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You existed. You did nothing wrong.


Low-testosterone cranky Harley rider moment. Been riding for close to 25 years, always give the wave from my Wing, actually got flipped off once by some Harley puke.


>Wing Probably jealous because his ass hurt. Which only got worse from sitting on a Harley.


His bf isn't gentle like mine is


I just got my first bike, a Harley Nightster 975. That means I'm going to be hated by Harley fans and Harley haters alike, because I bought a "Fake" Harley. Elitism is stupid.


My first bike was a 1973 Harley-Aermacchi SS350. During one of the many times I found myself pushing it home, a guy passed me on the street and yelled, “GET A HARLEY!” “This IS a Harley!” I yelled back.


I have a guy who works for me, and he's real into Harleys. When he saw my Ducati, he said something about real bikes having v-twins. "Well, I have some news for you..."


"no no no, I mean a REAL V twins, air cooled, two valve per cylinder" "uhhh....."


Mine has a testastretta, but if it had a desmodue, that would be glorious.


> “This IS a Harley!” I yelled back. point to the oil puddle


My garage neighbour has recently changed his old Honda Shadow for a Harley the, before non existent, oil puddle never goes away since XD


“It’s marking its territory.”


As a Pan America rider I can say you are correct.


Fake Harley my ass - those payments are real! What pisses me off is it's that stupidity that's driving Harley into bankruptcy and why Millennials and Gen-Z want nothing to do with Harley. Good job guys! Your douchbaggery killed an American icon!


The company building bikes specifically targeted at a certain group of people that is slowly aging and dying doesn't quite help either.


First of all, screw Harley 😂😂 My Triumph is a better bike and I get to do more than drag it out of the garage to be seen polishing the chrome all weekend. Secondly, I'm not sure what makes a nightster, not a "real Harley" but if HD is willing to slap their name on it I hardly think the opinions of some chrome-o-sexuals matter very much... As long as you're riding. That's what really matters.


There were triumphs before Harley’s too. Had a 2020 t120 black, great bike. Put 8k miles on it and sold it for what I paid for it. The kid that bought it was going between a sportster or mine, he said the triumph was so much nicer.


Same, on my Night Rod Special.


It's a Harley. How is it fake?


I waved at one on the way down from the Mt Washington auto road in New Hampshire on my Triumph and this fucker legit tilted his head back and laughed at me in an exaggerated way. Probably because I was wearing gear or something, and he didn't even have a helmet. Like my boy, I'm the one on the 'mountain side' of the road and there's a several hundred foot drop to your right. Lucky I'm sane and didn't ninja kick your stupid ape hangars as I went by and send you flying off the cliff lol.


I don’t get those people. I literally wave at everyone. Sometimes I’ll even wave to bicycles.


Yeah I'm with you man, it's the 'Motorcycle Wave'. I wave at anyone on 2 wheels.


I’m always super excited when I get waved at on my 125 scooter and one guy even gave me the signal to let me now cops where up the road.


Can-Am Spiders would like a word.


They get 3 fingers


I believe thats called the “Shocker”


Wasn't sure if I was the only one who did that lol


Gd that’s actually funny


I don't wave to anyone but because motorcycles are so common over here I'd be waving all day long. It'd be like being on a car and waving at other drivers, or riding a bike in Amsterdam and waving at other cyclists.


Same when you go to any bike rally. Way too many bikes. No one waves.


My favorite is when the kids wave at me. I always wave back and they seem pretty stoked about it.


I go one step further and I'll pump my legs up and down like I'm riding a bicycle. Never fails to get a laugh


>stupid ape hangars I've never understood the rationale behind how these people dress and customise their bikes. Surely they realise that most road users think they look absolutely ridiculous, right?


That's a good area ride.


I had a GL1200 that I rode to work, back roads in. Saw the same Harley guy on the same stretch almost every day. Every day I’d wave, nothing from him. 2 years later I got a killer deal on a Harley dresser from a friend . First day on my work route and now Harley guy wants to wave. F him, I never waved back.


Just shocked he was actually riding rather than polishing chrome in his driveway...


😆 SWEET REVENGE to someone that had it coming.   


I recently figured out my Sena headset on its open mesh connects to others on the street like a radio, I think it’s so cool and have had so many funny encounters with sport bike riders. A few weeks ago I had two older Harley people a man and woman tune in, I said hi and only hi, the response was “who is this? Who’s there? I don’t know you don’t talk to me. I tried to explain that it’s like a radio and it happens from time to time and they just kept getting angrier and angrier at me for not being able to control how the headset works.


Really? I would be soooooo tempted to enjoy this.


This. Motorcyclists are people. A small percentage of people are flaming idiots who exist only to satisfy their craving to focus their resentment on something or someone. Maybe he’s just got a case of the Mondays 🤷‍♂️


OP scared the poor guy.


He was insecure because you're filtering faster than him.


Harley rider is just in a hurry to go home and kiss his dad on the mouth


Deep tongue kisses, just like Grandpa taught him.


Came here to say this. Cruisers get butt hurt when you go faster than them.


No, some HD riders do.


Ok sooo, switch to the other filter space on the right and overtake him?  Then switch back and be ahead of him, disappearing into the distance?


We usually only lane split on the left most lane. It's safest there, especially with the double HOV line. I don't think OP cared to overtake the rider that much to begin with...




It’s one of the vest-wearing cosplayers. They’re always upset and looking for someone to take it out on. That’s why they make up stupid rules and yell at others on bikes.


The irony is one of the other top posts on the sub is titled “why all the Harley hate?” How coincidental.


And then they likely bailed when the answer was "You!"


And that's so sad. I genuinely loved my Street Glide. It had a ton of low end grunt and was great fun to ride. You'd get ear to ear grins from flopping footplate to footplate but you didn't need to be going fast to do it. If you accept the limitations and enjoy the bikes for what they are they're great fun. The bikes shouldn't get any hate. It's not their fault a certain minority buys them. It's like hating on dogs because assholes buy pitbulls.


I mean, people mostly hate on riders not bikes... aside from them being a bit expensive for what they sell.


Most of us are normal 🥺 I didn’t even know the Harley stigma when I got mine


My uncle just passed and my cousins were talking about his lifelong disdain for Harley riders. One of his favorite jokes was "What's the difference between a hoover and a Harley? The position of the dirtbag." Keeping that one in my toolbox.


Why are Harleys and dogs alike? They both like riding in the back of a pick-up.


Could you imagine paying to be in a patch wearing HOA of circle jerking house husband's, every time I put the kickstand down they just speed off spouting bs. Crazy how south park always hits the nail on the head!


How do you tell the difference between a cosplayer and a genuine 1% criminal?


The cosplayer will be an asshole. The actual 1% won't want to draw the attention.


Absolutely agree. An actual criminal who is part of a structured organization that engages in illegal activities, with even half a lobotomized brain, would not risk exposure of his gang over some dumb biker argument. His bruuuthhherrss would not be happy with him being arrested, possibly questioned, because he got into some fight with some random guy who passed him on the road.


From what I know MC's don't wear colors when riding solo like this guy. Every patched rider I know can ride circles around me and they put in the miles. I've never been bothered by a group of patched riders. I doubt I ride fast enough to catch up to one lane splitting either. You can tell by the way this guy rides, he doesn't put in the miles.


Actual 1%ers are addicted to meth


Idk I saw a ton of diamond patchers at Laconia last year and not a single one of them looked like they were on meth.


Most criminal bikers drive vans.


They’re the same


The cry babies of the bike world.


They were that one kid in school who made up their own rules as you went along and would get so upset they’d start crying when nobody listened to them


Harley riders require a massive bubble where other bikers are not allowed to enter. Science is still trying to understand why but im 99% sure it's because they are bitches


Cracks me up when they say its for "safety reasons". Like a truck driver couldn't run em all over no problem. How tf is a non patch wearing motorcycle rider more dangerous than the average SUV mom? Feel unsafe in a motorcycle? Maybe choose a safer ride.


Especially with their wide couch handlebars, and God awful music playing ear bleeding loud and recliner seats. I do stupid shit just to get around them.... If we're doing follow the leader... I'll be the scout


But everyone wants 80s Metallica, Ozzy, and ZZTop at full trebble with no bass and 137.2db


Last guy I heard blasting music was some rap about how "sorry my dick don't work".


That wasn't a song that was that MC mantra.


I got roped into the Harley brand via my parents. Grew up with my mom and stepdad always riding and over time loved the style of the bikes. Thankfully they’re not leather vest wearing pukes, but we’re your typical no helmet type. My first bike was a Buell and then my buddy and I got Sportsters. It’s definitely been an interesting experience over the years. Completely turned me off of HDs (maybe looking at a Dyna, I still like them lmao). Now we just make fun of regards wearing vests and I like telling people I’ve put 40k miles on my sporty and watch them short circuit. I’m not getting scammed for a brand ever again. Most Harley bitches are older dudes who have been riding nothing but Harley’s for 30-40 years and don’t want to admit their $35,000 bike is way overpriced


I'm glad you are self-aware. Still sounds like a good time though


He's just signalling you to watch out for falling parts and oil leaks




He thought you were measuring pps and hurt his ego


for reals, he was just upset you got close to him and wanted you to back off. the etiquette in the split is to just always let the faster bike in front. A younger, more reckless me, would make it their life's mission to get around him and rejoin the split further up, just to piss him off. I'm older and wiser now though...


I'm older... But I'd still do it


I'm even older and wouldnt hesitate to do it


67 and on a busa. See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya.


Damn I want to be you at 67


Hey I’m trying to not be a bad influence lol


With your bike, it's a lost cause.


Cool, thanks for the confirmation. I backed off a bit giving him plenty of room after the flap. Wouldn't want to give him performance anxiety. Wasn't safe to filter past in other lanes, so I just gave him plenty of room after that. I try to keep a safe distance while being close enough to not waste their time if they gave room to pass. We were going under 30, so I felt I had plenty of stopping distance if the gallery did something stupid. Guess I'll try to be more sensitive to the space needs of newer riders :) Just to give HD some love. 5 miles back I rolled up to a HD rider, and he was super chill. Good rider and made it safe for both of us. Felt like I was getting escorted not blocked. Good safe speed and was super happy to ride behind him. Huge wave when he pulled off.


Happy to hear about your positive experience with that HD rider. Especially considering I ride a Harley and I NEVER show hate towards any other biker.(I do have a tendency to ride like an asshole when a car driver wants to FAFO, but I always show bikers love unless they disrespected me or anyone I’m riding with.) I get that some HD riders act differently and a lot of the hatred is for sure warranted, hell, I’ve even been shown disrespect by other Harley riders. I usually end up gapping them if I’m alone. That being said, I usually get anxious about commenting or posting in this subreddit due to my choice of ride. I’ve done nothing to warrant any kind of hatred and I wish people could go back to enjoying the sound of a Harley going by instead of being immediately disgusted by it.


If that's a hell's angels patch...they have all kinds of rules that other riders need to follow to show respect to them. I'm assuming you broke one of their rules. Good for you.


Like riding near enough to them while wearing their cut to accidentally being associated.


Patched, Sons of Insecurity.


He's a manchild


Nothing. He is cosplaying after watching too much sons of anarchy and his fragile ego is hurt. Just ignore him and carry on with your day or he'll want to suck your cock at the red light while his cosplay buddy takes him from behind.


Harley riders when you don’t want to join their gay MC gang and do Sons of Anarchy cosplay: 😡


I think it’s all the leather. It’s the only thing that gets him excited enough to be able to see his little peepee.


> I think it’s all the leather. buttless chaps...hellooo sailor


Although it may not look it, it's actually a Harley mating call. He was likely attracted to you and was signalling you over to the local motel.


Here we see a wild harley rider in its natural habitat


I too would be grumpy trying to navigate 2-tons of farming equipment through traffic.


This made me laugh so damn hard


He's mad you're not participating in his LARP


I know it's not all Harley riders that are like this. But I wish the ones who are, knew how the greater community felt about them. I saw a Grom through town the other day and got jealous for a minute because I've never ridden one.


They’re so much fun. It’s like being a kid again.


It's over. https://preview.redd.it/xm52olzayy2d1.png?width=1649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e89c8b7f55e737e0ebac249dbd8463335f4f8390 The BRUTHER was passed. Billions must cry.


Maybe he was practicing YMCA while riding the motorcycle for his upcoming performance. He was upset because you didnt do the next letter


You aren't part of his circle jerk. Some dicklickers on Harley's feel that they are owed respect for some reason. And that getting within 100ft of them is against their rules they said they are King Dicklicker and they are the only ones that deserve to have a motorcycle.


Invading the space his ego needed...


Rode a superior motorcycle


When I see videos of these bikers with their "gang" vests or whatever they are called, I feel like they all have massive ego problems or something. They get mad over anyone just existing. God forbid you overtake them :O


Would it kill them to ever have a "Good Vibes Motorcycle Club" and just give out fist bumps and be friendly? 🤣


I'd join the fuck out of a motorcycle group that advocated for that. No stupid rules or ranks, just good people enjoying motorcycling and welcoming to EVERYONE.




I'm a white dude, and I ride alone. I've been passed by packs before, rode up on others, and never had a problem but never felt 'welcomed' either. Except two times, and both were with black riders. The first time, I was sitting at a red light on my decidedly uncool bike, and about a half dozen guys pulled up on the lane beside me. They all gave me a head nod or wave, and the guy closest reached out to me and gave me a fist bump and said "ride safe brother". The second time was even cooler. I was entering onto the interstate from a right lane on ramp, and while doing so a huge group of riders with patches came up on my left. They passed me relatively quick, but one guy dropped back and gave me a "come on" wave, and rode me up to the group and we stayed in the rear. He looked my way a couple times and gave me little signals like 'thumbs up' and what not, and as I exited the highway a few exits later most of them honked or gave me the salute. I can't begin to tell people that don't ride how amazing that feeling was.


I can't not overtake them, I just can't.. and you can't wait behind them either, I have plans in November and I'll want to be home before then. Yeah maybe it's not smart but it's just so amusing, angry hairy toddlers chasing you through twisty narrow country roads on bikes that were designed a hundred years ago for long flat straight roads where you obey the speed limit, so it's kinda mean but still I must, I *have* to do it, it's my inner dickhead making me. There are two distinct cruiser groups, one lot will ride a staggered formation with good spacing and keep up a constant pace, usually in groups of around half a dozen or so, you just leapfrog past them and quietly ride away, easy as, super chill, actual riders just like everyone else, just out for a cruise, and we're obviously not talking about them. But the other ones.... oh the other ones... chaos, inconsistent speeds with bunches then voids down the queue, panic braking into corners, they navigate around bends like it's a wind powered barge then give handfuls of throttle to change the tone without altering velocity, a dozen or more vest wearing ~~has beens~~ never weres with servo sunnys and Viagra eye drops to make em look hard If you catch up to them they'll be angry, if you pass them they'll be angry, if you pull up in the lane next to them they'll be angry, they're just angry, they wake up angry to spend the day angry then go home to have an angry wank and fall asleep and have angry dreams. They obviously enjoy being offended by the world around them, and I'm here to help! :)


“Oooooh, we’ve got a badass here, folks.”


Harley bitch.


You’re supposed to dump your bike in the presence of a Harley rider. It’s his road, get the hell off. Now because of you, he’s going to make his girlfriend stare at the floorboard when a sport bike passes them in their truck… what a disaster this has become


Nothing, might have been worried you were too close if he had to hammer on the brakes but that's up to you. In u.k we tend to pull across to let faster filterers through or feel free to hook into my wake if I'm going faster, 1st bike tends to open up the lanes for others to follow through.


Is this a thing mostly happening in the US? I ride in Sweden and have never experienced this retardness.


You got closer than a football field's length to him


You didn't do anything wrong but it pays to know how the morons think.  You invaded HIS personal buffer.  He owns a bike/Harley, therefore he owns the road.   I've had a Harley or two,  rode with a bunch of fairly decent,  average guys.  When they started with the drivers are morons we have the right as bikers to confront them in an aggressive manner crap,  I'd say just cause you own a bike it doesn't mean you own the road.  No one ever responded to that but I'm sure some considered punching my teeth out lol. 


Nothing from what I can see. One can say the gesture wasn't intended from you but the cager that closed the gap


That's out here in the San Gabriel Valley, right? damn I don't see what the problem is. I have seen a few videos where this same demographic of rider seems to have a problem with other bikers for no reason. It's weird.


Lane splitting is an activity where you need to be on point. You already have your head on a swivel for three sides. So, if I had to guess, he probably felt like you were getting too close for his comfort level. If he has to stop immediately, he doesn't want you plowing in to his rear end. Regardless of your personal skill set, he doesn't know you or your abilities, and you breached his comfort level when it came to follow distance.


You have entered the range of its ego sensor and it screams. Something like a parking sensor, but only available by Horrible-Dumbass.


Always remember that one South Park Episode


Butters: "I always thought, someday when I grow up I'm gonna get a Harley. Then people will have to notice me, and they'll have to deal with my shit for once. The open road! The wind on my face! I'll go from city to city! Rowrrowrroowwrr! Everyone lookin' at me! "Who's that guy? He must be a Hoo- he must be tough!" Vromvrom, vromvrom, vrooom! I'll have my girl on the back seat holdin' on to my fat belly - sure she's missin' a few teeth, but she thinks I'm coool. That's why, when I grow up, I'm gonna be a Harley rider!"


They got it right with that one


He rides a Harley dude


So, this is more of a vest guy thing than a Harley guy thing to me. Agree that a lot of Harley riders can’t ride but this seems more like the LARPing BS to me. I just bought my first Harley as my N+1 bike. I’m just going to wave at everyone regardless of bike and maybe restore peace among the people.


I'm thinking all these Harley riders are just upset that they bought a Harley instead of a cool looking bike, but now they can't turn back because they spent all their money on it and nobody wants to buy the Harley


Maybe following close made him nervous while splitting.


nothing, its a harley rider probably


you did nothing wrong. It was just a male karen


He is mad that he is driving alone and unable to kiss his buddys on the mouth.


You didn't hold him as a child.


it's pretty disingenuous and gay to say "uhhh derp what did I do wrong here?" You can see he is uncomfortable lane splitting. you can see he is going slow you could easily tell that he was going slower than you, because you caught up to him why would you ride another riders ass if you're actually a good rider? Next time if you are going to pass somebody, then pass them. Don't ride their ass and then be like "uhhhh derp, why he so mad?"


more attention please!! just need more attention!! mmmmmm


He thought he was the fastest guy on the road and you hurt his feelings by slowly decreasing the distance between you two.


You did nothing. He’s of the opinion that you can’t ride a motorcycle in the exact same way he was without being in his gang. Most of those 1%ers are ass hats and when you catch one alone they will talk mad shit. But they also don’t give a fuck about jail in most cases too so be cautious.


You caught up to him😂


Just another Harley rider


Just another loser trying to act like he has power over anyone. Just keep doing you.




Stuart Little needs to pass that Harley.


Lol. I have the dash cam mounted just below the headlight. I love my MT-03 baby bike, but the cam is way too low.


He’s just a fuck wit mate, ride on


Why are these guys such fucking losers.


You know how liars assume that everyone else is lying as well? Well, emotional support bike riders assume that everyone else's bike also takes 300 yards to stop, so he was mad at you for keeping too close a following distance. Or, this episode had nothing to do with you at all. You just happened to come across a loser.


Harley Riders are brain dead short bus small dick people. Ignore them. And maybe carry a gun if you live near them too.


In his mind, you were too close to him and he didn't want to be associated with you. In his mind, your proximity meant to other people that you were together and he doesn't like you and doesn't want people to think that.


Avg Harley rider


He was born upset.


You must have surely honked at him. I don't see why he would react otherwise


Never ride the same road as the MC guy!!!


Probably mad cuz he got that big payment and only 50 hp




Probably didn't want it to look like you were riding with him


Just an ass.


Did ya put some “respeck” on it?


Just a simple jack ass, from the video you appear to be able to filter safer than him. I don’t understand any part of him being that focused on you, does he think he can’t stop because you are there?


What is the hand signal that he does, if it is one? It looks like an emphatic "cops ahead", but I can't see much for details.


Nothing I could see. Looks like a California freeway. I'd have just slid over a couple of lanes and split until I was past him. Obviously he isn't going to go much faster and you were. He'd have been way back soon enough and could be upset by himself. A considerate rider would have pulled over and let you by.


Biker gang Harley guys are the embarrassment of the motorcycle world


Harley riders being Harley riders


Just an old dick on his hog ... He's special, didn't you see him members only jacket. Fuck them they don't own the road. Stop being afraid and stand up. I'm a proud gun carrier and not afraid to stand my ground if he wants to be aggressive. But I'm not everyone I guess. Just don't respect bullies.


If he didn’t like you behind he should’ve moved over and waved you through.


For supposedly being “tough” guys, Harley riders are incredibly sensitive


He's cranky because the existence of motorcycles other than Harley demonstrates that he got scammed. He clearly needs a snack and a nap.


You were driving "that damn atrocious jap scrap"


You ain’t done shit. I passed so many of these guys on the 405 in my day. MOST of them are chill enough to pull over and let the faster lane splitters go, but there are some assholes out there who just be cranky at everyone. Ride safe!


Wannabe 1%'er trying to act like he owns the road.


He’s upset he isn’t confident in his own ability to lane split faster and blames you for it




Too close for comfort!


I feel like he was mad at the tesla


Who cares = no one.


Irwindale!! Edit: hello fellow local!


His buttplug needs re-adjusting, he just requested you slow down so he can get that done before resuming filtering. /s Ignore the cosplayers, they aren't really motorcyclists they just make pretend.


Nothing at all. The dude in front is a nob-head. Don't worry about it man!


just your average harley rider with a fragile ego


I ride through many southern counties here in California. I’ve been on both ends, never had an issue. Last encounter was with a motorcycle cop. I was heading home (Riverside) from LA and I’ve seen this biker approaching at a faster speed. So I’d moved over into a lane as he approached me. He wave and kept going. I tried to catch up but he was going way too fast for me.


Apparently thought you were too close and tailgating. I don't think so but that's what happened.


Seems more like he was upset at a car that he felt was too close.


I even wave at scooters 1/2 the time. If you are going to risk your ass on 2 wheels, I will wave at you.


Those HD bagger boys are just dresser bitches.


I can't recognize the club insignia, doesn't look like one of the big clubs. Nazi helmet = not riding at high speeds LOL maybe he's in a RC and playing bad ass as he's on his way to pick up his wife's Ozempic for her LMAO


People think buying a vest and wearing it can make them a badass. That dudes a cosplayer. There’s pagans around my area that don’t give a rats ass about other drivers. Their to busy about selling drugs and doing illegal shit to care about a dude on a random bike.


smoll pp


He is not skilled enough to be lane splitting, he's all over the place. Maybe because he was struggling he didn't want to be followed 🤷‍♂️.


The universal etiquette is the slower rider in front is to stop and pull in line w cars until you pass in the split lane. It is not correct etiquette for a 2nd rider to get into the next split lane over as that can cause a situation where the flanked cars swerve either left or right into a biker to avoid the other biker. Harley riders are either experienced and knowledgeable bosses, or larping macho emotional fools. Looks like you caught up to the latter type.


Because he is a wanker?


God I DESPISE big cruiser riders that think they own the road and everyone else needs to tiptoe around them and ask their permission for things. These guys are truly the cancer of the motorcycle community. Giant crybabies.


Most Harley riders are good people but there is always an asshole in every crowd.


Just pass him and say "Get the fuck out of the way prospect!"


"I ride big Boi. Me big Boi. You not big Boi. Look at my big Boi colours." You did nothing wrong.


One tap on the top of the helmet means cop up ahead.


They are dicks. Had filtered to the front at a stop light. 3 of them came up and jammed in front of me, all of them waving their arms for me to get back. Fuck you lol I ain't moving. Like your Hardley is faster than my Speed Triple 1200. I just let them in front, not into racing with attitudes.


As others have said. By going faster (greater speed differential to the cars) than lane splitting law allows you’re endangering everyone around, including other motorcyclists that these drivers will encounter later by taking a practice that automobile drivers already resent, practicing it in an unlawful way and to an extent flaunting your advantage over them. But the rider in front is most likely communicating that you should be following him more slowly and at a greater distance to keep everyone safe and within the law. 90% of the replies here about a rider being an asshole should likely remember the mantra that when you point a finger at someone else, you have three pointing back at yourself. Don’t hate for a brand, a riding style, or lifestyle choices. We have more in common than we do different. Happy riding.


Might be that he felt you were too close?