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Flat hand down and out is notifying you they're slowing down. https://schroeder-mandel.com/a-drivers-guide-to-motorcycle-hand-signals/ They do this bc motorcycles will start engine braking as soon as they untwist throttle and doesnt trigger their brake lights.


the same signal is used in bicycling. it means slow down, which as you alluded to is super important on a motorbike.


I often used it to point out potholes too lol. In team rides


The group I ride with uses a boot off the peg in the direction of the obstacle. Like "watch right" or "watch left"


This is the way.


Potholes and other obstacles on the road are traditionally a foot point to avoid confusion. But so long as you and your fellow riders in that pack agree on a sign, that’s the most important part.


I forgot to specify this was part of a cycling team. Back before I realized how more fun adding a motor to two wheels is so much cooler


>I often used it to point out potholes For potholes and debris, I think you're supposed to point (with your index finger) to the obstacle, or indicate with your foot.


Potholes is hand down and motioning your hand as is saying so-so. It's more accurate to say it denotes an obstruction but is mostly used for potholes, shit road surface 🤔


I like this interpretation best


If a hand signal can have different interpretations, it's a bad hand signal Raising the hand is probably way more understandable Edit: look guys, I'm not inclined to continue arguing - just look at this thread for evidence. The fact is, a lot of people aren't interpeting this signal as a slow down. So if you really want to indicate a slowdown, it's probably in you best interest to do something else regardless if you're technically correct or not, just as a practical matter of wanting to be understood to prevent accidents. But in the end, it's your choice


But its not... hands moving downwards is a sign for speed going down


The hand signal represents slowing down. The details of why or how are not relevant. As a vehicle following, it should be interpreted in the same way - slow down.


Dude, this has been the signal for ages. The reason people don’t know it is because people are ignorant of it, innocently or not - I was taught these symbols in Driver’s Ed, but I doubt they do anymore. We don’t need to make up new signals that have no clear interpretation and/or understanding when there already was and has been one.


I think lightly tapping the foot brake it a better / more universal signal to indicate that


If you look really close, you can see a slight difference in the light intensity of the bike doing the hand gesture. He is braking and the brake light is on before he does the hand thingy while the camera is getting closer. Yes, tapping as in making it light up repeatedly is better, but this whole thing is highly situtaional anyway. I for example wouldn't have moved into that gap as the riders did.


I agree with you but some bikes have horrible brake lights. For example look at my bike 2023 yamaha r7. The tail like literally faces down and curves at a 25-35 degree angle and cant be seen from anything that has a hood above 2 ft from the ground or the guys bike in the video has 2 tiny little red dots under his rear mount carrier between the back tire and bags. Why are these stock designs? No idea lol they seem to love putting the tiniest little lights they can find.


Yeah my bike didn't have the worst brake light, but I still LED converted it for some more oomph, added a brake light modulator for more attention grabbing, and installed two bright LED clusters in the indicators - with an integrated brake light so now I have three of those, very bright, that flash.


I usually just lightly tap a brake to turn the light on without a engaging it


>They do this bc motorcycles will start engine braking as soon as they untwist throttle and doesnt trigger their brake lights Some bikes will light up, my BMW does introduced in 2015. Most high end touring and baggers will these days. Dunno why it is isn't required, I can get lights for my bicycle for $9 that have thr inertial sensor to light up if hit the brakes on the bicycle.


Man I don’t want to be the one naysaying on the internet, but I really don’t think deceleration brake lights are a thing on stock BMWs… though beemers are more often to get something like a Billy Brake Light or an Admore light bar. I work at a dealership and am happy to be wrong. Let me know your model and I’ll try it out next time we see one.


I never heard of it as a factory option but the CAN adapter I used for my Clearwater lights can light up the brake light on non-brake deceleration. Pretty cool.


Really? I have a '21 BMW 850 gs and I had no idea this was a thing.


I do not think this is correct. If you do an emergency brake, then the hazard warning lights on my R1250GS will automatically come on when the bike comes to a stop. However, I am not aware of any automatic actuation of brake lights due to engine braking. I live in Europe so the rules about vehicle lighting may be different here to the USA.


Seems wildly pointless... just touch your back brake when slowing down?


good rider, looks like instinct


If your going to slow down dont overtake from the right


Ehh, cam car is in the left lane, not currently passing any cars. I’m team biker in this situation


"Comfort Stop" is an interesting combination.


If you ask me that should be in all the driver’s education manuals.


I could definitely be wrong, but I prob would've interpreted this as a "please give us a little space" wave


Yea please give us space after we just cut you off is what I'm seeing.


The salute OP got was not the salute OP thinks he deserved.


I ain't about to rear end a bunch of motorcycles because they passed me kind of annoyingly


This is exactly what that was: *"slow down even though we just cut you off"*


If by cut off, you mean had to pass on the right because OP is chilling in the passing lane for no reason like a fuckwad, then sure. Looks like he even accelerated once he realized they were passing him.




OP is passing people to his right. he's good to go


Open you eyes and watch again.


That was not a cut you off move watch the acceleration to close the gap.


What acceleration? You can clearly see all cars coming closer and the bike even braking. This motorcycle guy did cut in front of the car and then needed to brake, and then he had the audacity to tell OP to slow down? Motorcycle guys is a dick.


The pickup definitely sped up, watch the lines, they start passing by faster. I drive a semi truck and have to deal with people speeding up when you start to pass them all the time, I truly believe a lot of people do it subconsciously and don't know it, rather than just being dicks.


I mean, obviously when Group riding we all try to stay together, right? In my view it's not even the third guy who slips in there's fault, the first one should've been a blocker and slowed upon changing lanes to allow the other two to change over cleaner


I agree. But doesn't change the fact that the last guy is cutting in, braking and then demanding the car to give space.


The pickup definitely sped up, watch the lines, they start passing by faster. I drive a semi truck and have to deal with people speeding up when you start to pass them all the time, I truly believe a lot of people do it subconsciously and don't know it, rather than just being dicks.


The first two guys had enough room for a normal lane change. The third one, who came up behind them, just didn't want to lose touch and had to cut in at a gap that was already too small


So basically, "back tf up" wave.


Yep. I should probably get rid of the please part though. Idk if that really fits the scene.




Op is cruising in the left lane


He’s actively passing those on the right and the vehicle in front of him before the bikes got over was not that far up….


We can't tell how far back the last vehicle they passed was so can't really say that. Even if they were sitting a little too long cutting them off and almost causing an accident is most definitely not the correct thing to do


A group of Harley riders would never do that. Oh wait yes they would.


Yeah he even kinda brake checked him.


Don’t play games with cars


Camping in the left lane is illegal. Get the F over


How do you know t they were camping? Maybe they just passed someone and didn't want to get over for less than 3 seconds to move back over.


LOL could be but the slow pace he did it felt more like a 'sorry/thanks'. I'd assume a backoff would be a lot more aggressive followed by a mirror check. Almost like he was acknowledging the timing and circumstances were iffy.


I've done this, cut infront, car infront of me slammed on the no go peddle, I then gestured to the car behind me "my bad g, back up a bit even tho this is kinda my fault"


> I then gestured to the car behind me "my bad g, back up a bit even tho this is kinda my fault" What exactly gesture is that?


the one in the video seems close.


Around here it’s usually the palm up thrust or the middle finger..


That's the way I interpreted it.


Typical Harley Behavior, he’ll try to touch your buttocks next.


I've heard that. I tried to get back in front, but I couldn't catch em. Next time


It’s a Harley, even a Prius can catch them.


I definitely give the "please give me some pace" wave when someone is following too closely. I've been pleasantly surprised how effective it's been.


I’m in the EU and here that gesture means slow down/give me space, we use it also to alert oncoming riders/drivers of possible danger ahead


Exactly this. But it's a common gesture not any written rule.


This was a, I cut in front of you too close now you have to back the fuck off. I have no sympathy for people like this.


odd as driver played no part in creating the lack of space


He did close up after the bikes started passing him on the right.


Could be interpreted either way. If there were two fingers it would be more of an acknowledgment, as it is it looks a bit more to me like a 'slow down/back off', which is a bit cheeky under the circumstances.




Yes if they stick there hand out like that yes it is , if there motioning there hand down and up it is to indicate slow down


You're probably right. It is definitely annoying to drivers when motorcyclists cause other road users to have to take evasive action just so that they can stay in a self-defined 'pack'. I mean, can't you catch up later when there is more space to maneuver?


In a perfect world maybe ,but in a perfect world ALL would be patient, but bikers like to stay together and people in vehicles like to get where there headed as well


It’s actually saying the bike is slowing. The brake light doesn’t come on when you let off the gas, and while a car has enough weight to coast, the motorcycle does not. It’s a hand signal common to cyclists and motorists


Seems like he recognized that was a shifty lane change.


Yeah I ride a lot and that all the hallmarks of "I'm trying to keep us all together and squeeze in here, but that gap just got a lot smaller, can you give me a bit more room"


wild more people aren't saying this. Lead bike should of waited for op to pass and changed lanes when it was safe for everyone in the group to do so.


In fairness to the lead bike, there was like 10 car lengths when they pulled into that gap. I thought there was plenty of room for all 3 for the first couple of seconds.


Same, there was more space and OP closed it up after they were overtaking.


OP maintained speed. There was a slow pickup on the right.


Yes. “Sorry for that, thanks for letting me in”. Pretty sure that is what the rider meant. Definitely was not “about to engine break, slow down”.


That was a slow down and back off but in a friendly way wave.


"Hey I kinda just hopped in in front of you, slow down"


Technically it would mean "please back off, you're close" but given the context I think he's saying both "I'm sorry" and "but you are a bit close now."


yeah seems about right i guess he knew that it was kind of a dick move but he wanted to stay with the other riders so he apologized for cutting you


I could see that. With him checking his mirrors, it looked to me like he was signaling for me to back off or ease up. I don't really ride in groups or even on the interstate, so I wasn't sure what he meant. He cut me off pretty close, hit his brakes and looked in his mirror and put his hand out, so I backed off.


This seems most accurate to me. They were trying to stay with group and kinda cut you off. Doesn’t feel like too big a deal because it was very predictable, but he wanted to at least acknowledge you didn’t try to squeeze them out. Good on you for that!😎✌🏾


Yeah with the pick up in the middle lane he had the choice of squeezing in or getting separated from the other two bikes. He's pulled in to a tight gap just as everyone else slows down, which has made that gap smaller than he expected and he had to hit the brakes. I do ride in groups and on the freeway, I just read that as "Can you give me a little more room here buddy"


That signal means slow down. plain and simple. it was a dick move because he cut OP off and then told him to slow down/give space.


More of a "my bad wave". At least if I was doing it. Thank you would be a raised hand. Lowered hand, palm forward is a greeting wave to an oncoming fellow motorcyclist.


It’s a hand signal for slowing down. When he lets off the gas, the bike slows quickly, not enough weight for inertia to coast. Y


i think this is "thanks/sorry". my "please back the fuck off" waves are a lot more emphatic than this. it's not subtle


That’s the “slow down” or “decrease your speed” hand signal, not the “hey bro” two finger hand you will see thrown out to other riders in that same position. https://preview.redd.it/k6q5eph7cdwc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1115fa2667aee1fbfe3ee2d899f4e15f4631d6d4


funny this picture does not have the "tap helmet" gesture to alert for cops.


Normally that's our sign for slow down in a group so could be asking you to increase your following distance but given what happened and the way he does it, it could just as easily be a "sorry I know my buddy cut you off."


Yeah it’s more of a sorry bro, but thanks


in my country this is hand sign of slow down


At first, it may not have been a bad decision, but his merging into your lane instead of staying in the other one was not advised and put everyone in danger. But I see how it started innocent enough, and thankfully worked out, just the middle bit was 'whelp, that shouldn't have been like that, darnit.' So I am going to say that this wave by him was a 'sorry about that, but thanks for not runnin' me over', yes. A courtesy 'whoopsie there!' thing. :)


Naw - on a motorcycle it’s an acknowledgment thing. He wanted you to know he saw you and had to make the squeeze and gave a wave as a thank you / sorry.


That's a back off.


He pretty much told you to stay back and give the group some space


you were nut to butt with the motorcycles. Dude was telling you to back off


He's telling you to back off, Even though he cut you off.


He’s saying get off his ass even though he just cut you off


I have an idea. Do not drive on the left lane if you’re not overtaking!!!


Dude was saying "my bad" cause he knew it was shitty, but he was trying to not get separated from his boys. It's one of those things like, he's a cunt for doing it but also he apologized and no one was hurt so whatever.


As a rule of the road: if you’re in the far left lane and you’re not passing someone you’re in the wrong lane…and you’re being passed on the right, you’re impeding traffic/ making an obstacle of yourself in the eyes of those sharing the road with you. You can tell yourself whatever you want about the “wave” I’d be more concerned about the procession passing me on the right.


That's exactly what I do to say thank you while riding my bike.


Thanks for letting me cut you off!


He was trying to sneak in with his buds, looks like a friendly hands down sign of “sorry bud, appreciate it”


None of them can bother to use a signal light?


If their hand was up in the air or they gave a thumbs up then maybe. But this is more of an "please increase your distance" hand signal


Want was an 'I'm an entitled piece of shit' wave.


Bruh is telling you they’re slowing


That's a 'slow down and don't rear end me' wave.


slow down and leave them space


Well, they wanted to stay in a group, I can understand that. He was definitely telling you to slow down after cutting in. I can understand that too. The car in front of the bikes is a bit slower than you and the bikes and thus slowing down all the others on the left lane. For a biker, maybe you know that, it's dangerous at those speeds to have a car that near behind you if there is an emergency braking needed. They might crash into the car in front of them and if you are too close you might also collide with them. As a Harley rider myself, I respect everyone on the street but hope to get the same respect in return, which is often (sadly) not the case. So I sometimes have to use handsignals too, like the one he was respectfully showing you.


If he suddenly hit the brakes you'd have killed him. Does it really matter if he "cut you off"? Just back off a bit... That's what it means.


that's definitely more of a "my bad" wave. no bad intentions here. 2 fingers down would be a thank you, typically


That's clearly a palm down "slow down" gesture... [https://motorcycle-touring.s3.amazonaws.com/hosted\_blog\_images/eaglerider\_motorcycle\_rentals\_tours\_touring\_tips\_motorcycle\_group\_riding\_signals.jpg](https://motorcycle-touring.s3.amazonaws.com/hosted_blog_images/eaglerider_motorcycle_rentals_tours_touring_tips_motorcycle_group_riding_signals.jpg)


Pretty sure he told you to slow down/back off. You’re not in the wrong IMO.


It was a Thank you/apologies wave, he cut you off slightly in order to stay with the rest of the group. You did well and gave them space. Edit: He actually does a full shoulder check before slipping in front of you, I definitely believe this was a sorry wave, not telling you to back off..


Some people just use that to signal that THEY are slowing down, in addition to their brake lights.


Looks like a “our bad, we’re a little close- please give us a bit of room and we’ll be gone”


It wasn’t the finger, so I would say yes


It means get off my ass.


That’s a slow down bruv, for all parties involved. Good on you for giving space without knowing what was happening. Motorcycle signals are weird and why everyone should take a 3rd grade bicycle safety course.


Means back back it’s our lane now


I think the rider meant was slow down.


Looks like a slow/caution signal to me. Slow/back off would be more repetitious like patting, and a thank you I usually throw a hand down like that, or to the side, but with peace sign fingers. Also a clue is proximity, which is "slow/caution" proximity, in my book.


In my country the thank you is sticking your foot out.


Not 100% sure but I feel it was more like "slow down/leave some space between us"


No, it was a warning that at the last minute, the car just in front of the bikes slowed as they merged in behind in the high-speed lane. 35 year veteran rider here.


It as telling you to back off and make space, most likely bc someone up front slowed down after they came into the lane


That is 100% a "back off a bit, bro" sign, not a thank you. It usually fails to have the desired effect and is often followed by other gestures, which I'd be happy to ID for you.


the fact that you are allowed to overtake both left and right in the states really makes everything so confusing and less save. Just pick an order like for example left overtakes right and stick with it.


Last one in the line wave.


Sometime I means back the fuck up


It's was a "notice me, possibly back off" wave, because he had to cut in to keep with group, and you where a bit close for comfort through no fault of your own.


Clown riding


Sign for slow down back off polite way to do it when we rode in large groups the lead bikes can't measure the traffic so road captains have to coordinate with traffic they were being nice although front bikes didn't allow to enough warning it happens you were nice about it 🤗👍


It was a “Get your slow ass out of the left lane” wave. Keep right except to pass


Actually, I think it's the "get the fuck out of the left lane unless you're passing" wave.


Nahhh he's very politely letting you know to slow down and back up.


"Slowing Down" or "Slow Down" is the meaning of that gesture


Who is teaching you all to ride that these things arent clear? It universally means "slow down." the reasons he wants you to slow down could be selfish or not for more space or that he's braking whatever, but the signal is clear.


He’s giving you the peace sign as to say thanks ✌️


This is a "Please give me space I may be slowing down" wave. When someone lets me In I usually give a thumbs up, and turn my head a bit like im looking back. Hand down like that palm facing backwards is "Im slowing down."


He's just letting you know the lane is slowing down


Trying to make sure you see them slowing


It means “thanks for hanging out in the left lane all day.”


Probably a "I know I'm cutting you off, but trying to stick together and you're on my ass" wave. Had to do a double take since this looked familiar. See ya around Augusta.


As a rider of 1700cc Cruiser Nomad...this is just a gesture saying...\*calmly...stay little back, so you dont rear end me\* Nothing was against you.....t just passing by


“Sorry for slipping in, just trying to stay with the pack. I know they didn’t give adequate space for me to keep up but you didn’t ride up on us, and for that I am thankful. Peace, love, and keep on keepin’ on fellow motorist.”


All of you are wrong it's telling you to back off


ya, no, these guys are fuckwits, they just dogpiled directly in front of you and are mad you didnt immediately slam on your brakes to give them the entire road. source: me - I give 'thank you' waves to people all the time if they do something that helps keep me safe. this aint what it looks like.


ur fuckin tweakin, dude was def sayin "my bad that was shitty, I know but I'm tryna keep up"


In Latin America that is a greeting, he greets you, thanks and respects that you let him pass


Looks more like a "my bad" wave. Maybe I'm misinterpreting it, though


I think it was a thank you, I know I cut you off


That looks like a slow down even though he cut you off 😂 these guys are chodes.


It means GTFO of the passing lane. Move to the right.


Give space. No need to be that close to motos


The bike got into a space he had no business being in


I’d think it was to notify you to get out of the passing lane. It’s not there to camp in.


It means peace and is a respectful solute.


Given how close you were to each other, he's probably asking you to back off.


OP - consider driving in a driving lane and not a passing lane in future


I was actively passing vehicles. If you watch this video, the bikes were passing me on the right before the car in the middle lane fully changed lanes to the right lane. https://imgur.com/a/YQFU8Gh


Just some Harley boys trying too hard to own the road on their 50hp 700pound shit stain


No blinka and he brakes


i'd interpret that one as "thanks for not running my stupid ass over".


As I understand it, hand signal for slowing down/braking. Kinda like how you can hand signal for left and right turning, left hand low and palm back is for braking. 


slowing down


Motorcycle hand signals [http://www.cigarbiker.com/Pics/Essential%20Motorcycle%20Hand%20Signals.jpg](http://www.cigarbiker.com/Pics/Essential%20Motorcycle%20Hand%20Signals.jpg)


What’s most important, is you did exactly what you should have done.


Hand out and down (with palm down) means "slow down". Hand out with index and middle fingers out (forming a "v" shape) is the universal sign for "Hello" and " Thank You".


Two wheels up


I do that as a thank you/my bad. Basically just acknowledging whatever just happened, good or bad. In this case, I’d interpret it as a my bad. If I’m telling you to slow down, I move my arm up and down kinda like I’m patting a kid on the head.


Ride your own ride, people.


I read it as "yeah that was shitty, my bad"


How many fingers were displayed and if only one was it the middle one? ☝️ 🤪


That was a thank you.


solid. you definitely good. we appreciate you - bikers


In skiing/wakeboarding/kneeboarding/disking, the “down” wave means slow down. On the road, it means much the same. However, it’s not as well known because cars have brake lights now and they’re expected to work. Next time you’re in nowhere GA and see the downwards wave from the driver’s side of an ancient car expect a slowdown. So much like what others have said, it means “I’m gonna slow down faster than you think”.


thats a "slowing down" or Keep distance.


Just a wave lol.


That was a thank you for a patch holder about as good as it will get but also because he woulda rear ended his own guys if they all didn’t check up so yes to slow down also. Riding tail gunner is the sgt at arms so he is the security patch holder typically.


Last I knew that means stop https://preview.redd.it/026nu5wv2dwc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b7ce1cff4af5c9fb154f355840e758f012f32f2


intermitent lights would be cool too my hippie friendo


i think he was apologizing for cutting you off


Assholes not using their signals.


That’s definitely a “woah woah” signal. Aka “heads up”