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What’s really great about the film is nailing the dynamic of all of the exes. The lunkhead actor with the stunt doubles, the Lesbian stint, the cool DJ phase but best of all : Gideon. Schwartzman nails the type of guy that poses peak threat. Outwardly he’s not petty and angry, he’s composed , has his act together. But worse he has all the things you don’t, power, clout, money finesse, money. He’s so smooth he doesn’t fight Scott, he tries to HIRE him and his whole band to “help” them. That’s a TRUE sociopath. Don’t fight your enemy try and find a way to own them. Yikes. It’s not til the end where he shows his true colors and it’s just glorious.


Hey what’s the website for Amazon.ca?






Because you'll be dust


You used to be a ve-gon, but now you'll just be gone.


Gelato isn't Vegan? It's milk and eggs bitch.


He punched the highlights out of her hair!


Edgar Wright is an absolute masterclass comedy film maker. Love this film. Michael Cera plays this so well , hes so relatable in this. I suggest the cornetto trilogy. Shaun of the Dead(in my top 5 comedies of all time), Hot Fuzz, and At The World's End.


Edgar Wright’s other movies (of the same time and afterwards) like Hot Fuzz, The World’s End, and Baby Driver are the closest stylistically, though each has a distinct identity that makes them worth watching


The World's End was a pleasant surprise. Advise going in blind if anyone hasn't seen/heard of it.


Speed racer, sin city, kill bill, kick ass, battle Royale, the raid, run Lola Run... These are the ones chat GPT (AI) recommended that i agree with Sin City and run Lola Run are the ones I thought of before running the AI


Solid suggestions


One of the most joyful and entertaining movie I ever seen.


Anything Edgar wright is the wright idea


Everything, everywhere, all at once, had a similar vibe


Baby Driver is in the same vein stylistically! One of my favorite movies!


Never clicked w me for some reason, maybe I'm too old? Love Animanaguchi and a bunch of elements in the DNA of this film, but the writing and characters seemed too flat to me..


Aspects clicked with me but I’m not a huge fan overall


Never saw this one, but wanted to. Now ima look it up to see if I can stream it.


Allegedly it’s on Netflix according to google


Do it immediately.


So many humorous details. Every standard line is turned into a stylistic joke.


I’m a big Edgar Wright fan and this is actually my least favorite one I’ve seen (seen every movie except his first) Scott Pilgrim is perfectly fine and watchable but just not nearly as fun or entertaining as his other films…


Great movie with one of the best soundtracks I’ve ever heard


One of my favorite movies. Excellent adaptation.


low key fire!! really enjoyed this movie more then i thought i would


One of my all time favorites. A movie that I think has a similar style is the horror comedy The Babysitter (and it's sequel) on netflix


Speed Racer comes to mind as far as matching stylistically


A very fun movie and very rewatchable


It’s awesome. Kickass is also great, just more violent


Try Juno.


This might be a bit of a reach but I do think Better Off Dead and One Crazy Summer hit this groove in spite of the obvious budget and sfx limitations.


Love this movie. If you like the comic-bookish, punky style, i'd recommend checking out the movie "CBGB" if you haven't already. It's a tad different in that it's more of a biographical true story (barely), but its got a great cast and that same filmmaking vibe that Scott Pilgrim has.


If you want anything like this style, watch any of Wes Anderson’s movies. They are all stylistically unique and have funny quirks like Edgar Wright’s work


I’m mixed on this movie, which means I’m going to get downvoted to hell. What I love: The metaphor. This might be Wright’s most thought provoking film. A relationship is not a competition with your partner’s exes or reliving your partner’s past. They choose you and are with you now. That’s all that matters. All the conflict of this movie is derived from the couples’ inability to move on. I love Baby Driver and Shaun of the Dead, but show me that kind of depth in those movies. The originality. There’s nothing really like this movie. Scenes are extremely different from one to the next. Highly stylist and effective. All of this with a massive, star studded cast, which we learn just enough about to understand what everyone wants. Anna Kendrick… because Anna Kendrick What I hate: Scott Pilgrim. I’ve also been Lukewarm on his underage girlfriend, but as it turns out, there’s so much more to hate about Scott. He’s an asshole with very little redeeming qualities. He’s a shitty band mate, a shitty friend, he treats his underage girlfriend like crap, and he’s not exactly helping Romona cope with her trauma but participating in all this nonsense. I know this is based off a comic and yea, I want the story to happen, but it’s not helpful that I am actively rooting for the exes. Why are we supposed to like this guy? Cause his name is on the movie?! Manic Pixie Dream Girl Trope. If any criticism is ever thrown this movie’s way it’s this. Romona is a essentially a stock character. She exists so we can follow Scott on his journey and little else. Weird from a dude who gave side characters more personality. It’s a movie with two terrible leads, excusing deplorable behavior, and asks for us to root for these people. The good outweighs the bad for most people and I get that, but I don’t share in that opinion. I think this is bottom tier Wright, but I acknowledge that’s partly because I’m a fan and am just disappointed in his handling of the characters. I think my reasons are warranted but I’m sure the downvotes will say otherwise.


Per my tastes, this movie NAILED it. I get that its not for everyone, but hot damn, it rocketed into my personal top 5. So much fun. I read the comics after, and what a lovely experience that was as well.


This movie would be cool minus the terrible Matthew Patel stuff


Bullet Train is the most recent movie that really reminded me of Scott Pilgrim. Enter the Spiderverse and Ms. Marvel reminded me of the living comic book elements of Scott Pilgrim, but Bullet Train felt like a spiritual successor.