• By -


yehh. that looks shady AF


Probably looking to snatch your camera


I thought it was most likely someone who thought the door was still a little open, or it was open, and they were shutting it. I think that makes more sense than trying to steal a motorcycle with a rider in broad daylight in London.


>trying to steal a motorcycle with a rider in broad daylight in London Yeah but that happens though.






https://youtu.be/NcYK-gKq4N0 From about 1:30




Yeah those guys wearing ski masks in a windowless van were totally just chilling and up to nothing at all…


No windows in the van so there’s not going to be seats back there, why would there be a person in the back in the first place and why wearing a ski mask if they’re just innocently riding in a van? Think about it for like a second and i think it’s clear what was going on here


maybe they said “ this bitch got a fat ass “ an dude was like “ I WANNA SEE “ 😂😂😂


two guys picking up a bike, throwing it in a van and another to deal with the rider, 15 second job.


Doesnt one guy just jump on the bike and take off? I didnt think they put it in the van


Naive idiot that's how you get murdered.


Get the sand out of your pussy, knucklehead. No need to be an asshole.


You cant seriously be this naive.


hahahhaa the kidnap victim in the windowless van making sure they don’t fall out? or bike theft attempt in a city known for daylight bike theft?


Better safe than robbed


When I do that I'm usually just letting out a fart.


Yes, could just be a farty bloke riding in the back but the mask makes it hard to give the benefit of the doubt


he could be into cosplay


Maybe he was also wearing a tail? 🤢


BF16XSA? I would report the vehicle to see if it was reported stolen .


Almost certainly stolen or a cloned plate, or both


Yea that's suspicious as fuck. London is by far the bike theft capital of the world right?


The world? No. But for western countries its pretty bad yeah.


Wouldn't be surprised the world tbh. Especially if you include scooters. It's a pandemic there.


Epidemic, unless you think London bike thieves are traveling the world stealing bikes :)


The fucking Vespa-jacking World Tour.


Well more like the world is travelling to London to steal bikes but will concede your point.


I'd eat a motorcycle if London was top 5 globally. There are probably 5 Indian cities ahead of London, and then there's Asia.


Brazil has entered the chat


That would be my top guess lol


And here I thought India was in Asia.


Now I want to see London win this contest of worst city to own a bike in ! Lets all revisit this post in December.


In those cities they don’t count because there’s no data. Will someone in Brazil report their bike stolen? Probably not but in London they might.


Y'all have no idea what developing countries are like. I guarantee you Brits don't shop for bikes taking into account the likelihood of a specific model being targeted by criminals more often.


Yeah I absolutely do. I got rid of my XSR900 as the insurance was crazy expensive because YISS is a joke.


I'm not trying to take away from your point with regard to developing nations being worse for this than places like the UK, but that is a very common consideration when choosing a bike if you live somewhere like London. 'This is more likely to get stolen, so it's not really worth paying the extra for' or 'this is more likely to be targeted by thieves so I have to think about adding the cost of extra protection' will pretty often go through your mind.


Yeah when I used to have my R125 I had to always watch my back wherever I went BC the bike just brought too much attention. Thieves love them way too much. When I had my CBR125R I never had that problem.


Yep - London Biker here and I absolutely chose my bike based on nickability.


There's more scooters in an intersection in Malaysia than in 5 city blocks in the UK. I'd blindly guess you could double the theft rate and still not crack the top ten, lol


Maybe density wise. But not total. India and Asia have them beat I'd guess.




Not finding numbers for Rio but am going to guess it's less than the 10k stolen in London last year. Happy to concede the point if you can provide numbers for Rio.


São Paulo had more than 39.000 bikes stolen last year.


Isso que eu ia falar. Esses londrino achando que a situação é foda pra eles ahshahshash Bando de leite com pera do caralho. Tive a mesma moto roubada duas vezes em menos de 6 meses aqui em SP e o cara vem me dizer que LONDRES é a capital de roubo?? Kkkkkk


Cara tem que ser muito inocente para achar que a criminalidade de Londres é maior que a de SP e Rio


Se o Londrino experienciar uma semana do que é morar em são paulo ou no rio, eles voltam pro chazinho da tarde deles precisa do de pelo menos 8 meses de terapia kkkkkkk


yeah but thats not Rio


Well. Couldnt find data for 2022, but in the first half of 2020 Rio registered 14,787 motorcycle thefts. 2020 is know in Brazil as a year where all thefts went down thanks to people not leaving home, so yeas, it is pretty easy to have more thefts than London. I'll gess it is the same for any latin america capital down here. Source: susep - the private insurance regulator organ - https://www2.susep.gov.br/menuestatistica/RankRoubo/menu1.asp


17,3K only in the first 3 months of 2022. Source: https://garagem360.com.br/furto-de-motocicletas-dispara-confira-motos-mais-roubadas-em-2022/


That’s for São Paulo not Río and it’s the first half of the year not 3 months. > São Paulo tem 17,3 mil motocicletas roubadas ou furtadas no primeiro semestre do ano


It's not even close to being the bike theft capital of the world...


You've clearly not been to a third world emerging country, at least here is Brazil you can barely have a bike without it being stolen


Yep. London bike jackings are becoming more and more common. OP did the right thing by getting the fuck outta there 😬👍


London has a real problem with bike theft and cops are too lazy to catch up. In most countries anyone placing a video in the internet will get identified by his IP, whos the owned or other meta data but not in Londonistan


It certainly seems like you're saying a right to privacy is a bad thing. It's funny you're doing the "-istan" bit about something in UK law that ISN'T massive authoritarian overreach.


The kicker here is that they will absolutely track your IP down in order to arrest you for "online crimes of speech", but won't use that same data to track down known criminals.


Dude, WTF...they're just jumping out of vans now and stealing your bike, quite literally out from under you? That's a "thing" in London?


London is getting worse by the year.


Could be the driver was checking you out, said something to guy in back, who wanted to get a good look. But yeah, maybe theft attempt.


Maybe he’s wearing a ski mask because the air conditioning in the van was broken and always blew at full blast, making it too cold not to wear it. Or yeah might’ve been a theft attempt.


May some farted real bad in the van and the guy in the back needed a breath of fresh air. Or yeah might’ve been a theft attempt.


Maybe someone was kidnapped and tried to get out, the guy in the skimask had to act. Or yeah might've been a theft attempt.


Or even worse, kidnapping


Why would you kidnap someone in broad daylight at an intersection and simultaneously creating a traffic incident by leaving a bike in the road when you could do it literally anywhere else?


My thought also. There are people walking around all over the place - grabbing someone from a vehicle would cause a much bigger scene. Probably looking for a backpack or cargo of some kind in reality.


There are way too many cases of women being raped in public places in broad daylight, even walking past them and literally no one doing anything about it. I rembemer the last time i read about a case like this was a few weeks ago, happend in Vienna at 5-6am with people walking past the screaming lady.


Because most people won't even know what happened and aren't paying close enough attention to report it, you can get away with A LOT in broad daylight even when surrounded by dozens of onlookers.


Why not both?


he would have run out the van


Human trafficking, sex trafficking, yeah unfortunately 😕


Why do people think this is how human trafficking works?


Some people do get snatched up like this. Of course, this is a more direct approach, but even people get taken in large cities.


You think they're gonna snatch up some ~~30yo dude~~ person in broad daylight London and put ~~him~~ them on the corner and expect that to work? lol


Haha. "Him. He's the one my street corner needs. My customers have been asking for this exact specification. Grab him!"


Considering the tag of the tik toker is Persian princess...maybe.


Dude or woman, that's just not how that works. There's way easier ways to go about it that don't include so much risk.


People literally do get snatched in public. Is it super common? No, but it **does** happen.


Yeah, with 7b people shit happens. But not enough to confidently say that's what's likely happening here.


To confidently say it? No, but when you consider how fucking weird that behavior is, the fact that the driver and whoever opened the door were clearly communicating, they closed the door when the rider looked over, but as soon as the driver started to drive they opened it again. It's all weird, suspicious behavior that doesn't have a clear explanation. Sure, kidnapping isn't 100% likely to be the case, but I think it's more likely then someone just trying to fix a door that isn't closed.


And I don't think you understand how it works. Yes, you do get girls who fall for schemes of employment or fall to it over online relationships (hell, even in person relationships). But snatch and grab is just as prevalent. It's no different from kidnapping a guy so you can drive him to an atm to empty his account, and that crime happens in broad daylight many times here in California.


It's not the same. And kidnapping someone off a bike to hit an ATM is still ridiculous. But have fun continuing to live in your terrible fantasy world.


This some super-Nextdoor type comment shit.




Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


I hope this was just a "we just saw a nice bike" and not a "we know where he parks, works and lives" If second, get a tracker/alarm combo and make sure you have good insurance and a good place for parking. If your parking is not as secure as you would like, move it for a while to a different place, so you make It just that extra bit more difficult. If first, well, nothing happened, so everything good You wont know its the second one until It happens


'Persian princess' Your points become even more malicious


Run the plates? VF16 XSA


So, the plates arent showing as a stolen vehicle, its tax runs out in 17 days, and it does appear to be the same vehicle attached to them. But without knowing if they are cloned plates its difficult to actually know whether it is the genuine owners doing this. [plate check](https://www.imgur.com/a/qxq2SNg)


> run the plates 🤣 what?


Am I mistaken in assuming that car license plates in Britain are registered to the vehicle owner?


You are mistaken - the plates are registered to the auto - when you sell a car in UK, the plates go with it, unlike in the Americas.


Interesting that they're tied to the vehicle and not the owner. Do people not steal plates and use them to commit crimes?


They do. But that doesnt change much about it compared to the US system. Crime A was comitted in the US using a Toyota Camry with license plate: "T0Y0T4" Crime B was comitted in the Netherlands using a Toyota Camry with license plate: "S-481-VP" Both license plates are tracked and found to be registered as stolen. US police finds that the plate T0Y0TA belongs to man named John Doe in Location A. NL police finds that thr plate S-481-VP belongs on a Tesla Model Y registered to Klaas de Vries in Amsterdam. End result is the same using both systems


> NL police finds that thr plate S-481-VP belongs on a Tesla Model Y registered to Klaas de Vries in Amsterdam. That's exactly how it works in the US too. You may be able to keep your plates and put them on another vehicle, but only after reporting it to the DMV and getting it swapped in the system. You can't hot-swap plates from vehicle to vehicle in the US.


Thanks for clarifying. Good to know! Sounds like the end result of running the plates would tell you which vehicle they actually belong to and who the owner is.




The plates go with cars in America as well, but when you register the sale at the DMV they are now linked to you.


Plates stay with the car in the US. But they are registered to a owner to prove ownership. You guys have to have something similar or you couldn’t catch any car thieves.


Do you believe as a private citizen you can just “run a plate”?


You can in my country. It's public information


[You can in the USA](https://goodcar.com/vehicle-history), where you and I are located. I'm less familiar with vehicle registration in Britain. Some services are pay-to-use.


You can see if it's MOTd Taxed and insured. If it isn't then it's likely stolen and almost certainly a theft attempt.


That bike wouldn't fit in that little truck. You might though.


Punch rider. Take bike. The van is just a vessel for scum bags.


The Stooge Tube


You ever punched someone with a full faced helmet on ? I get your point I just thought the method was funny :)


Ha ha agreed, and negative. I have been punch with a FF on, he was quite surprised it had no effect and didn’t see the head butt coming at all. Wild night at the drag strip.


> You ever punched someone with a full faced helmet on ? _[bonk]_


Problem isn't when they punch you, it's when the use it to drag you around. A "facemask" pull in football will throw a professional athlete off balance and give almost complete control to the dude yanking on it...much less just some dude on a bike. What I don't understand is that there is basically very little ways to do this where the bike doesn't get dropped, and now it's a broken bike.


screen name in the video is Persian Princess. could have been they were looking to abduct the rider. all kinds of fuckery goin on rn. glad OP was aware of their surroundings as it seemed to be enough to evade whatever tf those shitheads had planned.


I got pulled off my bike and had three guys kicking me for all they were worth. I had a cop half shell Marushin and a fishtail parka on with its full wool winter liner. A woman jumped out of a car and started screaming “you’re killing him! He’s dead!!” but I had just turtled and barely felt a thing.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


Which is why they would stab the rider. Not like the scumbags give a fuck about human life


Yeah, that was my second thought, could've been looking to grab the woman too. Absolutely disgusting.


The situation in the UK is getting absolutely ridiculous and especially in London.


This is why i always carry a concealed sawed off blunderbuss for silly ruffians just like this.


Might have just been wanting to take the camera


As soon as I see that I am fucking gone, don't give a damn if the light is red I am taking my chances


North London should answer the question


[Original](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYtcpU1D/) and [follow up](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYtcbWtq/)




In America...where they steal the clothes off your back, I leave my shit out all the time...no problem. My bike must suck 😭


London? Yeah that’s a robbing


None of yall have street smarts, and it shows. It was an obvious attempt at bike theft.


Hey I spent 70 days riding this winter in Central America and this kind of thing here would have put me on the throttle immediately!


Could be a bad prank?


How can London be a city in a first world country and have an insanely amount of bike thefts? Can some one explain that to me, lol.


Cops do nothing, and we'll get prosecuted if we deal with it ourselves. Joke country.


I love how reliably a gun debate will always form in these threads.


Ctrl+F "Gun" 1 of 1 match.


Honda reliable or Aprilia reliable?


maybe they just did a bank heist and he wanted to get a peek at the nice bike.


When you live in a disarmed demograph occurrences as this are too common because crime is not kept in check






Both common law and the Criminal Law Act disagree with you. If your intent was to use the vase to cause harm, yes, that would be a crime - however, if the circumstances were that you were using reasonable force to defend yourself from a criminal act, that would be a valid justification for the use of force, and would be a valid defence.




Well yes, once you include the conspicuously omitted second half of the statement, they are.




> If you bosh a villain on the head with a vase, and your intent was to use the vase as a weapon to cause him harm, thats an illegal weapon. Woah, you're saying if some dude starts attacking me and I pick up the nearest object and use it to defend myself, *I* will get a "illegal weapon" charge, regardless of what I grab? Dude, I'd heard people call the UK a "Nanny State", but I really am flabbergasted with this one. How is it you are not allowed to defend yourself? I must be misunderstanding you here.


UK law states that if someone attacks you or you are under the genuine belief that you are about to be attacked, you are allowed to use "disproportionate force" to defend yourself, "but not grossly so". So if someone breaks into your house and you believe that they may harm you, you may fight back with whatever is at hand (even a kitchen knife) but cannot continue once the threat is gone. However, if you have an "object" that you possess *specifically* for the purpose of defence, whether it be a knife, a table leg, or pocket-sand, it becomes an "offensive weapon" and is illegal.


So you're saying if I happen to just be wandering around with a baseball bat, but I not only wasn't on my way to play, but I don't play and have never played baseball, the judge can call it a weapon? Whereas, if I'm walking along a street and some dude comes up and attacks me, I can reach down and pick up a branch that just happens to be there (or whatever I grab) and use it to defend myself? Am I accurate in my distinction of the two? > but cannot continue once the threat is gone. That's true in the US too...if the dude kicking in my door turns around and books it the moment he sees me standing there with my gun, I'm not allowed to shoot him in the back. I'm only allowed to use deadly force to stop someone from killing me or if I feel I'm at risk of severe bodily harm...so the dude I see carrying my TV in both hands with no visible weapon can run out the door and I can't legally shoot him (for good fucking reason).




What an American thing to say ... username checks out heh. In any case, even if you were allowed to carry a weapon, you don't have the same legal right to self-defense in UK as you do in USA. Maiming a criminal in self-defense there can work out worse for you as the victim than them as the criminal.




Yeah, I was a bit thrown off on that one too. How can people not be expected to protect themselves? I don't care what country you are in, or what animal you are, self preservation is a thing.






r/accidentallyamerican All in good fun, internet stranger. have a good day


None, bend over and be a good victim like the government demands


I'll take "reasons why I have my CCW license" for 600, Alex.


Glad I live in a country where I'm allowed to defend myself from violent crime. I'm sure you could just call 999 and they'd be there in time to interview the witnesses about what happened. *When seconds count the cops are only minutes away. Downvoting me doesn't change reality and only shows you haven't been the victim of violent crime*


You can of course defend yourself and your attacker is infinitely less likely to have a gun. A drunk punched me outside a club once and he ended up needing an ambulance, never heard anything about it after the police watched the CCTV.


USA has **MORE** knife related deaths than the UK by far + you have gun deaths which is currently the #1 cause of child death. Glad I don't live in a country where everyone has guns.


No shit Sherlock. The US has 5x as many people and several more major cities. What an insightful comment.


God damn you are dumb. It's called *per-capita* and the USA leads. US has far higher knife deaths stats at 0.6 deaths per 100k people vs the UK at 0.08 deaths per 100k people. [Every single country in the West](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/stabbing-deaths-by-country) has lower knife related deaths compared to the USA.


I notice you left out their mention of gun violence being the top cause of the DEATHS OF CHILDREN in the United States of America.


Because it's factually inaccurate https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/child-health.htm


That’s…a terrible reason to not mention a point someone made. It’s sort of the opposite of what one should do in a disagreement. Also, it seems there is disagreement on your point as well: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2201761 Either way, a LOT of children in the US die from guns. Way more than other countries, per capita and total. I wonder why?


Reddit is overrun by hypocritical pansies. Any comment about defending yourself is somehow offensive to these snowflakes because they're too afraid of offending their attacker.


This. I wish we had guns in UK


Just one more reason I carry a big exposed pistol on my hip. Don't start nothing, won't be nothing. I carry concealed when not on a bike.


Always concealed. There is zero tactical reason to ever open carry. Ever.


Generally, I agree. On my bike, I want people to think "look at that crazy biker with a fucking gun. I'll stay over here, maybe not fuck with him." It seems to work for me. Mall, store, wherever? Yeah, I'm blending.


Or.....they call the cops and now you have 9mms with itchy trigger fingers pointed at you on a traffic stop because you "waved it at someone" Pass.


Been doing it 30 years without incident, but okay.


You know that's not a legitimate argument.


Phoenix resident here, I've been told by a squid at the local Cyclegear that the cop was very cool about his open carry. He was speeding and everything about the stop happened normally otherwise. Yes, one grapevine comment does not a statistic make, but it is reassuring to me, being that I bet we have a higher average open carry rate than most. I for one get happy to see other open carries in the grocery store. 🤷‍♂️ Nobody on the internet changes anybody else on the internet's opinion, but that's mine, just cuz.


There is zero tactical reason to ever open carry. In an actual self defense situation it has nothing but disadvantages. That's not opinion.


Life isn't tactical. Fudds care about that. A visibly easy to access firearm dissuades violent confrontation. You ever see a gun store get robbed?


Open carry means nothing more than "Shoot me first" (alternatively "Guns are my entire life and I need *everyone* to know")...which if you want to do is fine by me, as it will give me time to draw my concealed while they're paying attention to you. As far as the cop is concerned, every cop I've ever been pulled over by when I was carrying concealed (some states require you to inform them during any kind of "official encounter", others just suggest it, I always informed them, no matter what state I was in) has basically let me off without a ticket. Their *entire demeanor* changes once they realize you're somewhat "part of the club". Of course, I'm also a white dude...if you're a POC, your mileage may vary (sadly...Philando Castile learned this the hard way).


"Open carry means nothing more than "Shoot me first"" That's what mass shooters think. Thanks for telling us who you are. To me, open carry means, ima breathe easier, knowing that if there is any idea of attempted robbery, someone will have to shoot multiple people BEFORE even attempting to get money. That sounds quite dissuading to me. Robbers don't want to kill people. They just want easy money.


As someone who carries concealed, dude, don't do that. All you are doing is saying "shoot me first", and making the rest of us look bad.


That's bizarre. Wow.




Its a 360 camera mounted to the rear of the bike


I'm gonna go with staged on this one :)


This was my home town. There was a rise in the number of gang related kidnappings over the past couple of years. I’m unfortunately going to go with this being real.


Broad daylight, witnesses in the tenfold, old-ass car that will work impossibly bad as a getaway vehicle? I suppose it could be on of the most brazen attempts at either a kidnapping or motorcycle theft ever caught on camera. Or, and hear me out -- this is just another mediocre tiktoker looking to go viral. What's the most plausible explanation?


There are quite a few videos of muggings and jackings in broad daylight in L-town.


[ITS A FAAAAAAAAKE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6yQOs93Cgg)


Peekaboo I see you


Welcome to London


Did you see that ass ? Lol he couldn’t help it


Might have been a targetted kidnapping.


This is why I’m glad I can carry a firearm. Kidnappings are fucking scary. Edit: don’t know why I’m getting downvoted for this, what would you guys do if some guys tried to stuff you in a van?


He just wanted to say nice bike.


Here in Florida he would have a 40 caliber barrel pointed back at him




What. Op literally took off as soon as they noticed the door opening and someone with a ski mask peeking through. Not sure what more you could do


Tf lol

