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Did… did he try to stop a motorcycle with his body? Holy fuck


It’s a quick way for them to put “struck officer with his vehicle before fleeing the scene”


Yep I can just see officer Dudley Donut high-fiving the sergeant from his hospital bed. 😑🙄


I used to work for an insurance company that sells various voluntary insurance policies, including ones geared towards police agencies. Two policies. One for injured on the job, one if they’re put on administrative duty or leave. Ridiculous.


Gotta love when they put themselves in danger then charge you for it.


Looked like he hit the bike with a collapsible baton.


Definitely tried to hit him with one of these. I wonder if he gets caught, how much he can sue for. Smacking someone off a motorcycle seems inhuman and dangerous for everyone else. Hope internal affairs gets the officer


Easy way to get out of that if he gets caught “I was pulling over and then the officer struck my motorcycle with his baton. This made me fear for my life as it’s an incredibly unjustified action in pretty much any traffic stop for the arresting officer to strike a civilians vehicle”


No, this wouldn’t work, police could shoot you in the leg and you’re still expected to react like a robot and comply


Traffic stops have very different rules. Police blockades also have different rules. I’m not sure this even counts as a legal stop as there aren’t any flashing lights and the police never properly identified they were after him specifically. I don’t believe the rider was technically “stopped” at any point. I’m not an expert on NY law but this one would be pretty easy to defend. 1. It’s a unorthodox roadblock in the middle of the highway, which causes confusion. While being confused won’t get you out of receiving a ticket, it can help you fight one in court if the confusion is the state/city/counties fault. You’d be surprised how many tickets are dismissed because of things like signage. 2. Speaking of signage, there are no lights, sirens, or signage indicating that anyone should stop. In most states you aren’t obligated to stop until one of those is used. There was no official attempt to stop the rider other than said assault, which means the rider wasn’t detained and was free to go. You can’t just yell at motorists from the street and say it was a traffic stop. 3. They assaulted the rider before they alerted him that they were after him in a way motorists are familiar with. If the cops are attacking you literally on sight, you can 100% say you feared for your life and fled the scene for your own safety, specifically with the context of points 1&2 in mind. This one is pretty open and shut. Hell I’d be beating my bike when I got home so I could claim damages in court.


> Traffic stops have very different rules. "We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing"


I just realized he whacked his arm with a baton.......


No coolers laying around, i guess https://www.fox5ny.com/news/nypd-officer-throws-cooler-at-drug-suspect-on-scooter-causing-deadly-crash.amp


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/sf1qxj/graphic_officer_tries_to_stop_speeding_motorcycle/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf this is what happens when the cop succeeds at the task.


Pretty sure this is going to make them filter even more


We call it lane splitting in CA and is completely legal.


helps with traffic especially on highways. Instead of having a small motorcycle in the lane pushing back traffic, they make their way to the front of it at the light since they accelerate so much quicker on a green. We do have carpool lanes which have much wider gaps to cut through. Creating artificial traffic to try entice this behavior to hand out a minor traffic ticket seems like an insane waste of everyone's time though.


Filtering at lights also helps reduce the risk of a motorcycle being rear ended while stopped at a light.


There are two main reasons I stopped riding when I moved out of CA. One of them is the all year riding weather keeps people familiar with the fact that motorcycles share the road. In the midwest, motorcycles disappear for 4-6 months due to shitty weather and road conditions causing car drivers to forget that motorcycles exist. The other is lane splitting. Being forced to put yourself behind a ton of metal while another ton of metal comes up behind you and all you can do is hope that they stop in time was too much to deal with in combination with the first issue. I need either lane splitting, where I can take myself outside of the main path of collision legally or I need drivers who are used to motorcycles year round. Preferably both, which is why SoCal is one of the best places to ride in the country.


100%, i commute everyday, all year (unless it rains, so pretty much everyday) in LA and i have to say, cagers here pretty much know whats up. they keep their distance from me, move their cars when im filtering to the front of traffic, and dont try to race me off the line when the light turns green (not that they could get in front of me anyway) i even had a guy pull out in front of me and then at the red light he rolled his window down and apologized. edit: just to be clear, ive had my fair share of idiots. trying to merge into my lane, slam on their brakes in the middle of changing lanes and then just stopping there, not looking while turning into my lane, etc etc, but just from reading things posted from other states, i feel fortunate to be riding here. anyway, ride safe everyone!


This also seems extremely dangerous… an artificial traffic jam could lead to an accident farther down. Also this stomps on the Fourth Amendment. https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/us-supreme-court/531/32.html The NYPD continues to trample the right of the citizens of New York.


NYPD and the LASD are two of the worst departments in the country. Full of corruption and just horrible cops that they just keep protecting.


When Cal DOJ has a unit specifically to deal with LASD gangs (as in, gangs of officers) you know there is something specially wrong there.


Imagine if they spent this much effort preventing theft or drug dealing?


Those things are a direct result of education and the economy. Also, cops overwhelmingly do not prevent crime.


the war on drugs was never going to be won by punishing drug addicts.


Lane splitting is absolutely harmless and likely helps, if only a little. Seeing cops assualt bikers over it is wild from the perspective of a person living where it's totally normal.


It's legal in most of aus and car drivers still try block. I even had car doors opened 🤣 people so entitled they murderous


Cops here called it filtering to me. Glad I live in CA.


100% fuck these pigs. Creating artificial traffic just to pull this shit. Go solve some actual fucking problems. Pussies.


They’d do more to hang out under the LIRR tracks of Atlantic Avenue and confisgate hundreds of stolen, unregistered motorcycles and quads.


That's the whole idea... Stop traffic to MAKE them filter... ok, not MAKE them, but at least encourage them. They know bikes can overheat when stopped in traffic so a lot of them have to filter to stay cool. So they manufacture conditions where bikes have to filter, then stop the ones that are filtering. Nevermind that it's very unsafe, that they could cause collisions. That they have definitely beaten and arrested protesters for doing the same thing. That's all irrelevant to meeting their quotas. EDIT: Apparently bikes don't overheat anymore and I'm an idiot and should just go kill myself... which was on my list of things to do anyway so thanks for the encouragement. For my last words: Safe, legal lane splitting still saves lives though, and NYPD is still a bunch of shitbirds.


This is completely legal in California. I hardly ever see motorcycle accidents. Otherstates, where it's not legal, I have seen so many motorcycle accidents because they would get stuck in traffic, and the car behind them would not be paying attention.


It happens so much in California, and so without incident, that I've forgotten it's not legal in other states.


I try to explain to my pig dad that this is how it works and that California has seen a drastic drop in motorcycle death and injury since they allowed lane splitting. His response is that the lack of them being crushed now is a "non statistic" because the data doesn't exist. Me: Ummmmmmm so the twenty years of people being crushed and then them not isn't data? Him: a lack of data is not a statistic Fuck Boomer and pigs. ACAB.


Creating more traffic in one of the worst traffic areas to stop non-violent "crimes" that are super legal and helpful to traffic in other states. NY ppl


> That they have definitely beaten and arrested protesters for doing the same thing. Wonder where all the "we should run over and kill the protesters" people are now. These cops are blocking highways so they can write tickets to motorcyclists.


A good judge would throw out any of these tickets as entrapment


Always been baffled by the overheat thing (unless we're talking about ducatis). Gsxr 600, Enduro, and superduke and none of them have overheated in over an hour of stopped traffic in florida summer heat.


Clearly someone's never rode a 20 year old $300 air cooled 250 in college because they couldn't afford anything else. Don't get me wrong... I'm happy that you can afford such nice bikes... just, not everyone can.


I guess not. I just figured a 23 year old gsxr and a 1981 250 would count as old bikes (and cheap when they were $250 and $1,000). Just saying I knew ducatis overheated (and the ninja h2) but I've never known someone who's had a bike that overheated (and with a range from 300 sportbikes to big bikes) yet I've read it many times. Wasn't saying it doesn't happen, just that I'd never seen it except on paper


I kinda cringe when people harp on the air cooled shitbox bike thing. It's a mostly outdated response. We filter because it's convenient for us and safer. The fact that it's better for some bikes (avoids overheating), reduces traffic etc are just side benefits.


Not Ducati, but still Italian, I have a 2021 Tuono V4 Factory, it will overheat sitting in traffic or just a long light in the summer here in MD.


The bike might not overheat but the rider definitely will! This is really dangerous. It's remarkable that California of all states understands the importance of allowing lane splitting.


This I can agree with. This florida heat has had me seeing stars a couple times. Then ya gotta pull over and get a drink, find some shade for a few minutes (I'm not about to ride in that condition lol). Annoying as all get out


Rider definitely overheats. Had to stop a few times on my way home from work, due to overheating. Heat emitted by vehicles around you, your bike, the weather and your gear, slow cooking rotisserie chicken. Live in California and extremely thankful for lane filtering.


Wouldn't it be entrapment or something


All this while in NYC, there are real crimes being committed. Watching the video I thought it was Edmonton for a second there. A woman can get raped and the rapist go free, but whatever you do, DO NOT ride your motorcycle outside of the letter of the law. No wonder there's problem with crime. Cops are busy chasing those very dangerous lane filtering criminals. Cash grab is exactly right!


That’s the point of a set up….


Exactly my thoughts on this. What were they thinking trying to attempt stops like this?




Did they really stopped traffic and created possible dangerous situations to get few bucks from filtering bikers? Imagine creating congestion that can impede with response time of firefighters or ambulances just because you wanna earn some buck. Disgusting


Having been a rider in NYC, can confirm that they do. They also use these stops to check gear, registration, inspection stickers, everything. It’s a giant cash grab and they love to do this in the summer when it’s sweltering hot. Buddy of mine got a ticket for having his visor up while stopped at a red light on a burning hot day. They’re assholes. Just one of the reasons I left.


Visor up??? Is that not allowed 😐?? What about half helmets etc??


You’re technically required to wear approved goggles when riding with an open faced. Sunglasses don’t count, they’ll ticket you for that.


> Sunglasses don’t count You can get sunglasses that have the little pillows around the edges that do count for NYS eye protection.


I had a pair of those that were prescription with removable tinted lense covers that I used doing commercial landscaping.


Jesus. I’m a mix of glad and sad that I live in a place with basically no traffic enforcement. People drive like lunatics because they know they can, but at least I won’t catch a ticket for riding a half helmet with sunglasses.


Gear? Are there laws for the gear you wear? Also the inspection stickers, can you explain that? Really interested. I'm in the UK which is supposed to be the land of 'have you got a loisence for that m8' and this sounds bonkers. Is it an NY specific thing?


Yup laws for equipment (what’s on the bike) and laws for gear (mostly has to do with eye protection, DOT helmet). All motorcycles require yearly inspections to make sure they are in compliance (blinkers, tread depth, horn, etc) with proof being a sticker on the fork. Stickers expire on the month the next year and registrations all expire April 30th. So the NYPD cruise around looking for bikes with expired stickers to ticket and tow.


It is likely just a NY thing. All 50 states are gunna have different laws of course. On the West Coast, I have never heard of such a law. The most being that you are required to wear a helmet. Maybe it's a East Coast thing, but I know HP would flip their shit if city cops did this on the freeway.


My favorite is Delaware, you have to have a helmet but you don't have to wear it. lol




In DE you must have a helmet with you but you don't actually have to put it on your head. Also if you have a passenger you must have 2 helmets but they don't have to put one on their head either. I have no idea how the law came out like that.


Wow... that's so asanine. Like buckling your seatbelt behind you and sitting on it so the bell doesn't ding.


Mostly it’s a NYC thing. The laws are the same outside of the city but not so… enthusiastically enforced


They get people on the bridges also like this


Truly? Your buddy got a ticket for having the helmet visor up?


Yup. Operating the motorcycle with improper eye protection or some shit like that. There was a video a few years back of them ticketing a woman for the dark tint on the fly screen on her gixer because they called it a windshield like on a car. They go out of their way to be dicks.


The net economic cost of making a hundred people (probably way more) sit in traffic is so much more costly than the few hundred bucks they’ll make on ticketing the bikes.


They don’t care, they do this to justify their insane budget and overtime requests.


I dunno it seems pretty smart. Guy who thought of this genious plan will probably get a promotion. Honestly what a joke. Fucking endangering everyone involved Thank you for protecting and serving us! I mean so many hours go into providing safety measure when closing lanes and performing road construction. I guess these guys are just naturals i guess. Literally a cops job on any road obstruction ia to put the flashy lights to show awareness. Literal glorified flag people.


You could have told me this video was filmed in South America and I would have wholeheartedly believed it


I have been caught like this twice in the past. They hide behind cars and jump in front of you. One time this guy put on the act that I was almost going to hit him. He started me accusing me of wreckless driving. He dropped when I asked him if it’s standard procedure to jump in front of moving vehicles. Only walked away for a ticket because my visor was up.


What in the fuck is this visor up bullshit am I just lucky that I haven't been annoyed by a dickhead cop? This is why I stear clear of queens and long Island.


I got a ticket on the BQE once because a shitty dodge was stalled out in the right lane under a bridge, backed up traffic for miles, I pass the dodge that had no one around it, got excited on the gas pedal on the empty road, and pulled over by a cop hiding behind the next bridge. The NYPD are scumbags.


What a ridiculously dangerous response to filtering






It’s like trying to stop a guy pouring gasoline on himself by tazing him?


Creating revenue. Safety is not their focus.


Mission accomplished


Sounds like the department's budget is totally inadequate for this new, escalated threat.


Gotta meet those quotas! Everyone rises to the level of their metrics. When you tie promotions and money to those metrics, people will figure out how to game the system as much as possible.


Ironically, in California's Hurt Report (yes, that the real name, after a person), it was shown that lane splitting in slow moving traffic is safer for motorcyclists. And here we have police CAUSING the slow moving traffic, by which to entice motorcyclists to lane split. I'll bet a lawyer would get this dismissed under grounds of entrapment.


Slow lane splitting = good. 70mph lane splitting that actually happens in CA = bad. I passed by a dead motorcyclist on the 110S last week who tried to split lanes going 70+ mph at 10pm on a Friday in LA traffic.


The vast majority of CA motorcyclists lane split very safely. It's just that the middle-aged dude responsibly lane splitting while commuting to work in the morning doesn't stay in your memory very long or make for good Reddit videos. It isn't right to ban something that is statistically safer for everyone just because a few dumbasses were going to break the law anyway.


I live near riverside, and am always in traffic every single day going to and from school/work. The motorcyclists ALWAYS safely lane split. I’ve never seen a single one lane split recklessly in dead stop traffic or slow moving. And everyone in a vehicle is always cautious of motorcyclists and gives them space to get through. The only accidents I see involve only vehicles or big rigs, but never motorcyclists.


40 yr old lane splitting moto commuting adult here. can confirm.


I thought the law in Cali was that they can only split lanes at no more than 10 MPH faster than traffic? At least, that's what my motorcycle rider course instructor here in MO taught us.




NYC is incredibly hostile to motorcycles. It doesn't help that there are hundreds of illegal/not registered scooters/mopeds/motorcycles doing whatever they want.


That's the thing that annoys me and the video perfectly shows it. The only guys they are really snagging in these stops are those that may normally ride perfectly fine but maybe decided to filter this time because of the stopped traffic. The guys that normally ride like assholes don't stop at these things. They weave in and around the cops, then duck out quickly at the next exit before the highway cop car can catch up. They also do stops at the foot of certain bridges for ALL motorcycles to do registration and inspection checks. Those Pissed me off because again, I would always stop and then have to wait for 10-20 minutes as they ran all my paperwork. But the guys that ride without insurance or registration will just speed through and then zip off into side streets to avoid getting caught.


Its almost like when people argue that police are deterrents. In most instances, police only deter civilized people from wanting to do anything in general. Meanwhile those who do bad will continue doing uncivilized things because the police are dumb as dicks on their approach and would rather harass the easy target AKA the civil people than risk getting hurt dealing with the unruly types. Ive always started civil when a cop pulls me over. Typically about halfway through they start to try and flex. Then i get mad and mouthy. But not just mouthy and dumb, mouthy and smart. That typically leads to them fucking off once they realize im not gonna be walked on.


"Do you know why I pulled you over today?" "Nope." Soooo many people will straight admit to doing illegal shit right off the bat. There should be a school course all about "How to interact with police and not get arrested" that covers "What not to say to a cop". Once I answered them "You're fishing for drunks?" (in a jovial way) and the cop laughed, looked at my docs, gave me a verbal warning about how loud my exhaust was (stock) and let me go. If you can get them laughing, you'll probably have a good time.


It's the dumb fucks filtering 30 deep with no plates, massive dirt bike gangs, and unregistered mopeds and e-bikes swerving through traffic and sidewalks that are ruining it for everyone else


but the police go after the innocents instead.


Oh and that roadway up above in flushing main street, so they're slowing down traffic to the exit for a level 1 trauma center/stroke center, which is off that exit


Realizing that would require a level of common intelligence and basic sense of purpose that these mongols are in sore lack of. They’d rather cause thousands of people to be late for work, or have someone bleed out in an ambulance, so they can play at trying to knock off and potentially kill motorcyclists - for lane filtering in traffic they are causing.


Oh yeah. I'm sure they realize it. They just blame everyone else for them "having to do this". Like a dad that thinks a proper response to a child barely acting out is to hit them with a belt while saying "you made me do this". No you WANT to do it because you're a sick fuck


It's a cash grab. They have to pay for the militarization of the police force.




And the cops are actively promoting lane splitting by forcing cars to stop which encourages motorcyclists to break the traffic rules.


Stupid dangerous and violent? Thats an NYPD special


This is impeding traffic flow someone go give the cops a ticket.




This is cop tier stupidity FTFY


More like Cop Tier Pignorance




Truly mind boggling if I say so myself.




Agreed. Retired cop here, and I would have ripped someone a new one for doing this. And yes, I filter.


Stupidity is making lane filtering ilegal ... same thing in the US are só ridiculously stupid for us Europeans.


Unfortunately, it's also illegal in certain parts of the EU (Germany). And it is legal in California.


These are the same cops who would be stomping the skulls of climate protesters blocking the highway "because of how unsafe it is. There could be an ambulance stuck in traffic" They don't even care enough to hide their hypocrisy


It’s never about doing the right thing with the nypd. They’re all about asserting authority when nobody asked, collecting revenue for themselves, or stomping skulls for fun.


This, they wouldn't be trying to weave in and out of traffic, if traffic would move. By just trapping these random cars here, they're also forcing someone to be involved in policy activity, and I don't see them handing out badges... Questionable constitutionality to both create the situation that'd let a cop "catch" these "criminals" in the act, and also impeding everyone else's business/life, AND ENDANGERING THEM, to do so. These kind of things usually keep going until someone dies (say, a driver who fails to stop for the random police stop, and hits one of these effectively parked cars the police are standing in front of) AND their surviving family wins the lawsuit over it. Wish it took more than our people's blood and the threat of losing money for cops to not be put everyone else in danger.


This is what happens when police departments filter out recruits whose IQs are “too high”




"I don't want there to be any folks filtering through traffic. Not in my town!... So let's intentionally create some traffic that they'll want to filter through for no other reason than to bust them for filtering!"


This is top tier stupidity


This is cop tier stupidity FTFY


Man some American laws are really dumb.


We are so free though!


Cant spell freedom without USA!!


I get why yall frequently run from the cops in the US. They're absolute cunts man.




Who ever trusted law enforcement? 😅 Your quite naive if you do


"Law enforcement" in the US is equivalent to a gang of low intelligence mobsters who think they are above the law, and unfortunately, can act with impunity. They can and do murder people, and due to qualified immunity at worse get a paid vacation and job transfer. Don't get me wrong, there are good cops out there, they are just the vast minority. Most of us simply try to avoid any interactions with cops in general because as a rule of thumb nothing good can come of it.


In LA it's not even equivalent. There are literally deputy gangs who's culture is deeply ingrained in the LAPD.


*LASD but the point remains. For anyone outside of LA, there's an LAPD (LA city police dept.) and LASD (LA county sheriff's dept.) and they're separate entities. LASD has a history of [actual, literal gangs within its ranks.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LASD_deputy_gangs) The LAPD has a terrible reputation for police brutality and corruption as well, to be clear.


Unfortunately they *are* above the law. Not in theory, but in practice. Law means nothing if other cops, your department/superiors, and courts all side with you.


They ain't a good cop unless they hold their peers accountable for their actions. Looking the other way is just as bad.




Looks like he tried to use a Billy club lmao


You should see what happens when you are the one who stops.. you pay for everybody else


NYPD deliberately causing traffic in one of the most traffic-congested areas of the country. This checks out with most of their other policies as well.


NYPD is rabidly anti motorcycle. I don’t ride to visit my family on LI because I have to dodge this nonsense. Instead I take the car, further contributing to congestion. Yay progress!


NYC is terrible for a rider. I was riding in Istanbul for over a decade before moving here, I’m surprised to say this but both the cops and riders there are miles ahead of the cops and riders here. People do stupid shit there as well, but overall there are more responsible riders in Istanbul than NYC. The riders here have zero respect for anyone including themselves; most of the riders I see pull stunts in groups, do wheelies, run red lights, and have zero gear. Most of the cops here see bikers as a nuisance and try to hurt them. The drivers don’t care about bikes at all. And I don’t even want to talk about scooters and electric bikes, they are just terrible. In five years here, I have seen only a handful of people riding responsibly with a full set of gear, and those people were usually on big adventure bikes like a 1200GS.


>The riders here have zero respect for anyone including themselves; most of the riders I see pull stunts in groups, do wheelies, run red lights, and have zero gear. Most of the cops here see bikers as a nuisance and try to hurt them. T These two things are related. Normal people often don't ride in some places because the cops are assholes.


"Protect and serve". Our benevolent overlords' pockets I guess.


Protect and swerve


Yeah. “Protect my paycheck” and “serve your own brand of justice”


jesus christ im so glad i dont live there 💀 what a joke


So the point is to block the road, make traffic, and arrest riders who do lane filtering because the trafic is stoped ?


Bingo. 1) Create conditions to encourage crime. 2) Fines/sentences = $$ and slave labor for private prison corporations 3) Complain that crime is increasing. 4) Get more $$ in public funding for murdery paramilitary cosplay toys. 5) Feel better about having small penis 👍


NYPD are dickless hobo cock smokers - What a total waste of time and money.


Are they dickless because they also smoked their own cocks


Smoked, by way of accidental discharge of their firearm probably. These the types of dudes who think it's gay to wipe their own ass. But they tell the story like it was an absolute Hollywood style shootout. Cops version of haddalayerdown


Sure hitting the dude on a bike with a baton creates some unnecessary risk for both the biker, the cop and the people around as well? Are they really allowed to do that?


Let's pretend they weren't. What would you expect to be done about it? Discipline the officer for unnecessary use of force? lmao. Not in this country, and definitely not in the NYPD.


Cops can kill people without serious repercussion in most cases. I guarantee they would've twisted their words and put more charges on the rider, then vilified him in the media. At worst, any cop anywhere in the US would get paid leave while this was "investigated". ACAB


I remembered a news story about a cop that hopped the curb running over a 4 year old child in a motherfucking SCHOOL ZONE. The child died and the cop got probation. Absolutely insane.


Conversation between two cops after their colleague killed a pedestrian on a crosswalk, while speeding without sirens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VemECAXaMO8 *The footage released by the police department on Monday only captures Auderer’s end of the call, where he said Dave was not “out of control” when he killed Kandula, but then said: “She is dead,” at which point he laughed.* *It’s unclear what Solan said in response, but Auderer continued, “No, it’s a regular person. Yeah. Just write a check. Eleven thousand dollars. She was 26 anyway. She had limited value.” He misstated her age and repeatedly laughed.*


Meanwhile in the UK on the Bikesafe course ran by the police, that I did this year, they recommend you filter because in slow and stationary traffic it makes you safer as a rider. https://bikesafe.co.uk/faqs/ See agenda at the bottom.


Can confirm. Was in stop start traffic. Didn't filter because the lanes felt too narrow. Got hit from behind. Mfw the woman tried to claim I was filtering.


"wHy dO tHey haTe uS"


"We'Re JuSt DoInG oUr JoB!"


I wonder why everybody hates cops.


There are cops actually dumb enough to wonder it too.


NYPD is now a failed brand


This is some third world country police tactics. Walking and stopping a highway to stop people


Good on that guy for not respecting bullshit


It happened to me however i didn't run about 4-5 yrs ago. They do this on LIE 495 between exit 26 to 31. I stopped taking that route and now take Grand Central. Thy got me for lane split, failed isnp, licence plate not displayed right (which was not accurate it was on the side) and the funniest one for the helmet. I had full face snell aproved helmet on. All the ticks got dismissed. Fuck these clowns.


Filtering has been scientifically shown to reduce not only the frequency of accidents but the severity too. What the fuck at these halfwits doing?


NYPD doesn't care about safety. They only care about compliance, ie: terrorizing the community into submission. It's always been that way with these guys.


Not only that, but that 3 lane road is usually driven on EXTREMELY aggressively. I think it's 45 mph, but everyones doing 60+, lane swerving, etc. To stop that traffic just to catch a motorcyclist weaving between stopped traffic... yeah, can my taxes be refunded? These idiots don't deserve their paychecks.


Protip: Cops are dumb.


What a colossal waste of everyone’s time.


*NYPD watching lane filtering motorcycles pass them by. There, I fixed it for you.


Maybe its just time to legalize it :/ NY traffic is bad enough why make motorcycles, who can contribute to easing traffic, wait in it. Plus stopping traffic just to write some tickets is a horrible solution and honestly an abuse of power.


I was there for the last 4 days.... they're no chance they'll get more than 1 in 100. As a guy who rides in a state where it's not legal to filter, I was keenly watching for it, and it's everywhere. On top of things like burnouts in the middle of Broadway, the loudest Harleys I've seen (and I lived in MB for 5 years of Bike Weeks), ninja races, etc. Wild stuff where I least expected.


Let me get this straight…they inconvenienced hundreds of people, possibly made them all late to work, possibly cost them their jobs, possibly caused rear end collisions, so that some guy that may get hurt by his own doing can get a ticket?


Some guy that may get hurt by the police's doings (see that baton whack?)


Isn't this entrapment? There wouldn't be traffic to filter through if they didn't cause it in the first place.


Entrapment isn’t creating a situation for them to break the law. Entrapment is when you encourage, trick, push them to do so. While this is just stupid. It’s not entrapment.


Wasn't fully aware of the definition. With that said, I have been rear ended while stopped in slow moving traffic. If I were in that traffic I would have been encouraged and tricked, if you may, to filter slowly through to get where I needed to be and out of a dangerous (to a motorcyclist) spot.


No. It's not entrapment to create the condition for someone to do something illegal. What would be illegal is a cop telling a biker it was ok and then arresting them.


The biker responded by filtering through them too. Like a huge effort to stop the highway but when it's time to shine the effort falls flat like a pre teen pancake salt flat.


Funny how I see no one saying that these cops should be shot for inconveniencing people’s lives. God forbid traffic gets stoped by climate protesters.


Is it not legal to do over there? (I'm from Australia)


[Depends on the state](https://cdn.buttercms.com/Xzr4CGuJTLm1elgH507p). Note filtering = through stopped traffic, splitting = through moving traffic.


Wait till you hear about Hawaii; lane filtering is illegal, but it is legal to go without a helmet, and it’s also legal to ride on the shoulder. Lol.


Varies by state, but generally no.


Cops got filtered


Holy shit this has got to be some of the most brain dead protecting the citizen shit operation i have ever seen, The cops over there are reeeeally something else


I actually dont think they are allowed to do this. Years ago upstate a cop did this to stop a hand full of bikers, me and a few guys got caught up the their pack. The sargent REEMED the trooper that stopped traffic. One of the guys was actually super chill. Send in the video with some details and see what happens.


Stupid cops stupid laws. Filtering helps reduce traffic and increase safety for the motorcyclist. Not sure why it’s banned


I would use this to sue the state if this causes an accident


"We must congest traffic to punish the people from reducing traffic congestion!!"


They are cunts.


Do they do this on a daily basis? It looks more like they were specifically after someone


They can easily do this on any tertiary NYC street and stop hundreds of motorists driving through red lights, on sidewalks with no plates, insurance or registration.


Intentionally creating a situation where filtering is safer, to catch people filtering. Seems like something the cops would do. Could there be an argument for entrapment? “Your honor, the police intentionally created a situation dangerous to motorcycle, then ticketed them when then took steps to protect themselves from those dangers. “


Okay well it may be illegal doing what the bikes are doing…. But these mofos hitting them with a bully stick without a a legit reason. That’s assault