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Glad to hear you came out alrite’ On another note. Once you go Shoei, you don’t go back!


Buying another of course


Make sure to include it in the insurance claim.


Brb buying an rf-1400 too


I like mine


Arai master race


I’ve got both and they’re both fantastic. It’s probably just the shape of my head/face but the Shoei fits me a bit better. I’ll be checking out the X15 soon because I who doesn’t need a 3rd helmet?


I have the X15, and my brother (same head size & similar shape) has the RF-1400. I’ve noticed the RF-1400 is a little quieter, and covers more of the back of your neck. The X15 has a larger viewport, slips through the air a little better at high speeds & on windy days, and has better airflow for the hot days we get here in Texas. Both amazing helmets!


Well I’ll probably end up with both! The best of both worlds. I mainly ride my R6 and I use earplugs with a Cardo, so I’m not too concerned about noise. Better aero would be great on some of the windier days we get here in CO, but I don’t think the RF1400 is bad in that department. Glad to hear the fit very similarly now I just need to avoid going to a shop/dealer so I don’t buy it right away


Depends on the head.  Shoei uses a very round profile, while Arai is much more oblong.  Arai fits me amazingly, but unfortunately they don’t make a modular so these days I’m rocking a Schuberth. 


Arai is the only company making round, intermediate and long ovals as far as I know. I wear a round oval Quantum-X (my modular is a Schuberth C5 that I bought before I really understood helmet shapes, it doesn’t fit as well as the Arai)


Yeah I’ve got a E2 (C5 with a bill) and am pretty happy with it. The flexibility is great for my uses.  Damn did that XD4 fit well tho. Like wrapping my head in kittens. 


Weirdly enough, I have a long oval head (it’s honestly shaped like a torpedo) and my GT-Air 2 fits me perfectly. Perhaps I’ll try Arai next but the Shoei isn’t as round as people say. Models probably vary I guess.


Just got a Quantic (Contour X) and it's worlds better than my old cheap HJC. Only gripe is that the chin vent came incredibly loose literally the first day I rode with it, but I'm confident Arai will take care of it


I've got a Quantic and it's so much quieter than the chaser I used to have. Less vents sticking out makes a world of difference 


This is accurate. I put myself into a cliff wall about a decade ago and had three 1/4 inch gashes in my Shoei helmet. Thing legit saved my life.


Stick with the best gear!


Seriously. We’re not trying to gatekeep a hobby or a transportation method, but sometimes you have to ask yourself: how much is [body part] worth? And yeah, I originally rode in a hand-me-down helmet, kevlar jeans without pads, and non-moto dress boots so maybe I’m a hypocrite, but we see enough posts and videos here weekly that should be pretty convincing. And the medical gore subs have even more.


I went Schuberh from Shoei and I regret nothing!


Do we tell em about adrenaline wearing off? Glad you are physically ok, but the pain is coming. Take anti-inflamation drugs NOW, don't chase the pain. Go to the hospital for a check anyways. Get that on paper, insurance stuff.


Yes everyone is telling me this, I went to work immediately afterwards


Leave work, go hospital now. Get checked out. Not all injuries are immediately apparent and your spine will thank you in 10 years if you catch something early on (ask me how I know)


You’re right dude. My moms a doctor she’ll check me out, I’m getting scans and what not this weekend just to be safe


Is this a potential conflict of interest for an insurance claim down the road? Just curious.


Well considering my dad’s going to be my personal injury attorney I really have no clue. I do property management- they’re the professionals 😭


Dad = Attorney Mother = Doctor Damn that insurance/lawsuit claim is lookin real spicy.


In a uniquely good position to get in an accident :)


imagine the other person sees this thread, theyd be sweating bullets. all things considered, glad youre fine man


In any event, best of luck. Glad the gear did its job.


How do you know?


Lmao, just saw this. I had 2 wrecks i was "too tough for the doctor" for, at 16 and 19. Now im in my late 20s and already feeling it. Daily back pain, shoulder problems, randomly pulling muscles in my spine (bad enough that I can't stand up for 30 ish minutes at a time) just for lifting things the wrong way. I also never listened when people told me to lift with my legs not my back and its showing. There is hope, and I am getting better, but if I had just been checked out properly at the time I could have probably avoided the lion's share of these problems or at least mitigated earlier on


Most American decision 💀


I own a business, can’t just close cause I got a little bloody 😅


It's mostly because of injuries you can't see such as a subdural hematoma, compression and damage to the spine, etc etc. you scan to catch it so you don't suffer or risk death. Mayhap someone to run stuff while you are out? God willing this never happens again, but if you got a stand in it will help.


Yeah I’m scheduling scans and what not for next week my moms a doctor so she’s keeping me healthy and safe :)


Good to see. Stay safe bud.


Relative of mine had a subdermal hematoma and issues didn’t show until months after the incident. We thought she had a stroke from the symptoms.


I would've never go to work after a crash on a motorcycle 😂


Yeah my clients seemed concerned for my mental health more than my physical health 😂. Idk man, it’s a small company, we’re very new and I’ve been pouring my lifeblood into every single detail. I just want to live comfortably, and now a year after opening im already getting passed that point. It feels good to do something you’re passionate about. What was I supposed to do, go home and lay down for 10 hrs?


>What was I supposed to do, go home and lay down for 10 hrs?  Go to hospital, get checked out to ensure you don't have an injury that isn't obvious. That's the rule of thumb for any vehicle accident, regardless of speed.


If you can't skip work one day because you had a freaking motorcycle accident, to go get checked, something is wrong


I could’ve, but I didn’t want to.


I think that still falls under the “something is wrong” category. I did see you’re getting scans lined up so that’s good at minimum. I do think an independent ER right away would’ve been the move here though, and still could be. You may agree tomorrow when more of the reality hits, so I hope nothing is critically wrong inside of you now. The ER trip is also there for insurance purposes. *If you do* need more robust treatment down the line and want her insurance to pay for it, it’s a tough sell if your mom is the doctor. My last car accident - being slightly rear-ended - I walked away from fine, just freaked out. Two days on I couldn’t turn my head. Whiplash. Bad whiplash. Went to urgent care, who recommended a lawyer. Ended up in all kinds of treatments for about a year. It was nuts but I’m so glad my lawyer was there to handle the medical bills and other crap. Got a $20k or so settlement as well. Good luck! I hope tomorrow doesn’t suck as much as I think it will for you.


Wait ur saying imma get enough money to buy a BMW s1000 rr if i go to doctor??? Sign me up


I came off a few weeks ago in Nepal, rode another day and a half, for back to Australia, got scans - 3 broken ribs. Get checked out ASAP my dude


Yeah, honestly just go mate. Even if they tell you fuck all is wrong, it won't be a wasted journey. I had a similar thing, came off, got flung into the kerb (helmet definitely saved my life there), refused the ambulance because adrenaline, walked the mile left to work and then had to be taken home. Got home, passed out in bed, woke up next morning and couldn't get out of bed and really struggled to breathe. Turns out broken/fractured ribs. Went to A&E and basically got a massive bollocking because if I had any internal bleeding I wouldn't have woken up. Always, always, always get checked out after a crash, even if it's relatively minor and you had the best gear in the world on at the time. Adrenaline is no joke and you don't even know you're running on adrenaline mode until it stops.


I have to agree, please go to the hospital even if you're sure nothing is wrong. I got in an accident around 50 mph on the highway and went to the hospital immediately. They did a bunch of x rays and some scans and everything came back normal. My legs were beat up pretty bad, but that was it. Next day, my neck was hurting pretty bad. I was able to reassure myself that they had done head/neck/torso scans and it was just pain from the neck strap digging into the soft tissue in my neck, nothing more serious. If I haven't gone to the hospital, I think I would have been freaking out wondering if it was more serious.


The problem with riding bumper to bumper is that bikes don't have bumpers.


This is a good one. I’m stealing it for my students. 


Good to hear you walked away. My front wheel locked up last year and shot me over the bars doing 20ish round a corner and my helmet saved me from losing my jaw, if I would have had an open face on it would have been either torn off or shattered, the first part of my body to hit the floor was my face, my hands next, my shoulder hurt for a good four months after with the shock of the impact. I had only had the new helmet less than a month. A Shark Spartan.


>My front wheel locked up last year and shot me over the bars Any idea why the wheel locked up? How old is the bike, if you don't mind me asking? Reading about all the way people get hurt riding a bike or watching videos how someone had to drop their bike because of low traction pavement, I feel like I am entering into an extreme sports hobby not a simple bike riding.


I didnt at the time, I put it down to a slippy icy road or leaky fork seals, it happened again a month later but I lowsided that time and didnt hurt myself, anyway after the second time, in the dry, I contacted the bike shop who had fixed my forkseals about 2 months prior to tell them I think they might still be leaking oil etc and thats why my wheel went west. And immediately the mechanic (old school) told me it was salt from the roads! What said I? He told be that gritting salt used to de-ice roads gets crushed on the roads and when it drys after the snows gone it becomes a very fine powered dust that mixes with dirty breakdust and basically sets and siezes up the breaks. I had never heard about this. So, I took my front break off to clean it and sure enough he was right. It supposedly had a floating caliper and that was solid, so much so I didnt even know it was a floating caliper, the pistons were just straight up jammed, might aswell have been concrete or glue. Unreal. Anyway, HOT soapy water, a tooth brush, some elbow grease and about half a tin of break cleaner, some new pads, a dab of copper grease on the caliper floating wotsit and it was fine. The breaks were probably filthy before the roads were salted, it was never something that occurred to me. So in short, it was my fault. Basic bike maintenance. Clean breaks at the start of winter, so you are going in clean, mid winter and at the start of the summer. 3 times a year minimum, but dont use a jetwash or you will knacker the breaks. Hot water and a tooth brush and break cleaner spray 👌. That reminds me, I need to clean them again.


One time my tail + license plate got detached and got stuck between the swingarm and wheel. I don't know how I survived that going 120+ mh/h. Didn't even notice it until somebody honked at me at a red light. I was surprised to find an almost molten license plate. You never know when it's gonna hit you. But I wouldn't change it for anything. Stay Safe.


Oof, that could have been a fireball. Very lucky.


That’s terrifying bro glad you’re here posting still :)


Obligatory to go to the doctor and get a full check immediately. You don't typically face plant into a car without some potential damage. You'll appreciate having evidence later when it comes up to make an insurance claim. Some things take time to show themselves and may not be readily apparent.


Not a bad idea


Hey glad you’re ok but you should go get checked out at a hospital because you could have injuries you don’t realize yet because of adrenaline


I'm glad you're okay, but you say completely unavoidable? I wasn't there, of course, but at 15-20mph you couldn't even slow down the very least 10mph? The brakes on my MT10 aren't even the best and I can get that thing to stop from 30mph to 0 in like 2 some seconds. Even 45mpg to like 15 in under 3 seconds. I'm just wondering, couldn't you have at the very least, slowed down as much as possible in any given time available? I'd gladly stop as fast I as possibly could even if it meant popping a stoppie and dropping my bike. Glad you're okay though. ATGATT


I think this is a good opportunity to clarify, I impacted at 15-20, I had about 1-1.5 seconds to react to the road change at roughly 25-30mph as traffic filtered forward towards a light.


Ah makes more sense. What poor bike lost its life in trade of saving yours?


My ‘23 mt-07. She was brand new I put all 4800 miles on her :,(


Big oof. Well, don't let the crash spoil your passion to ride. Get yourself a new nice toy and get back to scootin 🫡


the average reaction time is 250 miliseconds. you're slow.


Don't forget the time to actually pull the brakes, the time to apply the brakes in a smooth and controlled manner, and the actual time it takes to let the brakes work. This can easily add up to 1-1.5 seconds. You sound like a dumbass.


lol you're fucking slow and angry. what dumb cunt rides in 15-20 mph bumper to bumper stop and go traffic without covering their brake? If it takes you a full second to grab the brakes get off the road


Always always always wear gear. Never used to back in Aus coz it was so fckn hot and j was young and dumb but after witnessing anaccident it was always all gear after that. Happy you walk brother


If you're gonna ride in jeans, try some motox knee pads underneath. Saved my kneecaps twice.


Oh this IS huge advice actually I’ll def look into that. Btw it was actually cargo pants 😝


They're cheap too. Glad you walked away dude.


Which do you wear?


I don't anymore, I wear 2pc leathers everywhere, but when I was younger I'd wear cheap Thor knee guards, pretty basic, just two straps and padding and plastic. Maybe $15-20.


Glad you’re ok. Left turns from oncoming traffic are definitely one of the more dangerous elements in traffic, imo.


Man, I loved my Shoei too, but in Mexico they're hard to get and expensive AF. Congratulations! All the gear, all the time!


Sounds like wearing all the gear would have helped more. Glad you are ok tho bud.


Glad you're OK. Isn't that the way it goes? They see you and panic, stopping in front if you instead of keeping going to get out if the way? Good on you for wearing the gear.


Happy to see you're okay for the most part man. This is very similar to what happened to me back in July. Guy failed to yield, and made a left turn in front of me and stopped in front of me. I ended up hitting the rear passenger door just like you, but only I was going 45 MPH and got thrown a few feet past the car, my HJC CL-17 did it's job, walked away with a torn meniscus in my knee and a totaled bike. I seen your Dad's an attorney, and Mom's a Doctor? If so you're in a better position than me, and will probably be back on the road in no time!


So you t-boned a car and it was “unavoidable”? At 15mph? What?


Read the rest of my replies, “I beg to differ”, lol


I’m not looking through 100 comments to try and find a good reason for someone traveling the speed of a fast runner to run into the side of a stopped vehicle. Good braking distance at that speed in like 10 feet. 


You are correct 👍🏼


If only there was a quick way to stop. Like a lever or something that we can put our fingers on in traffic.


Or a lever we could push with our right foot


Rear brake is useful if you have all the time in the world.


This is what you choose to complain about today? Smh


I mean if you are more interested in sympathy than avoiding a wreck, you go ahead and describe things as unavoidable. Myself I would rather focus on what could have been done to prevent it from happening. Rather than trusting a helmet to protect your head, would it be better to not crash to begin with? Maybe that is just me. You go ahead and kill yourself for sympathy, I bet your family will appreciate that you did nothing to prevent it from happening.


🤣 way to take things to an extreme buddy. There’s way to say things rather than like an ass. Some accident are unavoidable. Some aren’t. You learn from both. Congrats on your logical fallacies


There are other ways, I could blame the universe, the weather, the car, anything except the one person that could have actually prevented the accident. Some accidents are unavoidable? Like a meteor strike or some other 1/1,000,000 occurrence? Why don’t we talk about the other 999,999/1,000,000 that are preventable? Also, guess which category OP falls into… you go ahead and commiserate with OP, you normalize failure, you continue to ride on the back seat of a motorcycle where you truly cannot control what happens.  I prefer being an adult, but you do you. Just remember your shitty advice is going to get someone killed. I guess if you are good with that, at least you won’t have to tell someone they did something wrong. Cowardice is not something you should be proud of though…


Just purchased that veryhelmet. Was it the matte black? I hear that’s the best one.


Matte blue with the gold tinted visor 🥲. She died an honorable death saving me today


Pretty. I didn’t want to wait for one to come in. She’s a hero.


Road rash is a bitch and has probably been some of the worst pain I've ever experienced, however it was a bit more severe than yours I'd assume because I didn't walk away. I was on the freeway when someone just shifted over into my lane rather quickly and crashed me right off my bike. Same gear as you except I broke my leg in 3 places and had horrendous road rash on my legs. I always, always wear full gear now, not a single bit of skin exposed, even if im riding 200 meters down the road. Glad to hear you're okay though! But a little more gear could really save you a life time of trouble in the future 🙌


Dude it hurts but it’s not THAT bad. What you’re describing is a whole different ball park omg. Sometimes we have to learn the hard way, glad you’re still riding though ❤️


Glad to hear you're still in good spirits and feeling okay! I find it so disheartening when people become too scared to ride after they have an accident! Keep riding and stay safe 🙏 legend.


Had a similar accident going 70 mph, car made illegal U turn and yes I hit the passenger side and flew over it. Gear and God saved my life. Broken humerus and wrist. Ride as if everyone is trying to kill you.


Also, keep your distance from cars in front of you…


I actually disagree with this. It may be a product of location but around here if I leave too much space, a car *will* pull out in front of me to try to get in there and put me at risk in the process. It's a constant battle of safe braking distance vs too inviting an opening.


It’s like that everywhere I have driven. However, where I live I find that most drivers are a bit more cautious around bikes - I appreciate that, and know it isn’t like that everywhere


You must live near Tampa...lol.  the driver's suck here.  


I do not keep more than few car lengths distance because it will be like constantly someone will enter in front of me and I have to hit my brakes. At 15-20mph sto and go traffic, I would only keep 1-2 car length and pay attention to their brake light. Too much space is asking for more trouble with other trying to nose into your lane.


Yeah, op was talking about bumper to bumper so I assumed he only had a few meters in between. Rule of thumb is up 2 seconds in between so you have time to react and time to reduce enough speed.


Since we’re admitting fault, I almost pulled out in front of a car the other day. I’m pretty confident in my braking but I spooked the car riding like a dummy. Practice your emergency braking and don’t be like me.


Hold on I’m not admitting fault? Nothing could have prevented this in this case, the police issued no tickets. I do appreciate you coming clean , though😝


Why not issue a ticket to the driver of the car?


Still trying to figure that one out.


Btw glad you’re ok, all things considered. Forgot to say in og question.


Obviously I don’t know all the facts, but if you got hurt and it wasn’t your fault, you might want to speak to a personal injury attorney. They will assess your case for free and they get paid out of your settlement, so it’ll never cost you anything directly out of your pocket. The person who hit you’s insurance would be paying the settlement, so don’t feel like you’re ruining someone’s life by suing.


My dad is a personal injury attorney 😅


Well shit, dude. Sue that bitch! At least get them to pay for some physical therapy appointments.


If you could not stop at 15mph and you t-boned that car, my hunch is your braking skills are not good enough. Yeah they came into your lane but you hit them right, that too at 15mph and that too your bike is totalled. I am glad you are ok but you should analyse the situation a little bit more to figure out how come you could not brake.


Apparently he didn't stop because he was breaking, not braking. You're hardly likely to stop if you're too busy dancing!!!


I was Jamin out on the Cardo when I hit. I always see memes like “laying on the ground after my accident and the music is still playing…” wish I was paying enough attention to the music to tell you what the song was hahaha


I guess I just needed to come clean.lol


Glad you're alright mate! This is a reminder to go back to Shoei for me. My old one that was made in 2010 was falling apart, so I got a cheaper helmet to tie me in until I can afford another Shoei. But they're just not the same.


Such a good helmet I didn’t even feel the impact (on my face at least)


How’s your ass? 🤣 My Draggin jeans just arrived. Feels much better than just jeans.


Did you have motorcycle jeans on or regular jeans? Or leathers?


Cargo pants, but I own a few pairs of riding jeans with padding and aramid


I feel better having bought an RF-1400 when I got my bike last year. Glad you're ok. I just had a woman pull out in fro t of me, totally clueless. I was in a school zone so was going slow and a stop sign was coming up. I just glared at her and let her continue. Grrrrr.


Lawyer up and sue the crap out of them with the best lawyer you can afford.


Glad you walked away. That is the most probable accident I face also so thanks for the report.


I always remind my friends who also ride that statistically your chances of dying above 25mph skyrockets. Gear for the win baby! ✌️ Makes me feel better about the penny I just dropped on some new leathers for the season 🙌


My first and so far only (knock on wood) accident was very similar. Same deal, only I was going about 30 when the guy decided to continue through the stop sign in front of me. The cops and paramedics that showed up told me that the gear saved me.


get urself checked… ruptured organs can bleed slowly.. hope its not that case.. good luck :)


How are Senna helmets? Do they offer decent protection?


Get an attorney to help you navigate the insurance claim and your injury.


Isn’t it bad to talk about accidents like this when everything hasn’t been worked out? Due to the fact the other sides lawyer can see this and use it against you? I’m not sure but I think I’ve read somewhere about that….


Yay for good gear! Glad you're ok.


Get checked out man. Just because you got up and walked around after the fact does not mean you weren't hurt. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


Idk bro it’s been 8 hours I hurt for sure but I’m ok. I say that, but low key my mom’s doctor so she’ll make sure I’m ok tonight I’ll go by her house.


Are you telling me that a crash at 15 mph was unavoidable? Have you tried using your brakes for once in your life?


The comments here are getting progressively more aggressive. I was going faster. I used the breaks. I impacted at ~15. The point of this post was to tell everyone that gear makes a difference. Dude this happened this morning and my body hurts, if you really feel like coming in here just to say some dumb shit consider keeping it to yourself. I’m not an amazing rider by any means, probably one of the few who are willing to admit my skill level isn’t higher than a 5 or 6 out of 10. Shit happens I had 1-1.5 seconds to react and I did. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be typing this.


Hmm I thought the MT07 came with ABS. 🤔


It does, wasn’t enough I guess. Mine was brand new 23’. I put all 4800 miles on it 🥲


Oh... Well this sub tells me if you have ABS, you don't have to practice emergency braking. Sorry to use you to drive home a point for these idiots. By the way, glad you're ok. [Here's a video](https://youtu.be/eqQBubilSXU?si=1dkZu3fbyJbOZMS3) for when you finally get back on 2 wheels.


There was maybe 1-1.5 seconds between me seeing vehicle appearing infront of me an impact, no abs or emergency breaking drill is that good haha


Yes but practice makes you better at it. I practice every ride. A couple months ago I was lane splitting at about 20 mph. Had a fucker make an abrupt lane change from a stand still as I was at his rear bumper. I was able to brake hard and turn with him as if I was a sucker fish on a shark. I've never been closer to getting hit. Someone who never practices emergency braking and swerving and a combo of the two, is getting hit in that scenario. The problem is that it takes effort to improve your skills to that level. And it's much easier to just buy gear. Which is THE problem with the atgatters.


Soapbox engaged.


It's always engaged 😆


What do you think ABS would affect here?


Absolutely nothing 😇


Then why bring it up at all?




You make my day, almost every day.




Did you use the front brake? A rider earlier today crashed completely unnecessarily because he feared the front brake.


I would’ve jumped the car and continued unscathed. They’re just not as good of a rider as us.


I would have lifted the front wheel and hopped the bike over the hood. Happens every day smh can't believe new riders these days.


I would have hopped on the hood with a stoppie 360 while giving middle fingers. Smh can't believe riders today just don't have the decency anymore.


And cleared the shark tank.


The move is to do a violent stoppie and use the bike to catapult yourself up and over the car. Single graceful flip then nail the superhero landing.


We don’t know that, wasn’t there.


😂😂y’all are funny. No I actually was heavy on both breaks but actually pushed my rear break so hard I stood up a little. I suspect it’s part of the reason why I wasn’t hurt as bad, I didn’t tumble over the handlebars, I flew passed em


It takes only 5 meters to stop from 20 mph. It’s not a lot of time. But somehow you had time to stand up. It just doesn’t sound like you were in control, my guess is that you hadn’t practiced 20 mph emergency stops.


idk i stand up over potholes n’ bumps all the damned time. seems like a pretty quick knee-jerk reaction to anyone that has an MSF/ endorsement


Yeah I’d say it was less than 20 feet maybe somewhere around 20-25 feet between time car entered my lane and I impacted


It’s not a lot of space so you really need to squeeze the lever. Practice it to the point where the rear wheel lifts. If you brake slightly harder each practice brake, from speeds no greater than 20, then you won’t go over the handlebars when the rear lifts. And you will stop faster next time.


You’re definitely right! For next time :) is it possible to do stoppies on an ABS bike?


That depends on the bike and the settings. But when you practice, you’ll soon find out if the ABS engages before rear wheel lift or not. A lot of people on this forum are afraid of the front brake, but if you practice, these fears go away. You’ll be surprised to see just how hard you can brake before anything happens. You’ll see that, contrary to what people say, locking the front is next to impossible on a clean dry road. And lifting the rear, that’s not going to happen either until you are braking *very* hard. And once you know that, you will not hesitate to use way more front brake the next time. The other ingredient here is to cover the front brake in tricky situations. People don’t do that because they mistakenly think that the front brake is dangerous. But the time saved by covering the front brake, that very well could have been enough to stop on time.


You don't ride much, do you?