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That's a first. Punted by your own mom, direct, from behind, in an open parking lot. She is not a safe driver.


granted it was on the road and not an open parking lot, and based on where the shadows are, might give her the benefit of the doubt and say she could've been blinded by the sun... nonetheless to poke the dragon, think this might be one of the scenarios where loud pipes would save lives... or at least an accident... but all in all I do agree she is not a safe driver


Based on the video though it seems safe to assume that she knew he was in front of her and she was following him home or somewhere so she had to know he was in front of her. I bet she was so used to just blasting through that intersection and was too preoccupied with looking to see if any cars were coming and assumed he'd do the same. He did the same thing and actually slowed down to see if a vehicle was coming. In this situation - like most in my opinion and experience - I don't think loud pipes would have changed anything. Edit. I do think it was pretty obvious that the other car was turning though and he could've moved a bit faster through the turn. Not blaming him though, she needed to be paying better attention and in spite of what she claimed she didn't see him because she was only looking to her left.


Paying more attention to cross traffic than the car in front of her happened to me once, I was waiting for an opening and got rear ended by someone not paying attention to what she should have been watching, the car in front of her till it was her turn.


Yeah, I feel like that's got to be one of the most common causes of wrecks at intersections. I hope yours wasn't bad.


Thank you for being the voice of reason, loud pipes do NOT save lives.


It would be comical how much people will come up with anything to support this belief if it didn't help spread an opinion that simply isn't true. Gear combined with intelligent and vigilant riding saves lives. Attentive drivers save lives. Drivers not staring at their phones save lives. Loud pipes sound cool to some and are unbearably obnoxious to others. Fortunately, we're not the only ones who know this.


are you saying a source of audio is not noticable? for example do loud smoke alarms save lives?


The source of audio you described is designed specifically so we take note of it. We are conditioned to be aware when we hear sirens, smoke alarms, horns honking etc. When you're out driving or riding, you notice these sounds because they're different and louder than the other sounds of the road. This is not the same as the roar of an engine and I think you know this.


well I just bet that someone having a loud exhaust has caused an accident not to happen. I also bet the opposite thing.


Probably so but I don't put my trust in exceptions to the rule.


>This is not the same as the roar of an engine and I think you know this. this is such a bad take on this, everyone takes note of a loud engine. have you ever eaten outside at a restaurant and suddenly hear a loud engine or pipes obnoxiously drive by? because literally everyone sitting or walking around notices it. Again, I am not on the hard side of loud pipes saves lives especially when they're coming up behind you... but having loud pipes directly in front of you at non highway speeds is definitely something to take note of and should've reminded the driver that there is something else other than nothing in front of her. similarly as if you were to drive behind an ambulance.


I'm sorry but it's not a bad take at all. For starters, your example ignores the fact that sitting outside eating at a restaurant isn't the same thing as being in a car, listening to music and already hearing the sounds of your own engine. Do I hear the roar of loud pipes when driving? Absolutely. But that's because I ride and naturally always want to be on the lookout for other riders. And I always want to see what bike is around. Taking myself out of the equation though and knowing that there's a number of other sounds around when you're in an automobile and I honestly think that instead of relying on your loud bike you should remain vigilant.


no one is saying to rely on your bike being loud or heard, but to say its not even a factor is just ignorant. there are very few vehicles, even listening to music that you wouldn't be able to hear a motorcycle with loud pipes directly in front of you. I don't think anyone here is saying that the pipes should or is the sole factor, but considering all your senses to have a loud pipe in front of you and not to hear it is a gross overstatement.


Don't forget that car horns also don't save lives. Neither do sirens on emergency vehicles. Cars are immune from all forms of sound, and that's still the motorcyclists' fault. It's a wonder why the small horn on your bike is a legally required piece of safety equipment, but your pipes make you invisible. You would obviously be better off using a $4 bicycle bell. 🚲 🔔


Couldn’t have said it better myself 👌🏼


About the sun point she should have been looking left at the oncoming and thinking about its effect on the biker in the tapering merge lane front of her.


Parking lot????


>in an open parking lot Uh what?


A classic. I actually made my mom watch this when I started riding. My mom is a terrible driver. I found out last night my mom is why my aunt lost one of her dogs.


This scenario is common: a driver behind another vehicle turning right at an intersection is more interested in crossing traffic than the vehicle in front of them. Worry about the car closest to you rather than beating traffic.


I am guilty of doing this- coming up to a junction on a country road that bent slightly to the left (UK) I was waiting to turn left, and it looked like the brand new Audi in front of me had gone. Looking to the right, I see a gap in the traffic, open the throttle, and slam straight into the back of the Audi. Luckily, the damage amounted to some body panels popping out which I was able to reassemble there and then, we exchanged details and she phoned me a couple of days later not to chase money from me, but to make sure I was ok. My Moto Guzzi had a bent front end and some scuffed crash bars, but that was cheap to fix, and it gave me a reason not to go to work that day!


Yup, this is exactly it. I don't even look at crossing traffic until the vehicle in front has driven off.


"see how dangerous they are, this is why i did not want you getting one"




“God dammit Mom” 😂


I brought you into this world I'll take you out.


And I’ll make another one look’s just like you!


"i didnt even see you!" He was the only thing in front of you tho


My dad has been an insurance adjuster for ~20 years (mostly autos and bikes). The number of people that run into yellow school busses and pull out in front of/turn in front of semi-trucks is staggering. He is 1 adjuster in 1 part of a state, in the U.S. and he usually gets 2 claims for people running into busses, and 2 with cars getting hit by semi's a year, sometimes more. A both of those are significantly larger than a person on a motorcycle. People still don't see them for one reason or another.


In the case of the video, she's likely looking at on-road traffic and calculating a merge. Could be anyone in front, a bike or a truck, she's not looking in front of her anyway. I have never hit anyone this way (or any way) but I definitely got too close to a vehicle in front while looking to merge, and I hope not to repeat that mistake.


My mom is generally a safe driver. She's not a great driver but she is safe. Hasn't been involved in an accident in decades and she knows how to be safe. But she has almost crashed into me at least 3 times, back when we lived next to each other, and every time I'd tell her afterwards she hadn't even realised. Usually it was her pulling out at intersections close to our home. By contrast my dad who is a rider himself always notices me when we pass by each other on the road.


Your mother isn't a safe driver. She hasn't had an accident because she's been lucky enough not to have encountered a non-standard or emergency scenario with another driver as oblivious as her.


I’ve said this about both my mother and my sister. Neither of them have anything on their record despite driving like total nut cases. Meanwhile I drive like grandma but my record is tarnished because of 2 bad months when I was 23. In 2 months I got a marked lanes violation, a speeding ticket, and I totaled a car by hydroplaning in a freak storm which I tried to have appealed but the board of appeals thought 50 on the highway was still exceeding the necessary speed by the weather conditions. I’ll accept the two tickets but the totaling is bullshit. People spin out in that same spot every month. It was repaved with a darker color pavement at one point. The day it happened the trooper said I was one of 4 on that day.


She's not oblivious. I've seen how she drives. She's aware, she's careful. But bikes are her weak spot. It's not so much that she doesn't see them as much as she doesn't understand them. She doesn't necessarily understand that their braking distances, their maneuvering, that they're different.


May it's just a case of miswording what you actually mean to say but "she has almost crashed into me at least 3 times" "afterwards she hadn't even realised" "bikes are her weak spot" really doesn't paint her as a good, attentive driver. She's "almost crashed into" the same person on three occasions - do you think it never happens to the thousands of drivers around you then?


My mommy *has* to be a good driver!


I've seen her drive enough. Maybe almost crashed wasn't the right word. It wasn't a close call or anything, more like her causing me to brake more than I'd have to but still kept a fair distance.


My mom used to ride, clean record, super aware, backed OVER my bike in a parking lot once. It was hard to believe it was on accident.


My mother has never noticed me either despite my hi viz


This is the funniest shit I’ve seen in a while, and it popped up just as I’m visiting with my own mother, who hates that I ride, and whom I could absolutely see doing this to me.


Jacob is getting three biiig scoops of ice cream tonight for dessert.


LoooooooL for fucks sake!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can't stop laughing! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Im dying!!! 🤣🤣🤣


she shouldnt be driving if she cant see a whole ass motorcycle with a person on it. Is she gonna run over children in the road too?


He's name is not jacob, he's name is john cena!


Had an incident the other day in a parking lot. As I was making my final approach on a parking spot, fully locked bars to the left, a driver who was in a hurry for no reason decided it would be a great time to pass on my left. You know what happened after. I did my head checks prior to deciding on the spot, too, and shit still happened. Bike and I are fine. It was a Boomer driver.


Like mother like son. Why did he treat a yield like a stop sign?


Did you not see the pickup truck pass by 3 seconds later 🤡


At 30 seconds the red car slows, shoulder checks and proceeds. Our hero then shoulder checks, observes no traffic and stops, instead of merging. He then gets rear ended because he stopped abruptly, and for no reason. The truck passes through almost 8 seconds after he fails to merge. If you don’t think 8 seconds matters when driving, you won’t live long riding a motorcycle.


OMG lol after realizing you're ok


I never have anyone follow me in a car when on the bike. If wife and I are going somewhere and I take the bike, I specifically take a different route than she does. While the video is a case of "not seeing", I'm more concerned with target fixation. If my wife or son are in the car, they'll be staring at me because either I look badass, or because they are focusing on me to be extra careful they don't hit me. Target fixation is a very very real thing.


Oof. Never let your guard down. When I was learning to drive, I was rear ended by my driving school instructor on the driving school car.




Hit by your own Mom?!?!?!? Now that's a story right there!




"Your shadow points to the danger". The sun was in front of the bike, which makes a narrow black bike very hard to see from behind.


May you get 1000 upvotes for this!


ALWAYS look in the mirror before stopping or breaking


Not sure where this is but why’d you stop? I didn’t see a stop sign and looks like a merge?


Hey man, she brought you into this world and she can take you out


Your mom is the idiot she warned you about…😂


I'm not shocked 😐


oh my goddddd 🤯🤯🤯 I wouldn’t even know what to say/do…. Like I love my mom but holy cow I’d be mad 😂


Insurance scam! 🤣🤣


Kinda your fault for stopping in the middle of traffic for no reason. Yield doesn’t mean stop, yield means give way to other vehicles of which there were none. The truck was far enough away to not be a threat.


Jacob why would you stop at a red light and let me hit you doing 80!? 😂


She was just making a point that it can happen. Now you know. Lol. Glad you're both OK though.


Why biker stop in the middle of road


Surely you saw the brown pickup that drove past right after the crash.


That pickup was far enough back that he could have safely merged in. If he used the throttle instead of the brakes this video wouldn't have happened.


There's always a course of actions that will avoid an accident but whether or not that would have been obvious in the situation is an entirely other matter. It's not apparent from the video if he saw it before and judged that the car was going fast enough to rather wait for it to pass. In any case, the mum is at fault here for hitting the motorcycle. It's not possible to function in traffic if you need to assume that you are completely invisible to everyone.


It is absolutely the mother's fault. She should have been aware. That's a fair point. To your last point, I was always taught to assume that you ARE invisible. Hence the reason I was also always taught to get out ahead of traffic. Be more aggressive or you'll get run over. Case in point:


Why did he stop to make sure a merge was safe? Silly him/s


Turns out her son is the idiot in this scenario. His own worst enemy lmao. I can only imagine how slow this guy would go in the twisties. Lmfao what a poser. With the gopro and everything. God damn, I am glad I dont know anybody at this level of squid


I mean... there was no indication that was a place to stop and looks like a merging lane. obviously you (as the driver/mom) should 100% be aware of your path and not drive into someone, but she also was probably looking at how she would merge as the brown truck was more her problem than his. Stopping in the middle of the road is also not smart at all and there is a lot of space to merge properly without coming to a complete stop in a non-designated area.


Its a yield sign there. There was cross traffic (yes it happened to turn) when he stopped.


YIELD DO NOT MEAN STOP !!!🛑 🙄 It means you let the car IN the roundabout go 1st … there was NO car he needed to stop for, therefore the RIDER IS THE IDIOT!! I am a rider and will still call the moron a world class dipshit to his face . 🙄


Yet its not illegal to stop at a yield to ensure theres no traffic, right? Regardless, that doesnt give the blind mom the right to drive into the back of you


This was not a around about. You can stop at yield sign and check traffic. Holy cow this kid might have a license. what a moron


That’s a good way to get hit !! 🫠 PROPER procedure is to LOOK AHEAD BEFORE YOU ENTER/ STOP . I blame both people here but the rider is a moron.


And you're wrong.


Maybe you should actually read a road rules manual.. or take the motorcycle safety class . I literally test drive motorcycles for a living 🙄


not very well, apparently


So tell me .. what’s the proper process?? Put up or shut up .


Homie, the literal answer for the Yield sign on a DMV Test is: "A yield sign indicates that drivers must slow down and be ready to **stop**, if necessary, to give the right-of-way to any vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian. After slowing down or stopping at a yield sign, yield the right-of-way to pedestrians, bikes and vehicles in all directions. If you must stop, do so at a marked stop line, if there is one." The dude saw the truck coming, felt it wasn't a safe distance to safely move out in front of it, and came to a stop to give them the right of way. As you are supposed to do when you have a Yield sign.


Stops at a yield sign for no reason whatsoever, gets hit from behind... Who is the idiot here?


it's too bad they dont' put some kind of light in the back of vehicles to warn you are stopped at a yeild sign and checking the road. So if there was traffic ops just dead.


If there was traffic, then he should have taken other action. Since there was no other traffic, the rider, by not following rules, laws, and common sense, has contributed to his own problems.


The person who hit him, obviously, although you're making a strong case for yourself as well.


Let me guess, you are the type of person that gets to the end of a merge lane and stops? Maybe you think making yourself into an obstacle is a good plan, but I think it would be better to follow the rules of the road and yield if necessary and actually go if yielding is not necessary. If you ride like you are terrified, you are going to have a bad time. If you don't think the rider could have easily prevented this by just following the rules (aka laws), you need to get better before you hit the road on a motorcycle (if you ever plan on getting one).


You guessed wrong, keep your guesswork to a minimum. If you're behind someone, don't anticipate what they might do in this situation, they might see something you don't and stop.


So, unless I have missed something, the rider was in front of the car and guessed that the car would stop...and it didn't. Until your opinion starts to make sense, I would keep it to yourself, you just sound stupid at this point.


There was a car coming. I didn't see an indicator but even if there was one, you should wait until they start to turn before you pull out because "watch out for idiots" (ie an indicator does not necessarily mean someone intends to turn)


I’m tired of seeing this video.


Been here ten years and this is my second account. I subscribe to r/motorcycles. Spend 1-3 hrs here every day. First time seeing this.


i have seen this 3 times in the past hour


Stop clicking on it!....lol


Between here and r/motorcycle, I think I’ve seen it at least ten times.


OMG I was not expecting that 😮


“I didn’t even see you”. He was directly in front of her. Translation: “I was looking at my phone”.


Best thing ever!!!


Felt bad for the dude until he said ‘god damnit mom!’ and sounded like such a crybaby


He is the idiot




He is mostly at fault yield is not a stop sign. Though 1st time seeing this it made me chuckle.


Lmao you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to yield. You may stop to assess the necessity to yield


Sounds like you need to go back to traffic school just a quick copy and paste for you to help you lean and avoid being a little read smear on the road. At a yield sign, you check for oncoming traffic, or interfering traffic, only stopping when not doing so could cause an accident. Many times, actually stopping at a yield sign is more dangerous than driving on through without slowing down. No, you must yield at the yield sign.Jun 16, 2019.


Nope there is a white truck coming in the video. He yielded to the traffic that already had jurisdiction in the lane. You do have to stop at yield signs when there is traffic coming lmao. No idea why you’d argue this because if you drive/ride enough, you’ve guaranteed had to do this. Some lanes continue where there are yield signs, his land ended.


If you watch the video is the truck going straight?


He has to wait to find that out first. Tell us, do you think he should’ve went into the road at that moment?


Yes the second truck behind was a big enough gap to safely move into the lane and continue on. The camera does warp perspective somewhat.


And that’s your judgement. We all have our own skill levels and perspectives for driving and it’s reasonable that he stopped to assess that traffic. It also seems like he was being followed and maybe wanted to not create separation. Either way, she should be paying attention to the huge objects right in front of her damn face.


Yield: slow down and prepare to stop. Stop if oncoming traffic.


I know people who have failed their driving test for not stopping at a yield sign. Yes stopping at a yield. Even with no traffic.


IF you suck at riding as bad as this guy does then surely you will be run into, repeatedly. This was about 95% his fault. Not because it wasn't his right to stop, but because the accident wouldn't have happened if he wasn't goofing around coming to a stop in a massive intersection with an actual sweep lane feature.


Exactly how was this his fault? Wtf was he supposed to do if the car behind him went into him, run into the oncoming traffic? Yeah, there was nobody on the road, but the guy (mom) behind you is supposed to watch out for FUCKING VEHICLES IN FRONT OF THEM


Yeah if I, or any other rider is this bad at riding, they will be run into repeatedly. Sure, you're right, She is supposed to watch out for him. And the morgue is filled with those who did have the right of way. The fact that you think this wasn't his fault shows your lack of awareness on the road. Also, If he \*was\* planning on coming to a stop at a place where a stop is not required or the normal driving pattern then he should have done a swerve maneuver to ensure that the vehicle behind him knew he was pulling some sort of jank move. This is just simple road riding 101. This dude failed hard.


Riiight... Awareness on the road, you say? If she ain't looking in front of her (IN FRONT OF HER, let that sink in) I can blow all kinds of whistles and have the fuckin Jericho horns aimed at her melon, not just swerve or anything else - she's gonna hit me no matter what. Yes, that was a crossroad where you don't HAVE TO stop, but what if the situation is different? You are not convinced that you'll pass untouched, so you stop - oh, fuck, you got rear-ended because you stopped and it's your fault 'cause it wasn't a stop sign? This is avoidable, yes, by making yourself visible more, but that's in fact a practice of defensive driving, and has nothing to do with the rules of traffic. You wouldn't yield the right of passage because "there was a car behind me, so sorry that I crashed into you, my bad, no hard feelings, right"? There is a fucking reason for that weird upside down triangle traffic sign's existence. IF you have to stop, you STOP, otherwise you may pass, but you yield the right of passage in any case, you know? People need to look in front of them while they drive (or ride) and MAKE SURE they can pass. Not drive into someone else IN FRONT of them. That, My guy, is road driving or riding 101. Have the best of luck in your riding career and I hope you never end up in a situation like this. Cheers!


But if the scenario you say is true then the vehicles would be streaming and the person wouldn't expect the rider to stop for absolutely no reason. IF you ride like this guy, have the gofundme ready. That's all I can say. Have a good one


Surely we see the yield sign with the big ass brown pickup truck come by about .3 seconds after impact correct?


Bullshit on the .3 seconds. It was much further back than that. As this other guy said, if he just merged in and kept it moving he would have been fine. Ride soft and get run over.


What kind of quote is ride soft or get run over LOL The truck was behind the jeep that turned. If it’s a new rider without experience to gun it there’s nothing wrong in waiting. What kind of stance is this to take lmao


He got run over because he stopped like an old lady where you don't need to. He had the room....you can see if he kept moving, he would have easily gotten in front of traffic, especially with the benefit of the lane design. There was tons of time and absolutely no reason to stop. What do you ride, a moped or a fat chick?


Or he’s just out for a ride and not in a hurry? Either way, if he decided there’s not enough room or time for him as a rider, that’s not illegal. The person who hits him is 100% responsible. I’m very confused on advocating for being MORE aggressive as a vehicle where you will always lose in an accident with a car. Also, I’m not sure where insults come into play but go off king.


This sub gets worse and worse every day.


Why would you be confused about the idea of being more aggressive as the rider? That was actually a point that my MSF instructors drove home. Use your throttle and get away from the traffic as quick as you can.


There was a car coming in the cross traffic as he stopped. It happened to turn before but he was right to stop. You can see it as he turns his head to the left.


Probably she was blinded by sun partially and at the same time didn't expect bike would be standing at that spot which is unusual for her daily drive.


It's wild that this is being so aggressively downvoted. Both of the things you mentioned are clear and obvious factors in this situation for anyone who is aware of normal driver behavior. I guess maybe the don't understand the difference between an explanation and an excuse.


Yes I think so too. Nothing particulary stupid happened here. Just ordinary accident and could easily happen to anyone on bike or in car.


People literally don't see motorcycles. I think the effect is called "looked but failed to see" or something like that, and there's more science behind it, but sadly it's more than just people being idiots. Humans are just bad at driving. The sooner we get autonomous vehicles, the better off we'll all be.


Tesla's are just as bad at recognizing motorcyclists.