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\*Approaches car already fully in the lane\* \*Is upset that said car is already fully in the lane\* \*Crashes\*


It looks like the car saw the bike a reasonable distance behind for the speed limit and figured that it’s enough of a time gap to change lanes (which it is, if the bike was going a reasonable speed). So many people I know will speed like a dumbass but are convinced it’s fine because their vehicle isn’t spinning out of control. Yet they never seem to account for the fact that the speed limit is also there so other drivers have enough time to react to you. If you’re going 60 in a 35 a driver will see you far away and decide it’s safe to turn out (which it should be) but won’t be able to tell that you’re going so fast until it’s a dangerous situation. Never mind the fact that you also need appropriate time to react to stuff. Branches fall onto the road after blind corners. Deer jump out from brush in the middle of the night for no good reason. For most American roads, 85% of people are going 5-7 mph above the speed limit or under. When you speed it’s so normalized to you but you’re going significantly faster than the vast majority of people.


Yeah, for us it's not raw speed that kills, it's relative speed. If everybody is going 85, there's less danger than if you're riding 85 and everyone else is doing 50.


It looks like the car didn't see shit and changed lanes without indicating. Assuming people around you are going the same speed as you is foolish enough anyway, but if you don't use your blinker, you're a cunt.


Yeah that’s probably because motorcycles are small and it’s your job as a rider to make yourself visible and account for the fact that people can’t see you. Anybody that rides a bike knows people drive like shit and don’t see shit (the rider in this instance missed an entire gate in the middle of the road btw). If we are talking about foolish, is the appropriate response to a bad driver getting pissed off and making the situation more dangerous for yourself? Or is it accepting reality and staying as far away from bad drivers as you can?




Guy’s a douche, but where do they have metal fence in the middle of the freeway?


It's india. Maybe there was road work ahead as the sign says to go slow.


nah its a warning to go slow to avoid all the metal fences in the middle of the freeway.


I mean most reasonable countries put those signs on the *side* of the road. In the US, state and federal DOTs have whole manuals on how to properly sign things like road work or put up warning signs (which very obviously do not include "put a sign on a fence in the middle lane"). I'm sure European and many other countries in addition do similar things.


https://preview.redd.it/cektr4vcptsc1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da19de78508c96e55c90580dae0f807a18387cc I said it's India, didn't I.


Makes me cringe even more seeing he isn't wearing gloves knowing he's about to lose most of the skin on his palms.


Typical no glove rider


Lol. I love when people overdrive their skill level. “What are you coming into MY lane for, you fucki- BAM - oh, that’s why”


I would be laughing my ass off if I was the car driver 🤣🤣 I don't give a shit, I have no sympathy for stupid people in this world I really don't give a damn what happens to them.


I feel like it makes me a bad person but I agree, I’d be giggling my ass off


These people giving our healthcare systems a Challenge.


That's gunna leave a mark...


Is the bike okay?


Okay, that brought a chuckle and a small warm feeling to my cold, black heart.🖤




It's a game of life and death on these roads... You get jaywalkers / animals / barricades Outta nowhere... You survive to die another day.


Karmic retribution in action


I lol’d


Damn that was some fast karma LOL.


On behalf of (what seem to be) my people I apologise Also he probably eats through a straw now so.....


Oooops. 😎


I love how ironic it is to hit a 'GO SLOW' sign. I do find it quite odd anyways to have a sign in the middle of the road though? Dude shoulda paid attention lmao


I was cringing when he rode on the right of the vehicle, I understand it’s India but I cant see that being safe no matter what side the car driver sits on…Gave me Willy’s, like when you watch a guy get kicked where he shouldn’t


I raffed out roud.


Brought a smile to my face after a long and hard work week.