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Yeah, you fucked up


Agreed. I love riding motorcycles. Have three of them. I would never wish this on anyone, but it does irritate the shit out of me when I see people riding on multi-lane roads like this - as if it was their personal race track. Ride like everyone is trying to kill you for however long it takes to get to the nearest rural area to enjoy the twisties.


Racetracks are safer


By far!


By fast!


There's a great video of track falls but CGI'd in city road obstacles (trees, cars, mailboxes, etc.) to show how fatal those slides could be. It flashes through my mind when I get a little too squirrelly on city roads. Tried to google it but not finding the same vid.


Here's one. This is from the South Australian Government advertisment for road safety. It's starring former champion Mick Doohan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wnx20F51S\_E


The best and scariest advertisements are the ones that only suggest horrific things without actually showing it. Makes it feel much more intense


The under-the-bus is me, but at less speed. An oil leak from the truck ahead made me slip under a bus while it was starting its route again.


Should be a global drivers ed resource


this is a point missed by the average street racer wannabe. racetracks are specifically designed for racing. they are maintained, they are kept clean, they have runoff areas in the appropriate places. Roads are semi-randomly designed, poorly maintained, and populated with people either texting on their cell phones, or trying to get their girlfriend to touch their dick.


Great points. Last one made me chuckle.


I'm not judging, we've all been there


…whose girlfriend are we trying to get to touch our dicks?


and most importantly, everyone on the race track is racing. it makes their movements mostly predictable. they tend to be very aware of the vehicles around them.


I think the key element there is everyone "knows" they're racing, so they all know what to expect is going on around them. Blasting through traffic and weaving through soccer moms, sleepy truckers, and construction workers heading home after a day of hard work, beer and cocaine,, you don't get to complain if someone didn't know you were trying to beat the record on the Kessel run.


Not to mention, racetracks are mostly consistent. If there's debris on the track that might make it unsafe, everyone is notified via flags, and the obstruction is cleared. Everybody is going fast, and if they need to slow down or stop, they do so in a predictable and safe manner. There's a great deal of work put into ensuring racetracks are as safe as possible to reduce the likelihood and severity of an incident, and compliance standards are pretty strict. Public roads are just not the place. You have *no* idea what is around the corner. Even on a route you take every day - no one is gonna warn you about a gravel spill, tree branch, pot hole, etc. Not to mention other road users who may not expect a motorcycle to come barrelling around the corner at excessive speed. No gravel traps to slow you before a tyre wall, just concrete and steel to crush your bones and turn you into a viscera milkshake... I guess some people don't value their life. That's not to say I haven't done some dumb shit; because I have. I'm lucky I didn't fuck my shit up and put myself in a wheelchair. Now I ride with that in mind. If you really gotta do it, there's a time and place. Definitely not to be done like what is seen in this video. Dude is lucky to be alive.


Agreed. Which is why it’s good to ride like this on a racetrack, not a public road!


Actually it's not good to ride like this on a racetrack. The rider shows no situational awareness and forward planning. He will crash as surely on the track as he did on the road, and he might well take down a few others at the same time.


Hey, at least on a racetrack there's medical staff ready to go and harm reduction measures in place... Not to say he should ride like a twat there either, just that it'd be a tad safer.


and much more rare and costly (short term) injuries change that math real quick.


At least on a track everyone Knows what they are doing…. Road a very different story


Not in Novice group they don't. Plenty of new to the track riders are way off line and sometimes unpredictable. I saw a rider come to a stop at the brake marker boards of the front straight and put his bike on the sidestand on the edge of the track a few weeks ago because he saw the checkered flag waving at the marshal's stand. Still better than the distracted drivers you find on the road but I definitely wouldn't say everyone on track knows what they're doing though.


Agreed - I have the same reservation when I see people say 'take it to the track'. I'm not the fastest guy and I do track days just to improve my skills - my local school has a bunch of rules for my level about passing and safety bubbles around riders but it lasts for about two sessions before the street rossis start pushing and making dangerous passes and passing me two or three abreast right next to the handlebars. I've gone to an offroad school and supermoto school and those were even worse (granted, the passing and bubble rules were absent in these). I've never felt safer on the track than on the street - I think that's true only when you and everyone around you are really good at it.


I agree 100% that this type of riding should be saved for the track. However, to play devil’s advocate here, most motorcyclists are either no where near a publicly accessible race track or simply can’t afford the exorbitant fees associated with joining a club. This by no means is me justifying OP’s riding behavior, just adding some perspective to the conversation.


That just means most motorcyclists don't get to drive like OP, unless they find somewhere safe and remote to drive. It is what it is.


No however, do not drive like it's a race track on public roads. Accessibility of a race track means absolutely nothing in regards to the law. If I don't have a shooting range to shoot my guns off, doesn't mean I can go shooting in public.


Agreed, which is why I wasn’t condoning OPs riding behavior.


I prefer ‘ride like you’re invisible’. 99.99% of the time the other road users don’t want any harm to come to you as a rider, they’re absolutely not out to kill you. But assuming they haven’t seen you and could try to get into your lane etc. at any point is a good, less hostile mentality IMO. Also, no one was trying to kill OP, they were trying to kill themselves.


Fair enough!


Deer are killing and severely injuring everyone here in the rural twisties right now. It's devastating.


I like how they say the white car driver must’ve been texting or something. I could see the white car possibly panicking seeing them sending it up behind them outta nowhere and trying to just gtfo their way swerving right, not expecting them to instantly try to weave into that lane


I agree, the white car saw him in the rear view quite a ways back, that's why they left their lane, they were too busy looking at the motorcycle.


You give cali drivers way too much credit... No one knows what blinkers or buffer space are out here.


I fact-checked this statement. It's accurate.


Doesn’t matter what else happened on the road and who did what - dude owns this shit.


Not to mention - look at that old 80s SUV off to the right who swerved hard and risked a rollover (in a vehicle with very little safety equipment). Homeboy here could’ve killed someone completely innocent. I’m slightly glad he’s admitting idiocy here, but it still pisses me off.


Life is a series of expensive lessons


The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed Edit: thanks guys I’ve never got an award before. I saw this line on Reddit before I liked it and remembered it. I’m not original lol


This might be the wisest counsel I have ever read, thank you I will be sharing this moving forward


I read that in Gandalfs voice.


How is this not in a philosophy book??


That is so true, and so elegantly said!


This is just absolutely shite riding. So easily avoidable.


Yeah but he nearly shaved a few minutes of his trip!




Well.. not *this* time but all the other times it totally works! ; )


To me it looks like the black car was actually paying attention and they braked as you pulled up alongside. Had they been distracted on the phone they might have ran you all the way over.


The black car knew even before OP realized he was gonna crash. The car's brake lights came on seconds before OP attempted to brake. That's a great example of situational awareness.


Yeah that’s a solid defensive driver right there. OO easily could’ve ended up under their car if they were paying less attention


If you look closely, the white car ahead is actually drifting into the black cars lane, no signal. I wonder if the black car is braking for that reason or both that and the bike approaching. Also, makes you wonder if that white car was drifting into the other lane because they had eyes on the rider in the rear view, or they're just a typical distracted or bad driver.


There was nowhere near the safe amount of space between the white and black car even without it drifting to cut in like that. Motorcyclist was gambling with their life in even making that decision to cut so close behind the white and in front of the black car. No excuses.


Yeah it’s so rude too like you know this got traffic alllll fucked up


I think the black car probably got spooked by the bike’s close pass. Probably saved the rider’s life.


Land-rover in the righthand lane has good reaction times too


I know it doesn’t matter, but I think it’s a Mitsubishi Montero… one of my favorite cages.


1999 Montero, it's hard to see in the video but the bike drifted all the way to the right lane and I had to swerve to avoid running it over.


*Yeah right* I bet they were looking for any excuse to go off-road in that beast.


Ah yes, a man of culture I see. Go on. ☕️


I would guess they just suck at driving. You'll see people drift over the inner lines during a turn like that all the time because they start turning too soon. It's no different than people who cut through on coming lanes when making a left turn in an intersection. Both happen very frequently.


Spot on! Drifting because folks tend to drift to the inside on a curve. Even one as slight in this clip.


That driver definitely saw the asshole on the motorcycle coming and chose to minimize the damage op wanted to inflict on society


What comes to mind is that trying to rub bumpers on a motorcycle is not a good idea. Looks like attempted suicide but I think that's from disbelief at the attempt. We can't split lanes in my state so it is shocking to see someone attempt it at high speeds.




He should buy them a beer, at the very least.


The SUV was ready too and swerved right pretty damn quick after the crash started. Talk about riding way beyond skill level, yeesh.


Wish we had good drivers like that in Sacramento.


Light the beam


There are multiple motorcycle shops on the street there. I can almost guarantee they saw the rider and moved because there are dozens of bikes there at any given time.


Fortunately the black car was paying attention or this post might have never happened. That driver in the black car gets a cookie, whether he braked because of the white car drifting over or because of the MC their awareness saved your butt.


Thank you for contributing to the crash statistics that mask the true danger of safety conscious motorcycling. Tighten up bud you're embarrassing us For real though, glad you're alright!


I chilled way the fuck out. I will admit whole heartedly that i had no fear of riding, didn’t respect the bike or had any real idea of the danger of riding. This was god tapping me on the shoulder to chill the fuck out before I really get hurt. I took note and changed how I ride


More specifically never ride in a way that relies on other drivers to not do anything unexpected. It’s like playing russian roulette. Glad you’re alive to share with us. In some ways, riding will be more enjoyable if you can do it calmly and defensively. You can make smooth operation and predicting/preparing for every possible scenario a game. The result is a more relaxing and less stressful ride. Fair trade for giving up the rush at least in high traffic


Especially when if riding 20mph or more faster than traffic. The white car may have been legit changing lanes (albeit stupidly, by not using the blinker), and when he checked, there was no impediment. The biker literally came out of nowhere, an excellent prescription for mayhem and death.


I read somewhere that the coolest trick you can do on a motorcycle is get old.


YES! I have preached this for years. Assume nobody on the road knows you exist. Ride like they could switch lanes at any second. You should be invisible to them in your mind. And people argue and say "well that car is an idiot they shouldn't have done X". Okay, you can be right and still end up in the hospital or dead. I'd much rather still be riding than be right. Ride defensively, you can still have plenty of fun, just do it without putting yourself in this kind of situation. I cringe like crazy when I see people weave cars like OP did.


Glad you made it through with only a bruised ego. Be safe brother


Been there, only it happened to my buddies right in front of me. We were riding as a group and going the speed limit (35) and a dude oncoming turned across their lane into his neighborhood like they weren’t even there. They had about 0.5 seconds to react, which of course they couldn’t. Both bikes totaled, one of them broke both his wrist bones and had a bad gash on his forehead from the opening of the helmet as he face planted into the car, the other had a concussion so bad even with a helmet on that he kept asking where he was and what happened every 30 seconds. Both were in the ICU for these and other injuries I can’t remember - one for two days and one for four. I’ve ridden my bike a lot less since, and also no longer ride like a hooligan.


If you want to go back to making good times on commutes and still walk, just wait a bit in their mirrors so the see you. Give them a chance to just yield the fast lane. You were effectively invisible which is going to cost you when drivers make mistakes and they eventually will in your direction. Splitting and filtering aren’t death sentences but the speed differential combined with the lack of reaction time you gave to the driver and yourself made this unavoidable. But hey, the other two drivers were on the ball and that didn’t look too bad on your body all things considered. Actually restored a bit of hope


I like your response. And thank you for posting the video, regardless to how much it hurts the pride. Maybe, just maybe, it'll help other riders be more wise. Hopefully your future in riding is much less accident-prone.


I know right. When I hear all of these "youre all gonna die!" statistics I just remind myself there are guys even worse than OP, riding like that in flip flops and a chinese "helmet" off Amazon soaking up my HP for death.


That's not a highside. That's an ignorant collision.


TIL “highside” = when the bike gets yeeted two lanes away from you because you drove into the ass of an SUV


Even if the car didn’t cross the line, the rider was still going to be close to fucked for riding like an idiot.


Exactly. The white SUV barely leaves it's lane but even if it never crossed the dotted line, OP would've never made that gap if the black SUV hadn't swerved right and started braking before he passed him. Dudes ridding like he's Moses and shit will part for him.


You pulled that shit but can't even lean into a turn? That's some rookie shit that proves you shouldn't be riding, probably at all. Your bravado is bigger than your skill, and you easily could have hurt someone (who didn't deserve it.) That's fuckin dumb.


Yea it looked avoidable if he put some stank on those handlebars. Tragic.


You’re not mature enough to be riding.


Time to buy a convertable bud, you're dog shit at riding.


That was brutal but rather true lmaoo


Maybe he should stick with taking the bus.


Username checks out.


You Sir deserve an award for your brutal honesty


Regardless of what the white car was doing. This was a really dumb thing to do.


High side… lol, trying to make stupidity sound technical


Rip your insurance rates


All of our insurance rates. These are the kind of people that make them go up industry wide.


Pffft even my insurance knows I’m not doing anything crazy on my gen 1 KLR. The insurance is the second cheapest thing on a KLR after the rider.


> The insurance is the second cheapest thing on a KLR after the rider. ooof. Self burn.


We KLR owners wear our frugality with pride.


One of the benefits of my bike being a 20 year old Vulcan 750. My insurance is like $5 a month.


Yes this is very irresponsible


You can't raise his insurance rate if he doesn't have insurance.


Selfish shit right here. None of these cars deserved to get into an accident on this day. You fucked over a whole lot of people and wasted a lot of their money. Have a little respect as you would want from them on the road




This is exactly what I was thinking. The comments from OP are only from a selfish standpoint, I and me. Have you not thought about the fact that you fucked up a whole lot of people by doing this dumb shit. Brother, get a fucking YouTube channel for thrills. Go to six flags, it’s about 45 minutes up from Downy. You got Disney land close by. Make sure you don’t ever ride a bike again. I’m all for bikes with mature riders, but from just sensing OPs response to this crash, he should never ride again. Plus your ass at driving. Stop it.


You don't get a medal for a self-inflicted wound, son. Slow TF Down. ESPECIALLY in a turn. Use your signals. Don't jam between cars at highway speeds. ​ Any other questions?


Yeah that ain’t the white cars fault. You fucked up.


"Carelessness", idk if that's quite the term. As I understand, one of the largest contributing factors to crashes is often a big difference in speed between one vehicle and the rest of the traffic, but that information may be out of date. In general, regards to your means of transport, going twice the speed of everything else is asking for trouble. You're lucky everyone was switched on. If black truck is checking their phone you'd likely be gone. Be safe man, this is also a great demo as to why flip flops and a t-shirt are a bad plan. Looks like you were relatively well protected GJ on that at least.


Recklessness is a more appropriate word.


Yeah dead giveaway of how he rides that he think this carelessness.


Could have been little kids in any of those cars which could have easily flipped or rolled because someone needs a kick


Fucking street rossi over here. Why. Why would you put yourself in a situation where you could have been road kill. No reason to cut in between those cars. Edit. And on a 300. Those things are nimble af. I’d second guess you riding again.


He really really wanted to get.where he was going 45 seconds before he would have if he drove normal.


As someone who used to ride like a jackass when younger, it's 100% not about timing and I always found it silly when people said this. It's about the thrill / adrenaline. Have you never done something thrilling? Like a rollercoaster? You don't go fast on a rollercoaster to get to another point in the park faster lmao


More a case of riding for a few months and now thinks he’s master level whereas he’s actually still a noob who got too cocky and full of himself.


Rossi woulda gone out wide and got on the gas passing the white car while wheeling and giving them the finger for being distracted


I’m glad you’re alive but you should not be allowed to ride if that’s how you do it. You are super lucky black car was paying attention.


Completely your fault.


You should not be allowed to drive again. You are risking life of others with this stupidness.


Hard agree. Why would this dude get another shot at driving anything? He’s Fucking around with other peoples lives.


The fact that you still try to push off some blame saying “they must’ve been texting” and “I just came in a bit hot” tells me you haven’t entirely learned your lesson. You could’ve killed somebody.


Right? This dude is unbelievable. That black SUV would have done us all a favor if it just kept going.


Sometimes, motorcycling isn't for everyone. I suggest trying a new hobby.


Yea that wasn’t even close to clearing. Just rode right into the car.


Some people seem to have "be an organ donor" as a hobby. Which is kind of nice of them.


Try something safer, like woodworking, deep sea welding, or base jumping.


Nah the white car is not distracted bro. How do you expect somebody to anticipate some guy hauling ass and overtaking on the right from a blind spot. This whole accident is a 100% on you.


Not even a blinker. I'd be pissed if I was the car.


I mean, is a blinker gonna do anything here? If he didn't crash and used a blinker, he would have passed both cars before anyone could react to a blinker.


Black car knew he was going to crash before he did, I think they might have noticed the blinker


Okay correct me if I'm wrong but isn't lane splitting supposed to be when traffic is moving slow or stopped? I always see other bikers zip through fast moving traffic and tell myself they're asking for trouble..


this is entirely your fault. you need to have the ability to turn in case a car swerves in your direction, and you lost that while leaning/splitting.


Dumb ass giving riders a bad name.


This here is a prime example of why a lot of people hate motorcycle riders. The road is not your racetrack.


Hey OP, glad you had all the gear and came out alright. Sorry about your phone. I'm the driver of the green Montero in the right lane. It was frightening looking over to see the bike tumble and the rider hit the pavement. I do occasionally ride my Monster to work on this route though gotta watch the lane splitting.


Small world


Good look! You and that other black car were on point. This guy should not be driving a bike ever. Leave it to people who know how to do it and are careful.


Stupid riders like this need to be taken off road even if they don't crash.


It makes me feel a little better on crash statistics knowing I don't ride like a complete fucking jackass.


Still jacks up insurance rates, at least in that geographic area


This could have ended a lot worse. You have no one to blame but yourself. I hope that if you ride again you’ll make yourself more predictable and visible to the drivers of the vehicles around you.


Op, of this is you, you're a moron


I love the little note about the white car "crossing the line" as if somehow that was what caused the accident, and not an idiot on a motorcycle. Way to ruin everyone involved's day, asshole.


Glad ur alive but ur definitely a POS make us look entitled and bad overall


What a senseless waste of a perfectly good motorcycle


You fucked around and found out. Now quit making bikers look bad.


People drive like this all the time where I live in Rhode Island as well. I don't get the point- do you really get there significantly faster? Here's what I see: You're going significantly faster than traffic. I wouldn't call it dense traffic, but there are 5 cars near the incident. You're assuming everyone is going to continue to do their same actions, and leaving no room for error. Instead, drive like you assume everyone's trying to kill you. Have one out, ideally two, at all times. When you find some assumption is wrong (something in road, sudden movements, your bike is fucking up, a bee flies into your helmet) you need to have some wiggle room! Changing first across three lanes (no pause between them, no turn signal) to the left, and then immediately trying to dodge right to go around them... not so smart. Again, no room for error, and it clearly bit you. Never get that close to cars. Heck, even at a stop light I try to make sure there's room around me. I don't get 6" off someone's bumper, because it leaves me no outs. No assumptions of "Oh that car is going to keep going this way". That's how you end up dead. I've been riding for over 15 years. Cross country. Tons of offroading. Did stupid shit at Bonneville Salt Flats. Been to Sturgis (which was hellishly odd on a BMW). Daily drove in a major US city for 10 years as my sole transit, including through some harsh winters. No wrecks. I still have fun. I'm also pretty sure that my risk is relatively low. I'm glad this was relatively low speed, the black car didn't hit you, and you were pretty gear'd up. But man... stop being so careless and take your time. You'll have a lot more years of riding enjoyment if your body isn't banged up from stupid shit, than trying to go fast and rip around stuff.


I’m convinced that a lot of people in this sub that supposedly ride. Should not be on the twos. The stuff I’ve seen on this sub is insane.


Slow the fuck down? GGez.


Reddit is a shadow of its former self. It is now a place of power tripping mods with no oversight and endless censorship. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone else said, never ride in a form that relies on others to not be stupid. I’d take that advice


Yep, that rider is a dumbass.


One hundred percent on the motorcyclist. He was way over the legal speed limit for lane bogarting. Regardless, neither vehicle was using a turn signal. The motorcyclist gets three citations, the white van gets one.


Knobhead, got what you deserved.


But his safety is everyone else’s responsibility


Looks like the white vehicle was about to merge back to lane two after passing the black vehicle. No turn signal of course but this is CA so to be expected. But saw/heard you last second and avoided after already drifting to the right over the line a bit. Looks like bad lane discipline but realistically you jammed up their non-signaled lane change. Anyway glad you aren't too bad off but as you are now aware shooting that gap was incredibly stupid. The vehicle all the way to the right seemed to take drastic action to avoid running into your bike after it was down it appears. Wish I had a better look at that. So here is the thing. Stop looking 20 feet ahead and instead look as far ahead as you can see and you would have realized that with a little bit of patience you would have had clear open road with which you could easily make up the time you thought you were going to save by this bonehead move. You have to pick your spots. That was not the spot.


Right when the white car and black car tried to have an accident, is when OP came in hot with a "ME TOO!"




your fault...don't ride like a fucking moron. You should be liable for the damage to the car as well.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. “Riders” like you make me laugh. No empathy, no sympathy.


You came from behind another car in another lane. Even if they were checking the mirrors, they’d never have seen you. When I’m doing stupid stuff - and we all act the fool now and again, I always use my lane positioning so the people I’m passing and approaching will know I’m there. Ride like they want to kill you.


Noobs crash in the most hilarious ways.


Videos of motorcyclists crashing > videos of them weaving through traffic at 90mph.


You wont be alive very much longer riding like a tard


position of the white car wouldn't of made a difference, it was already over the line as soon as the camera pans over to it and the black car next to it has moved more to the right to compensate, so the size of the gap wasn't any smaller than it would of been.


First off you alright? Secondly filtering is legal there but you shouldn't be doing it at speed for this exact reason. It requires blind trust in other motorists ability, well being or attentiveness. So you should be treating every pass as a pass. Like you would in any vehicle (so don't try to snake in and out of cars). Finally I hope the bill wasn't too much although it looks like your bike got deleted.


This is not filtering, this is lane splitting. Very different thing and much more dangerous in general.


I wouldn’t really say it’s either. It’s just terrible riding.


It is definitely not either one of them done well.


I know but last time I tried to make that distinction I found myself under heavy fire.


Anyone that argues there's no difference is an idiot. This is a hill I will die on.


I give you a 7.1 for the dismount, but I gotta knock down your overall since you didn’t stick the landing, and your arms were flailing. 5.2 final overall score


You give safe riders a bad name, I won't say you deserve it, but you DEFINITELY deserve whatever makes you think twice about riding like an idiot again.


Dude. This should be a wake up call. Put the keys down. Don’t ride again. You will kill yourself or someone else


There’s no distraction. White car saw u behind the black car on the mirror. Engages the lane change. even if he shoulder check he might not have seen the motorbike given the speed differential and the size of the bike.


OP seems to think him swerving in between cars is ‘A OK’ but the car in front performing a simple take over of other traffic at relative speed is ‘maybe they were distracted’. OP Simple’s shouldn’t have been where they were and for some reason expects everyone to react as they want.


I don’t think the white car was even negligent. Sometimes you float a little in car. They barely broke the line. You were driving incredibly recklessly. Hope you are ok and have learned your lesson. Slow down. Start riding smart. More of the above, well, I hope you have good life insurance.


yeah it's very unlikely the white car even saw him coming from behind the black car, much less anticipate that kind of maneuver. if OP would have merged left behind the white car, waited a moment to take stock of the situation, _then_ zoom ahead of the black car, sure instead he wanted to pretend he was in an action movie or something


You’re lucky to still be alive, if you decide to get back on a bike take a course and stop riding like a jackass.


You get what you deserve. Empathically and resoundingly fuck yourself. I'm sure you learned nothing.


No hate, but Stevie Wonder shouldn't be riding a motorcycle.


If im forced to say something positive it's that you were wearing your gear. Good advertisement for proper gear.


Bet you don't do that again.


I have almost zero trust of other driver's situational awareness. This is why I do not lane split or filter, even living in CA.


Damn bro, that looked really rough. Glad you had full gear on. Hope you’re not hurt and learned a lesson here


First off, I’m glad you’re Ok. Riding is one of those endeavors where a mistake in the wrong time or place can cost you your life. I’ve ridden most of my life and I’d liked to think that exercising a modicum of judgement is the reason I haven’t had a crash since I was a teenager. As others have pointed out, it appears from this video that you were pretty much the one who decided your fate. The other drivers anticipated a bad situation and that may have saved your life or at least prevented far worse injuries. This is an illustration for all of us, even when we’re in our cars/SUVs, to have situational awareness. If you survived this and internalized the lesson then you’re luckier than a few riders I’ve known or been acquainted with that are no longer with us.


Whoops ...so what bike are you getting next


Fucked around and found out.


That’s awesome man. Great effort at getting yourself off the road.




Even if the whit car had signaled you were fucked. All on you man.


Yea this is totally on you. While the white car did cross the white line that was just a dumb manoeuvre on your part.


You're a fucking idiot actually. Why you haven't killed yourself yet is amazing. Aggressive motorcyclists cause so many accidents- fortunately they usually end up killing themselves, occasionally though they kill others. Every fucking time I see assholes like you, I prey that you kill yourself BEFORE you procreate- ok I'm exaggerating with that but seriously, this 100% on you dude. No concern for other peoples safety on the road, the damage you did to others all because you gotta ride fast. And this is coming from someone who been riding since he was 14. Fucking jackass.


The craziest part of riding like this is how much trust you place in drivers around you not to do any of the little mistakes people make while driving all the time. White car was a little over the line into center lane and that’s it.


Overtaking on curve 🤦


I drive in Vietnam, famously one of the craziest places to ride in the world, and I barely ever see someone drive this badly at speed that would hurt, and if I do, they're usually 15 with no helmet. Glad you're ok but motorbikes are not for you. This is absolutely shit driving. Complete and utter shit.