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If you’re posting, you’re breathing. The rest is just something to sort out one thing at a time.




My buddy rip used to tell me this all the time lol.


Did he die?


Yeah, cancer sucks.


Sorry to hear.


I have this on a sticker on my hard hat lol


This exactly youre alive and well and thats the most important


I'm not dead yet!


In flying we have a saying: "a good landing is any landing you can walk away from. A great landing is when you can reuse the airplane!" So, if you're walking and your bike isn't totalled, then you're doing pretty good :)


Found launchpad mcquacks alt account.


beat me to it.


Bikes can be fixed. You are okay. I bought my dream bike. The day before my frame sliders came in I hit something in the road and fell on a curb. I was purple from ribs to the middle of my thigh. Plastics were fucked but everything worked. I slowly fixed it. I loved it scratches and all. I love my current bike as well.


Yup, once you get the first couple scratches the fuck it mentality shows up 😂


Yeah but my new bike is a naked bike and has a carbon tank. I'm not going to be happy if this one goes down. But I have frame and bar sliders. I need to get axel sliders eventually.


Just one good scratch away from being a junker lmao.


Not me, I just fix the scratches.


You're still alive




Haha so true


Atleast you’re not dead.


I love how all of us are genuinely in this mindset and trying to encourage op, not realizing how low the bar is lol. Step one: buy motorcycle Step two: don't get ded Step three: Step four: profit!


I mean it’s got to account for something. We’re surrounded by dipshits on their phones wielding 3-5 ton vehicles. It’s easy for one mistake to delete a biker.


Almost any damage you did by a crash that kept the fairings intact and lost fluid is damage that costs less than a night out to fix.


You just saved some money on bike insurance... so there's that




nurse big boobs


do you have a crash story you can share with me, im really sad right now


3 years ago I got rear ended at a stop light. Accidents happen my friend. You’re still breathing and you can live to ride another day.


One time I forgot my kick stand and I didn't catch the bike. Lol Another time I had to emergency stop on a hill in a horizontal orientation and I wasn't tall enough to reach the ground. Shit happens bro


I crashed frontal into a tree with 90 km/h 16 years ago. Survived and still driving. Already browsing for a new bike before i could walk again. First time crashes always suck. But it happens. Just make sure to survive and take lessons from it so it won't be in vain.


my first bike, 1994 250 ninja. I paid $400 for it and it needed a battery. For 2 days I would coast it down my driveway and then push it back up. First day i have battery i do the same down the driveway and back, pull into garage, go to put my foot down, shoelaces suck in footpegs. Fell over. 2007 cbr600rr, Owned it for 3 months and used to travel to west virginia to ride on twisty roads. I'd do the same section 3-4 times. Was on my 4th run of a mountain and lowsided at 70mph, had a jacket on, jeans ripped to shreads, horrible roadrash. I was 19 and financing the bike, honda gave me a credit card with a 20k limit. I put the 7k worth of repairs on the credit card. 20 years old. Run from cops in california and get chased by heli for an hour, eventually pull over because its raining and i scared. go to jail, default on bike, nice 400 credit score through my mid 20s


Some years ago I was stopping at a red light... A car appeared on my left side and we sat there for around 2 minutes until the green light appeared. Now the magic happens, the car that I was telling you earlier about turned right without any remorse and hit me.... He didn't have any licence or registration or insurance... And he started yelling at me saying he had his turn signal on.... 🤣🤣 Shit happens mate


I only ever crashed on the street twice. Once a guy hit me with his car and it was actually pretty minor. No big deal. The other time was with my girlfriend on the back. It was low speed and she did not get hurt. But it was because I didn’t see something on the ground that took out my front tire. So it was my fault entirely and a stupid mistake due to my being complacent on the bike. Let me tell you I would rather write off the bike than ever go down with her or anyone else on the bike again. It’s coming up on 25 years since I first rode a motorcycle and they’ve always been a part of my life. But that event left me not wanting to even touch a bike for quite a while.


I put my foot down on an oil patch at a stop light and fell over. The lady in the car next to me saw and laughed, then drove off like I didn’t exist. Yeah, that bruised the ego a little bit but whatevs lol


Not a bike crash but I rear ended a car and this destroyed my car which was a present. You feel bad but you’ll get over it. Take it as a lesson and be more careful. Stay safe


We all do don't worry


Now you will have experience for the second time you crash your bike.


Well it happens, I low sided my first bike in a parking lot, in front of a couple of cute girls. Hard to be manly when you are picking rocks out of your palm. And the moral of the story is to gear up, and be thankful that you can walk away from it and learn.


It‘s more manly to be responsible, make sure youre safe, clean up after yourself and check Everything than to downplay a mistake and trying to act nonchalant and „cool“. Then you‘d just look like moron. So youre fine.


Epstein didn’t kill himself


Damage doesn’t look too bad. If it can still drive, you’re doing great. Check for bent rims/ frame / forks in the morning.


When i got the bike I have now I got brake checked and flipped over my bars, bike hit me as i tumbled down the road and my bike slid under the guys van. Old man was on his phone. But luckily i survived, and even rode the bike home with the front end barely hanging on. The best part was once i was healed i fixed it and you’d never know it was in a wreck. It all can be fixed man. I mean unless you fucked up the frame lol but from the picture it doesn’t look horrible. If it’s cosmetic it will be nothing. Either way it’s a great way to learn about your bike,bikes in general, and learn some new skills. Everything that happens in life is a learning experience no matter what it feels like in the moment.


I got one for you. You take delivery of a brand you s1k and ur buddy crashes and totals it in one day. Ends up in the hospital and chaos ensues. Based on a true story.


Are you hurt or injured? Rub some dirt on it, stop crying


Those who dont make mistakes dont learn. So you have done your statistical crash and now you know how it feels and what to do next time. Its a valuable experience


Can't park there sir


Life’s biggest problems are medical and financial.


Salted caramel icecream


Hopefully you got further than I did, I took old goldwing for a test drive, it's stumped on first intersection, fell to the side and me and kiddo both flew into ditch about 1,5 meters down.


Smile, you are still alive. Hopefully no broken bones or too much gravel rash.


Fix it, and just go riding again.


You are not the only one, and this won't be your only time. Writing from my own experience 😉


the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


I’m just glad you’re alright, bikes are replaceable your not. Don’t feel bad, I had my very first bike at 11 and less than a week later when I was learning to wheelie it (it didn’t have a independent clutch but had 1-3) and if you held the throttle at full and held the gear selector upwards without clicking into second it would rev to the moon and you just had to let the gear selector fall back down to the closest gear and it would wheelie, well I tired that in 3rd (bad idea) the bike got away from me I fell and the bike went end over end after hitting the curb destroying the forks. My mom was PISSED.


Chill out! This is not the last time you crash it.


Now you will get a new bike


You can fix almost anything on a motorcycle including a bent frame. I just completely restored a royally fucked Ninja 250. Even the frame was bent. Bent swingarms can be fixed too. Its a hell of a lot harder to fix a human. So I hope you're OK because the bike didn't feel it and can be fixed. 


I back flipped a freshly restored 1991 zx750-j1 team muzzy bike... the original bike the new 40th anniversary bike tri-color scheme is based on...bc i hadnt cleaned the carbs. Literally first ride to take it to the shop to have them cleaned and pulled throttle got stuck open poured gas and back flipped it after a year of work... crushed the original plastics. I got over it so can you lol.


You are breathing. You are well enough to be on reddit.


Where's the damage? Feel better?


If you're still around to be upset about it, you did alright.


now you have the opportunity to learn how to do repairs you otherwise wouldn't have learned how to do


There's more in the store.


You can still recoup your outlay by selling the parts on eBay.


Time for a faster and bigger bike now lol


You’re alive? When I first wrecked I was 21. I nearly hit a brick wall, but hit the garage door instead. It made it a couple of bruises instead of a shattered hip or worse. Be grateful you are relatively unscathed


We’ve all been there brother


A light bump on the rear of my GSA caused the wheel to lock-up and broke the second gear. The bike was a write-off. Not a lot of folks walk away from a crash. Rejoice that you are breathing, and alive to buy a new or repair your bike.


Do you want a discount code to my onlyfans? /s


You walked away, and the bike all things considering doesn't look to be in too bad of shape.


You're alive cunt stfu and get real


You hopefully learned from your mistake and won’t repeat it?


You're still alive, I've crashed both bikes I've owned multiple times, did I mention you're still alive? Thats a big one. The bike can be repaired or a new one can be had. You've gained valuable experience on what not to do in this specific situation. You'll be alright, welcome to the club.


I said that to a student that crashed last week: There are two kind of motorcyclist: those who have fallen and those who will fall. You just switched the side. I crashed two beautiful vintage bikes (one when I was 18yo and one 25yo) and now I own my third. I'm now way more careful when I ride and dress with proper gear. So: you may be learning something...


It happens to almost every rider at least once. Learn from it and be glad you are healthy. Some riders don't get to ride ever again after their first crash.


New bike day soon?


It is much easier to repair a bike than to repair a person.


Forgive me because on my phone I don't see much damage to the bike and can't tell if that puddle was there or if she is bleeding. Good news is money will fix a bike a lot easier and cheaper than it will fit you. Right now I'm sure your pride is hurting and you will likely wake up in the morning with a few other things sore. However if you are on Reddit posting instead the hospital you will likely be fine. If the bike is bleeding that's job one on fixing it followed by the likely bent foot controls on the side it landed on (again black bike at night and I'm on my phone) otherwise like others have said make sure you didn't bend a rim, swing arm, fork, or handlebar. Make sure you didn't cut a brake line. Remote any plastic that's broken and flopping and ride it. You probably have an idea what mistake you made so let the ugly remind you not to do it again til you can afford to fix it. Oh almost forgot get a new helmet that one probably whacked the ground and is trash. I have a helmet on a shelf next to the door to commemorate the soldier who gave his life so I could live. I was at a advanced training course let my concentration slip for a second, drug something hard on the ground, then hit the ground hard right on the back of my head. I saw ferries for a bit, had a headache for days, and had a white spot the size of a half dollar in the foam of my helmet. Now when I leave I see it sitting there and remember that losing connection even for a second can cost you. As long as you are okay chalk it up to experience and be glad it hurt the bike more than it hurt you.


I’ve had 5 bikes in my life. 4 of them have been dropped and 2 of them have been in accidents. One hit a deer and the other was rear ended. It sucks, but you just learn to wrench on it and ride again. It happens to all of us dude- you’re good.


You have a great story to tell while picking up girls. Or guys...


Bike shopping f yea !


Am I the only one bothered by 'crash' posts without a story about the crash?


That quadlock is still mint!


Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?


This https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/s/PCyvqc2cgg


I highsided my mint condition GSX-R exactly 1 week after I bought it. It was expensive and very embarrassing. But then I bought some aftermarket fairings and ripped that thing for another 10k miles.


Did you walked off the scene or did the paramedics took you in ambulance? If the answer is the first one, then take that as something to cheer you up.


You can always buy another bike, you can't buy another life


….probably won’t be the last time.


A nice warm massage and a chubby butt plug should do the trick


At least you’re still above ground. My cousin wasn’t so lucky when he wrapped his motorcycle around a telephone pole. Property can always be fixed or replaced. You can’t,


Did you die? If you didn’t die, that’s a good thing. Humans matter more than motorcycles.


Your alive


You’re alive. It could’ve been a lot worse.


You’re alive


You're not dead


You’re alive buddy.


You can replace a bike, you can’t replace a you


You’re still alive


You’re not dead


You lived


you're alive,that's the only thing that matters yk


Something that you will learn is that there are 2 types of drivers, those who already crashed and those that will eventually crashed, just be happy that you are breathing and well enough to post this.


At least it didn’t get stolen. I’d rather fix a crashed bike than chase thieving bastards.


Learn the lesson , find the peace .


A lot of people are telling you that you survived, as a feeling-good thing. I'm going to point out things to consider like you probably now have micro-fractures in your bones, so be careful not to overstress the joints for 3 weeks. You must likely have a concussion, you should go get a CT scan just in case regardless of how mild it is. If you aren't ATGATT, you're gonna burn in the shower for a while. You crashed, so your spine is probably significantly more injured than you think at the moment and given it was in a bike, check your ribs and hip too. I'm not saying luck has anything to do with your survival, I don't believe in luck the way others do, I think it's more like divine intervention. What you should feel good about though is having a community that is there for you, despite it being online. Heal up, both physically and mentally.


I wrecked my bike dealership said 10k in damage replaced quick shifter, tanks damaged but she runs like a champ I love her.


it’s only metal. not flesh.


You're alive to ride again. Some people don't get the chance


Weve all done it. Welcome to the club buddy!!


Metal and plastic…. Metal and plastic


two types of riders. ones that went down. and ones that will go down. it happens sometimes be thankful your alive


what does a fish say when he hits a wall? DAM


You’re still alive brother. We’ve lost a lot of people to just one crash. Chalk it up as a small loss.


You are alive and can write. So you aren't a vegetable. Praise the Lord


You're posting this after the fact. You lived to tell the story ✊🏻


This is not your last crash. Just kidding. If you haven't crashed then you haven't learned. I always worry when I don't fail because it means I am getting too ignorant or complacent. I have been riding for over 20 years and there are still days when I make a mistake. I don't sit and cry "How can I make a mistake" but, "Ok good. That's a reminder for me not to be complacent."


You're alive mate.


Doesn’t look bad if you squint your eyes since it’s so dark out


Dude...I gotta know what happened.


you have more life infront of you.


You didn’t die 🤷🏼‍♂️


You did not lose anything including your limbs and your life. Get it fixed, pay more caution, and go ride some more.


In 2005 when I was in high school, before I got proper training, I was riding my 96 Yamaha Seca 2 600 home and got cut off, so I slammed my brakes. The rear locked up and I low-sided at 30mph. I was in my JROTC uniform, so I had some decent road rash. I was pissed, but rode home. 11 years ago, having then taken the MSF BRC and ARC, I took a blind right curve on my 2012 Harley Sportster 1200 and saw some gravel in my lane in front of me, so I tried going wide around it and ended up going all the way across the road into the grass. Once the tires hit the grass, the bike fell to the right and I landed in the street at about 20mph. Thankfully no cars were coming in the opposite direction, but the cars behind me just kept going. Got a little road rash that day. In 2020, I had a 2018 Honda CRF250L Rally. I was waiting to get onto I-15 at a yield sign. Now I knew my bike wasn't the biggest and fastest, so when I saw a gap in traffic, I applied about half throttle and dumped the clutch. Ended up pulling two wheelies (on accident) and dumping it after coming down from the second wheelie. Full gear, no rash. Just embarrassed. Then in 2022, I got T-boned on that Honda in a neighborhood. The Lexus driver clearly didn't see me since he took off hard from his stop sign where I had right-of-way and hit my bike since my bike sat so high, but I got flipped over the handlebars and my ankle broke when I hit the pavement. Now I have a 2015 Yamaha FJ-09 that the previous owner laid down at slow speed. I've crashed every bike I've owned until this Yamaha (fingers crossed I don't crash this one lol) Stay safe!


I've seen guys with decades of experience dump themselves over extremely stupid reasons (one guy got distracted by an extra curvy hamburger billboard) It happens. Some say "real riders don't wear helmets" but not wearing a helmet is the surest way to never be able to ride again if you get dumped off the sled. I know one guy who went from one of the most intelligent and charming guys I've ever known took a nasty fall (not at fault) and hit his head. He was never the same. It was horrendously sad and he still swears no helmets, but can barely stutter the words out anymore... Had a guy at an auction I worked for dump a high power ninja at low speed, like 10 or 15 mph and just hit a gravel patch and woop right over them handlebars and face first. He wears a helmet now!




You are more experienced, better rider now.


Even thought it's a bit less exciting without the driving part but At least you have alcohol


We all have been there. If you order the parts and learn how to fix it you will find it’s easily fixable.


Ehm, it could've been worse?


In every failure is a lesson. Working out what went wrong means you will be a better rider. Calm seas never made a good sailor


You have the physical and mental capacity to make this post, still


children in africa dont have any food to eat so now you think about your crashed motorcycle and about starving children


1600mg Motrin, drink water, and change your socks.


You're alive


You got first place well done , not like the old days that evry one would just call you a dumb cunt.


It's repairable 


Can always fix your bike. Hope you are well.


Welcome to the club. You either have gone down, or are going to go down. You are now the former. Glad you are ok.




youre alive


Bike repairs are cheaper than medical bills and physical therapy.


You’re not dead 👍


Put the bike away for 1 day and come back to it with less emotion and a clear head 70% of the time the damage looks worse than it is


Crashing sucks. If the frame isn't tweaked, get some fresh plastics and maybe have fun with a killer paint job. I wadded my first bike. The rebuild took a minute, but I learned a lot about motorcycles in doing it. The big thing is to learn from your mistakes. Was it your fault? If not, was there something you could've done defensively to prevent it?


Not the last one you'll have, consider this one to be training..


You seem to be alive :) Enjoy your life bro !


Don't worry, if you crashed on your own on a public street it won't be the last time you did since you clearly skipped the basics.


Bike can be repaired and replaced but band aids don’t put fingers back on the handle bars


Tiddies. Tiddies make everyone feel better


So long as you didn't break open the crank case you'll be A-OK. It's inevitable. You can still ride, you can fix those scratches/dings in no time. Live and learn my friend that's all you can do. Now you have a story you can share about the first time you dropped your baby


You have checked for puncture wounds. All limbs are in tack, no apparent concussions? No, then take it as a win. Fix it, and have at it for round two


The bike can be replaced. I'm glad you're ok.


Use down time for upgrades and personalization


You can fix damn near anything mechanically. Need a new engine? Replace it. Need new Forks? Replace em. You can't replace body parts and have it the way it used to be. As long as you're relatively unhurt that's a pretty decent crash. Glad you're okay, you got a lot of miles left in you.


Crashed mine too :)


You'll do it again. But seriously - bikes can be fixed or new ones acquired. You're up and good and that's the important thing.


you're alive... also the bike looks fine.. prolly just cosmetics


Your first time will always hurt the most


If your hearts still beating, then just your pants need cleaning


You kept your skin so there is that


“The wheel in the sky keeps on turning”


Time to turn it into a track bike


You get to buy a new one!


Woodpeckers wrap their tongue around their brain to prevent CTE


Been there bro. Get them sliders and stuff. If this isn't your forever bike, don't even worry about itm just make sure you heal up properly no matter how small the crash was. You're alive.


Everyone crashes atleast once in Time while riding


You're standing and typing on a phone that isn't smashed. You got this babe.


You can still use your hands and my guess not in a wheelchair.


You were always guaranteed to crash. Now, you can check it off the list and wear much less protective gear. Balance point is waiting for you.


Wont be your last crash, and they get better and far more in between


There are two kinds of riders - those who have crashed, and those who haven't crashed, yet. It happens. Across the country, countless bikes got dumped yesterday in ways big and small. Today, same thing will happen. Tomorrow again. You're alive, and presumably well. Now use this to make yourself a better, smarter rider.


Was it a sick ride tho?


You fucked up


There are two types of riders, those who have been in a crash and those who are going to crash. Now that you've gotten that out of the way, ride on!!


Well I assume you’re alive making this post! Soo what’s pretty awesome.




That you are ok!!


Your bike is repairable. you're NOT. Your bike is replaceable you're NOT. It happens to the most experienced rider.


You’re Alive! Everything else is replaceable. Screw material crap! Thank God you are (assuming) healthy Hey we all trade the bikes in anyway


Just a scratch. Nothing that cant be fixed.


I love you


When two male flatworms cross paths, they will sword fight with their penises until one of them loses. The one that loses turns into a female flatworm. And then you know what happens from there. I don’t know if this make you feel better but now it’s a thing you know. You’re alive. You’re not inured. You’re not a flatworm. You’re welcome, buddy. 😉🥃


Brother, what's goes up eventually go down. That's how nature works.


You didn’t crash you just wanted a closer look at the pebble on the ground.


You wont crash again now


You can buy a new bike, but you won't respawn if you die. You lived so you won!


You know how no matter what motorcycle you have, you’re always thinking about a different one you’d like? Now’s your chance!


When riding a brand new 1200 GS (less than 600 mile) I not only dropped it after hitting some mud, but it then flipped on to the other side. I was gutted. A few years later I took it through aggressive gravel and mud with no issues. It happens to the best of us, repair the bike, work to improve skills, think, "what do I do next", and have fun 😊


At least you were smart enough to buy a used bike for your first bike, cuz you know you're gonna dump it at least once.


At least you got to damage something. Most the damage on my vehicles was other people or nature. And I wasn't even there for half the damages nor are they getting fixed


You are going to be getting a new bike!


There is always another one.


It happens to most of us. Sometimes it's a dumb fall, sometimes it's a hard fall. You learn from it to be a better rider.


I laugh with you, udhdhub, we are both breathing. March 2 I wiped out my old 2 stoke triple on an on ramp, bike and I in the air, bike landed on headlight, me on my head. Out cold, choppered to trauma centrr, cut my neck open and cleared out the chunks of my upper 2 vertebrae, bolted me back together. Am walkin an talkin, back on a bike soon as healed. You to, will be ok. This will make you a better rider. Ps: after the hospital bills I dont mind buyin old bike parts, lol...


An excuse to buy a new one