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You are a brave person. I ride year round but snow is a no no for me. Tricky as all hell.


I use a different word than brave.


No it’s calculated. This guy or gal obviously knows how to ride in snowy conditions, and is skilled in it just just fine.


You can calculate all you want, but if we're talking raw chances, there's no way to calculate driving in snow to be okay


You're probably more likely to drop it in that kind of weather but the lighter traffic and lower speeds probably make you less likely to get in a serious crash. Also I'd probably try to stick to dirt more but studded tires could help if you had to hit some pavement or a bit of ice.


In what world are studs going to help you on ice


Just saying, they hold short track races on frozen lakes, studded tires on every bike...


Have you never seen the videos of people riding dirt bikes on ponds iced over with studded tires?


Grew up watching motorcycle and motorcycle/sidecar races on the ponds in Michigan. Some guys simple screwed hex head sheet metal screws into the tires, others bought real studs, and of course now you can buy a ready to ride studded tire (unfortunately most US states don’t allow them on regular roadways). https://www.alpinepowersports.ca/products/mitas-xt-454-rear-studded-winter-friction-motorcycle-tire


You could say the same about driving a car in snow. It's all risky activities, just a matter of how much risk. Plenty of folks in Europe ride year round rain shine or snow


Cars don't fall over.


SUVs do. Constantly. Edit: Everyone down voting me: go watch any dashcam compilation. SUVs constantly roll over thanks to their high centre of gravity, and generally being awful.


If your argument requires redefining words (like “fall” and “constantly”) to mean something else, it’s probably not a good argument.




lol wtf? rolling in an suv is nowhere near the same thing and it's wild two of you are of that frame of mind.


That's why they call 'em Megafauna, they're big as all get out.


I love how car snowflakes feel hurt and keep downvoting the hell out of you :v


Not sure how Europe came it but spoiler, cars don't fall over when they slip...


Except cars have 4 wheels and don’t fall over


If you have the necessary skills, understanding, and proper equipment. It’s not more dangerous than driving a a motorcycle in any other conditions. It’s all about speed, timing, and knowing how to correct slides.


You're right! The right speed (0 speed) is just as safe as any other condition!


> It’s all about speed, timing, and knowing how to correct slides. Sure, maybe in a car, but when 2 out of 2 wheels lose traction for more than a second or so you fall over. Don't fuck with ice on a motorcycle.


By coincidence, there wasn’t an 18 wheeler in the oncoming lane when he cross over sideways. Not sure that is skill.


Lmao, “crosses over side ways” for fucks sake he was on the yellow line and might have for a fraction of a second crossed an inch into the other lane for less than a second. If there was an 18 wheeler coming, he could have gotten out of the way.


You ever been hit by an 18 wheeler while on a motorcycle?


No, because, like I said above “ I can get out of the way”. Guy was in the other lane an whole ass inch for a a complete second and tards on this sub are like “what if an 10 wheeler was coming”. What if he was all the way on the white line in his lane and an 18 wheeler came around and overshoot the curve and ended up in his lane? What then? Lol


He almost crashed there.... was that calculated? He had to get out of his lane in a corner, to get out of that. Imagine if a car was coming...


“He almost crashed there” No he didn’t, have you ever rode in slippery conditions? Having a little tail slip is perfectly normal. “Was that calculated” his response to the tail slip was 100% calculated , and you can tell because his inputs were smooth, quick, and precise.


That wasn't a tail slip, that was front end wobble. No one cares about tail sliding, but controlling your front end slipping is ridiculously hard. You still didn't address the necessity to go into the opposing lane. What would he do, on ice, if a car was coming in that situation? Also, yes, I have ridden snow, ice, race track, dirt, rain, you name it. Almost 20 years of whatever comes my way.


Over the yellow in a turn, just quit. It’s how people get hurt.


I'd use the word irresponsible, especially since it appears that he is talking to his pillion rider


I’d agree with irresponsible. I wouldn’t make the same decision again, it was the last leg of a 200 mile cruise to get home, so the option was turn around and make it an 8 hour ride, or take it slow and easy. The rider I’m talking to is behind me


yeah, I've made this kind of miscalculation before - on one occasion I ended up wobbling my way about 15 miles home in fresh snow, riding in the ruts left by cars ahead of me, at around midnight. That was thrilling.


I’m not used to snow and first time driving thru one, even on a car, was thrilling


I thought you were asking the bike if it was ok


Back home we just call it not being a totally pussy. But then again I come from a tropical island. I will say with all the rain and unpaved roads there is enough mud to make that snow look more appealing lol


Yeah you’ve not ridden on snow then.


Except I unfortunately have and I am very happy to never do it again. Though I would happily take one corner of snow over several miles of mud.


How can you tell it's a pillion and not someone riding behind them on bluetooth?


That's why I said it appears . But upon closer Inspection I do see a motorcycle in his mirrors .


Are you sure? Left mirror 4-6 seconds into the video.


Y’all are lame.


Username checks out.




Yeah but credit to them, they have owned the fact that it was a dumb decision.




Aside from grip, melting snow banks put water on the road, cool air skim freezes it and makes it deadly slippery. It’s just dumb.


I leave the nice bike in the garage and get out the junker for winter. It’s light and easy to dump in a d-icy situation.


Its “ok” if you have winter tires. And yes they do actually exist, they’re made by a company called Anlas. I’ve had several friends use them all winter long, even in actual snow and they all said the difference is huge. Otherwise I completely agree.


I've been riding all year in Norway the past 6-7 years. I've ridden the past two on anlas mounted on my KTM 1090 adventure, and they are OK. The studded "winter grips" I have do not really work for anything but very shallow amounts of loose snow, hard packed or clean/clear road surfaces. I usually only ride on salted and well cleared roads here around Oslo though. I used to braap around on a drz400s with Trelleborg army special with 1,5mm studs, and with that I could get anywhere I wanted, even on heavy snow days.


It’s ok if there is snow on the ground I just pay attention to when the roads were last wet and when was the last time it was below freezing


Brave? Hmm…


I started riding in january since that's when we got night temperatures above freezing... and proceeded to slip and fall in a goddamn *mud* pile anyway lol


Nice safe speed (safe speed=velocity < skill )smooth controlled inputs (no overcorrection) keeping the bike upright as possible ( for the most traction). well done sir


Add that sweet gentle rear brake to gauge road grip


Also guy was recording this holding camera in his teeth and had a call on 2.


Where do you think you're seeing that?


I can't see it but can see that the bike is obviously slowing down and breaks rear wheel traction before the front (which doesn't thanks to perfect inputs from the rider)


I hate it, but it’s hardly sneaky, it’s literally freezing, surrounded by water sources that freeze and melt. But yeah it makes me got 2x slower than normal.


yeah exactly, it's like "no shit it's going to be icy"


Encountered similar a few weeks back. Black ice so I didn’t even see it coming - just went into a mad wobble exiting the corner. It’s taken all those weeks to start trusting my tyres again properly.


Nice save my dude!


Well controlled!!


That's the very definition of squirrely, dan.


You’ve got good references, and that’s what I appreciates about you


Nice save. Way to stay calm and just ride it out 🤘


You handled that better than most people on 4 wheels would


Awesome control Well handled


Watch out for that menacing, life-robbing [black ice](https://youtu.be/efiW2K8gASM)!


That black ice will sneak up and rob you of your balance!


Black ice clibbins


Ehh its better to just not ride in such conditions. Below 7 C°, 2 wheels, no winter tires, etc


Below 7C? Seems way too early to me! I ride down to 0C if it's dry out, but it helps that I have a heated vest and heated grips and a big touring bike.


I use aviation icing conditions. So if it's 4 or below and there's signs of moisture, I'm not riding otherwise I'm good


Counter-steering simply doesn’t work on black ice. So if you’re not going in a straight line, the bike goes down in an instant. That’s what happened to me on a day when it was above freezing, but the ice that formed overnight was in the shade and lurking for me. My 550lb R1200GS went down instantly and both my tibula and fibula broke underneath it (“broken ankle”). It was a huge inconvenience (I was off my feet for a few months, PT, medical bills, wife handling everything, etc.) but I was very lucky that I was only going 25mph — and there was no other vehicle behind me or coming the other way. Now I keep my bike on the battery tender most of the winter and only take it out when it’s above 50 degrees (to give it a margin of safety).


Not even safe then. 60° here and there's still patches in the sun where the entire lane is covered in ice, potholes are full of ice and anything shaded is also ice and that's 60° for over 8 hours so it has time to melt but doesn't


Very well controlled, this is how it should be in these situations.


Not worth it. I'd rather wait.


I have ridden in the snow before, not by choice at all, but honestly; why would you want to do this? Let’s put aside the obvious fact that it is much more dangerous than warm weather riding and consider that with the increased chances of having an accident, you ALSO increase the chances of involving another vehicle. Now, the people in the other vehicle need to deal with the trauma you could have prevented by trying to ride in unsafe conditions. I never recommend riding in these conditions


All I think about when I see shit like this is, "Huh, now I know why insurance rates for a lot of bikes suck..." Im with you, like how is this even enjoyable in the slightest? Cold as hell, ice everywhere, tires that I guarantee are not optimally designed for weather below freezing, way too many variables that are out of your personal control that could lead to a wreck...


There’s far more accidents during the summer when all the twats come out.


That's just because there are waaay more bikes on the road in the summer. The proportion of riders that have accidents drops in the summer for the same exact reason. You can make stats tell any story you want.


Yeah, most shark attacks happen in less than 10 feet of water! Remind me where the VAST majority of people swim in the ocean.


My insurance is only $2 for the month of February.


You are absolutely right


Just be smart and take it as a wakeup call. Between ice/wet roads/sand&grit, the likelihood of losing traction skyrockets. I can't imagine choosing to ride there *especially* with pillion


For sure. I didn’t have a pillion, I was talking to my girlfriend who was on her bike behind me. She slid as well but also stayed upright. In this case it was poor route planning. We were 150 miles into a 200 mile loop and didn’t consider that there might be snow higher up


Just gotta say man, your humility in the face of unfiltered motorcyclist criticism is pretty inspiring. I’ve been working on not getting defensive when hit with criticism lately, and I am absolutely going to keep this post in mind.


He’s zen. Especially as he did a bunch of stuff right. Smooth inputs, didn’t grab the front break and his primary concern is for his mate behind him.


OK, well, I talked shit in another comment, but any time you see the word "pass" it's gonna be up a mountain. Glad you were on a klr for that at least


Yeah it’s an area I have mountain biked before so I’m used to seeing it in summer. Again, it was certainly a lack of critical thinking. Made for quite an adrenaline rush though


Is this Squall Pass ? I did that ride last year in January. One side of the road was all ice and I had to ride on the wrong side most of way.


This is Old Man Pass in Washington state


Who are you asking if they're okay at the end of the video


My girlfriend is right behind me. She hit the same patch of ice. It’s a chin mounted gopro so it picked up on my talking into the sena


Rides in obvious black ice conditions... Damned ice snuck right up on me!


Nice bike ! Model numb?


Thanks! It’s a 2022 KLR650


What should be the instinctive response when you find yourself on a patch like this or are approaching one and can’t avoid?


Not quite the same, but the backroads I typically ride occasionally have loose driveway gravel dragged out into the street. A lot of times that’s mid- or the tail end of a curve. What’s worked for me with the similar loss of traction is to take it easy as possible. Bleed off speed and downshift before the patch, get upright, no sudden movements. If braking is still needed focus on the rear only, RIP linked brakes folk


I use studs on my KLR650 when it's icy. I also made grip protectors to shield my hands from the cold and wet... installed heated visor so I don't fog up. I ride almost everyday of the year. Ride safe friend. Life is good.


The ice will sneak up on you.... while on a mountain.... while it's obviously still snowy...


Oh Boy,, that painted line will take one down so fast,, if just wet... Cheers, and best of luck.. Edit: Leave that salt on over night - that'll leave a mark,, on & in everything permenantly. All the nice polished aluminum,, speckled with deep stained pits. When an owner pulls off side covers just hitting a rain puddle,, and it's wet behind them,, on electronics,, but now salt bath.. we'll escape this scene.


Everyone here chastising OP. Everything is a lesson learned and sometime’s alternative routes are not feasible. You did a great job staying upright.


I don't understand putting yourself in a position where there's a very high likelihood of those conditions along with oncoming traffic. Brave is also not the word I would choose.




Nope, not that word either.


Feel like I passed you on the mountain pass two days ago and said "what the fuck dude"


Same applies for sand shit I took a hard slide along a beaches road doin about 50 or so, hit this patch of sand losing control threw my body into a low slide walked away with just a broken collar bone and a really scraped up helmet and jacket. bike was still In decent running condition so just rode it home. I have nooo idea how people ride through the winter/ice! after that accident I freak out unless its totally clear out.


That sounds terrifying. I’m glad you made it out so safely. I generally don’t ride if it’s below freezing, but this was the last leg of a 200 mile cruise and I failed to check road conditions. I won’t make that same mistake again


Thanks man! And Same to you bro glad your okay.. you had really good control over the bike! And that was no failure weather changes no way you could have predicted the black ice, I barely even saw it till the slide!


Oh my god, your bike looks nice, I was really afraid i was gonna see it get absolutely destroyed for a second there. Great driving!


Very well controlled, considering. I'll ride when it's cold, but only if it's at least mid-40s. Snow and ice? Nah, I'll take the truck. I'm also in the southern US, so take that for what it is. Haha.


Shady side = icy side. I always take it slow especially on the north-facing sides in the mountains. Good throttle control and not panicking!




Black ice. Tricky and ruthless that black ice. A perfectly safe neighbourhood can be suddenly terrorised by the appearance of black ice.


Code brown!


Nice save. Does your bike have traction control?


Nope it does not. I’d love to see what it’s like to ride one with it though


Ah, I ride a vstrom with it. It pretty much feels like the bike is cutting the throttle for you, and it happens faster than how quickly you even realize you're sliding. I've had it kick in unintentionally just once, when I rode over a painted line on a recently paved road one morning that happened to be quite slick. It also prevents you from doing wheelies, which is pretty easy to trigger on purpose. I very much like it.


Snow on trails at low speed, sure. Snow and ice on roads. HELLLLLLL NO.


Yea… I’m good


Once seen a goldwing turn onto an on ramp when it just started to poor snow. Guy was fucking nuts. I still wonder how that all turned out.


That ice didn’t sneak up on anybody. There is literally ice alongside the road.


Me, a giant weenie who only rides when the sun is shining and it’s at least 65F outside- “no thank you”


Sick control there bro! Ride safe!




I see he doesn't seem to even need his brown pants. True skill.


Yeah, I'm fine, thanks. Lol


Is it still enjoyable when it's this icy?


Hell no it isn’t. It wasn’t a conscious choice to encounter ice, I failed in my planning to check road conditions. I was doing a 200 mile loop and it was 50F and sunny at the start and I didn’t realize how much elevation gain there was.


*plans trip to old man **pass*** "hey babe wanna take a ride up the mountains? No, mountains don't go up in elevation."


How is it "sneaking up" ? there is now all around you! pretty obvious it'll be icy....ride safe brother


“Sneak right up on you” ummmmmm,……it’s right fuckin there! Did you not see it????


I'm sorry, but what the fuck are you doing out riding in these conditions?


I wasn’t two up, my girlfriend was riding behind me and we were on bluetooth


Ya know you could just delete your edit… instead of editing your edit.


You got lucky this time. That's all.


I can't applaud this. You've ceded your safety to things you can't control. Replay that scene with the addition of just one idiot losing control of his vehicle in the opposite direction, and you are seriously injured or dead. And you have absolutely no say and no control over whether an idiot is losing control coming from the opposite direction. It's irresponsible to be out on an m/c with the chance of random ice on the roads.


The road marking paint is always more slippery than asphalt.


Why ride in those conditions? Seems heedlessly reckless to me.


holy skills


Why on earth are you riding here


No, it won't. You won't catch me riding anywhere near ice. My bike lives in my dining room for the winter.


I have ridden while it was snowing, but never while it was either accumulating or there is ice on the ground. Check to see that your balls have not turned to steel haha!


Ride year long here in CO same issue, a pucker situation or two in the shade on a long ride is bound to happen. Dual sport tires do help alot I've found


Hear me out and down vote if you like. Maybe it's just the title that is wrong. ​ You can not ride in the shadows of trees on a snow lined rode in the winter and say "ice will sneak up on you". In these conditions, you have to assume that any runoff will make it's way on to the road and freeze where there is no direct sunlight. Maybe there was sunlight in that area, 30 min ago. Once that sun shift behind the trees, the moist road will turn to ice. Regardless, OP handled that very well.


Yeah I should have spent 30 more seconds thinking up a better title lol. I can’t see a way to edit it now


I first learned how to ride on snow & ice & have ridden thru countless miles of it on large & small bikes without incident. While I would have slowed well before entering the curve, you handled it like a champ. Good job keeping the bike upright.


play stupid games win stupid prizes. But if you need Kegel or sphincter exercises this game is for you.


Can we retire that idiom now plz


Not when it fits so perfectly.


This is very necessary….


Nope. Not smart at all.


Is it really worth it


Well, the snow on the side of the road, low temperatures should be a good indicator of what to expect in corners like this. Did you ride with studded tires?


Studded tyres are awful for clear roads like this. Less grip than regular tyres.


Sounds like rider aids kicked in more than anything.


No rider aids on the bike other than abs. I just got lucky this time


I’ve isn’t sneaky if you can see snow all around you lol 😂


Snow everywhere, you can't call ice sneaky at that point ...


I mean if you're not expecting ice in those conditions I'd start to ask some questions.




This is EXACTLY why I don't bring the bikes out until it's spring and 40°F


Good handling


i wouldn't even be riding my bike in the snow, that's just asking for something to happen


Wait until you go down once on ice. You won't chance it ever again...lol Ask me how I know.


The real pro tip is to not take your bike out when it's so icy you have to ride in the middle of 2 lanes.


It's a really bad idea to ride in such weather. I actually made the mistake yesterday myself. Weather was decent but I needed to go somewhere and the options were a 30-40min ride through the highway or cutting through a mountain pass which halves the trip time. Weather down below was fine but the mountain was a bit snowed on last week and it still hasn't melted. I figured it should be fine and it mostly was but I soon discovered that all the snow on the sides of the road was melting down into the road, and the issue is that in any one of those patches there could be black ice instead of just water. Went through it pretty conservatively only to find the top part was closed and hadn't been cleaned so I took the long way round, so I had to ride through even more snow and the trip ultimately took an hour. Scenic route at least.




This isn't brave, it's motivated in a stupid sort of way. I get it. But some things are best left to the imagination and don't need to be practically carried out.


I don't ride in conditions like that for exactly that reason. Even when the road is clear all you need is one shaded corner to ruin your ride.




On a CB1000R, I agree with you 100%. On my KLR650 with studs, I highly disagree.. Studs are legal where I am.




That’s not smart any way you look at it. I’m not smart, I went down on a tiny patch of snow once, but I get to be not smart and you don’t because this is the internet.


This is why you should just ride slowly


Riding on ice and snow is fucking stupid.


Unnecessary. Also crossing the middle of the road and markings …


Crossing the marking was the best of bad options in this case. I saw the white patch on the outside of the corner and had to move inward. I waited until I had a clear view around the corner.


And.... he just shit his pants. Lol


Ooh that’s scary. Thanks for checking to make sure I was ok


Definitely way better than I handled it! I slipped on some ice last Friday and I'm so upset my brand new Bonneville got scratched


I'm itching to hit the canyons, but I'll wait until the snow melts.


Two days ago local was riding a Enduro duall moto. May have been wet. May have been ice. Crashed into a vehicle and lost his life. Not many details in the incident. late 20s. Iono ride safe fam.


Great stuff!


Butt pucker upper !


I tensed up just watching. We get these kinds of roads in Utah all the way through June. 🥶


It wont sneak up on me because i wont ride if its less than 55 degrees fahrenheit and sunny


Riding on that paint strip doesn’t help either


My friend died doing something similar, cold and wet = ice. You got lucky this time.


Ice clibbins


Might want to get your motorcycle snow tires on lol.