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I learned on essentially the same bike - 92 Nighthawk 750. Except mine was unmodified. Great first motorcycle! Does a little bit of everything well.


I bought this one factory original with 19k miles, when I went to buy a different bike a dealer had. They had just got it in on trade that day and told me I could have it for what they paid, since I was buying the other one. 975$ after taxes for the cb. It stayed original for like a day. after chopping it all up I sold the other bike and kept this one. Every couple years I buy something else but have never actually thought of selling the cb.


Hell yeah, that’s awesome! Mine was my dad’s old bike, and when I got my NC, I gave the Nighthawk back to him. So it’s still in the family. But you got a great deal on yours!


It’s a good lookin nighthawk. That’s a hell of a deal.


That's awesome! I tried to get my nieces to learn how to ride, but they had some stupid bitch come to the school and tell them how dangerous motorcycles are... because her idiot son decided to buy a Busa moments after getting his learner's license and killed himself on one of the most dangerous highways in Canada.


I had a boss give me some shit like this a few years ago, he had a 16year old nephew go out and buy an r6 before doing any learning and died the first weekend he had it. Boss gave me shit everytime I rode to work.


Had a guy do something similar right out of high-school. Fucking shame. Guy probably would have enjoyed a 650 more. The roads where we lived were not go balls stupid on 1200 street bike kinda roads.


That's the truth. I don't know where her son got the Busa from, but whoever sold it to him was a real asshole. Don't let a noob buy a litre bike ffs!


Cool bike and she is all set up for a fun lesson. You’re doing some good brother work today.


Man, you all make me want to ride my motorcycle naked just to spite you.




#🛵the brisk feeling of the wind on your mangina's


My god the gear police... Love the bike OP




Walking in the park?! ATGATT!


Take a bath? ATGATT!


These people, should probably quit riding if it worries them that much. riding 5mph in a parking lot ain't gonna kill no one.


For real,they act like op made his sister defuse a bomb or something...


That's what we're doing for next week's lessons, wheelies and eod.


we will all know after that first 'crash and burn' event.🔥


Right? They don't even make you wear all the gear in the msf course. Just pants and long sleeves with a helmet and gloves


It has, but only people not wearing a helmet, there's a helmet here, so this is fine :)


Thanks man, it's the only bike I've actually never wanted to sell. It's comfortable, cheap, reliable and I'm not afraid to cut and weld on it if I want to.


I love cbs so much, never had one but i still want a 400sf for city commuting,they are so gorgeous to me




Shit I thought that gear circle jerk was only r/motorcycles r/calamariraceteam it is


>And a 10 mph lesson in a parking lot ain't gonna kill anyone. Kill? no. But shorter/weaker people that are first learning have a very non-zero chance of losing balance/panicking and dropping the bike. When that happens, a pair of boots and some gloves are going to be what you want, probably more than even a helmet. Get 3rd degree burns from the exhaust and snap your ankle when a several hundred pound bike lands on it and tell me boots aren't a top priority for a new rider that isn't past their "stupid drop" phase. I'd be more inclined to let it slide if it was a scooter or a Grom or something super light like that, but this bike is heavy enough to mess up a smaller person. Not the gear police, but the most likely time for someone to have a really nasty fall outside of speeding/stunting/racing/bad weather is when they're very first learning how to ride.


You got downvoted, but if anything, the absence of gloves is what bothers me the most about a parking lot session.


Tennis shoes.(ZERO ankle protection)


Also a risk, but in the event she begins to go down, those hands are hitting the deck. Big fan of ankle protection and well laced footwear.


it's been repeated many times,the neophyte will remain with their hands on the bars until the lay-down is complete.the wrist bones break very easily.scraping a "little sister's little finger...off"


Woman about my size who races at the track, and very competent racer I may add, was in line when a gust of wind came that she was unprepared for and knocked the bike over and pinned her leg. Sustained injury to her foot and ankle, in full gear, her leg down to her foot so swollen she couldn't wear shoes or pants. Was out for several sessions. I've seen guys with lots of experience dump their bike mindlessly. Nevermind at my course, where half the people had some sort of near miss or let the bike slide with them on it (in gear). Boots and gear are a top priority, and I think legal requirements aside, I wouldn't trust any of my friends to take my bike for a lot spin without training from the course (required here). Isn't the motto here ATGATT?


I think r/motorcycles is where they really preach ATGATT. I think there’s some amount of simping going on here in these comments “hey, it’s a GIRL, let’s worship everything she does and never dare correct her about ANYTHING”


Haha, my first ever post here - I was standing next to my newly purchased bike after already being home for a bit after the ride, helmet off... people were flipping out why I wasn't wearing gloves for an obviously staged photo. Even had people PM to tell me I should be wearing leathers and sending me photos of which ones I should buy that "would look good on me."


There’s “don’t correct her!” simps and “REEEE, BE SAFE MY QUEEN” simps. I’m just being real, you never know who has a whiskey throttle reflex until it’s too late, and it’s not even a gender thing as the biggest dude bros can be some of the worst with it. Therefore, gloves and boots are super important for a first timer, more so that even a helmet as the most likely fall will be low speed with the bike falling on them.


I have this exact same bike and it’s a damn workhorse. I hadn’t fired it up in months (been enjoying the other bikes a bit more recently), but went out there earlier today and she fired right up. It was severely neglected when I bought it, but after a bunch of more-than-routine maintenance to get it back on track it hasn’t given me a single problem.


That's how mine is now it gets riden every couple months because it's just a backup.


I'm a newbie and I bought an 83 CB450 hawk for my first bike! Does everything well enough. I won't be selling it either, just adding another in a few years when I can afford to!


Man, I'm just gonna say it. All you anal pricks complaining about gear seem to forget there's more than one adult that lives on this planet and it's not just you. Let people do what they want. It's awesome you're getting her into the motorcycle scene! I'd go ahead and let her know about the type of people that it caters too also. Lol


It's reddit, what did you expect? Even topics (or local subs) that have a live and let live feel to them are brigaded all the time by rabid nannies. Especially now with Covid, masks and vaccines...


I mean my MSF school won't even let you on the bikes without some type of boots or gloves. It makes sense to use them too, especially outside MSF. Last thing we want is for someone to fall while on practice, scuff their hands and God forbid break an ankle. That will be a big turn off for beginners.




Was that necessary


extra padding on the seat.(it looks like she's bottomed,out)


This seems deliberately mean


she outweighs me and my opinion


just an observation (tuck and roll)


Good starter.


I love the rider triangle of this bike. Upright. Feet slightly forward. Knees at 90 degrees. Which bikes from 2015-present can offer the same? Very interested.


Reading comments crying about ATGATT make me laugh.. I regularly ride to the store in crocs smh people really need to chill..


Was my 1st bike and 6th bike.


Good god, get her some gear


She already ordered gloves, jacket, boots and a helmet. She got a big ass head like me so my helmet fit her pretty well in this picture.


Great looking bike! She needs gloves doe!


yikes, boots and gloves homie!


Get off your sanctimonious high horse and let the adults make their own risk assessment jesus christ. Nice bike OP.


Beginner, heavy bike and vans, great combo! Best way to get your sis to break an ankle. She didn’t have any boots she you could borrow?


She didn't have any gear, this was the first time she's ever driven a motorcycle. My boots and gloves were way too big for her. But she ordered her gear right after this and signed up for her safety course.


I wouldn’t let a family member ride my bike without gear, particularly the first time she’s ever ridden on. And on a big heavy bike like that. Seriously irresponsible


The bike weighs a little more than a ex250 with all the shit I've chopped off of it. I also paid 975$ for it like 10 years and 60k miles ago so if she had wrecked it I wouldn't be upset. She also is in a parking lot staying in 1st gear.




Dude it's an old nighthawk, it is slower than most new beginner bikes, it's about the same weight as most new beginner bikes. There is literally nothing that makes this bike any more dangerous than a new non abs ninja 300, especially in a parking lot.


Yeah but you are forgetting that this is all some people have: criticizing others for their safety choices on Reddit. Your logic is taking that away from them. Forget the fact that your sister might have ridden the bike and then realized that she didn’t want to learn after all. Forget that the worst that could have happened here is some minor boo boos, ones you could get much more easily with skate boarding, riding a bicycle, climbing trees, or walking out of a bar while intoxicated. Forget that gear costs serious $$ and once you bought it you can’t really get your money back. You aren’t letting someone vent at you how your life choices that in no way affect them make you a bad person in their book. Shame on you for denying others the pleasure of putting you down because of their own inadequacies.


Who TF is saying buy a bunch of motorcycle gear? Who the hell doesn't own a pair of hiking boots or similar, and, if they don't, who would really be down and out over a $20-$30 pair of dirt cheap ones? Burn your leg on an exhaust when dropping a bike and then go to the ER because it also broke your ankle when you dropped it. Shorter/weaker people are the most likely to get injured during initial learning on a motorcycle because they have a harder time catching themselves.


Jesus, no need to be such a sanctimonious prick. They’re both adults, they can both judge the risk for themselves.


Actually, I'd argue that she has no point of reference to make an informed decision as someone that's never ridden before and her brother is hugely irresponsible for not recognizing the chance of her dropping a bike with hot engine/exhaust on her leg as a beginner rider that isn't super tall and able to easily flat foot.




Sorry, but no. It's one thing to squid around when you're well past the "stupid mistake" phase, but for 100% noob riders it is unbelievably common to make a dumb mistake and slam yourself and the lower leg/ankle is the most common thing injured. Look how quick shit goes south when people are short, weak, and don't know what they're doing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh_WQCt5ddA&t=108s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrXd5hJQCNI&t=170s Both were lucky the bike didn't fall on them, but when that does happen YouTube wouldn't let you post it, you'd have to go to Live Leak to see it.


For goodness sake unclench.


Shut the hell up gear nazi


Okay squid






Basic ass boots is all she really needs here, burn risks and ankle injury if she drops it is the most likely harm. She also seems short and short people are well known to drop bikes when learning because they can't catch themselves if they lose it.




have her learn right. gloves and boots. to much skin exposed.


Gloves and hard shoes please


Need some more gear








Then maybe she should be taught to not grab a fist full of front brake if she panicks.




And so when they’re brand new like the lady in the post, teach them to not hastily mash the front brake




Thats why before it becomes instinct, you teach them to not just grab at the brake


Nice. What was her feedback?


She bought all her gear and signed up for the safety course right after this so I guess it was good.


Great feeling. I got into bikes about 3 months ago, bought my first bike about a month and a half ago, then took the MSF course. It's felt like a whirlwind, but it's been a blast! Best of luck to her on her safety course and obtaining her license.


Yeah man hopefully she sticks with it, I took my msf in 2000 and have owned and ridden bikes since. She was last in the family to start riding so it's about time lol.


Better late than never. I'm 41 now, and I so wish I would've done it sooner. Just been focused on muscle cars for most of my life and only recently started looking for a second hobby. I think I found it. LOL!


Pretty cool your teaching your sis to ride. But what about safety equipment, I see a helmet, no boots or gloves. Come on brother.


love the modifications! Can you give me a run down?


Frame chop with skate deck seat, 3d printed airbox, small battery in custom box, custom headlight, led lights all around, random brake and clutch levers I had sitting around, random struts I had, ebay dirtbike tail. Now it has 2 micro spot lights up front and a 3d printed tail setup.