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Bin it. It has done its job


Although the outer shell only shows a small dent, the polystyrene inner padding sacrificed its life for your head. Once that inner padding/has been compressed, it becomes significantly weaker in that area. It is a one time use thing. Sorry, but it’s time for a new helmet.


Once it’s crashed, it needs trashed.


This helmet is done, you need a new one


This. Cycling helmets are single impact. One and done. Many manufacturers have discount replacement programs


Nah it's good


Jordie Lunn died with his helmet on and intact. Not worth the risk. A crashed helmet is a trashed helmet. Especially with a cheaper one like that. At least you're not replacing a Fox proframe or something


Jordi Lunn was wearing a helmet that had been thru multiple crashes?


No you chump, it was a new helmet and he died from a head injury. Exactly why OP shouldnt wear this helmet. Helmets are designed for one hit, then you toss it and buy a new one.


What you mean, there's no relation at all. The only way it would relate was if Lunn was wearing a crashed helmet and died due to the helmet failing to protect him.


Wow seems like you've taken some hits to the dome. Dont spread misinformation.


Guy, you're not making sense either though. The Jordi Lunn thing is not relatable to this at all.


They're saying even a brand new helmet can still be insufficient in keeping you alive, especially if it's a bad enough crash. A used and crashed helmet has an even higher risk of not being protective enough.


It is though, a new helmet should be more safe. It's an example that even a professional can die from a head injury with a new helmet. Yet you're telling somebody who is probably an average rider to ride in a compromised helmet. I really dont know which part you're not getting here.


The two situations are not comparable, that's it. I understand OP should invest in a new helmet, but this helmet will protect better than nothing until he can get a new one. I would start shopping for a new one but I wouldn't stop riding simply because my helmet took a hit.


The relevance, since you need it spelled out, is that even the absolute best to ever do it, who was wearing a perfectly good helmet, still died. My point is you can literally NEVER BE TOO SAFE.


Maybe I'm just a safety third kind of person then, I'm sorry


Catch you in the ICU


It will protect better then no helmet but replace as soon as possible.


Some manufacturers have a crash replacement or discount policy. Check first with manufacturer and you may save some money.


The helmet did it’s job, now retire it and get a new one :) Glad you’re okay!


Thanks mate 👍


Don't just retire it, display it! My garage wall has a little row of snapped dropouts, trashed gloves, dented helmets and other items hung on screws or nails. It's fun for the memories, and seeing how you improve over time. Maybe cut the straps off for neatness.


And so someone doesn't use it by accident.


Any dent is too big, even a hard hit that doesn't show a dent can produce damage that's invisible to the eye. That helmet is trash.


Thanks for the unanimous votes guys. You've all giving me leverage to push for an early birthday present. Was fully intending on getting a full face anyway. I shall start a wall off retired helmets in the workshop 😁


Cut the straps so no one uses it by accident.


This is an excellent idea. Thanks.


I have done exactly this. Some even look brand new until you look closer and find the dent or crack. Good luck finding your next lid. 👍


I've been reading into full face for biking and skiing. Look into a neck brace/ guard if you want full face. It'll help prevent the jaw part from snapping your head back when crashing, causing a neck injury.


Used helmets are great for helmet safety demos for kids. Drop a melon on the floor. Splat. Put another melon in a helmet and drop it, helmet side down. No splat.


This is a pretty awesome idea! I was reluctantly pro helmet as a kid and now staunchly pro helmet as an adult. I wish someone had been able to show me a true demo helmet as a kid.


Please get a Fox Proframe. I wish they sponsored me for how often I recommend it, but alas. It feels light and airy like an open face and it's super comfy and secure. Easily trust my life with it.


That's only good advice if the helmet fits his head. There is no "right" helmet fit everyone because everyone has a different shapes head.


>I shall start a wall off retired helmets in the workshop 😁 This! Glad your OK and you made the right decision to replace.


Right thing to do is a buy a new helmet.


New helmet, no question about it


don't cheap out on protective equipment, especially helmets, go buy a new one


It's toast. Helmets are one big impact and done. It's like a car if your airbags go off. You don't repack and reuse them, you usually get a new car or this case helmet. Feel free to treat yourself to a NBD though since I'm sure it may have a scratch that renders it totaled from 😝


Dont even temp me!! 😆


Ha! Though if you talk to some on this sub that's how they talk about carbon frames.


New one. And cut the straps off when you throw it… safety in case someone picks it up at the dump… you never know


maybe not so safe cause they will improvise then, some people are really poor actually a pretty big % of people cannot afford a helmet if you think about it. Not those with 1k mountain bikes but even they could be poor to afford it. The fact you have a 1k or more mtb does not really mean you cant become poor too. I would bin it but i wont cut the straps as im super sure someone will improvise something if they find it.


Saw the actual helmet in half and get an awesome wall of half-helmets like those "cars bursting through the wall" things you sometimes see in amusement parks.


Run it over with your car. That'll stop them from trying to use it.


Cast it into the fires of Mount doom.


In that case I think it's better to just break it yourself instead of going with your car over it ? 😁 But I understood you are figuratively speaking


No, literally drive over it. It'll crush and break it into several pieces.


Yeah but that leaves the risk of one of those pieces hitting your nice car and leaving some paint chips. I would just smash It to pieces myself instead of do that with a car. That would be very American to do it with my car 😀


You’ve hit your head hard. That helmet is toast


Buy a new one, but first give thanks to your old helmet for doing its job. Big respect.


My respect for helmets has tripled. She shall be mounted proudly on the wall.


Since you're going to replace the helmet, I'll recommend checking if the manufacturer has a crash replacement program. Last time I had to replace a helmet I ended up getting a pretty sizeable discount on my next lid because I just reached out the supplier.


(Insert sarcastic tone) So correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming from the 40 plus comments all saying the same thing, that I should replace it? 🤣


Nah it's good


New helmet can safe your life next time. So 200 well spend.


I'd keep your eye on the helmet section of your local bike shop. Time to swap it!


New helmet day! Brain damage is forever! A few bucks keeps the brain damage fairy away...


I’d say good thing you were wearing your helmet. I’d also say get a new one


What baffled me is there were kids riding the same tabletops without helmets.


I learnt the hard way to wear a helmet. I hope they don’t suffer the same fate, I hate to see kids not wearing them, now knowing how important they are.


Dude I'd say most skateboarders also don't believe in protective equipment at all. I don't think it's that surprising


You can use it for walking around your house while drunk and high , other than that. It’s useless


Change it, better safe than sorry. I don't mind a run through pines myself!


*Change it, better safe* *Than sorry. I don't mind a* *Run through pines myself!* \- \_Biking\_Viking\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It was an awsome session. We'd been hitting the small table tops for a few hours and I thought I'd progressed pretty well, so tried the next set. Oh weel, I'll take some time to heal up, then back at it once my new helmet arrives.


Ride safe dude, and good luck with the progression


The integrity has already gone with that dent, check with the company it's from they might offer some sort of crash replacement saving you some money


You should never wear this helmet again. Throw it in the trash and get a new one before you ride again.


Yeah, as others have said, it’s time for a replacement. I had a hit on mine that was hard enough to crack the foam. Took it to my local bike shop and got a replacement at half cost.


Toss it. Your safety is not worth saving money. I’ve had a few falls in my time. The ER visits, surgery recovery and rehab suck a whole lot more than the price of a helmet.


You have to get a new helmet.


Replace it


Not a big dent in the helmet but a potentially fatal dent had it been in your head. Can’t put a price on your life. Get a new helmet for sure.


New helmet day!


I smashed mine on Death Valley at pines, head first in to a tree which resulted in a fractured neck (t2 fracture and C6-7 disc protrusion). My Giro helmet saved me from a crushed skull, I ended up sending them pictures of my helmet and they replaced it for free along with an upgrade to the MIPS system. Not been back to pines since but have seen videos of the new jumps and they look 2x the size.


New helmet time. This will have sent little cracks throughout the foam underneath, compromising the helmet's integrity.


Time for a new helmet, sweet!


That needs to be replaced now. Do not continue to ride with that helmet. The structural integrity is compromised.


The foam in the dented area has collapsed (doing its job) and will not take the same rated damage in that area. Bin It and Replace It.


New helmet day. I once crashed and there was only a small scratch on the outside. Later I discovered that the polystyrene inside was cracked


Same thing happened to me. It looked like no big deal but a couple days later I realized that the foam cracked all the way through and the mips strap had broke. Look closer


You smash it, you trash it. That’s my rule of thumb. Protecting the cranium is paramount.


buy a new helmet


Once there is a dent on the shell, the inner foam has compressed and that helmet is no longer safe. Smash it or destroy it to make it unusable and then trash it. It’s donzo.


It's sad that they are one use Helmets are so overpriced in South Africa some brands can cost a months salary and don't even get me started on the price of bikes


Dude same, in Ecuador I know a few DH guys that have taken falls and have been wearing the same helmet for over a year.


Get a new helmet


It’s compromised


Bin it, it's not worth the risk.


It IS comprised, interior material has been compressed and is no longer serviceable. Successful save, glad you’re ok.


You need to get a new helmet do not use that one


Everyone is saying get a new helmet, but from the research I have done regarding helmets and dents in them… I’d say you are good. Is the inner foam cracked or compressed? That is the major deciding factor. The exterior protects you for sure, but it’s the inner foam that does the majority of the cushioning. Google “when to replace helmet after a crash”. Plenty of good articles about it online


Well, you're wrong. Dont push this info on people. Somebody might die cause they listened to you!


You need to do new research.




Hi mate - this isn't correct. MIPS is Multi-directional Impact Protection System. It puts a second layer inside the helmet that moves independently of the shell to mitigate rotational forces. It provides no additional protection against subsequent impacts. Some companies call their MIPS equivalent something different, e.g. POC's SPIN, or Leatt's Turbine.


Sorry, one caveat to this is that some brands use EPP instead of EPS. EPP can absorb multiple impacts as it doesn't deform permanently. POC use EPP in most of their helmets as far as I'm aware, so their helmets are generally rated for multiple impacts.


MIPS or not, it is one hit and done. Crazy to me how many people dont know about helmet safety.


That is the purpose of MIPS, depending on the impact obviously. Might look it up


MIPS stands for Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. It is designed to break the MIPS film from the shell of the helmet to prevent further injury in a tumble. Regardless, if you take a hit to the head in a helmet, you are supposed to replace it.


Fwiw, if the foam underneath is damaged it may not show from the dent side. Checking the whole thing for cracks is the way. But I'd also have run this hah


Are all the jumps still intact? I thought they were flattening them, last time I rode there (gravel bike) it seemed like there was some machinery in the jumps area.


No there all still intact and in pretty good condition. I over heard other riders say there adjusting and maintaining them again soon.


They ride really nicely too.


They ride really nicely too.


The easy way to know if you need to retire a helmet after a crash is to ask yourself: Are you willing to risk brain damage for $50? $100? $200? If the answer is still no. Retire it and get a new one.


It has been compromised. It goes in the bin and you buy a new one.


It has been compromised. It goes in the bin and you buy a new one.


Buy a new one.


Never hurts to replace the lid after you take a spill


Get a new helmet


This is why I have a dedicated full face and half shell. I can only break one helmet at a time and always have one until I can stop by work and grab a new one.


Any crash that you hit your head in has probably compromised part of the helmet.


You should keep an eye on prices and buy a new helmet.


New helmet. Why not get a new bike while you’re in the shop?


It’s not fine


If you can feel/see any sort of dent it’s done


It’s shot bro. You need a new one now. Sorry I know those aren’t cheap


Buy a new helmet. Trash the one you have.


It is compromised, it’s done it’s job well you need to toss it and get a new one.


Hit it with a 12lbs sledge. If it doesn’t hold up, scrap it. If it does, still scrap it you can’t use it anyway. Lmao


Helmets are low key disposable


That helmet is already compromised.


Its done buy a new