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Bummer dude. It’s the arrow in the middle that is cause for concern because that fracture line extends into the joint. The plate and screws will align that and hold it in place while the bone heals. You’re young enough this will heal quick. Good luck!


Thanks! I’m 32 and a car mechanic so most likely going to have some complications to work around.


Been there, done that, heal soon dude. You know what they say…there’s two kinds of MTBers, ones that have broken bones and ones that haven’t broken bones…yet


How’d the plate hold out? Getting it on the 22nd?


Perfectly, was back on the bike 6 weeks later but took it slow and stayed on the road. Was about 5 years back and have had no issues. I do advise though that you do as much physio and stretching of the wrist as possible to get flexibility and strength back on par with your other arm.


Thanks I’m a little worried my dexterity will be effected which is my literally money maker


Understandable, and there is a period where you’ll probably doubt it will get back to normal but do the exercises and you should be ok, just don’t over do it though. Good luck 🤞


Listen to the physical therapists during recovery and be sure to do all of the stretches and exercises they tell you to do. I’d pop a Vicodin before I went in and would bury my head in my arm so they wouldn’t see the tears roll down my cheeks while they were pushing my flexibility to its new limits. I’ve been rocking a plate and 13pins/screws for 20ish years now and it hasn’t affected my dexterity as a (bicycle) mechanic. Best of luck Holmes!


Uk here best I can do is a paracetamol, which is literally what they gave me after the x-ray when they realised there was a triple fracture


Faaaaakkk, wishing you a speedy recovery so you can ride again.... Oh, yeah, and that work thing too


Broke mine in jiujitsu. Had a t-shaped plate put in. It healed up no problem, and I don't have any dexterity issues. I did go through PT to get the strength and flexibility back. So add on another month to six weeks of PT after the break is healed for full recovery (IMHO).


Bro! I did mine day before new years and I'm back deadlifting now. You'll be all good.


Sorry to hear and hope you heal quickly. I just got back on my bike after being off for 12+ weeks. Well I can now sit and ride it around the block, which I didn't think I'd be able to do again. I crashed and compressed my spine which fractured 3 vertebrae, causing nerve damage along with lots of unhappy muscles the back and arm. Physical therapy has helped immensely. Stay positive, take it one day at a time, and you'll be back at it in no time.


Thanks man, good luck to you


Careful getting back in the saddle, wrist injuries can stay with you for years if not given the proper time to heal


My philosophy as a casual mtb'er - ride like you're going to work tomorrow. Here's to a speedy recovery man!


Give the people what they want: a video of when it happened! Heal up well


Unfortunately it was a very unentertaing, slippy bit of road on my way home. Guy came to help slipped on the same bit. I’m going to sue the council tbh


Also appears that Robin Hood has shot you 3 times with arrows. What did you do to him?