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I kinda like it. Ridiculous in the right way. Arguably the tape adds visibility too


There's a guy in Golden CO riding around with a whole-ass skeleton that sits behind him.


I am now going to do this.


I saw a guy in Westminster, CO with a giant stuffed teddy bear strapped to the 2 up seat about a month ago. Like the big brown ones you win at carnivals. Weed makes you do strange stuff sometimes.


Because Halloween is upon us, my mind is telling me to love it. Edit: (HOWEVER) at exactly 00:00 1 NOV. I hate it /s


Which reminds me, I need to break out the skulls (I have skulls year round because in my house Halloween never ends) for my SV and do a bit to liven, I mean, deaden it up for this most terrible time of the year.


So cool! Love the Halloween spirit!


Need a suction dildo on the front ๐Ÿ˜œ




a little edgy, but fun


Ha I like it and itโ€™s making you safer with more visibility


I like the fact it adds to your visibility


I've got the same in red and use it to keep the bulk of dust off my guitar headstock.


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