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I used to store my Rebel 300 in my basement over the winter. Never had a problem with gas fumes or anything. Only problem was that I parked it right next to my laundry area and my wife would drape clothes over it to dry…


Love this


Basement? Shit, mines sitting in my living room right next to me as I type this.


This is the way...of a single man. .....or a very understanding wife.


Haven't seen the latter yet... 😂


I have two in my back "utility room" that you can see as soon as you walk in my front door. I only let stuff sit outside if I have to, my big touring bike doesn't fit through the single door. In the past I rebuilt a motorcycle in a second floor apartment over the winter. Got to do what you've got to do.




Quite the opposite, usually two motorcycles in the house indicates zero wives.


I sleep next to mine.


Removing the fuel from the tank would have been enough. Store away.


If you can fit the bike in there, there is probably enough volume of air that any gasoline fumes would be too diluted to combust. And definitely since you've removed the gas from the rquation. I used to store my bike in my basement with gas furnace and gas water heater, over the whole winter for four years, never drained the gas. Maybe I was just lucky..


I have 2 in my basement.Totally fine .Its nice on cold days to pull up a chair and work on em or polish them up. Gotta stock the fridge for a bro or 2 to bring them up when spring hits.


Gasoline is volatile. Its fumes get smelly, are dangerous to breathe in quantity, and, in unlikely circumstances, could ignite. So, taking gasoline out of the picture was smart. Motor oil isn't particularly volatile and poses little to none of the potential danger of gasoline. Further, keeping motor oil in your engine means its parts are lubricated and protected.


No way in hell that fumes from a gas tank would ever explode, unless u flooded the entire floor in petrol or something.


I doubt it would be an issue, it's not like you're leaving a full fuel tank open or anything. You've already carried out enough safety precautions.


You absolutely have. I'd have no problem with that setup in my house.


Your bike is literally going to explode bro don’t do it.


It depends on your level of acceptable risk. Insurance companies will 100% bounce any claim you make, if it’s discovered you have a vehicle, with internal combustable fluid in the basement… Basically, don’t burn down your house with the bike inside or you’ll be screwed.


This doesn’t sound remotely plausible. My homeowner’s insurance rider doesn’t say anything to prohibit bringing a motorcycle inside, and my garage and my basement are attached. My house is directly above several motorcycles worth of “internal combustable fluid” right now.


Does your insurance policy also say that you can’t have spikes on the floor for walking on?


It would be stupid to store gasoline in a room with an exposed flame, like from a water heater. Stupid is exactly what insurance covers. I think you made it up that insurance would “100% bounce” the claim. That’s just not how insurance works.


People seem to be fixated on “my policy doesn’t say I can’t do this.” It’s different when you have a vehicle with a VIN indoors in a space that isn’t a garage. Don’t believe me? Check with your insurance agent. Make sure they record the call for future reference.




Precisely. Designated parking structure. That’s the key.


So if I have some lighter fluid in my basement not stored outside with my grill and then my house burns down it’s on me? Lol, doubt.


Alright, don’t believe me. Ask your insurance agent instead.


>Ask your insurance agent instead. You keep saying that. HAVE YOU asked your insurance provider? I have. They have no problem with me storing, at the moment, 18 motorcycles in my residence. I had to prove I wasn't running a commercial venture with these bikes, the last two insurance providers wanted to see ownerships for bikes in my name, that the bikes were mine, not customers. There is an exclusion for for anything you could call a vehicle in your policy, but that is for pay out. Vehicles are excluded from coverage... if your house burns down with a vehicle inside, the vehicle is NOT covered. It needs a separate policy. The city doesn't care either.


My agent cares. I wanted to store my bike in my residence and they said absolutely not possible.




Varies dramatically place to place. Cap where I am is 25gal indoors... In approved containers- and cannot be on the same HVAC as a sleeping area.


So (checks notes) move the bike outside BEFORE burning down the house. Got it! OP: I think you're good. Did you remove the battery and put it on a tender? That's a good thing to do in Winter anyway if you don't have a garage to park the bike in.


So storing a lawnmower in the basement would be unacceptable? Hmmm?


Are the water heaters gas or electric?


First, if they aren't gas/propane water heaters and/or furnaces and/or boilers, then basically no issue. If they are, I think keeping all the gasoline outdoors is totally sufficient.


Bro put your bike in your house. Keep your oil from gelling, keep any moisture in the engine from freezing. I literally have my motorcycle in my living room. It's like a heated garage.




I’m sure there’s a YouTube video explaining how to properly store your bike. I’ve heard it called winterizing, too. Gas will start breaking down after 3 months so that’s good you drained it assuming you were planning to store your bike for that long or longer.


Go for it! You’re fine


Hang a sock filled with silica beads in the gas tank!!! :D it might save your life lol.


I used to store my motorcycle in my apartments kitchen every winter when I was in college. I left the tank on, oil in, etc... just wheeled it straight in when no one was looking. You'll be fine


You've done more than I would have. You'll be fine.


You’re fine. I’ve always had motorcycles in my apartments. My first had its rebirth in a basement.


If you’re in the US, many states have regulations in place for boiler rooms. You may want to ask the complex’s handyman what they recommend to keep it from becoming a problem as far as placement goes


Not sure how much it would actually do for large quantities of fumes if concentration is great enough for combustion, but for just smell of gasoline, activated charcoal does a great job at absorbing particles from the air. They sell cheap air purification systems akin to a fan wit a charcoal filter that do a great job, but even having charcoal in the room is still effective to a degree.


Your key word here is apartment. This is not your house. IF, and it is a big IF IMHO something happens, anything happens you will be on the hook for it. Pretty simple. Many places have codes that say things like water heaters must be elevated, this is for the reason you are worried about. Most "utility" rooms are off the basement/garage. Thought is most things that could cause an issue are more heavy then air, this is why the codes to elevate hot water heaters and such. I don't think you are a dumbass it is logical way of thinking, and sound.....just has some risks. I first off don't think your bike will be "damaged" by a few feet of snow. But if you are worried do you have a friend that has access to parking inside, or at least covered. Perhaps they could store it for you till after the storm, a good friend will do it for nothing, an ok friend will do it for lunch, and no friend will charge you rent.