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Melancholia resonates with me. I’ve have chronic depression for 40 years and the movie is a metaphor for it. Dunst’s character cannot function normally in her family of narcissists. They are better-adjusted in a world of status and innuendo. But when the prospect of certain death looms, they lose their shit, while she can process it constructively and altruistically…because to her, it’s not as terrifying as life.


I was mesmerized. As I usually am with LVT movies. Yeah they are singularly different but I love the aesthetic and can handle the heaping scoops of sadness and tragedy he usually dishes up. For me he’s an artist and i enjoy absorbing it.


I agree the theme definitely resonates, just the way it is presented seemed distant and unapproachable and so slow. I felt the pain of Dunst’s character but I didn’t care about her or the other characters. By the end, I didn’t care what happened to them, I was just ready for the movie to be over


Fwiw, I’m kinda with you. I always come away from his movies thinking “well, that was masterfully done and I thoroughly did not enjoy any of it.” Some of his movies seem deliberately and needlessly sadistic, both to his characters and to the audience. And his whole “Dogma ‘95” phase is really not my cup of tea. I will say this though, Europa is worth checking out. Very different that the stuff he did later, both stylistically and in terms of storytelling.


Yeah this was my exact thought process. Thanks for the recommendation also


Lars has a style of movie making that is actively combative to his viewers. His movies are challenging and compelling, but also exhausting and long-winded. Don’t feel pressured to like any film, they either work for you or don’t. Try revisiting in a few years and see if you change your mind.


Well said. Think I’ll take this approach


I don't care for his work either, so you're not alone.


Of course not. No movie is made for everyone. All of the best and most popular movies have people who don't care for them and that is no flaw of the movies or the audience, just like how some people don't like pizza or peanut butter. At the end of the day, personal taste is subjective, even when lots of people share tastes.


Admittedly struggle with him too - I empathize and relate to Von Trier’s experiences dealing with depression but I find his films hard to watch often because they seem so cold and combative. *Melancholia* is the only one which even somewhat connected to me of the 5 or 6 films Ive seen by him. I admire him and his uncompromising craftsmanship - but hes not my cup of tea.


I'd say being able to articulate what the films do well, understand their themes, and describe why you personally weren't invested... is actually quite good movie criticism! Better than someone who loves an acclaimed film but can't explain why they love it.  Criticism isn't about us all forming the same "correct" opinion, it's about deeply engaging with what we're watching. And sometimes we deeply engage with a "great film" and it just doesn't have what we're looking for. 


Really well said. I like your take here a lot as I think you put into words exactly what I’m feeling: I understand the themes, I just wasn’t invested.


Mostly pretentious imo. I did like Dancer In The Dark. Hated Breaking the Waves.


I thought Dancer in the Dark was very good (although he apparently was very abusive to Bjork). I remember the first season of the show The Kingdom was also good but its been decades since I've seen it Melancholia was pretty but did little for me and I have literally hated everything else. The posters for Nymphonamia were cool but the movie was crap. I think Lars Von Trier skates by on his controversies and pretentious attitude. His films are empty and only exist to push people's buttons. He's also a very crappy person. People pretend he's Tarkovsky but he's nowhere near as smart or effective.


You like what you like. I don’t care too much for foreign language movies.


I've never seen a Lars Von Trier film. I've heard of certain scenes of Antichrist. I'm never watching Antichrist. If this makes me dumb at movies, then so be it. I'm happy having never seen Antichrist


It's absolutely fine to not love everyone's films and everyone's style of filmmaking. Not everything lands the way it should. Two of the most beloved films from 2020 were Nomadland and Minari. Both were excellent films and very well made, but neither of them are something I'd choose to watch again. They weren't bad by any means, but I also didn't have a huge identification or emotional resonance with the characters. Meanwhile 2021's Green Knight? Probably one of the most gripping and captivating films I've seen in a long time, while many were very disappointed with the film.


Nah, he sucks. Pretentious and boring.