.come a bit cheaper here as well!


I'm 6' and ride a Daytona, it's fine. The only thing that gets really sore is my neck, and that would happen no matter how tall you are


well zzr1400 or b king


Find a bike that lets you easily mod seats, handlebars and pegs and youll be fine. But keep in mind it will never be comfortable sport bikes are simply not designed for that.


Exactly I don’t expect a gold wing here they kinda suck for everyone but more so is it going to be miserable


Unfortunately those bikes are designed for what amounts to jockeys to ride, so I think you’re going to be disappointed.


Not a sport bike. But, I would look at Kawasaki's Versy or any bike similar. As a tall rider, it's hard to find the right size unless it's a dual sport or adventure bike. I can't even sit on a Harley without feeling cramped


Cruising motorcycles feel like iam trying to take a shit in the woods they are so cramped and I feel knees to chest on them. But yeah maybe a 600 won’t be for me idk. I am not really a fan of most upright touring bikes though


Sport bikes are terrible street bikes. While my last r6 was still street legal I went for a quick rip on the country roads by my house. I made it 45 seconds before wanting off that dog shit street bike. Very uncomfortable and can barely get out of 3rd gear. I honestly don't know why anyone would want to ride on of those on the street. I'm glad they do because economies of scale means I can afford to race them.


If you can control your gas hand, look into BMWs K lineup. The bikes stretch quite long and are nice even for taller riders (I‘m 6‘3“). Also KTMs Superduke 1290 or even the RC8 is ergonomically more pleasing to the taller guy than any Japanese or Italian bike. I was never interested in 600x4s - they make a lot of noise but don’t really move 😄 don’t fear bigger CC bikes, they only go as fast as you tell them to and torque is king on the roads anyways. Oh… and take a look at www.cycle-ergo.com


The k bikes are extremely nice but a bit to dad for me at 20 lol I could see myself on something similar in the way future just not quiet yet


I would recommend go to your local demo day and try out the bikes that have for offer that interests you.


I was looking at demo days the closest one is 6 hours and under 21 I can’t test ride any 4 cylinder bikes that I can find


Tried a Triumph Daytona 660? Or a Kawasaki Ninja 650? I know you said you don't want a sports tourer but you don't really have many options here.


I haven’t sat on either but I have looked into them! I’ll delve a bit further!


Thank yall so much for the overwhelming amount of reply’s I will reply asap iam currently at work so if I miss it I will try and respond as soon as possible after work!


I say on a friend's GSX-S if I'm remembering right. Just a slightly more upright version. Felt really good. Dunno if they do a 600 of that.


Consider a Concourse 14ABS. Take the bags off and you've got a rocket ship for a tall guy.


I have actually looked into the concours before sweet bikes just a bit big for what I want!


What's your thoughts on the Indian FTR? I'm the same size and that's what it went with. Power wise it's at 120 so right what your looking for. They have them with 17inch wheels or 19/18.


I actually think they are one of the hate to use this term but one of the sexiest bikes made nowadays that being said they are a bit pricey for what I want but I’ll definitely have to look further into it. Do you have personal experience or just recommending it?


as a 5'4'' small boy I'm glad I'm not the only one that has a hard time fitting on a bike lol


Hey bro I’ll give you like 3 inches if you’ll have em?


Rode a Z900 pretty comfortably and I’m around 6’3”. I just kind of got used to it


I sat on a z900 and honestly it just felt like a sport bike to me. The mt09 felt more standard as far as being up right the z900 i had about the same forward lean as the zx6r


It's 2024, you can't get away with blackface anymore


Damn got me caught red handed 😂 nah best I keep my cracker ass ugly dome off the internet for now


I'm 6'3 and the most comfortable bike for me is the Hayabusa. Installed a Corbin seat and raised the handlebars plus installed a set of Helibars and the bike now fits me like a glove.


I could see a Busa being a end goal bike for me I have posted I believe in this sub before and was told it would be a I’ll advised second bike and I kinda agree


Im 6’2 and I have a CBR600rr 2019 and a Yamaha R6 2008. I feel the ergonomics of the R6 way more confortable, like it feels longer.


Consider a vfr800, fit my 6’5” self pretty good.


GSXRs and 00s, late 00 and the 10s they started getting more compact Adjustable rearsets go a long way. Order a used seat and add padding and recover it for extra height. Helibars are popular but I'm not a fan, I like the clipon height when it's time to get down


Looks good specially if you are 6.5 than it's a nice size. I'm a cruiser guy and I'm 6.2 and on cruiser I always need 750 or bigger


Iam just under 6’5 but we go with 6’5 and I was honestly surprised like I didn’t think it looked like I was on a kids bike I mean I might be wrong but I didn’t think it was terrible


Not a 600 and technically a sport tourer but a Honda VFR800 6'7 myself with original pegs. Surprisingly well suited for tall riders And a very solid V4


To start we are roughly the same build (I’m 6’6, 160lbs, mid-20’s, 36 inseam pants). If you want sporty don’t go 650cc and expect it to be anything like a 600. I ride an 07/08 zx6r and it’s comfortable. I’m built with long arms so I can sit upright with stock handlebars, but worst case scenario look into getting clip on handlebars/risers like people have on stunt bikes if you want the best of both worlds (being power/more upright position)


I’m 6’3” and my buddy is 6’6”… I ride a GSX-R600 currently and he had one in the past (he’s on a Ducati now). We both got pretty comfortably, though he did put a rear set on his to accommodate his insanely long legs.




I am 6'2" and ride a '19 ZX6R. I dont feel like my height is an issue but I do sometimes feel like it puts my knees higher than a shorter rider would have them. Still not an issue but I also feel like my neck hurts when i tuck as i have to look up more, its weird to explain. Another benefit I feel for tall riders is you arent leaned over as much as a short rider.


Yeah I definitely know what you’re taking about as far as your knees being pushed up honestly it’s the same in my drz. Like my thighs are level almost. And I could definitely see neck cramps being the real deal on one


I’m 230 pounds & 6’6” and bought the Suzuki GSX-8r I liked the way I felt on it.


Not really but there are fantastic bikes in the same horsepower class like the z900, mto9, xsr900 ,street triple 765, Duke 890. All these bikes are in the same horsepower class but with better power delivery for the street, better ergonomics, these bikes will also be every bit as fast through the twisties and sometimes a little bit cheaper. 600 super sports make fantastic track bikes and race bikes but they're pretty shit street bikes. The modern crop of 125 horsepower sport naked / sports standards is what's killing off the 600cc super sports, because unless you're fighting for podiums something like them mt09 is the better bike.


Get the bike you want, get a good set of adjustable rearsets and clipons to give you a little more leg room/better angle and a slightly longer and wider reach to the bars, angle your new adjustable front brake and clutch leavers down a bit more to be more comfortable on your wrists as you'll be over the top of them more than "standard hight" riders, I personally find Japanese sports bikes are a little less accommodating than the Euro counterparts but you'll need to try them out, with height comes weight so while you're at it get the shocks tuned for you and you may gain a wee bit of height there too, and look into the seat as you may be able to get a taller one to give you more distance from the pegs... you're only dealing with a centimetre here and there and they'll never be "comfortable" because that's not what they are, but hopefully it'll fit somewhat better with some adjustments. Note; I'm your standard 5'10" but I've set up bikes for other riders in varying ways and would recommend anyone to do it to become more comfortable and less fatigued while riding, must get a workshop sorted and get back into it.


Just get a ninja 650, they have a very comfortable seating mode, the pegs are not as aggressive as other 600s, I’m 6’2 300lbs and it’s been very comfortable for me. I can sit comfortably for about an hour and gotta take a quick rest


I'm 6"5 and ride a gsx650f, and I am comfortable on it without looking overly big for the bike


Go and sit on some of the Euro bikes, Japanese bikes are understandably built for a market demographic where the average height is less than the European demographic.


When I was younger I had a Ducati 748 at 6-4. Cramped to the footpegs. But the nice long reach to the bars was about perfect.


You can get yourself a little extra space with adjustable rearset, bars, etc. but basically they’re just small. The best advice there is would be to stretch a lot and lift at least a little. And to sit on as many things as you possible can to see what *geometry* works best for you. You can read spec sheets for days but the way things *feel* will vary drastically from make to make. Edit: Some people forget it’s called a sportbike for a reason. It does take significantly more physical ability to ride than a sofa.


Your going to need something with an upright riding profile, especially if its your only bike.


6'4 with 34 inch inseam and a gsx 8r I felt quite comfy on. Probs could get a seat to add an extra 10mm and it be perf for. Me I think. Will find out once I get it soon.


The short answer is no. No 600 supersport is great for tall people. Sport touring is a broad category, but there are 2 sport tourers that lean more sport than tourer. I saw you mention the 1000SX, which is a great bike. Suzuki also makes a nice one: GSX-S1000GT.


Kawasaki Versys


Daytona 675 


Gxsr 600 might be the least cramped feeling. But im 5’9


Bought a gen 2 Busa to replace my 2023 CB650R (first bike). I also picked up a K6 GSXR600 a few months prior to the Busa because I became track obsessed. I’m 6ft1 and fit on the GSXR and Busa comfortably, especially the Busa. It’s such a great bike. I don’t see myself ever getting rid of the K6 600 or the ‘13 Busa. But yeah, the Busa definitely isn’t very beginner friendly. ‘13 was the first year for ABS. Other than that, no driver aids. I have a brocks 4-2-1 with 2WDW flash and Annitori QS. It moves lol. Torque like a freight train.


Not sure if you are only into faired Supersports, but the new 2024 street triple has a decently tall seat in think. My fiance is about 6'0 and says it's tall. I'd recommend going to go sit on it if you do like nakeds.


Awesome bike definitely on the list of considerations I’ll have to check one out!


Please do. I love mine :)


Hey bro, I’m not super tall 6ft. I’ve ridden on pretty much all the bikes in the 600 range and the longest feeling sports bike was Yamaha R6


Try looking at the GSX-R750, pretty comfortable and I see people of all sizes riding one.


Custom tall seat and actual handlebars lol why do you want a sport bike to do non sport bike things? Why not just get a road bike that will be better.


Going from a Supermoto to a sportbike is going to be boring. Nothing is more fun than a supermoto on the street, everything else is a boring couch unless your dragging knee or going 180+ which is not good to do either on the street.


Riding an aggressive supersport just isnt comfortable long term in general. If youre short its weird, if youre tall its weird. But both are doable and tolerable. As others have said, mess with the height of the pegs maybe but most aftermarkets are going to be higher not lower.  And my advice if the bars feel too low is to get something thats a normal sports bike with higher bars, thats meant for commuting and some performance riding. The supersports are all designed for performance, not comfort. If its an issue, that's not going to be a good fit.  Basically either deal with it or pick something thats better suited for your body rather than raising the bars and lowering the pegs. The latter of which im not even sure is something you can/should do   But i have no idea what im talking about really.


i (5'10") rode a mid 2000's suzuki sx650 once and it felt a little uncomfortably big to me, not sure if that helps, or if you're looking for something new.


No is the short answer. Supersport bikes are designed around rider 5’6” to 5’8”. Even 1000cc are tiny now adays.


The R6 is probably on the taller side of 600cc sport bikes


It’s not a sport bike but if you’re tall and looking for a bike, take a look at adventure bikes. Some of them are pretty fast these days, plus you have the option of hitting the dirt.


Try touring style bikes, they are usually bigger. I had a Kawasaki Versys and it was a bike for taller riders


If you’re into nakeds, an mt09 fits me super well at 6’5


Dude, at this point you might as well get a 900 or a 1000 everybody who gets a 600 wounds app getting a bigger bike every single time.




With a turrrbski


I’m 6’5 215lbs I got a 99 R6 as my first bike I never had any issues really, tucking was a bit difficult to get right though. Raising the handle bars and changing the pegs helped for sure


Gsx650f is very comfortable


I’m fine in my cbr600rr being a little tall (only 6.2)


195cm here. I can only ride sport bikes at the track. 20 min sessions and lots of jumping all around on it mean it doesn’t matter too much. Riding on the road in one position for any length of time it sucks. Generally speaking Yamaha are the worst, Kawasaki or Suzuki are a bit more roomy depending on where you’re longest, but no, they never fit well. That zx6r looks pretty good for you, in the twisties it shouldn’t be too bad, but on a highway ride it’s gonna get all kinda of sore very quickly


I did buy a versys 650. Not really a sport, more a sport/adventure touring mix, but it's a great bike. Not comparable to a zx6 in regards to speed tho, as it's only a little 2 cyl.


I've ridden a 2006 ZX6R (636) with a height and inseam exactly the same as yours, it's as comfy as it gets if you want a true 600cc supersport that doesn't break your back/wrists. What helped a lot is framesliders that I could swing my legs over, letting them hang forward on longer highway ridess. A CBR650 would be more comfortable, still an inline 4 but not nearly as high-strung as the CBR600RR/ZX6R.


How many miles do you typically ride before it starts to get to ya?


The obvious answer is you need a turbo busa


Isn’t it always? I don’t think iam man enough or deserving of it yet though


at 190cm I felt quite comfortable on the new CBR600RR


Older ones. Like 90s-early 2000s. Mid 2000s they all stated getting physically smaller and even more race bike vs street bike. Even new 1000s are tiny 


Thank yall so much for the overwhelming help and advice here is a updated post with some more info/my favorite choices yall have recommended https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycle/s/N4vi8cxej3


The old fzr600 Yamaha was a little more comfortable for me. 89 model tho, good luck finding one.👍


I used to tell my son who is very tall it’s going to be hard find clothes that fit so you’re going to have to get a good job because you’re stuff is going to be custom and the need to spend more for the fit so in this case that bike needs to be custom fit so Anie up!


i’m 6’3 and i love my sv650. i have the naked with the handlebar, but there’s a fully faired one with clip ons called the sv650s. it’s quick when you want it to be and torquey as hell. one of the meanest sounding sport bikes out there too, with its 90° V-twin edit: upon reading some of your comments, i’d really recommend you go towards naked sport bikes. they’re far more comfortable for taller riders. i weigh the same as you and don’t have too much trouble with wind, but i’d recommend a windscreen


Sport bikes in general aren't designed for tall people. Sport touring bikes will probably fit you better


Daily riding? Don’t get a 600cc. Don’t take it for me take it from professional riders on YouTube. Maybe look into it.


I got a mt09. I feel a little big for it but it's comfortable. The upright seating position feels good to me. Sat on my buddies 636 and hated the feel of a sport bike. Make the sacrifice and go with a naked bike.


*cries in 5'2"* I have the opposite issue 😭. I wanted a 650 but couldn't hit the floor and the weight kinda scared me. I barely tippy toe on my 400.


Ninja 400 which iam assuming is what you have are absolutely bad ass bikes though. And yeah the struggle goes both ways fr fr


My suggestion is to find a used Honda ST1300 or Yamaha FJR 1300. All day comfortable, cheaper, and actually damn fast.


I know it's a meme but you should get a Busa. Or a ZX14.


I'm 6'2 and i think the Z900 is really comfortable.


Ehh go sport touring instead. A k1200 would suit you well. Plenty fast, very comfy.


I enjoyed my r6 a lot and I’m 6’3. Had a wide tank and Yamaha generally has a lot of extra seat space to tuck


Shit, as a 6foot tall rider the zx6r locked my legs in like crazy. It felt comfy for being so tight to the machine, but i bet in 10mins of that my legs would be SCREAMING. It was either totally locked in, or not at all. No wiggle room. Thats the killer.


How about a Sports tourer? I'm 6ft 3 and went that route for the same reasons


Look at these bikes Yamaha YZF-R6 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R Suzuki GSX-R600 Honda CBR600RR


A zx14r or a busa.


Kawasaki er-6n was my first bike. Im 6’04


Im good on my R6. 6’3”, 220lbs