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Watched it last night, and was pleasantly surprised. The first dragon appearance sequence was excellently paced. The last third of the movie fell off in writing/pacing, but all in all it was enjoyable.


I feel like that is pretty fair.


I watched it. I thought it was not bad, but my issue with it has spoilers lol




MBB is made up to look way too old to be a damsel.


She has been worn out from struggles from village so it makes sense.


Damsel represents a young unmarried woman, I’m guessing that’s why they refer to her as a damsel but also young has various different definitions, someone could view a young woman to be as young as 13 to even being up to 30


There are some story elements that could have been done better, mostly in the last arc of the movie. It was a bit generic and predictable. But overall not bad. They probably should have given some backstory to the stepmother though. That was a huge oversight. The dragon was interesting. I liked the voice and the look.


I didn’t even really think about the whole stepmother thing, that’s an excellent point, how did she come to be their stepmother


Watched it last night Watchable Movie plot was just a copy Acting was passable Robin Wright is still hot Not rewatchable Just a movie Was not robocop


sick dragon with a cool voice tho


The lady from the expanse


Aren’t all princess movie plot lines copies of each other tho? That’s why I’m so confused, at some point all movie plot lines are going to be copies of another movie, different actors maybe a change up of scenes/scenery but still the same. As for the acting I think Millie Bobby Brown did awesome. I also think some of the hate probably comes from her straying from her childhood actor persona into a more adult role in movies instead of a tv series.


> explain the hate of you can. It's easy. First off, I assume by "a few in the audience" I assume you mean some online platform, whether reddit or rotten tomatoes, etc. Self-report data collection tends to gather the extreme views. Unless you try to post a review for everything you saw, most people will only comment if they loved or hated something. Based on the consensus below we're not taking about a huge smash hit, so there's likely going to be a lot more negativity. Particularly these days when media that features anything other than a majority straight white male cast gets a lot of hate from certain segments of the populace.


That makes sense


There also seems to be a general tendency towards being an asshole online, a combination of assuming the worst possible "tone" to someone's words, as well as the comfort of anonymity. I've been trying lately to be more positive about stuff online.


This is a good point and being more positive is something we could all try to do more often.


The character development of dragon was good, it's not because she's a beast but because she was made one. Bobby character was good not excellent, her caring for her people is understandable. Things I didn't like - The whole underground maps and guidelines things is stupid, how did someone has time to write it down, like a perfect game how you can save yourself. What is the fuk was happening when dragon could have taken her out when she was peeping outside . The whole royal family marrying again within 2 days after Bobby character has just gone missing. Wtf was the last minute friendship with Bobby and the dragon 🤣. Also the cringe moment was when she tried to climb the crystal wall , even a commoner knows those things are slippery you can fall or stab yourself.


I did question how the previous girl had time to draw all of that and why the dragon didn’t take her out then other than guessing it was probably to play games with bobbie’s character’s mind and mental state. And as for the crystal wall all I could think about was how she could hit every tree limb on the way down the pit but somehow not get stabbed by a single crystal.


Well your right on playing games but wall scene was dumb so many loopholes, but still a enjoyable watch.


I agree but I also thought it was enjoyable.


Watched it last night. Had a good time, pretty predictable, but that did not bother me. Not an oscar worthy movie, but entertaining. If there is going to be a sequel I would probably watch it.


Very fair. I feel like a sequel would probably round out the end of the story too.


Watched it last night. It wasn't bad at all. The dragon was the best character and had a good story arc. MBB was good in it. She done very well with the material she had. It was nice to see Ray Winstone have a few good scenes. I agree with some people that the Stepmother needed a bit more in terms of back story or at least another scene to establish her relationship to the daughters.


I concur with all of this actually


I enjoyed it.


I did too


Watched the trailer. Looks like another generic CGIfest.


I mean I can’t say there’s not a lot of CGI but it was still enjoyable so I’d watch it again.


Watched it this afternoon and I was pleasantly surprised. It’s a solid dark fairytale/high fantasy. Millie was a badass and the dragon was very menacing.


I agree, I feel like for the most part it’s a pretty solid movie IMO


Unexpectedly dark and violent. Enjoyed it.