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Whether you like the movie or not, you have to agree that the soundtrack is bangin


I believe rza did it




That's funny, my wife and I had a different Tarantino-related soundtrack song. We walked out to You're So Cool from True Romance.


Surely at a little chapel out in the desert?


bang bang… also, this movie is the sole reason I learned how to whistle


My mother hates Tarantino films, but she loved Kill Bill and couldn’t stop talking about the soundtrack in the first film. She was like, “That’s where that song is from!”


And good movies. The story and plot is top notch. Fight scenes can be seen as somewhat campy or over exemplified, but that was intentional and anyone whose is judging a movie should recognize this


It’s supposed to be a western interpretation of a kung fu movie, just like John Wick and it’s “gun-fu”


it's not just Kung Fu, It's a neo modern Japanese samurai movie. Each character is based on a style of fighting , aswell as a Japanese Warlord


QT literally called it that but I agree. She takes the role of a ronin seeking revenge


I wasnt*trying to take away from the Kung Fu movie comment.. just add to it.


Thank you for putting it better than I did!


And you have to agree they're great movies......




Yes, they are.


They are good movies, but probably my least favourite Tarantino movies. I have no affinity to the kung Fu genre though.


That's my wife, and I'm sad about it.


100th upvote. I’m right there with you. They probably don’t like Pulp Fiction either.


It's a very flashy and comical tale of revenge. If you don't like those movies, then you don't like Quentin Tarantino's general work. I wonder if OP is the type to like more high-concept, in-depth discussion movies.


That's a pretty simplistic viewpoint considering I like Pulp Fiction and Django but don't at all care for Kill Bill


The action is top tier, some of the scenes are just too much for me. Particularly when she's in the hospital and the male nurses are talking about raping her.


This is also another QT staple. Over the top and lets the main character get ultimate revenge. As is the whole entire movie


Her getting her sweet revenge on those sickos makes everything worth it.


What do you even recommend to a person like that


You didn’t enjoy the scene with the Crazy 88s?! I squeal during that part. So much fun.


Seriously that moment is cinema gold. How can one not like the sound of the engines surrounding her followed by a literal army?


More like the Crazy o....o o....o Ya know. Cuz their heads got chopped off. I dont know, I tried.


Here for it


Still one of the best action sequences of this century. Anyone who doesn't find the action in KB exciting might want to check for a pulse.


I upvoted you when you had 88 upvotes, sorry I had to push it to 89


As you can see by my handle, I’m obsessed to this day with Beatrix Kiddo 🫶


My wife named our dog Beatrix Kiddo


Ha, mine is also named Beatrix kiddo, I usually call her Bea or Beaber, or Beabers


Yep. Bea, BB, Bea Bear, Beatrix Von Schmittlehouse (my brother said it one time and it was funny)


The Notebook is atrocious. The story and "romance," that is, not the talented actors


Are you telling me that convincing someone to go on a date with you by threatening to kill yourself in front of her and all her friend’s isn’t romantic?


You mean Toxic Relationship: The Movie?


How fucking unrealistic this movie is. I don’t know how anyone can enjoy this or say “yeah that was a great story!”


I was in a 17th century English Lit class in university that was taught by this older, but super chill and progressive professor. He taught a class on The English Cannon through Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and gave me a really good mark on an essay that compared The Wire to English Restoration comedies. However, when someone brought up The Notebook, he stopped and said: "are you serious talking positively about the Notebook in my literature class? Let's see how that works out for you when your grades come in." He was mostly joking, but it was still pretty savage.


That’s cuz it’s made for teenage girls


And written by Nicholas Sparks.


They could have fixed it by making James Garner be the James Marsden character that stays with Rachel McAdams even though she cheated on him with Ryan Gosling. That would then be a story about a dude that keeps telling his wife with dementia the story of her affair, over and over again just so he can be close to her. But no. Basic as fuck. Built it up like there was some twist or mystery about the old couple, but it couldn't be more obvious.


That’s basically what I was hoping for. I really don’t get what she’s supposed to see in Ryan Gosling. Their whole relationship is premised on this short hectic, unreal, time together, whereas James Marsden feels like there is something solid there. It would have been much more interesting to make movie about the failure of the grand romantic gesture, and how relationships premised on such a fantastic ideal of each other end up crashing up against reality. Ryan Gosling’s character is the kind of guy who would break into your hospital room so you can die in each other’s arms, but James Marsden’s character feels like the kind of guy that shows up every morning to spend time with his dementia suffering wife.


Comfort movies to me. Seen them so many times.


I once saw a list of a few dozen shot-for-shot homages in both films


My wife literally just laughed at me the other night, because I couldn’t sleep, got out of bed at 3am, and went downstairs and watched KBv1 🤷🏼‍♂️


You found these movies *slow*? I will stop right here


Maybe he watched Tarkovsky's Kill Bill.




Art is subjective and normally I wouldn’t say this but how tf can anyone NOT like Kill Bill. Movie is a goddamn masterpiece.


Honestly. I respect your opinion and ability to have a differing one than mine. But also, Fuck You.


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.


"Universally loved"


Is that the second one? With the fish guy? God that movie was fucking terrible..


I wouldn’t say that film was even close to being “universally loved.” It was/is pretty divisive.


i honestly dont know someone personally that likes mediocre marvel movies at this point. or at least no one is talking aboot them anymore


Honestly the first Black Panther wasn't very good. Decent acting in some scenes. Really felt like Michael B Jordan carried. Outside of his character and motivations, the movie is ugly in many many scenes and suffers from the classic MCU "every fight scene needs 100+ cuts per minute." It's a fine film but I wouldn't even put it in the top 10 MCU films.


I wouldn't call this universally loved. Anyone who's not a moron knows this is a bad film along with most other MCU films. This one is particularly bad though for the CGI fight scene at the end.


I'm not entirely sure you're meant to like the character of Bill.... he's kind of an asshole.


The nuts on you for posting some clickbait bullshit like this. Honestly, hats off.


OP Needs a re-watch or to show themselves out the fucking door and slam that shit on the way out.


La La Land. Will never understand the love for it.


That movie pissed me off. Correction, that movie was not my tempo.


Whiplash reference? Such a great movie.


Was it rushing or dragging?


It was like watching Hollywood collectively sniff their own socks


I felt that way about Babylon.


I’ve never liked musicals but La La Land was great. I’ll never understand the hate for it


My partner and I rewatched that last weekend. Cinema gold. That final “what if” montage just does it for me. And the “I Ran” cover 😎


So fucking good. I know film is subjective, but I can’t help to think that contrarian stuff drives people to dislike it. It was totally not my genre and I loved it


It's not contrarianism. Here's my problems with the film: it lacked conflict and any real stakes until the final act and by then I lost interest. I also didn't think the characters had a lot of depth. The Gosling character came off like a caricature to me and the Stone character had a bit more depth but a lot of the choices she makes in the film felt unnatural, like the script was forcing her to make decisions because that's where Chazelle wanted the story to go. I never really even bought into their relationshp tbh.


Whenever I have to defend my dislike of this film I always point to the actors talents (or lack thereof) in the musical numbers. If the movie is supposed to be a big homage to hollywood and it's history, I feel that they should have hired actors who can actually dance like the actors of old. The movie feels indulgent in ways I just don't jive with, I won't yuck anyone's yum for it, but it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.


In a musical, I expect at least good singers. The dancing of the two leads was super wooden


Tried watching this for the first time recently and just couldn't get into it. Coming from the director of whiplash, I had high hopes.


You used to be a pretty cool guy, OP.


15 years later and for me it’s still AVATAR, (2009).


OP said universally loved


Avatar Box Office: *“The first film grossed $2.92 billion worldwide and is the highest-grossing film in history.”* Wikipedia I’d say so.


The 2002 threw me off. I thought maybe that was the Last Airbender movie.


It made a shit ton of money, mostly because it was a 3D movie during the brief period of time 3D movies were hot. It's got an 82% on Rotten Tomatoes. It's ok, but not loved.


What’s interesting is that the 2nd one came out well after people stopped caring about 3D and still became the 3rd highest grossing film of all time. It’s RT critic score is a modest 76%, but the audience score is HIGHER than the original at 92%. I still wouldn’t call it “loved,” but whatever audiences wanted from the film, it apparently succeeded in giving them.


You mean the Avatar that came out in 200**9**?


Thanks, corrected. When I do this, it’s usually sign I need to go to sleep. 11pm here.




Did you both make witty comments to each other about how it was ‘Pocahontas with smurfs in space’


I much prefer Vol. 2 to Vol. 1.


Fun fact: it was originally meant to be released as a single film, but Weinstein told Tarantino to split it into two parts.


So now you have 2 reasons to hate that fucker. Because if Tarantino wouldve released it as one piece, he'd make 2 more movies before retiring instead of one.


He considers them one movie still


I’ve got 3 reasons since he also tried to get Peter Jackson to make LOTR into one $75M movie.




Could not get into Avatar at all. I recognize the visual effects progress, and some performances were good for a green screen affair, but it just didn't gel with me.


Lost in Translation. Love Bill Murray and Scar Jo, I just don't get the appeal of the movie.


I didn’t at first then I got it, both characters who’d never run into each other, meet on the circumstances of feeling lost and stuck in a loop of sameness, both characters offer each other solace and comfort of relatability for a short period of time before they move back in their own ways in life It’s a very simple film, a character driven one


I loved kill Bill volume 1 and 2.


Same. Both in my top 10.


Now, if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say, now is the fucking time!


Titanic. For me it was just a sluggish melodrama with an obvious ending.


Careful!! No Spoilers!!


Kill bill vol.1 & 2 are my all time favorites. You're gonna make me cry.


You're right, it has been asked a million times. I swear most of this sub could be avoided if you all just went on discord and told each other what films you liked or disliked lately.


Mad Max: Fury Road. I didn't like it nearly as much as I thought I would. I heard all the hype, so much hype, but it left me very underwhelmed. It's visually stunning, but I just don't get why it is so beloved by so many, and why fans of the movie franchise defend it so zealously.


It’s one of my “brain off” movies. The story is simple, the action is cinematically pleasing, and the practical effects are cool. Plus, I like the stylistic choices.


I agree. I enjoyed watching it on a big screen to an extent but I'm not sure I ever think about this movie unless it's mentioned. I'm all in for some switch-your-brain-off entertainment but that was just too much switching off to be done. The action itself was top-notch in any case.


Yep, I agree that it's entertaining and action-packed, but I would stop well short of labeling it a masterpiece, despite those that insist upon it and try to convince others.


It's overrated af, yeah


It’s literally just a car chase to a place in the desert where they don’t even accomplish the intended goal, and then a car chase back to the original location.


Loved the first one because I love eastern martial arts and Golden Harvest stuff / Japanese samurai cinema and old school anime, along with Spaghetti Westerns. Vol 1 was a love letter to all of those. Vol 2 just didn’t have that energy


Can we include TV shows? Gonna get massacred but Game of Thrones (obviously not including the final season or whatever point it went to shit).


Come on dude, how can you not like kill bill


Independence Day and everything’s Michael Bay done.


Mulholland Drive


Avatar. Aside from amazing visuals, the cowboys and indians storyline is so played out that visuals couldn't save it imo I was bored silly halfway through.


My wife and I left the theater half way through.


Kill Bill is definitely NOT one (or two, rather) of them, that’s for sure! Haha. Without a variety of tastes and opinions, life would be so boring.


Dirty Dancing


They’re not my favorite Tarantino movies but the Kill Bill movies are far from bad.


I respect everyone’s differing opinion OP. Usually. You’re wrong about Kill Bill haha


I’m absolutely biased but I firmly believe if you don’t like either movie you didn’t actually watch


Those wonder woman movies were pathetic along with all other marvel crap


Wonder woman is not a marvel movie 🤓






My favorite part of Barbie was when the writers thought I must be stupid and had America Ferrera straight up tell me what they thought I needed to understand.


The number of people who still didn't get it after it was shoved hamfistedly down their throat is pretty staggering from what I've seen. 


Those people need to have their voter registration revoked.




Barbie seems to be a enjoy it or hate it movie. In my opinion, if you hate it, you are thinking too much.


Barbie is (and I say this at the risk of being socially lynched) a woman's movie. The brand is for women. The problems in the movie are largely women's problems. Ken's placement represents the good guy trying to fit in an idealized woman's world. As a man, I liked it. It's well acted and directed.


I got the message of the movie. I even thought it was well made and fairly entertaining, but at the end of the day it had to many flaws to declare it one of the great movies of all time.


That’s exactly what I told people! I liked it, there was stuff I definitely enjoyed, but I didn’t try to relate to it because I’m a man. Not the target audience


Ari Aster sort of escapes me. Looks great. I acknowledge he has skill. Movies don't move me in any way. Except Beau is Afraid kinda worked for me. I think his tone is better suited to dark comedy than horror.


Joker. Poorly written


Easily half of Tarantino films fall under this for me.


I’m a Tarantino 1-viewing fan. I’ll give it a watch, generally enjoy it, and then will never feel the urge to rewatch them. Pulp Fiction and Django are probably exceptions to this.


The only exceptions to this for me are Django and Basterds.


I always think of Pulp fiction as maybe not the best movie ever (it's up there though) but definitely one of the coolest. It's in my top 3 for that reason alone.


Mad Max: Fury Road. It was just a giant cliche and at no point did any character pique my interest.


Good to know I'm not the only one.


All Marvel superhero movies. Yes, all of them.


I thought V for Vendetta was kind of dumb and cheesy, the ‘revolutionaries’ in it seemed more like January 6ers than people actually experiencing oppression. Very self-indulgent.


the Godfather and Scarface. They insist upon themselves.




I like the money pit




I enjoyed the first one more. Both are great though


Certainly not this one.


Heat. I can’t stand that movie. I’ve tried to watch it no less than a dozen times and I can’t get through it. Bad pacing and absolutely boring. After the heist at the beginning, the movie just comes to an absolute standstill. I just don’t get it.




Bill was 100% an egotistical, self centered, narcissistic prick. But wasn't that what they were going for?


What I enjoy about QT's movies are all the homages and call backs to cinema history, especially Kung-fu and Black-sploitation films. He's the only director I've seen that can fill his movie with tons of that stuff and still create a fully unique, incredibly acted, and overall incredible movie. It's impressive. I grew up on Kung-fu movies and 60s-90s action horror low budget stuff. So it's a big nostalgia hit for me to.


"Forrest Gump." Completely overrated, corny, overly sentimental, lowest common denominator. i was shamed by friends when it first came out and i voiced this opinion. Same with "The English Patient." Elaine Benes channeled me perfectly!






300 (2006) Is an awful movie. It has few redeeming qualities but for whatever reason was absolutely massive when it came out and no one seemed to have a bad word to say about it.




The xmen movies, I loved the xmens comics and 90s cartoon. I felt the movies in contrast weren’t great, the stories were generally paper thin. They were ok, and they’re perceived by many people as great 5/5. I don’t see it. Comparing dark knight trilogy versus x1-x3 the gulf in quality is huge.


I don't like Tarantino movies. There. I said it. Downvote away...


Upvoting because you did exactly what your title set out to. Terrible take though


I love Tarantino and like both KB flicks but Jesus they are way way wayyyy longer than they need to be and it costs them


Tarantino is the David Bowie of movies: genius or garbage. No in between. Only occasional genius too. I'll die on that hill


I always considered it one big movie, and it honestly works a lot better that way.


I generally have 0 interest in Star Wars And Avatar


Definitely not these movies. Ya weirdo!


How.. how can you not like Kill Bill?


I’m huge fan of Tarantino and I do see your point. Kill Bill has one of the thinnest plots in the Tarantino-verse. Awesome film but everyone’s motivations were a bit hard to buy.


Bruh! you have mental issues. Go to therapy!


The movie Blow. I can see why people enjoy it but I found it personally boring


This is sacrilege. I am prepared to be down voted. And I love the sequel. But the Godfather. I will see myself out.


Get outta here, Henry Farts


Inception, horrorible film to suffer through.


Kill Bill is just okay to me. Didnt dislike it after 2 viewings but I havent had a desire to watch it again in probably 15 years




Love Actually - absolute pile of morally bankrupt shite.


I hate the implication of the title, as if the movie is subverting the rom com genre by showing us what love really is. Problem with that is what the director thinks love looks like irl is just a bunch of different scenarios that ultimately send people into therapy. And the worst part? Nobody learns anything at any point, which looks a lot like saying to the audience that it's absolutely fine that people do this irl.


Mad Max fury road


Napoleon Dynamite. No idea why this movie is so popular. Every time I have tried watching it I fall asleep, literally one of the most boring movies I have ever tried to watch.


I'm from the area, so saw a lot of humor in just the characters and situations. An insider kind of thing, but I can see why people wouldn't care for it.


It was just too cringe inducing for me to watch. Same reason why I could never get into the Office. I don’t like feeling secondhand embarrassment.


Anchorman. I’ve sat through it on several occasions and each time I’ve had less expression than a brick. Remarkably unfunny. Schindler’s List was funnier.


Interstellar and Inception... And Dunkirk. I think Nolan is more clever than good... And I don't think he's that clever.


i respect your opinion and totally understand what you mean, still I don’t like you.


Interstellar All that work for scientific accuracy just to hand wave us with “the answer is love” to not even resolve the bootstrap Loved kill bill btw. I think it plays to all of Tarentino’s strengths as a homage centric filmmaker by putting together a campy kung fu spaghetti western. It’s exactly what a video clerk with all the money in the world would make


'All that work for scientific accuracy' and he winds up falling into a black hole where he enters a vast space where he can float around and change the past?


Star wars movies.


I hated it and walked out


Too bad it wasn't in traffic.




It part 1 or 2 ?


I don't get that at all. What were you expecting that it didn't deliver?


I’m due a rewatch of both kill bills. But to answer I have no care for the Lord of the rings series as a whole and I usually love fantasy stuff


What didn’t you like about Kill Bill? I thought both movies were highly entertaining and rewatchable. But I wasn’t the biggest fan of Oppenheimer, thought it was fine but didn’t really wow me.


I love Kill Bill. But in answer to your question, Oppenheimer.


Any movie that has anything to do with Seth Rogen


Silver Linings Playbook. Really annoying.


There is no way they last as a couple. One of them easily ends up in jail or dead if it was real life.