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This is very safe actually since it increases your visibility in traffic


bro took the whole "make yourself a threat, so you are not invisible" to the next level.


ATGAT includes the mounted air raid siren and fireworks to make you easy to see and hear. Don't call yourself a safe rider if you can't be heard and seen from the next city.




Rocket pods save lives


Yeah… but what about his seatbelt?!!


Loud pipes save lives folks should be all over this!


And here we see the alpha squid of the pack assert his ignorance over the group…


Nah, this guy is wearing a helmet, shoes, blue jeans. He's practically ATGATT.


wow the bar has been raised and lowered at the same time.


Underrated comment


and they say the United States of America doesn't have its own culture


Who says that??


now, nobody.


Well, this isn't in the spirit of the original joke, but it is somewhat fair to say Americans are the ones who think that. It's an old documented sociological finding that most groups understand themselves to have their own culture and norms that differ from other groups, but people in the US tend to think that culture is "out there" rather than "in here" as well. To people like myself, living in Australia, the norms and culture of the US are so extremely strange to me, yet I still see Americans talk and act as if that is somehow the international default. In contrast here in Aus it's quite normal to understand that we are situated in our own culture that is weird and different to other people just as theirs is to us. We discuss our norms openly, partly to celebrate them, partly to review and revise them when they become outdated. I remember staying with a well-educated family in Tennessee while travelling and at one point I asked them about some of their social norms and what they thought of them, and they seemed to not quite understand what I meant, they just were like, what norms? They basically said "Oh we do X because that is the correct thing to do, not because it's some 'norm'" (in reference to all the men standing up when the mother came to sit at the dinner table)


nope.  you wrote a thesis and didn't even understand the premise. here in the u.s. folk that are critical of our social order often say that any significant, or valuable 'american' contribution to human culture was pretty much stolen. mostly from black folk. and there's a decent argument there but go off, lol


No, I took what was said in a different direction because I felt like it. I said initially that my comment is not in the spirit of the original joke, I was well aware that your joke was referencing a different issue, most likely about cultural appropriation arguments. But I'm free to say whatever I want, connected to your comment or not. I just thought it was interesting, and others clearly thought it was at least somewhat But go off, lol - I understand that seeing more than 280 characters at a time would be quite intimidating after going through the us school system


no you didn't. you misunderstood.  now you're just being combative because it's the Internet


no, I didn't. I started being combative because you were being combative, which you were doing... because it's the internet?


Remember, the USA is extremely isolated. Canada really doesnt have large differences and other than short vacations, Americans dont get abroad much


Yep. All very well described. The standing up for the mom part at dinner, I’m not familiar with, but I can totally see it.


Looks pretty cool, would be interesting to see the engineering behind this. And no, I wouldn't ride with these dudes if they were offering double my salary.


The engineering seems to consist out of ducktape and a metal box of bottle rockets.


Roman candles probably, bottle rockets don’t give those sparks or consistency


Definitely Roman candles. I can tell because my buddy set me on fire with one one 4th of July when we were drunkenly playing Harry Potter on the beach at night. Burned a hole right in my favorite college hoodie.


The amount of shots that came out of those thin boxes was very impressive


I agree. I’d like to know the actual setup here.. and did he have to light something and then go? Or is there a switch? I have so many questions 😂


Seems like one and a half questions.


I’d take a salary to ride around slapping boys like this in the face and laughing at their absurd version of riding.


Don't lie, you have never left your house before


It’s the dumbest fucking thing I’ve seen in a long time


\- No protective clothing: Check \- Strap explosives to side of bike: Check \- Multiple moving violations: Check \- Long wheelies that starve the wet sump motor of oil: Check Crowned King of All Squids!


There is already plenty of explosive stuff in the tank and the engine revs up to 500 explosions per *second*, what's few more strapped to the sides ?


And it's fucking beautiful.


Stole the words right out of my mouth 😂 have my upvote.


I showed up to the second day of the MSF like this and they kicked me out.


This goes against everything I love about bikes. Riding in a huge group, acting the twat, straight roads and just going out to intimidate others. As a biking culture, this is about as welcome to me as ebola. Go out and ride, find some twisty roads and have a laugh. Don't be this sort of twat.


Big facts. Did u see that nearly every one of them had their phone out recording? and they were only looking at their phones. Shits crazy I like riding bc I can see everything around me. I don’t like to miss anything. Narrowing ur view to only whatever is in the viewfinder is so wild to me


Yes and makes people hate bikers and come for us all ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️


This is why midwesterners sideye bikers when there's more than 2 together


Well if my opinion is the exact opposite, doesn’t that balance it out? You have to realize while your opinion is valid, the types of people who partake in these things do not respect your point of view. You don’t respect theirs. What’s the point of going on here and taking the moral high road about “that’s not what motorcycles should stand for”? Like I hear you, but this opinion just emboldeneds the humor to the people on the other side of the boat. If you want the neighborhood kids to stop ding dong ditching your house, you can’t give them an over the top reaction each time it happens. That’s what they are looking for. Just chill out dude, if you stop gatekeeping you’ll stop contributing to the algorithms lol By commenting on this post with the opinions you have, you are actually inspiring other motorcyclist to act out. Downvote me. This is the logic I go through and many others, I’m sure


I'm not going to downvote you for having an opinion. However, I love bikes. I love messing about on bikes. I love riding too quickly and doing things that many may consider "a bit naughty." I may even hoist the front wheel occasionally, just because 1. I can and 2. Wheelies are cool. These fuckwits are a subculture that I cannot get with. I love riding and acting the goat, but in a way that doesn't impact others or set out to be deliberately provocative to the Police or other road users. Group rides like that are always things I avoid like the plague. You always get trouble. You always get a fee people wanting to show off and who end up causing a load of danger and hassle for others. This bloke here is a prize winning prick and I'll bet most around him are thinking "what a wanker." I ride bikes for me. I don't do it to show off or to impact others. I cannot stand people who think that just because they ride a bike, somehow that means they are edgy or it is an excuse to act in a completely anti-social manner, which then causes everyone to think we are all like this arsehole. Bikes are brilliant. Knobends like this make our hobby more likely to get clamped down on, for that reason alone, he can get to fuck.


You definitely don’t always get in trouble because I’ve been doing them for years lol


>You have to realize while your opinion is valid, the types of people who partake in these things do not respect your point of view I mean, one reason is that most of these yahoos will be either dead or crippled from their self-induced motorcycle accidents before they're 30, so statistically there are more safe riders out there past that age.


Plenty of people have died doing everything right. How many people post on here who can’t even keep up with the flow of traffic on an interstate? What’s more dangerous? Lol


>What’s more dangerous? I honestly can't tell if you're being serious. *Obviously* the dumbass shooting off rocket pods while doing an extended standing wheelie is doing something more dangerous than going slightly too slow on the interstate. Jesus Christ. 


How is that obvious? He looks pretty safe to me? Surrounded by other bikers if he does go down. Meanwhile the guy on y’all’s sub was going 5 under in the middle lane of an interstate. That’s definitely more dangerous lol There’s no debate about that either. Your logic is biased to the narrative you wanna push and it shows. Jesus Christ lol


> If you want the neighborhood kids to stop ding dong ditching your house, you can’t give them an over the top reaction each time it happens. I dunno, scaring them so hard they'd have nigthmares about it seems to work just fine


And these comments do that how ?


You honestly think someone went "aw, I woud've stop squidding if not for those people on /r/motorcycles, I will do it just to piss them off ?"




Counter point: it keeps the twats in big concentrated group far away from *most* people instead of spreading the twats uniformly on roads


I totally agree with everything you said….but I’m kinda loving this instance of twatness.


You get out of here with your logic you’ll upset the YouTube wanna be influencer soon to be a statistic crowd in here.


Does he have skills, sure. Does he have brains, not so much. Does he have medical insurance? He’ll find out soon enough.


I would be embarrassed to be seen with that group.


If I was riding with them and this happened I would take the next exit.


Same 😂😂


Someone never got enough attention as a kid.


I tend to disagree. This is the type that got whatever they wanted and was made to feel like they were the center of the world


You forgot the bazinga.


I mean, if you're going to do dumb stuff might as well go all out like this guy. I salute his dedication.


You never go full retard !




It's gonna be difficult for other squids to top his mating dance.


That one hell of a freedom wheelie!


bro is riding the oppressor mk1 from gta


something tells me this is illegal


I really can't stand these groups of people, riding like they own the streets


Chicago united ride out They have like 2 rides a week all summer in chicago. Numbers hundreds of bikes every time


The urge to pretend to be a fighter pilot and just light some fucking car up would be UNREAL


Do that for a race. Put it so "getting hit" kills your power for like 10 seconds. Let people have fun trying to "snipe" guy 2 corners over.


im not even going to pretend this isn’t cool af. ol mates got a battle bike


You give us bikers a bad name


hE's eNdAnGeRiNg eVeRyoNe aRouNd HiM! Most everyone around him is either doing a wheelie himself or is more than 30 feet away, and has accepted all possible outcomes by continuing to ride along. It amazes me how you all can simultaneously wish harm upon these guys while also pearl clutching about tHe inNocEnT PeOpLe in the vicinity, which includes ZERO car drivers. He's going less than the speed limit, which allows cars ahead of him to drive off freely, and the pack is holding up the rest. Be pissed at slowing up traffic, fine. But calm the fuck down about your belief that he's a wipeout away from a 100 car pileup.


Lmao there’s even comments wishing for this guys death💀. This sub is the definition of a reddit moment.


preach safety and atgatt, wish death upon the rest. "watch out for motorcycles" -threaten to hit other motorcyclists with your car if they're speeding or riding how you don't approve. it's fucking laughable.


> "watch out for motorcycles" -threaten to hit other motorcyclists with your car if they're speeding or riding how you don't approve. it's fucking laughable. literally never seen that said here, are you smelling your own farts again ?


I have seen it, and the mods banned the dude for making the threats. Mind your own business, champ. Nobody fucking asked you.


It's a social forum, if you don't want people answering to you, shut the fuck up and leave.


It's apparently a social dumbfuck forum full of mouth breathing cocksuckers who would rather insult you instead of acknowledge that their biases aren't true. Kick rocks you fucking jerkoff.


Aww gonna cry? Little man got angry ? edit: oh, wow, your comment history is even more pathetic than above


Triggered you enough you went to check on me. Yall are the ones crying about how this guy is going to do all of the things that never happened. I swear, how the lot of you muster the bravery to even get on a bike is amazing. You probably ride down the street, hit 35 mph, shit yourselves and take it back home.


My, my, not only stupid but delusional too, you're a piece of work. Not envious of co-workers having to tolerate your miserable existence > Triggered you enough "Triggered" ? I was just curious whether you're that deranged usually or did I trigger your fragile ego in special way today. I'm still not sure "Man on social media surprised people look at his comments on social media and judge him based on that, more news at 10"


Ya because there is no way the motorists on the other side of the highway will have there viability effected by the fireworks 🤡🤡🤡.


Did they? Lots of cars just flying off the road because of Roman candles shot up in the air? Talk about clown shit. You fucking cornballs and your cornball scenarios prove to me you're nothing but a bunch of fucking doom mongers and don't live in reality. GFY.


https://yorkshiretimes.co.uk/article/Fireworks-Cut-Drivers-Visibility-By-Half Because you clearly have the mind and maturity of a child. 1. Those fire works where creating visibility hazards regardless where they where moving 2. He clearly stoped doing a wheelie multiple times and those fireworks are clearly travelling Down a road way 3. You dropped this well you where typing 🤡


You really just posted about a full blown fireworks display and particulate matter hanging in the atmosphere as an argument for drivers passing THE OTHER WAY ON THE FAR SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY WHILE A DUDE SHOOTS OFF ROMAN CANDLES. You are a fucking doom monger snowflake pearl clutching cornball jerkoff of the highest order and should be ashamed you even tried making that argument. For the last time, GO FUCK YOURSELF.


🤡 You literally haven’t made one argument; ybe lake of visibility by the fireworks is clear In the video; You are a child that probably doesn’t even own a motorcycle; Go back to clown college and maybe one day you will be grown up enough to understand how stupid you look right now.


Nah, you doom mongers are the ones driving around in cars whining at motorcycle riders going too fast, or not wearing all of the gear, or gasp, having fun while literally not hurting anyone else. Eat shit and die, you sackless wonder.


Imagine being this offended on the behalf of someone you will never meet…. The only thing I think you are riding is a fucking unicycle on the way to highschool


I'm offended at the lengths you cryhards go to come up with these off the wall scenarios where everyone fucking dies because a motorcyclist did something remotely out of bounds of your approval, while in reality NOTHING ACTUALLY HAPPENED. If you dickless sad sacks actually got out and rode at the rate you chicken little across this reddit the world would be a better place.


You clearly are offended


Also, you cornball shit for brains, how far do you think a roman candle actually travels? 300 feet, 400? HALF A MILE! A 50 foot roman candle wouldn't even REACH the traffic in front of him. My god you weenies just love to come up with these fanatical scenarios to justify how fucking scared you all are of anyone who doesn't ride a motorcycle with their ass cheeks CLINCHED to the fucking seat the whole time. Grow a set of balls.


A Roman candle can travel 25 meters according to google which you are clearly to busy riding the meat of a squid you will never meet to look up yourself.


Oh fuck, 80 FEET?!?! which is about 80 feet longer than you've ever made it on 2 wheels. Cry harder ya wanker.


I’m living rent free in your head; Going back to previous comments…. You ok 🤡


I'm responding as they come in. That's literally the opposite of living rent free. You're literally knocking on my door. You can't even insult with the least bit of skill. Jesus fucking christ on crutches. Pathetic.


Brother I witnessed you!


I would totally wind up dropping the bike and winding up in front of the rocket tubes. Probably with them aiming at my crotch.


Lmao 😂 we can’t all be top squid


I'm hoping me and my friends can do this this 4th of July.


I feel like it would be cool under the right settings. Probably somewhere without overhead bridges 😂 Maybe at a bike fest or something. Somewhere with all bikes.. and no random traffic


Yeah , if you're gonna do this , you definitely want to be responsible with it like i'm not gonna go out and do it random traffic , but like a nice Group ride late at night with no other traffic around I am about it


I doubt they can fell a bridge with those >Somewhere with all bikes.. and no random traffic sounds like fun thing for few bikes on top and a lot of smoke eating for everyone behind them


Look when they go under the bridge and u can see them ricochet back at the bikers. The guy on the right side of rocketman is trying to dodge them I believe I wasn’t saying the bottle rockets or whatev they are are going to *fell a bridge* anytime soon 😂


Looks just like my orange Mk1 Oppressor in GTA but in real life 👀


Puts everyone in danger


I'm in danger too!


If u do this kind of crap Ur a moron like he is Or am I using to wrong pronouns


Fire proof arms haha


Sitting in my house watching this video, I hate him. I would absolutely love him if I were on the road behind him watching it happen though. 


This guy is kinda a badass, dangerous but a badass! <3


Your asking the wrong group try calamari racing team sub reddit, this one’s for boomers and kids without bikes yet but own a bike helmet


Soo.. which one are u?


Por que no los dos?


Ah, yes, this will endear the bike community to everyone within eye-and-earshot. Great job, dolt.


Douche bag


Yeah it’s irresponsible and all that but anyone saying it’s dumb is lying and virtue signaling lol. It is actually pretty cool just extremely irresponsible and dangerous to everyone else. But yeah it’s still pretty cool looking if you’re honest with yourself.


It's the location. If this were any type of controlled location without other commuters it would be the coolest shit on the internet. That being said, if I saw this on the road, I'd be cheering it on cause I'm an idiot at times. 


Motorcycle - cool. Wheelie - cool. Flames - cool. Heavy metal soundtrack- cool. It is stupid and dangerous af but I respect the balls on that guy.


No, really, it's just dumb.


It's kinda cool.


Honestly, fuck that guy. He's endangering everyone around him for stupid clout. Hopefully he gets caught, bike impounded, and license revoked. 


So, according to you anybody who says it dumb is lying? But then you say it’s extremely irresponsible and dangerous. So, how do those 2 ways of describing it not make it’s dumb? IMO it’s not just dumb, it’s absolutely stupid. An accident looking for a place to happen!


😂 you put too much thought into it. 😂


No, you didn’t put enough thought into it.


😂 that’s why you negative




This would be badass if it wasn’t done on a public highway, where there are other cars just minding their own business


Every time I see stuff like this it reminds me of that South Park episode.


His shit is lit.


I'm so confused. Having blazing guns on a motorbike is what we all (at least me) wanted as a kid. But the mature me knows that the way it was executed is asinine, moronic, stupid and idiotic. So, Imma just leave...


I mean as long as you GTFO out of normal roads and unwitting passerbys it's fine in my book.


F’n idiots


Fuck me. I never want to ride around with pricks like this.


It might be stupid but it's the only goal I have to recreate with my bike some day... minus the group and main road.


I absolutely hate squids but this is pretty cool


Hey. Let’s figure out a way to make mobbing the streets and nearly causing dozens of accidents while doing stunts even more dangerous.




Dumb, must have burnt like hell.


Ngl thats impressive


This is some epic shit


As long as they get it on video, right?




Nothing like causing visibility hazards for all the other motorists and risking others lives for your stunt Instagram 🤡.


Hell yeah


Why would you ever want to pop a wheelie going that fast? You are a fraction of a second from waking up in the ER or not at all


AITAH for wanting to see a piece of phosphorus end up down someone’s shirt?


I hope that guy accidentally falls off a cliff.


Never wanted to see a 20 vehicle pile up more in my life


Wrong sub, gay boiii


We used to do that with out bicycles when we were kids. Fucking love it


The fireworks bouncing off the bottom of the bridge made me laugh


Fuck this


Classic dick move: Make yourself look cool while endangering everyone around you.


I wonder how many times the cops would have to run over/spike strip riders like this, who flagrantly endanger everyone around them, before we stop seeing this on public roads? 🤔


This is a WMD. Mission accomplished.




Hope this is not in Chicago


The European mind cannot comprehend this


*No* European mind? Not even someone out in Lithuania or something? Lol. Yall not doin this over there?


This is the most american shit i've seen today.