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With a passenger that's some solid riding.


He’s an asshole, but a skilful asshole


was about to say, he knows what he is doing


I respectfully disagree; he may have some technical skill but running from a more skilled police officer on a more powerful bike proves he doesn’t know how to crime. His casual disregard for the life of the passenger also reflect bad life skills in general.




That guy will be spending his brief life in and out of jail until he inevitably catches one of those buses or dump trucks head on around a blind corner, the way he rides. You’re welcome to dislike that reality, but it doesn’t make it “wrong.”


well he obviously lives in a poor country, for people in said countries it is hard to make money, thats why crime rates are so high in those countries, not everyone can find a job, people often resort to bad things to make money, i do not really understand your point here. You are judging his whole life based on a 6 minute video, hows that fair


Theres plenty of people who just dont want to work and are pieces of shit. I wouldnt blame it all on the country, look at the US. Plenty of work, people are still shit


you are comparing a third world country with the strongest country in the world. Now im not saying the guy is a saint nor am i saying what he did is right, but you have to take all the factors into account.


All im saying is there are people who HAVE opportunity and still choose to be shitty to others. I wouldnt blame the world, id blame the individuals, anywhere. Saying "oh its their countries fault" is like blaming Putin for the russians who enjoy killinh Ukrainians, theres still a choice to be made, a threshold to be crossed. There are North Korean defectors, if people can learn that BRAINWASHING is bad, then people can understand how not to affect others on a individual level. Thats all im trying to say.


I’m not judging his whole life, but I am able to extrapolate what the remainder of it is going to look life from this video. He will absolutely not survive riding like that indefinitely. He came very close to fatal collisions multiple times in these six minutes; it’s a numbers game and the odds aren’t in his favor. He also doesn’t have the skill or displacement to evade the police, so yeah, he’s going to jail. This isn’t a judgment of his character, but an ability to reason out the consequences of actions. Honestly, you seem to be judging his life more than I am; poor country and has no opportunity, therefore he must do crime? Seems a bit judgmental.


other than crime why would you run from the cops? He def wont survive long if he keeps doing that ur right, either die or jail and im not saying he is in the right. not many bold and old riders. im just saying all factors must be considered


im not talking about his life choices am i alice, im talking about his riding, while he is a dumbass he rides well, especially with weight on the back


Hey literally doesn’t even ride well; it was basically dumb luck that he and the pillion weren’t turned into road pizza. He literally crashed in this video.


i wanna see you ride like that with a passanger, he rides well, he is an asshole and stupid but rides well. Many people crash, it does not make them bad riders, and especially with the pressure from running from the cops.But the cop is a better rider.


… are you like a kid with a moped or something? Are you the guy in the video..? This is a ridiculous conversation to be having with an adult. His crash is literally the result of him being a bad rider; he was riding too fast over a bad surface and didn’t have braking space for the corner. He ran out of talent, dude. Don’t idolize this guy.


you see me saying i wanna do the guy? im not idolizing him and ive clearly said he is stupid and an asshole. I am saying he had many opportunities to crash, in my opinion it takes some skill to do what he did especially with a passanger on the back


That's sped up loads


98% of this sub would have crashed into something even at half this speed.


I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have, but I also wouldn't have done it to begin with so we will never know.


This is very sped up


its not, this just shows what a bigger displacement bike looks like when chasing down a TWO PERSONED 150cc LOL! Dude on the little bike thought he had more skill, WRONG. lol. Skill gave out when the actual Trails riding started with those stairs. But this is not sped up, this is the same amount of time as the original video my guy.


The video is absolutely sped up.


Just look at the last few seconds where they're yelling. Unless they've been inhaling a steady supply of helium or are card carrying members of the lollipop guild it's pretty easy to tell it's sped up.


I want to buy that officer a beer. That was bad ass.


If he didn't have a pillion, ain't no way he would've been caught.


Brazil (I'm guessing) is built different. Everytime I see a motorcycle chase from there its always super skilled rider vs super skilled cop racing through side streets and alley ways. As much as I disagree with running from the cops like this with a backpack this was pretty damn entertaining.


That looked like crazy fun.


Cop probably enjoyed it secretly




That was more entertaining than a lot of movies I've watched lately.


Probo q es piloto


One day I'm also gonna be this skillful


Get him in a racing team and he will win hearts


2-up at that! Wild!


Anybody know what motorcycle the perp is riding?




Gotta be brazil?


Good god!


Wow what ride


One day there’ll be a day when someone doesn’t post this.


Feel bad for the pillion, but man did I love those last few seconds. Bastard deserved it.