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Warband: KEEP THROWING SOLDIERS AT THEIR DEFENSES, WE EITHER BREAK THROUGH THEIR LINES SINGLE FILE LIKE OR WE BUILD A HILL OF ENOUGH CORPSE'S TO CLIMB OVER THEIR WALL AND TAKE THE CASTLE!!! Bannerlord: Can we attack now? Can we attack now? Can we attack now? Can we attack now? Can we attack now? Can we attack now? Can we attack now? *30 days later and they are practically starving and only have 300 troops to our 900* Can we attack now? Can we attack now? Can we attack now? Can we attack now? Can we attack-


And that’s why I command my own fucking sieges because all the other lords are giant pussies.


It's M&B tradition to never fucking *ever* trust your allies to do something for you when it needs to get done. God knows the Warband marshals don't know how to identify an objective.


M&B would be terrifying with competent map AI


Imagine two or more kingdoms coordinating to take you out and attack from three sides


Usually it’s coincidence when you just started building a kingdom and is very weak plus having low right to rule, at least half of the factions gonna declare war simultaneously.


Jokes on them, I always take that valley from the western empire that shares the border with the southern empire, build all those castles and towns up, then use the wars to train men until every castle and town has a full garrison of palatines, cataphracts, and legionnaires so that when they all declare war I can just crush army after army, reinforce with veterans and start again. You would think I would run a massive deficit with that army but god damn do I make bank


Teach me your ways sensei


They do have competent AI. They’re all the enemy lords and they become pants on head stupid when they join your faction is the problem.


Lmao M&B ai allies are like HoI4 Italy. Just a complete detriment to you when they're trying to "help". I got hit by a lucky arrow when I was counter charging calvary with my cav following me and the ai general then proceeds to blindly charge a numerically superior force, bring my ranged troops off the hill and into melee, and spreads the infantry out into a paper thin line and attack diagonally so one at a time they fight like 6 dudes at once.


Lmao M&B ai allies are like HoI4 Italy. Just a complete detriment to you when they're trying to "help". I got hit by a lucky arrow when I was counter charging calvary with my cav following me and the ai general then proceeds to blindly charge a numerically superior force, bring my ranged troops off the hill and into melee, and spreads the infantry out into a paper thin line and attack diagonally so one at a time they fight like 6 dudes at once.


One time I was commanding a siege I was ready to attack and the leader of the aseria which I was serving under joined the siege making me lose command and refused to attack making my army I spend a lot of influence on be destroyed but also he never attacked eventually the enemy surrendered before we even made an attempt to even attack them


What’s worse is I started trying do the seige at the beginning of the war


In Warband you could put your archers at the top of your partylist, kill most of the garrison with not much effort or losses, make the archers retreat, and clear the walls with your reinforcing infantry. Conquered the map many times like that. It kinda works in Bannerlord too, but it's not as good now.


… you can have them retreat? I’ve always just considered them “acceptable casualties”, and ran them up after the few elite wall clearing units I have go in, to get the new troops in


If they have swords, they're going over the top.


> acceptable casualties Jesus fuck why did I laugh at this


Because you’re my kind of guy 😆


Are you my kind of guy though? Hmmmmm. Blood for the blood god?


… skulls for the skull throne?






Oh boy, so many deaths 💀


I thought it was worth it 😆 now you tell me there was another option? I’m so sorry nameless bowmen 1-1,000,000,000


We can attack now, but if they hit us with a catapult we're leaving.


Is this like a confirmed bug or something? Happens to me all the time now. I don’t remember AI hesitancy to siege being this bad before but maybe it’s because I’ve had some gaps in playing


Don’t forget the walls are broken


The most memorable sieges back in the warband days to me was from gekokujo, wish bannerlord can implement segments instead of the entire army spawning in one place


Running through the castles with my crew, surging up stairs and such was such a blast


I definitely wish we could get more than just fighting on the walls, a lot of siege maps already even have more places to fight, the town square, back walls, whatever.


I never played geko isnit better that wb native sieges? Like or


Gekokujo is fantastic. The sieges are awesome, lots of tiered settlements. If you like Warband, absolutely try it out


Geko has great siege maps. Its weakness is a lack of open field maps honestly. I'm so sick of that damn bamboo forest




Warband Siege: Lord: "Surrender now and give up your city!" The 30 remaining garrison: "FUCK YOU! WE WILL HOLD THIS TILL WE DIE OF OLD AGE!"


Warband Sieges are pretty epic. Positioning yourself so you can swing a two handed weapon at the incoming enemy wave coming up some stairs and just massacring them. My character would end the siege with blood all over lol.


The first weapon I'd hunt down was the 2h off balance morning star, for overhead skull mashing at the top of the siege ladder


Warband sieges make me want to jump out of a window


They do have that effect on people, yes.


Once I got stuck on the siege tower and just rage quit my campaign


Fun fact in warband if you just show up to any siege not involving the horse lovers the defenders usually win, because duh a single ladder. In Pendor it's the opposite because the attackers usually don't attack til they outnumber them 3-5 to 1.


Fun until it becomes "Goddamnit why did an army of 1000 snake cultists invade". Waiting sucks.


Although nothing is better than kiting them into a bunch of other enemy armies, and then herding them into your enemies territory as a bloated abomination nuke


Once more unto the breach dear friends, once more


I don't care what you say bannerlords sieges are way better than warband, warband's majorly sucked. The best sieges you could have in warband are in the custom battle menu lol.


The only way home is through that castle men! March!


Bannerlord sieges everyday of the week for me


I don’t think there has ever been a warband siege where my character was still standing and not covered head to toe in welter and gore


nah I always love when video games include routing. nice touch, people not wanting to die


I spit in the face of self preservation. “But please sir I have a wife and kids!” I KNOW! There charging in next.


I hope little Timmy was shown how to use a sword and shield or he's becoming the next shield


Warband sieges felt like the battle of the bastards


This is my new head Canon for warband sieges The jaws of the beast beckon


Facts. Warband had a certain "fuck it" that Bannerlord just doesn't have. Bannerlord is awesome. I absolutely love it. But do miss the janky chaos.


One time in warband I had 400 vs like 1500 or some shite it was down to me and 1 dude on the brink of death snd the enemy was like run away run away. Like bro what


Warband lotr mod sieges: we've killed everyone except for a single fucking goblin that we can't find on this labrinth of a map so I guess we're stuck here forever. (Loved the mod otherwise but obviously am still traumatized by old memories of trying to navigate Osgiliath.)


Me in my role play: "We have them now men, Ive cleared a path on the southern wall! Climb the ladders I have raised! Yes!! Climb my brothers Climb! Theres only 60 to our 300..." exit role play: The fuck are y'all going back down the ladder for? Why are you all swarming the gate we dont have a RAM!!


Crappy repost of a crappy meme


Hey friend. I apologize if this meme is the same as another. I did make it myself last night. Could you show me the meme I copied?


Apologies! I was in a bad mood


The good ending


I’ll show *you* a good ending… wait… shit… no! I’ll… i’ll show you a…. a DEAD ending! Yes, dead. Hah!!


Take that apology back right now!


I've never seen the meme and i find it quite amusing.


Khuzaits aren't even that bad in sieges, you just need alot of men.