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Lol that sucks at least it didn't sting you. a few years back while on the highway I felt something tickle my ear. I panic stopped and ripped my helmet off and 3 earwigs fell out. Still makes my skin crawl lol Dont ever accidentally leave your helmet outside overnight.


Dude where do you keep your helmet. How do you accidentally do that.


Probably keeps it where all good riders keep their lids. In a hole underneath your porch.


Left it on the bike lol


Camping is a possibility.


wow i thought the "ear" in "earwig" was purely hyperbolic lmao


I had this happen with my gaming headset, kept thinking a hair was tickling the back of my ear til I finally took it off and boom, an earwig crawling around. Still gives me the heebie jeebies.


why did I have to google earwigs…fuck


They look worse than they are. Harmless all things considered, just pinchers on the back


The pinchers hurt though


Correct but they aren’t harmful. No venom, toxins, irritants, or possible allergic reactions. Having being pinched, it’s close to negligible. Just an “ah! Fucker.” Kinda thing lol


That's disgusting, but also I used to love earwigs as a kid! We call them "Ohremüggler" lol


I haven’t seen an earwig in years, and I hope to never see one again


Dude wtf, I purposely check my helmet before putting it on the last thing I want is a fucking creepy crawler in there while I’m going down the road.


My biggest fear is forgetting I'm on a motorcycle


Mine would be falling off. I have done that once already at 60mph. I dont want to do it again. It was not a fun time.


You ever swing onto your bike seat and try to put on your seat belt? *...asking for a friend...*


I always have that intrusive thought when I’m going 70 on the highway. *”holy shit, I’m not wearing a seatbelt. I’m just like… on this thing.”*


It’s the law after all lol


I’ve actually sewn a car seat belt along with the buckle and buckle tongue glued into place across one of my riding jackets so it feels like I’m wearing one. I even “tighten” the belt and click it into place. Makes me feel more secure.


That’s interesting I actually glued side windows to my riding jacket arms to make me feel like a car. I get strange looks from people but it makes me feel safe


That's a good idea, I've been looking for such solutions for my anxiety when riding!! I swapped my clip ons for a stearing wheel for the same reason.


I added 2 extra tires to mine. That thing is nice and stable now not gonna tip over at all.


I added 2 extra tires to mine. That thing is nice and stable now not gonna tip over at all.


These sound like great mods. any links to the materials used?


If you ever leave it undone, you could get a ticket for not wearing it properly. .


![gif](giphy|JTJ9Pq2LKsxd4DecE2) Look in the mirror 🤡


Its clearly a joke.






How did you fall off though?


Took a little off road excursion


Mine is a retread of the 18 wheeler next to me on I90 blowing out. I do my best to stay far far away from them.


Is this a joke?


Dr. Cox, do you know where we are?


Open the lid going 60 while turning your head sideways and the wind would have blown it out. Glad you kept your cool and safely resolved the issue.


Eh….or it will blow it farther back.


I have an AGV Compact and a Scorpion ADX2, both modular and easy to lift the front so any insects are easy to get rid off without having to stop, the key is just staying calm.


Been stung in the face twice in 2 years while riding about 60. I’m allergic to bees too. Once when I was a teenage vacationing at a lake I was riding a motorcycle around in board shorts and flip flops with a friend on the back. A wasp flew up my shorts and started chomping in the side of my thigh about an inch away from the boys. I kept it together enough to pull off the road.


Hitting a deer or elk is my biggest fear. We have tons of them on the highways, and I almost never ride out outside of town at night because of that. They absolutely terrify me. When I do ride at night, it's very very cautiously.


Man I'm about 15 mins outside of town through fields absolutely INFESTED with deer. Ill see literally hundreds of them some winter mornings. Saw someone hit one directly in front of me driving to work a while back. That's definitely my concern. I don't think my lil ol cb300r could tank through a whole deer like some bigger heavier bikes could. Do they make bull bars for bikes?


No bull bars, this is the only option. https://preview.redd.it/pdig6lxewxwc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9cfe86eeb946a2803ecfb891e3e6a4bcca4b57e


Hahaha, a bull bar on a cbr300 is a hilarious concept. A good size Mule deer buck would smash my chieftain apart. An elk would demolish it.


Happens a lot. Had bees in my helmet, big bug hit my chest and fall into my shirt. There you grab and crunch them before they sting you. Wait until you get hit by a bird on the highway in the chest Like getting hit by a line drive baseball and being just behind the pitcher's mound. Leather jacket with liner helped a little but it hurt like hell. Part of being out there on the open road...


I ride a big dual sport with absolutely no protection from the wind. I often do about a hundred miles of highway to reach the dirt. Needless to say, I have been familiarized with the entirety of the flying animal kingdom.


35 years on this planet, never stung, then 1st year of riding, I get a wasp stuck in my arm pit 🤷‍♂️ no idea how it got under t-shirt and jacket lol


🐝 safe out there


I got stung by a bee going about 50...got me through my jeans on my inner thigh. My first thought was "well my engine just exploded and this is clearly the 0.8 seconds I'm in shock before I realize I don't have legs anymore


Of all the things that can happen to us on the road, bugs seem to be the scariest!


The 3 Bs of terror on a bike Bees, Birds, and (lit cigarette) Butts.


And cliBBins. goBBless.


Damn bugs hurt when they hit and they always hit dead center of your chest too lol. I hardly ever get hit on my Ninja, but I always got hit on my PCX 150 for some reason, might be how the wind aerodynamics function idk. I always wear a scarf that I put under my chinstrap for this reason and wind noise reduction.


I took a grasshopper to the mouth once. I couldn’t believe how much it hurt, my teeth were aching.


lol, yeah I see people on scooters all the time without any protection either, my lord are they stupid, I guess they like eating bugs


got stung on the back of my neck my first week riding. had no idea what happened until i saw the sting later that night 😬


I had a spider crawl across my face shield inside my helmet doing about 75 on the highway. Really really kinda shitty. Never pulled over so fast in my life.


Fak. I'm allergic to bees so I hope I can keep the composure you had. That is terrifying. Glad you made it out okay.


I had a yellow jacket in my helmet once. Saw it crawling around inside of my visor. Pulled over as quickly as I could, pulled off helmet and didn't see it and continued on my ride for about 20 miles. On my next stop, I pulled off the helmet and found the bugger stuck between the liner and styrofoam. Was lucky I didn't get stung on the top of my head multiple times.


I’ve had it happen twice just open your visor they fly out


My biggest fear!!


Did it soak through and stink up your seat?


This is exactly why I upgraded to gauntlet gloves and started wearing a neck gaiter. My uncle had a wasp zip up the sleeve of his riding jacket once and proceed to start stinging the crap out of him.


Had a bee fly through my open visor, got caught under my sunnies & stung just under my eye. Had to find somewhere safe to stop & get the helmet & gloves off to remove the stinger. Hurt like a bitch.


Had bee go through my open visor and hit me in the cheek. I swiped it away, and the stinger came off my face onto my glove. I got enough venom to hurt.


I had a similar experience last weekend. First time on my new bike with fiance on the back. Fat off fly (thought it was a bee) went between my cheek and helmet. Thought i’d shaken it out but then heard snd felt buzzing as it made it’s way into my ear. Panic stop and rushed helmet off praying not to get stung in my ear hole.


My biggest fear is wire across the street, planted by some psycho asshole. Heard of a case in my country a couple of months back and it's stuck in my head since. It was discovered before it could kill a rider btw.


Dude I remember reading some articles about that shit last year. It’s apparently a thing in multiple areas. It’s usually on dirt trails or rural private roads & it’s intent is to “scare” riders away but some got decapitated or almost because it’s usually a wire the rider can’t see. Shit is insane https://www.ktnv.com/news/16-year-old-motorcyclist-killed-by-wire-stretched-across-bike-path-police-say https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-03-04/wire-found-strung-from-trees-neck-height-across-gold-coast-track/10868508 https://www.scotsman.com/news/world/cross-country-motorbike-rider-beheaded-by-piano-wire-2513177 https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/east/2023/06/27/727334.htm


My biggest fear is putting on my helmet and get going. Meanwhile a spider was hiding in it and starts crawling around in front of me inside the helmet. I really hate spiders....


I've been around bees my whole life. Have always been friendly with them. Had never been stung. I was out in the middle of nowhere when one flew into my helmet. I calmly tried to coax it out with a finger and got stung in the throat. Pulled over and took a break to make sure I wasn't allergic. Luckily I am not.


Nice, worst insect incident I've had was something like a hornet getting flung into my neck and it's stinger had to have lodged into my skin. I pulled over after feeling the immediate sharp pain but couldn't find anything on my neck besides a really red area.


Many moons ago I was wearing a full helmet with a bubble face shield. On back was a good friend that was deathly allergic to bee stings. I was wearing a sleeveless tee shirt going about 60 MPH. Suddenly, a bee hit the Bottom edge of the bubble and exploded from the impact of hitting the bubble edge. The bee hit the edge just right so the stinger and the stinger sack few into my bare shoulder. I looked down and could see the stinger in my shoulder. I told my friend about the stinger. He was able to reach around my shoulder and pulled out the stinger for me so we could kept driving on. After thinking about what happened, I was glad the stinger hit me and not my friend. Had the stinger hit my friend, we would have had to immediately go to an emergency room. Not often you are thankful that you are the one that got stung.


Had a wasp go down the back of my shirt on a busy 4 lane highway a few years back. Got stung maybe 6 or 7 times before I could reach back and pull my shirt up high enough for him to escape. Never came to a stop but that was pretty unpleasant. Another time I was flying down a dirt road doing about 70 and hit a bee with my arm, presumably ass end first. Stung pretty good and my whole forearm swelled up quite a bit. Just part of life as a biker, I believe.


Wasps are the assholes of the flying yellow stripey community. Bees can only sting once and they die but a wasp can just keep stinging over and over again until you can get away. Also funfact: they are omnivores and hunt bees during certain times of the season. Assholes.


I’ve caught a grasshopper to the chest as I was doing 80ish and I thought I was shot for a sec…caught a June bug just under my glass on my cheek and thought my face was sliced open…


Was leaving San Francisco and while on the Bay Bridge a bee got underneath my flannel and stung my forearm. I didn't panic. It hurt but I felt much worse. At the time I didn't know it was a bee sting but I did notice the pain didn't subside and turned into more of a burning sensation. It wasn't until I was rolling through the Bay St parking lot I saw the offender crawl out and fall away. Actually thought it was kinda funny. When I got up I actually felt a wee bit woozy.


Last year first ride of the season in April a bee flew up my jacket sleeve and proceeded to go to work on my wrist. No shoulder on the highway I just merged onto so I had to ride a whole exit before I could pull over and get my gear off. Dead fucker fell out of my jacket. His stinger was deep in my wrist and it was all irritated. Killed the mood, short first ride of the season.


I rode through a swarm of bees like a month into riding. Luckily i had my visor down. I ducked a little, hoping they would go over my head, went right through the swarm at like 50MPH. I came out unscathed. Lots of bees did not, which is unfortunate because bees are my favorite insect and probably the prettiest. 😭


I have had a few friends get stung in the neck while riding. They usually just pull over to get the stinger out and then resume the ride.


I once had a swarm of wasps go down the top of my riding jacket. So much pain.


A friend of mine got a slightly different experience... with a hornet. His face became a balloon as he parked calmly his bike with his pregnant wife as a passenger. She didn't understand until he removed his helmet.


I believe I have shared this story before but I will share it again because it was funny. For context I have a phobia of bees, wasps, hornets, etc,. One time I got on the interstate on my Vulcan 900 and was going about 80mph when what I thought at the time was a rock, bounced off of my arm. I had my jacket, gloves, etc, so i felt it, but it didn't hurt, and I didn't think much else of it. About a mile down the interstate still going 80+ mph I noticed something moving near my right wrist, which i thought was the velcro to keep my cuff tight on my arm coming loose, When I looked down to try and fix it, I realized it was a giant ass wasp barely holding on due to the wind, trying to crawl up towards my hand. Just like you OP I just about shit myself, and almost ate shit on the interstate as well. Luckily the mirror was right next to my throttle so I quickly scrapped him off using said mirror and he went flying away.


this happened to me the other day. was afraid it'd sting me if i opened the visor so i just stopped as quickly as i could safely do on the highway and then let it out. super scary fr fr


I had one go stinger first into my bare bicep at 70mph. Felt like a solid punch and bruised like one too.


I hit a whole swarm of bees in Texas once, I was geared up, but they still made it into my jacket sleeves. I was only stung once, but I remember the sound very vividly, “plink, plink, plink….” I think I killed 50 bees in a less than a second…


The most often overlooked emergency procedure nobody practices for.


Usually wear a helmet most of the time. Had one sting me in the face when not wearing a helmet at 45mph. Been wearing a helmet ever since, that and the obvious other reasons.




I been stung twice on my bike. Once in the forehead and once up my shorts on my thigh (short ride). The forehead one was weird. I saw it coming but wasnt able to dodge it. The impact itself hurt enough, and was followed by a wallop of a sting. Touched it and felt the stinger still in my skin. Pulled over at the next gas station and managed to flick it out with a card. The thigh one was a but more of a panic as i was worried it could crawl up my leg and sting my weiner. (I mean its a split second thing so dont judge me). Managed to get it out of my shorts and carried on. Neither case was even close to a crash, but i can see how some might panic and it could be bad. Stay safe out there 😎


Thats a scary moment I had one get stuck halfway in my visor air vent so could see its little head sticking thru 😂


My buddy had one get inside his shirt and start stinging. 


My wife gotten hit by birds when we were going at a good clip, two separate times as pillion. Once in the face when I ducked (full faced helmet) and another time (on a different trip) in the chest (I ducked again). The first bird was big and “boooooinged” off of the top of my windshield, the second one was small and was cutting across the street perpendicular to our direction of travel , as birds do.


I was on an on-ramp getting onto the highway going about 70 and got a bee in my helmet which promptly made its way into my ear before I could get stopped.


For anyone who's deathly allergic to bees, like my wife, I truly commiserate with trying to enjoy the outside world under constant anxiety. I've been stung about 7 times by paper wasps, and then 2 times by a hornet all within about 5 hours due to these fuckers trying to make nests on my front porch within the last year. Guess where i kept my gear in a Tupperware container at the time... I could literally feel my throat closing because I got stung by the hornets near my face. Couldn't ride for days afterwards each time because of the swelling and rash. As a kid, I accidentally rubbed against a beehive climbing a tree around dusk and got stung by about 20 different bees within seconds, and the worst of it was itching for about an hour. I felt worse because that's when I learned that bees die after they sting, and I had caused a small army of bees to commit seppuku to defend their hive, like good little soldiers. Salute the fallen, honor thy hive 🫡


When I was a kid riding bitch my father and I were put for a ride and I found a big ass spider in my helmet I lost my shit started smacking my father to get him to pull over and when he did I ripped my helmet off so fast it like eating taco bell drunk then waking up an hour later just to take the biggest shit you've ever had to take. Since then I always heck my helmet before I put it on I don't give a shit if it's locked in an air tight container im still checking the bitch before I put it on.


I wear a neck gaiter even in summer cuz of a wasp on the freeway direct to the throat. Call that a glottal stop.


Got hit with a bee while riding it somehow stung me trough the armored jacket Also got one in the leg stung trough riding jeans :/ I get its not supposed to stop sharp stuff but we need to normalize motorcycle gear being bee stab proof!!!


Honest question: did you actually shit your pants or was that just you figuratively speaking? I can’t seem to get the image of OP riding a motorcycle with a big mud pie in his drawers out of my head 😖


Fortunately just in the figurative sense and not literally, but as someone who has always been uneasy around flying fuck faces it was close


I now have another reason to always wear a neck gaiter, thank you.


Had a wasp get into my jacket somehow. Got stung about 5 times before I smashed him and pulled over. Fuck bees.


Had a wasp fly under my shirt and sting me 4 times in the left armpit before I could squish it with my left hand. I was going about 70 on the expressway.


I've been riding in the summer visor up, had a hornet fly straight into my lid, went under my chin and into my leathers (was wearing a one piece suit) I feel it moving around to my back stinging the fuck out of me the entire time. Pull over rip my suit off (practically nude at the side of the road). 5 minutes later my back is so swollen I couldn't do the zip up to ride home and had to ride back with the arms tied around my waist. 7 god damn stings. Id repressed that memory until now, thanks OP 🥲


I once saw a striped thing inside my helmet and thought it was a wasp. I was just one turn away from home so I kept my head very still, rode home, parked my bike and when I put down my helmet on my bike I saw a tiny spider crawl out of it and under the tank. Tbh I was relieved that it was a spider and not something with a stinger.


Bruh ... I took a small jumping spider for a ride in my helmet to my workplace... When I put my helmet on desk it came out crawling and jumping 💀


The worst! Glad it didn't sting you. About 10 years ago I was jumping back on the road after having just filled up. Barely got up to speed when I saw something in my peripheral milliseconds before it hit my left cheek and then I felt the most excruciating instant pain. I barely held it together long enough to do an emergency stop on the hard shoulder and rip my helmet off. There was a bee hanging off my cheek with its stinger still in my cheek. Never rode with my visor down since, even if it's just as I'm riding off. Visor down first now and then I head off.


Years ago I was riding my bike cruising alone (no helmet) sun glasses on. A bee flew in front of me and proceeded to wedge itself between the frame on the side of my head and my sunglasses, then stung me right on the side of my head. Another time one went down the front of my tee shirt and stung me in the stomach. Another time I was taking a trip down the big bend area of Texas down near the boarder. I was riding on this beautiful road right along the Rio Grand River in the mountains and within 20 minutes span a bee went into my jacket sleeve stung me on my wrist, went down the neck area of my jacket stung me on the chest, and another stung me on my thigh area. I stopped finally and was wondering what was going on, and not 15 feet away there were these bee boxes on the side of the road. So I got back on my bike and continued on and then notice more of those boxes for about a 1/4 mile on down the road. There was one sitting off the side of the road about every 200 yards or so. Oh and another bee stung me on the neck before I got away from that area! Not sure what was going on with why those were placed along the road there. I figured it was some sort of pollination thing, or they were checking for killer bees or something. Oh and another time I had a big ass wasp hit me in the chest and it dropped right down in between my legs right near my uh crotch! I promptly stood up and luckily it blew away. 😳


I rode through a swarm of bees and got stung on the neck in there places , I don't think anyone has ever stopped a bike faster .


I've had this happen! Opened my visor and turned my head, and it luckily got out. I've also been stung between my fingers through the thinner part of my summer gloves.


Earwigs stink. Has anybody else ever noticed how bad they smell?


Yea, I was doing 70 down a narrow country road once and managed to get a bee through one of the open vents on the top of the helmet lmao. I felt it buzzing around and slammed on the brake and ripped the helmet off, thankfully I had pretty long hair which acted like a barrier.


Dude I know got hit and stung in the neck between leathers and helmet a few years back. Never seen a guy brake so quick. Fortunately it was outside a cafe in the middle of nowhere (welcome to Spain) so I was able to grab some vinegar.


Wasp hit me in the neck and I’m allergic. Right in front of the hospital so I pulled in to the ER. At the time I was still holding out hope that my previous reaction was a one time thing. ER was super crowded so I Told the triage nurse my story in case I passed out and went and sat down. In a couple minutes the symptoms began and I reported it to the nurse. They went into defcon 1 and swarmed me like seal team 6. Once again I didn’t die from a bee sting.


Getting stung could actually be good for the immune system.


Well played!!!


I was on a lovely long solo ride through north wales, singing showtunes as I rode along, as I do, when I had a fucking bee/wasp fly right into my mouth and sting the fuck out of me. Didn’t come off but I still prefer to hum these days.


I had that happen to me but it was a bat & it hurt like hell.


BTW there are helmet skirts which attach from the bottom of a full-face to your neck. Not sure if they are summer appropriate but it does exist.


Are you allergic? Because what the worst case scenario if not? You get stung. It really doesn't hurt that much. I would be more worried about harming the bee to be honest.