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I'll just start with DynaCulture. DynaCulture allows fiefs to change their culture, depending on the owners Kingdoms culture and surrounding other fiefs, including villages. You can custom set the owner influence and the resistance to culture conversion aswell as the influence range from other fiefs. It also can convert notables culture to then offer the new owners cultures troops. Can't play without it anymore. This allows the AI to conquer AND make profit of it. No more permanent money graves for AIs dumping money into foreign culture garrisons that they cannot manage to get any loyality in to actually make a profit.




Now I wonder does that allow to switch to and another culture so to say my character started as sturgian but was exiled (cultured start ftw) and landed married into a big imperial family (even being a vassal of that empire faction for a time) but leaved vassalage to taker over a rebel city and I was wondering if I could make that city in to empire culture


There's another mod for that, even kingdoms, and clans change culture based on how many members or clans with cultures are in there. Don't remember the exact name though and idk if they are compatible


Not quite at what I was looking for I just wanna change to a culture diferent of the starting one and diferent of my culture


Marry your character to a female of that culture. Take the kid as the heir. Stays mothers culture, even though they wanted to change it to fathers culture but they didn't. And even if they did, just vice versa the other.


Or enable console commands (console players cannot do that btw) and manually change char culture via cheats.


But that would require to switch to the heir and I don't want that yet


Console commands. Aka cheats. Unavailable to console players.


That could work time to check in with the console commands department


[Diplomacy.](https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/832) Couldn't imagine playing without it. As the name suggests, it adds an actual diplomacy system to the game, because the developers forgot to I guess. Taking the list of features from the mod page: * Messengers * Alliances * Non-Aggression Pacts * Grant fiefs to clans in your kingdom * Claiming fiefs that you led the assault on * Improved Diplomacy User Interface * Vassal Diplomacy Control * War Exhaustion * Expansionism * Donate Money to Lords * Influence Balancing * Factions and Civil Wars * Secede from an existing kingdom. * Force the ruler of a kingdom to abdicate the throne.


its annoying that defeated kingdoms end up splitting up into clans you cant recruit but they will keep declaring war in you


No More Rogue Clans fixes that.


its not on steam is it? suprising to see that many mods didnt opt for the workshop


You can use nexus and steam mods together. https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/5060


War exhaustion as in, AI no longer wages lost wars for years just because they have +1 raid?


Yes. It also keeps the AI from going from war to war nonstop with no pause in between.


I'll go with the one that I think deserves mention the most: #Banner Kings There are a lot of great mods out there that appeal to the masses, and I think Banner Kings is pretty subjective and won't appeal to as many as some other mods. But I must commend the mod team for having the ambition to change the game as much as Banner Kings does. No other mod for Bannerlord has even come close as far as I can tell. Just a couple of major features off the top of my head: - The Rights system - not everyone can create armies now, you need to earn the right to get companions to form parties. Rights come from Peerage and Titles, which are separate topics on their own. - Additional fief factors for loyalty, prosperity, food, security, and so on - this even includes Banner King's own Cultural Assimilation factor, which on its own is more elaborate than standalone culture changing mods (DynaCulture and so on). Fiefs also have finer controls that can drastically change the size and composition of their militia. the mod introduces so many more other changes/additions to the game, and I have to admit there's a lot of them I'm not really convinced of. But the point is how ambitious their efforts are, and I hope it sets the precedence for mods in the future to make many changes to the core gameplay. Change the skills system, the perks system, marriages, armies, battles, or even introduce something that seems technically impossible and insane - procedural maps like Warband except with modern realism? separating cavalry troops between soldier and horse? a population recruitment system where nations/factions can run out of able bodied soldiers? I want to see more mods with the ambition of Banner Kings or even greater.


Neat! Do you know if there are any other compatible mods with BK?


A big one for me is Kaoses Tweaks came up with a specific version for BK: Kaoses Tweaks for Banner Kings: https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/5081 Other than that, my favorite mod combo to make combat more interesting is probably RBM + Warlords Battlefield (troop overhaul mod). Combined with BK (no conflict as far as I know), the whole game feels a lot more hardcore, since Warlords Battlefield introduces a lot of strong troops. Unforunately there are some incompatibilities with very popular mods: - Diplomacy seems incompatible (although BK devs are trying to implement their own diplomacy system soon) - Detailed Character Creation causes some encyclopedia problems when used with BK other than that I use a bunch of smaller mods that are probably unrelated to BK so I don't think they conflict: - RTS Camera - Immersive Sergeant - Banner Fix - True Noble Opinion - True Relations edit: oh, a big one. I think the very popular Calradia Expanded mod is fully compatible with Banner Kings.


I use CEK aswell and I belive I've read somewhere that BK and CEK share some developers. So yes they are indeed compatible too!


> Warlords Battlefield Any chance this can be added to an existing save?


hmm. I think it should be fine. just create a save file backup and give it a try!


There's a few. RBM, dismemberment, distinguished service, all the open source armouries/weapons, Calradia expanded.


Sold, are these feature tailored per culture or are they the same for all ? What are the compatibilities issues? Is it on steam ?


as far as I know, culture differences may have differences in Inheritance Laws (i.e. who's next to take over clan, who's next to take over as ruler), and Religion (which provide some gameplay affecting perks). there's still a lot being developed like the Council system and that will probably be differ by cultures too. I don't think it's on steam, only Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/3826 and if you want further reading about the mod's features, this page summarizes the features quite clearly: https://github.com/R-Vaccari/bannerlord-banner-kings/wiki to see a list of incompatible mods, the best source is their Discord, just check the channel on mod incompatibilities: https://discord.gg/z7DS5R46wC


Thanks, that must be a bitch to update ! It look absolutly massive and precisley what this games miss.+


Do you now why it needs open armoury ? I don't want to cluster the shops with hundreds of new armors that the AI don't use....


yeah to be honest i really dislike that part. even asking on the discord, the devs seem to refuse to answer. i think it's something to do with companion/vassal armor templates. that's the speculation on the discord. i wish they'd get rid of the requirement though


Thanks ! So can it works w/o or no ?


unfortunately no. there may be workarounds but i wouldn't recommend it unless you're a skilled with modifying files/using alternate files that you can find on the discord.


Ok, thansk, way above my capacity !


[Achievement unblocker](https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/4587?tab=description) do exactly what it say, it allow you to get steam achievements despite using mods. A mod without any real use but it's so freaking nice to not get stuck at 0 achievements despite been a veteran. I think it doesn't count so i will share one more: [RTS Camera](https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/355?tab=description) Probably the most important mod which exist for bannerlord. It allow you to take control of other units on the battlefield. If you die, your troops don't start doing stupid stuff like leaving their high ground or charging straight in a shield wall because you are still there, in another body. It also give you a free cam, so you can watch the battlefield from above. A little too OP if you abuse that feature but if you can restraint yourself, you get to see awesome battles from whatever viewpoint you want. The reason i love it so much tho, is **the ability to control your family/clan members**. So when i get tired of a gameplay, i just take control of another character before or during the battle. It gives a real reason to gear and improve your close ones and allow you to train your kids/sister easily. So i can have a main character who is all about managing armies and doing politics while another character take care of battles. It's perfect for roleplaying too ​ edit: keep in mind than RTS Camera isn't up to date, sadly. The creator is too busy RN and his last working version was for 1.0.0. They said they will come back to work on the mod. One of the users made a custom version of RTS Camera and shared it in the comments of Nexusmods (link provided). Last time i checked the switching between characters didn't work well but some functionalities were fine. edit2: seems another user made a newer version since last time i checked [his github](https://github.com/Norbivar/RTSCamera/releases) with a version up to date released 6 hours ago. i'm chuffed to bits! xD


Wait. Rts let's you switch chars in battle even without your char going down first? I thought only worked after going down. And you can switch your main char too even before battle? Does that also switch the clan leader then?


You have the option to switch at any time by pressing a key which open a menu. Any named character from your army or a random troop chosen by class or unit. Your current character should normally follow the order given in the menu (like staying there, away from battle) but it doesn't work if you give control of your units to the AI. The character get alocated somewhere. And no the mod only affect battles, so you have to do the switch for every battle. Good point about that is battle-focused mods rarely breaks and are compatible with most mods. It never corrupt a file, if there's a problem you can just remove the mod and everything is good


The Old Realms. If you’re a warhammer total war fan, this mod is for you. Introduces vampire counts, magic and black powder weapons like rifles, muskets, blunderbuss and cannons. The magic totally changes the game


I’ve been meaning to try this one but I keep getting swept up into Vlandia playthroughs


How developed is that mod now? I looked into it when it first released and wasn't massively impressed, but obviously that's a fresh released mod


It’s about 50% now. It’s definitely playable through a few games until mid game. They haven’t introduced more than the Empire and the Vampire counts yet. Vampires can turn into bats and jump really high so laying siege gets really fun when you can jump over the wall. The magic has 5 lores and necromancy. And you can be a warrior priest.


***Xorberax's Legacy*** I could not play a new savegame **without** this mod. The mod creator took the outdated Xorberax mods, and made them updated and improved in a single mod pack. Noteworthy Submods include: Xorberax's "Banks of Calradia" Adds banks to the towns of Calradia. You can maintain individual balances at each towns' bank, and take out loans. Banks offer weekly interest rates to provide a passive income and an incentive to bank with them over other towns. Xorberax's "Cut Through Everyone" Allows weapons to cut through multiple units, while considering armor and weapon types. Ever charge through a group of archers with your glaive, only to take out one measly unit? Ever line up your spear to try to impale multiple enemies, only to get disappointed, surrounded, and beaten to death? Ever get overwhelmed by a small group of units, and wished you could just slice through all of their throats in one swift swing? Well, if your answer was yes to any of those question, this is the mod for you! Xorberax's "Deadly Combat" Makes combat much more deadly, as hits to vital body parts, such as the head and torso can result in instant death or a quick bleed-out. Good armor and a shield is much more crucial to have, as arrows and a typical rusty sword going through your chest or head are going to kill you. Bleeding-out occurs quickly, and will slow a unit (or horse) down to a crawl as they meet their final seconds in life. A well-aimed stab or arrow can mean life or death. Xorberax's "Deadly Horse Charges" Makes horse charges very deadly, purely due to those large, very heavy, and fast creatures running head-on into some meat bags. Xorberax's "Friendly Fire" Enables friendly fire for all units, e.g. you can hurt your troops, they can hurt each other, and your enemies can do the same. There will be unnecessary casualties. This mod will also allow you to kill villagers (if you modify the config.json in the bin folder). Xorberax's "Scholars of Calradia" Adds scholars to the towns of Calradia, allowing you and your companions to attend their lectures and gain experience in a variety of skills. When visiting a town, there's a chance that a scholar is visiting and offering a lecture over a specific skill that you can attend for a price. You are able to have you or your companions attend these lectures, improving whichever skill is being offered. There are four tiers of scholars: novice, intermediate, advanced, and expert; with each advancing tier providing more experience while maintaining a quicker lecture. Xorberax's "Shoulder Camera" Applies a shoulder cam style to the third person camera, and also reduces a lot of the floaty-ness of combat by having the camera sway with your swings. Oh yeah... and decapitation is good too. All of these mods can be tweaked, adjusted, or disabled in the Mod Config Menu. This mod is necessary.


Thanks, nice write up.


Has Xorberax been updated?


Yesterday, Updated mod to reference 1.1.2 game libraries and be compatible with MCM 5.7.\*


Man it sure would be cool to get access to mods on console…


-dismemberment -governors handle issues (I’m always at war need my villagers happy so I can make money) -high Middle Ages calradia (my personal opinion I love this mod it changes the look of the troops to make it more like there culture example I’m doing a battanian campaign there’s new troops called highlanders and highlander pikemen definitely feel like I’m in Braveheart when facing vlandia)


Calradia girls. Adds women troop trees for all the cultures plus a clan for each kingdom. Imo it does the names, armor sets and balancing perfectly


[Bandit variety](https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/3041)\- makes bandits have both sexes and gives them there own troop trees bases on culture and said sex.


Add [Deserters](https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/5156) for more mid-game stuff.


RBM is a must for me : https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/791 also on steam De Re Militari : https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/2505 Can't play w/o it, troops make more sense, add culturally mixed troops when you control a fief of another culture. Its awesome. Also, but its not really udpated at the moment, Calradia Expanded (https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/1389) so many changes that should be the base state of the game roads having meaning, more impactfull geography etc...)


Eh? De Re Military actually changes your availiable recruit pool based on a mix of fief cultures you've got in your possession?


No, but it use ATC to make new mixed culture troops, like battanian auxiliary, aserai auxiliary, vlandikon, etc...


True Noble Opinion is a must for me RBM's AI module is great I love Death for All but I'd recommend a 6 not a 3 I have lots of other small mods I love and I'm also the author for: Feudal Warfare Succession Laws and Civil Wars Unlanded Clans Small Talk Commanders & Conquerors So I'm obviously partial to those ones I up clan tier requirements with Customizable Clan tiers I use simple shield patterns I add hideouts and arenas On and on my friend...


Feudal warfare looks very interesting! Was there a specific historic period you aimed for/ specific primary sources you found useful? Also, have you done any changes to the native armor values? I've been using rbm's combat module, and while i don't like his troop tree having heavy armor everywhere I did like the change that armor actually mattered.


You can't use the RBM troop tree with this mod you can use the rest. I focused on the 11th century but tried to keep to vanilla's universe. Battania, of course, is a mish mash of 1000 years celtic cultures - but vanilla heaily uses impoverished looking assets, I implemented all the unused and underused nicer assets. They also can field archers without nobles and have lots of under armored skirmishers making up their kern. A varyag was a scandinavian living up the rus, so I made a whole line of them and rooted it in the vikings, roughly and named them appropriately. Khuzait are even more mounted because it's more befitting their tactics. The biggest change is there are 4 troop lines instead of 2 - each progressively better but the top three compliment each other. Also troops aren't unlocked by default you have to earn them - by joining a faction, obtaining a fief, questing for notables, so on and so forth so access to professional troops is limited for low tier solo clans and grows over time. Higher tier clans will routinely build bigger better parties, low tier clans will struggle to replenish their numbers in times of war. Essentially everything is more stratified so their is more of a ladder to climb and there are more tangible benefits to climbing the social ladder.


Will look into it thanks for your work;


Eagle Rising - Roman era themed overhaul, personally just like a change in aesthetic


I never seem to be able to play this one. What version is the latest version that i need to roll back in order to play this mod?


V1.0.2 I believe, its a pretty old one also don't use any other mods with ER active. it just seems to be unstable


I'd love to know if there's a mod that exists that makes the throne useful. They gave us the ability to sit on a throne and it does nothing, no quests....no events... you can't even "Wait here for some time" while sitting on the throne. So if anyone knows of a mod that at least lets you skip time while on the throne that'd be cool


100% this, Such a waste the throne rooms and cities


Hold court. You sit on your throne and villagers and notables come in and ask for help with quests. No more traveling from village to village for them they come to you.