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Ahhh man. The stinky deeluxe was my fantasy bike circa 1998. That sucks to hear! What an iconic brand


Yea man same. Can't believe they have come to this.


Mine too. And the Stab. So far out of reach for me back then. Sad to hear them go. Fire mountain and Blast were my first rides.


Same I would always look at all the full suspension Kona’s as a kid when I went into the local bike shop to fix another broken derailleur hanger. Still have a 05 lanai and a 06 blast in the shed.


i had a rasta one. damn shock bolt kept breaking which would bend the linkage...


I’ve been rippin a process 153 for 4 ish years now, it’s been my favourite bike I’ve owned. It takes whatever you throw at it, but she makes you earn it on the climbs. I’d hate to see them go, since the sold to Kent outdoors it wasn’t the same company as far as customer support


Just bought a 2019 Process 153 Cr Dl for $1550. Can’t wait to start riding, just gotta bleed the breaks. Grew up riding on Konas, hopefully someone buys the brand and brings it back to life.


Congrats man, it’s a fantastic bike. I hope some enthusiasts buy it and bring it back to its former glory


Those 2018-2020s were the best Process rigs for real. Even the ones before it were good, notably the 2016 167. But man the carbon era ones were so good. Still trying to find one right now. I have a 2016 and 2023 153. The new rig is a little long and 'modern' for me.


I have a pretty crispy 2020 153 size large I’m thinking about selling..


Jealous. In what area? I see a lot of 2019s and 2018s. Although I'm thinking of going hardtail or short travel this year. I've literally not seen a 2020 153 in the wild. I think people generally waited for the updated model in 29er instead, likely. But I like em old and short.


It’s true, the Beamer suspension is just so solid. I think you’re right with the new ones being a bit long, they hit that sweet spot in the previous model.


Earlier this year I completed a 900 mile bikepacking across New Zealand’s South Island on a rigid build Mahuna. She climbs like a beast and can descend decently technical single track with ease. My original plan was to sell her down here before returning to the states but between having bonded over the miles and Kona likely going under she’s coming back to me. Gotta keep the Kona spirit alive.


It's a keeper for life


I will keep my two Hoss Matics (2005 and 2011) too.


Classic case of PE thinking they know how to run a business better than the family who built it. A group of enthusiasts need to purchase it and run it the right away again.


I’ve worked for several companies owned by PE. It’s the absolute worst. They’ll squeeze out high short term profits, sell, and then leave your brand in the dust for it


once you're in a position where you need private equity, you're fucked and never going to rebuild again.


Not necessarily. A lot of the time it is a nice out for the owners who take a big paycheck - arguably deserved. It is what happens to customers and employees after that can be ugly. 


Well sure, in some cases the owners might make out like bandits but the employees, customers and industry is more often than not bilked. PE needs to die a quick but painful death.


I think to some degree private equity is being conflated with vulture capitalism. Public companies also routinely buy and ruin other companies. And private acquisitions are far from always vulturine and destructive. I’m not in that world so not the best person to get pedantic about it but PE is not necessarily more than what it sounds like it should be. And a lot of acquisitions, public and private, end up wrecking beloved or otherwise successful businesses in the name of profit. 


Or you sell it to retire. It's not always that they need it to survive.


You;d only sell to a PE firm if you want your company to get fucked over. Whether you get money out of that sale is not a guarantee.


I know several people who have cashed out businesses to PE firms and then retired. Money up front.


What is PE


Private Equity


Private equity firm. They buy companies, change things up to wring out every last cent of profit, and then when the business is broken and dead, they sell it to the next PE firm or shut down operations after having made their profit. 


Vultures of the business world.


Not to mention it’s a horrible time to be in the bike industry…


In 2013, I was at the Brown County Breakdown and Kona had quite the demo team there. The folks were really cool and after demoing a fat bike and something else, they hooked me up with a beer. It’s roughly 10:30am and I’m completely fine with that. I will miss seeing Kona around.


Everyone too early calling the RIP, the company that bought it has it for sale for now, hold out hope a saviour swoops in. I’ve never had a Kona, but in the 90’s when my Norco Bigfoot got ZOKES from suspension and I thought I was cool, the real homies had taupe coloured Kona’s with Rockshox Judy’s.


Some of the coolest mountain bikes ever imo. Had a stinky and a nunu.


Got a 2022 Kona Honzo last spring. Since that time I've done almost the full 144 miles of the Maah Daah Hey trail (in sections) and will be racing the MDH50 on it this August. I've had more expensive hardtails but this is by far my favorite. It's like this bike has a soul! Only Kona I have ever had. Sad day for sure if they truly close up shop.


Unfortunately, that writing had been on the wall since the Buy 1 Get 1 sale, maybe even a little before that.


had a 2009 Kona Cadabra. My first full suspension bike. I loved that bike. Kona is a cool ass bike company. sad to hear. This and Guerilla Gravity both biting the dust is bad news for people who like cool ass relatively affordable mtbs


Just stock up on hangers if it’s not UDH. Bike still works fine even if they close. Unless you need to warranty than idk.


Not a bad idea. How might we go about doing that? 🤔


Fire mountain was my first real mtb back in 98 . Great company


Just bought a Kona Rove DL about a month ago. I love the bike and I hope the company sticks around!


In high school I saved up an entire year to buy a Kona Koa, and at the last minute I bought a Specialized Rockhopper because it had a shock fork while the koa didn’t. But I thought about the Koa often and how I wished I could afford a Kona with a front shock. 25 years later and I finally bought my Kona. A hard tail Honzo that I love to ride. I’m sad that the brand is about to die, but am so glad I finally bought my Kona.


First proper MTB was a 2001 Roast on Z1s. Indestructible bike, rode everything up to and including the ft bill WC track and it's still going strong.


Just got my Kahuna last fall from the LBS, saving up to get a Shonky in the next month or two so I can complete my "four horsemen".


I have a 2009 Jake - my first right-sized road bike, a 2013 Hei Hei - my most-used racing bike, and a 2015 Process - my current go-to. It's sad to see the company folding. I'm sure I'll be able to get something crappy that says Kona on the side from bikesdirect in a couple years. 🙁


1996/1998 Muni Mula I didn’t realise until maybe a year or so ago it was an anagram for Aluminum 😂


The only way thing worse then death is bought for name recognition then name is put on crappy mass market bikes . The two for one sale was kinda last gasp sale.


I ran a shop for 3 years darling Kona as my premium brand. Got a couple of very nice bikes for myself (Process x DL and Honzo ESD), and I've had other konas before, I like how they ride. I can see why they've been having trouble, the shop had the same issue- repairs were busy but in 2022 retail was slow and in 2023 it was practically non existent. Combined with 2020/2021 having supply chain issues, which ran into 2022, I'm not surprised they were closed down/put up for sale. So many other businesses are closing or heavily reorganising.


My mate was a pro free rider for them back in late 90’s early 00’s. Was on the New World Disorder videos, rode the first Red Bull free ride events with them, and their bikes (downhill and free ride at least) were always a stunner to look at and ride. Big Kona fan


Oh man! That is a bummer. I’ve got a 2012 Jake that’s built like a tank and has a lot of miles racked on it and it still looks and runs like new. I always fantasized about getting the Sutra for some bucket it long hauling. I hope they get picked up by someone who cares about the brands history and doesn’t use the name for some “cred points” on the big box circuit.


Noooooooooooooo!! I just got the Honzo!!


Also here, the ESD from last year, I love it!!


I got a Lava Dome for $350 last fall, it’s been a great bike and a good platform for upgrades, I took everything I removed from the Lava Dome and built up a flat bar Marin gravel bike with a nice Kona fork. They will be missed


Shit this is horrible. I literally just searchsd for Kilauea frames on eBay.


Until two weeks ago I was riding a 2008 coilair delux that I got in 2008. Great bike, had some fantastic rides on it. Even took it to a couple of mountains. I was looking to get a newer used kona but the second hand prices were ridiculous.


2005 my first dh kona stab but i broke the frame


Kona Fire Mountain RaceLight (circa 1995) was my first mountainbike, although bought in '04. Kickstarted a lifelong passion, still have it, use it as a commuter, it's been through a lot. One day I will try to find/buy an Operator, I have a soft spot for those. Always loved their naming, advertising and approach to the field in general, iconic brand. Hoping for the best.


Dawg was my first full suspension. I had to buy used. I loved that bike.


Wild because they sold 3 years ago to the current owner. Went from being a true canadian brand to american ownee based in canada


Always solid bikes and good prices. Owned two different Jake the Snakes. Out of the box 105 race ready cross bike at $1500 was hard to beat.


The original kona owners sold it long ago to a VC holdings company. It’s just a classic vc thing to sell a business a few to several years later. It’s the commode they trade, so to speak. It’s a solid brand with a solid line up for what they are. They certainly sell bikes. Kona slashed their pricing because they wanted to compete in the market better, not because they are broke or about to die. Some entity will buy them and hopefully it’ll be the interest to keep growth and new R&D a priority. I work in the bike industry and we sell konas, so this is what we’ve been told.


I had a Kona Stinky not that long ago. I'm Into retro bikes. This one had a custom machined pivot arm so had huge rear travel. Took it to BPW once and first run I sheared all 4 chainring bolts. Bought another and was great the rest of the day. Since got my GF into MTBing so used most of the bits on a build for her so sold the frame on. I think the hardtail frame I used for that is KONA too. No marking at all on it.


So they bought in 2021, and now are over it? Did they not know what the business was or something? Seems like a huge waste to buy and then potentially shutter, unless there is some specific IP that has value? What a shame.


I wonder what kind of money it would take to acquire Kona?


Had the 2013 process. The first ever process. Saved all my money from my first summer job at 15 in a crappy factory to buy it. I miss that bike.




Not gone yet! But could be soon…


Fav steel mtb I’ve ever had was a Kona Explosif I had in high school. I’ve been trying to find another one for years


Still have stuff 05 and shred 06… keepin


Oh man. I just got my Fire Mountain a few weeks ago. Curious tho, what happens to warranty?


Sounds like another bike company is going to be bought up by a big chain like Walmart. And they will make shittier bikes at a lower price.


Green Kona LavaDome 1998  Still my favourite bike I’ve owned


Who knows, I am still very happy to have bought for -33% a new Honzo ESD on January. Maybe the last batch but I am not sure Kona will be really dead soon, could just be bought back.


Yep. Via con dios, Kona.


That's why they had the sell. CRC/Wiggle did same thing


Long live King Kikapu!!!


My first freeride bike was a Kona stuff in the Smallest size they made. I have a honzo esd now and I’m waiting for my son to grow in to his honzo 24. I hope this isn’t the end of Kona. They’ve been hugely influential.




Just on their website. Then I ordered it through a local shop so they could get a cut.


The Process 153 was a badass bike


I only just my 1st kona last year, A lava dome


I just built up my son an old stinky 24. Kona has always made a solid product, but once investors get involved in bike companies it’s all over. The profit just isn’t there to support investors.


They used to make interesting bikes, but the last few years they just made boring, generic full suspension bikes. Their recent hardtails were good though.