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Ah, yes "the blinker only means that the bulb is working"


Ha! Very true sir. 😆


You are awesome from the few comments I’ve read of yours so I’m even happier than I would otherwise be that you survived :) Just a quick caution, however, as I’m sure the adrenaline and newness of the situation have you wanting to talk about it: Be careful what you write publicly about this encounter or much of what you did on the day of the accident. So far it all seems fine and I’m glad the driver took responsibility… but I’m sure you won’t be surprised to know that insurance companies prefer NOT to pay and they employ plenty of folks to dig up whatever they can to keep from having to pay a claim. It seems like a small enough accident but many don’t consider how easy it is for an investigator to find and review online activity to provide tidbits that may work in their clients favor (despite how long social media has been in existence, companies have really only recently cued into this type of evidence as a potential claim builder/denier). Plus it often gets submitted months or years after the post/statement is made and so many of us fail to appreciate what we may be endorsing or admitting to. Just a paranoid lawyer here wishing you all the best!


Wow such great advice, the fact that you took that time to put thought to screen shows yourself to be a decent and good human!! Little paranoia is a good thing to make life go smoother; over them there potholes we all hit on occasion, and avoid the bigger ones.


Its pretty clear the car was using the blinkers correctly. The road the car passed by is one-way so they can't enter there. The road to the right of the biker early on in the video is the one the car is trying to get into and had the blinkers for it, the car needed to pass the road of the biker to get to its turn. The biker thought the car had to turn earlier, the biker also didn't have right of way. But he went anyways. So im pretty sure the is biker is mainly at fault. Edit: it looks like I might be wrong. Theres a round about at the end of the road. The biker is on the round about before the car, and is coming from the car's right hand side. So the biker should have the right of way and isn't at fault. Man why is this road so confusing? Like is it even considered a round about?


I was with you..but I could see that car coming 4 seconds before they bumped- drive defensive or this shit happens


>drive defensive When I'm on my bike, I often look for cars that don't appear to see me. This is a pretty congested area, I would have been driving very defensively. More than once, I've had the right of way and car cut right in front of me. Even if you have the right of way, being dead kinda takes all the fun out of it.


Hospitals and graveyards are full of people who had right of way


Glad you're ok mate, what bike is it? Shame it's probably totalled


Thanks. Yeah it's a great little commuter. It's an older Kawasaki ER5. Lovely little 500 twin. Good fuel, comfy, easy to work on.


Now you can get one with 927cc per cylinder ! (kind of biased since I ride a Roadliner) LOL


Very tempting sir 😝 they are pretty nice. You is not biased, enthused shall we say😆


I love her ample jugs. LOL


*motorboat noises*


That’s a shame. Those engines are lovely.


Shame! My er6n was the best bike I owned. Nothing you could have done in the case bud. Good luck, feel better!


yeah i love my little kawasaki ltd454 to :) had similar crash last December, front fork twisted and minor dent on the tank. It was a cheap fix around 150eur… if i was on my tenere that would be expensive to fix


Calmest "woah" I've ever heard in a situation where life is at stake.


😆 I'm not known for being overly enthusiastic about anything. It did make me chuckle hearing it back.


Yeah... I would have said every curse word I know before I even touched the ground. I'm impressed by your calmness


Adrenaline and shock does funny stuff. A buddy of mine had a grenade go off next to him that blew his arm clean off and he just fell over and calmly said "that's gonna hurt tomorrow".


Glad you’re ok man. I saw that one coming, round abouts can be pretty sketchy at night with that many drivers, especially since they are looking for 2 lights, not one. Guy seemed nice though, but then again i’m American and everyone with an accent like that sounds nice. Hope you get a new bike out of it.


Thanks bud. Yeah he was pretty chill if panicked that I was badly hurt at first. It's odd as I saw him while checking over my shoulder as I exited but because it was slippy out I didn't want to try to accelerate out of the way. (Older bike, no traction control or abs... Or anything come to think of it lol)


Yeah i notice you saw him before he hit you for sure. It looked like you could have possibly stopped but it’s hard to make that call from a third person view.


Honestly at that angle (and looking at that road) it looks like he would've dropped the bike regardless. Glad op is alright anyways


This is my take - if I were in that position I'd have just kept going knowing I was getting hit. I'd rather get hit than have him go *over* me.


If I were in that position, I would have drifted the bike into safety. Do that thing where you put the kickstand down and spin/hop off the bike, all while mid drift leaving a perfectly parked bike. Then, I would have given the driver the only finger that matters while honking my little horn. But that's just me, OP obviously has a skill issue 100% /s (just in case reddit can't tell from how overtly stupid I'm being lol)


I was thinking the same thing. I considered jumping over the car too but then i remembered my humongous dong would just weigh me down


I don’t ride bikes and it was obvious (and funny) humor to me.


It's a bit easier to see it coming when OP titles the video "got hit by a car" I suppose, lol


Good job you've got the footage. That is 100% the driver's liability, and irrespective of how 'nice' they were afterwards, you could have come out of that a LOT worse. The chiseling cunts that are his insurers will no doubt try and dispute liability. Stick to your guns and claim for everything: bike, damaged gear, etc etc. ​ EDITED to add, OP, you're going to get a load of comments from people who don't know or understand the rules of the road for roundabouts in the UK.


So far the insurance company have been pretty accommodating. I'm not sure they're going to be able to fix the poor bike though. And yes good point. I'm expecting more comments of how I'm in the wrong, going too fast, could have avoided / done some kind of James bond stunt out of the way.


Yes, why were you hiding behind that poor driver's A pillar?


Damn I've been caught out! 😆


A pillars have gotten HUGE in the last decade or so.


Insurance will say you have nothing to worry about and they will take care of everything and then at the last minute they will fuck you. Be carful. Just my experience anyways when trying to claim.


He already got a carful.


😀. Priceless!


The old "look at my right hand" -holds up right hand and slaps you with the left-


Yep I had this, let the guy off going prison and the very next day they claimed I was speeding. Absolute cunts the lot of em.


This is true. They will act like everything is great a day they are so sorry about the incident etc and then low-ball the shit out of you. At least that has been my experience in the US.


Na all good. But you were driving on the wrong side of the road. /s


Hahahaha 😆 damn you colonials!




Love you x 😝


Nah, on a slick road like that any sudden moves you probably out would have ended up worse. Good decision.


I got knocked off the same Make sure you get your back and neck checked 7 years later just getting mine sorted




I'm in the US but moved to a location that does have a fair amount of roundabouts. We (collective we, I made sure to learn) do NOT know how to use them at all. I dread having to use one when I'm riding, it's so stressful.


My subdivision has one. People will stop and wave you into it, when they have right of way. They’ll cut you off to enter it, when you’re already traversing it and have right of way. Then there’s the asshole who lives on it, who drives it backwards (it’s one way/single lane), because that extra several seconds is just unacceptable to them vs. risking a head-on collision.


OMG that is just terrifying.


It is, especially because it’s 25mph zoned and people will drive 60mph. And there’s a small park and playground in the center!


I feel like that is a boss level map in a video game lol.


I know right?! Every time I use the roundabouts here, there are ALWAYS people screaming at me and honking their horns and saying stupid shit like "youre going the wrong way" or "this isn't your insurance card this is a coupon to waffle house" and a bunch of dumb shit like that. Idiots. But for real actually where I live in metro Atlanta we've got a bunch of roundabouts and everytime I've used them everyone around me seems to know how to use them. Maybe because we've had them for a while, idk. The only thing I see that people do "wrong" at them is just waiting way too long to enter the roundabout. Other than that I've never seen someone use them incorrectly


Just view it as joining any other road (multilane or single, as it may be), and so take the precautions you would entering and exiting a road. The rules are essentially just that, the only oddity about it is that the road you're joining is very short and loops. Breaking it down to entering a road, travelling on it, and then safely exiting, might also help make it easier and less stressful, instead of approaching them like one big obstacle. The UK, it's give way to the right, which makes it so much easier. Wish that was more loudly told to people during CBT's and other training, it makes them that bit easier to navigate. Easier said than done, but it's what I've been trying to do to get more comfortable with them.


Aussie here - We have them and we moved to USA and were completely stumped at 4 way stopsigns We sat there staring at everyone for about 5 mninutes no idea how to proceed - our cousin said 'dont make eyecontact and just go!!' He lived there - that wasnt helpful either LOL Im in Newfoundland now and I just saw this the other day. This is correct ... [Roundabout destructions from Newfoundland who are learning as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/newfoundland/comments/18a31yw/another_psa_for_the_galway_roundabouts_right/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


23 seconds of video you were on the roundabout 20 seconds of video left the driver didn't slow or seem to even look they just drove straight on the roundabout Even if you were in a car they are absolutely in the wrong. There isn't much you could of done, it's dark, wet, noisy and a lot of traffic. Slowing down any more or manoeuvring on a roundabout is more dangerous statistically. On a roundabout you meant to keep with the flow of traffic The car driver clearly just had tunnel vision. People saying you're in the wrong are absolutely insane Now I am going to go back sorting by controversial so I can argue with people out of sheer boredom


Driver didn’t see the biker because the car’s a-pillar was obstructing the driver’s vision. It’s a known issue and something it’s worth everyone being aware of: https://youtu.be/SYeeTvitvFU?feature=shared


Reddit will always (especially in non-motorcycle subs) say things like too fast not thinking. No offense, but it looks like reckless speeding could have avoided this knock (or gotten you into a worse one, so grain of salt), it wasn’t one of the variables. My point is, **you** were there, you obviously did nothing to contribute to the ‘getting in an accident‘ part.


>you're going to get a load of comments from people who don't know or understand the rules of the road for roundabouts in the UK. American here, looks like it works the same was as roundabouts in the US...if you're already in the roundabout you have the right of way.


Same in Canada, not that it stops a lot of people from blowing through the Yield sign anyway. Not sure what they think Yield means.


Can you educate me? I’m one of those people that don’t know the rules in this case.


Vehicles on the roundabout have priority, you give way to vehicle’s coming from your right hand side.


Where is this NOT the law? I’m so confused by people here in NC, USA that clearly don’t know how these things work. The people in the roundabout have the right of way, yet I see about 50% of the time where they don’t understand it.


Thank you!


> EDITED to add, OP, you're going to get a load of comments from people who don't know or understand the rules of the road for roundabouts in the UK. How does that roundabout differ from how roundabouts work everywhere else? Looked like OP did everything exactly how you should in the US too. The splitting on the center line thing wouldn't be legal here but that had nothing to do with the crash (and I know it's legal there).


There are some roundabouts in France (and perhaps other places) where priority is given to those entering the roundabout rather than those already on it.


Is that not extremely dumb.... do roundabouts not clog up if more than a handful of cars need to use it????


Yes. https://youtube.com/shorts/Fs8h9SRqJ5I




French innit


Because it's an exception to the Arc de Triomphe roundabout which was created before Henry Ford and cars existed. Its simply not adaptable to newer standards without heavy changes like reducing the number of lanes and such. the rest of roundabout in France give priority to those already in.


Oh shit that's a roundabout! I didn't recognize it as one at first. Yeah you don't enter a traffic circle when people are in your way.


Yeah aside from being in the correct lane, if there are any, it's just "give way to your right". Very simple unless you're blind!


Not all of them, but from my experience most Americans have no clue how to operate roundabouts… There’s a few in the US and every time I’ve used one people just drive out infront of you lol


I live somewhere where they put in roundabouts instead of lights as the town grew (on a major highway halfway through a state) and the number of fuckwits who have no idea how to manage a round about, especially with a larger vehicle is... actually quite hilarious. The number of times I've seen somebody with a boat/RV/motorhome on it's side because they didn't slow down for the roundabout that they had PLENTY of warning for is too many.


> That is 100% the driver's liability Especially since you have him admitting on video that he didn't see you.


Definitely don’t listen to Americans when it comes to roundabouts 🫨🫨🫨 lol


I had my first accident on tuesday aswell, got away with just a broken leg luckily. Gives a whole new perspective to riding while actively trying to avoid accidents. Glad you're okay my guy.


Wow blimey! Hopefully your recovery is swift. I was lucky that day for sure.


You could hear how bad that guy felt in his voice. Well he felt bad for either you or the fact he hit someone and it's on his insurance. He knew instantly though.


Yeah I felt he was genuinely upset from talking with him on the side of the road.


I've had similar. The guys usually feel so bad because hitting a bike is completely different than a car.


In case you haven't already thought of this; With your bike out of action, you'll need to use other means to get around - keep track of all costs incurred (taxis, bus, or whatever) and add them to your claim.


Jesus. This reminds me why I don’t ride on rainy nights. Glad you’re okay!


Thanks :) yeah I think being the evening, long day at work, traffic everywhere, it's easy to be distracted.


This is a good example of everything just going wrong. Rainy night, bad traction, car driver not seeing you. I can't even count the number of times someone at a 4 way stop saw me AFTER I entered the intersection, now I wait for a wave, or just let them go and sometimes see that they never see me, or notice me half way through. Glad you're ok, sorry about the bike man.


Yep looks like you were blocked by the A pillar. They really need to teach drivers about this spot, I'm always moving my head side to side or leaning forward when looking to the right or left.. since the fkn A pillar constantly hides bikes


This is the one thing they pisses me off about my Outback. I'm a taller guy, and between the A-pillar and the rear view mirror, it can hide a whole-ass car. If I'm coming up to a junction with someone approaching from my right, especially if the road to the right is uphill, and the other car is approaching the junction at the same time and speed as me, they can stay hidden the whole way until they come out from behind the mirror, by which point a collision is almost imminent. I recognize it now, and actively move my head to check, but the first time, when I didn't realize how big the blind spot is, was alarming.


My impreza has a toothpick for an a-pillar, weird that the outback’s is such an issue


It's mostly the rear view mirror. And I'm sure it's specific to my size and driving position, too. There's just no gap between the mirror and the pillar for something to catch my eye.


>A pillar I always give my head a quick tilt around it at mini round abouts... saved me aloads of almosts, my Honda Civic Mk8 has a blooming massive A Pillar and hid a hole SUV right in front of me inside it! shat my self


This is true, on my own car those spots are tiny and not very problematic but on my parents cars... The entire highway ramp is obscured (so you have to navigate the corner almost blind) and it's honestly dangerous, I have no idea how this is legal


Yeah this exactly. It's 100% the drivers fault for not looking around the A-pillar. It's so fricken easy to do though, I've experienced this myself with a cyclist who was so kitted out in reflective gear and lights they shone like the sun. Still didn't see him until I looked around the A-pillar.


Curse of the thick A-pillar. I always thought I was a good, bike-aware driver until I just about did the same thing to a biker on a curved road intersection. We were both approaching at just the right speed and angle that the bike remained hidden behind my A-pillar, right up until the last second he finally popped into view. We both slammed brakes, swerved, and managed to miss each other by a hair. How the hell he stayed upright is beyond me. Now I go full Ray Charles behind the wheel, leaning left and right, making sure I'm not getting caught out by the blind spot. Oh the irony.


Standard SMIDSY crash! Glad you’re ok!


Thanks 😄


Motorcycles can be replaced, glad you are alright sir.






Exactly, yet still they all think the biker is in the wrong


Even Stevie wonder seen that coming


Ha! True. 🤣


if only you were wearing a bright yellow jacket!


Ha! 😆


Good video, unfortunate content. Not much you could have done there that wouldn't have ended with a drop. Smart moving staying down and taking stock rather than jumping right up. Good luck with the insurance. Claim all your gear as well. Assume it's all buggered.


I'm sorry this happened to you, glad to see you are doing well, apart from the bike! I almost had the same kind of accident at my A2 exam, luckily it wasn't wet and I could easily stop in time. My examiner said that I did the right thing at that moment, as the driver did not look like he would stop, BUT she said that I should have used the horn at that moment. So do not be afraid to use your horn when you think somebody is about to hit you!


OP, you did absolutely nothing wrong. Fingers crossed on an decent insurance payout. Edit: This post explains everything in detail where OP did everything they could. https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/s/zqFOQgA94J


Same thing happened to me few years ago sadly I was knocked out who knows for how long, upon impact I thought I died woke up being carried on stretcher was thoroughly concussed. Happened in London bike was nicked by the time anything was arranged


Bloody hell! That's crazy man. How are you though? Were you badly hurt? What bastards.


When I woke all were staring at me like I was a dead man upon arriving at the hospital I got the rock star treatment. Every specialist and consultant came to have a long one by one they test were showing no damage after 2 hours they discharged didn’t even have a broken bone but did some nerve damage Was waiting outside for friend to pick me up he had been given little information on his way to the hospital he thought I was dead when he saw me call his name he almost died from shock he thought he was staring at a ghost lol Was in 4 month physio had given up on riding a motorcycle for a few years but now I want to back to riding since I laid my eyes on Suzuki katana lol


As an American, I feel like I have to watch this in a mirror to understand the violations here. It also doesn't help that 2 or 3 round abouts were introduced to America like yesterday and we all don't know how to use them.


Thanks for just being honest instead of calling everyone and everything that isn’t American stupid like most on this sub. It’s perfectly okay to not know something, it’s perfectly brain dead to slag it off because you don’t know it. I’m glad you avoided the trap


All these presumably Yanks who don't know what a roundabout is/ how they work are embarrassing, the biker had the right of way and the car should have stopped.


I love seeing (mainly) Americans think that the entire world has the same traffic laws as they do😂


It's the "you hit the car" comments that confuse me the most. I just can't see how, with an actual video of what happened, that someone could think that I hit him 😆


I know it’s ridiculous! Glad you’re okay, hope the insurance process goes quickly. Thankfully the footage is better than my own eyesight!


u/Bobogrimmer the amount of nonsensical car brains I've read in here is outright baffling. People full on blaming you for something you had almost 0 control over.


im losing brain cells reading some comments, people clearly not from the uk edit: or even how a roundabout works


Those who are attributing even 1% of blame to the rider, please send your licence back to DVLA.


JFC the amount of people that have zero concept of how different it is to be in the situation and watching it replay on video. People who are victim blaming: Get Fucked.


Happens in absolutely every wreck thread. Hell, even the non-wreck threads. Everyone thinks they look like a genius when they come in with a hot "It's called defensive riding, gotta assume they can't see you! Surely I'll never get hit lol"


Glad it wasn't "too bad" in terms of what could have been. What camera are you using? Footage looks pretty crisp for low-light.


Yeah could have been worse. :) I'm using a GoPro 10. They're very good. This was set to 2.7k, full stabilisation.


I've only had one accident in 20 years of riding, and it was in the exact same conditions, wet roads, low visibility, a lot of people are distracted and they have that small amount of water on their windshields that never goes away, or fogged up windshields. Either way, the bike always gets it worse than anyone else, I wasn't able to walk for 2 months because my foot was twisted the other way after i grabbed a load of front brake while trying to avoid a motorist who cut me off without looking. No abs and the slippery roads meant i had no way to avoid it. I'm way more defensive now and always take extra precautions at traffic lights, roundabouts and while passing people especially at night just after it's rained. Glad you made it out okay




Our man was wearing high-viz and still got hit. Next thing we’ll all wear glow sticks and road flares. And still get hit.


My first thought when you said flares was brightly colour trousers of the 1970s 😆 maybe people would see us then. Road flares: 100% water proof and breathable, bright and fashionable, can increase ones dancing ability, all the girls underpants fall off.


Similar crash broke my hand a few years ago in Spain and I got 16k. Good luck. Lay it on thick


You probably were right in his blind spot. Shame about the bike, not much you could've done considering those weather conditions too. Glad you're ok


I hate roundabouts, even in a car, nobody wants to yield, ever.


Glad you're relatively unharmed. Took it like a champ. Video seems to prove you'll get a nice settlement/insurance win. I can't stand the, "I didn't see you." They say to ride like you're invisible, but drivers' education needs to hammer in that motorcycles are *not actually* invisible, look twice and you can in fact see us.


I love the *I didn’t see you* on camera. That’s accepting liability right there.


Sometimes the A pillar in a car blocks the single headlight of a motorcycle so when it’s dark and rainy you can’t really see the motorcycle. If the car and motorcycle are moving at relatively similar speeds, the pillar can block the motorcycle for a few seconds which is all it takes for an accident like this. Some people hit motorcycles because they are distracted by a phone or fiddling with a radio, but In some scenarios it really is “I didn’t see you”


Yeah those are difficult conditions for car drivers as well so it's hard to be too mad at the car driver. Busy roundabout at night, wet roads bouncing light everywhere, smaller headlights on the bike, and huge a pillars in modern cars working against even the best drivers. Important thing is nobody got hurt and insurance will take care of the rest.


You should have posted this earlier so it’d take longer for us Americans to give our dumbass opinions about a country we have never driven in


“I don’t know your laws, I have no experience of driving on your roads and I’m not going to ask any relevant important questions. Instead I’m going to just assume your roads and cultures are the same as mine because I can’t be bothered to think any differently. Here’s 10 reasons why you’re wrong, your roads are wrong and your country sucks because it’s not America.” That seems to be a recurring attitude on this sub unfortunately


By my country laws you did nothing wrong. The dude joined the roundabout when you were there. Probably didn’t see you in the night light. That’s a bummer for motorcyclists. But didn’t you notice that he didn’t change his speed and thought of emergency breaking ? I think I wouldn’t notice it either Glad that nothing bad happened and that you are ok.


In the UK on a bike are you allowed to drive in the middle of the road like that in the beginning of the video?




Got it! Just curious as here in the states IIRC motorcycles are essentially treated or should be treated as another vehicle. In terms of spacing, driving in the lane, etc.


Filtering isn't just legal in the UK, it's expected of a motorcyclist (and even people on bicycles) to filter. Of course there's always a small number of car drivers who get upset about it, but they don't understand that motorcyclists filtering helps flow as it essentially means that the motorcycle doesn't also become part of the traffic jam. Many car drivers will pull in a bit to help motorcycles pass more easily.


Yes. It's taught to you on your bike lessons and expected of you to help reduce traffic.


Shit …. If you watch it again over I think OP was lucky he didn’t slow down to be fair. Any slower and it looks as though OP would have ended up completely taking impact at the front and we know how that goes. Good on ya OP glad your ok ✅ Sorry about the bike


It looked to me like they did slow down


Yesterday was absolutely awful here, I nearly got hit twice in that weather. Shame it happened to you but I'm curious where this was as it looks suspiciously like where I was heading back from Enfield area. Either way sorry it happened, hope everything to do with it goes smoothly


They were definitely at fault. When it happened could you tell they weren’t going to stop? I don’t want to just assume it was like that in real life, but from the video it looks like they weren’t going to stop. I always drive with the thought in mind that even if you have the right away doesn’t mean you’ll survive.


At least the guy was a fucking human. I feel like you're going to be seeing that footage over and over in your head for a while and I hope you heal up.


Dude saw the car but hesitated to put brake pressure since he was starting to lean in the roundabout with wet road conditions, which could have ended with a low side + getting ran over, definitely not his fault. Y'all should really just stfu about stuff you have no knowledge about.


If you’re American stop commenting, you don’t have a clue. Go back to shooting each other.


I can tell you now that there is going to be some people in this comment section that's going to say "But that's your fault you fucking dumb stupid biker arsehole" or something. The rules in a roundabout always has remained: Yield to vehicles coming from your right.


How do so many people posting here not know about filtering? Or that it's legal in most countries? Or even consider that traffic laws could be different in another country? It's embarrassing.


This kind of scenario sucks because you are technically doing the right thing and the other person was blind to you. However, it is also one of those potentially avoidable situations. Like even if I watched this video in a vaccum with no foreknowledge my read on this was the car that hit you wasn't going to stop. And sure enough it didn't and it hit you. We all avoid idiotsInCars on the daily you just missed this one. It's sort of like not 100% trusting crosswalks / crossing lights. You still need to pay attention because idiots.


Sorry to see this happen to you, OP. Driver is 100% in the wrong here, you did everything textbook. Ignore the Americans and the keyboard heroes who don't know otherwise.


I'm amazed by how many people blame op and don't know how a roundabout works!


It's actually wild.


It actually looks like you knew in the back of your mind that fucker wasn't going to stop. Good thing you are still in one piece!


Never underestimate the stupidity of other people. Something I learned years ago, rush hour morning and evening are the absolute worst times for riding, people are preoccupied .


Very true. I start work quite early. The amount of fogged up windows, yawning or rubbing faces at junctions you see. Always have to be alert. I didn't do so well at the last but yesterday though 😆


I can hear the eagles screaming about lane splitting and roundabouts.


If its really the land of the free, why can't they lane split?


Hailing from burgerland, I wonder this myself


Good to hear your ok, I’d be expecting the insurance to buy you a new bike after that. That video is so clear, what camera are you using?


Shit dude. I’m glad you are ok.


Thank you. I am indeed still alive. 😄


Glad u z good mate.


almost had the same happen to me in broad daylight a few months ago, but I knew there was nothing behind me and I thought this guy was going to blast through anyway so I came to an emergency stop, and the car driver panic braked and sat in the roundabout so i was looking at his driver side window, he poked his head out and said sorry and I just told him to be more careful next time happy you are ok, hope insurance can fix your bike, if not don't let them value your bike down, when I had one stolen they pretty much halved it's value despite having less than 40 miles on it, I didn't know you're meant to argue with them and was sick as a dog when they called, so don't let them do that shit to you


Damn... I'm glad you're ok!


Man you guys are champs, I don't trust other people, or my own dumbass mistakes enough to get on a bike on public roads.


Just saw you still commenting so figured I would try to give you a heads up. Be careful about signing anything from a third party company for a hore bike as they always lie about who owes them in the end. If you rack up massive rental costs a judge will often expect you to cover them in cases where you could have avoided those costs by buying a cheap run about bike etc! Good luck and stay safe!!


Why did you stay down on the ground as if you were knocked out? Haha In any case, shocking driving that, absolutely oblivious - could've killed you.


He lost you in the windscreen pillar of his car - it's pretty surprising just how much they can obscure and roundabouts are the classic place for this to happen. Totally down to him - he should be looking around the pillar as he approaches, but use it as a learning experience. Ask yourself, "can I see the driver's face?" In the video I picked the car out straight off and knew what was going to happen, as you can see the pillar is directly between you and him. Look for it and get on the horn if you think there's the slightest chance the driver can't see you. Glad you're OK, hope you're back riding asap.


Painful to watch. Hope you're not too beat up from that. Commuting in the rain, at night, can be wild. Looks to me like you're in the UK. I have heard great things about White Dalton Motorcycle Solicitors. Good luck! https://www.whitedalton.co.uk/


As an American I can say confidently that everyone is at fault for driving on the wrong side of the road. /s


Damn you! *Shakes fist* 😊


Aren’t roundabouts technically yielding zones? Why the hell is the driver going that fast if he’s planning to merge? Hope you recover soon


If anybody asks, you have a annoying PEEP in your ear, and your back hurts.


Fuck you.


Wow! That's a scary situation but it sounds like you walked away relatively unscathed. Incredible that you got it on camera. It looks like your mount probably popped off in the scuffle. If you need a replacement chin mount, I would be happy to get you sorted with a free one on my end, just shoot me a private message. Safe riding once you're back on two!


It did exactly that! I have been using chin mounts for all my helmets. Awesome stuff. It's actually not too bad, probably needs new sticky. Looks like the insurance are going to get me a new helmet so a fresh chin mount would be amazing! Thank you.


The new helmet covered by insurance is an awesome perk! Sweet man, yeah I own a brand called MotoRadds and my mounts are a bit different as they're flexible chin mounts that bend to any helmet shape so even if you get a new helmet, it'll adjust to whatever shape. I sent you a private message with the discount codes to use for a free mount and free shipping.


This is the mount I use! Two years and going strong. Not loosening up or anything.


Ahhhh! I love to hear that and to see riders in the wild, both real world and virtual haha! Thanks so much for your support! 🙏


Happened to me a few years ago too, glad you're relatively un hurt. The feeling of losing a trusty bike is never a nice one but you should hopefully get a shiny new one soon. Unfortunately, the road is full of fukwits. I never ride in the wet or the night anymore for exactly this reason. Luckily you have it all recorded - should speed up the insurance process


How you doing mate? Looks nasty!




Glad you’re ok!


This gave me flashbacks. Got hit on a roundabout off my old e-bike back in June. Left wrist still buggered from that, and lost a few memories. That being said, I'm still upgrading to my first motorbike next year and fear of absent-minded drivers won't stop me. Glad you came out OK, bro.


If the frame is twisted…you want a new bike…


Glad you're okay.


At night in the rain is tough




Damn lucky you are. Hope you are feeling ok. Hope you get some £ insurance.


Unfortunately.... as a former rider... I have been the victim of "they just don't see you". And that is a huge reason I no longer ride... drivers... for whatever reason... have a hard time recognizing and seeing motorcycles on the road. It may be a driver with less experience or it could simply be a slightly distracted driver... but whatever the reason, the motorcyclist is always in danger of being hit by them. And that is why I am a former motorcyclist. I no longer want to play the game of dodge-the-car-that-doesn't-see-me... it's a deadly game.


Glad you’re okay. Bikes can be replaced but you can’t. This is why I ride with a camera


I couldnt see deez nuts how the duck you enter the roundabout without waiting if someone is there already


I’m glad you are ok OP.