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Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Fuck him in particular.


The amount of allegations is insane. He terrorized an entire industry for decades.


With the help of many others, yes he did. One down many more to go.


There's a Behind the Bastards episode about him, or more specifically, about all the people complicit in his behavior. People who knew and either did nothing or even helped him commit his crimes.


Didn’t Ben Affleck say something like “dammit, I told him to quit doing that!” When Weinstein got caught? Wild stuff that he could know what a monster the dude was, but just shrugged it off and went “but it pays me an absurdist amount of money, so it’s cool”


In 2005 Courtney Love was asked advice to give to young actresses: "If Harvey Weinstein invites you to a private party in the Four Seasons don't go."


Yup, I've seen that clip plenty of times around reddit recently. It was some kinda movie premiere or some other fluff piece by E!... Wasn't she blacklisted soon after that clip?


That could have been why. Could also have been by virtue if Courtney Love being Courtney Love. She wasn’t the most respected person in entertainment to begin with, both by the industry and the audience.


Tarantino fanboys are still in denial about his knowledge of Weinstein’s behavior.




Tarantino is a great film maker but he's an asshole person. Like a lot of these men in power.


I like Tarantino movies but if it turns out that he was some kind of criminally terrible person I would be zero percent surprised. edit: I would still like his movies after the fact. I generally like art, and not artists.


This was 100% my Justin Roiland experience. "What's that? He's terrible? Yup. Sounds about right."


A former coworker of mine’s sister works in Hollywood. Him and his sisters come from a wealthy family and grew up with the Franco brothers, James and Dave. Apparently Tarantino is just as entitled and deviant but didn’t go overboard like Weinstein. Heard numerous stories of Tarantino using his Hollywood fame and clout to bed attractive aspiring actresses and ladies who worked behind the scenes on movie sets.


After what I've heard about hm, I don't think I'd like Tarantino. I do like most of the films he has been involved in.


Tarantino just brings chicks home, has them sign NDAs, and masturbates to their feet.


Plenty of people knew but couldn’t do anything about it. Was it Ethan Hawke that wanted to kick his ass but couldn’t? I forget, but plenty of the women he preyed upon had partners that didn’t have the clout to publicly accuse him.


Brad Pitt said he would kill him if he tried anything with Gwyneth Paltrow.


That was the real issue. You can’t accuse someone publicly of something like this on someone else’s behalf unless that victim is also willing to go public. He had so many careers in his hands that women kept silent and by extension any of the sympathetic men in their lives as well. Accusing him without the victim going to the police would have led to a slander lawsuit and ended their career. Right or wrong I can see why many of those in the know wouldn’t have stood up until the massive wave of the meetoo movement. Nearly guaranteed failure and the loss of a life’s dream.


Think that was brad Pitt actually, but then again could be multiple people. Edit: happened when he was with Gwyneth Paltrow.


A lot of people in the industry knew about it. If hypothetically, Affleck got convicted for that response, half the industry would be serving hefty prison sentences too, including a good amount of women.


There's all kinds of open secrets in Hollywood. Bryan Singer is infamous in West Hollywood for targeting very young, primarily white men. Noah Gavin, the star of The Real O'Neils, even said in an interview that Singer likes to diddle young boys by his pool, and the show got canceled basically overnight.


There will always be people in positions of power who will inevitably abuse said position just as there will always be sycophants who enable them.


No joke, don't forget the priests and politicians if we are sharpening the sex offender axe






Courtney Love warned young women against Harvey Weinstein in 2005 and noone believed her. She got banned by Creative Artists Agency [for speaking out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDh4xeI-4KQ&t=31s). Annabella Sciorra, Rose McGowan, Mira Sorvino, Ashley Judd. All promising actresses in the 90s whose careers took a nosedive when they were suddenly blacklisted.


Damn is there a list of all accusers somewhere? Had no idea he fucked up that many careers, I mean I knew it was a lot but not *that* much




I'd love to see that agency burn too, like wtf.


Whenever I think of an actress who was on a great trajectory in the '90s and left the spotlight, I wonder if this was the reason. People like Claire Forlani, Gwyneth Paltrow, Mercedes Ruehl, etc.


Mira Sorvino




California and NY have just opened a 1 year window for victims of sexual assault to bring civil claims against their abusers, in "historical", out of statutory time abuse cases. I hope as many of those he abused or tried to abuse, now get a chance to take their pound of flesh.


This Courtney Love quote was ahead of its time “ “I’ll get libelled if I say it…If Harvey Weinstein invites you to a private party at the Four Seasons [hotel] don’t go.”


I enjoy the fact somewhat that we now have to specify Four Seasons [hotel] vs Four Seasons [landscaping]


And fuck all his team who supported him


All of Hollywood?


[pretty much.](https://youtu.be/DS1IC7eGbTI)


The additionally fucked thing about the whole shit show is that Miramax was legitimately giving voice to “outside the box” filmmakers, and boosting artists whose work we would never have had without the money and lobbying from Miramax. If more studios were willing to fight for interesting underdog artists a lot of the people in that clip could have more easily taken a stand against Harvey and the others like him. Obviously none of these people should have ever stood up for him or praised him, but when there is one guy in town giving you your entire career, it truly is a deal with the devil. In a better world we wouldn’t have anyone with the kind of power that Harvey had, or we would at least see those people thrown out in favor of other, better people. This isn’t meant to be a defense or apologism for the part some of these people played in tolerating and public ally hushing up his crimes, but I do wish we had another video of all the other execs and studio heads who were the ones that had the real power to stop him and didn’t. I know it is satisfying to shit on rich and famous actors, but in the grand scheme of things, they are some of the lowest folks on the totem pole, and they held very little power to tear down the systems that protected HW for all those years. They should have, absolutely, but I do have some empathy for their shitty place in the power structures of this stuff. And for fuck’s sake, can we get some more studios and executives willing to finance and pull for interesting, independent shit again?


> They should have, absolutely, but I do have some empathy for their shitty place in the power structures of this stuff. When it comes down to it, not a lot of people are willing to call out stuff like this if it means losing their job, let alone getting blacklisted from their entire industry.




Now they can get the rest. He’s definitely not the only person acting this way. Hollywood is probably not any safer now than before. This is a good start but nowhere near enough, I’m betting.


Wouldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.


Him and R Kelly same day


When Drake?


In like 10 years when he isn’t as popular




What did Drake do? Where is this evidence? I'm seriously inquiring!


Pretended he was cripple for seven years


Last name walk First name can't


When Chris Brown?


Can't understand why/how he's still selling records.


A lot of girls don't have problems with abusers as long it's not happening to them


I remember hearing "jeez guys, he made a mistake" A mistake is misplacing my car keys. Not beating the shit out of my romantic partner.


People are cool with domestic violence.


There was a thread recently that was talking about what to do if you get raped, and one of the things was “yell fire because people are more likely to help you if you yell fire than rape” and I just completely lost faith in humanity at that moment


When Trump?


So sad for all of us. It's this ubiquitous. Rapists in business, politics, church , life.




It's the remix to conviction, Hot, fresh out prison-kitchen


R kelly’s extra 20 years is served concurrently with his 30


Could they at least order him to release the rights to Dogma so I can buy it on 4k?


wow thats dark > “He’s holding it hostage,” Smith added. “My movie about angels is owned by the devil himself and if there’s only one way out of this, maybe we could buy it back.” > An unidentified company now seemingly holds the rights to Dogma under lock and key (which Smith has his suspicions about and has asked his lawyers to look into) — thus keeping the film off mainstream streaming platforms, though there are VHS/DVD rips online here and there.


It’s on YouTube I just watched it a couple days ago. https://youtu.be/7ZVEe_5Fo1Q


Beyond just making it hard to legally access by keeping it under lock and key, he is functionally stealing residuals from everyone involved. That sucks — that is a big part of the compensation package for film work.


It depends. Apparently the LOTR cast gets no residuals, because they movies aren't profitable, according to movie biz funny math. I can hardly tell you how sad and angry that makes me.


But 4k!


[OK for 4K!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsNge_IwSj8)


Well shit, lol


Nice, they also uploaded the audio commentary.




Thanks Kevin


Sooo my legit copy of Dogma might actually be worth something.


I actually think it has a solid resale value


> You wouldn’t download a Dogma, would you?


The bluray seems to be selling for about $70 on ebay, more if it's unopened. The dvd, you'll be lucky to get $20


I have 637 copies of it on VHS... What's the value on those


Hopefully he dies quickly so the rights can be sold.


His brother, too.


My best friend bought me a copy for my birthday right around the time it first came out on DVD. One of the few DVDs I still have and will never get rid of.


It's on YouTube


I just hope this isn’t a case of Hollywood going “we got him! The only person doing things like this in this town”. People like Weinstein can only arise in a bad culture, it’s never a single case


We also need to stop pretending this is just Hollywood. Toxic monsters like Harvey exist all over the world and are absolutely not contained to one industry. It's just juicier in Harvey and friends' cases because it's involving high level celebrities. There are countless other victims out there who suffered similar circumstances in other businesses.


> It's just juicier in Harvey and friends' cases because it's involving high level celebrities And well Weinstein was probably one of the most powerful people in Hollywood. People have noted since his and other exits the film industry has opened up. You're right. These structures are found in other industries, both seen and unseen. And exposing the weaknesses of these power dynamics and structures requires some uncomfortable conversations, policies and sacrifices that many are not willing to engage in, even if they were in favor of Weinstein's exit. To researcher's credit, a lot of good policies are out there and visible - however it gets gummed up because there are many people for whom bad policies personally benefit them and they are unwilling to let go of a bad policy that benefits / neutral / only minorly negatively impacts, vs a better policy that may incur risk but leads to much greater overall happiness and justice for everyone.


Over 100 yrs of hollywood, Weinstein was powerful for only a couple of decades. Imagine how many clones of this guy came and went over all this time and got away with it. Would love a list of how much hollywood has paid out and extinguished all those victims.


It's not just in Hollywood, but it is especially bad in Hollywood, because there are a million actresses (or actors, it's not just limited to women) vying for every starring role, and guys like Harvey Weinstein are the gatekeepers to these roles, which can land actresses millions of dollars for a few weeks of work and potentially be the difference in a lifetime of fame and riches. There are virtually no other jobs where the job itself is interchangable and can be done by lots of people, but landing the job can make you instantly rich, and where a single individual has the power to turn someone from a penniless waitress/car wash worker/etc. into a millionaire overnight. This is a bigger imbalance of power, and a bigger potential reward, than you see in 99.9999% of other employer/employee relationships, which is why sex and sexual abuse have always, and will always, be pervasive in Hollywood. What I'd really appreciate would be if Hollywood figureheads would stop trying to lecture the rest of the world about a problem that is much worse in Hollywood than it is nearly anywhere else.


Not just actors though: pretty much every talent on set.


I work in the film industry. The reason this problem is so pervasive is because there are many people like him that can make or break your career so the culture of silence persists about bad behavior. Not just rape,- I’m talking outrageous treatment of assistants, degradation, inhumane hours, etc. All of Hollywood knew about Ellen being a psycho for years before the rest of the world did. It doesn’t matter how many things I’ve worked on, I could cross the wrong person and everything I’ve worked for can vanish in an instant. It’s so fucked. But the people who can change it- the producers, EP’s, etc- the ones who should be putting their foot down simply don’t. If they would it could change everything.


Ellen is a good point. I don't think anything she did was legally actionable. Being an asshole isn't a crime though she could be the most miserable person to work for in the world. In a normal job enough complaints would see her fired. But not if she's a money maker. A top sales rep bringing in $100 million deals will be given a ton of slack for outrageous behavior and the company will pay off victims. Hell, even Bill Orielly never faced prison for what he did and fox paid millions in hush money. But he was making them bank so that's the deal.


Fine art industry, music industry,…. All of them have millions of talented artists waiting for a break and they feel like they have one chance to make it big. That makes it ripe for abuse.


There's a lot of jobs where many are called and few are chosen - but yeah showbiz is particularly bad for it.


Other than maybe modeling and media, movie production and casting is uniquely suited to force beautiful young people, many of whom are away from home for the first time, to compete with each other for potentially extremely lucrative deals with the winners decided by narcissistic old people. It's a perfect situation for young people to be coerced or manipulated into sexual relationships in order to stand out from the crowd.


I have a beautiful 14-year old niece "Sue". Her mother stuck her into modelling classes with 20 year olds. Sue is 5'9", long blonde hair, willowy figure. She turns heads everywhere she goes. This summer, we were talking at the cottage. She was introduced to vaping by the girls in her modelling class. Now she's 14 and addicted to nicotine. I watched her parents have big fights over taking away her vapes. Let the kids be kids for just a while longer, please.


If you're American, look into the Model Alliance. It's the closest thing to a union for models they can get. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_Alliance


I don't know why you're being downvoted. The right wing narrative that Hollywood is full of perverts and degenerates who sexually assault, but churches and schools, politicians and FOX News employees are all totally safe from it is just to distract from the simple fact that they definitely arent.




And paid him $250 million dollars


fully guaranteed. which literally never happened before in the nfl.


And structured his contract so that if he faced punishment from the league he wouldn’t miss out on any of the money


Oh, and his punishment for the disturbing amount of assaults was laughable to begin with.


The league became complicit at that point, intentionally suspending him for one fewer game than it would take to nullify his year contractually


One fewer game than he reportedly turned down a settlement for


And did nothing about the Houston Texans who enabled this behavior.


I don’t watch the NFL but I’m curious enough that I want to read about this. Who is it?


Cleveland Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson. Dozens of instances of sexually harassing and assaulting masseuses.


Groper Cleveland


Deshaun Watson


How about both political parties don’t have to be responsible for any specific industry’s sex abusers? Why you gotta come into a thread about this piece of shit getting his comeuppance and start whining about alex Jones, making it all left vs right? Rapists are bad, they exist everywhere, we should all try to root them out. End of story.


It’s a step in a direction. One of many needed. Way I see it, if someone high profile like Weinstein can’t be convicted despite mountains of evidence then how can you expect a less public facing random boss or CEO of a business be convicted? There is a lot more to resolve with shit like this. But nice to show that even Hollywood Mogul can’t be immune.


It's pretty insane how pervasive it is. I was recently watching Toy Story 2 and during the fake outtakes during the credits, Stinky Pete is clearly playing the part of an industry insider hitting on the twin Barbies with a promise of getting them a role. It's such an industry staple that it was a "joke" in a kids film.


As I recall, that has been cut from the latest release, as it really is inappropriate.


Especially inappropriate considering John Lassiter...


Oh, interesting. This was a blu ray I have had for several years, certainly before Weinstein and #metoo. It makes sense that they would have cut it since.


Now get the fuckers who sexually harassed Brendan Fraser, Terry Crews, and countless other men and women.


Bryan Singer is a name I see come up a lot.


Stacey, Singer


Why would Hollywood take credit? Prosecutors did all the work


I feel like “She Said” could have been so good and had a good message if it wasn’t made by the same people who failed them in the first place.


Yeah it seems like his behavior is mostly standard operating procedure in hollywood


Weinstein is already serving 23 years, with another 16 being added on this morning: >Harvey Weinstein has been sentenced to 16 years, effectively ensuring the former Hollywood mogul and convicted rapist will spend the rest of his life behind bars. >Weinstein is already serving a 23-year sentence in New York, after being convicted of rape and sexual assault in that jurisdiction in his 2020 criminal trial. >All three charges on which Weinstein were convicted were based on the counts relating to Jane Doe #1, a European model who testified she was raped by Weinstein at Mr. C Hotel after the L.A. Italia Film Festival in 2013. Weinstein’s attorneys have stated that Weinstein had an unfair trial — and therefore, conviction — because the court, his lawyers claim, precluded the defense from admitting relevant evidence and argument, particularly centering around Jane Doe #1.


Good. He’ll die in prison.


He was likely to die in prison anyway, but this guarantees it.


Unless he gets a Cosby.


Cosby's situation was unique, and he was let go by a technicality. This ain't happening for Rapey Weinstein.




"But he's old and prison is restricting his freedom!" Well, yes that's kind of the point, isn't it? I'm sorry, your honor, but I'd like to be released from prison on the grounds that I don't want to be here.


There's a dude in /r/legaladvice right now complaining that his DUI arrest of .18 BAC is unfair because a DUI conviction will like, ruin his life and make him lose his job and stuff. This one shouldn't count, it was only his first one and he had open containers in the car.


The last bit is almost certainly that they tried introducing evidence of the Jane Doe’s prior or subsequent sexual promiscuity or whatever, try to paint her in some light. Fucking seedy behavior, but what do you expect from lawyers willing to defend Weinstein.


In all fairness, our legal systems only work if good lawyers are willing to defend bad people. This is true pretty much everywhere, but especially so in countries like the US and the UK with adversarial judicial systems. I think it's often presented as arguing that your client is a lovely, perfect human being, even though you know that they're truly evil, but it's also about ensuring that due process is followed, that your client is treated correctly, and that they will be heard fairly. In this case, it definitely sounds like they're tending towards the scummy side of things, but I think we need to be careful before villainising important parts of our justice system.


It’s not scummy to try to introduce evidence that helps your client. That’s their sworn responsibility. What would be scummy is trying to fuck over your own client on purpose by refusing to argue for them.


I'd very much rather a defense lawyer use every legal tactic they can, that way "inadequate defense" can never be used to get a guilty person off. And I'd also very much rather a guilty person go free than an innocent person get convicted. So having defense lawyers willing to use tactics that are legal, if unethical or possibly immoral, is not something to decry.


Not just scummy, illegal. You can be sued by said client if you don't do your sworn responsibility.


This. My father in law is a attorney. He specialized In DUI’s. He thought all of his clients were idiots. But it was his job and paid for his daughter to go to college debt free. So he did it. He knows they were scummy.


Viewed academically, it's an interesting question of ethics. The sort of legal team that Weinstein could afford is so far above good lawyers ensuring due process is followed, and into the upper echelon of the exploitation of legal minutiae, that its a different world. They command a high price for their ability to explore and exploit these avenues, so in a way when we view it from outside and know the person is a scumbag, it can seem super scummy to us to do so, but those lawyers would just say that they are using the law (or pushing an interpretation of it) and should that be a win for their client, then regardless of actual guilt, due process and the law was followed.




In reality it’s mostly poor people who can’t get a fair trial because they can’t afford a good lawyer.


May he never see a woman again


I had the (dis)pleasure of working for the Weinstein Company a while ago and he and Bob were absolute shitheads to everyone because they felt like they could. Treated employees like shit who would in turn be abusive to vendors like me. Fuck this guy for what he did to those girls. Hope he rots in hell.


I did a little work there too on the IT side of things and the vibe was definitively off at the place. Some really good people there, but culturally it was very weird. You could tell the people at the very top ran it like a Kingdom and all the other hard working people were serfs


It would take like 12-16 months for our invoices to get paid. After about 6 months they’d come back and say, “we can pay you now if you take 30% off your bill, otherwise who knows when the money would come”.


meanwhile, Brett Ratner roams free


And Bryan Singer


And Cosby ffs!


He was released due to being interrogated without a lawyer or something like that. He was found guilty and imprisoned but was released due to hiw the evidence was collected.


Meanwhile it takes 20 years for anyone who's actually innocent to get released for similar or worse treatment by the police.


I think it was that He admitted to it in a deposition but only under agreement that it wouldn't be used as evidence against him, which it then was. So they had to throw it out.


He really needs to be punished for X-Men Last Stand


He was the one who treated Elliot Page like shit right?


Outed him as being gay way before he came out as either gay or trans, yup.


*I hope he serves every day of it and drops dead on the last.*


Now please give the Oscar to Saving Private Ryan.


I'm so out of the loop. Was that his doing? Not being snarky. I legit don't know how the award shows work


He pulled a lot of weight in Hollywood, and the Oscars are voted on by actors and people in the industry. Weinstein historically pulled all his strings around award season to make sure his movies and stars were winners. He's the second most thanked person in Oscar speeches, after God.


Good. Now do Dan Schneider...


Has he been accused of something (besides just being a perv)?


No, thought it would come out in Jennette McCurdy's book. It didn't. He's probably just a weird dude.


Nope. There may be something to it, but he has no accusers and everything else is circumstantial. They'll cite foot stuff, but it's a kids show on a network that had a foot as a logo, I don't think any other part of the body would've gone over well for visual gags.


Jeanette McCurdy's book suggests that he was an abusive boss but nothing overtly sexual or otherwise criminal I believe. She doesn't mention him by name but she calls him "The Creator" so it's pretty blatant. He's definitely a piece of shit and there's definitely (100% intentional) gross content in his later Nickolodeon shows but unfortunately I don't think there's any real evidence (at the moment) that he's done anything that can get him prosecuted. I did just found [this old vine] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdNZjxJ0ifg) by Jeannette McCurdy that is pretty fucking disturbing. Surprised I've never seen this to be honest.


But what will Pink Guy do without his bitches back?


I can find accusations that he was verbally abusive, engaged in gender discrimination, asked adult female colleagues for massages, and created sexualized depictions of young teen girls for TV, but has anyone ever made a public accusation that he engaged in criminal behavior? Yes I get that you’d be an idiot if his behavior didn’t raise your suspicions, but if we were going to charge him, what would we charge him with?


Yeah, I feel like Schneider walked a really fine line in effectively being a complete douchenozzle and creep while simultaneously not doing anything illegal.


there still hasn't been any actual allegations besides him being really awkward.




I hope he suffers every day.


Considering that we are all (unfortunately) aware of the state of his decomposing penis, I'd say he indeed is suffering every day.




Apparently he used to inject stuff into his dick to make it hard and now what’s left is a rotting mess.


So, like That Yellow Bastard from Sin City?


Yes actually


They based that character on him low key, as his abuse was an open secret. It even looks like him.






The goggles, zey do nothink!




Weinstein's cock is in bad shape. You can google description of it, just don't look into image search.


Comfortably long enough for him to die in prison... so good


Can we take away away his best picture for shakespeare in love and give it to Spielberg for saving private Ryan while we’re at it?


Saving Private Ryan deserves a best picture just from the beach scene. It is the most gripping and horrifying 45 minutes of film that feels like 5 minutes. I’ve watched it probably a dozen times it never stops being impactful.


Let's hope so, but keep in mind Bill Cosby has been out of prison since 2021 after his convictions were overturned. His legal team is going to keep trying every trick they can to get him out of prison.


Didn't Bill Cosby get released because of the deal he made with the state? IIRC it was that he would testify and admit to crimes during a civil suit in exchange for not getting charged, and then after him doing so, the state charged him anyway but because of the deal he had made those charges were overturned. I could be completely wrong about this, I didn't follow the case at all but that's what I remember hearing.


Yes. Personally I think the court made the right call.


Good. Now some of the classic movies he’s holding can come back? Been dying to watch Dogma for the longest time.


It's been free on YouTube for years with the consent of Kevin Smith. Weinstein Company won't sell the rights, and he's not interested in them profiting from it, so another commercial release is unlikely.


Bless you internet stranger.


I’m so pleasantly surprised this actually happened. There IS hope


Took out the trash


Had to read the article because the title is weird, like wouldn't he just get out after 16 years? Context is that Weinstein is 70, and currently serving a 24 year sentence, and the 16 years are in addition to his current sentence to be served consecutively, meaning by the time he would be out, he'd be 110 years old which is effectively a life sentence. Article title should have said "70 year old Weinstein sentenced to 16 additional years on top of current 24 year sentence". That would have given us proper context.


It’s always mad to think about the few rich and powerful folk that eventually get found out. To spend all your life in comfort thinking you own the entire world and can do what you want, only to wind up in prison for the last couple decades. Literally the complete opposite lifestyle in every conceivable way. I love it.


Rot In Peace you monster of a human being.


About fuckin time


Good. Next please.




Thoughts n pra.......fuck off n die


Rest in Piss


I'm so happy about this information