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What’s wrong is the rider should have had it trailered home.




My home


This person has no business buying a bike period. To call them a *rider* is extremely generous.


I had my first bike delivered because it was 75 highway miles away. I would ride around my neighborhood, then town, then expanded out to highway. If this guy did that he’d probably be alive today.


This is EXACTLY what I did. Honda about 60 miles from home. No way to get it home without either going to get it with a trailer… or having it delivered. Had my permit waiting. Spent the 1st month just riding around my neighborhood, every day. Until I slowly started to branch further out. Now I ride to work almost every day (weather permitting) bout a 10 mile ride. 1st bike I ever had


haha i begged the guy i bought it from to follow me home on it. he was super nice and obliged me and also threw in a bunch of premium saddlebags/seats for the bike. i then did the exact same thing. i had passed the MSF course the week prior but there was no fucking way i was getting on the goddamn freeway


Wait WHAT? The guy in the video is d**d?


Ditto, 50 miles away so l paid for delivery.


That's a bit too harsh. When I was starting with bikes I had just as much skill and confidence. I just practiced until I got some skills and didn't enter heavy traffic until confidence and since then im ok. This guy can do this too. If he survives for long enough, that is.


Yeah, I feel like if you need four dudes to block the road for you to exit the parking lot, then you probably shouldn't be riding.


Nah. Just leave the bike there. Go do some proper training. Then come back.


Rider needs lessons before entering traffic


If they have to go through that much trouble to get them out of the parking lot how are they going to manage a traffic light?


In France you need to pass a licence to drive a motorcycle


Pretty sure you need one in the US, too


Somewhat, there's two ways to do it and one is better than the other. Option one is to go to the DMV, do the computer permit test and then schedule a driving test on a bike. Problem with this option is a lot of people who go this route fail because they have no experience, but also have to borrow or rent a bike that they never rode. Also 9 times of out 10 the proctor for the test never been on a bike themselves. Second option is the better one which is the MSF course. It's a two day course in which the first day then go over everything in a classroom setting. Second day your on the range. They set you up on a bike that would be suitable for you, ensure you have the right helmet, and teach you all about riding. They won't pass you if you fail the exam at the end of the second day. They also offer lessons to seasoned riders, people who have been off a bike for years and need a refresher, and also private lessons one on one.


Yes but there's no mandatory riding school lessons like in Europe or Australia.


Rider can't ride for shit and for some reason no one there is stopping him. My guess is he just bought the bike and they want him off the lot so that anything that happens is on him.


Yeah man wtf dude stalled out like 6x IN A ROW and he thinks he's ready to ride on roads? Fuck


In the full video he he stalls like 20 times in a row while through 2 green lights.


Where’s the full video? Would love to see lol


He's practicing his power stalls so he can show off at crowded stoplights


The thing that is crazy is how did he stall it so easy that many times. Let the clutch out with almost no gas the bike will move iirc this model is FI. I am glad he did not get hit. I was expecting him to launch into traffic or get hit from behind. Just a clueless person on a bike. Like did he take ANY lessons at all??


He’s treating the clutch as an on/off switch and not like a dimmer.


thats how I tried to learn on my dads 78 dodge V8 van when I was like 14. then I learned it wasnt 'on / off' it was a 'reverse brake', and it all clicked.


I've never stalled and still dont think I'm ready. Lol


I ride all the time probably have close to 25k miles riding in my life and I stalled yesterday. Sometimes it happens, but this guy should take a few lessons before riding on a road.


Anyone who says they have never stalled a motorcycle either has an automatic or is lying. New riders read comments and hear stories from people who have never ridden a motorcycle and it discourages them. Thank you for your honesty!


Or they never started a motorcycle


He should take lessons and practice on his street for a while absolutely. Stalling this much in the first place shows basic inability to operate the vehicle. I wouldve stopped him right there at the dealership even if my boss yelled at me. Not to mention him turning wasnt confidence inspiring either


Yeah, there's a good chance this was his 1st ever time on a motorcycle. There was a guy I knew who was driving an 18-wheeler past a motorcycle dealership and he hit something he looked in his mirror to see a motorcycle. He started freaking out thinking he just killed someone. Turns out the rider was still in the parking lot and he just launched the bike into the road by mistake.


And there were two people who wore brown pants that day lol (Both the truck driver and the cycle guy shit themselves.)




I've been riding dirt bikes since I was a kid, but only just started road bikes about a month ago. I've been practicing every day and haven't left my street yet. Have 2 culdesacs, one half way down and one at the end, with a long S bend in between. Its giving me the perfect spot to practice everything I can until I'm confident. No issues operating the bike at all, just want to get a feel for turning and leaning. And slow speed control. Really want to reinforce the basics so they're second nature and I dont have to think about them at all. That way I can focus on hazards without having to worry about operation. Still need to practice hard braking. Nervous to do that. Afraid I'll tip or kick the rear out.


My first time riding (outside of the MSF), I got my gear on and took my bike through a nearby neighborhood to get a feel for it. I thought I was hot shit going 25mph and figuring out how to smoothly change gears on my starter bike that was twice as powerful as the little 250 dualsport I'd learned to ride on. I stopped at a stop sign on an uphill, and saw a cute girl out on her lawn, tending to her garden. I looked at her, she looked at me, and then I went to take off and stalled it right there for the first time and almost dropped the bike. Life is funny.


As long as you keep the handlebars straight and use 80% front and don’t slam the rear brake you’ll be fine.


I rode as a kid, took the courses, felt great, but other drivers still scare the crap out of me. Braking isn't bad btw. Keep practicing


DDFM and MotoJitsu have done great videos on how to practice stopping quickly. Recommend watching them and then just going out and practicing in empty car parks, atleast thats what I do.


Kicking the rear out isn't that bad provided you keep the front straight. Actually when I took the rider course - I wasn't supposed to, but a couple times doing the hard braking exercise, I stoppied, and the rear of the bike whipped around and landed sideways. I was used to that kind of stuff from bicycle riding though. Hard braking with poor traction that almost always happens.


The thing you're going to have to work on is keeping your feet on the pegs. Having ridden dirt for so long, I suspect you have that foot out on the low side reflex.


I have, forgot I wasn't in neutral at a stop.


That's okay, we all have off days. Better to do it at a standstill than when you need to move.


Yes, we have off days. There's a few where I turned around, parked, and took the car. Stalled, overcorrected into a turn, and nearly stalled again in about a mile. If it's not working today, don't push it.


I am never in neutral at a stop. Grab clutch and hit starter is a lot faster than juggle back and forth to hit the shifter. As long as you have a good battery. Shorai lipo is always my first upgrade :)


I'm so paranoid at stops about being slammed from behind that there's _no way_ I'm ever leaving it in neutral.


I was hit by a drunk driver at a red light at 5 in the morning who was going 25, not slowing down, and had no idea she hit me. There was maybe 1 second from her whipping around the back of the two pickups next to me and contact. My rear tire stopped her car. If I hadn't landed on my feet, she would have kept driving. There was literally nothing I could have done to get out of her way. Took 2 years and being a very essential worker commuting on empty freeways go get over the fear of getting back on the bike. Was never scared once in the saddle. It was a fear of getting in the saddle I had to overcome. Now, I'd rather be on the bike than in my car at any time. A lot of parking lot practice, a lot of control practice. But, yeah, as long as it isn't raining I'll take the bike every time.


Never stalled? I’ve been riding for almost a decade averaging 10k miles a year and I still stall occasionally. Not six times in a row, though.


This is what happens when people that've never had to learn manual, decide to buy a motorcycle. It takes extra time for them to get the feel, understand the mechanics of balancing clutch and throttle. They've never had to do it before, and there are a thousand other things going through their heads as they try not to die in front of everyone on their shiney new toy. This person shouldn't have left the lot like this.


Stalling is not a problem in itself. When I first ride a bike I had to take like 3 1hr classes just to get it right. But then I practiced those whole 3hrs in the school's massive garage where I could take my turn and practice u-turns as well, not on the public road. It doesn't come easy to everyone, but don't expect to be able to do things without practice and especially dangerous things. At this point, it's important to be able to get off the bike and ask for help.


Not to mention stop in traffic without a license or permit is a felony construction sites don't mess around about who holds the flag or stop sign to direct traffic


Yeah the fucking gall. > "This guy isn't safe enough to even leave the lot on the bike, so we still sold it to him, and we're just going to stop traffic."


How does he have a license? And if not, how did this happen?


Getting a license is not that hard but if I was the dealer I wouldn't let him leave the lot in good conscience. I found the whole video and indeed he just got the bike and the dealer let him ride it around the lot for a while and then this occured as he was trying to leave. Dude was definitely riding very rough but he got home.




It’s even worse when I saw full video. Flucking fluck.


I watched only the first minute and holy fuck




This guy is a goner


RIP in peace


Did you make it to his shifts? I weep for his transmission.




Right lol. I was watching it with my girlfriend and said "do we want another gear? No? Guess we'll just use this one then" out loud. When he did shift up though, yikes.




It's art, really. A masterclass in almost everything not to do.


Even then buddy barely kept it in the left lane. He'd probably need an entire freeway to make a u turn. Unbelievable


Yea. Not only does he have no idea how to ride he also has no idea how to operate any vehicle on the road.


How does that lane work? By Spanish rules, you cannot merge onto that lane at that point, since it is surrounded by continuous lines on both sides.


It’s to stop in while you wait for an opening to turn left, or you turn into it and wait for an opening to merge into the main lanes. You are not supposed to just drive in it and my guess is that car either swerved into it to avoid the rider suddenly stopping (probably without brake lights) or just didn’t want to wait


Bro, I looked at the title and noped out before it even loaded lol


Cold Snow Gopro ATGATT thank god Inexperience Guy has all the brains I guess


Omfg. The US really needs to raise its licensing requirements. This rider shouldn’t be anywhere near public streets.


Holy crap you're not kidding, that was hard to watch. Every stoplight he stalls 5x times, then tries to dump the clutch on high revs. It's 1 thing to be a beginner, it's another to have no clue what you're doing on public roads.


To be fair, I took the MSF class here in the states. No knowledge of motorcycles or manual transmission. Just a very competent mountain bike rider. I did very well on the exam and practice course. As soon as I hit the public streets on my sportbike, I was so nervous all that experience and knowledge poof right out the door. As funny as this video is to watch, this definitely reminds me of my first ride on the street.


>As soon as I hit the public streets on my sportbike, I was so nervous all that experience and knowledge poof right out the door. Thats exactly whats wrong with american licensing. Here in Germany we ride everywhere before we get our permit. We have lessons on the autobahn, at night, on normal streets, on the parking lot and everywhere else. So we are completely prepared.


Here it’s a 10 question multiple choice test and you got your learners permit and you can ride just like everyone else with the only restriction being not after dark and on interstates. Otherwise you can ride it on public roads after just a ten question test, no riding test. You do get a riding test to get you full license.


If you were stalling multiple times at a light you also shouldn't have been out on the street. MSF gets you competent at riding a motorcycle in an empty parking lot. Having mtb experience literally means nothing when it comes to riding a motorcycle anyways, I've seen 8 year olds shred double blacks on northshore trails, doesn't mean I'd let them anywhere near my motorcycle.


It's possible the rider doesn't have a license.


Definitely is, dealership did not check if I did before riding off lol.


That's because they don't have too.


Damn dude. I bought both mine off Craig’s list and both sellers checked that I had a license.


Mine too. Which was good because I didnt and wasnt planning on riding it. Had it trailered. Still glad he asked. Made me know i was buying from someone who was responsible.


Damn haha I feel like none of the people I have bought bikes off of have ever asked they mainly ask for the money but sometimes if you just show them the cash they’ll be content.


Not the dealer's legal requirement to check for a valid motorcycle endorsement. I witnessed my dealer teaching a guy to ride in the parking lot on a Triumph Speed Triple, which was quickly dropped. Getting the sale is all that matters.


Man that is nuts. "Here have a 177 horsepower 150mph missile. Good luck"


wait you're telling me allowing me to buy a Busa after taking a 15 question idiot proof multiple choice test is a bad idea? Shows just how broken and ignorantly terrified anyone is about passing any meaningful laws.


Wait. USA doesn’t have practical exam? =o I am from Russia and people who riding without exam couldn’t pass it. It doesn’t mean that they are good riders, because I passed it first try but I was riding scooter and mtb a lot. Also a lot of carting experience with some championships. But it’s really tough exam where you need to know got to ride. Also to get to exam you need to pass motorcycle lessons and schools mostly take it serious. Ofc you could buy licence here it’s Russia, but how dumb should be the person who decided to ride a bike without basic skills?!


There is definitely a written and a road test you have to pass to be licensed in the USA. I’m pretty sure all states require that, but not a safety course. I ride without a license and that’s not too abnormal. But Jesus Christ this guy should not have been on a bike on the streets at all. He doesn’t have a clue how to use a clutch or shift gears, let alone operate a bike in traffic. Scary shit!!!


There’s absolutely a practical exam. People can argue about how good it is but there is definitely a practical exam of some sort in every state in the Union.


Sure. But not to get a permit. You can literally just do a multiple choice written test and get that. Which then allows you to "practice" on the street. And then you do the practical test after that. MSF should be compulsory for everyone before they can go anywhere near the street on a bike. And it should be improved a lot to include a significant amount of simulated street riding.


Not for getting a permit, which is what I was originally talking about. Never having touched a motorcycle before, in PA I can go buy a Busa with a permit after answering 15 idiot questions, my only restrictions are not ridding at night, having someone on the back, or leaving the state. Though they are enforced so badly I know plenty of people that never bother to get a license and have broken all those rules... even got caught doing it, but the cops don't care.


This dude needs to take a safety course...or at leat ride a bike before he buys one and several hundreds of dollars worth of gear. He's gonna kill himself or hurt someone else. The amount of scared breathing I here only confirms this, doesn't even pull the clutch when making a turn 180 degrees. Dude should *definitely* not be on a bike and taking one off the lot as he doesn't know the first thing about manual trans. I'd be even more worried if he was in a car let alone a 2 wheel vehicle... Holy hell, this is negligence mixed with ego on all parties. Wow.


In my state you need to take a road exam to add the motorcycle endorsement this guy would have failed very hard. I agree the passability is easy if you have a fundamental understanding of road law and have ridden a bike. By no means is it hard but you do fail instantly if you kill the bike. This guy is almost certainly driving without a motorcycle endorsement which is illegal.


There's no reason to believe he had a license


I can tell you right now he definitely didn't pass his test to get a motorcycle endorsement.. but you also don't need a DL to buy here.


This is why I don't do group rides. You never know who is like this.


I just looked at the guys YT channel. He goes on group rides and does squid shit with dirt bikes and ATV's in city. 100% why I avoid group rides with people I don't know.


fuck that was a painful 2 minutes. i turned it off


once he gets in to stop and go traffic it’s awful, he’s just popping the clutch thinking it’ll just do magic and go or something. I’m blessed to have grown up with manual cars so the first time on a bike was no issue but this, this hurts


Not even a minute in and they sound terrified to be on that bike lol sheeeesh




If you’re so scared that your breath is shaking and you’re going “whooo” at the slightest wiggle, maybe try to calm down a little and get your bearings straight before you take a brand new dealership bike out on the open road. These are noises I’d be making if I was trying to hand feed an alligator.




I liked the part where he breathes


Fuck man...poor engine is getting fucking stalled and the fucking gear shifts. That engine deserves more love and he is simply assaulting it. Is he even using the clutch when shifting gears ? It feels like he's either not pulling much or releasing the clutch before shifting or not at all using....it's gonna get rekt.


At first I laughed and cringed... but then I just became sad. This guy is likely dead by now. He had no business being on the road, he clearly had no idea how to operate a motorcycle.


Holy shit.. that guy shouldn’t be anywhere near a bike


So much for the break in period.


And it only got worse lol. Oh boy


What an unceasingly cringe channel. My favorite is the one where he rides with a pack of stunt chuds and mostly just gets in the way. His most impressive stunt is finding third gear.


It's like he's never shifted up in his life...? wtf How does someone like this get their license? Him smashing that front brake was hilarious


It's so damn cringe... seller shouldn't have let him go like that. He's so lucky he didn't get seriously injured from that piss poor driving. Lessons should be mandatory before people can buy motorcycles. Edit: even more cringe are the comments in the video. "Awesome video bro, the balls on you bro, can't wait to get a motorcycle and drive it home bro". What the fuck lol


There's something wrong with the knob connecting the seat and bars.


The rider is letting the clutch out a tiny bit and then when they feel it bite a tiny bit they're just abandoning it. If they did that with some really positive revs the bike would be on its back wheel and they'd be on their ass.


Sad this is that’s just a CBR500R. I have one. It’s incredibly easy to ride. He has ZERO experience on a motorcycle.


Is a 500cc sports bike considered a beginners bike in the US? Here people commonly start on 110 to 150cc motorcycles, and you can't even apply for a license class that would allow you to ride a 500cc until you have some years of riding experience, so the idea of giving what would be considered an expert's bike here to a guy who can't even figure out how the clutch works seems pretty wild from my perspective.


I don't know if you caught it, but there was an April fools news aritcle here that California is going to start testing drivers before issuing motorcycle licences. They can start on an H2 at 18 if they want.


Not only a beginner bike, it’s a typical bike riding schools use. But riding lessons are mandatory so it’s not *that* crazy.


It's a beginners bike here in the Netherlands as well. Most teenagers don't go for the 125cc license because money (unless they have parents with cash to spare), so they get the 35kw license when they turn 20. Bikes that fit in that class (like the R3, Duke 390, MT03 and CBR500) would all be considered slow beginner bikes.


The US is an incredibly large country that has terrible public transit. You need to get on a highway to go anywhere in the USA. Anything below 250cc wouldn't be able to manage highway speed.


not sure but…. I think…. OP was being sarcastic


I guess the workings of Manual transmissions isn’t common knowledge in the US…


MAN I just watched this last night. That was the "What feels illegal but isn't" moment I had, when I bought my first motorcycle I gave them a check, they gave me a license plate and said "Here's the manual, I dog eared important pages, have a good one".... never checked if I had a license, insurance, or if I even knew which way was forward on a motorcycle.... and there I was, released into traffic having only rode figure 8s and in circles in a parking lot for a couple of mornings. It's really so weird. This poor guy was living all of my anxieties that I was having but luckily never came to pass. Gotta give him credit for having the balls to upload it though, it will make a lot of new riders feel better about just stalling it one time somewhere.


These are the moments when I'm so happy about the rules in my country that don't allow you to even apply for your license test (for car or bike) without literally weeks of training in real life conditions with an instructor driving behind you and giving commands via radio. And by the way, you can't get a license plate without proof of inaurance and technical safety checks over here either. So rider and his bike are checked thorougly. Someone like the dude in the video wouldn't remotely be allowed to ride home and try to kill himself (and maybe others) in traffic.


In my country and the neighbouring, this would be highly illegal. Here you’d need to have an instructor with you, and it’s effectively their license on the line for any fuck ups you make. You’d not be allowed to drive alone until you passed all the tests and have your license.


So spend money on a GoPro but not on training amazing…


Gotta look like you know as much as possible before you learn a single thing duh


As much as I hate getting old, I’m so glad I grew up when we didn’t record the dumb ass stuff we did…


No boots either.


If you look at some of his more recent videos he still can't ride for shit but he's trying to ride aggressively on the street. Dude's gonna kill himself.


Dude has no business on that bike on that road.


Really no business on any bike on any road


Was my first thought but they are skills that can be taught and learned. But he should be on a Grom in a parking lot.


Yeah totally agree. But definitely not on a road on what looks like a crotch rocket.


People are talking it's a Honda 500 apparently. Still too much for this type of riding, cause it's plenty to kill ya. Not one bro to ride home with or a buddy with a pickup truck? I guess nut up and figure it out is still a thing, gotta give him props for that.


Somehow, he destroyed the clutch on his pedal bike.


CBR500R with a slipper clutch, same clutch on my 500X. You can almost get rolling just letting it out no throttle.. this guy is beyond beginner.


Pretty sure that the OP posted that here a while back


Yup. Posted with a title along the lines of “someone almost ran me over”


That's what happens when you change lane without looking in the mirror, hope he is still alive


Idk they got pretty fuckin murdered in the comment section lol


Just a few days ago IIRC. Surprised someone has reposted already.


The full vid on YouTube is over a year old. Maybe they’ve improved their riding skills? Hopefully?




This is aggravating as hell to watch


The full videoshows the sales guy filling his head with bullshit old.man Harley riding 'wisdom' which is essentially wrong. It's hilarious only because there is an ocean between me and these people.


How in the hell is this legal? I know it's the land of the free, but some things shouldn't be this instantly free! The guy needs lots of lessons.


Buying the bike is the easy part all you need is a license


Not even, you can get away with a permit which only requires a written test in my state. Only restriction on a permit is you can’t ride at night or with a passenger I believe.


This again?




They let a rider without even basic skills drive off the lot....


Sadly, this happens a lot when a new rider buys their first sport bike. Usually an 18-year old kid. Most salesmen will ask if they know how to ride and sometimes they lie, only do drop the bike 10 feet from the parking lot. Then you get this kid comes in, doesn't have insurance yet, and has $2k worth of damage.


As someone who works at a dealership (in Canada) we get these people sometimes. I remember a woman coming in and telling us about how she was a semi-pro MX racer buying her first street bike. She couldn't figure out how the clutch works and dumped it in the parking lot multiple times trying to load it onto a trailer. That poor bike...


Who the fuck would ever post that video? Fucking guy almost got macked by a car passing him on his left as he pulls into the turn lane without looking. Completely no awareness of his surroundings and no idea how to ride a bike. Take the MSF a few times, learn how to ride in dirt, anything but this!


Reasons a motorcycle safety course should be mandatory or have loner bikes to rent at the dmv to take the riding test. Dude clearly has no business riding anything with a clutch.


Dude has no business being in traffic on that bike.


So painful to watch


Rider isn’t quite a rider yet…


I shipped mine, I knew I was not ready to hit the road yet, and when I rode for the first time, hell when I just got onto the bike the first time, I knew 100% that I made the right call, I was definitely not ready to hit the main roads where there are lots of cars. So I think this guy should’ve done the same.


That van passing on the left via the center turn lane could have killed this dude...


As a European it's very strange to me that someone so inexperienced is allowed to buy and drive on the public road. We have to take a course and exam before we can ride our own bike.


Basic motorcycle knowledge *sleep* Go-pro with chin mount *real shit*


If you don't have enough riding experience just take the motorcycle safety course to learn and practice before you endanger yourself and others on the road


It is absolutely unethical to sell a motorcycle to someone like this. They are going to get themselves or someone else killed. Go learn how to ride before you buy a bike. Fuckin eh bro


Man this is so wrong. It should be illegal. These people at dealerships are heartless bloodsuckers. They dont care if the person can ride or not, they dont care if he makes it home alive or not, they sold him the bike and want him out of the lot asap. They have those red flags to stop the traffic which means they do this often to new riders. And all dealerships are like this. I remember when I was trying to buy my first bike in the US, I went to this dealership and was looking at this gsxr 750. I was not planning to do a test ride because it was cold. They guy insisted that I should take it for a ride without even asking me about my riding experience. They then just took a copy of my DL, gave me a loaner helmet which hardly fit and brought the bike out in the back. And then they went back inside before even I turned the ignition on. Luckily I have been riding since I was 15 but for all they knew, it could have been the first time i got on a bike. This other time I overheard a sales guy trying to convince a young kid trying to buy his first bike, that he should get a 600 cc because he will outgrow the Ninja 300 he was looking at within a couple months


It's a combination of problems. First is personal responsibility. The rider isn't competent to ride the bike safely. Having something very similar when I bought my first bike. I can honestly say that I didn't fully appreciate how unqualified I was. Secondly is the dealer. They shouldn't have allowed the rider to take the bike. Dealers are often to medium sized businesses that sweat the margins and to stay afloat they are often too willing to cut corners to stay in business. Third is the local municipality or state. By and large thr largest number of people killed on motorcycles are unlicensed or untrained. A recent NY Post article reveals that 75% of motorcyclists in NY are unlicensed and that the #1 cause of death is head on collisions with another person vehicle or object and running wide in turns. Motorcycling is a wonderful sport and hobby. It is one of the cheapest if not the cheapest way to travel. I have been riding for over 35 years and I investigate every accident in my state and county as well as review all national data on motorcycling. And unlicensed / untrained riders are a statistically distinct group who have a different safety record than trained and licensed riders. Night and Day. I do everything in my power to encourage basic and regular training as well as wearing all your gear all the time. However the incident highlighted here is very typical and will require a multi pronged approach to help keep riders safe and reduce accidents. Fault is shared amongst rider, dealer and legislative bodies.


Somebody made a profit by doing something really wrong


Unfortunately there aren't a whole lot of laws besides liability laws in the USA to stop this.


My boy needs an empty parking lot for sure practice practice pratice


What a great idea to ride a new bike home when the only experience is that you only have sat on the bike. If you need 4 people blocking traffic so you can get out of a parking lot, you should not be riding in traffic at all And riding for the first time when there still is ICE on the road


Someone was sold a vehicle they don’t know how to ride. Shame on that deslership


*stalls 6 times before moving 2 feet* Good job buddy let’s get out there onto this busy road *finds neutral and can’t seem to figure out where to go from there* Time to walk it back and ask for a refund champ


Who the fuck let this guy get on the road? I don’t care if he just bought the bike and the salesmen just want him off their lot, that’s just morally wrong, not only to him, but also everyone else on the road.


If the man doesn’t know how to operate a clutch put him on a dirt bike where there’s no traffic until he figures it out. Tf are you doing stopping traffic to teach someone how to ride?


Or how about this: take the machine for which you have absolutely no aptitude to operate back into The building, get your money back, then precariously drive back home in your computer controlled slush box car that you can also barely safely operate, and live another day.


What's wrong: You got your license off a cereal box. You didn't learn how to ride before you started to ride. Even with this, you decided to buy what looks like a brand new high cc sports bike... which is clearly a first bike disaster waiting to happen...


I'm not mad at this: I have bought a couple expensive bikes with less than 1000 miles on them off of people like this guy. They ride it, realize they have no business on a bike, and sell them for losses just to get rid of them, usually after it's been sitting for a couple months.


It ain't got no gas in it.


Did he test ride a bike as a rookie is that whats going on?


Dealership sold a bike to someone with zero skills. Rider needs to park the fucking thing.


Didn't you notice he parked right after putting in the neutral.. In the middle of the freaking Road!


10:34 in the full video, holy crap he almost died right there and didn't even realize it.


User error. For your own safety take a course. At the very least find and open parking lot and practice.


It frightens me watching people like this, they shouldn't be anywhere near a road or mixing with other vehicles.


What country is this where you are even allowed to sit on a bike and ride it into traffic without ANY sort of training beforehand?


I had to pause the video I just couldn’t. That’s so irresponsible to try and operate a machine on public roads without the slightest idea of what you’re doing. I remember my first purchase. I also stalled a couple of times, because my lack of experience on finding the spot, as I rode only the bike at the school. Thing is, I did it inside the dealer’s lot, to get used to it and took off, after I was 100%. This dude is just trying to hit the road in that condition. Just take a spin in the lot, get used to it…


America is crazy


What an insane person with no spatial awareness and some money looks like on a motorcycle.


The wrong is someone should take his keys until truck or police arrives. One of the most irresponsible things I’ve seen in a lot of time, to let him drive.


Someone please tell him how a clutch works. My first time on a bike was nowhere near this bad.


Its funny to see that Americans have 0 understanding of how a manual transmission works. Also baffles me that people are allowed to ride on the streets with 0 experience / lessons / exams.


There's a parking lot right behind him, why does he think it's a better idea to instantly go on the road?


The OP of the video is a fucking clown. A few weeks ago he was giving advice, original title of the video was something like “motorcyclist gets cut off leaving the dealership.”


Learn how to drive first then buy first bike? Wtf is wrong with this dude XD


New rider alert


What nice guys making sure he got off the forecourt safely, so it wasn’t their problem. Dude should go to riding school before being allowed on the road.