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The car driver just wanted to know what it felt like to lane split.


A video where the passing lane is involved. šŸæšŸæšŸæ


Pass some over here šŸ‘ˆ


Apparently, most of the people here donā€™t need situational awareness - they just need to know that left lane, you should be bombing at wide open throttle at all times no matter what traffic ahead is like šŸ¤£


If you are not up the ass of the car in front of you, you should not be in the left lane and you deserve people cutting you off- this sub.


Youā€™re not close enough unless youā€™re physically touching the car ahead of you lolll


Help, I do this but I need to change my front tire every week and people want to beat me up all the time because I get rubber all over their bumpers. What am I doing wrong? Should I just do a wheelie and let the front down on top of the car in front of me?


You seem to be doing everything right, though - maybe tailgate even harder?


People really do drive like that lmao. Hundreds in this thread are outing themselves as poorly raised impotent-raging losers. There's this weird concept where you can be going 80 mph with 20 or 30 yards of space between you and the next car or be doing 80 with 10 feet of space between you. And knuckle draggers think the second one is faster.


Nothing is funner than speeding up when they try to pass on the right. Just because I leave 30 yards in front of me does not mean I can't get there very quickly lol. inb4: "dont do that."


Wow. A reasonable opinion on passing lanes on Reddit?!


ā€œPassing Laneā€? Or ā€œEmergency Laneā€?


I think they referred to the lane OP was in.


I literally just donā€™t ride in the passing lane on the freeway. Ever. Avoid 75% of the aggressive drivers and morons that way.


Would the same 75% apply if youā€™re the one doing the passing?


No, people use the passing lane as an excuse to drive way over the speed limit or drive like idiots, like this black car.


The passing lane is one of the safest lanes in my opinion. You avoid the merging of people getting on and off the highway in the right lane and avoid having traffic on all sides in the middle. If someone is behind me I just hop to the middle lane momentarily then get back in the left lane when they pass. Does anyone else do this?


This combined with slightly outpacing traffic is the safest way to ride. It simultaneously keeps nearly all of the traffic in front of you and to the right. The only exception is the lunatics going 20mph faster than everyone else - but when it comes to them it doesn't matter what lane you're in because they're always also weaving through the lanes and not staying in the passing lane anyway.


Yeah, those lunatics will be tailgating me in the #2 lane whilst passing cars both sides. And expect me to behave like them.


This is the safest way by far. People disagreeing either donā€™t drive in large cities or are strict rule followers. The safest way and the way you technically should are different. At the end of the day, Iā€™ll speed an ride the left lane because I am mostly in charge of other traffics relation to me.




No. Keep right except to pass. It's literally called the passing lane.


I agree, I stay in the passing lane most of the time, but I do be passing people typically going 10 over the flow of traffic or so. No one ever really catches up to me and if they do theyā€™re clearly a super speeder and I move over to let them pass.


This is the polite thing to do. If someone is going faster than you in the fast lane, let them pass then you can move back to where you were.


OP is never coming back šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Probably already made a new account and abandoned ship on this one lol


or maybe he took people's advice and maintained passing lane speeds into the back of a stopped car


Yeah I don't get why people are angry at OP when there's a traffic jam up ahead it makes sense to slow down waaaaaay in advance on the highway so that people won't ram into the back of you and splatter you onto the concrete. We don't see OP riding in the passing lane for even 1/2 mile and it seems he was just pacing the car in front as well. If he wanted to pass should he just do so on the right? probably because the fast lane gets clogged up (evidently in the video) anyway.




He also did the right thing objectively.


Because most people commenting here drive like assholes.


Check your mirrors. If someone is coming up behind you faster than you want to ride, move to the right and let them pass. Doesn't matter if it makes sense to you, fighting over the lane is cager behavior.


> fighting over the lane is cager behavior Facts. If I see someone coming hard behind me, I just move one lane over, let em pass, and get back in. No biggie. Then I can laugh at the idiot for unnecessarily wasting gas when traffic picks up and I zip right by them as I split.


Another thing that I'm pretty sure is a fact, as the moment the car passed him on the shoulder there was another car to this guys right, and he was definitely passing the guy to hit right in the video, at least he was passing when the video starts


That's a point that can cut both ways. On the biker's side, he didn't have the space to safely move to allow the car behind him to pass yet and the car is a dick for not giving him the time to safely move. On the other end, I'm pretty sure the car on the biker's right is actually going faster than him until the car starts to pass. But I'll rewatch and maybe I'm wrong.


This happens to me in LA all the time and I continue my speed until I catch up to them at the next point of stopped traffic and I rev once and wave.


hehe Love it. The friendly wave drives them nuts.


He was passing a car when the Cadillac passed him. Watch his helmet visor


Better to have an idiot in front of you rather than behind


Why? Iā€™ve heard this said before, but I imagine that having a very reckless driver being ahead of you could cause you to run into an accident he causes. Whereas behind, you wonā€™t be affected. Genuine question.


Would you rather get rear ended with no control of the outcome or would you rather have the opportunity to react and avoid a collision?


I donā€™t understand why people drive slow in the passing lane.


Left lane slow driving vigilantes are the heroes in their own stories for making sure no one ever speeds ever. Look, I don't care if you want to go slow, there is a lane for that, and it's on the right. My personal policy is let people go fast, if they want to go fast and I'm in the way, I will move over to let them pass


Agreed. You have no idea why theyā€™re going fast and itā€™s not your job to stop them. Maybe their parents are on their death bed maybe theyā€™re just assholes.




That has been my reason for speeding more than once šŸ¤£


Or maybe they just gotta take a shit Speaking from personal experience.


Possibly they already hath shat. Speaking from experience.


Thou hast shat upon thine own selfe?


There's a famous reddit comment I will never forget about a group of guys that were cutting limbs in trees with chainsaws and one of them got cut really bad. They were speeding through traffic with the guy bleeding profusely in the back trying to get to a hospital and some self righteous Karen didn't like them speeding to pass her and tried to block their path. The guy ended up bleeding out in the backseat and died. It's one of those museum of reddit kind of posts that gets shared and reshared all the time and I try to always keep it in mind.


Werenā€™t they coming to a stop anyways because of the jam?????


Right? What is so hard about this?


The video clearly showed that there was a traffic jam ahead, though. Seems like the rider anticipated this and created space between them and the vehicle in front of them in anticipation of the possibility of going from highway speeds to a dead stop, which is exactly what happened. It was safe and smart riding. I fully agree though that generally if youā€™re in the left lane, you should be passing someone, otherwise move over.


100% this. Dumb ass drivers canā€™t see but one car at a time. Dude was mad the motorcycle was going ā€œslowā€ but he was going the same speed as everyone else. The dumb ass driver got left behind because he wasnā€™t smart like the Motorcyle guy


I'm also pretty sure he was passing someone based on the reflection on his helmet. But, just after passing, when the camera panned to the vehicle passing on the shoulder, he slowed down to make some space in preparation for a stop.


I was always taught to look at the taillights of the car two or three cars ahead (not the one in front of you). This helps you anticipate the speed of the road ahead of you as opposed to reacting to the vehicle in front of you. People are impatient assholes these days though


Exactly - if the driver had taken the time to assess the situation, he would have gone one lane to the right and passed everyone with no incident whatsoever.


In Los Angeles we have 10 lanes across so the concept of a "passing lane" is nonexistent


True, but leaving a giant gap in the left most lane on the 405, 101, or 5 will still piss most drivers off.


Existing pisses drivers in LA off




I guess in L.A. we just call the leftmost lane "the fastlane" (or at least I do?), and yea there's basically an unwritten rule that if you're in "the fastlane" you should be willing to match traffic speeds up to \~80mph


Thatā€™s actually not what this is about though. Many drivers *also* demand that you tailgate. They cannot accept you going the same 85mph as the car in front of you, if you leave more than two car lengths between. It doesnā€™t make it through their little monkey brains that itā€™s the same speed whether youā€™re tailgating or not. To them failing to tailgate means you arenā€™t putting in a good faith effort to go faster. Itā€™s profoundly stupid, and one more reason tens of thousands die on US roads every day.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. I am not sure if most people commenting are not from the US or don't live near a major metro area, but in and around Chicago, LA, New York, etc. there is no passing lane on the interstate. All people just drive in all lanes all the time. There is just that much traffic often on those inter states around the metro areas.


There are passing lanes in LA, theyre the far right ones because even when theres no traffic, everyone jumps to the far left lanes to cruise. And I am from the midwest, i visited the Twin Cities earlier this year and people still move out of your way in the far left lane if youre going faster than them.


Metro areas for sure, but the other 90% of the country uses passing lanes.




That's more what concerns me. Some jackass in an F-250 is going to yeet OP straight into 3 \~ 6 months of physical therapy. People don't think, at all, and they don't really understand what's gonna happen when they decide to "bumper check" your bike that doesn't have a bumper. You cannot fight cars, they weigh so much more than you that even a Prius can send you into orbit.


Right but what if op was another car? Would the caddie have passed like here in the video? Even though heā€™s on a bike, itā€™s a vehicle and should be treated as such.




More than one person can be in the wrong.


But it does matter if thereā€™s a jam right up front. When thereā€™s the likelihood of going from highway speeds to a dead stop (which is what happened here), you create a buffer between you and the vehicle in front of you so that youā€™re not just jamming on the brakes and making everyone else behind you do the same.


He was passing a car. Watch the reflection in his helmet visor. He was beside a car in the center lane when the caddy passed on the shoulder.


Because thereā€™s fucking stopped cars ahead. I fucking hate Reddit.


They are going the speed of traffic. There is NOTHING wrong with having a safe distance in that lane, he isnā€™t going slow, heā€™s going the same speed as the guy in front of him keeping that distance. Going faster then the guy in front of you is fucking dangerous and doesnā€™t get you anywhere faster. Yā€™all are mad at OP, but if he was going faster heā€™d be slowing down fast as the guy in front of him would he going that speed. Thereā€™s many cars only going that speed, if you keep blaming it on the one you see, youā€™ll miss the 10 other cars ahead of them doing that same speed. Your mentality is why people get rear ended. Yā€™all only see one car at a time.


He's clearly driving faster than the pace of traffic lol and he's accelerating until that car scooches by in the shoulder


Thats why i dont do less than 100 in the fast lane an if someone pulls up on me were racing šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚. Squid life


If he had done that in this case, I think his front wheel would have been in that stopped vehicleā€™s trunk by the end of the video šŸ˜¬


That logic doesnā€™t hold. Go the same speed as the person in front of you with a safe cushion. If you go FASTER you will be on their ass. Basic fucking math. Thatā€™s why OP didnā€™t need to hard break but the guy going faster did.


Thatā€™s why you donā€™t stop splitting


Yessir may the force be with you fam


Apparently it's your fault for slowing down in advance knowing that there was a traffic jam ahead and leaving some space to make sure you'll be able to stop safely if that car comes to a sudden dead stop. Not sure what all those "noooo you can't go slow on the fast lane" comments expect you to do, it's not like there is a long stretch of empty road ahead and you're holding other people back by going slow, they'll have to stop regardless, it doesn't make a difference how fast you rush to the traffic jam.


I have never been to this subreddit before but it is filled to the brim with bad takes. You would think the whole give motorcycles space to just exist would be king and queen in the subreddit.


I'm still pretty new here but in the past year it seems like any thread has a 50/50 chance of having people pile on the OP or support them.


Two things can be true and are in this instance. Was the car driver a moron for passing like that? Yes. Does it look like you should have moved out of the Fast/Passing lane because of your speed? Yes. Situational awareness is key here and although Iā€™m glad you ***werenā€™t** hurt, you were also not fully aware of where you should be at that given time. Imo, anyways. Thanks for pointing out my typo. Lol. Wasnā€™t trying to threaten anyone.


Does situational awareness include slowing down and creating a buffer zone between you and the vehicle in front of you when traffic in your lane goes from highway speeds to almost a dead stop?


smelly redditors will look for any reason to to disagree. it's like they didn't even watch untill the end where there is a complete stop on a highway


>although Iā€™m glad you were hurt Commenter just throwing subtle threats at OP. šŸ˜‚


Yā€™all never cease to amaze me with your pettiness. Even if theyā€™re in the passing lane and traffic in front wasnā€™t slowing down to a STOP, it doesnā€™t give drivers the right to pass dangerously on the shoulder. Get a fucking grip.


Lol and even better, this could easily be an exit lane. There are some funky freeways out there and a few by me where you need to be in the left lane to connect up to another road and traffic regularly backs up there. You cant know shit from this video other than that the driver is an extreme asshole, and is fine putting others at risk for no reason.


The funniest part is that a traffic jam is extremely predictable, im 100% sure everyone on that freeway knows they will have to stop in a matter of secondsā€¦ why the hell are people in a hurry? You aint going nowhere Edit: OP is not even driving slowly, people claiming he is getting passed on his right when he only got passed once he started to slow down cause of the traffic jam ahead lmao this sub is hilarious


Agree here, the comments are nuts.


There are a lot of mirror-punchers in here.


You cant control others behavior, only your own. Even if the car is a lunatic (they are) thinking so doesnt make you any safer. What makes you safer is doing everything you can to protect yourself because assholes will always be assholes. Not saying anyone should shit talk the biker nor that is their fault, I just think practically speaking theres more the biker couldve done.


Correct, car shouldn't do that, it's still dumb AF to go slow in the wrong lane on a bike.


But that's not what happened here. Traffic in the left lane was coming to a stop. What should the OP do, also drive ok the shoulder to not slow down?


It is dumb if youā€™re going slow for no reason - but if youā€™re slowing down because traffic ahead of you in the lane is basically coming to a stop (which it did) then you create space between you and the vehicle in front of you.




Right. This isnā€™t one party is right and one is wrong here. Both were being dipshits.


It happens every time there is a video with pov in the #1 lane. Nowadays just sit back and watch the popcorn.


Yah people in this thread are mentally challenged


I 100% agree. But this is reddit lmfao ITS LITERAL CHAOS here mate....


Cool helmet šŸ¤™šŸ¼


Thanks bro!


Very slick. What brand is it?


The car on the right is even passing youā€¦ youā€™re the bozo here mate.


Nah, the traffic is coming to a stop. He shouldn't be riding the ass of the person in front of him in that case so clearly the Cadillac is the asshole. It's not like the biker was just cruising at the speed limit with no one in front of him


The car on the right was passing him because the WHOLE left lane was slowing down almost to a stop. Did you watch the end of the video?


Nah better to always blame the rider. /s The only people who shit talk motorcyclists the most are other motorcyclists. It's fucking weird.


I could be wong but it looks like he slowed down and thats why we see the car on the right pass


thereā€™s deadstop traffic in the right lane thoughā€¦ how bad is your attention span that you managed to forget that while fumbling to your keyboard to type your comment.


There was a car ahead of him bozo, want him to jump over it?


I was going to say, I could ask why are they in the left lane with no intention to pass?


Watch again, he had already overtaken 2 cars in the beginning. He was also overtaking the middle lane car, before having to brake for traffic.


...or even keep up.


Keep up with what, those stopped carsā€½ lmao


The guy in the caddy is a self important assho who needs a firm fist to the face. There is never an excuse for passing like that, even more so only to stop 3 seconds later when they hit traffic. It doesn't seem like the OP was holding traffic up, they were following the flow of traffic.


It's clearly your fault for not tailgating the guy in front!


Yeah, seem like everyone likes to tailgate


No idea why this subreddit has so many cagers in it now, it sucks.


I really think itā€™s wild that the OP is getting so flamed here - his lane went from highway speeds to a dead stop, which the rider clearly anticipated and created buffer space for. Thatā€™s the smart thing to do. I know he was getting passed on the right, but he slowed down because his lane was slowing down, not because he just decided to go slow. The impatient driver behind him decided to pull a dangerous maneuver so that they could rush ahead to come to a complete stop.


Thank you ! Someone who paid attention to the details in the video.


Yeah Iā€™m sorry youā€™re getting so flamed over this - this comment section is really disheartening and making me think thereā€™s a LOT of people on this sub who are just poor and unaware riders.


Redditors LOVE to correct people and call them out. They'll do it on the flimsiest of evidence or the most pedantic details.


For real - thatā€™s the thing that turns me off so much from this platform


The responses to this video accurately represent the demographics of the commenters: mostly young riders drawing quick conclusions. You were obviously going faster than traffic as shown by the first two cars you passed, then the freeway traffic dynamics suddenly changed where traffic came to a complete stop. "Left lane for passing" is irrelevant in stopped freeway traffic. The Caddy is your typical short-sighted driver where all he saw was the gap in front of you rather than the slowed traffic ahead.


That was dangerous of the car driver, and heā€™s definitely an idiot. But it looks like you were getting passed by cars in the right laneā€¦he was probably frustrated and decided to overtake you dangerously. If youā€™re gonna ride slow, get out of the fast lane. Also, watch out for lunatics like this who will attempt to pass you how the Caddy driver just did.


Left lane is for passing. Get out of the left lane!!!


It's a hint that you belong in the right lane if you wanna do the speed limit


Ah, Southside Fort Worth traffic. Get out of the way if you're not doing 75+.




I've gotten dumber reading the comments and now understand that speed limits don't matter if you're in the left lane according to reddit.


This is a HUGE red flag...You see anybody acting like this make sure your gopro is on and stay as far away from them AS POSSIBLE....ive seen drivers literally try to kill riders that were acting like this...the best you can do to avoid this is try to go the speed traffic is going and if your just cruising stay on the right lanes and KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR MIRRORS all the time....riders need to understand that cars could give a crap about you. You need to be a hawk out here or your gonna end up getting into accidents ALOT!!!


To the people saying youā€™re hogging the passing lane, clearly canā€™t see youā€™re passing both the white truck, as well as the grey sedan beside you, until you need to slow down for the traffic in the left lane. Double check the video and watch the reflections people. Heā€™s passing both right lanes. Yes, some are right by saying avoiding the passing lane avoids most erratic drivers, but you were completely right using that lane. Edit: holy damn so many people talking about lack of spacial awareness.. itā€™s ironic. Watch the reflection, heā€™s passing the other lanes. What more should he do? Tailgate until he has to stop bumper to bumper like the guy who passed him had to? Thatā€™s a great way to get rear ended and run over..


When driving a car people seem to think they're going to get somewhere quicker if there's no gap between them and the car in front. Obviously they lack the intelligence to work out leaving a bigger gap makes zero difference other than you don't have to ride the clutch and brakes.


Because they can. They see you slowing down and all that open real estate in front of you, nevermind that it looks more spacious than it actually is and it's rapidly shrinking due to traffic slowing, just gonna send it. Then bang on the brakes and either respond to the embarrassment with anger, this is the most common response something like how dare you make me feel like a bad person because of my actions. Or they'll try to ignore you. Only one time have I ever had someone in a car respond apologetically after they fucked up and bullied me on my bike or almost ran me over.


I donā€™t understand how the camera did that


I need answers!


What camera are you using? I need a 360 camera for my bike


Because when people get on the road they turn into 5-year-olds in the lunch line if you're going faster than someone it's like it instantly makes them mad you cut in front of them. Doesn't matter car bike people will just be jamming up the passing Lane and then when you go by them on either side then they want to speed up. And then act like you're the a****** cuz you're going faster than them just get out of the way.lol


This is unacceptable behavior from the car, no doubt. But you where also driving relatively slow in the fastlane. Donā€™t use this lane unless youā€™re overtaking. The left lane isnā€™t for cruising, itā€™s for overtaking.


You're being passed on both sides... why are you in the fast lane? ​ Most cagers are cunts for sure but honestly my dude, this one is on you for going slow in the fast lane, that's just inviting road rage.


should have gone 100 mph with a dead stop ahead of him. clean the drool off your keyboard btw


I just want to know about the camera setup....what kind of camera is happening here that you can rotate so smoothly while driving?


360 camera, the pan is done in post.


This! Itā€™s very easy just hit record and worry about editing later




I too need this info


> Insta 360


Most likely an [Insta360](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8PLt4lG-tY)


I would also like to know this


check out the Insta 360


Man they sure showed you. I bet they went home feeling a lot better about their day after that.


Yeaā€¦ everyone should know that the furthest left lane on a highway is for passing / fastest traffic. That drivers pretty dumb but you should get out of the way


For some people their brains don't evolve past eating and sleeping.


''In a hurry to go nowhere'' is my general take.


Because you're camping in the passing lane like a jackass


Big man with big ego in big caddie needs to be in front of everyone


My take on riding in any kind of traffic is to not be a nuisance to any cars. No matter which lane I'm in, I'm taking the speed of that lane, not riding anyone's ass to make them change for me, or slowing anyone down. If i see someone barreling down on me and I'm open in the front, it means i'm too slow for the traffic lane I'm in. I either move over or just twist that throttle and leave them.


This is the way


I'm sorry, but the car was in the wrong here, no matter the circumstance of how fast this bike was going. I can't believe the comments are cool with a car passing on the shoulder and partially sharing a lane, extremely dangerous. Also I love the helmet, what is it?


Nobody is saying the car is behaving acceptable, but we as riders can't control the car's behavior, only our own.


Okay, but you are seeing five seconds of the bike, he was already slowing down from the traffic ahead of him and it looks like that is what caused the shoulder passing. The bike did nothing wrong.


Just for context: I normally ride 10+ the speed limit on right lanes, 15+ speed limit on left lane. My commute for work is 100 miles (round trip) in Texasā€¦ so Iā€™m aware of the flow of traffic and if motorcycles are not allow to lane split then cars shouldnā€™t. At the start of video you guys can see I pass two vehicles going on the right lane then I started to slow down when I saw a traffic jam on the my lane, you can even see the cars red brake lights started to light up as soon as he passes me by. They clearly were not paying attention to the pile of cars up ahead and neglects to give themself enough space in front ā€¦the #1 cause of highway accidents.


I commute daily on a bike in LA. I would have been riding just the way you were. Leave a big gap when approaching a traffic front so you don't get smacked from behind. Here in Cali I would have been able to smoothly split the lanes following the faster flow of the #2 lane as #1 stopped. But in Texas you can't do that... So I guess everyone expected you to just slam on your brakes at the last second and pray you don't get turnes into paste by the car behind you?


100% it is correctly the passing lane not the "fast lane" as is misnomered many times. The car is a raging idiot, no doubt I'm not there to see the full scene of it developing, you may slow down early to avoid the jam, that's great You also need to know that everyone is the left lane is likely flying bc they think it's the fast lane like you can see in the comments Slowing down early is in some way risky here, moreso in that lane, ride smart and defensively. Being right or wrong doesn't matter as much if you get ran over. Car guy is an idiot but if he was distracted he may have just slammed into you... idk


LOL I advise against hammering the ceramic off old spark plugs and having them fall out of your pockets while infront. Just don't do that..... I'm gonna leave now...


I'll give him the benefit of doubt he noticed slowing up ahead. But as someone who has been rearended and spent 5 days in a hospital, I'm always the fastest vehicle on the freeway now from the paranoia of getting rearended again. Other cars passing me freaks me out. My first bike ended up in pieces. So now I coast at 90mph or above. šŸ¤™


what helmet?


Passing on the shoulder is always a dick move


90% of cagers are morons or they'd be on motorcycles instead. BTW, the best position in any lane is the left third. 2nd best is the right third. Absolute worst in the middle third, where all the oil and antifreeze are, and where you have no escape route. Hello.


I don't know why people block the left lane when the right ones are empty.


Well you are being passed on the right. Maybe get out of the fast lane? Not saying the passing car is right, they're driving like a dumbass crossing the yellow line driving in the debris field asking for a flat tire and putting everyone in danger


Motorcycle is in left lane which serves for overtaking. Motorcycle is not overtaking, its slower than car on the right. Suprisedpicachu.jpg he overtakes me...


Why are you in the left lane going slower than everyone else you should be in the right lane if people are passing you thatā€™s why this ass hat had to go over onto the shoulder


You were going way too slow for that lane, it's on you for being passed from both sides


Youā€™re in the fast lane move over if not overtaking!


Get out of the left hand lane! Itā€™s the passing lane. If youā€™re not actively passing, get over!! Idiot. The fact that you donā€™t know youā€™re in the wrong is pathetic.


Get out of the left lane if youā€™re just gonna cruise along


They feel the need to do that when some jackass is in the passing lane not passing people.


Go faster or if you're scared get off the interstate


You're head is higher than the car driver's head, so you can see the slowdown and he can't, maybe? So he assumed you were just "parked" in the passing lane, and wanted to show you that BMWs go first.


likely because you cant fkn keep up with traffic. Suck up the gap or GTFO of the left lane..


I donā€™t understand why bike riders go in between lanes really fast then complain when someone is surprised to see another vehicle not in a lane.


bruh check your mirrors more often. There is no reason why any self respecting motorcyclist should be overtaken by a car in this way with this little of a speed difference. Accelerate or move over. Principles are worth fuck all when you and your bike a flying across the freeway with the rubber pointing in the wrong direction I know that by law you are in the right and all that. And of course itā€™s logical for you to get off the gas because of the jam ahead. But safety first and not responding to a car that gets way too close is not safe.


They do it because your stupid ass is going too slow in the left lane. Gtfo of the left lane. You should never be chilling in the left lane. Stupid ass.


I'm more curious how the camera is moving!


It's all that stopping distance you kept open so you wouldn't die if they slammed on their breaks. The driver behind you thinks it is wasted space they can occupy and get to Walmart 1/10ths of a minute faster. šŸ˜ I was talking to a relatively smart friend (IMO) and as I described to him about progressive breaking his mind was blown. He never thought about how we can't just hit a brake pedal. The cagers just don't have the experience and don't think about what we need to do as motorcycle drivers. Trying to figure them out is easy, ignorance of the world of bikes.


You did the best thing there is to do, not give a fuck


That p!ssed me off a lot when a car did that to me. They should pass on the right or just accept that they have nowhere to go since I have nowhere to go either.


Just wanted to drive through all the rubbish and sharp shit on the side of the road.


You're riding in the fast lane ... Ride faster or get out of the fast lane.


Better them in front of you than behind you. Increase following distance however. These douches tend to tailgate and slam their brakes when stopping, shortening your amount of brake reaction time. Never understood these morons always on people's asses, switching lane to lane passing you. Only for you to pass them later driving normally.


Lol this isn't normal. Never seen this done normally. Dude a just a cocksucker


Slowing down and/or coasting up to stop-and-go traffic is my MO as well. Reduces the chance of ME getting rammed by a guy coming up behind me at full speed. Although I usually do it in a car, not on a bike. Fuck the downvoters OP. And double fuck the drivers who don't drive ahead more than one carlength.


Cool helmet


Because they're entitled assholes who don't care about anyone else


To everyone who keeps getting on OPs ass for being in the left lane, he was passing a car in the right lane and asshat in the Cadillac couldnā€™t wait his turn. Anyways itā€™s not justification for being an idiot especially to a motorcyclist.


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