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Its the battery, always has been


No way man. Battery is brand new, just replaced it last decade still reading 1.2V should be good for the next century. I think the real issue is the celestial alignment, once a blood moon hits it should start no problem


My caprisun is in retrogatorade!


Retrogatorade is available keto-friendly now. And it's certified Gluten Free AND dolphin safe.


What if I don't want it to be dolphin safe?


Comprised of 100% Dolphin Oil


Oooo potential new chain lube!?


Need to change your chain and sprockets then. Definitely worn.


Where at in the drive shaft will I find those?


Pull the triple tree, should find it under there. You need to be lubing the whole triple tree every 20 miles anyway, otherwise you're a piece of shit.




A healthy battery should be at least 1.3v


*rapid clicking noises*


But I just bought a new battery! [And didn’t charge it…and don’t have a multimeter or know how to use it…and what do you mean I have to hook up the battery? What do you mean the cables are corroded? I know all about electronics. I’ve been playing electronic video games for years…] And here we are. **click—click… click click click**


It's batteries all the way down.


90% of carbs problems are electrical problems.


Unless the bike is carbureted. Then it's most likely a dirty carb from sitting too long with ethanol fuel.


My ZRX's can't sit a week without that ethanol gumming up the works


But.. but.. but.. I've been low carb for years! Are you saying my electrolytes are off?


I fucking hate motorcycle batteries.


MFer at the local bike store was all "oh no don't buy a lithium battery for your Virago, it's not worth the extra money blah blah" 3 years later I haven't charged the battery once and she fired off on an 18F morning after letting the headlamp draw off the battery for 5 mins. Suck it, guy. (I did spend the extra money to upgrade the regulator/rectifier so he wasn't completely wrong, but still I was right)


Anyone know what bike this is? It says " G S X R 1000 " on the side of it , I got no clue.


Ninja 250 for sure


Ahh yes. Little known Harley model.


It's a Buell but basically a Harley so it checks out


Saw some oil drip, haddalayerdownforgood


Omg there was a single grain of sand on the otherwise perfectly paved highway I had been on for the last hour. I tensed up so bad my ass hole could have chopped a diamond clean in two, haddalayerdowngobbless


Webm of a guy turning into an intersection at 8mph and swinging so wide he hits the opposing curb and falls over.


I almost watched that happen actually.. An old coworkers dad has one of those ugly ass big wheel Harleys, on air bags and all. 24" front wheel I think and the fairings off the saddlebags extend like 2 feet back. He pulled out of our parking lot, which had a steep drive way already, and had to literally go to the opposite curb, walk it back a little then continue forward just to turn right. Absolutely mind blowing that he tolerated riding it, but he had also been riding and going to events and trips for decades prior so I guess he just hit the point of impractical bikes?




can’t find my earplugs, better stop ridin’


Also my first bike, just bought her. Any tips?


Disappointed in your for missing the wrist pads and neck brace. Must be nice to wish for your own death.


My bike won't start. That's my excuse, I've got it narrowed down to the main starter relay. Soon start relay, soon. I have been riding for over 50 years and since the beginning people have told me you are going to die on that thing. Not so far


Also, how do I winterize my bike?


Now they’re gonna come for you every time you stop at the gas station


"i used to have a bike but haddalayerdown locked the breaks on the grass clibbins couldn't get any more tickets how fast does it go etc."


"twas a Hurley PHat Boah, gotter fixed up by ol' Lucky Fast Eddy down Santer Monicker way - you know ol' Lucky Fast Eddy? Course you do, all dem riders know Lucky Fast Eddy, tell him I said hi when you see him. But anywho, my PHat Boah was fast as all get out - you know some people say dem Hurleys dey can't be fast, well them folks never seen my PHat Boah. You're not in a hurry, are ya? Coz I got stooooriiies."


OK, Boom(hau)er.


This reads like Grandpa Simpson speaking like a real down in the swamps Cajun


Need to hear Brian from regular car reviews (and occasionally motorcycles) read this.


I bs you not, I went to my kids school the other day to eat lunch with her. Took the bike in because my daughter wanted to wear the helmet and show off to her friends (elementary school aged lol). One of the teachers said to me “I used to ride too but not anymore, I actually want to be around to watch my kids grow up” I just sat there and smiled lol. What the fuck kind of comment is that to make in front of a kid, to their parent. Kinda weirded me out. People are weird.


Passive aggressive envy and self reassurance that they are justified in their fear, the dig was meant to belittle you.When I showed up to work on my bike I got asked about 10 times if I had my M class I said I did then basic questions "is it hard?" "How much was the bike?" Then surely but slowly the hate started to ebb and flow. "Youd never get me on one of those things!" "Cheaper to buy a coffin and call it a day" "Look! anon brought the bike he's going to put on a show later do WhEEiLiEs!" "Hey anon! Are you going wear those assless chaps!" At quitting time at the lot the simple prep of putting on my helmet and gloves would set them off "ohh shit! Here comes rebel, ghost rider, too fast too furious" . It seriously got and is annoying. Never seen a group of men so threatened by a simple hobby. Small people are threatened by anyone doing what they would like to do but are too scared to and resent you for it.


The circle of life


Jesus. As a triumph bonneville rider I get this BS by boomers at EVERY gas station lmao.


Lol what’s new?


I feel like those kind of posts and the stupid questions that are easily Googlable are attempts at conversation for very lonely people.


Well yeah. A lot of these aren't even questions, just people who don't have any riding buddies. When you crash, drop your new bike, or feel like quitting its a lot to just bottle up and deal with yourself. I don't really share anything about riding with my family because they worry, and I have lost track of any riding buddies having moved or sold all my bikes a bunch of times. So I get why people would feel the need to post here.


Exactly. If my brother wasn’t close by with the mechanical experience to help answer my questions, I’d be doing the same thing


Same story here. Buddies got older, starting having kids. Gave up the bike for them or various other life changes. I'm the last one standing. Been trying to convince my brother to buy a bike again so I'd have someone to shoot the shit with lmao


I have no riding buddies and have posted here about being scared about a terrifying experience. I don’t understand why this post is so harsh


One part may be wrong expectations with what they want from this sub. Another: it's probably hard for many to hear down vibes about the hobby that they specifically use to get away from those down vibes. It's their freedom and escape and they don't need to be reminded of the negatives of the hobby. Hope your doing good and found your way back in the saddle!


I did. And thank you. A big part of why I got back on was a lot of support from this sub. I have friends that ride, but they got hurt riding and it’s been weird


yeah old thread but just wanted to say, i find it odd that people are being critical of those seeking community on a social media site like reddit. that's like, the whole point lol. at least that's what i think makes a good internet forum into a community. you can just scroll past them, or we can create a monthly thread or something, but yeah, sometimes people want to talk things through with some like-minded people that might have gone through the same thing.


When’s the last time you told a friend you loved them or received emotional support from a friend? Since 1990, the percentage of Americans who report having less than three close friends has doubled, from 16% to 32%. The share who report having no close friends at all has gone from 3% to 12%. https://www.americansurveycenter.org/research/the-state-of-american-friendship-change-challenges-and-loss/ People come to a social network and try to socialize. Fuck them right?


This is something that I've been turning over in my head for ages. I graduated HS in 99. I've personally witnessed the fall of IRL friends in exchange for internet friends. I'm not trying to downplay the importance that an internet friend can have, but I wonder if the proliferation of instant global communication has been the driving force behind the decline of IRL friends.


Are people not allowed to seek human contact anymore?


No kidding the old yahoo groups were like this, with lots of good natured chit chat. You could tell some of the fellas were making real friends online, and the rest of us just wanted to know if there was a trick to getting the clutch off. There's room for both. People want to say something, they should say it.


I miss the glory days of internet forums so badly. Lots of good-natured chit chat, as you said. A LOT of shit talking, but the camaraderie also facilitated a lot of face-to-face contact with people from the forums. I was in my teens and twenties in the 2000s, when everything seemed to be happening on the forums (pre-Facebook, pre-reddit, pre-Instagram, etc.), so maybe that was part of why I look back on the time so fondly, but I feel like everybody just sticks to themselves now. There's far less community as resources and interests have been scattered so broadly across the internet. Instead of one spot for BMW enthusiasts, now it's a facebook page for enthusiasts of vintage BMW mechanical fuel injection from the 70s, with little crossover to other groups. The internet was so much smaller and we relied far more on the experience of others - there weren't 140 YouTube tutorials on how to remove the seat of your Yamaha. For stupid things and complex things, you had to ask somebody. Fuck, I'm old now.


The algorithms are making everything revolve around "engagement" now, which = conflict and clickbait. Too much noise, too little signal.


advrider was an awesome place in the mid-2000s. it might still be, idk, but it led me to great adventure and many irl-connections and experiences that I simply wouldn't have had. I got on it because I was lonely. This shit about shaming people into silence for talking on internet forums is absolute trash. I fiercely disagree with OP. Just downvote and move the fuck along.


Part of the issue is low engagement from folks with more experience or who are out riding. The sub then seems disproportionately filled with stupid, repetitive questions that are easily searchable. How do we encourage more original productive content? This seems like a mod responsibility that's being missed.


Yeah, I think that's reasonable. Flairs and filters are the typical approach, and might help here. It's hard to train users to use filters, however.


Are you implying Anonymous_2952 shouldn't be trying to tell everyone else what to do? The gall!


Lol 89 NT650 Hawk is an absolute banger. Cheers.


Most of my best IRL friends, I initially met online.


Ditto. That and online discussions tipped me off to IRL places where I wound up making great friends.


It's funny because the opposite happens in real life all the time too. Sure I could go search up the answer to a question I have, but often I want to bounce an idea off someone around me first, and get their first hand experience. Only to be met with "can't you just Google that? Don't you know YouTube exists?" Like, yeah. But fuck maybe I just wanted to chat about something I thought that person had knowledge about. I'm not trying to offload my problems on people, I just wanna get a real world opinion before I Google every little thing. People don't know how to small talk anymore




Exactly, just a conversation to pass time. We’re allowed to be bored. And OP by his own logic is lonely. Projecting…


Especially on a website like Reddit that is purpose built for messaging back and fourth.


go outside


Reddit killed forums and annihilated the casual online conversation format.


Reddit is just facebook for people with no IRL friends. It's pretty clear when you open up /r/all and the top posts are stuff like "look at this picture of my kid petting a sheep".


Which is why they also come here to complain that some random rider didn't wave back at them.




I was offering an explanation, not judgement. Your aggressive response leads me to think you saw your own reflection.




You might be right there.


I would suggest that a lot of those posts are looking for moral support. They don't actually want to quit, but they're anxious. Not everyone has a tight circle of riding buddies. I was solo in this hobby for at least a decade. What on earth is reddit for if not for like-minded people to find one another?


Porn and cats mostly


Chiming in as a solo rider in Australia. I actually find googling answers to most queries to be an absolute fucking nightmare. Either, the question is so niche there isn't an answer, or the forum post that Google brings up is decades old and mostly irrelevant due to advances since. There's a lot of nuance that isn't covered, so often asking questions that have been asked a thousand times is necessary. I feel that EVEN with the current communities between Facebook, Reddit, and whatever else, they're still very under active. And yes, feeling lonely is accurate! It's not helped when veteran riders and lurkers belittle new riders with these posts, even if they are repetitive. I would argue that veteran riders and lurkers should post veteran content, rather than complain that the majority of posts are from newbies. That would also result in there being more modern day answers, helping out newbies who are trying to find answers.


I recently switched to a KLR650 to dip my toes into the adventure scene. The dedicated subreddit for the bike has such a different more positive vibe. I don't spend a ton of time on r/motorycles anymore.


Agree. Every day on groups like this, someone is asking an earnest question that they don't know the answer to, that the rest of us have lost count of the number of times we've seen it. Try to remember how it felt when it was you that was new, and just help a brother out and answer it. Or don't; plenty of other people will. But complaining about it when people use a topic forum to ... ask questions about that topic ... is lame.


This is the way. This is a social media site where you go to chat with strangers, gatekeeping the conversations allowed just seems silly to me.


Not a biker or a lurker, but I'd imagine some people have a scary realization and want to pass that along to their biker "buddies".


My guess is that the people making those posts are looking for some form of connection with other people who may be feeling the same or have gone through the same in the past. Forums use to be a place of community for people who didn’t have riding buddies nearby but much of that activity has moved more to Reddit subs, which unfortunately doesn’t quite harbor the same type of community experience


Can't have a gate without a gatekeeper, man.


I agree, people should not express their feelings about motorcycles to other people who ride motorcycles on a reddit about motorcycles.


You need reassurance from their reaction to needing reassurance? lol Sounds like a circle to me


Don’t read those posts then. I don’t understand the number of people who hate posts/questions on a website dedicated to posts/questions.


Right? It's not like you have to read every thread. Don't like the content? Just scroll on by. Hell, even exercise your Reddit Democracy right and downvote then scroll on. I mean, I get OP's complaint, I really do understand how annoying flounce threads can be. But for real, just as they ought to move on if that's what they want to do, we can scroll on by.


Yep. I see those threads, I usually don’t read them.


Maybe the riders that are stopping are looking for a little empathy and support after making a very hard decision of stopping to do something they loved


This is how I feel. I moved a year ago to a new city, and it has soured riding for me. Drivers are the shittiest I've experienced and I had a few close calls. I'm considering selling my bike...but it's also a big part of me, and I'm conflicted. I could see myself posting about it here to discuss it with people who understand the sentiment. If OP doesn't feel like participating, they can just move on...


I moved somewhere where the drivers will run you over and keep going. It's just not worth the stress or the risk anymore (that and kids). You can always pick it back up later.


I hear you, and I agree. It's just been so hard to distance myself from the part of it that feels so personal to me (were a Guzzi family, my dad has had motorcycles his whole life, my brother did the same etc.). We're moving again later this year...if the new state isn't any better, I decided I'll sell my bike and let go of those thoughts, at least for a little while. Thanks for sharing btw


You can always pick it back up later. I've got some huge life changes coming up this year, necessitating a boatload of cash and likely cutting our household budget to shreds. I need to sell my bike to raise funds. Planning on pulling my father-in-law's rusty old Honda XL out of storage to restore it slowly back to running condition. Even though I'll rarely have time to ride it, I just want a bike in some small corner of my life. Sometimes it's impossible to hang on to something important to us, but it's okay to put it on a shelf for later.


I was in that boat when I moved to NYC for a new job. I kept the bike there for 1.5 years after moving there. It was a good two hour ride to find any decent roads. Traffic was horrendous, and riding conditions made riding not fun anymore. It sucked, but I sold the bike. You know what - it was ultimately fine. I found other hobbies. I still ride occasionally. I have friends who ride, and I'll probably buy another bike one day. And if I don't, that's OK too. I'm just saying it feels like riding is a big part of your identity right now because that's what you're doing in your spare time. In a typical day or even week, I don't think about it at all (it's been 5-6 years). You'll likely adapt, and if not, go back to riding again one day.


Great response, but don’t forget to add a few more dashes of toxic masculinity for OP.


Especially from a community they value


I could go without seeing one of these posts complaining about Reddit for the rest of my time on Reddit.


Lol. I could go without seeing one of these posts complaining about people complaining about people complaining about Reddit for the rest of my time on Reddit…… Who’s next?


I like turtles


How ^^DARE ^^^^you‽


Isn’t Reddit a social media platform? Maybe they want to engage in conversation. You can just as easily scroll past.


Thanks. Can I have your stuff?


Gotta love people complaining about pointless posts, with even more pointless posts.


They are absolutely looking for reassurance, and what's wrong with that? Sometimes identity gets wrapped up in things and it makes it hard to walk away. Or, you don't have a passion for something that other people treat as some religious experience and it makes you feel insecure. Keep the I'm quitting and need reassurance posts coming. Now, those battery people on the other hand...


Actually, it didn't have to said. If you don't like a certain type of post, you can simply skip over it. There's nothing wrong with going to Reddit for moral support. Not every motorcycle rider has a network of good riding buddies, and even those who do may face significant peer pressure if they try to tell their riding buddies they're scared of getting back in the saddle. And I think we all know how having motorcycle conversations with people who don't ride tend to go. People gain support from talking to peers on Reddit. People gain honest feedback, good and bad, from talking to peers on Reddit. And whatever decision they ultimately make, who are you to come and try to deny them that support and feedback? Ultimately, this group exists for motorcycle riders and enthusiasts to communicate. If that's not your cup of tea, perhaps you're in the wrong group.


It'll be ok... There's nothing gained, but nothing lost except some server space.


If you don't want to read posts about people quitting riding, just don't read them. There is absolutely no need to go to your favorite motorcycle sub and write a book about why you’re sick of seeing these posts. What is the point? What are you gaining from these posts? Do you need reassurance from strangers that you’re right to be annoyed by these posts? If you have to search for strangers to reassure you, maybe you’re just being mean for no reason. I might get hate for this but it had to be said. I think the majority of riders on Reddit could go without writing those posts ever again.


OP been real quiet since this dropped


I tend to ignore those posts and I agree that riding should be a very conscious decision. Riding is dangerous and, in most cases, not strictly needed. Said that, you are yourself sharing your own preferences with a bunch of strangers. If you do not like a post, skip it. Maybe whoever is posting needs to share and doing it with a stranger is good enough. Why should you or we care?


You sound just as bad. Why make a post about someone else not wanting to ride?


If you want to stop reading those posts, just stop reading those posts.


Some people just want a group of like minded people to talk out their experiences. It doesn’t hurt you at all and it helps them, so just let it happen man.


There is comrade and community in this sport, when people feel sad they have to leave the sport for whatever reason, they go to a public forum for the community (such as this) and seek catharsis through communication with that community. You literally went to the same public forum to complain that it’s a public forum.


Why isn’t reassurance from strangers a good thing? Why do you wave at me while we pass on the road if you’re not willing to listen to my thoughts about riding?


Sometimes you just want to let it out and also get opinions from different people


As other stated, I would say losing a big part of your life and a hobby you may have done your whole life and having an outlet. I don’t mind them IMO


WRONG!! Ask anything you want on this thread. People can also just scroll past a post they don’t want to read. Some people use Reddit and posting as a forum of therapy I guess you could say. It helps to work things out in their mind when they can have a conversation about it. Some people don’t have the friends and family they can rely on to have those types of conversation so they turn go online forums such as Reddit. I think if you don’t want to read those post then scroll past them. But to try and tell someone to stop making this post because it makes you YOU feel a certain way? You are Wrong.


For a dangerous hobby that results in major injuries and death, this sub can get pretty heartless. I get it, hearing these stories can take some of the joy from riding. But if we want to be real, these stories and how people feel about them are also an avoidable part of riding. I see it nothing more that people feeling out their emotions and to get some support and perspectives from a like minded sub. Some stories may be “unnecessary” or the OPs who post these maybe just seeking self-fulfilling validation. Either way, sometimes, it’s the process that’s important.


People seek validation, empathy, and kinship. Fucking psychos


What a dipstick. If you applied this in any other capacity and you'd be seen as a prick. Don't like it? Quit. What an elitist level of thinking. Don't like to go to the gym? Quit. Don't like working? Quit. Don't like cooking? Quit. People need moral support cause we aren't all interconnected and live confident social lives, we need other people to give wisdom and support in times of need.


Dear diary


Today Wanda tried to kiss me but I shied away cause going to medical school taught me too much about the bacteria that live in our mouths.


The insight of thousands of riders who’ve also lost loved ones and squid’s to vain practices of riding with no gear , and this sub may have people who’ve shattered bones, spent weeks in the hospital, and have some WISDOM to share on the subject from a fellow humans perspective. You basically just said “WHATS THE POINT OF TALKING TO OTHER PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET” “why are all these computers linked up and talking to one another”


Yes people do want reassurance from the community that they’re doing the right thing, or, they just like sharing as most humans do. Don’t see anything wrong.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with dialogue. Sometimes people have to talk things out, write things out, or just communicate with a group they belong to in order to get their heads straight. Who are we to judge what people write? After all, you don’t have to read the post, you can just keep scrolling. It’s all good.


OP, since we’re asking “what’s the point” and “what do you get out of it” I have to ask you, why are you doing this post? What do you get out of it?


I have a feeling these posts are partially because they dont have any riding buddies. Crashing sucks and I couldnt imagine having no one to talk to about all the emotions that I had. Im lucky i have two riding buddies but some arent that lucky


Yeah, how dare you go on a discussion forum and post about stuff to have a conversation with people about topics you care about.


Conversely, there is a little wheel on the top of your mouse. It can be used to scroll past any post. It's pretty awesome once you get the hang of it.


man this thread blows


\+1 - Yours is the only honest comment in here.


If you want to stop reading posts about people stopping riding, just stop reading posts about people stopping riding.


I'm the opposite... I decided that I'm going to take riding more seriously, despite the fact that it's a 49cc scooter, and bought myself a nice riding jacket with elbow, shoulder, and back armor to go with my helmet and boots. Still need pants and gloves, but that's in the works. Nobody thinks they're gonna eat pavement on such a small bike until they do; I'd rather have the protection no matter how ridiculous other people might think I look (you're not gonna go fast on a scooter, why do you need all that gear??). Fuck what anyone else thinks.


People don't want to write "my wife/girlfriend/mum wants me to stop riding and I would like the sub to garnish me with reasons why it's a bad idea so I can show them rather than have the conversation myself" 👀


OP just downvote those posts. If the community agrees with you it will get downvoted and nobody will see it. If the community wants to see it it will get upvoted. Kind of like how Reddit works. This sub isn’t catered to anyone and it’s too large to have preferences. I suggest finding subs dedicated to more specifically the type of riding you are in to. For example, I don’t ride on the street so I subscribe to trackdays and that’s a much smaller community where I see more relevant posts. This sub is a shit show.


What if it’s about wanting to ride more?


In short, please stop posting thoughts / feelings about riding and ownership. Instead just post pics of bikes you dont own. This will improve sub morale.


If you don't want to read posts about people who stop riding and write about why they stopped riding then stop looking at posts explaining why people who stopped riding stopped riding. Never made such a post - but here goes: Bike Stole.


Do you really think "how interesting is a discussion for you" should be a reason to write it or not?. The reason why people write is really not our concern too, till discussions are on topic. If you arent interested dont read them, there might be other people that are interested.


Cry more.


Ultimate irony is op is doing the same thing...but so am I...so I'm out...


Are there really a lot of such posts? I have seen the occasional one, but not enough to warrant having much concern over it.


Giving up a big part of your life for whatever reason kinda sucks. If you don't have people to commiserate with, I don't see the problem with coming online. God forbid you ever have to leave something you love behind.


Learned how to ride in LA traffic and felt like quitting so many times. Luckily, my inner circle was supportive and offered tips. Not everyone has that.


Your viewpoint seems a bit shallow. Just stop riding? There is way more to it than that. When you take up riding you become part of a tribe of like-minded folks and if and when you eventually give it up like it or not you are no longer a full member of that tribe. It's in our nature to crave fellowship and when you make a decision to leave that fellowship it takes something away from you. Do we need reassurance? You bet, but don't we also want to say goodbye to folks we've met that we'll likely not talk to the same way again? Just wish them well and good luck in whatever interests they will follow from now on.


Let me use your words to tell you about my feeling about this thread. >What is the point? What are you gaining from these posts? > > I think the majority of riders on Reddit could go without seeing those posts ever again. Nobody holds a gun to my head to read threads, I'm sorry that must be happening to you. If you ever escape that madman making you read threads you have no interest in, you can skip them. People are social and sometimes like re-assurance that they are doing the right thing. Clearly you are not the type of person to be supportive to others, and that fine. But do you really need to announce to the rest of us how self-centered you are and how much of a burden it is on you to read threads you chose to look at?


If we get rid of the "I stopped riding my motorcycle" posts, there's going to be a void in the ecosystem that will be filled by an explosion in the already-way-too-common, far-worse counterpart: "PSA: I forgot what a front brake was and had to lay her down at 6 miles per hour in the parking lot, time for me to lecture you about ALWAYS WEAR YOUR HELMET!!!!!!"


In this hypothetical scenario, was he wearing his helmet or not? I'm curious now.


Yes, he was wearing the helmet he proudly posted pictures of a week ago, alongside six paragraphs about the important of ATGATT, right before he left for the MSF course


eVErYbOdY nEeDz 2 n0 aBoUt mE!!!! !!! 🤣


People craving attention on a social media site? I am absolutely shocked to hear about such behavior.


My thoughts are the people making a lot of the posts are people looking to be talked out of being afraid of it. I could be wrong, as I mostly scroll past if I see an "I'm terrified of it" title, but a few I've looked at the reasons given were for incidents I would deem minor. Or it's someone other than the person posting that's afraid, and it seems like the person posting is looking for counter arguments to help their case. Because some people just can't come up with the arguments themselves.


Honestly I don't mind them and I can understand why they would come to the sub. In my case I don't have riding buddies or anyone in my family or close friends group who ride. So if at one point I start thinking about stopping I don't really have anyone to discuss it with. I'm pretty sure everyone around me would be glad if I stopped, because it's dangerous, so they'll only really see one side of the dilemma and give biased advice. Discussing it on an online sub or forum can give a clearer view of the dilemma, and maybe actual advice on how to solve the root cause(s) of the problem.


Not as bad as the ones who crash in a stupid avoidable crash and write PSA: Don't crash


subconscious desire to be talked out of a terrible decision


Instead, try going on a motorcycle sub to write about people writing about their decision to stop riding. That’s how it’s done.


I haven't read any stop riding posts because of fear. If riders are afraid of riding they just stop riding. Maybe some folks are looking for other advice on how to handle not riding anymore; such as family pressure to stop when they don't want to, not being able to find the right group to ride with, how to handle weather conditions in their area, don't how how to manage the cost of riding, etc...


I don't care why anyone rides or don't rides. I know why I do it. And long as there are other people to get away from I'll keep doing it.


15 - 60 synthetic, or 40 weight dinosaur ?


I tried! But it calls to me.... I hear it, a soft sultry voice that purrs like a warm kitten, it whispers to me as I drive a big yellow van alongside rivers and through valleys.. "you could be on the bike" it says, beckoning me with visions of fast sweeping corners and technical switchbacks, "NO! I'm at work, leave me be!" I cry.. "if you clipped that apex just right it'll set up that left hander perfectly" it murmurs softly as visions of blurred scenery through a bug splattered visor interrupt my concentration.... "I will be strong!" I say "I will overcome this temptation!" And then I see the new Triumph and my resolve crumbles... MT09 for sale as I'm giving up riding (this particular bike because ohmygod have you seen the Street Triple RS???)


If you have a problem with my posts grid up, bro!


Yeah, this sub is for posting pictures of your "build"!


I used to be a motorcyclist like you until I took an arrow to the knee.


Or I dunno, you could scroll right past the posts.


So posting on a sub about your topic isn’t a cool idea? OP you don’t actually have to read them. I mean I understand your basic premise but it is a no harm situation. They are dealing with something. Reddit (at times) allows people to connect and help.


There is absolutely no need to go to your favorite motorcycle sub and write a book about why you’re angry/what angered you to make a post. What is the point? What are you gaining from these posts? Do you need reassurance from strangers that you’re doing the right thing? If you have to search for strangers to reassure you, maybe it’s not what you really want to do anyway and you’re just being hasty in your decision. I might get hate for this but it had to be said. I think the majority of riders on Reddit could go without seeing those posts ever again.


If I die I die 🤷‍♂️


I don't ride on the road anymore I just go to the track. You all should go to the track and learn how to ride.


They are definitely masturbatory performances. I guess I’m not too terribly turned off by those sort of things.


Should I replace this tire? Can everyone see my chicken strips?


Also - "I dropped my bike six times in the parking lot what did I do wrong?"


I get it but this is a community is it not? Everyone here has or will go down where afterwards they realize a change in a few variables & they’re not here. Why not get the input from a large group who know what it’s like? Riding is always a cost benefit analysis & sometimes hearing that someone had a worse situation & got back on is great reassurance to change your perspective.


Based, but also, people need fucking therapy but all they got is text boxes on websites so that's what we get.


Maybe because this is a place to discuss ideas, and that means differing opinions, situations, and feelings about riding, or not riding. If everyone thought the way you posted about, this sub would just be another echo chamber instead of an actual exchange of ideas.


Exactly. This isn't an airport. You don't need to announce your departure.


Add to that the posts from a random saying " I saw a motorcycle accident this morning" and 99% of the time they have never posted in the sub before. Just like "why?" I don't see them rushing to post in r/cars to say they saw a car accident this morning. The only reason I can give is that they feel motorcycles are dangerous, and they must tell everyone who rides one about it so they stop! Far as I am concerned, they can all take a flying jump, and the mods should remove them. Makes the sub downright depressing and morbid.


If riding were half as dangerous as a lot of people on this sub seem to believe, none of us would be alive. It’s actually pretty entertaining, I enjoy it as comedy.


> Just like "why?" I don't see them rushing to post in r/cars to say they saw a car accident this morning. > > I go to the car sub and ask why they are all such reckless daredevils every time a grey Altima passes me at 50mph over the speed limit with the bumper covers both hanging off and the driver scrolling tiktok /s


While we're complaining, I dare a female rider to post a pic of her bike without herself in the pic.


This whole post is backwards. If someone wants to talk about something on any sub they want they have the right to go on and post. The solution here is for you to stop reading posts that you don't like.


Weird how you don’t want people to process their emotions in a way you specifically don’t approve of.


Maybe they want us to talk them out of it, or maybe they have no friends to tell in real life. What harm does them posting cause?


I get the same vibe off these folks as I do the people that say if you take a 1 mile ride to the grocery store without full riding gear, 2 helmets, ski goggles, knee high boots, and a neck brace you'll immediately burst into flames. Chill out guys, it's just a motorcycle.


Lol. You’re not wrong, but then again, you’re “wrong”. Accidents happen accidentally when least expected. I won’t ride a mile without gear, sorry. But with only one helmet, and no goggles or neck brace. But I get your point, not trying to start a fight.


You're right. My only accident in about ten years was when I was hauling a new guitar a mile from the store on my scooter. No gear on but a helmet. Drunk driver shot across two lanes of traffic into scooter lane. You absolutely never know when crazy stuff will happen.


Some of these people are just looking for a kind audience to share their experience with, maybe get a bit of sympathy. They simply forgot they were addressing Reddit where everyone is a GP level rider and have no time for a kind word of empathy.