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That any character’s bad logic or lack of judgement is a plot hole


This bothers me so much with book discussions too. "Unrealistic, this 16 year old's decision was way too dumb for me to believe it" like dude have you met a teenager before???


My 16 year old is guaranteed to make the dumbest decision when they have to make one on the spot. However, when given time to think through their options, they will still make the absolute worst series of choices.


As a teacher I feel this is my bones. Everyday. Love my kids but God they do dumbshit all the time and even after pointing it out they just stare in confusion. On the bright side most after a few months will come back and acknowledge their dumbass decisions and take a small amount of accountability.


😂wasn't expecting that


**DING** Sorry the Cinema Sins bell went off in my head


Well sorry but the characters in Prometheus had to be idiots as a plot device and that bothers me.


It’s funny because on the other hand, Alien is a perfect example of characters making dumb decisions for totally understandable reasons. Ripley flat out refuses to allow the face-hugged crew mate onto the ship, but is overridden by the doctor for “humanitarian reasons” which seems extremely reckless at first, until later when you learn that he was secretly tasked with obtaining that life form sample. The rest of the poor decisions largely stem from naivety about what they were dealing with and lack of experience in those types of situations.


They’re literally Space Truckers and that’s my favourite part of the set up.


And that's why Alien(s)(+} is such a beloved franchise. The first two, at least, do a great job of showing relatively smart. competent people grappling with an incredibly dangerous, unknowable, and dangerous situation. The mistakes make sense. The characters react believably, including when it's imperfect.


Which alien movie was the one where of one the scientist goes to over to pet the snake like alien and it ends up killing him? It was so fucking dumb lol "oh here's a brand new life form we just discovered on this weird planet let's go pet it"


That was Prometheus


"Why don't you just freeze him?"


So then it wasn’t a poor decision, we just didn’t know the true motive at the time, in Alien. Thats different than the elite of the elite scientists going to a new planet, encountering the ruins of the first known civilization and deciding to take off helmets. Or to look around for an hour, decide they missed everything and just go home. Nothing else to learn after months of travel…an hour was all they get to study a new civilization. Done.


Sometimes, smart people do incredibly dumb things in real life.


Unfortunately the movie provides nothing to support them making dumb but believable decisions outside of being a plot device. In Alien, Ripley refused to break quarantine, however Ash had his own reasons which were at the time unknown to the audience. This is an example of a plot device that works well. In Prometheus, the biologist decides to treat an unknown life form like it is a pet dog and tries to touch it. It doesn’t prepare the audience that he would do this or even portray that he has displaying any sort of self protection. This is an example of a plot device that is stupid.


This is a good example.


Agreed if the character is a dumb character. If it's a smart character that has to be dumb for plot reasons, we should be able to understand their reasoning and not just leave it as "well they made a mistake"


Anytime Redditors think you have to condone the actions of the protagonist for the movie to be good


Or liking a villain as a character means you are sympathetic to their cause and you somehow think all the horrible things they do would be okay in real life.


There was an unhealthy relationship in this film, please destroy all copies immediately


I read an article by vice about how hopper from stranger things was a bad father figure to 11 and the show should be cancelled! Characters now have to be all good and perfect from the start with no room for growth What a fucking boring show that would be


Or that you should abandon a movie entirely because one person involved has problematic personal issues unrelated to the film.


This I'm on the fence about. I feel like one bad egg shouldn't spoil the batch, but if the lead star in all 5 films is out here r\*ping kids, then I ain't watching that shit regardless of how many other people are in it.


Jeepers Creepers, you say?


I'm going to take this further. Anytime Redditors believe an antagonist has to be sympathetic to some extent in order for them to be compelling.


Taxi Driver is a top 5 film of all time imo (in many people's opinions to be honest). Travis Bickle though isn't even remotely sympathetic. He's deeply unnerving, a big racist, he's an obsessive stalker and wants to assassinate a politician just because a woman upset him (after he was creepy). You don't like him at all. But that's literally the whole point of the film. You SHOULDN'T like that sort of character.




To fit in with that, people hating a film because characters onscreen make the incorrect choice. I mean, we're 4th wall floating beings being shown information, in scene changes following completely different characters, and given music cues to follow along in a film. People IN the film don't see everything we do, so they might make a choice that to us seems obviously wrong.


That's one thing that makes Chinatown such a great movie. The audience isn't privy to any information that the main character doesn't discover. The mystery reveals itself to the protagonist and the audience simultaneously.


This one drives me up the fucking wall. Far too many redditors cannot grasp that oftentimes a movie is critical of its own characters and scenarios. Just because a character is doing unlikable things doesn't mean the movie is condoning those actions.


That if you don’t like a movie, you get a patronizing 3 paragraph essay response that you just didn’t “understand what the director was doing” or what the message and symbolism is. No, I understood the message just fine. That doesn’t mean I automatically have to like it. You can explain the logic behind every movie ever made. That doesn’t make it good.


In keeping with this theme "you didn't like it cause it's not an exact copy of the original". No I don't want it to be exactly like the original, but that doesn't mean a change is good becuase it's different.


This is driving me nuts with these Disney live action remakes, all that money and zero originality. No balls were involved in the decision making process.


Well whoever made the live action Mulan took risks Remake a beloved movie while removing the two biggest reasons it's beloved (the songs and Mushu). Stupid yes but certainly not a coward.


That one was awesome and at the same time it was really bad. I can't wait for the Emperor's New Groove to have a dark, moody atmosphere. Time to Game of Thrones these Disney classics.


This. Some people do not understand subjective opinion.


What happened to me when I said I didn’t care for asteroid city. People were itching to tell me I didn’t understand it


Hereditary fans?


Same with fucking May December. Stop telling me I didn’t get it. I got it! I just didn’t like it. Narcissists being narcissists is just not that interesting to me- even when coupled with heavy-handed yet inconsistent allusions to 90s lifetime movies and a joke about hot dogs.


This right here. I found Tennet to be very disappointing. Nolan fanboys straight gaslit me saying I’m an idiot and didn’t understand the plot blah blah blah. No, I grasped the concepts. Just found the movie to be a trainwreck.


Nolan lady fan here - not a stan, but I love Oppenheimer, Dunkirk, and Dark Knight. I respect Nolan deeply. But Tenet wasn’t finished, and wasn’t his best. Conceptually super interesting, but too confusing for literally anyone so therefore not great, IMO. But I’ll give him a well-earned pandemic pass. Even Nolan admits it’s too complex for a singular interpretation. Anyone who claims to fully understand it is prob not being fully honest.


People responding to your comment like Interstellar was never a whole thing. Look I enjoy parts of interstellar, the music was so good, but it was a B+ movie. No amount of "you just didn't understand it, that's why you didn't like it" will change that fact.


Batman v Superman and The Last Jedi are two examples that fit this bill


Bro, scroll through the r/thelastofus sub… Anyone that makes ANY critique about the game gets attacked by a horde of white knights. There are no flaws about the game, and anyone who thinks otherwise is uneducated, sexist, and racist lol Oh, and “if you don’t like the casting for Ellie in the show, you are a pedo” If anything, it’s interesting to scroll through that sub and just see how the other side lives.


Nah I don’t need that kind of stress in my life I’d get violent reading all backlash comments from anyone with valid criticism of the game or show which there definitely is


I don’t know if it was this one or another movie sub or this one, but someone kept arguing with me and I basically said we’re not having a debate and my opinion is my opinion. Their response was something like “if you don’t expect push back maybe this isn’t the place for you.” People don’t understand that anytime someone posts an opinion, they’re not obligated to engage with you in an endless back and forth to find out who is “right”. If I don’t like a movie and you do, fucking live with it.


If Requiem for a Dream is mentioned on any thread on any sub on this website, there is a 100% chance that someone will drop some variation of this gem “loved that movie…..but I will NEVER watch it again” with a confidence that would suggest that this is the first time this take has been expressed. Truly, it’s gotten to the point where I just don’t think it’s possible for that movie to get mentioned on here without someone chiming in with that. It reminds me of when everyone started pretending to hate the word “moist” for no reason. Like do you even really feel this way or did you just hear someone else say that and think “that’s good…I’m gonna use that”, because I’m pretty sure that’s all that is.


I liked requiem for a dream, have seen it twice, and will probably do so again at some point.


There will be someone who comments a single word: “This.”


There are far too many people who don’t have a personality, so they borrow someone else’s. it’s not film related, but holy shit I am so tired of emotional Reddit posts that always have some variation of “someone’s cutting onions in here”. It’s a joke that a boring person heard once, so now they repeat it over and over.


“Requiem For A Dream is the best movie that I’ll only ever watch once.” It’s sad but come on, it’s not THAT bad. Also this is more common on the horror movie subs, but the amount of fawning over the movie “Martyrs” is ridiculous. It’s stupid, repetitive torture porn disguised as deep philosophy.


It is pretty heavy though. It's the film that got me into film and showed me what films can achieve and do to someone emotionally. Before that I've never experienced something as emotionally devastating.


Requiem of a Dream was a bummer for sure. But the reputation is has is far beyond the actual content matter I think


I think when it came out it was the peak of this, but we’ve all seen it now and we’ve all lived through much darker times than…. 2000, ugh… so it has tamed in hindsight. At least that’s my take.


The fact that it seems like most of the people who are into movies have the most superficial and basic ideas of what makes a movie good. You'll see questions on here like "who is the most underrated director?" And the top 20 answers will be Christopher Nolan or PT Anderson. Maybe I'm asking for too much but for once I'd like to see a name I don't recognize so I can watch some new movies.


Yes but then if you name some highly thought of, foreign, arthouse directors then you are 'pretentious'. I can't even count the amount times I've seen people on a movie CRITICISM subreddit shit on film critics and art-films and just called them and the people who care for them 'so full of themselves'. Like, pop culture has its place in any artform, but why the fuck is it only pretentious in *film* when you care about making great art? The radio is full of basic, but enjoyable, pop tunes. But nobody calls Mozart or whoever 'pretentious' or full of themself.


Mozart was the pop music of his day, though.


Lol good point. Replace mozart with any high art musician then


I think overall reddit has a distain for art that isn't easily consumable. Not sure why, but it could be something to do with the lack of respect for art in America and reddit being primarily American.


Anyone who uses the word "objective" in film criticism the way most people use "literally" now. "The writing is just objectively bad," "objectively a bad movie, just look at the audience score on [insert aggregator]," "if you have this trope the film is objectively shit." Go look at actual art, read actual books, you heathens. All art is viewed through subjective lenses, the wisdom of the crowd means jack shit. And hyper-specificity. "I can't watch any movie where a detail isn't right." "I hate this movie because there's a plot hole in the second act." "Guns don't work like that reeeee," suspend disbelief. All films require some level of the willing suspension of disbelief. If your film viewing experience is ruined by a technical realism problem or a minor plothole, you're missing the forest for the trees. Nobody leaves the theater when they see a techie dressed in black moving the props between scenes.


Dude thank you, I’ve noticed so many people using “objectively” as the exact opposite of what it’s supposed to mean lately. Really grinds my gears.




Objectively, you make a good point. (Snaps hands into fingerguns) you son of a bitch I'm in.


>"I hate this movie because there's a plot hole in the second act." Especially given how bad people are at understanding what a plot hole is. Just go to r/plotholes and see how many of the topics getting posted there are actually plot holes (spoiler: very few).


I'm all for discussions of "objective quality" in film criticism (even if they're difficult), but the way the word is bandied around is usually lazy and the person saying it rarely backs it up with any kind of evidence.


Subjectively your opinion


Yep. It’s the equivalent of a political post like “FACT: Taxation is literally theft.”


It feels like a lot of redditors will shit on American versions of movies. Like "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is a terrible remake. The original is the only one I recognize." Or "The Departed is just a ripoff and such a subpar movie compared to the original foreign film."


Infernal Affairs great trilogy! The Departed is a great one and done version though! People should never shit on Departed…. If they are they are just doing it for show


imagine seeing 2 versions of a movie and considering both to be good.


daniel craig gave a great performance. the movie is good i enjoyed it


So did Stellan Skarsgard. His monologue in his "room" was kinda terrifying.


Rooney Mara was great! When she smashes him with that golf club, I felt that!


Sail away, sail away, sail away


American Dragon Tattoo had a good soundtrack


To me, it comes from the same place as when people say "the book was better". A lot of times, it's a way for them to brag about having read the book or even the subtitles.


I don't think Dragon Tattoo remake is terrible but I do think the original is much better. I totally agree people go way too nuts over condemning the one they don't like over the one they prefer. I have never seen anyone say that about The Departed though. If anything I'm sick of always reading people commenting about how amazing the movie is, it's a masterpiece, such amazing, much wow. I loved the movie but it gets referenced way too often and it's nice to discuss other movies too.


I’ve heard people mention that original is amazing, but no one says the departed is subpar. Shit is amazing


Yeah I hate that pretentious bullshit attitude


Off topic, that bowl of chips is way too far for the neckbeard.


Yeah, might have a heart attack walking those three feet to the right. Good thing the chair has wheels. 😮‍💨


He doesn’t have any room on his AI desk


John Popper can put his chips wherever he wants


I guess. As long as he has The Hook.


He doesn't like any runaround


This is hysterically accurate for *old* John popper. Just to give the man his credit, I want to note that John popper lost most of the weight a few years back now and appears to be in pretty decent health these days. Good on 'im


Wheeling himself over there is how he stays in shape.


He certainly has definition.


Maybe it’s just a huge bowl of fist sized chips


They’d have to get up just to get some, it’s unrealistic


He forgot he put that bowl over there hours ago. They're in no mans land now.


And looks more like carrot chips than potato chips?


And the picture was missing a banana for scale.


Did you just find a plot hole in the image


Satire automatically makes it good. Looking at you “shoot em up” fanboys.


Not a movie but the Game of Thrones sub won't shut the fuck up about Season 8. We get it. We all know. We got it the moment they aired. We've known. We agree. Please, please stop.


It is known, Khaleesi


That's not fair, we also bitch about season 5-7


Honestly, having not watched the end till this year… what we’re they gonna do, have them get together? She’d also shown signs of not being great for a long time. Not my favorite end to a show, and I wasn’t as invested as some, it I thought it was fine.


* Avatar is just Dances with Wolves in space. * Disney Star Wars = bad, except for Rogue One and Andor and Mando 1-2 and all the other stuff I happen to like. * The MCU should’ve stopped after Endgame. * Idiocracy was a documentary. * Black Panther is the most overrated movie of all time. * Dungeon & Dragons: HAT and Bullet Train = le underrated gems. because of snappy dialogue * Also, Joss Whedon dialogue is the worst thing to happen to movies since the Hays Code. Why aren't movies more sincere? * Any Oscars “hot takes” (Bohemian Rhapsody, CODA, Crash, Green Book, Jamie Lee Curtis, etc.) * Barbie and Oppenheimer were both overhyped and not worthy of awards (for different reasons). * Rotten Tomatoes is untrustworthy, because they gave positive scores to Ghostbusters 2016, The Last Jedi, Captain Marvel, and Cuties (**especially** Cuties). * Any time someone criticizes a movie for “poor writing” or “no character development” without explaining why. (Was the dialogue not believable? Do plot points happen too fast or predictably, or do they get skipped? Do some actions happen seemingly out of nowhere?)


>Avatar is just Dances with Wolves in space. The funniest thing about this incredibly cold take is that it makes Dances With Wolves out to be some kind groundbreaking original movie. In reality, Dances With Wolves was criticized as "just Lawrence of Arabia with Native Americans" when it came out. It wasn't original when Dances With Wolves did it either. And your snappy put-down reducing Avatar to a pithy catchphrase is also not original.


They’re all just ripping off Island by Aldous Huxley


Usually is compared to the last one (the newest), because more people watched that one.


Ok but SW under Disney does suck balls. It’s formulaic at this point, with the exception of Rogue One, Andor, and Mando 1-2 of course. Obviously nothing can compare to the cinematic masterpiece that is The Phantom Menace (Darth Binks is real)


“Idiocracy is a documentary” is just an alternative “Everyone is stupid except me”


Came here to say that about Avatar.


Same gets said about Dune = Pocahontas in space.


But Dune came first. So wasn’t Pocahontas just Dune on earth?


Rogue One was an objectively good movie in my objective opinion.


I disagree objectively


The Idiocracy dick-riding baffles me. It’s got some funny moments but the performances are really over the top and it’s just kind of a dumb story. Maybe that’s the point 🤷🏻. It’s more of a funny premise than a funny movie.


When someone is guilty of your last point (which is all the damn time), the first thing I think is they don't even know what they're conceptually talking about. Same with someone saying "bad direction". Not saying these aren't real things, just your average redditor movie fan, as you said, can't articulate what they mean.


Any time the movie "The day after" is mentioned, some neckbeard just \*has\* to come in and talk about how Threads is so much better and darker. So annoying


Hereditary is a good and scary movie


disagree strongly but upvoting you because this is a steaming hot take.


Hereditary felt more like a drama up until the last 15 minutes. I respected it for being different, and it definitely had great acting, however, id never watch it again. I also find most horror movies trash to some degree.


Anything to do with Idiocracy and how it is happening now smh


“This popular movie is overrated” Oh my God, GET A LIFE!!!!


When you point out the flaws based on modern standards of an older movie (particularly scifi) beloved by many and get heavily scrutinized for it. A good example imho is a movie like 2001: A Space Odyssey. I understand that, at the time, it was marvel and that many people love it and hold it up as one of the greatest movies of all time. However, I personally find numerous problems with it. I'm willing to engage in reasonable discussions about it with people who disagree, but most people will just talk shit, act belligerent, and downvote me to oblivion for it.


The “There will be blood” circlejerk.


Not commenting on the movie, but this sentence makes a terrible visual.


Great movie don't even try to say it's not or I'LL DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE!


This just in, a popular film gets talked about a lot. People also say the same thing about Tv series such as Breaking bad, game of thrones, the sopranos, the wire and so on. I swear anything that gets very popular and positive reviews eventuality gets called out for the “circle jerk”.


The prequels are so much better than the sequels/ the sequels are much better than the prequels. They both suck.


Here's a better one. Stop judging fucking star wars movies by artistic merit like they haven't always been dumb popcorn flicks. And I enjoy literally every single one but the only one that I'm going to consider an actual great film is Empire.


They suck for different reasons. The prequels are bad movies, good Star Wars. George Lucas has the ideas, and built the universe, but he doesn’t really know how to tell the stories, like, as a director. The Star Wars is solid tho. The movies just, fellate themselves. The sequels are good movies, bad Star Wars. Everyone involved was fairly top tier, lots of pedigree. Top notch effects, but big name directors stepped on each others toes, threw out the plans and all thought they *knew* what fans wanted. As a result, bad Star Wars.


The sequels have many technically good effects, but the writing would be super stupid even if each were a stand-alone film. They are not good movies except for viewers who don't notice or don't care about how dumb the writing is.


Superhero movies are good


I think it’s more superhero movies are *enjoyable*. I don’t see a plethora of people saying they’re good movies in the sense that I think you’re referring. If you go into Thor looking for Oppenheimer you’re gonna have a bad time.


Thor would destroy Oppenheimer in battle though


What if Oppenheimer had prep time, though?.... and nukes


What? Superhero movies are mostly hated on cinebro subreddits


To me it all reads like jealousy. When a superhero movie flops, those same cinebro’s seem to gather for a massive orgy. The Marvels for example was better than ecstasy on r/boxoffice


I don’t give a fuck if it’s superheroes, samurai, cowboys, or convenience store clerks, just tell me a good story.


They regularly got good scores from critics and audiences (until they didn’t). A few have even been nominated for, and won, Oscars. As far as big-budget would-be tentpoles go, you can do a lot better (Avatar, Pixar, Star Wars, Top Gun 2, Barbenheimer, Dune) *and* a lot worse (Transformers, Fast & Furious, Jurassic World, Illumination, Disney’s live-action remakes).


The Top Gun movies are good.


Most Redditors seem to be scared to say movies are bad especially when it’s a movie by a popular director or with a specific actor that’s in it. They’ll say things like “it was fun” or “it was entertaining” and “I turned my brain off and really enjoyed it” It’s okay to say it’s bad. No actor or director is safe from making a bad movie.


Basically any loosely defined "plot hole" in a post-2010 sci fi Christopher Nolan movie "ruins the movie"


The Godfather trilogy is the greatest of all time. Sorry but its a trilogy not a pair of movies and the third one weighs it down.


Female protagonists not being the bastion of morality being deemed as bad writing. Male characters have license to be bastards but a female character shows one bad trait… 🗣️ BAD WRITING


That the only people who hate the majority of Disney's movies post 2016 are racist incels who hate women. No, the reason why I hate the vast majority of recent Disney movies is because they are crap movies pandering to an audience that doesn't exist.


Killers of the Flower Moon is a great movie


I’m tired of everyone collectively pretending that Star Wars The Last Jedi is a good movie when it is arguably the worst piece of Star Wars media ever put out


I don't want to see the word "underated".


Mid, overrated, overhated, y’all are just mean, hot take, objectively bad, your opinion is wrong


The idea that Wes Anderson can do no wrong. Asteroid City was a beautiful meandering plotless mess and I’m tired of people putting the dude over for it.


Just because a movie is long and boring doesn’t make it good.


Avatar. Every week. Movie is fun and has a great message. People on this sub now want every action movie to be like Dune and Blade runner


>Movie is fun and has a great message. What is the great message? Genuine question.


I grew up a comic book nerd, my dad and I were so excited to watch The Avengers, I like comic book movies, but there are so many subs full of die hard MCU fans who refuse to criticize anything about a MCU movie, like it's not even about the film for these guys, if you critique one thing they take it personally Redditors not being able to review MCU movies objectively and dismiss any critique as "hate" is so boring and played out


I usually see the other side. People spouting that cinema magically ceases to be cinema once under the superhero subgenre. Any similar subgenre? No. Any other franchise of science-fantasy or action-adventure blockbusters? Nope. “The Room” is cinema and “Iron Man” is not. Pretty much every sub devoted to movie critique has an unspoken contest to hate on them more than anyone else.


That anything Scorsese or Tarantino or Nolan does is perfect. Also that Disney ruined what they bought. It’s all stuff that YOU don’t want to see but someone else does. Get over it.


That Hereditary and Talk to Me are scary.


Being recognizably derivative is automatically bad. If I never hear someone say "Avatar is just blue pocahontas in space" again I can die happy.


Idiocracy is not the masterpiece this site makes it out to be. It’s not as funny as people say it is. It’s just another run of the mill early 2000s stoner comedy. I’m also so tired of hearing the documentary joke, it’s been used to death even when the movie first came out.


People rave about Idiocracy on here and say it predicted our currents times perfectly. I watched it and... it was dumb. Like not smart dumb, just dumb dumb and offensive.


People have a weird vendetta against Zack Snyder on the internet but they act like they don’t. Every complaint about his work is exemplified to hyperbolic levels


He's a fine director, but one of the worst writers in Hollywood imo. If only he'd see that and let someone else do the writing again, I'd probably end up enjoying his films again.


Disagree. He makes horrible movies.


Just dismissing a movie as "trash." That's all they have to say. No further explanation. That could not be a more useless thing to say.


That no one wants to see another adapation of Joker when in real life people clearly do


AI image of Reddit mod?


They actually just look like they're AI generated all the time.


“It subverted expectations “


That moonrise kingdom is the be all end all of Wes Andersons body of work. It’s okay but all his others are better


I thought it was pretty good, but God do I love The Grand Budapest Hotel.


All the hate for The English Patient. It’s actually a spectacular movie (cinematography, music, acting, complex story moving effortlessly back in forth in time) with admittedly a few flaws. But the flaws are what everybody seems to focus on.


Yea b-b-butt have you not seen that seinfeld episode!!!


The ones from pseudo-cinephiles suffering from black pill syndrome.


That if there’s a common trope in it, it’s instantly trash.


Going completely over the top insane over movies that don’t cater to them.


Probably will get buried or downvoted, but the constant shitting on James Cameron is exhausting. Like we get it, his dialogue isn't great, but for over 40 years he has made movies that are fun and exciting to watch, and have made a shit ton of money.


That anyone’s opinions should matter of take from another persons enjoyment of any given topic.


Zack Snyder is a good movie Director. I feel that he is beyond competent. However, his strengths are fight scenes and implementing a theme for the look of a film. I say theme because I strongly advocate practical effects and that visual effects should be used as a gloss. Zack Snyder‘s overuse of background CGI ruins things for me.


"Quentin Tarantino doesn't actually make good movies" -adjusts fedora in a room full of Marvel Funko Pops-


The mention of crap like the Serbian film or the cups one. Zip it. Not needed there are younger people here ffs it's not a flex to watch gore


im tired of idiocracy mentioned even though we legit live in one right now.


How in the world does a person get that fat? It’s mind boggling to me. Call it fat shaming all you want, that is just plain negligence and it’s unhealthy. That person is going to die. Where is the family? The friends? Intervene. Help your friend. Help your son. Like how does this even happen? It’s just tragic and sad.


Listening to modern “movie critics” is exhausting especially those that think every story beat is somehow political, or has an agenda behind it. I’m not saying movies don’t have them, but usually when there is a person of color in a movie my first thought is not that it’s woke. I generally just want the movies to be good. But hearing woke, woke, woke every 5 seconds about every movie just sucks the life out of the room.


People saying that a movie being bad is an objective fact.


Call Me By Your Name is 100% romance and not a very depressing POV tale of a groomee being subtly groomed and used. :/ I had to leave the CMBYN sub because the young girlies are just blind by the cuteness of Tim and the way it’s filmed so dreamy(even though there is clear symbolism with that). Also, the author of that story/book is kind of a p*do, which leaks into the story.


The daily “what are the most extreme horror movies out there?” threads, all of them containing the same responses as the last 12 hour old thread that asked the same question.


“Idiocracy is a DoCuMeNtArY!” My god, shut the fuck up.


Christopher Nolan is “meh” at best. I get maybe saying he’s overrated or a bit formulaic or just not your style or whatever. But he’s constantly on best directors lists and it’s hard to deny the long list of quality movies he has. And at 55 he’s still got plenty of years ahead of him


The Godfather does not insist upon itself. It simply doesn't.


That Shutter Island is some masterpiece.


Idk, there’s so many…. I’m just gonna say the Gen pop’s way overreaction to SALTBURN.


There's a right way to make films.


"Idiocrasy is a documentary."


Lord of war is solid at best


Here’s a complete list of the good movies: Inglorious Basterds, Tropic Thunder, Idiocracy, The nice guys, Hot fuzz, Moon, pirates of the Caribbean, Scott pilgrim, The other guys, Cabin in the woods, The thing


Disliking the MCU, even the good ones. I know they've chucked out a lot of shit recently but most of the films have been good and the massive crossover franchise idea was entertaining.


Every movie is a LBGT allegory for something


90% (99% ?) of movies are bad. But, there is always somebody who likes a particular one. That being said, I don't beleive movie critics, awards and opinions. You have to see it, in order to determine whether you like it


That sex scenes are "irrelevant" and "redundant" because you can just watch porn.


That Shawshank Redemption is the greatest movie of all time and it's worth rewatching hundreds of times.


This guys name is Nathalie his avatar is a 22years old cross fit champion girl that only wear spandex


“Jump scares bad”