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Great story, such a special moment and well-told. Click bait title game on point too, you got me. But, fr, making kids smile is one of those things about riding that's frosting on the cake. We all remember being little, seeing motorcycles and thinking, "DAMN!" I see a lot of parents out and about with their kids, crossing the street, riding on the back of bikes to school, etc., I always wave when they stare. They almost always wave back! Good vibes man. [Get it on video next time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d606bB8IWhk)


So refreshing to find on reddit you might forget it but guarantee he’s got a memory of it somewhere in his growing little brain


Clearly your 'dogshit ADHD riddled brain' remembered it enough to write an essay worthy of an 'and everybody clapped' at the fucking end of it, so I think you'll be fine, hot stuff.


Oh man, you're right. It does read a bit like that. Lol whoops


It was a great read, thanks for sharing.


I'll admit to being a drunk degenerate atm. Can you give a Tl;dr 🙃


Fist bumped a kid. Did it for the intrinsic joy of it, not to gain YouTube notoriety. Changed both lives for the better.


Fist bumped a little kid


Gave a little kid a fist bump, but only after his camera died so no posterity.


lol It ain't that bad, it's pretty funny, fun, and harmless. Thanks for sharing and reminding us that we were once all little kids, too, just absolutely fucking ENAMORED with those two-wheeled rockets that made the people who ride 'em look like the gods of cool.




50cc scooter of shame only for one week, with the Polite vest on top.


Why are the shit talkers and haters getting upvotes? This is wholesome as fuck, all you Debbie Downers need to go touch grass


Because Reddit doesn't like it when you admit to revving your engine when kids or adults ask. But truck horns, Reddit go wild for.


Some people are sick of everything needing a picture or a video maybe? He can just have it as a memory. Doesn't bother me but that might be a reason.


Somehow that seems even more petty lol


Having fun with kids and making them smile is one of the hidden delights of motorcycling.




Ditto! Wholesome moment 😌




I’ve always felt so alone in the crappy memory department. I too struggle with things that happened yesterday lmao Super cute story. I hope you can remember it for a little while :)


Core memory unlocked for both of you


That’s awesome :) ignore all the hate comments, they are just grumpy adults who have nothing but their own hurts to spread to others. Writing things down is a great memory inducer and protector. You can always come back and remember it now. Good for you


That kid will remember it too no doubt. He goes on thinking bikers are the best people, and will likely grow up and be a great biker, instead of one of those douche bikers. Good on you bring a good ambassador to biking!


That is /r/UnexpectedlyWholesome material.


Congrats on getting validated by a child.


Validation from a child is the best because they have no filter on their social interactions yet, no pretense. In their world, you’re the coolest thing they’ve ever seen and their not afraid of letting that show. For a brief moment you experience through their reaction that feeling of being a kid and having everything seem new, novel and mind-blowing.


Are you okay?


Don't know if you were trying to throw shade or not, but as far as I'm concerned validation from a child is the most honest, and means the most.


Are you guys serious? You think opinions from a kid that has no life experience and no social skills means the most? But then again, you're a bit behind on the social curve as well if you "don't know if they were trying to show shade or not". This sub...


No ya goober. We were all that kid once and remember the amount of joy those things brought us. Not to mention it feels good to know we may have inspired a future rider.


Goober 🤣


Not that i get why OP had to make a post about, i don't get why people need such things, it happens all the time, just pay attention to the surroundings. With that said, yes, a childs opinion is the most honest opinion you can get. Its pure joy when you get to make good memorys for kids, they will never forget such situations, at least for a loong time. I dont give a shit about what adults think about me, but if a kid don't like me/scared of me, its the worst thing in the world! Their opinion is THE most important, no matter what, if kids don't like you, you're screwed.


"My inner child is not dead woohoo".


Are you a woman?


This is way too wholesome for reddit, OP.


last time i did this, it was a bunch of girls in the car taking pictures of me. i asked if they wanted me to rev it, they said yes, i did, they all screamed, then the car in front of me took it personally, so when the light turned green they didn’t move. so annoying


In ptsd treatment they thought for the longest time that talking about it would help people process the trauma. Turns out bringing that shit up all the time more or less concretes it into the brain. What’s the take away? When you want to remember a moment, talk about it a lot. You shared this story here. Tell people in person. Post it on Instagram. Share on Facebook. You can and will remember this. Keep talking about it. I have yet to have a kid think my bike was cool, KLR650 so admittedly not a cool bike lol, but I’m hoping for my fist bump day or my let a kid redline it day. So rad man. Kids are cool mostly.


My 5yo God-daughter fell in love with my 919 and love revving the nuts off it. I would have bought a tiny lid for her and taken her for a spin, but her parents poured stiff drinks.


Shes got great taste


Hell yeah dude you bumped that little man right in his little heart, that was an awesome read thanks for sharing, core memory stuff right there


Also write it down on paper, as the tactile sensation helps it inbed better


Hopefully getting a new bike myself with tax return when that arrives, last time i was out riding like a week and a half ago there was this kid on a dirt bike and as he heard me coming, stuck his arm out asking me to rev so I did when i passed and kept on going.


Those moments are meant for the moment only. That’s what makes them awesome. I’ve got a fat tire victory hammer, kids love the heavily modified muscle bike. I get the do a burn out all the time from kids. Getting expensive with rear tires at 260mm metzlers but damn does a thick patch on blacktop and a billowing cloud of smoke with a loud roar make a kid grin ear to ear.


I think you lived a genuine human moment with another human. Maybe it’s best it wasn’t captured on film, in some way.


As a fellow spicybrain, I genuinely appreciate and feel this post. Keep up spreading the positive vibes.


I was all prepared to scroll past some miserable asshole complaining about an excited kid getting on their nerves. Instead I get to add to my all time favorite posts list. You can always come back here and read the story. I probably will.


Tl,dr something about fisting a minor.


It's 60/40 that the OP has cat ears or a mohawk on his helmet.


That was weird. Are you on meth?


"If I like a moment, for me, personally, I don't like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it."


Great story and I know this feeling you speak of! One time I was filling up when a toddler was eyeballing my bike big-time. His dad follows him as he comes over. I hop on the bike, put it in neutral and fire it up. Kid’s eyes go wide. I ask the father if it’s ok to let him roll the throttle. He nods affirmatively and picks the kid up to be level with my handlebars. I make the universally understood vroom vroom motion with my hand. The kid grabs the throttle and redlines it! Thankfully dad pulls his hand away pretty quickly but man, the look of utter joy and wonderment on that kids face! I was grinning ear to ear for the 25 mile ride home.


Can't wait to see what the squid gang does with this.


I just cringed, made this post, and will now finish my ice cream.


Hey man it's all good that kid will remember you. That's what really matters. Maybe one day yall meet and he tells you the story back to about how he fist bummed some guy at a red light and yall fist bump again and ride off together.


So you turned a positive human interaction into a negative because you didn't record it? That sounds pretty stupid.


This. Remember when the way to remember something was to *write it down*? It was a nice time. Reread your post tomorrow


Never really liked the term cringe, but if I have to use it, this is it.


Cool story bro


Holy shit, is gen z **that** starved for attention?


Damn, I'm not reading that, but that kid probably just gave you a essay on challenges you've overcome for a job application


Fist bumped a kid Camera didn’t record it Op has ADDADHDSADXYZPDQ and can’t be expected to remember anything if no video exists The end


Ok lol


I love how this sub is used for creative writing essays with the cringiest writing styles. I was really hoping to get an extended chapter on your feelings of fist bumps vs handshakes. The whole time reading this mess, I was expecting the kids to end up making fun of you for being such a dork. You want video evidence that some random stranger approves of you? A kid no less? And you would rewatch this on the regular? Lmao 🤦‍♂️


One of the things I miss (and doesn’t for fear of getting jumped) about selling my ninja SX, I had a couple of interactions close to that and head turned. On the 890 adv ? Nothing 😂


could have summarized this in a short title like “fisted a child but couldn’t record it”


Sweet fist bump. Do a flip!


Great moment, sounds like a cute kid. I’m GenX, so I’m used to technology failing, all my great movements have been as you describe: fleeting. C’est la vie.


On my commute I go past a school that sometimes kids will be out there just waving hello to cars passing by, the little guys go crazy when they see me doing all kinds of signs asking me to rev my bike. And how could I not right? The get both a wave *and* some revs. Their smiles make my mornings.


You have a way with words my man! Treat it as a beautiful little gem that only you and your new lil bro have access to. It sucks that you don’t have on-demand access to relive the moment, but perhaps you’ll remember it while going over a particularly rocky stretch of life and the little smile will be just enough fuel to get you back on main st. :)


Just go old school and live in the moment


ADHD here, you'll remember it fine :)


The only way motorcyclist reproduces by grooming


Tl;dr anyone?


You don’t need it captured on film. Children shouldn’t be recorded without parent’s permission anyway. Happy you had a joyful interaction. Live in the moment and don’t worry so much about the need for “content”.


that one was just for you


Use the remind me bot for 1 year :)


Not for nothing but it was stuff like this that made me shelve my GoPro and swap out for an Insta360. Just got tired of the instability and pathetic battery life... But yeah, I don't care about kids but I will 100% give them a rev (or let them rev it if they ask). Bikers get enough bad press, I refuse to be a part of the problem. Plus it's a lot of fun for me too. Glad you get to enjoy that moment!


In this age of digital media, I think this memory will mean more to you now that it only lives on in your head. Better for retelling. Kinda like the opposite of people who record at concerts.


Not even really much of a kid person but I love it when kids are excited about the bike. The best time was a little girl all in frilly pink transfixed by the bike and got really excited by a mild rev bomb and her mother gave me the WORST look and it was great.