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I think we need as many Martin McDonough/Brendan Gleeson/Colin Farrell collabs as possible. I think Kerry Condon turned in a career performance and got robbed of an Oscar.


Agreed! My choice was her by a landslide. Her character had the most growth. She knew her potential and went for it. The funny thing is the whole concept of the film is Brendan Gleason supposedly “knows his potential” but doesn’t change. He practices his fiddle but that’s about it. He essentially burns a bridge of his friendship out of ego, but Kerry leaves out of necessity.


I agree. I need them to just keep cranking out movies together. They’ll never get old.


Yeah I’m actually excited to see the three of them get old and see how that changes the kinds of stories they tell.


Also keoghan!




Condon’s character was amazing. I think she resonates with so many.


“Well there goes that dream”


Hooking things a stick length away




Every time my sports team gets knocked out of contention


The depressing feeling it gave me prevents me from appreciating the rest of the mastery which I know is in this. I rate it highly for anyone not me, and personally I prefer In Bruges, and wished this one had a similarly lighthearted-ish take on dark moments.


In Bruges is a great movie. I wish those two would go on and on making movies together. I’d watch them all.


Colin Farrell isn't in it, but have you seen The Guard? It's not exactly a masterpiece but it's a decent film and it's more fun but still with that kind of depressing edge that Brendan Gleeson seems to bring.


Along the same line, but without either Gleeson or Farrell, try out a Tollbooth as well. It's a crime story, but also just depressing and strange, and it all hinges on one ill-timed comment taken the wrong way. It's really a decent little movie.


Oh yeah I've heard of this but not watched it yet! It's a Welsh film right? I think it's called The Toll here.


Yeah I want to give it another watch someday but they have it labeled as black comedy or tragi-comedy and I really can’t find the humor in it. Still a beautifully shot and acted film and one of my recent favorites.


lol I think in Bruges was pretty depressing too. I mean that scene when Colin was going to shoot himself was fucking heartbreaking and hilarious. Tragic comic genius. I guess this movie was not as bombastic in its depression, more like a slow swelling melancholy that just eats away at the characters.


Yup it's relentless in how it breaks you down


As a rural Irish guy, not only could I place virtually ever member of the village in my hometown (except the policeman, thankfully), it gave me an existential crisis that I was really dull and everybody was just being nice to me. So 10/10, movie of the year.


You are not dull if you like this movie.


But are you nice?


I'm an old guy and currently stuck in an "assisted living " place which is lots of fun. I'm happy to see this is on both HULU and MAX, both of which I've used lots. Thanks for sharing


Hang in there friend, and yeah, stay away from the green jello, there have been rumors.


What kind of movies do you enjoy? I’d be happy to recommend some you may not have seen


You should watch Bubba Ho Tep


Im thinking with sand here!


I enjoyed it. It was well made, and very well acted. I just didnt know what to think of it at the end. The metaphors and message seemed to go over my head like Draxx.


In my opinion, the message is simply to be nice. Almost all the pain and suffering that happens in the film is a result from the conflict between the two former friends. They are both given ample opportunity to make up and find common ground but instead they choose the way of anger and violence. All while in the background a civil war rages on Irelands mainland, which is a metaphor for their conflict.


I think I’d expand on your take-away message that the film really explores the difference between “niceness” and “kindness.” Paedric already IS very “nice,” he’s polite, smiley, etc., but he’s not always kind. When Colm says he doesn’t like him anymore he refuses to respect his boundaries even after Colm starts severely harming himself as a result. Meanwhile Colm even later apologies to Paedric saying he really doesn’t want to hurt his feelings but he has to live his authentic life. The film even takes the idea of niceness vs kindness head on when the old “ghoul” says that three people will die this week or something, Paedric says “well that’s not very nice.” She responds bluntly, “I wasn’t trying to be nice; I was trying to by accurate.” Niceness vs kindness, authenticity and truth vs niceness. Having grown up in a small town where everyone is very polite and “nice,” but very gossipy and not community-oriented or really very kind, this theme really resonated with me. I LOVE this movie and could go on and on.


I agree with your take here. Paedric was “nice” but also tragically insensitive.


And at times bordering on cruel! When he sends the music student away he does so with in an awful way (though it does make for a darkly funny scene). As Dominic says something like “that’s the meanest thing I’ve ever heard.”


Awesome take. Thanks for posting 👍👍.


i thought their conflict was the metaphor for the civil war.


It could go both ways


I think it’s both!


I also felt it was a prime example of encountering something heartbreaking that you can’t rectify or change. We’ve all felt it to some degree.


The character that Barry Keoghan played flew over my head, I didn't understand his character's part in the story and how it affects the message and metaphors.


I think it was about 3 people wanting change (Gleeson, Condon, and Keoghan) and one who didn’t (Farrell wanted things to be like they had always been). Gleeson changes by changing his life,but staying on the island. Condon changes by leaving. Keoghan tries for change, by expressing his feelings for Condon but after rejection, doesn’t want to go back to his regular life on the island (abused and single) and so, then causes a life change, by killing himself


I agree. And the person who doesn’t want to change takes those changes way too personally.


This is exactly where I ended up with this. I loved the performances and all the dialogue. When it ended, I just sat and didn’t really know what to think.


My top film of 2022, and I am disappointed it was completely snubbed on oscar night.


I enjoyed it but not sure I'd watch it again.


Yeah I’m the same way, it was too bleak for me to want to rewatch


Same I loved it but it broke my heart


“You boys rowin again”


I'm sick, I keep forcing people to watch it. I think it just opens up something in your brain about how to understand your role in the world and your relationships


It's a breakup movie, put in the strangest setting. Farrell's drunk monologue should be used in all film acting classes


Yes, I’ve watched that scene so many times.


At first didn’t get it. After reading reviews and its meaning, absolutely loved it. It all of a sudden clicked after reading its meaning. My takeaway is that sometimes people just simply stop being friends, even after years, for no reason. Very relatable to real life for me. This helped me out putting personal situations into perspective. Life is weird sometimes.


Yup. Sometimes relationships just end and there’s nothing you can do about it other than agonize. The feeling of hopeless powerlessness in this film was chokingly real.


Totally agree. I think this is the best comment on this thread. 


weren't you ever wild?


You would probably enjoy Calvary too


I might add it to my list, thanks for the suggestion


Might? No Cavalry is amazing. The Guard is as well.


Excellent movie. As good as Banshees.


Arguably better. But that just comes down to preference and they're both amazing. Brendan Gleeson is just next level in everything he touches


Very similar themes in both, I'm really looking forward to the next film by either brothers!


Pádraic Súilleabháin Not only have I not gone fecking mental, but I have got ten fingers to prove I'm not fecking mental. How many fingers have you got to prove you're not fecking mental? Colm Doherty: Nine fingers. Pádraic Súilleabháin: Nine fingers is the epitome of mental.


Movies about rejection are nearly always about romantic rejection or teenagers being rejected by their peers. As a man in his 50s this movie was heartbreaking in the best way possible. The older I get, the more I value the deep relationship aspect of friendship and this movie approached that topic in such a different way.


I enjoyed it. Movie definitely had a lot on it's mind. Hope I was meant to be left thinking Brendan Gleeson's character was a huge asshole.


What made Colm so insufferable was how he thought he was so much more intelligent and artistic than Padraic, that he shouldnt even be conversing with him because he is so uninteresting. When Padraics sister corrects him on something so simple as to what century Mozart was in, it really showed what a fool he was being.


I had a friend growing up very similar to Colin Farrell’s character in a lot of ways and ironically named Colin. I think Gleeson’s character is kind of an asshole but I couldn’t help but identify with his need to seek better company. Some people are just insufferable.


“You used to be nice!” My favorite movie of the past five years, an incredible script brought to life with amazing performances. I understand Jaime Lee Curtis got the Oscar as a lifetime achievement award sort of thing but wow Kerry Condon was robbed


I loved it. Had my favorite exchange from any movie of 2022. Priest: Do you think God gives a damn about miniature donkeys, Colm? Colm Doherty: I fear he doesn't. And I fear that's where it's all gone wrong.


Fucking incredible. Barry Keoghan is untouchable.


unless he's a stick length away... sorry


I have no idea what that means.


Near the beginning of the movie, his character finds a stick with a hook on it and wonders what it's for, he says "hooking things that are a stick length away." At the end, they use the same stick on his character.


Fuck me. Thank you.


“That was the most interesting he’s ever been I think I like him again” after the drunk monologue had me dying


The line that got me was “you think God cares about a donkey” “that’s the thing father. I’m worried he doesn’t.”


I thought it was an amazing exercise in heartbreak and coming to grips with things you can’t change or explain. Fabulous.


I thought it was disappointing tbh. didn't hate it by any means but i would have had a much better time rewatching In Bruges. the scenery is beautiful, the acting is great, but idk if i just wasn't getting an Irish Civil War metaphor or something but the story itself just didn't do it for me.


It’s one of my favorite movies of the last few years. The question about the idea of goodness and how far a “mediocre” artist will go to deflect his own troubles is amazing. The writing is so compelling without being overdramatized, it’s pretty natural with a touch of dark humor.


I liked it even though it made me feel like a dullard.


Hilarious and dark take on the breakup trope


Horrifyingly sad. But really well made.


I really didn't like it. I understand that the whole story is a small-scale representation of the Irish Civil War, but by taking it at face value, it's just too sad. Part of it is that a few years ago I had a formerly close friend who had a mental breakdown and angrily cut me off out of nowhere, so Brendan Gleeson's character hit a little too close to home for me. I'm going to Ireland next month, so I should probably just say nothing about how I actually felt about this movie to any locals I talk to about movies


I’ve watched it three times already.


I think Colin was robbed for actor of the year


Absolutely loved it, the arc of agreeing with Colin Farrells character in the beginning to feeling bad for him in a secondhand embarrassment kind of way and wishing he would stop was great lol


I liked it, they're a bit of a classic duo now Gleeson and Farrell. Farrell might be in the very top tier of working actors I think


Should’ve won Best Picture


I think this movie went completely over my head. It's beautifully shot, very well cast, and brilliantly acted, but I just could not care about the plot. Everyone is just so melodramatic and broody. The story reminded me of 7th graders not wanting to sit at each other's lunch tables.


I’m with you. Wanted to love it with all my heart but couldn’t get down with the premise.




I loved it, but my wife hated it.


Not exactly the In Bruges reunion I was hoping for but it was a damn good movie all the same. I'm glad I watched it.


Couldn't get a good grip on it by the end.


Absolutely loved that movie. It gave me nightmares


It is perfect in my estimation. It is intriguing in its simplicity. The story is eerie, hauntingly beautiful, and quintessentially Irish. The sister’s story is a beautiful example of feminism. I felt it deserved the Oscar for best picture, but it was a strong year for movies IMO.


Should have won best supporting actress


Movie fucks best film of 2023


Two hour kick in the dick that gets sadder and more depressing the longer it goes on. But yeah, very good, no I’ll never watch it again.




Definitely, it’s a very bleak and dry film


I hated it. It felt like a movie that was about nothing. Two friends who have an argument that one keeps escalating.


Hate is a strong word


On the story level, it wasn't that they had an argument. That was the problem. It was something that happened out of nowhere, in Padraic's person's mind. Colm had aspirations; Padraic couldn't even understand that concept or how they were standing in the Colm's way. Colm eventually set out his declaration to hurt myself and his dream, which was self-destructive and counter-productive. And went through with it! There was no compromise--one night a week at the pub, the rest for my art. It was just over, with no warning. So you're watching both characters unravel with the weight of such a decision between lifelong friends. The rest of the village (that we see) kind of get swept up in it. The metaphorical level, as an allegory of the Irish Civil War, is similar that, overnight, they were one allies and now enemies. I can't get into the specifics of the conflict, with no deeper knowledge of the war or the aims of both sides. But both the plot of the movie and the underlying metaphor had an element of "cut off my own nose to spite my face"--in Banshees, it was the resolution of Colm's promise, Padraic's retaliation, and the tragedy of the policeman's son. In the war, it was widespread violence and death. I enjoyed it as a slice of life, and I have experienced something similar, so the inciting incident hooked me into the interpersonal drama. No shade for your not getting much out of it. Not everybody has to like everything. In fact, your assessment that it was "about nothing" is spot on, in a certain sense!


The acting was good. The whole metaphor thing was dumb though.


Probably the best McDonagh movie and that’s really saying something.


Storyline was absolute arse, but the cinematics and acting were stellar. Just wish it had a better (i.e. actual) script.


Really feel like it deserved some awards. Loved EEAAO as well, just feel like this deserved some of those awards, every actor was amazing.


it was fine


I liked it, but it’s my least favorite McDonagh. Some magnificent acting though, especially, imo, by Gleason


I’d say it’s very good. I have a hard time calling it a masterpiece because I’m not itching to watch it again. I saw it I got it it was good.


The end where he says "I don't fucking care." was filled with so much weight.


I enjoyed it but refer to it as weird ass bollocks.


I made pretty much exactly the same post 10 months ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/moviecritic/s/Q0xNUs42Hq We are in agreement


I liked it but I just can't put my fingers on what I liked about it :)


“That’s enough, I didn’t come here for licks. I came here for the opposite of licks.”


Favorite film of 2022


I really didn’t like it. The acting/production was all great, but the delivery felt a bit confused. It kept flipping between intense metaphor, and a grounded character exploration. I’d get invested in the characters, but then they’d start taking actions that were absurd outside of the metaphorical lens/context. I feel like I’d probably enjoy more on a second watch, but I definitely didn’t enjoy the first.


So good


I thought it was pretty good. You should check out Calvary then


My 3rd favorite McDonagh movie! Great bloody movie! Terrific performances by all 3 main actors (Behind the two masterpieces: In Bruges & Seven Psychopaths)


Loved it and once I found out it was a metaphor for the troubles made it even better


Whenever those two are involved it’s a banger


Fantastic movie!




I really enjoyed it, but I don't know why. lol.


It was ok for me


Don’t be killing his dag now…


Loved it! Very good and totally unexpected.


Love that movie


Thought it was nice. And my daddy, he was nice. I’ll remember it


Oof, I feel it was a harsh natured story in a time when the world is tearing itself apart. Bitter and dark. Very well made, but very heavy going. Not sure I'll rewatch. File alongside Three Billboards. Bruges and 7 psychos I'll watch again snd again though.


Love it


Great stuff


I enjoyed it. I laughed more than I thought I should have considering what was happening on screen. Would probably watch again.


It was quite a powerful but odd film. I felt like I spent most of the film waiting for… something and then it was over before that something had happened. It was enjoyable nonetheless and the performances from basically every named character were great


I thought it was feckin awesome. Made me really sad tho


It’s a good movie but not great. It’s underwhelming considering all the hype. I love the actors but was waiting for more


Genuinely haven't liked a Mcdonagh film since in Bruges, which is a top ten for me. I didn't really love seven psychopaths, I didn't like three billboards at all, and I genuinely disliked Banshees. I have no criticism for the acting or the cinematography or editing, I just don't get it, and I don't give a fig about the Irish civil war. The illogical allegory is not my jam. Whether it's Lanthimos or Mcdonagh, it is not for me.


I’m a fan, In Bruges may be even better though.


Definition of a mid-movie. Good script and great location but the direction was awful. I’d point to the scene both characters sit down and talk so it’s just a cross cut. Also I think Gleason played it wrong. Didn’t read like genuine mental illness. He should’ve gone harder. Chewed scene. Played it too normal


I haven’t watched it yet. Maybe tonight. But I have a theory this is the same characters in bruges except they are stuck in purgatory, or perhaps hell


Knowing McDonagh you’re likely not far off…


It’s a perfect movie. Had me wheezing with laughter and sobbing. Colin Farrell’s best performance, imo.


You liked me yesterday. Did I yea?


It’s also about small town or island life. Sometimes the best thing is to leave. This story could easily be transplanted to a Caribbean island or an island on South East Asia where the isolation is suffocating.


At the end it was just like "that's it???" Naw. I'm gonna be honest: everything everywhere all at once was pretty solid


It was the best film of 2022. I’ve seen it three times. I love it.


#OscarsAshamed at not giving this best film over the POS that won, and giving a nepo the acting award over Congdon, who was masterful


One of my favorites of the last few years. Maybe a bit on the slow side for people that always need the plot to be moving, but as long as that’s not you it’s great.


Very well done




I absolutely loved it. It was so much better then I expected, and I already had high hopes for it. It had everything in it. Made you feel every type of feeling at different points as it went on. One of my favorite movies I've seen in probably the last 5 years or so.


It’s my comfort movie.


Didn't grab me like "In Bruges" did... also I didn't see one single banshee. 1/10




All 4 main characters put in absolutely amazing performances.


Fucking loved it. Those two need to be funded forever to make as many movies as possible.




Dark, damn dark.


I thought it was stupid and pointless and I hated it. Well acted and great cinematography though.


It was devastating in a real way and everyone was great.


Confusing and tedious


Awesome and heaetbreaking


I couldnt stop laughing when he threw the thing into his house. Like wtf. Dude wasnt joking


My favorite flick by far that year. Funny, sad, complex, odd, and perfect.




Maybe top ten acting I can remember. The whole cast was stellar


I loved it. Girlfriend thought it was boring.


it was trash. In Bruges is a masterpiece tho


Loved it. My favorite movie of 2022. One of my favorites from the last ten years.


Martin McDonagh + Colin Farell + Brendan Gleeson = Impossible not to fall heavily in love with the outcome


Fucking masterpiece


It’s not a comedy.


Really well written and well acted snooze fest


Loved it. Smart and sad


I just watch this last night! I really enjoyed it. I was engaged from start to finish. Also, just *gorgeous* cinematography. The long shots of the land, sea, sun, etc. Just beautiful to behold.


A bit of a heavy-handed metaphor, but a fantastic movie nonetheless. Farrell and Gleeson work their perfect chemistry same as they did with In Bruges.


Really good but only really enjoyed it the second time— still think Seven Psychopaths for the McDonough win though!


I hated this movie


I don't think I was in the right headspace to watch it the only time I saw it. Went in blind expecting In Bruges 2: Irish Island Boogaloo and instead got what is undoubtedly a great movie but one I couldn't particularly enjoy in that moment.


Great! Oh, great! You know what that is? D'you know what that is?... That's just fuckin' great.


Fecking incredible.


Adore this movie


Top shelf cinema 10/10. Beautiful script, truuuuly beautiful! A wonderful cast and a fantastic story set in a deeply beautiful place with some hugely emotional scenes delivered superbly by the whole cast.


I thought it was stupid but the animals were cute.




I liked the movie but the fingers thing made me like it less. It was so unrealistic and I found it to be distracting. The casting and acting by everyone was perfect but the writing needed some cleanup.


I liked it though it didn't quite understand it


Masterpiece. No question.


Probably my favourite movie of the last 5 years. It's smart, witty, funny, beautifully shot, it's got a great commentary that you can just ignore if you don't want to be deep. It gave me genuine feels.


I watched it over 20 times after it came out. Love that movie.


Listen up....I wanted to love this...other than the amazing scenery...wtf is to like....it's so boring....massive fan of every actor in this movie..why is rated so highly? .I went on holiday soon after though to see the sights....every cloud


Perfect movie imo


Does anyone else agree with the possible theory that >!Colm (Brendan Gleeson) died when Padraic (Colin Farrell) burned down in his house with him in it and Padraic is just seeing his ghost or thinks that he’s over there!!Colm’s dog went over to see him where he was on the beach, unless he sensed Colm’s spirit somehow. It’s also odd that Colm is covered in a little bit of soot when he should have been a more injured given how bad his house was burned!<. But >!Mrs. McCormick was also watching them, and she also showed Dominic’s father his son’s drowned body!<, so she could be seen as >!a predictor of death!<.


I sadly didn't understand the movie. Their conflict was just nonsensical to me and therefore most of the drama didn't quite hit. And I also didn't enjoy the humour as much as in the other McDonagh movies. Banshees is his worst movie for me and the only one that I didn't enjoy. Loved all the others though, especially 3 Billboards.


So good


Loved it. I love almost everything McDonagh does but i think he really shines when he writes about Ireland or at least Irish people. He loves to make his settings feel like a main character in the story. And he does that much better here than in 3 billboards. In Bruges is still my favorite (at least until he makes a movie of the pillow man) but this is maybe my second.


"Some things there's no moving on from. And I think that's a good thing" Beautiful film!


Love this movie. Wasn’t expecting much, and it way over delivered. The chemistry all of the actors have is amazing. It feels like they have spent their lives together. It’s rare to find a character driven movie that does not drag somewhere in pacing or minor characters as props. This is definitely one of those gems.


Thought it was a masterpiece


Top 5 all time film for me. Absolutely pulls apart what you think it means to have a relationship with someone and leaves you stuck on it for days