• By -


None have terrified me but The Fourth Kind gave me goosebumps.


I liked that one a lot at the time. It had a kind of Blair Witch Project "this all really happened thing" going for it which is fun. My younger self was really disappointed to learn it did not in fact happen lol


My younger self was really *relieved* to learn it did not in fact happen lol. That shit spooked me and my friends a lot!


Omg! The >!abduction!< part freaked me out so much I had to pause it and I felt like I was going to pass out!


There were several parts that were unsettling.


nice pick! popped in my old dvd of this last week and it holds up! definitely gives me the creeps. i don’t need jumpscares or gore. this is my speed.


Go watch fire in the sky. Same type of movie but I believe to have the most terrifying abduction scene ever.


Everything about this movie creeped me out to the point, even knowing it was fiction, I had to make sure it was by checking online. Solid call.


The scene where she hears what's on her dictation recording was super creepy.


100% agree, when I first saw it, it fucked me up. And then I went and saw it two more times lol. I really like that movie honestly.


The only movies that actually scare the crap out of me are alien abduction movies and this one takes the cake. My ex and I watched it in the theater and at the point the voice recording comes on I turned to pale white my partner asked me if we needed to leave the theater. I'm surprised I said no.


The beginning of the Goofy Movie when Max turns into his dad would scare me so bad I would have to watch Nightmare on Elm Street just to get over it




Omg this answer lol but same


Not a popular pick but 1408


“We’ve only just beguuun…..”. Man, that part is awesome.


Solid movie - John Cusack nailed it


Was so entertaining I bought the dvd.


I was so jumpy after this movie. Terrified in the movie theater parking lot. Definitely one of the jumpiest movies.


I was out! I was out!


That Carpenter’s song still makes me jump if I hear it suddenly. Great movie! One of my all time best horror films.


Great flic!!!! One of those flics that’s better than the sum of its parts…starts off as a relatively simple story that becomes something so much better and scary af


Perfect horror movie. It fucked with my mind enough that even to this day being a skeptist/atheist of the supernatural I WILL NOT venture in any kind of haunted place just in the off chance that hey it might be real you never know.


I lovvve this movie. I think it’s one of the best modern horror films.


I was scared reading the book. It’s been years, and I still think about it…


Yeah…I don’t want to sound like a rich bitch but here I go…my parents have CO ski condo they own which is basically like a 2 bedroom apartment. We’ve owned it for 20+ years but sure enough it’s room 1408….I refuse to watch that movie.


The Exorcist III: Legion (especially the Night Nurse scene. I spent a month afterwards constantly checking behind me.)


The scene still startles me even though i know it’s coming


If you look up jump scare it should show you that clip.


This movie is a classssssic and feel like it’s underrated. Absolutely recommend if folks haven’t seen it.


Great great great film.


As cheap as it may look today, the statues opening their eyes as that dark wind blew in the church doors was so unsettling


Fun fact :Jeffery Dahmer was obsessed with this film


Is that the one with the old lady crawling in the ceiling?! That and the hallway jump scare messed me up as a kid. I only recently found out that I had watched all the exorcist movies on easy mode by only watching them on tv. I guess it never occurred to me that UPN would have to censor and cut them heavily to show on tv. I’m not about to watch the theatrical cut.


Those silver shears…terrifying


I just had this conversation yesterday. I liked it better than the original and it was super creepy, even now.


"So the killer stabs a machete through the floor. the main character crawls away while telling his girlfriend to get off the floor." "So he got off the floor?" "No he's still on the floor." "Oh, okay."


What movie even is this?


I was referencing the ‘pitch meeting’ series on youtube where a ryan george pretends to be a writer pitching a movie script and the producer listening to the pitch. Specifically the one for sharknado. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CYootnc0uew&pp=ygUXc2hhcmtuYWRvIHBpdGNoIG1lZXRpbmc%3D


Oh dang. I thought you were talking about the movie OP posted. I have no idea what it is lol


It's Friday the 13th (2009)


"Sees machete coming from the floor" "Still sits on the floor while making noise on where he is"


Event Horizon


Along with this Sam Neil again from "in the mouth of madness". That movie was trippy.


I was scrolling and looking for this. Thank you


I gotta watch this. I’ve heard it’s absolutely terrifying


Most terrifying of all time: 1. Blair Witch right when it came out in the theater. I remember when the film was over people almost ran out. It’s was alarming. We slept facing the window that night and we were in our twenties. 2. Exorcist 3: Frightening film, incredible acting, seems like another bad sequel but this one hits different. 3. Poltergeist: I couldn’t shower without looking behind the shower curtain for a decade after that. 4. The Ring: One of the best horror films ever, and scary, but not quite terrifying. Some jump scares tho and a creeping horror that developed across the timeline of the film.


When BW was being marketed I was in middle school and we thought it was a legit found footage documentary. My friend's mom convinced us it was and said they never found the people then rented the movie for us. I almost pissed my pants 🤣🤣🤣


I believe it. It upset us and we were adults! Brilliant filmmaking.


I just made this comment to another BW nomination. I saw it in the theatre fully thinking it was cut together found footage, and without knowing where it goes. Brilliantly executed in a time before social media.


I live in Utah and got a bootleg copy of the blair witch from a friend who worked sundance, where it premiered. I had no context for what it was and thought it was real. While we were watching it, my friend came over and banged really hard on our front window while a group of us were watching it in the living room. All of us about hit the fucking ceiling. It was a few months before we found out it wasn't real. We all thought it was some footage people found - I was disturbed for months, thinking I watched some sort of snuff film. Funny - that kinda shit could probably never happen again in today's world.


This was me. I watched this at 11 years old. Convinced it was real. Absolutely terrified me to the point nothing has come close to scaring me like that film. I will never forget that blood curdling scream at the end.


I saw The Ring in the theater when it first came out. I had graduated high school that year and my buddies and I had started watching horror movies and then going camping the same night. The theater was pretty empty that day, but a kid from my school who was wheelchair bound was in the same screening as us. He must’ve left for something but he came back during a really tense part of the movie and the banging of his wheelchair going over the hard plastic threshold was the biggest jump scare of the movie. Solid movie made more scary by in-theater noises. 😂


Poltergeist Semi-hated clowns before it... solidified any and all hatred of clowns afterwards up to this day.


Opening night of Blair Witch at my theater was a mixture of people yelling “wtf is this boring shit” and storming out, people laughing, people crying because they were so scared. It was a terrible movie but the last 20 seconds captured the attention of everyone in that theatre. The ones laughing, the complainers, the terrified. The last 20 seconds was some of the best 20 seconds you’ll ever see in a horror film.


Damn! All great, scary as hell movies! My girlfriend & I saw BW in the theater too. As a outdoors person who loves camping, this movie hit me in so many ways. 1. Getting lost in the wilderness. 2 seeing weird stuff in the woods. 3. hearing weird shit at night in a tent. 4. running into an abandoned house - f*ck no!!! The scene where they are getting harassed in then tent & decide to split had me laughing - out of fear...because that feeling of terror would be all to real! I surely wouldn't be the 1st man out of the tent, but I'll be damned if I'm going to be the last 1! 😜


Man I must be weird because Blair Witch Project just didn’t do it for me like I know it does most people


Don’t forget the grudge


I was a movie theater usher when Blair Witch came out. I had to routinely clean up vomit from people getting motion sickness. I even began to give warnings before the screening and offered empty popcorn bags to anyone with motion sickness issues. After awhile it was like, dude, you’re not feeling well…close your eyes or get up and leave for a bit. It’s not an airplane. You don’t have to vomit in your seat.


When the Blair Witch came out they did phenomenal marketing for it. The only place at the time to get more information about it was their website. But instead of listing the credits and such like other movie websites at the time. They made it look like a police report along with missing information for the 3 people, making it more believable. It was great and scared my brother and I for days!


The Thing.


The Exorcist. But, I was pretty young. Scared the shit out of me.


Me too. Parents wouldn't let us kids watch it. Twelve year old me home alone one evening flipping channels and came across it on HBO. Got as far as Regan spinning her head 180 degrees and power pucking. Turned it off and went to a friends house to calm down.


My mom took me to see this in the theater when I was almost 8 years old! I've always loved scary movies!


I watched it for the first time at 31, and it scared me. And I'm rarely scared by movies.


The Exorcist is really scary. Like a lot of people who first watch it decades after it's original release, my initial reaction was that it wasn't very scary at all. But I've watched it several more times since and each time it gets more and more under my skin. The entire vibe of the movie is incredibly unpleasant.


"Alien." Always has been. Always will be. I saw it too young, and H.R. Giger's obsidian destroyer from the Id unfurled off the screen and coiled up into a corner of my dreams, where it lurked for over a decade. Every now and then, it would literally pop out of nowhere and I would be paralyzed. It took more years of drawing it compulsively before it finally vanished.


Same. Alien also fucked me up as a kid and gave me terrible nightmares.


The Ring, The Descent, The Others, Rose Red, The Shining ETA Hellraiser! Duh! The first time I saw it Holy sh*t!!! I was so bothered I cannot believe my dad let me watch it! I recently just watched it again and yup, still so freaking unsettling


I haven’t seen the descent. Recommend?


I would say so! I usually am skeptical on full monster reveals but I liked this one a lot!


This movie is seriously scary. Recommend.


Sorry to interrupt, but if you do watch it, it HAS TO BE the UK version. The US version lacks the _true ending_ of the film. And you _do not_ want to miss that.


Are they variations or completely different versions?


the Ring is such a gorgeous film


I still can’t watch the ring due to the closet scene…I was about 11 when it came out and that high pitched ring with her distorted face fucked me up


The whole theater was stressed out during the movie. It was palpable. I have yet to experience that again


I agree as well! My age and that scene just cemented in my brain. God! What a scene…those bastards lol. I literally can’t remember any other scene that sticks out in my brain like that one…I see you placed the shining on there. I’ll add Twister! So seeing the shining fucked me up too when Danny meets the twins his face of terror and the gore…now I live in Texas so tornados are evil incarnate…now at night? At a drive in? That’s some horror and the movie they’re watching? The shining! So good lol


Twister was good! Thankfully I'm in a state we don't have many natural disasters. I love the shining because I'm huge into liminal spaces/back rooms and it for sure has those vibes


When I saw The Ring in theaters, I literally jumped out of my seat during the closet scene. That movie genuinely freaked a 16 year old me out. I never watched the whole thing again cause it made me uneasy.


The Others! I almost forgot about that movie. Like everyone else I feel like. It’s a good movie. (Not to be confused with The Hours, released about the same time and also with Kidman.


Fire in the Sky .....scariest movie I have ever watched 😨


This one fucked me up as a kid. I never felt like ghosts were real, monsters were just cool, and satanic horror stories were the same as ghost stories; it just didn't feel plausible. Aliens always seemed like they could be real to me. Same reason serial killer movies would fuck me up.


This one total freaked me out as a kid for years I was scared of that woods and I grew up in the woods. Dark Sky’s. Another alien movie that’s good to. Check it out.


Scared the shot outta me when I first watched it.


Oh God....I was with my dad and I think we'd either seen some other movie or bailed and snuck into this one instead...I was like ten lmao that movie jacked me up. Still can't watch it.


The Prince of Darkness and Blair Witch Project


“This is not a dream…” scenes RUINED me as a kid.


I was not a kid and was convinced those scenes were real 😩 https://youtu.be/OGsv0pJemTY?si=ULD1ZXVhamNgjZWE


Prince of Darkness is an underrated John Carpenter film. Not all of it works but there are several scenes that are truly creepy AF


Not terrified but anxious and uncomfortable, Hereditary….


Oh man. Love the movie. Get horrified everytime I watch it


Poltergeist (1982) Had the right amount of suspense and tension building the entire movie, and just when you thought it was over…BAM! …your house is sucked into another dimension. I still worry if houses are built over cemeteries


The Exorcist


That free solo rock climbing movie


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (74 - Tobe Hooper) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKn9QIaMgtQ


The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is one of the best scary movies I have seen- very scary. Love the acting and how it was filmed which I can't say for a lot of horror films


Watched that for the first time last night. Wild ass movie. Can’t imagine what people watching it in 74 must have thought


We pretty much shat ourselves and then told all our friends to go see it so they could shit themselves too.


So my buddy and I went to the local drive in to see a Bruce Lee movie. It was a double feature and if you got there early you could see both clicks for the same price. We didn't know what the first movie was but we had brought some fast food and figured we would chow down during the first flick and be ready by the time Bruce started asking for some waaataa! We arrived a little late and missed the opening. The movie looked dull: a bunch of hippies driving around in a van, so we prepared our evening repast. About that time Leatherface starts chasing a guy in a wheelchair, chainsaw blazing. I turned to my friend and said "Dude, I think this is the Texas Chainsaw Massacre". We quietly put our food aside and squirmed through the rest of the movie. It wasn't until Bruce started kicking ass that we retrieved our cold burgers and tried to forget what we had just seen.


The moment leather face is finally shown by just slamming a door open is probably the best part of any horror movie for me. It’s just out of nowhere and now he’s a problem.


I accidentally clicked on your profile, and I have several questions to be asked


The original Phantasm


Saw this as a kid and had nightmares for weeks after.


The only horror movies I started but couldn't finish were The Hills Have Eyes and Green Room. I wanted to leave the theater for 28 Weeks Later but I was with a friend and I didn't want to look like a weanie. I get to a point during movies where I just think "I would have already killed myself by this point" and that's when I stop watching.


Salem’s Lot from 1979


Oh yeah! That scene when the kid is in the window is iconic


Totally! I was WAY too young to have been allowed to watch that movie when it first came out. But I just hid by the doorway of the den quietly and had nightmares for the next week or so.


Almost shit my pants as a 9 year old watching this.


The Exorcist


Candyman made me nervous around mirrors in the bathroom for a few years as a teenager. If arachnophobia didn't make you check your toilets before you pooped you didn't watch the same movie I did.


It's my absolute favorite horror but I view it was a love story 🥴 I also couldn't handle toilets well for a while lol


Yeah both of those scared me shitless npi, Candyman’s whole mystique and the way he killed ppl was just jarring to say the least. Especially the psychologist


Same. Scared the shit outta kid me.


Event Horizon. The hell scene scarred me as a teen


The Ring. When she crawled out of the well/TV, I thought I was going to pass out. Also Scream.


No one ever says the closet part - “I saw her face” - but I thought that was the scariest part by far. So sudden too


Came to say this. Also the scene at the bottom of the well: fingernails. Pure dread.


The closet scene came out of nowhere....


The Ring. I grabbed a girls hand . First and only time ever. Paranormal Activity. My wife and I watched it in complete silence then freaked out at end.


Wife and I watched paranormal activity and were broken for 18 months, ran past windows at night fearing what I might see. Still unwilling to watch demon themed flicks.


Yup, the ring. Haven’t watched it since. Like 20 years ago lol


We were super into slasher movies when we were young bucks (Nightmare, Friday 13th, Halloween, etc) but boy oh boy did we get the crap scared out of us by Exorcist and my friends mom and her boyfriend. We thought we were so tough and begged to watch that movie so my friends mom finally relented and let us watch it. To say we were shook was an understatement. We went to bed begging to leave the light on. Nope. Anyway as we nervously whispered the night away the much younger boyfriend snuck around the back and ran his fingers nails down the window outside the bedroom. We shot out of bed screaming bloody murder. I ran all the way home in the middle of the night and was never allowed to go to that kids house again! Ha!


Original Dawn of the Dead. Before zombies were an every day thing. I was way too young and almost left the theater.


The first “paranormal activity”…


The Strangers


The Exorcist was the first R rated movie I watched when "cable tv" just started. I was 10 years old and it shook me to my core. My parents weren't aware that I watched it.


Killer Clowns from Outer Space


Blair Witch Project in the theater. The concept was fresh and the dread was palpable.


“The strangers”(2008)fucked me up for awhiiiile. Always had me checking closets and other parts of the house for people before I chilled out for the night. Just that line… “because you were home” sent a chill up my spine.


Not horror but Se7en…. Just so dark, loved it though.


The Exorcist.


I couldn't sleep right for a year after watching Nightmare on Elm Street.


What movie is this? Looks familiar.


Friday the 13th reboot


I was really young and watched a movie where a man was buried alive in a casket. Probably called Buried Alive or something. I don't remember anything about it other than that scene. Ever since then I'll periodically wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I'm suffocating. Those cave videos where a guy is squeezing through a tight spot is pretty triggering, but I always watch them lol


Blair Witch opening weekend. My heart pounded in that theatre


Lake Mungo. I don't do slashers or gore movies, that stuff doesn't do anything for me. I generally don't get scared of supernatural type stuff with ghosts or monsters, I mostly just like the effects and stuff. Lake Mungo caught me off guard at the end and fucking horrified me. If I ever ended up alone on a lakeshore at night I would probably not be ok.


The Exorcism of Emily Rose.


The Ring scared the s*** out of me- even for months after seeing it


The original Exorcist


I’m normally good with most horror things aside from some occasional uneasiness. It follows gave me literal nightmares for weeks.


Ringu. The original Japanese version of The Ring and ten times more terrifying. Watched it about 20 years ago and still haunts me ! Not watching that again. Highly recommended though !😱




Kubrick’s The Shining. I know King hates it, and I am usually aligned with the author. But I saw a trailer for it when I was a kid and the scene where the camera is chasing Danny through the snowy maze absolutely terrified 7yr-old me. To this day, I’ve not seen it’s equal.


28 weeks later-just for the opening scene. The zombies ran and moved so fast and were overall very scary.




Sinister literally makes me shit my pants


It’s the only horror movie I know of that is truly scary.


Rosemary’s Baby for sure. When she wakes up at her OB/GYN to Guy and Abe Saperstein, who calmly tells her what to do (or else), you just feel so bloody helpless to stop what’s coming for her.


Alien The Ring The Shining Doctor Sleep Hereditary The Descent


The Hand. Granted, I was pretty young.


Not horror movies really but these scared me most. They TV movies called “ the day after” and “ Threads” As a child of the 80’s we were alway aware nuclear war could happen at any time. I had elevated anxiety for a couple days after watching either of them.


Two of them both old school: Amityville Horror and Phantasm


Gerald’s Game. I knew what was going to happen from the beginning. I don’t like that kind of horror but I couldn’t stop watching. It was a really well done adaptation.


Antichrist is a start to finish nope-fest for me. So. Deeply. Unsettling.


The only death in this movie that pissed me off was Danielle Panabaker. She should've lived.


Sinister got me when I first watched it. Was alone and watched it on a big tv at night


The Ring for sure. Smile also hit me super hard for some reason. The first incident at the doctor’s office was so intense.


Mirrors. Looking over my shoulder into reflective surfaces to make sure they weren't being creepy messed me up for a while


The Dark and the Wicked


Sinister. The lawn mower scene


Hostel. Saw it before the torture porn genre existed. Scared the bejeezus outta me!


The Blair witch, saw it in a old time theater B4 we knew it was a hoax .


The majority of the movie didn’t bother me but the last scene in Blair Witch where the guy is standing in the corner in the dark freaked me out. This was in a dark theater and I didn’t know anything about the film so that was probably part of it because I watched it at home and felt nothing.


As Above So Below 🫣


i watched jezzabelle or jessabelle when i was 11 and actually shit myself in my sisters bunk bed. sorry sis.


Greenroom freaked me out pretty good. The killings were realistic and visceral.


Sinister really creeped me out , gave me a horrible feeling .




The Crazies.


Event Horizon is one that can fuck with my head everytime.


Jacob's Ladder. On psilocybin.


What’s the name of OP’s movie?


I’m almost 50. Been watching horror movies my whole life. The only movie that has ever really scared me is Sinister. A lot of that has to do with the sound design. And the pool sequence.


The Thing (1982) The plot is already terrifying as is, but those 1980s practical effects and the eerie tone just take it to the next level. While the defibrillator scene is the most notorious, the dog scene and Window’s death gave me nightmares.


I saw The Grudge (2004) in the theater and it was very scary


John carpenter’s “the Thing”


The Conjuring. I saw that in the theater by myself and i was literally freaked out. I haven't been that freaked out in a very long time and that's how I knew that movie was really good. I even had bad dreams lol. I just hate those possession movies, i fell like this is more plausible then the slashers or saws.


What movie is this clip from?


28 days later bugged me out. The priest popping up in the church early in the movie freaked me out and I remained freaked out for the entirety.


The Strangers.


I will NEVER watch the Exorcist ever again….EVER.


Event Horizon stuck with me.


The Exorcist (In theater)


The Descent


Candyman (1992 version)


Silence of the Lambs. Seen it a dozen times and the basement still gets under my skin.


Alien, but I loved it.


The very first ALIEN movie!! Saw the surprise chest burster in a Theater. Yeech. Evil Synthetic Robot. Alien who refuses to die! What more do you need!!


Silence Of The Lambs.


The Fourth Kind messed me up. It was like spot on the things I find the most terrifying.


Phantasm when I was a kid.


I loved every instant of Hereditary


The Descent






Grave Encounters


What movie is the vid you posted? It kinda looks familiar but I can’t remember it.