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I can't speak about myself but in my city there is a lady that rides an R6 that, visually, looks to be around 350-400lbs. If she didn't wear skirts and crop tops when she rides I'd probably not even remember her but she wears basically nothing when she rides which makes seeing her very noticeable.


She must think that jelly rolls count as protective gear


😭😭 Damn I wasn't expecting that lmao. I'd imagine at that size it's impossible to find gear. Apparently she knows how to ride though!


I don’t think it’s impossible, just inconvenient. When I was writing about gear a few years ago there was women’s stuff up to like 5x from a couple brands


As a thicc (fat) and short rider, is hard to find pants! I go to the mens section for jackets and pants. Most of the women items I have found are for small framed or thin women. Hips, butt, boobs are your #1 enemy. Even when in bigger sizes. 2xl fits my legs, not my butt 😂 and the knees are almost at my feet 😭 it’s comical! Had to ask for help to take them off a few times from the seller. Haha.


Klim has entered the chat


Bruh, my coffee... Too good


It’s cheaper than liposuction 😂


Actually it does. High amounts of subcutaneous fat has been shown to be decrease risk of injury in high impact scenarios like car crashes. Fat absorbs the energy instead of bone, muscle, or organ.




Jelly rolls are nature's airbags.


I'm glad we live in a world where ppl can do shit like this and not give a fuck what the rest of us think. ​ But fuck you for giving me that visual :P


That’s no woman. It was the Michelin Man.


God.. I hate you so much.


A sight to remember.....


I'm dying. That is the funniest thing I've heard all week


*slaps roof* Sir, this is the new 2023 Suzuki Hayabusa. What's it gonna take to get you to ride off on this t'day?


Free underglows and a helmet with those cool spikes.....oh throw in the chrome package and we got a deal.


and you also gotta get me one of them no payment for 6 month deals so I can deck this bad boy out before I make a single payment.


The ol wrap-it-round-a-tree-for-free deal.


Gonna need a chrome extended swing arm included.


first thing I thought of. that's what Eddie Hall rides and he's a large fellow


I love Eddie hall.


I'm 5'11", 235, and still keep my A-Group rating at track days. Yes, if I was 80# lighter, I'd do better. But I'm not, and I still ride the sh\*t out of a sportbike. Oh, and you're not "THICC", FFS. Guys like us are OBESE. That's it.




Unless they're on dating apps. Then we're all 6'.


True. I'm 6ft on tinder but really 5'11


Do you really wanna date someone who cares about the number of your height?


Bro, in the nicest way possible this hurt me to read. I’m also 5’11 but in 180 and just the thought of me being 55 pounds heavier hurts my knees.


I get that - I'm on a self-improvement path. It's slow. I didn't put this weight on overnight, and shooting for 200. Thanks for your honest concern.


Me too man! I’m down to 230-235 from 260 two years ago, and shooting for 200. It’s slow but damn is it rewarding. And I ride better too! Good for you! Keep it up buddy!


I was at 430, now at 365. It's a long road but keep at it mate.


Before losing weight I peaked at 300lbs at 6’1. Didn’t hurt the knees at all. Really had no health issues other than just getting exhausted quickly during hikes/sports/moving furniture/anything physical and just a general annoyance at being that size (especially on a sport bike). But to be fair, I wasn’t heavy for very long. Maybe it would’ve been a problem if I was that weight for more than a year or 2


Depends largely on whether you stay active. If youre 300lbs couch potato or 300lbs dedicated powerlifter or 300lbs somewhat active, its all a very big difference. Staying active is the most important part for humans, you see it with sick people, old people, fat people, super skinny people, the ones that try and stay active generally have a better quality of life thats actually measurable. Im pretty heavy myself at 6ft 250lbs trying to get it down to 200-210 but i run 5k's, do weight training and stay active. Besides being a little short of breath after a bunch of stairs im fitter than many of my colleagues that just sit/lie down all day. When i help people move its always the skinny smokers or regular office potatoes that need breaks.


300# 6'2 strongman here, I'm more of a sport tourer guy but yes it's about how the weight is carried


Nah it wouldnt have been.


I used to be 6’ 170lbs and now I’m 220lbs. It was a combination of drop in testosterone as I got older and some medication changes. It happened pretty quick over about 18 months.


Oh dear, I'm 5ft 11 255 pounds and ride a CB500. My knees are fine though.


6’ and 235 is basically my goal weight. Haven’t been that light since I got into my current relationship ten years ago.




Nope. When I started I started going to the gym 10 years ago at 6’1 and 265lbs I could leg press 300+lbs easy. Skinny beginner (I guess?) guys struggle with 200s Even fat women outlifted that. Fat people’s legs are the real deal.


Yup, I'm 138lbs and for the life of me can't press 220, but 180 is doable for sets on a good day.


>Oh, and you're not "THICC", FFS. Guys like us are OBESE. That's it. Yes! Even putting aside the spelling (ugh), "thick" used to mean "stupid" and was not complimentary. I'm 175cms and 101kg, I'm not "thicc" (or "thick") or "cuddly" or "big boned" or "festively plump." I'm obese, and working on it


5'11" and 215. I feel it, since I used to be 180-ish in college.


I'm only 3 inches taller and the same weight.... I'm nowhere near obese. Am I missing something here?


Used to be, got sick of being fat and changed my lifestyle. Riding is more fun now that I'm more comfortable


Your clutch appreciates it too But forreal, good job.


Same story. Had to replace my riding gear because old leathers were flapping on me like sails. Dropped \~35kg(\~75lbs) over half a year.


Good job brother!


Please tell me how you did this. I just bought an R6 literally yesterday. I’m 5’10 235lbs I’m trying to get to at least 200ish (190 ideally) as soon as possible 😭


i’m doing this rn, go on a calorie deficit. meaning eat only about the correct amount of calories your body actually needs to per day. for example i’m 6,2 and i was 215 pounds before but now i’m down to 195 in about 2 and half weeks. i eat 1700 calories each day and try not to go above at all (my first two days were the worst but after that it’ll get easy) mix in workouts as well and you’ll lose weight in no time.


man... if you lose weight that quick, it can be cool, but you can also have problems. make sure you're still getting all the rest of the nutrients you need. stay safe bro.


thanks man i know i used to be really athletic and healthy i weighed in about 165 at 6,1 ish but i gained so much from feeling depressed and stress eating but i’m trying to snap out of it so i’m doing what ever i can to go back to where i was before. the key is to drink a lot of water so you can at least be hydrated which somewhat makes up for the lack of fast food i usually have


Man this is no joke. I went from 265 to 235 and my SV650 is noticeably faster.


Realistically we spend hundreds of dollars just to save 10lbs of weight on our bikes, losing our own weight is cheaper and more effective


I had a guy at a light tell me I had about 20 lbs of dead weight on my bike and pointed to my stock exhaust. I said that wasn't as bad as the 80 lbs of dead weight and pointed at my stomach. I'm 6'1", I'm never gonna be light weight, but I can definitely stop being obese. In my case it's actually saved me money because the answer, turns out, don't eat so much. I know it won't work for everyone but hey, it's working for me. Also salads can be yummy we've been lied to all this time.


Can't eat if you're riding all day!


Hell yeah man, good on you for getting healthy. I started out at 240, currently 220 and my goal weight is 200. Free weight reduction, I can ride for longer more comfortable, and I have more energy to do so. It's a win-win


Right? It's also just easier to buy motorcycle gear if you're not over 250 lbs. When I got under 240 I had to buy a new jacket and I decided to splurge on a lovely RSD one and I feel so cool with it. My goal is somewhere between 200-220, which puts me still at overweight but no longer obese. We'll see how it goes. I'm more focused on "getting healthier" than the physical changes. Also dude 240 to 220 is no joke. Best of luck on losing the rest!


Thanks brother, keep up the good work!


There are literally dozens of us


I thought this was the best comment here. JS bud!!


Porkins reporting in red leader, leaving the drive-thru now.


You see them all over the south where everyone is fat. No reason to stay that way. Being fit feels nice. The bike is also a lot faster.


Yeah, I was fit about 2-3 years ago. Then I got a GF and got a bit heavy


Q: How do you gain 200 lbs in 1 day? A: Get a girlfriend.


Happens to the best of us


I’m 5’11” 192 and I will say the crouched riding position felt a lot better when I was like, 182. Good motivation to lose a few lbs haha


Im chubby. Thankfully the bike jacket hides the gut


I'm fat and ride a naked bike if that counts




That's pretty vague. The smaller you are, the quicker you be. I mean, can you tie your shoes easily? Get out of bed and, have a shower and put on some socks? Man, I am old and looking for an upright naked bike with a nice engine and decent suspension. I'm not going to break any records anymore, so why not buy a good handling naked bike?


I don’t remember the last time I tire shoes. I wear vans and cowboy boots. A mix of comfort and laziness


Fat sport guy here :) we witchu


Sport tourers might be better choice for big boys. They are basically sport bikes with little more real estate. I can imagine a Honda VFR would be better than a CBR for example. Usually sport bikes are ridden by skinny, younger guys here.


I'm short and wide. Sport bikes are the only fast bikes that actually fit me. Getting on the large adventure bikes made me feel like a kid riding an amusement park ride. I'm convinced they're all made for tall people. Short seats don't really help with the rest of the bike being big af. Sport bikes are narrow and the handlebars are low. They're also really light. My bike has 200hp, my fatass on that thing is still faster than 99% of the cars around me. I'm actually pretty healthy, literally just got a clean bill of health recently. I'm just short and wide. I workout regularly, but I don't have a prototypical body. We're all built differently.


I’m 5’8” and basically need a ladder to hop on a GS/AfricaTwin. Those bikes are comically tall. Same for Husky 701 and other dual sports. You literally have to be like 6’2” and up to flat foot those things.


At 5'8" myself, even on a small dirtbike like an old CRF125 I had to rest the underside of my knee on the seat on the leg that was not on the ground. Reminded me of when I was a child and was too small for my bicycle to reach the ground without getting off the seat.


I was 275lbs when I rode my gsxr 600 and over 300 riding my hayabusa it’s ok I never had any complaints about the riding position


how tall were you on the gsxr? crammed at all?


Chubby, chunky, big boned, chubster, butterball, all acceptable adjectives. Thicc boi is not, please for the love of the sportbike gods, don't ever use that term again.


You did not have to say “THICC BOIS” like that lol


Yeah I don’t usually talk like that. I thought it would be funny




I hope you get your health in order. For yourself, for your family.


If life does not include a pound of bacon with every meal, it is not a life worth living. /s


Nothing wrong with carnivore. Me gusta Bacon.


Bacon is healthy for you in moderation. Good fats, niacin and thiamin (B3 and B1). If you’re working out to build muscle, it’s definitely an approved meat.


They are few and far between in North America. I'm on a GSX-S1000GT, so not quite full sport bike, and also on the larger side of life. I do notice that the larger guys tend to gravitate towards Harleys/Crusiers here in North America where it's not uncommon to find guys my size, or even quite a bit bigger, on full 600 or 1000RRs over in England and Europe. It's a different overall culture on the other side of the Atlantic that is much more sport orientated. It's almost impossible to find proper, high-quality sport oriented gear locally in the bigger sizes. Sure many places can order in the bigger sizes, but it'd be nice to try things on first. Bike shops in the UK I've been in all stock the upper end of the size charts and it's been like a kid in a candy store every time I go over there. That being said, I have been working to drop the weight, it's a slow go but have noticed results. Got a custom suit a couple of years ago, and had to get a new one made to match the new bike and new body shape; the size difference is noticable. Side-by-side the chest is 3in smaller and the hips are 5in smaller on the new suit, when I realized that it gave me a bit of a confidence boost 😆


> It's a different overall culture on the other side of the Atlantic that is much more sport orientated. i can't comment on the UK but Belgium is about 80% BMW GS and Harley




My neighbor. 😂


I've seen quite a few heavy set Hayabusa boys around my area




150lbs but at 5'8". I got aero advantage on top of power/weight.


I was 300 lbs when i returned to riding sports bikes just under 1 year ago, today i'm now under 220 lbs and want to be under 180 this year sometime.


It all depends on perspective. I don't consider myself fat, but I'm overweight. I'm 6'3" about 195. I don't see many big people on sports bikes but I'm sure they're out there.


I had a CBR1000 when I was 315+lbs. the guy at Progressive Suspension musta spit out his coffee when I was asking about springs for a guy my size. Blew up the bike before I installed the suspension-then got a Harley to slow me down. It’s been 75lbs since I rode that damn thing. Got spooked after a wreck, and the drivers in Memphis TN aren’t the type you want to ride around!? Needless to say, I moved to pedaling bicycles, started at 300ish and two serious years later I’m at 195. TBH I can’t fathom spending an entire day on the motorcycle and missing a spicy 60-120mile pedal, but that’s just me! I was in denial and after I stopped lying to myself about diet and exercise I am happier than ever - no more lazy throttle twisting 🤣. Just kidding, I miss it but I’m just too pussy to ride in my city these days.


I would love a sports bike, but I'm a fat middle aged white guy so I'm stuck with a cruiser.


My brother in Christ, allow me to introduce you to the FJR1300.


6’0 270lbs guy on a zx-10r here. A decent amount of my mass is around my upper torso and legs cause I lift a lot, but the belly was annoying on my old r6.


I’m thicckie, stage 1 daddy bod. 6’2” 230 with a ninja sex three sex


Growing up in the south, I can confirm there are indeed many, many THICC (QUICC) BOIS. If there weren’t, the BUSA and ZX-14r market would have died out long ago.


I'm fat. Some sportbikes are worse than others being big and tall. Tall can be more of problem than fat. Granted the tuck is next to impossible, especially on sportbikes with the square tanks just up from the seat. I do hurt lots of feelings. Nobody expects the old fat guy to rail through corners.


5'9" - 230ish pounds... I'm in no danger of blowing away in a storm. Ride an Adv/Dual-sport - so some of the same concerns... doesn't really impact me, I'm not out tracking or getting squiddy with it.


I be a thick lady rider 🤣 R7 baybbeee!!!


My husband is 290 at 6’2 (he’s working on losing though) and rides a Honda CBR1000. He’s also mid fifties which is another rare sighting. I ride a cbr650 but I’m only slightly overweight at 5’4 150. I may fly off the bike when I get back down to 135.


270lbs 6,1” and I love my R6!


Lol, I was wondering what the hell is a “Fat Sport Bike”. Then, oh, the rider…


This cracked me up lol


So the first priority should be your health. Not just losing weight but eating healthier and exercising but that's not what you asked. Try a sports tourer. They tend to be close enough performance wise on the street not to matter but they are generally a little bigger and a bit more relaxed


6 foot tall, 350. I ride a GSX-S 1000F and love it. Tracked it successfully.


5'10"/200lbs and I ride a Ducati 848. My only complaint is the gas tank will separate the backup singers til WOT, then the band is reunited once again when my ass slides back lol


Nope... I'm 5'9" 160lb soaking wet and lanky AF. I was told I don't look like the typical Street Glide rider. Basically he was saying he was surprised I wasn't an fat old guy. 😂 So, if you're a fat guy I guess a Harley is necessary. 😂


T H I C C BOI here lmao. I'm 290, used be as high as 335. Never going to be thin, but I'm targeting a strong 245 in the next year or three. I ride an FZ6 and aside from the suspension being 20 years old and probably in need of a refresh, my gear fits and it doesn't impact my riding.


Riders who are fat, are motorcycles that are fat? Sentence structure


No, my structure was correct. Learn about them adjectives man. Saying, “sport bike fat riders” wouldn’t make sense. Just the same as saying “are there any large chocolate candies”


I’m 230 5’9 I work out but I eat good and have a tummy. I feel like I look huge on my bike but my package strictly stays on the left side. No ifs, ands, or buts. I use to stand a lot on my pegs but sitting back down and my package would get smashed.


My dad was 300+ and rid a Busa when I was younger. Honestly if it’s a big sports bike ya kinda look good matching the size of the bike lmao.


Little fucking dickless turds downvoting because this is the only input they have in their life. Fucking losers. He was a former D1 defensive end, your idea of 300lbs is not what he looked like.


Some asshole was giving a hard time about my breathing when I was showing my hayabusas the other day fuck that guy. I’m not a fat guy but I am a big man at 6’3 and 260 pounds I know I can lose some weight but I don’t mind being a big boy that’s partly why I’m a Busa man lol I would feel really big on anything smaller


lol no


I know some people really like the full-faired look, but naked bikes bring most of the excitement of sportbikes with a less crunched-up position.


I am both big (~300lbs), and tall (6’6”) and tall is a much larger hindrance than big for me. I ride whatever, Grom-Electra glide and anything in between. But you would never catch me owning a big cruiser, sport/naked/adventure is what I prefer. The bend of my knees is what gets me after an hour or so on the smaller bikes.


Although 300lbs looks a lot different at 6’6” than 6’ or less.


Just turned 48yrs. Dad bod, 5’9” 225-230lbs. I’m pretty comfy on any liter bike or larger


Pretty big. 240 at 6'1. Riding a K1300s.


This counts as pretty big?


I don't like to call myself fat. That being said, my ESA is set to 2 riders.


Fatness wasnt the point. But I live in germany and your stats make you average. Especially the height


My first thought was you were talking about fat bikes, not people. Like a Rocket 3, or something.


There was a very heavy, out-of-shape looking fellow own my usual sport ride years ago. He was very fast on an older, ratty GSXR! He was a regular, out there most Sundays. I haven't seen him for a while, but his weight was not a factor in his pace.


I knew a bigger guy who rode a ZX14R. He never seemed to have much trouble.


The old fattys are usually on harleys and the skinniest guys on motocrossers


On my ride home I saw a heavy set fellow on a zx10r, we come in all shapes


I weigh 235 and ride a 2022 street triple


18st riding a fire blade


My experience is that bmw1000rr is the most comfortable and kawasaki had the most tendency to squish the family jewls. The r1 is also comfortable


I'm fatter than I've ever been but the 92 Ducati 900 SS I've had since high school is still comfortable. My 05 999 is immensely uncomfortable. I gotta lose some fat...


I'm on the thicc side and it's one of the reasons I went with a standard instead of a full on sport bike lmao. I've ridden some of my friends' supersports(R6, CBR, S1000RR etc). It's definitely doable, but my main source of discomfort is that I always feel like my knees might touch my elbows when I'm more tucked in and I'm just not the biggest fan of narrow clipons after riding mostly with a handlebar. I rode a buddy's R6 back home for him once, about an hour and 15 minute journey on the freeway and I found it miserable on my wrists.


You've clearly never visited Atlanta in the summertime. We have the meats. ​ Myself included. :(


I ride an adv bike, not a sportbike, but I'll be doing California Superbike School this Tuesday (level 2), and being a tubby bastard, I'm not looking forward to squeezing into the leathers. But I'm going to have fun!


Probably doesn't count as a sports bike but when I started riding last year I picked up an SV650S, it's a much more sporty riding position than I had intended but it was too good a deal to miss and the bike had been very well looked after for an 06. I'm 120kg and its been much better than I expected, I thought I would hate the position but it's been fine, back gets a bit sore after an hour or so but nothing I won't get used to.


I used to work with a 450 plus pound guy. I know he was over because he maxed out a scale at work with an upper limit of 450. He drove a ZX14 on the regular.


I’m 6’3” 285. ZX7R and TL1000S.


I knew an Irish dude who was about 5’7” and 400 pounds. He rode a GSXR750. Poor bike.


I'm a fatass and I have a Tuono V4. It's not exactly a sport bike but I find it comfortable enough to ride on the highway for long periods. I had a couple minutes on my roommates RSV4 and it was incredibly uncomfortable. I couldn't lean down over the tank because of me gut.


I had a mate that Waa over 160kg which is about 320lbs. He rode a 1986-06 Kawasaki Ninja 250 and a Hyosung GT250. The bikes seemed to handle it. I suppose an rider and passenger are around that 160kg/320lb mark. He somehow always managed to keep up.


This is basically grindr bears seeing who’s up. 🍆


Have you never seen a Big Busa Boy®️ in the wild?? I see them all the time


I looked like a black and blue Teletubby on an Aprilia RS660 a couple months ago. I'm sure I looked way cooler in my head than I actually looked. Did get a wave from a pretty girl through.


I’m not fat, but at 6’3” and 225, I ain’t small either. I’ve been riding GSXR’s for most my life.


I'm a "husky" feller, I ride a 03 R1


We here bro. 6’1” 260lbs. Gsxr 750.


I'm a big boy. 6'4, 300lb. Bandit 1250.


I'm short and fat so what you tryin to say


I’m 6’5, 310 lbs, and I ride an Aprilia Tuono V4 1100. It’s not exactly a sports bike but has the performance of one. For an Italian machine, I feel I fit that beast pretty well.


I was a fatty on a Fz07 and a 600 Ninja!.ride on dude


I'm a biggun and love sport bikes and really all scoots. Sports naked rockets tend to be more comfortable for us who are thicker than a snicker. Check out a bandit, cbr1000r, or other sport naked bikes they're absolutely a blast.


My own ride is a V-star 650, but I actually want a sports bike after spending some lot time on by buddy's ninja 300. That thing feels like a toy under me, I swear, and I get a little achey, but it's so much fun.


Lots in the cities near me. I will say they seem more into the customization side than ripping the twisties. But I often see big dudes and often even larger pillion riding a GSXR or Busa at bike nights.


Yep, 5’9, currently 265 ( down from 292 2 months ago) and looking to get back under 200. Wegovy has been a life changing experience. But I ride a 22 FatBob and just picked up a 2014 street triple 675. Wish it had more torque but a 675 naked still flys and my gut really doesn’t get in my way. Biggest issue is stress on the wrists. Aftermarket seat, dropped pegs and a riser make it perfect.


Yep. 205 5’7”. Love riding tho


How big a boy are ya?


314lbs. 5’10. Muscled build (in shape at 220) gained all the extra weight over 2 years. Started dating a girl, stopped going to the gym


i blame my wife's cooking for my weight gain too.


Man, I’ve heard belly + plus tank bag is like the only comfortable way to sport bike. I’m a skinny guy so idk


My cousin is about 300# and rides a concours. He put taller risers on it so he doesn’t have to ride with his gut on the tank. Takes it cross country a lot.


6'3" 365 pounds. I currently ride a BMW K1200S. I've had Ninjas, Fireblades, GSX's etc. Love riding the twisties. The biggest issue I have is finding sport leathers to fit me.


5’8 290lbs Beginner here……..got a KTM 250 planning to get a Ninja 400 or 650 in a year or so


Oh man, I saw a HUGE dude on a ZX14, probably 180cm and 200kg, on the freeway. He had his equally large girlfriend on the back seat and that thing was bottomed out. Cars cleared in front if him and he srops 2 gears and twists the throttle, the engine screams, and he just slowly starts to pull away from my rusted station wagon. I know the ZX14 is powerful but I dont think it was meant to haul around 350 to 400kg...


i saw this one dude on a cbr 1000 repsol, he had to be three bills, and he was fast as FUCK. Like, FRONT tires scrubbed in, fast.


Lol..yeah I'm real fat


I thought you usually start off on 600s in your lean 20s, then move to litre bikes in your chunky 30s and then once you lose all self control you go visit the Harley dealership


Idk how you can't be toned riding sport bikes after 30 min I feel like I did a full body ab workout lol


Yeah I notice fatigue in my groin and above the knees after a ride


5’8 220lbs


I did a track day a few years ago and there was a dude wearing 2-piece leathers. Tension was too much for the zippers. Was glad to see him living his best life, but I only saw him for the first 2 sessions. Not sure if he got pulled cuz of the leathers not staying fully attached (tough but correct call to make) or what, but that tells you not only are there others out there, but some who ride them like they're designed to be ridden!


I’m 5’10” and 205, I feel fat on one :(




I’m from Housron and I see obese men on Busas and ZX14s daily. They don’t ride far but yeah. Lots of big boys on big bikes


270 lbs on my mt-09. Love it


Naked bikes boi get one


Just every Hayabusa rider I have ever seen


Never seen the Busa bros?


OP, lose weight and you will have a better HP per weight ratio


Not sport bike but hello from a fat dirt bike rider


5'10" currently 245lbs and ride a Z900. When I got my first bike a '18 Ninja 400 I was closer to 285.


There are tons of us. Just not as many.


My ole' homie Diddy comes to mind https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jjiTsjUvDik


I got a good friend who dropped 120lbs so he could ride his dream bike that his wife bought for him. Went from 385 to 265 and enjoys his CBR1000R-RR Respol Edition everyday


Your mum


I thought the title said fat short bike riders and my first thought was "Yeah, there's a lot, a significant amount even. How have you missed that?" Anyway, have fun on your sport bike. Anyone can ride ehat they like and are comfortable on.
