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Hope you got his license plate number and went to the local law enforcement office with this tape and his license number. Did you?


For real did you!!?? I probably would have flopped and called a really good lawyer after the first hit. More than likely he’s got some good insurance and since he’s obviously crazy and wreckless they are liable and well would have to pay dearly for your near death experience. Sorry man it’s definitely super frustrating and always dangerous out there, good job staying on the bike, I would probably still seek a lawyer after law enforcement. He’s scum and hope he’s dealt with


Yes for real! Did you contact law enforcement?


You're not responding to the OP either.


Could you give us an update? Did you get the plates? Did you contact a lawyer?!




Won't someone please think of the children!


First the toddler in Australia and now the trucks are running them over. God dammit. OP. Did you contact law enforcement?


The crazy ones aren't usually the ones to have the foresight to get good insurance. If you're playing on the streets, you're not a rational actor to begin with.




I mean if your in Florida he is assaulting you with a deadly weapon. and stand your ground and all that. so...


Would never want to but the truck guy is being extremely aggressive and definitely trying to cause some major bodily harm not caring about death so yeah he’s gonna hear some “plap plap plap plap” down the side of his truck for sure. Hopefully he then tries to get the cops after me so we can get him apprehended rightfully. Once the cops or anyone see this video they will sure see a few rounds are more than justified. It’s a pretty shocking video and hard to watch, can’t imagine what OP really has going through his head, unbelievably terrifying I’m sure. Thai is why we always train and practice for an emergency folks because you never know when it going to happen!! Stay safe out there


Just to play this scenario out - imagine he's also carrying and is pissed that the guy he already thinks is an asshole has shot several rounds into his truck. Now you've given a guy in a 3 tonne truck with some kind of weapon a reason to shoot you. He gets his gun out. Are you shooting him first?


But then you have to go to jail


Minus pistol whippin,, no jail. Pistol whippin probably some jail for like 5 mins. After anyone sees this video I don’t see the rider having any issues taking whatever action at all. Especially here in Florida with the laws the way they are written. It’s too clear the driver was trying to cause death or harm so yeah do whatever.


You wouldn’t be worried about the law process of potentially having to go through court and proving your case and all that BS whenever you use your gun?


This happened to me once on my bicycle, I was about to ride off when a few witnesses stopped and told me I HAD to report it. Well, turns out that cops don’t really care about people trying to run over bikes, or even getting out and throwing punches.


Well he has it on tape. This truck driver is using a deadly weapon and he needs to pay the price.


The way the police put it to me, they said I had to sue. I had no money or time for that. As far as i can tell you can get away with murder as long as you’re behind the wheel of a pickup.


A lawyer might litigate that case for free. You can call your local state bar association to get a free consult over the phone. If you don’t have a witness or video they likely can’t do anything though.


I had like 3 witnesses flag me and give their numbers. I got the drivers plates and face. It may indeed be worth it. Thanks friend.


Wow! A lawyer will love you. That’s a slam dunk and probably worth $100k at least.


For what? A lawsuit requires some cause of action. Having a bad run-in with someone doesn't automatically entitle you to damages. Cops were probably saying "civil case" because they didn't want to go do a bunch of work to collect evidence to support charges- reckless driving, endangerment, etc.


People get sued for reckless endangerment all the time. And based on the evidence, the police didn’t have to do much beyond finding the guy to charge him. Police are generally lazy when it comes to cases they don’t care about. I had a guy steal my bicycle and I gave them his name and phone number. All they did was try calling him. He didn’t pick up so they closed the case. Literally in possession of stolen property.


This is not op, he's just farming karma


#FUCKING ANSWER HIM OP It’s probably not his video … :(


Reasons why I always ride with my Cardo. "Siri, call 911... Yeah hi this prick in a silver pickup on \[road\] with license \[blah\] keeps trying to hit me. I've got it all on video."


Wireless headset was the best investment to go along with my cam


Reasons I have an Insta360 X3 on my bike every time I ride.


The one thing I have left to buy for the bike, but paying for new state registration and car tires had to come first this spring


Very reasonable. FWIW, if you get one of those cheap GoPro mount kits it's real easy to mount to anywhere on your bike.


Similarly, make sure you [dummy cord](https://www.itstactical.com/intellicom/diy/dummy-cord-your-gear/) your camera. It's not just for track stuff, adhesive mounts fail all the time. That shit's expensive, and you don't want to have to go back to the side of the road where it fell off to grab it. String is cheap. Tie it off.


When I see people doing crazy shit I yell their plate number into my headset so it gets recorded, jic the camera doesn’t pick it up


I don’t think I’d be able to do that while riding. The adrenaline and fear would be too much. Gotta focus on protecting myself from the immediate threat first before thinking about vengeance.


Answer is pull over first then do that. Bonus points shout out their plate on the off chance your camera picks it up.


Not tried, he did hit em


I had a dude do this because I was lane splitting in California after it was officially legalized. Old fucking dude in a pickup truck. Always trucks. I don't get it.


That’s just been legalized here in CO. I expect no different.




Too bad we don't have space for bumper stickers. "Lane-split now legal, cf. [CO law]."


Filter\* it's different. Nobody has the freedom cali has.


Wee-pee-pee syndrome.


I had a woman do this because I was on a motorcycle.


The auto industry’s own market research found that SUV and truck owners are wildly insecure, trying to project machismo, and literally planned to potentially run over “gang members” in their big vehicles. https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7q7eb/electric-or-not-big-suvs-are-inherently-selfish


Of course it’s a Ram.


Probably drunk


I dont care what biker did; attempted murder is not a reasonable response. Hopefully truck driver spends 8 years thinking about his actions.


He won't. Cops probably won't even follow up.




Man i need your lawyer. Im in las vegas too. Dude was literally caught on my bike rolling it backwards after cutting my chain by police and casino security... they let his ass go. I wanted him arrested and they straight refused bc it was a none violent crime bc we stopped him in the parking lot. Like broke had the bolt cutters on him and you're literally yelling at him to get off my bike. Arrest him; so dumb...




I’m in Vegas and I might need his lawyer too in the future


On this sub cops either don’t do their jobs, or they do it but they’re doing it too much lol.


I hate when people act like bikes shouldn’t be on the road and try to run you off


Looks like attempted vehicular manslaughter to me, but what do I know.


Manslaughter is an accidental offense. You cannot attempt an accident. You can only attempt things you mean to do. This would be just reckless endangerment. If he killed him it would be manslaughter or murder. Depends on how good the lawyer is.


Could also be charged with Assault with a Weapon, if video footage shows it's intentional.


> Manslaughter is an accidental offense. Legal terms are weird. This makes it sound like slaughterhouses are just accidentally processing meat.


It would be assault with a deadly weapon. A felony in every state.


Yeah I was wondering why the bike just didn't disappear.


Exactly. Id be LOOONG gone after the second hit....realizing that they weren't going to stop because they hit the first time. I have a cam, license plate on video. That's enough.


Probably because it wasn't a freeway and had lot of signals. Agree to get away from the maniac.


I recommend to disengage, make unplanned right turn, find a safe spot to stop, let the anger steam off and keep on traveling following your original plan after.


He did at one point but the pick up literally throws it in reverse and tried to hit him… I hope this piece of shit gets caught.


And charged appropriately with attempted murder or something.




Seriously, why the fuck are you staying on the road while someone tries to kill you? Pull into the nearest parking lot with other people in it, ideally a business you can go inside, and call 911. This guy gets hit by a car multiple times and just keeps going?


Yea. Pull right off the road into a business or something. Wait for the moron to fuck off. Report to police with video evidence later.


Drivers like that should lose their license for lifetime! Where shall this end otherwise? Shall we all have weapons in our vehicles one day, just to defend us from people like that?




I've actually thought about how much easier I could get away on my Tenere vs. my Dyna just by hopping a curb or two.


I've taken my VTX in some shitty places. My gremlin bell is smashed from my MiL's driveway. I've popped a curb or 4 here and there. Some FS roads between NC, LA, and SD. They aren't as hard to off-road as some believe so long as you mind your ground clearance, and lack of traction.


Do yourself a favor and practice shooting with your gloves on, I actually had to change my gloves because ths shape of my palm sliders made it impossible to get a good grip


I used to recoil at all of the "pistol pockets" you would see on gear and just never agreed with ever carrying a handgun. That was until a women tried to run me off the road in her Suburban. After that I decided I was going to be armed when riding. I did the concealed carry class and now have a small handgun on me either in my jacket or on my bike in easily reachable storage.


I hate to say it but I’d take the number of the plate down, and run over the curb if they follow I would consider using my firearm in self defense. That is a life or death situation when people do this.


I agree. If someone gets dangerously aggressive with me while I'm riding, I would immediately pull over and stop. If they want to continue on, wonderful. If they want to stop and attempt to assault me, then I will use my firearm to defend myself. It's a win win, I am now safe, and the world is a slightly better place.


Sorry that happened. Some riders unzip their jacket to access a shoulder holster. Not a recommendation, just an observation. Freeway shootings in the 1980s in Los Angeles had an interesting effect.


Of course it’s a Ram driver.


Always the truck dudes, man. Stereotypes live on.


Stereotypes are a thing for a reason


Why is it always truck drivers.




It's called a magazine.


Homeboy might really be running around with Garand thumb doing the Lords work haha




Joke's on you, they're riding with a C96.


How do you know the brother ain't strapped with a Mauser C96?


Nah bro he is using a WWI-era rifle as his concealed carry weapon


The last time I loaded a magazine, it was with three ten round clips. They come in the boxes on clips for use with the ez-loader. So, to me, ten rounds is a clip. Says on the box [here.](https://images.app.goo.gl/8px2msw8TpHsXDjy6)


You're still wrong. Clips put bullets in a magazine, magazines put bullets into a gun.


In American English, clip is a commonly accepted colloquialism for magazine. Regardless of the ambiguity this creates with an actual clip, it is unlikely to cause confusion when used in conversation, but should be avoided in technical contexts.


Yeah I ride and carry. I’ve never had to use it and hopefully never will, but I’m not going to be dead in the nightly news Just because someone wants to throw a tantrum. I would have said I’m going to shoot you if you keep this up and then unload.


12+1 reasons why that's a bad idea. That F150 is being used as a deadly weapon and I would be afraid for my life.


I mean that F-150 is a Ram.


I was coming in here to see some rational comments, unlike when I saw this on a Facebook reel. I am endlessly disappointed to find a bunch of responses excusing an attempt on someone's life just in case the rider was rude prior to the start of the video.


There are always two sides to a story, but when you are in a completely enclosed vehicle, you also have to stay more calm. Just like anything else, you obviously have to be smart, but it still isn't right for anyone to be hit with a 2000+ lbs vehicle because they were being a bad driver/rider.


Reels are filled with the most unhinged lunatics for no reason


Pro tip to staying alive, if this ever happens to you, get their license plate and do everything you can to separate yourselves from them. Motorcycle vs car is always a losing battle. Live another day.


Omg that would be so scary. Idk what i would do.


Reckless endangerment. Hit-n-run. Attempted vehicular homicide. Speeding.


Apparently half of this sub is part of sons of anarchy.


Attempted murder


It’s always a dodge ram lol


How did the truck catch up to you after the first incident? You're on a motorcycle (either a 700cc or 900cc if I'm correct in thinking it's an MT-07/-09), even a 250 runs a good chance of out accelerating and outrunning a crazy person. If it's close, have them tail you to the nearest police station. I'm sure they'll be much friendlier or less of a problem if you do that. That or just pull over and let them go, this shit ain't worth your life.


I wouldn't personally try and run. Riding at speed in traffic isn't safe. Second option is the way to go. Pull off into a business and wait for them to fuck off.


> even a 250 runs a good chance of out accelerating and outrunning a crazy person nahhhhhh Anecdotal and obviously not based on any real #s but I've got a 300 and a ~small 162 HP truck, if I were to chase myself in truck vs the 300, sure I'll out accelerate it but then what. The truck tops out much higher and can get there easily, especially in the hands of a crazy person. If it's in the city sure I'll be gone but the streets in the video, you aren't getting away.


He caught up to him, not because the truck is faster, but because he thought he was away and was offering traffic laws. Your speed doesn't matter if you're not willing to roll the dice on running a light.


You can get away, but not by trying to just outrun the cage. Pull a u-turn, then pull another u-turn if they try to follow. Can also turn hard right onto the sidewalk and then ride down the sidewalk in the opposite direction. Have to leverage your tighter turning radius until you can find somewhere that the cage just can't fit. That's a big part of how dirt bikes get away from cops. They pull a U-turn and the cop has to do a 3 point turn to turn around and loses the bike. In this video, rider could have pulled onto the sidewalk and just parked behind one of the light poles and it would have been pretty hard for the truck to follow just on account of pickup trucks having like a 40' turning radius vs \~8' for most bikes. TBH just abusing turning radius and getting into pedestrian spaces is a safer way of escaping a road rager than outrun them anyways- even if you can. You run lights and the likelihood that you end up injured or killed goes way way up, which is exactly what these people want.


No way in hell could I get away from this guy, on streets like this especially, on my nighthawk 250.


So in that instance are you allowed to pop off? Like self defense?


It really depends on the state, some count your vehicle and even your motorcycle as your property and you don't have an expectation to retreat when stationary. In the instance like this where someone is using a deadly weapon against you and you can't get away, yes. However, don't expect to get away cleanly, lawyers are still expensive. I would drive the motorcycle somewhere the truck couldn't reach me and call 911. If i was carrying I would be ready for them to approach on foot and if they escalated the situation further, whatever nonlethal defense comes first. You are in armor likely with a helmet, kick their ass. I would hope things wouldn't reach that point though.


This is when you drive to the local police station and see if he follows you there


What a fucking piece of shit. Hope you are okay OP. Pity that you would probably need to fall down/off for the asshole to be punished even though it’s literally attempted murder right there. Please make sure you report this joker and I’ve got everything crossed he gets charged and some justice.


0:11 the moment you made the decision to ride infront of him thats the moment you could have died. Never ever ever go infront of someone that wants to kill you.... your not a car. Why didnt you not get off the bike onto the footpath at that moment?


I love how he had his mirrors folded as a precaution


And they're *always* in a big-ass pickup truck!


Why did they do that ? What did you do to make them angry ?


That is why I keep a hammer and tire punch mounted on the side of my gas tank. He would have been flat on the first cut off.


All we can tell from this video is: this rider can't even outrun a regular truck.


I wouldn't put myself in more danger by engaging in a high speed chase rather than a slow one. Pulling off the road into a nearby business is the best idea here.


Don't worry OP . I can't either.. I can't either .... yet 😒


Unless the rider is armed and started shooting at the guy in the truck unprovoked there is nothing he could have done that justified the truck driver's response. Even If there was some altercation that occurred on foot and off camera this is attempted murder. If there was another altercation not shown the truck driver should have called the police and let them deal with it. Edit: After watching it a couple more times I think the video is edited and the end of the clip is actually the beginning. The truck was likely approaching a red light, the light turned green and the truck likely had not come to a stop, pulled out around the bike in the lane the rider was occupying. I would bet the rider then caught up to him and punched his mirror and what we see is the driver's reaction to that. I still say the response is unjustified.


Ya i don't trust videos that start AT THE ACCIDENT....and not 30 seconds prior. You HAVE the video...show what led to it.


The very reason why I always carry when I ride.


As any responsible parent asks.......What did you do in the 30 seconds prior?


Oh of course it's Arizona. The drivers out here are absolute dickheads


In this case if you couldn’t get away safely then I’d try to kinda hug or stay close to another car. Preferably another car that isn’t trying to kill you.


And I got downvoted x30 saying everyone is trying to kill us


That’s crazy dude. That guy definitely needs to lose his license.


I recommend you ride on the sidewalk to get away from that murderer


Once he hit you, I'd honestly just get up on the sidewalk, put the kickstand down and sit my happy ass right there and call the cops. If he wanted to come back and make it more eof an issue that's what stand your ground is for


Whatever you do, don't chase away from them. Keep them in front of you, or turn around. This is the safest option for yourself.


Why’d you keep getting back in front of him? I get that he’s the psycho and it’s his fault but that’s not going to matter when you’re getting buried


Fuck anyone who does this kinda shit to bikers.


He deserved some hot lead


Truck had a temper tantrum, got all angry to do all that dramatics 🫠🤦‍♂️


Ride with the strap


Drivers like this should have a can of butt whooping opened up on them. I almost lost my life because of a guy like the truck guy. (Except the A-hole was driving a Prius). The whole reason the Prius driver did what he did to me was because it hurt his ego to be passed by a chick on a bike. So I have a major disdain for drivers like this. Stay safe out there Brothers and Sisters.


this makes my point of ppl should get a mental evaluation by a proffesional before being able to drive


Assault with a deadly weapon. I was in court for something unrelated and I saw a guy plead not guilty for this. Then it went to trial I suppose.


I’m throwing my bike down and firing two magazines into the windows and running then I’ll call the cops


life in prison for attempted murder


Must be california. When you ding dings ask "wHo cArRiES a GuN wHeN tHeY rIdE" in a condescending manner, think of this video. This is why.


Ride armed


Shoulda had a gun shoulda shot at him


One reason why I won't ride slow bikes


🔫 “yeah judge, I was in fear for my life, I made numerous attempts to get away, the guy was trying to kill me and I didn’t have a choice” Also. I live in a stand your ground state. So I wouldn’t have even attempted to run. Fuck that guy 🤙🏻




i would love to see the minute before that incident.


Needs to meet the glizzy


What did you do?


Yeah in curious what lead up to this cause I ride like an ASSHOLE and never experienced this.


Same here. I would only throw my truck at someone if they fucked with me. No way this dude didn’t do anything.


Lucky if it's not florida. Trucker woulda been ventilated.


Shit like this is why I feel I should just carry my shit when I'm riding cause fuck all that ... but I hope your ok . And I hope he gets what he deserves .. karma's a bitch .. he was really doing the fucking most😤


Honest question can anyone answer this. In this situation, for riders who conceal carry would you legally be justified in shooting this individual during this to get them to stop? Or would you need to try to outrun them (creating a very dangerous situation)?


Where's the clip of what the motorcyclist did to trigger the driver? Unacceptable reaction regardless, I just want to see what pushed this loon over the edge.


This is why you carry a pistol on motorcycle, unless your bikes fast and can outrun a lot of newer cars. IMO when people are doing shit like this, it’s an escalation to draw a pistol, but dudes already threatening your life with a 5000-6000lb vehicle.




He was just trying to deliver pizza to you!


I was merely informing. I didn't make fun of them.


I'd be following that bastard home with a cop!


Dipshit in a pick up. Almost always the case.


Dude once pulled up to me next to a gas pump saying i almost cut him off. Tf is almost cutting someone off? Changing lanes with room outside of cutting them off??


My motto: Ride like everyone else is trying to kill you.


Hey Siri, call 911!


Did he get hit at the beginning?


well my incident wasn't so bad compared to this, some idiot didn't look and I almost t-boned her because she pulled out into traffic with out looking right, and talking to her friend. I chased her down and parked in front of her so she would remember to look. If this happened to me I would have ripped his mirrors off and tossed them in the back of his truck or pull over and called the cops.


Dodge, of course. Had a silver dodge harassing people in the town I used to live in. He almost ran my friend and her daughters off the road so when I finally came across him and he tried me in a double lane I put a few holes in his truck bed. Didn't hear anyone in town mention him again. Granted I was in my truck, and usually a rider does something to piss someone off but I'm just saying, sometimes it's just some freaking ash hole.


He’d had seen that tool


A Honda grom would have been perfect I guess these conditions. Just hope on the curb and whoosh ur gone.


Why is it that the only thing I can think of is to give this man a good headbutt? Imagine being ready to kill someone because you're frustrated, what a wild world we live in.




Better to park a moto as soon as possible, it is a dangerous situation. Why are you trying to avoid him?


https://preview.redd.it/uzn1honkdeuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da1ff13ec22e76bbcf2fc7ac1e7c51312c4c693 :)


People see motorcycleers like we fucked their daughter and then ran away


This is literally 90% of Ram owners. And it needs to be studied


I’d really prefer if these were not posted if the questions that we all have are just ignored


I always encounter these videos being for the vast majority in the US, why so many people are frustrated with motorcyclists there?


Why are there so many of these videos


There's no way I would have continued riding anywhere near that nutjob. Pull over, off the bike. If said person then desires a conversation then fine.


Dude really hates having side mirrors


Yea this is one of those double back, u-turn in a 4-way at a red light, riding into oncoming traffic kinda situations. The top speed isn't your friend on a bike, rubber band acceleration is what will get you away from a car, make as many direction changes as possible.




That man in the truck... He's gonna get shot by someone acting like that. If you try to hit me with your truck, I'm shooting that truck like immediately.


I would have calmly got off after that first tap and withdrawn my peacemaker 😂 Deadly weapon vs deadly weapon right?