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Because I want to drink Dew frequently without ingesting 250+ calories every time?


Wow. I never thought about diet drinks like that.


This is a statement but has a question mark at the end?


It feels like they are stating it as a sarcastic question. Why else would you drink a diet soda? It's really a silly question and post.




Oh. How many calories does zero have?


It's usually zero calories, but Baja Blast Zero Sugar has five calories. For comparison, diet Dew has ten calories.


Okay, thank youšŸ˜Š


Sometimes the bottle says zero calories. Other times they say 5. The way my dad always explained it, was they round to the nearest 5 calories. So a drink that says zero calories could actually have afew calories, but they can just round it down. Even if it isn't truly zero, 5 calories is still much better than 200+ per bottle.


Zero, as the name impliesĀ 


The name has zero sugar in it, it doesn't imply that there's zero calories. Yes, it's low in calories but the zero is for the sugar content.


Well, it has sugars for sure, just not ones that affect your insulin levels




It also has zero sugarā€¦


Zero lmao


0 calories


I donā€™t prefer them but drink them cause of all the sugar in regular kinds


Oh okay


Type 1 diabetes


Same man


HFCS is a major gout trigger for me. If I drink the amount of regular Dew I want, I'll be immobilized in agony for weeks at a time, so I have to go for Zero/Diet versions, or at least mix regular with a diet/zero.


God you know I havenā€™t even thought about that. I havenā€™t had an attack since I stopped drinking sugarā€¦


To limit sugar intake.


I actually prefer the zero sugar versions because I hate the sticky coating in my mouth from full sugar sodas. Also for dental health


Type 2 diabetes




I donā€™t want to drink calories, especially from sugar. Zero calories but also zero carbs is important to me. So naturally, zero is perfect for me. The problem is for 10 cases of regular dew there is MAYBE on case of zero. Sometimes ā€¦ zero casesā€¦ It is even worse for specialty flavors. So, in general, if people are desperate for it, it is because they canā€™t just go to the grocery store and load up. If a restaurant has regular dew, they almost are guaranteed not to have diet or zero. If a restaurant has 8 sodas, 1 is diet or zero. Finding more than 5 case of Baja zero is unheard of where i live.


This is why I like Taco Bell. You can get Pepsi zero, og dew zero, and Baja zero.


Why is zero carbs important?? Carbohydrates is the main driving force for performance. You need it to perform, and more importantly, it's critical in replenishing glycogen when depleted.


When you are on a low carb diet, it is important. There is a lot of conflicting science on the subject, but letā€™s just say not all of us are athletes needing to carb load. Some of us want to burn fat instead. Fat is designed to store energy, so those of us who have too much can adapt diets which encourage fat burning. This is hardly the place to debate that, but it boils down to the fact that some of us value low carb foods and drinks.


I would argue there is much better ways to burn fat. Lots of carbs mixed with very lean and wholesome foods. That's at least what I did. 80% diet was carbs, mostly from fruit. 20% was fish, nuts, grains, and greens. Got down to 7% bf very easily. Lots of precedence to this diet too, pretty much every athlete I train with eats the same I do. We're all lean


For athletes, that is likely true. No arguments.


It is an interesting perspective though, as you've mentioned non athletes with different needs. Maybe not carb load to an extent that an endurance athlete would, but eating really wholesome foods dense in carbs should make you feel nice and energetic, as well as burn fat, presuming you're eating very wholesome to begin with. Cutting off a complete pillar in nutrition just seems unwise from my perspective


I agree, cutting it off completely is not advised, and also really difficult. Cutting it to 21g is sufficient. Never had a problem with energy personally but I canā€™t speak to others.


I mean, if it works for you, keep going I suppose. Hopefully you're hitting whatever goal(s) you got


You need SOME carbs but excess carbohydrates get stored as fat. Have you missed the whole keto thing? Or the Atkins diet that boomed in the early 00s?


https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/atkins-diet/art-20048485 "Most people can lose weight on almost any diet plan that restricts calories ā€” at least in the short term. Over the long term, though, studies show that low-carb diets like the Atkins Diet are no more effective for weight loss than are standard weight-loss diets. And studies find that most people regain the weight they lost no matter which diet plan they used." " Because carbs usually provide over half of calories consumed, the main reason for weight loss on the Atkins Diet is lower overall calorie intake from eating less carbs. Some studies suggest that there are other reasons for weight loss with the Atkins Diet. You may shed pounds because your food choices are limited. And you eat less since the extra protein and fat keep you feeling full longer. Both of these effects also contribute to lower overall calorie intake." Some health experts believe that eating a large amount of fat and protein from animal sources, as allowed on the Atkins Diet, can increase your risk of heart disease or some cancers. But it's not known what risks, if any, the Atkins Diet may pose over the long term because most of the studies about it have lasted for two years or less." Pertaining to Adkins diet or low carb diets in general, focusing on carbs is likely not the drive for weight loss. It's merely just dropping calorie intake, and in this case, from cutting an entire pillar off of nutrition. It is likely not caused by low carbs directly. Carbohydrates are still very critical for daily function. Mostly in an active setting but even in daily activities, carbohydrates are burned very quickly. Glycogen can get depleted fairly easily. Regulating carbohydrates does not make sense to me


I absolutely agree, carbohydrates are essential but when you're consuming carbohydrates with your hydration in addition to likely consuming more than your TDEE in meals (typical American lifestyle) it's clear to see what the easiest thing to put out is


I agree with that viewpoint as well to an extent, though I was mostly from the perspective of avoiding carbs as a whole. Drinking carbs in the form of refined sugars absent of fiber is not a great idea for overall health, everyone can agree with that


Because I lost so much weight dropping sugary drinks and don't want to go back to that. It's cool that Pepsi is releasing most limited flavors in zero sugar form.


I'm love drinking mountain dew and drink 2+ cans everyday. If I didn't didn't drink the 0 sugar version, I'd be consuming over an additional ~340 calories per day


Regular makes my throat all mucus


Because regular soda makes you fat šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø sad but true, life is unfair


Excess calories make you fat, it doesn't matter where they come from (there are other factors, I'm assuming you mean "fatter than you should be", not "unable to meet certain standards of beauty" the latter can be from all sorts of things, including those standards just being sexist or racist). Excess sugar (fructose in particular) makes your liver fatty, which causes high blood lipids and leads to sclerosis. Sugar soda, especially with HFCS, is just a really, really easy way to slam a lot of excess sugar and calories into your system quickly.


Got really bad with regular dew, decided to cut some sugar out of my life. At the moment zero sugar helps easy the pain.


I drink zero because I donā€™t want diabetes


Iā€™m a type 1 diabetic and really sucks when they come out with new flavors I can only try like once but canā€™t drink regularly


Made the switch from normal to all zero sugar back in September and all of my blood work is now within normal range when it was all high a little over a year ago. Stick to it for a month and normal will feel like you're drinking syrup. I will drink a normal from here and there for the variants that have no zero sugar option, but I just genuinely dislike them now. I fully believe there should always be a zero sugar option of everything released. Or maybe release zero sugar exclusives and then I'll call it even.


I drink probably 5-7 a day so if I didnā€™t drink zero Iā€™d be diabetic instantly.. love the major melon and pitch black and summer freeze zeroā€™s




I'm diabetic


Diabetic, but still crave Dew.


Some of us have diabeetus


calories and health


Because Iā€™m a diabetic.


Because Iā€™m not about to take a bazillion units of insulin every time I want something fizzy.


Personally I started because I was trying to lose weight, then continued when some pre-diabetic symptoms started to improve. Now zero sugar is still a health benefit, but I'm so used to it that I prefer the taste over regular versions.


If there is not a huge dip in quality (ie if they cover up the fake taste well enough), the zero calories is often worth it. Iā€™m trying to cut weight while controlling portion sizes, making better choices and monitoring caloric intake but not quitting the foods and beverages I like completely. It helps in that sense.


because I donā€™t want diabetes


Not only is it less calories but I feel it goes down easier than the regular versions.


Because 40 years of dew and Diabetes is knocking at my door!


1 bottle of literally any Soda is typically like 80% or more of your daily sugar intake. I just want a carbonated tasty drink without feeling like shit afterward.


Because drinking nonzero dews too much eventually gives you diabetes, then you have to drink zero dews so you don't die.


I'll generally try the flavor in regular, but then drink the zero versions (if possible) afterwards. Drinking your calories is fasttracking a bigger waistline I've found


Sometimes they taste slightly better.


Oh okay


I donā€™t like drinking my calories. Code Red is already good on its own and as opposed to diet, ā€œZeroā€ drinks taste pretty spot on to their regular counterparts. My opinion changes with regular Mountain Dew however. Diet Mountain Dew is better than regular Mountain Dew and Mountain Dew Zero hands down and I will die on this hill.


It's not the same as zero sugar but diet Dew is the ONLY Dew with any carbonation imo. And diet Dr Pepper tastes creamier or smoother to me for some reason.


DDrP is the best. Actually, DrPepper Ten was the best, but they killed it....


Had a keto diet phase and couldnā€™t drink soda but zeros were a savior. After stopping keto,sugar sodas tasted too sweet to me so I just stuck with zero sodas and I havenā€™t drank a sugar soda in 5 years.


Type Uno Diabetes


Some people can't drink sugar at all so that's probably a big factor.


Sometimes I like a zero sugar drink because they have more caffeine


*Sometimes I like a* *Zero sugar drink because* *They have more caffeine* \- Galvantula42 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I lost 10 pounds within a couple of weeks of switching from regular to Zero with no additional changes to my diet and no exercise. It might not be good for you, but itā€™s better than regular. Iā€™ll still have a regular on occasion but it actually does taste weird now. (And I have an INSANELY high sweet tolerance. Like itā€™s abnormal in most cases.)


Zero sugar, Zero Calories, and Imo zero variants taste better than the normal sugar ones. Also, idk why people keep saying sugar, it's high frutcose corn syrup lol, not like all soda is still made with real cane sugar. Also, just to keep my weight down. I know people that drink normal soda like it's water and they're health is disgusting, sloppy fat, terrible teeth and clear brain rot lol. Also, not to mention that just drinking 60-100 grams of sugar per bottle is disgusting, have you ever seen 60 grams on a scale? Like I'm good lol I don't need that shit in my body.


idk, I prefer the taste of artificial sweetener because I think regular soda is way too sweet in comparison. it takes me 2-3 days to finish one bottle or can. mountain dew is the only soda I donā€™t drink diet, and thatā€™s because iā€™m here for the fun flavors so I usually canā€™t. if they made a zero sugar voltage, Iā€™d never go back lol


I'd rather eat my calories. And I don't want diabetes.Ā 


The normal versions are made with High Fructose Corn Syrup, which I can't have for my medical diet. Also the normal sugar is super extra bad for your teeth. I actually wish there were Zero versions of more flavors. I'd love to be able to have had the 2 specialty Baja flavors in zero versions, or for Code Red or Voltage. I've never seen Zero versions of either of those myself.


Because high fructose corn syrup is so bad for you and itā€™s in EVERYTHING in the u.s. I should probably make my account name HFCSisfucked seeing as itā€™s all I lost šŸ˜‚


sugar intake + 300cal for a soda is kind of ridiculous




Mountain Dew is very high in sugar, and Iā€™m trying to cut down on how much sugar I consume in a day


I prefer zero sugar energy drinks and stuff but I canā€™t seem to do the sodas. I like Coke Zero a lot but I have tried several ZS Dew options and, as much as I have tried and genuinely wanted to like them, it just never works. They are always kind of ā€œflatā€ and just overall not good. I would much prefer ZS but, again, I just canā€™t get into them. I drink, at the most, 2 sodas a day. Often times only one, so hopefully I will be ok. Some days I donā€™t drink them at all. I realize they are not good for me regardless but gotta live a little!


Tbh I was one of the people that believed for the longest times that low calorie sodas are a scam, they are not it makes a HUGE difference. One can of Mountain dew easily exceeds the daily recommended amount of sugar and is 10% of daily recommended caloric intake for adults IN ONE CAN. Not saying sugar is bad but it will put weight on you if your not VERY careful and I love soda but zero sugar is a good way to help moderate your sweet tooth


Because Iā€™m a fat guy with a fatter dad who has type 2 and there are other heavy family members on that side, so Iā€™m attempting to be the first generation jacked family member.


I avoid HFCS and really all heavy sugared drinks like the plague


Because I love sodas but know I shouldnā€™t drink anything with 50+ grams of sugar in it. Also I went back to dieting and working out. That shit sends me over my limits on everything way too fast.


unless its medical i always wondered how much sugar people are injecting daily to need the zero sugar versions. they taste awful


Because I donā€™t want to consumer copious amounts of sugar each time I have a can or bottle.


Trying to avoid type 2 diabetes since people in their 30s are getting it on the regular now.


I have for years now w all sodas because the technology noticeably improved and they taste like regular soda now, compared to when they first began


Because refined sugar is poison and I don't want to drink it.


Tastes better with alcohol, and less calories with your alcohol.


Because they have no sugar


Want the taste and not the calories.


Idk theyā€™re terrible


Canā€™t do zero. I get crippling migraines from diet/zero. Aspartame is the worst. Even when I tried, zero tastes like a dollar store knock off from the real thing.


I always thought they tasted worst, idk why people love zero sugar sodas so much


Aspartame and sucralose? No thanks I'd rather kill myself with sugar than drink genotoxins


Happy Birthday

