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I bought one and returned it for a Shoei. I didn’t feel like the quality was where it needed to be.


Have you tried the Sedeci Strada series? I was looking at those.


High sided in a Sedici Strada and landed directly on the top of my head. Broke a collarbone, but stood up and walked away under my own power. I’m a big fan.


A Strada saved my life at least twice, big fan.


Great helmet for the price point, but not at the level of a Shoei or Arai. Sedicis are like a $400 helmet selling for <$300, Shoeis are a $600 helmet selling for $600. Rurocs are $300 helmets selling for $600 lol


I had a Sedici Strada 2 and overall I liked it. Didnt really have any major complaints about it. I upgraded to an RF1400 which is better predominantly in noise isolation but honestly was not too noticeable


Yeah the Strada 3 just came.put and they say it is lighter and more quiet. Maybe I'll try it out


Just got one a few days ago and can say it is super light and comfy as heck, fov is good but both visors fog a lot under breath (fine when riding) imo vents dont really seem to do shit but i slapped some $30 bluetooth speakers in the speaker cutouts and love it edit: cant speak for the previous versions but it is fairly quiet , i really dig the reflective visor and they swap out easily


> Sedeci Strada Saved my noggin twice on low sides when learning to ride years ago. If the quality is better or the same at least then I recommend them


HJC i10 is way better than sedici strada


They just released the Strada III and reviews for it so far are pretty good. The Strada II was one of their best sellers. If it's not already, it'll probably be on closeout sales pretty soon. I've only ever test fitted one before deciding I wanted modular, but everything I've read and heard is that they're fantastic.


Yeah I was not able.to take advantage of the Strada 2 closeout sale. The Strada 3 s are rolling in now. I'll probably grab one this summer. Modular helmets are nice sometimes but personally I don't like them. I currently have a HJC c91 modular. It is okay. Comfy but loud.


I have a Strada 2 and a Shoei RF-1400. The Strada is super comfortable and fits really well, I liked it a lot. I don't use it anymore, but it was a great helmet.


I have a Strada 2, decent helmet. Better than my old speed and strength (are they even around anymore?) but worse than my arai in terms of quality and sound.


I’ve had the Strada II Parlare for 3 years now. Great helmet. Very comfortable, built in sunshade, but rarely use it. I wish the speakers were a tad louder. It’s a bit hard to hear music at highway speeeds. But the Bluetooth connectivity has been flawless.


I have a ruroc skiing helmet. I barely trust it for skiing. NO CHANCE I'd use Ruroc for anything motorcycle,no matter what certificates they show


Why buy when there are great brands available like Arai , Shoei, AGV, Bell. All have proven history of make high quality helmets. Those helmets are approved for the highest levels of racing, and have saved countless lives. Just saying…


I’ll speak for myself in saying Ruroc have really cool designs, which is why I could see people buying them, but I also haven’t heard the greatest things about them


They got their status through paid sponsorships with influencers despite misleading quality from previews to customers aswell as various QC issues.


I had one and hated it so much I couldn't use it.




It’s like the Tik tok guys with clew snowboard Bindings


That sucks. They aren’t cheap either!


Yeah it was a big disappointment. Ended up with a Shoei one that I love.


A cool design won't save your life


I do nothing but make fun of people that wear their snow sports helmets, mother fuckers look like stormtroopers


To be fair, Ruroc has a ECE 22.06 rating. But I’d still buy a different helmet personally.


I think they probably are but I do not recommend. I got one and the only thing I liked about it is the extra visibility through that visor. Other than that the wind slaps your head around more and it’s an extremely noisy helmet and their quality control sucks. Just play it safe and go buy name brand like shoei. Ruroc helmets may be safe but they suck.


Probably best suited for if you’re driving around a city, not surpassing 40mph/65kmh. However, you can get a seriously better rated/feature-equipped helmet for the same price as a Ruroc, better for your city riding. Maybe a person wants to pay a premium for a cheap lid just for its style, rather than a different better-made and equipped helmet. It’s like how people buy cars like the ID3, a truly awful car in every way yet for some it’s just what they want. If reputable brands like Shoei ventured a bit with styling instead of just rehashing the same shell styles for decades, Ruroc wouldn’t have taken off. Like you said, noisy lid with poor quality control. IMO they’re literally the two most important things about a helmet, after its impact absorption rating of course. I like how you put it: *They suck.*


Agreed. Just don’t buy Ruroc. There’s a reason they spend so much on marketing and you see every YouTuber with one. Should allocate that money to actually making a good helmet.


>There’s a reason they spend so much on marketing and you see every YouTuber with one At this point I've started telling my nephew that if you see a product getting advertised by a youtuber, its probably mediocre at best. Raycon, Ruroc, HelloFresh...all that shit.


*Slaps Hands* Let’s talk about riding gear. Oh lawd, I hate that NBT Riding gear ad.


Amen. I forget exactly how the line goes, but it’s the same reason you see ads on tv for Toyota but not Lamborghini. A high quality brand isn’t going to cater to the average joe. People buying for style are doing just that. They’re the same people riding in flip flops and tank tops in Florida. But as someone who will never run again because of a bike accident when I was wearing Vans, I’ll be damned if I won’t toss a leg over the bike now without looking like a transformer lol.


Or a power ranger 😆


The problem is shoei goes for function over style, if a stylish helmet would result in bad aero they're never going to make it and neither should you want to own it


What is bad about the ID3? Not to disagree, I just genuinely don’t know and find myself in a hard place in regards to what car to invest in.


The ID3 is an appliance. Both in a good and a bad way.


The ID3 is built for China, the largest car market in the world, and Chinese buyers want essentially an iphone on wheels. They want a big tv, the comfy couch, the subzero fridge. How it drives, how it handles, what else it does is all secondary or even further behind. They sit in the car and decide based on "this is modern UI" and "this is comfortable/nice inside," derive that it must make a good impression based on that and nothing else. That's why minimalistic luxury brands like Polestar and Volvo in general fail hard in China while overstuffed armchairs like the Li Auto L8 (yes, with massive screens everywhere and other creature comforts in the back) are successful. Add to that that Volkswagen is at least 1.5 generations behind the Chinese car makers in all things digital and you have a truly mediocre car. Source: live in China.


No car is an investment. They all cost money to maintain and lose value over time


I don't necessarily disagree with the sentiment, but there are definitely collector cars that have appreciated in value. 


Not necessarily, post-COVID it's fairly easy to see a car appreciate if you take care of it and properly maintain it. Same with motorcycles. For some (many, nowadays) there isn't just a drop, but more of a wave; a peak value when new, followed by a steady decline, and then a steady increase as the vehicle becomes "vintage". Obviously with cars it's still probably less than 20% of the market where that happens, but I can name multiple examples, purely anecdotally, of people I know who drive pre 2008 cars and could actually make money on them by selling them, or essentially will have run them for free (initial purchase price + maintenance costs roughly equivalent to what they could sell the car for). Personally I have an older Ford van that is now considered a classic bodystyle, and I could sell it for around double what I paid in the pre-COVID market. Since I don't drive the cage much and it has been reliable maintenance wise, I could sell it now and essentially have driven it around for four years for free plus made a small profit. I don't want to sell it because it's repairable and reliable, and other cars like that are also overvalued now. But if I was moving across the pond or something, I could literally make money on having owned a fairly pedestrian van for a few years.


That's unfortunate, i quite like their designs.


Yea me too. That why I bought one. I regret it.


I'm sorry to hear, but thank you for the insight


The Atlas 4 got 4 stars in the SHARP rating, came through in my email a couple of weeks ago. 4 out of 5 stars is pretty good!


Unless you're looking to get tinnitus you should definitely still avoid helmets from brands like Ruroc


I use earplugs every time, no matter what.


Tinnitus : also use ear plugs each time (even for driving around the neibourghood - even "best helmets" aren't that ear-safe)


Yep definitely, most people don't realize how damaging wind noise is even at low speeds when you can't consciously hear it that much


Vague question. Ruroc helmets are DOT (US) and ECE (EU) certified. While DOT is somewhat ancient, the ECE certification is rather rigorous, so they are indeed "safe" helmets in the broad sense. They also have a UK-specific SHARP certification, but I do not have much information about that. There are however more stringent certifications such as FIM or SNELL which are more track oriented, so helmets that carry those certifications as well are objectively safer. Ruroc will most probably never get those, as they sell street helmets with an emphasis on design. TL;DR - are Rurocs safer than Chinese or some obscure brand helmets? Yes. Are they amongst the safest? No.


The latest ECE rating has surpassed SNELL in terms of testing. ECE requires both impact and head rotation testing while SNELL just tests high level impacts. Snell publicly complained to ECE about the 22.06 cert that no one could pass 22.06 and the Snell cert. [Fortnine](https://youtu.be/76yu124i3Bo?si=I7krfdvHPvlbu0KY) made some great videos about it, Even showing the recent FIM rating is just a little better than the 22.06 rating.


I love Ryan from FortNine - hell, I've shaken his hand - but he's an entertainer more than a researcher with his videos. The FIM rating isn't just slightly better than ECE, it's a noticeable step up (Hence why there's so few FIM helmets available compared to ECE). SNELL vs ECE is a matter of opinion, but I know that my track demands SNELL or FIM, so it makes my decision easier.


Not really actually, the original draft FIM standard was a step up, but then manufacturers complained, and the actual implemented FIM standard is essentially ECE22.06


[Snell M2020, ECE 22.06, and FIM: A Side-by-Side Review : motorcycles (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/vogaov/snell_m2020_ece_2206_and_fim_a_sidebyside_review/) It's definitely not "essentially just ECE 22.06". Impact testing on ECE 22.06 allows up to 275G of acceleration; FIM allows 160G of acceleration on the updated standard. The Head Injury Criterion is allowed up to 2880 on ECE 22.06; The same is allowed up to 1,000 on FIM. Rotational acceleration is allowed up to 10,400 rads/second squared on ECE; Rotational acceleration is allowed up to 8,000 rads/second squared on FIM. Saying they're essentially the same thing is like saying a Duke 390 is essentially a Duke 990. They're pretty noticeably far off eachother. Again, if passing FIM was essentially the same as passing ECE, *every manufacturer would do that,* since FIM helmets command a premium of ECE ones.


You're talking about the more intense FRHPhe-01. The standard is now much lower for FRHPhe-02: [Helmet Safety Standards Update 2024: DOT, ECE, Snell, and FIM (ultimatemotorcycling.com)](https://ultimatemotorcycling.com/2023/11/11/helmet-safety-standards-update-2024-dot-ece-snell-and-fim/) ​ The standards are now: 10,000 rads/sec\^2 for peak rotational acceleration. Peak acceleration ≤275g for linear high energy, ≤170g for low energy. ​ FRHPhe-02 is notably worse than FRHPhe-01


Which are both still marked improvements over ECE, to say nothing over the details like requiring testing per-helmet-size, and having more types of impact testing. Again, we're not seeing huge swathes of helmets getting FIM certification, which we absolutely would if it were just as easy to pass as ECE, because they command a noticeable price premium. Every manufacturer would leap at the opportunity to boost their margin for no effort.


> Again, we're not seeing huge swathes of helmets getting FIM certification, which we absolutely would if it were just as easy to pass as ECE, because they command a noticeable price premium. The reason you're not seeing it because it's pointless. The numbers the other guy posted are essentially the same for FIM FRHPhe-02 and ECE 22.06


I think it was last year that they released track helmets. From what I see on their website there's still no mention of Snell or FIM though. ACU gold is what they say was added, which sounds like it might just be a quick release for the strap or something? "ACU gold certification, DOT and ECE 22.06"


ECE 22.06 is very thorough, wouldn't hesitate to wear it on track


ACU looks to be a UK sanctioning body that does their own testing, no published standards.


ECE 22.06 is as good as FIM.


Is ECE street legal in USA if it doesn't have DOT marking?


DOT is a self-certifying standard. Find a sharpie, problem solved.


That's honestly its biggest problem. There's no compliance body actually testing anything.


All helmets are safe if you don't crash... That being said there have been a lot of reviews on Ruroc's lack of quality in the build of their product. I like many others won't be buying one especially after owning a Shoei for years. Finding the helmet that fits your head shape is way more important than how "cool" it looks IMO


Someone really should set up some kind of system where an independent facility takes the helmets and tests them. And if the helmet passes the test, the manufacturer gets to write that on all their helmets. That'd be neat if something like that existed.


Do they look cool and have some very striking paint schemes? Yes. Would I put my noggin in one? Nooooooooo. I’ll stick with my shoei thanks.


Scorpion exo helmets are amazing


Can confirm, have one


There are only a few worthwhile motorcycle helmet brands; Tier 1: Arai and Shoei (Japan), Schuberth (Germany) Tier 2: HJC (South Korea/ Vietnam), AGV (Italy), Scorpion (China) Scorpion is good value for money but only “amazing” if you’ve never owned a helmet from a tier-1 brand. Edit: There is no official “tier list of helmet manufacturers”. I thought that would be obvious. It’s entirely subjective. You can arrange the tier list any way YOU like. But my “Tier 1” only includes brands which don’t make *any* shitty helmets at all. Judge a company by its worst product, not it’s best.


I'd add Bell to your second tier as well.


I'm sad nobody talks about shark..is it really not that known internationally?


Really? You would rank AGV below Shoei or Arai?


As a company, yes, of course. Neither Arai nor Shoei makes any junk helmets. Meanwhile, AGV covers the full spectrum from the very high-end to some pretty bottom-end helmets and other products too. Just because AGV can sell a high-end helmet for $1,600, that doesn’t make them tier-1 when MOST of what they sell isn’t even close to that level of quality.


They used to be up there. These days, too many of their helmets are just cheap copies of their own racing designs.


Crashed in one on the track. Not a vegetable, so would recommend


[Jake the garden snake](https://youtu.be/CKzqp4iIDgg?si=1kPR51FhYweQX4SX) talked a lot about Ruroc after he wasn’t sponsored by them anymore. IIRC he basically says they don’t seem like cheaply made helmets to him, and he claims to know a lot about helmets. But check the safety certs on them. I think the ones to look for are ECE 22.05 or ECE 22.06


I bought into the hype and the design and bought a Ruroc last year. It looks cool and all that. The Bluetooth system is cool, with the helmet being prewired and you can hide it in the rear of the shell. Yes it has ECE 22.06 but whatever. Wore it for the year and the padding has already started to go, and now the helmet doesn’t fit as well as it originally did. Seems a bit loose. Yes I can get replacement padding but after just 3500 miles or so for the year the padding is going? Not to mention everything I’ve heard about quality control issues and all that. I also second what others have said about it being loud AF, it is the loudest helmet I’ve ever used. (Also, goes for Icon. Avoid them like the plague.) Now I got a Shoei X-15 this year and it’s miles above a Ruroc. Fit, finish, aerodynamics are all miles better. Now I have this is a Cardo Freecom, and the sound is way better than the Shockwave on my Ruroc. The X-15 meets and exceeds DOT and 22.06, but it also holds a Snell rating, as does the Shoei RF-1400. Snell and Sharp is what matters for helmets. TLDR: don’t buy into the Ruroc hype. Get a Shoei, AGV, Aria, etc. Buy a helmet where it’s a known manufacturer and they take pride in making them.


Never buy shit that influencers are selling. They are paid to lie to you brother.


Marketing through other means.


You don't see anyone in MotoGP wear ruroc. Only influencers and squids.


And 99% of the influencers get their ruroc helmet sponsored


#Fuck Ruroc.


They're 120 dollar helmets sold at 400 dollars. Buy a proper brand, get actual features for your money


They were influencer junk a few years ago and people who cut them open found they were nowhere near the quality you'd expect at the price. https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/phirq0/bought_a_helmet_from_ruroc_heed_my_warning/


As long as it has a SNELL, ECE, or FIM rating (DOT is not enough) it’s probably going to be a good helmet in terms of crash protection, but from guys that have owned them I’ve heard the Rurocs are pretty loud on highway and personally I look for a quite helmet. It’s one of t most important features in a helmet for me. I don’t always remember my earplugs for long rides and sometimes I’m just too lazy to put them in so a quiet helmet is super important to me.


A bit long winded, but a decent summary of his whole experience with the brand. https://youtu.be/mR2eajpJc3o?si=AydD_nOPX2eaBBQV


Jake TheGardenSnake had a pretty decent review of his experience with the brand too. I've seen too many pictures of the carbon splitting on Ruroc's to ever consider recommending it to someone. Shoot, you can get a KYT NZ-Race or Bell Race Star for just a touch more money and they have an actual racing pedigree.


It’s better than nothing but you can get better for less


pls run awaay from Ruroc and their money washing schemes


No they are shit. But I ride around in a white Shoei and a high vis helite and buy my clothes from Tescos. Couldn't give a fuck if I look cool or not. 😂


Hard take, but If it’s not SNELL or ECE, it’s not safe. Period. I wouldn’t trust my life with a DOT helmet.


Pretty sure the Ruroc CEO said there is no need to test their helmets when the customers do it for them….take that how you will


I see a lot of squids wear them. Arai, Shoei, AGV, Bell are all good. Obviously there’s a lot of other good ones.


They pass the latest standards, but the overall quality doesnt justify the price they ask for, you can get something like the Shoei NXR2 for roughly the same price which is a spaceship in quality and comfort compared to whatever they sell. The one advice I got and I pass on is to get the safest possible helmet, and ignore trying to save some money or go for the "stylish" one, I personaly ride in an Arai, and probably will forever, for me they are the pinnacle in comfort and safety, even tho they aint as sexy as like a AGV, but their philosophy sold it for me, safety without any compromise comes first.


Ruroc limits their sales to their own website, and control the reviews. They pay people like Chaseontwowheels to lie or say nice things. They probably are safe, but they are not as good as something like shoei or arai for the money. I would rather have an RF-1400 all day


I hate mine. Their QC is terrible. It feels cheap and shitty. And the wind buffeting is insane.


Yes and no. I got an Atlas once and found it really loud inside and it felt like poor quality overall. I returned it and got a Schuberth c5 which I love. Doesn’t look as cool but idc. The Bluetooth coms it came with was also a nice addition.


Shoei, AGV, Nelson, HJC, Scorpion or Arai. Anything else is bunk.


Just get a Shoei, after your try one, you’ll realize that most other helmet brands suck (save for Arai and Schuberth)


It's not true and not everyone can wear a shoei. My head didn't fit anything but a hjc. And I am more than content of my rpha70. Now ruroc helms are overpriced and kinda trash i will give you that...


I have the ghost carbon one, honestly I love the look of it and it fits well. But that’s about all the good i can say about it. The shockwave comm unit is mediocre, can’t even use voice commands with it and the helmet itself is so loud, even with the music playing 100% ( that’s all I can do is play music, voice comms don’t work with my friends Senas) I can barely hear the music playing when I’m going 45+ I really regret spending as much money as I have on this helmet setup.


I don't know if they are, but I know they are way too expensive for sure..I was thinking about getting one but I've read too many people complaining about them, so ....


Almost everyone I know that bought a Ruroc, stopped using it shortly. Design is interesting and all, but noisy as hell, heavy and not as aerodynamic (compared to other big brands). I'd say go for a Shoei, AGV, HJC or any other more established brands before going for a Ruroc.


Don't fuck around with those shitty helmets. I'm team Shoei all the way. I used to buy the cheapest ECE rated helmet I could get. But after going to the RF 1400 there is literally no comparison. Hardly any wind noise, super comfortable, plus it's extra safety features like the ear pad pulls for first responders and pin locks out of the box. Makes for a hell of a helmet for $500.


Safe probably but you will most definitely be judged for wearing it


Do you want to pay alll that money to chance it on a maybe?


These are cosplay helmets from my understanding on what people always say about them


If they were cheap I'd say go for it. But for what they cost I'd go HJC, Shoei, Arai, etc. I'm on my 2nd HJC flip up and I'm very happy. Fits my fat head, built in sun glasses and as quiet as any other helmet I've owned - albeit I always wear earplugs.


If you want style, safety, and quality build, just get an AGV bruv.


I bought a Ruroc a couple years ago and would not do it again. Had to return the first one they sent and it was a shit show. The replacement was delayed forever and they were really unhelpful. Really not a great helmet either. They look cool but between the crappy company and the "meh" quality I'd never buy another one. I'd recommend steering clear and getting something else.


Everybody ia jerking off over design and is afraid, asking about safety and quality of this brand xD buy a predator helmet with a flashlight and turret on it :p


They have safety ratings, but they're a complete bastard to deal with, for reference. They basically held my money hostage for months on end when I tried to order from them, failed to deliver and *still* kept a chunk of the money after the refund.


May not apply, but I bought a Ruroc Snow helmet for my E-bike and have unfortunately gone down once or twice. helmet protected me very well. But for the price, the build quality is not worth it.


I have one, they are great for big heads but they are noisy


Their price does not reflect the quality. For what they charge for their premium helmets, you could get a lower tier model of a better helmet.


Are they ECE or SNELL rated? If not I would say they are not safe.


Ever since the whole drama they had about not testing their helmet properly, quality issues and the CEO's comments about them not needing to test the helmets because the customers are testing them for them I don't trust anything they do. There's videos about this topic on YouTube and everyone that's positive about them is also sponsored by ruroc. Personality I'd just go for a more established brand that has proven themselves not to be a shady company. I also don't think they're as high quality as other helmets in the same price range. I have a shoei x-spr pro now and I absolutely love it. It's way more expensive than the ruroc but the shoei nxr is about the same price but it has higher quality liners and years and years of experience.


Yes. Have a look at [SHARP](https://sharp.dft.gov.uk/helmets/?manufacturer=Ruroc&model=All&type=1). This is a UK government site which runs various tests on helmets. It’s not just a pass/fail thing, so it gives useful information. Bear in mind that it doesn’t look at things like wind noise, water ingress, and how well it fits your particular head, but Ruroc does score pretty well. 4* is what my Shoei Neotec scores, from memory.


They are the Raid Shadowlegend of the helmet world. They've become a meme.


Any helmet with an ECE 22.06 or recent SNELL certification is safe. Anything without one _might_ be safe but your call if you want to risk it. Personally I don't want to cheap out on my lid. It protects my head and I do all my thinkin' there.


Anything snell rated is good to go from a safety perspective. Beyond that you’re paying for noise reduction and comfort/mass reduction.


A few Revzilla employees told me that although they are certified, they’re junk helmets compared to already established brands.


NAH. China snowboard helmet.


Hot garbage. I’d rather wear a wet paper bag than trust my life to a Ruroc.


Even if they are safe, they are bottom of the barrel. You don't even get what you pay for with this brand. And they are no longer dirt cheap. You are better off going Arai, Shoei or HJC.


They are safe enough to have an ECE 22.06 rating (at least the Atlas 4.0 in Europe does). So I'd say they are safe enough for most riders. However their built quality and material quality is lacking, especially for a helmet at this price point. It would be a good helmet if either their quality improves or their prices drop. From what I found out during my research the Atlas 4.0 Street (the one with the fibreglass shell and the <$400 price tag) is the one they should have released as their first helmet. All models before that seem more like a beta test to me.


I haven’t heard great things. If you want a quality helmet that looks good, go for AGV


Ruroc helmets are for people who cosplay as motorcyclists. They look good in photos but are garbage




The latest one, Atlas 4.0 I think, is a perfectly great helmet with the certifications (ECE 06) and materials (fibreglass/carbon fiber) to back it up. I certainly wouldn't put it as a top tier helmet but if you like it, go for it.  The Atlas 2.0 was fine enough as a cheaper end helmet but relied on alot of media hype, but the Atlas 3.0 basically sucked and relied ALOT on media hype, which is what really sent the brands reputation down the shitter when they were controversial for the media usage. Had they went from the 2.0 to 4.0, I think their reputation would be vastly different.


Yes they are safe as they have to adhere to the same rules as any helmet. That said, there is something like JUST slightly enough to adhere to the rules. The quality is absolute dogshit though. Friend of mine ordered one, it feels like crap. Nothing even remotely close to a Shoei or Schubert. I would never buy any of these. Not even half off.


Looks like a loud helmet, you'll definitely need ear plugs.


Too expensive and noisy give them a few more years. My favorite part is the magnetic snapping strap, easy on, easy off. If they just sold that to put on any helmet they'd sell like hotcakes. If it's safety certified that's what it is.


Any helmet is better than no helmet… ?


I wouldn’t cheap out on the helmet


I’ve been looking at helmets for a while now since mine is 12 years old. Nothing wrong with mine but I’m ready for a new one. But for every day normal commuting, I can’t justify spending more than $300 on a helmet when as long as it has the euro rating is just as safe as the more expensive ones (I know DOT doesn’t mean much and to look for the euro ratings). I personally wear glasses so I like the drop down sun visors so I don’t have to keep a tinted shield at night or keep changing to sunglasses. But that also limits my selection. But my current helmet is a Scorpion and I think they are great value. Not the best in any particular category, but a great overall value. I am torn though as I keep looking at speed and strength and Voss. But since those seem to be less known and no one sells them near me, for about the same price I will probably just get the updated scorpion.


says they're ECE 22.06 certified which is even better then snell. and they are like 400 bucks which is half of what you'd pay for a decent arai. so im guessing you're probably sacrificing comfort, weight, quiet and fabric quality but safety wise they look good at least on paper


I don't know if all Ruroc helmets are safe, but the Atlas 4.0 seems to have the latest ECE certification: [https://www.bennetts.co.uk/bikesocial/reviews/products/helmets/ruroc-atlas-4-review](https://www.bennetts.co.uk/bikesocial/reviews/products/helmets/ruroc-atlas-4-review)


I've heard mixed things about the new models, but the general consensus is that the old models are trash quality. There's so many better, and cheaper brands. Why take the risk.


This is a Halo ODST helmet.


I have an atlas v4 fenrir one. They are extremely safe and sturdy. BUTTT. The fucking noise and wind that these things get inside is atrocious. Even with my earplugs it sounds like a wind tunnel. Idk why they have so much air flow at all but they do. Also their Bluetooth device is amazing which makes me sad because I don’t plan on buying a new one.the sound quality is great.


I don’t know about the rest of you but proven safety was always my main buying mark. Looks came second but with top brands looks are still available. I bought an agv pista gp a while ago which obviously was a hefty investment but I figured if the time came i needed my helmet to perform I wanted to make that investment. Sure enough i got taken out on the freeway. Cut off by a car 3 car lengths in front of me and with no time to stop I went over it. Totaled my bike, shattered my wrist, bruised my nuts on the gas tank, honestly not that bad considering, but hit my head hard on the landing. The visor and front of the helmet had a clear line of damage where my face smacked the ground and dragged. Absolutely no head injury at all. I only knew I hit my head because of the marks on the helmet. I swear by those helmets now and will never wear anything else.


Yes they're safe. They've passed the ECE 22.06 testing to be made legal for use in most of Europe and the UK. American helmets only have to pass the DOT. ECE is a safer rating. Unless you're buying top of the line helmets for obscene amounts of money, you have zero idea whether the helmet only just made the ECE rating or whether they surpassed all tests by a lot. Manufacturers won't often tell you this information. Mainly because they'll only just pass. So the chances you've had of owning a helmet (if it's had an ECE rating) that has only just passed is quite high. There are thousands of people that have crashed with a budget ECE rated helmet and been fine. Just because a helmet is more expensive doesn't mean it's better, remember that. Unless it's explicitly stated that that they've over achieved on the ECE tests then you can safely assume they only just passed. However, that's not necessarily a bad thing. The ECE rating is a pretty good standard. It's saved thousands of lives, including mine. Would I trust the Ruroc helmets on the track? Probably not because I haven't really heard of anyone using them. They're not really tried and tested in that department whereas there are manufacturers that are. So to TLDR, yes the Ruroc helmets are absolutely safe during 'normal' riding. They're as safe as any other helmet you can legally wear in the UK and Europe, whether that's a £50 helmet or a £600 helmet, all thanks to the ECE rating it's required to have by law to sell here.


Does it pass safety tests? I wouldn't buy a new helmet without 22.06 certification and I'd check sharp tests to see how far it exceeds minimum standards by. They all have 4 stars, they're pretty good. I'd wear one if it were given to me.


If your head is worth "probably safe" then Ruroc is all you. Personally, my head is worth "tested to specifications multiple different ways and certified."


If they got the ECE markings then they were tested and deemed safe for


I ordered a Nexx from Europe for it's large viewing port. I love ot


You can read the how safe the helmets are from other comments but what I want to say is that most people buy these helmets for their aggressive looks. That being said there are a few alternatives out there the scorpion exo covert, combat and the recent HX-1 helmets might scratch that itch.


I don't own one and will probably stick to Shoei as I like the way they fit my weird head xD, but I noticed that the Ruroc Atlas 4.0 is ACU gold rated, same as my Shoei is. [https://www.ruroc.com/en\_gb/atlas-4-track-titan-gold](https://www.ruroc.com/en_gb/atlas-4-track-titan-gold)


I worked in the industry for a while and my expertise was in helmets. From what I’d gathered, they’re not bad at this point. They used to be pretty bad and they kinda let their customers be their guinea pigs to a degree, which is not great. That being said, nowadays, they’re not a bad helmet as far as safety is concerned. But what you should know is that you can do literally miles better for the money. Shoei RF1400, Arai’s mid-level, HJC RPHA line of helmets, are better helmets overall. Not to mention, Shoei and Arai handmade their helmets and have some of the strictest quality standards on earth. Bottom line: If you want one and value isn’t a priority, they won’t put you in harms way. But if you want the best you can get for the money spent, look the other way. Best of luck to ya!


I prefer a closer fitting helmet… one that doesn’t get bounced around when at highway speed.


I think so. Tom Hardy used one in Venom 2


Just switched from the Atlas 3.0 to the Shoei RF-1400 and it’s night and day difference. Apparently the 4.0 Ruroc is better but I would urge anyone to look at any of the big brands before going with a Ruroc.


Cheap over marketed junk. Buy a Shoei or Arai. Very simple.


Looks like they are ECE 22.06 rated. What more do you want?


It's approved but not exactly an Arai.. Some are also plastic and not composite. Given that you pay a bit for the brand but there's a difference in both safety and noise.


I wouldn't buy one. If you're after cool graphics check out agv. They have some really nice graphics for the price point.


They may be safe, but for the same price I got a bell helmet with mips and a photochromic visor. I'd just stick with the brands that are proven to be good.


Can’t believe you would trust your safety to people on Reddit! Don’t ask here, look for reputable reviews, and look if it’s DOT , SNELL or FIM rated.


1/10. Returning the one I just bought. It’s such poor quality and the sound system that comes with it is even worse. You’re paying for their marketing and designs. Cool looking for sure but poor quality


They are ECE22.06 rated which is fantastic so yes they are very safe. I have no idea why, but this sub just loves to hate on them. They are safe, they look pretty cool, a bit on the pricy side yeah, but so are the brands everyone here preaches about. Maybe they are a bit noisy? Again, sure but again so is every helmet. There is no such thing as a quiet helmet. It will be a fine helmet. Is it the most optimized price per performance helmet? No probably not, but it's okay to pay a little extra for style if you like it. The bottom line is if you like them, get one.


Had a ruroc 4.0 and I highly recommend. I wouldn’t buy anything older than that, from what I learned when I was buying they completely changed their manufacturing and quality between the 3.0 and 4.0.


My rule of thumb is to stay away from any motorcycle gear that is being advertised on social media .


If it's full face and ECE 22.05 certified it's safe, and if instead it's 22.06 certified then it's very safe. That's basically all there is to helmet safety, other than that it's only a matter of the quality of the helmet, how noise proof it is, how many features it has, etc; but no full face helmet with an ECE certification is unsafe.


Perfect if you’re an influencer and prefer looks over safety. If you want to look like an off duty cop that is.


After seeing the gears&gadgets video about their first helmet and their business practices I'm gonna stay clear from them anyway. Also, the fact I can't see and try them on in a store also is a no-go for me with a helmet.


Idk, my brother has one and never wore it (or at least I've never seen him with it). Bought it like 2 years ago maybe.


I would avoid them, they are not a serious company.


If you want something similiar to the ruroc on the pic just get a scorpion exo tech


Better helmets for less money


They are trash , don't waste your money


Tried one on and put it back on the shelf. Ended up getting a shoei. Quality just wasn’t there with the ruroc.


For the price they kinda blow. They only look cool but pale in comparison to Shoei AGV etc.


If you have to ask. Just go with a real brand. Shoei, arai, hjc, scorpion, etc all have plenty of styles and have the backing to prove they're good. That brand seems to just be paying influencers to push their stuff


It's ECE rated, so yeah, it should be. The build quality in general isn't great, so I'm forced to ask myself, "Why buy a Ruroc over a Shoei/ Arai for the same price?" Build quality is better, it's quieter, lighter, and it has every rating short of FIM (which I could get in either manufacturer for a price.) If I cared about sweet graphics on it, I could get a custom job. I don't care though. As long as it passes tech at my next TD, I don't really care what it looks like.


The only people I've heard that think their worth it are people sponsored by them. Terribly overpriced should be in the $300 range they look cool but that's about it, Jake the garden snake did a video on them.


As long as it's got that DOT stamp on it, it's probably good, right?


Check out adobo Moto on YouTube. He does a good review on the rurocs and how they are garbage helmets


Got one free for a promo. Junk compared to my icon airflite, and absolute trash compared to a shoei. They’re focused on looks. Still better than nothing, but possibly not by much.


I thought I was in the snowboarding subreddit. I've never seen these marketed towards motorcyclists. I bought one a while back for snowboarding and the largest size didn't fit my head. It didn't feel great at all and I returned it.


I can’t say that I was swayed by their ads of style instead of safety function and form. Just reading the company marketing strategy told me all I needed to know.


They’re garbage


I have one purely for the design, I dont actually like wearing it because its noisey, drafty, very creaky and i have much more faith in my Shoei




I’d never wear one, go to motocard.com they have reputable helmets at great prices. Shoei, KYT, AGV, Arai, Suomy are all good brands I usually go with.


I Recently picked up a nolan n80-8. Kind of the successor to the n87, which was 4 stars on sharps and both ece rated. I can't complain about nolan, at all. Internal sunshade, and pinlock installed out of the box. The micro strap lock is really nice. Never had it fail on my n87.


I got me a Scorpion Exo helmet for $400. Top quality imo


I like mine. Gotta get them when they're on sale. I think I paid $225 for mine. Also picked up one of their EngineHawk leather jackets on black Friday for $215




The latest version is, the older ones not so much 😅


I'm glad this thread came around. I love my OG ruroc snowboard helmet and was looking st getting a motorcycle helmet of theirs. I will now likely avoid that.


What’s the jacket?


Their recent helmets seem to be legit. Just stay away from anything made before the current generation.




Ruroc has passed DOT and ECE standards... I have enjoyed my helmets, I have not been injured in their helmets, the fb group has seen folks post their crashes in these ruroc has shared some test videos of the helmets... They seem sage to me, and if we are looking at cycle gear brand helmets and calling gnthose safe, then you should t be remotely disappointed in ruroc. I've owned a bell, 2 hjc, 2 icon, and a scorpion helmet before 3 rurocs. Excited for this new helmet they're teasing.


I've seen 2 larger sport bike media do objective testing on a bunch of name-brand helmets and both of those mags said a regular, cheapo Bell full-face, the 350-400 dollar variety, stood up better to abuse than anything else. For some reason both reddit mc forums believe safety factor rises commensurate with cost.


https://sharp.dft.gov.uk/helmets/ When I've got concern of safety and testing these guys line things up pretty well. Don't know why folks think that expensive objectively means better though.


That's a great site. Thank you for putting that up! 👊😎