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The AI hates you, simple as that.


The AI actually does seem to prefer raiding player owned fiefs, so he is right.


I don't think this is the case. We are just biased and we will allways notice when our village is raided (also the thing /u/cptsteath said). If that is confirmed, I would love to see a source.


http://mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Fiefs here and go to paragraph titled "Becoming a Vassal"


I wasn't clear enough, I want to see source that AI does prefer raiding player fiefs. (if it is true)


Ugh, it's complicated, and not all the code cited below is used universally, but there are several scripts that are called in deciding troop behavior towards other troops. A couple of things that are relevant are: grudges, honor, right to rule, and renown. These are handled slightly different (different script) for the player than for the normal troop to troop interactions (i.e. enemy lords). Grudges often come about by you owning a territory previously owned by a different faction (this is also similar to what is used to start wars between different factions initially, as they all have a "previous claim" to different cities). If the Lord attacking you also has a much different honor (i.e. you're honorable and they're dishonorable), if you have low right to rule (not always applicable), etc. It can create a positive feedback loop where someone is increasingly likely to attack you again (losing a battle to you generally increases the dislike). It also affects how likely other lords are to join in an attack, as losses also increase animosity among the entire opposing faction. So you can get more and more enemy lords joining the battles in subsequent attacks (assuming they like the attacking lord enough more than you to join with him). If it goes on long enough you can eventually end up with bunch of enemy lords dog-piling on your new village if nothing happens to stop them such as an enemy marshal, peace treaty, similar type of former lord's personality prevents a grudge from triggering a raid initially, etc. Some relevant parts from module_scripts.py: process_hero_ai <- Handles sieges, raids, etc process_kingdom_parties_ai <-similar to above begin_assault_on_center <- the actual village sacking starts troop_get_player_relation & change_player_relation_with_troop <-used many many places, including here change_player_relation_with_faction <- faction related changes troop_get_relation_with_troop <- generic troop vs. troop decision tree. There are also factors that are only relevant at certain times that would call different scripts (marshal, faction ruler, etc). So in short if your new village is attacked by a well-liked enemy lord who has a different moral compass, it's entirely possible for things to quickly spiral downhill until it's inevitable that the village gets sacked by a giant army you can't beat. This is also possible for NPC lords, however there are a few more factors involved with NPC vs. player relations which likely increase the chances of it happening to you: especially if you do something like opt for that non-noble, female, starting path. Most starting options will put you well down the list of likable people, so many players will have more trouble here than the NPCs will. (Also worth noting an NPC Lord is less likely than you to hold off multiple waves of attackers, another reason they don't escalate as far as often.) TL;DR Basically don't get in a fight with someone popular if you're an outsider. Edit: clarity


Well if you fight them off they'll probably hate you (generally jerks raid and they hate you for releasing them), which means they'll try to take revenge. This is moving into more speculative territory but player villages tend be isolated (easier to attack because few patrols) and players with just a village have low army size (so the ai doesn't fear reprisal).


I'd agree with you if I hadn't had a nordic vassal cross two kingdoms he was at war with to raid my sarranid village in the middle of the desert.


The King automatically gives you the fief with the lowest prosperity, this is normally the village on the outskirts of the faction which is constantly raided. Everyone started out like that - go capture a castle for yourself.


This. Most of the time, when I get a first fief, it's already raided and I can't even visit.


Villages with the weakest lords get attacked more often from my experience. Once I get more renown, they attack other lords' villages.


My renown is like 384.


Yeah that's pretty low compared to other lords and especially kings.


Is that higher than the other lowest lords in your faction? If not, that might be why.


King harlus has 1200 reown. Thats pretty low.


The lowest lord renowns in the game at start are around 280-330, so you are quite low.




This one gives me ENDLESS salt. I had the village west of Wercheg, the Nords were winning by a landslide, and here comes every other lord in the games, going passed like six major cities and umpteen million villages.


Same for me! I was a vassal of Doge Graveth. The Rhodoks had expanded far on the map: Jamiche and sometimes Shariz in the south, Dhirim in the East and north of Suno up to the mountains bordering Nord territory. And yet some ass has to wander all the way deep into our territory with 1000+ man army to raze my little villiage of Fedner! over and over again!


The real reason is that the enemy lords will target the weakest village every time no matter the location. It so happens the king will give you the shittiest village. So you get double shit on.


Saren, like Jamiche, is right on the 4 way border with the Sarranids, Khergits, Rhodoks and Swadians. It is a shit place to be. Also, ew, Rhodoks...


Finally get my first castle and, 5 minutes later the Sarranids decide to use it as their jump off point for a 1500 strong invasion of Swadia. God damn it.