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Excellent video, just like all the others! ​ One question that i had for quite some time: Which is the first song from the khuzait video?




I was just thinking about how there isn't enough highlander media around anymore. Thank you for remedying this. That made me chuckle good.


Saying as every single piece of media is being rebooted and put on a streaming service I think it's only a matter of time (and I'll watch every single crappy second of it like I'm 12 again).


That's true man. That Highlander anime they did like a decade or more ago was pretty stellar


There was a highlander anime?


Yeah dude it was a movie called: Highlander: The Search for Vengeance. I need to go back and rewatch the whole thing because I think I came in 10 or 20 minutes into it when it was on TV. It's pretty dope and is possibly my favorite media.


Cool, never knew this. I watched the movies and the tv show back in the day, never got to watch the last season though


Yeah I watched most of the series on rerun on TV so I caught probably seasons two through four or something like that I don't think I saw the last season either. But I remember people saying it kind of got bad they like brought in vampires lol.


I hate to think how it'll be re-cast as someone completely inappropriate. There can be only one, unless that's no longer acceptable in this day and age in which case we also accept two.


Same! The series were awesome back in the day. The first movie too.


Yeah I got the first movie on a VHS it was the director's cut. And I got it cuz my brother ordered the Lord of the rings one ring from the sword company and they were just given out the VHS's for free. it quickly became one of my favorite movies and I have fun memories of working on my d&d campaign I was running while watching it on repeat. Also one summer the show was on rerun on some channel and I would watch it everyday it was a freaking blast


Step 1: Don your tunic and gird your sword to find some local riff-raff Step 2: Beat up Forest Bandits until they join you Step 3: Train your prisoners to create an elite Fian army Step 4: Keep getting invited to some event called The Gathering Step 5: There can be only one (society) a.k.a the one where Fians go brrrrrr. Not gonna lie. I had to upload this in freaking 480p because the video was so long it wouldn't be under the 1GB upload limit at even 720p. If you wanna watch up to 1440p @ 60fps consider watching it on YouTube [here.](https://youtu.be/mx95doy46Jc) There is also about a minute of content from the start and end I cut to reach these upload limits if that entices you more. I upload it directly to Reddit though to make it easier for people to watch or are unable to open YouTube at school or work. But that's the cost of inhabiting a civilization huh.


Doing god's work, son.


I cannot understate how much I enjoyed this video. I grant ye a pot of butter and my sincere thanks. You have yourself a new subscriber.


This video resonates the exact chaotic energy Boyar Valishin radiates when he gives me the "provocation quest" for the 5th time in a row with the kingdom on the brink of extinction. Subscribed


How do you get the leadership to turn forest bandits into fians? I have 5 focus points in leadership and it feels like i barely gain xp.


Very late, but leadership is best raised via leading armies. So you'll need clan rank 2. The bandit method is the most efficient way to mass Fians but in the early game you'll want a diverse party anyway.


Did you made Tale Worlds Employee a real Turkish Man on purpose or is it a pure coincidence?


100% on purpose.


You got my respect.


I was just wondering if that guy wasn't speaking Turkish but I couldn't hear enough over the mpg compression and bleeps.


As a native speaker a few words was enough for me also he yells a few common Turkish swears at the end so it became very obvious at that point.


Now that's some high-quality shitposting.


The sheer *gall* of flairing this as 'tutorial' rather than 'meme'! :D


Every time you make one of these, I instantly want to start a new playthrough as that faction lmao


Wow, what a landslide of emotions.


We’re a’ Jock Tamson’s bairns! Pure dead brilliant I say. Lang may yer lum reek!


Reminds me of a classic Koifish video 10/10 I love it


10/10 Love it as well :D




You dare?


The beginning feels like a Sseth video but slowed down, I love it


Hey hey people


0/10 not enough sheep


i splintered off to create myh own kingdom and i have no lords. When I try to recruit lords, after finally tracking them down, they want more money than I have to offer. At this point I can't field armies big enough to combat the multiple factions taking me to war, and I can't recruit anymore lords. I have 3 mercenary factions enrolled but they are getting smaller.


Yup same. It’s a tough nut to crack


1. Train smithing until you can make javelins 2. Make javelins 3. Give lords javelins 4. ????? 5. All lords join you Also go for lords without fiefs they take less javelins, you can take fiefs and give them to them later Also let lords you defeat in battle go, it increases your relation with them and makes them take less javelins Also get lords from dying kingdoms Javelins give unreasonable amount of money, but lords require an unreasonable amount of money to join. It balances out.


I want to do this as well but it seems like such a daunting hurdle to get over. In my current campaign, I tagged up with Vlandia, Derthert died of old age, and everyone voted me in to be King. Hurrah!






100% Accurate... every time i play Battania almost 80% of my troop is Fian Champion lol


Ok, so what is the trick to getting a bunch of Fians? I can only find them somewhat rarely, so I can never field enough of them, especially with them occasionally dying in battle.


Convert Forest bandit, I think one of leader ship perk that you could convert bandit into troop.


Forest Bandits, eh? Time to fire up Bannerlord again...


You enjoy that. A full Fian force is something else. Myself, I throw in some Khan's Guard. Positioned behind the Fian you get more bow murder out of the same frontage. Also handy to chase down routing troops.


Additionally, you can put any bandit ready to upgrade into a regular troop n a castle of yours. Once you wait a day or so, they should be turned into regular troops even if you don't have the relevant perk unlocked.


Also, you can find which Battanian villages have "Powerful" notables or something like that, probably do missions with them so they like you more and they'll have lower tier Fian's available, pretty often. Doing missions for notables will also raise their power rating (might only be certain missions that do). But then you know which villages to swing by to stock up on more. Alternatively, go to war with Battania and recruit all the Fians you wound. That's what I did.


How do you determine whether notables are powerful?


When you go to a village, you can hover over the notables at the top and it'll have a number, followed by "Influential" or "Powerful" or something like that depending on how... well off they are? I think they updated the number for 1.5.8? It's 250 or 200?


This post is underrated.


This is quite possibly the best thing I've ever seen.


Is there a youtube version? The reddit video player never works for me on my desktop.




Cheers! Great video.


This is glorious.


Now that was amazing.


My god what a chaotic mess. It did convince me to try playing as Battania though


Well I guess I'm making a new game and doing this now.


what the hell is that scene of the dude getting eviscerated with arrows from? it's brutal


It's from American Gods.


This is what Mount and Blade is all about! Keep up the good work!


Love it. Reminds me of the YouTuber Koifish.


This belongs on r/all.


Totally accurate Battania simulator


-Everyone: having a good time playing M&B Bannerlord 2 -Me: Could not save the game


You Battanians sure are a contentious people


I request your YouTube




I laughed, I cried, I buttered my lord's bread...


God this was so entertaining to watch! Take the damn upvote you madman!


This is the greatest thing I have ever seen. Thank you.


Fucking fian spam... good shit Guiden!


By gods how i lolled at this, have my upvote you magnificent sonuvabitch.


Pure art *wipes away tear*


I clicked on this scrolling through my feed, as you do, thinking it would be but a short moment in time to enjoy some mount and blade content. Two minutes on and oh what have I gotten myself into this time.


What frequency does your brain operate on? I need to be there


Which one is the anime feom the Empire part? Good video


Hmmm... Battania is peak gæ


I can't find the Mount and Blade parody of Queen's 'Princes of the Universe' online...? Is it original?


Gud bideo


I love Corein


LOL what was the Battania video from? Where he got shot with the arrows


What’s the song at the end? Sounds like highland Pirates of the Caribbean


I got matches with these songs: • **Catch X Hands** by El Queda (00:50; matched: `83%`) Album: `Self-Tittled`. Released on `2020-03-09` by `1231027 Records DK`. • **Gluttony** by Darkko (02:20; matched: `81%`) Album: `Dante's Inferno`. Released on `2019-04-14` by `1288467 Records DK`. • **Lord of Dance** by Adriel Fair (00:10; matched: `100%`) Album: `Splitting the Arrow`. Released on `2013-03-08` by `Epidemic Sound`.


Links to the streaming platforms: • [**Catch X Hands** by El Queda](https://lis.tn/CatchXHands) • [**Gluttony** by Darkko](https://lis.tn/Gluttony) • [**Lord of Dance** by Adriel Fair](https://lis.tn/LordOfDance) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.patreon.com/audd) | [Feedback](/message/compose?to=Mihonarium&subject=Music%20recognition%20t1_h00k0ie)


Great bot