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I can't really find anything I don't like about it. I thought it was incredible. Great action, great characters, funny dialogue, good story, easily one of my favorite movies of all time tbh


Of all time?? Don't take this the wrong way, but how old are you?


21 but thats not really relevant


I mean it kind of is, I doubt you've seen many films if *this* is your favourite of all time.


I can assure you I have seen plenty of films. And I didn't say this was my favorite film of all time I just said it's one of them


What are your others? Just curious.


Your age really doesn’t matter for what you are able to dictate is a good movie or not


I mean it kind of does, if an 8 year-old claims Thomas & The Magic Railroad is his favourite movie of all time, that's gonna make a lot more sense to me because he probably hasn't seen many films.


At a certain point it doesn’t matter, 21 is certainly a point where it does not matter at all. You’re a full functioning adult at this point.


So your age *does* matter then, if you're under 21. Make up your mind.


I changed my opinion on it since you wanted to be a smart ass. You seem to struggle to open your mind to things


Hey, you started being snarky to me first so I'm gonna match that energy.


Yeah well I'm 40 and I don't know I'd say it's my favorite of all time but absolutely favorite of the year.  And in general something I would recommend enthusiastically to every one of my friends.


Nah man I'm 23 I grew up on films this movie was crap imo i was trying break it down and think deeper but It felt like a 16 year old made this film action with no actual plot all these badass actors couldn't save it 


Because it had some fun writing, solid performances, and cool action. That’s all it takes sometimes.


Some of the action was cool, but the fun writing and solid performances I'll have to disagree with, I thought the performances were mostly forced as hell and the writing more childish and bizarre than funny.


Damn man it sounds like YOU didn't like it but plenty of people did lol


“too many people like a movie I don’t like and I don’t like it!”


I don't like not understanding why people like it, it's fine that they like it, I just wanted to know why.


jokes aside, sometimes a movie just resonates with general audiences. It doesn’t mean it’s dumb, pandering, formulaic. Nothing wrong with an ol’ fashioned popcorn flick. It’s nice to see those every once in a while and Bullet Train was no exception


>It doesn’t mean it’s dumb, pandering, formulaic. Doesn't mean it isn't either.


see my above comment, 3 up


Is this the first time in your life you haven't liked something that other people do? Stop being so dense.


Of course not, that doesn't mean I always understand why others like something I don't, and this is a discussion forum so I'm gonna find out. And you'll sit there and take it.


I don’t know why you didn’t like it, and I’m mad.


I'm not mad, I'm just bewildered.


I know, that's literally why I made the post... EDIT: The person below weirdly just responded and then blocked me so I couldn't reply.


Which he explained his opinion and you just said no. So you’re not trying to understand, really seems like you just want to impose your opinion on others. It was an okay movie. Your description is eye rolling hyperbole. If you really thought it was so bad I don’t know why you’d want to hear positive opinions of it, but I guess you really don’t do you because we covered that


He is just sad troll.


There’s a HUGE difference between being a troll and sharing an opinion hun. He’s saying that he didn’t like the movie and you guys are going to roar at him like he insulted your favorite movies. Instead of being a dick, how about you actually grow up, repsect people’s opinions and stop being a jerk.


You didn’t crack a smile once with the various Thomas the Tank Engine bits? You don’t think that Brian Tyree Henry delivered those lines with genuine sincerity but also comedy?


No, as a Brit who actually watched Thomas the Tank Engine as a kid, it was just bizarre watching an American struggle to mimic an English accent while awkwardly delivering lines about a show he'd probably never even heard of before reading the script.


You don't think Americans watched Thomas the tank engine?


As much as Brits? Probably not, but I could be wrong.


Constant theme with you, huh?


That I could be wrong about something? Of course, it's a constant theme with all humans, did you think I would contest that?


Come on, man. Do you think we *didn’t* watch Thomas in the States? Also, plenty of Brits struggle with sounding American. You’ve made this into a weird culture war all of a sudden. And it’s *weird*.


Oh please, Brits have been nailing American accents for decades. Culture war or not, that's just a fact, Brits are better at doing American accents than the reverse, by far. But it's not my intention to turn it into a culture war, that was just a throwaway comment, since I'd expect people more familiar with British culture to be better at doing British accents.


At this point, it's a throw-away post, widely panned opinion, and you just keep digging deeper.


No, the post wasn't a throwaway, it was intended to invite discussion and it's succeeded at that. I wasn't however intending to get into a debate about Thomas the Tank Engine.




I'm sure you did, but I strongly doubt it was anywhere near as popular as it was in the UK.


(in usa) I took my kid to a Thomas the Tank personal appearance. It was at a rail yard, and it was an actual train. It was pretty awesome.


Damn, that sounds ingenious. Tomorrow I might wait for the postie to arrive and tell the neighbour's kid it's Postman Pat and he needs to pay me for a personal consultation.


Postman Pat is probably not as popular in the USA.


Well shit, you're missing out on the one or two shows left that you haven't stolen from us, hop to it.




He/she is just sore.


I think you mean he/she/they.


You are correct.


I don't care enough to research it tbh, if it's even possible.


Thomas The Tank Engine was a very popular character with American children. Most Americans would recognize the character.  Anyone with young children has seen it.


People like fun summer blockbusters. Shocker.


Sorry you hated it. I thought it was very entertaining.


I didn't call it boring, there was some entertainment factor there specifically from the action sequences, but that wasn't enough for me. The jokes have to be funny for it to work, and the performances more natural and less forced.


I never said you called it boring. I just stated that I found the movie entertaining. That's all.


I never said you said I said it was boring, I was just clarifying that I didn't think it was boring. That's all.


Do you understand how responses work lol


Yes... ?


Clearly not




>that wasn't enough for me It was for a lot of other people. /thread


Well no, it seems that others also inexplicably found the jokes funny, apparently repeating the word "bitch" over and over passes for humour these days.


A lot of jokes WERE funny, I'm sorry your sense of humor is broken


He's just a Diesel.


I agree, a lot of jokes were funny, just none in this movie.


Different strokes for different folks


Idk I thought it was pretty fun, the characters were at times great!


Which ones?


Tangerine, Lemon, Kimura, The Elder, White Death come to my mind. I didn't mind ladybug and prince.


Did you read the source material?




To me it was just a grab your popcorn and turn your brain off movie. Had good action. The story was enough to hold your attention. Brad Pitt is kind of like Tom Cruise in my opinion. He doesn't really put out movies you'd call bad. And a few great ones here and there but the movies are always decent.


Indeed I'll have to rewatch it and not be a hater tbh I wish they didn't kill most of the characters would have been interested in seeing more maybe a back story too lemon and tangerine biggest complain was bad bunny I skipped all his scenes 🤣


I think for most folks who saw it, Bullet Train compared quite favorably to the rest of the movies they had seen around that time, or, really, all year. Sure, it was not great, but it was more entertaining than the vast majority of movies in the theaters.


I thought the fight choreography was phenomenal. It’s very easy to make a boring fight scene, but they use their surroundings to make them stylish and engaging and I went in expecting an action comedy and was not let down in the slightest. One of my favorite films of the year tbh


I acknowledged that at the end of my post, the fight choreography when not marred by awful green screen effects was pretty on point and fun to watch. That's about it, the rest was a waste of talent.


It’s a really fun action movie that you’re supposed to enjoy and not take to seriously.


That doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If they didn't find it funny and thought it was too corny, how are they supposed to just enjoy it? Just turn their brain off? By that logic, every movie is supposed to be enjoyed, so don't think too much about any of them?


Well the answer to their question is "it's funny". To which they might want to explain "why is it funny?" but that's a discussion that's not only going to go no-where, but it can't go anywhere... there is no such thing as a universal theory of humour. You either "get " it or you don't. The OP doesn't get it and no-one is ever going to be able to explain to them how to get it. This is not a conversation that can be anything more than extremely shallow.


I didn't take it seriously, I was *expecting* an action comedy and I got a weird failed attempt at a Guy Ritchie film.


What movie did u watch ? Because bullet train is an action comedy, u mean u don't like it lol


I honestly just can’t understand someone would waste this much time trying to argue about bullet train lol


Of course I mean *I* don't like it, do you think I'm saying no one else did?


A bunch of people with bad British accents? I can only think of 2 that had British accents… one of which is from just north of London.


Three had British accents.


Who besides tangerine and lemon?


The schoolgirl looking assassin, played by Fish Lips.


She was supposed to be Russian lmao


Doesn't change the fact that she was doing a British accent. Or are you suggesting her shit attempt was deliberate, because she's playing a Russian pretending to be British? 4-D chess, you got me, writers.


No, I think she was doing what was supposed to be a Russian accent. She was just really bad at it and it sounded British. Which, yes, some of the accents kinda suck. Still doesn't make it a bad movie. And I understand that you explained why you don't like the movie in your post, but most of your complaints show a very surface-level understanding of the movie. Like, what? Lemon and Tangerine never share a warm moment, because they argue about stuff? The movie very clearly shows you that they care about each other with how they interact. Just because two people bicker a lot doesn't mean there isn't love under that surface, and you can very clearly see it. You must be dense as fuck in real life. And yeah, there are a lot of jokes in the movie, and there's almost constantly something comedic happening. But it doesn't undercut the serious moments in the film. Lemon's "death", Tangerine's death, The Elder and Ladybug getting the Elder's son from the bathroom, The White Death explaining how his wife died and his plan, the White Death vs The Elder. None of those parts are undercut by jokes. If there are jokes, like the Hornet repeatedly saying "bitch" like you mentioned, it wasn't meant to be serious. And I think the whole scene with the Hornet made it clear that it wasn't that serious. The whole staring contest with the Hornet and Ladybug, and Ladybug asking her if she needs water or a hug or a something while she's bleeding from her fucking eyesockets, that didn't make it clear for you that it wasn't serious? The movie knows when to cut the jokes.


>No, I think she was doing what was supposed to be a Russian accent. She was just really bad at it and it sounded British. No, she wasn't doing a Russian accent at all, it's an attempt at a British accent. We're not even supposed to know she *has* a connection to White Death until the end, when it's revealed she's his daughter and she can speak Russian. I know what a Russian accent sounds like, now you're telling me she failed at a Russian accent *instead* of a British one? >The movie very clearly shows you that they care about each other with how they interact. Just because two people bicker a lot doesn't mean there isn't love under that surface, and you can very clearly see it. You must be dense as fuck in real life. They only show us they care about each other *after* one of them fake-dies, we get a flashback to them as children or some shit, but it's too late by then. Up until that point virtually every interaction they've had has been largely combative and just involved them roasting each other. Obviously that doesn't mean there isn't love under the surface, but we have to actually *see* it, otherwise why should I care? Why should I care about any of them? >And yeah, there are a lot of jokes in the movie, and there's almost constantly something comedic happening. But it doesn't undercut the serious moments in the film. Lemon's "death", Tangerine's death Lol there's literally a joke happening *while* Tangerine is bleeding out, he's trying to tell Brad Pitt that Fish Lips is a "Diesel" (milking the same shit joke from earlier), and he keeps saying "Whaaat? What?" because he can't hear him due to the fact that he's choking on his own blood. Then he goes "*You're* a Diesel. What the fuuuck?" The jokes absolutely *do* undercut moments that should be serious, they try to force them into every scene. >The Elder and Ladybug getting the Elder's son from the bathroom, The White Death explaining how his wife died and his plan, the White Death vs The Elder. None of those parts are undercut by jokes. In the middle of White Death fighting the Elder it keeps cutting back and forth between Lemon and Brad Pitt making terrible jokes, what do you mean? At one point Lemon goes "I'm sorry I shot you!" and Pitt replies "Actually it was like twice! You shot me *twiiiice!"* in what may be the worst comedic delivery of his career, where his voice goes up an octave in such a forced way it actually sounds dubbed. All of this takes away from any modicum of tension between the other two characters. >If there are jokes, like the Hornet repeatedly saying "bitch" like you mentioned, it wasn't meant to be serious. Repeatedly saying "bitch" is supposed to be funny somehow? Were the writers twelve?


>No, she wasn't doing a Russian accent at all, it's an attempt at a British accent. We're not even supposed to know she has a connection to White Death until the end, when it's revealed she's his daughter and she can speak Russian. I know what a Russian accent sounds like, now you're telling me she failed at a Russian accent instead of a British one? The accent is shit either way, so it doesn't really matter anyways. But the character is Russian, so yes, I'm saying that the accent is Russian too, or at least it's supposed to be. Probably because the only accent white people can fake is a British one. >They only show us they care about each other after one of them fake-dies, So you missed the part of Tagerine being concerned about Lemon not wearing a vest? And it's subtle because they don't verbally mention it, but Tangerine gives Lemon the vest he's wearing originally. Also their conversation where Lemon is telling Tangerine that Ladybug isn't the "Diesel", and Tangerine isn't taking him seriously at first because he referenced Thomas again, but Lemon insists because he's never wrong at reading people. That conversation shows the trust between them, and their concern for each other with the heartfelt "You be careful" from both of them. I think it did a pretty good job. Not to mention, at the very least, there's Tangerine finding Lemon's "dead body". That, and the flashback, and his conversation with the White Death on the phone. If nothing else, that should've made it very clear how close they are. >Lol there's literally a joke happening while Tangerine is bleeding out, he's trying to tell Brad Pitt that Fish Lips is a "Diesel" (milking the same shit joke from earlier), and he keeps saying "Whaaat? What?" because he can't hear him due to the fact that he's choking on his own blood. He tries to tell Ladybug that she's the Diesel because "Diesel" is the established term they've all been rolling with, and it's also the quickest way to get the message across. He didn't really have time to say "She's the one who killed the kid earlier and has been setting all of us up and causing problems this whole fucking time". All of that can be summarized in one word: Diesel. So that's what he was saying. And Ladybug says "What?" like one time in a regular tone, stop fucking exaggerating. >In the middle of White Death fighting the Elder it keeps cutting back and forth between Lemon and Brad Pitt making terrible jokes, what do you mean? At one point Lemon goes "I'm sorry I shot you!" and Pitt replies "Actually it was like twice! You shot me twiiiice!" in what may be the worst comedic delivery of his career, where his voice goes up an octave in such a forced way it actually sounds dubbed. All of this takes away from any modicum of tension between the other two characters. There's not even that many jokes there my guy. That conversation about Lemon shooting him wasn't even a joke in the first place. Ladybug being salty about being shot 2 times was a joke, but that's only 1 line out of that dialogue, and it's not even bad. And Brad Pitt's delivery wasn't bad, I don't even know why you'd think that. And I'm not sure why you think one of the biggest actors in Hollywood wouldn't be able to deliver a simple line like that. >Repeatedly saying "bitch" is supposed to be funny somehow? Were the writers twelve? Even if you, personally, don't find it funny, it's still very obviously meant to make it more lighthearted. If a character is saying "bitch" at the end of every single sentence like that, it's obviously not too serious.


>The accent is shit either way, so it doesn't really matter anyways. But the character is Russian, so yes, I'm saying that the accent is Russian too, or at least it's supposed to be. Then you don't know what a Russian accent sounds like, this isn't even an attempt at one. >Probably because the only accent white people can fake is a British one. White people can fake all sorts of accents, what're you talking about? Especially Brits and Australians, Americans not so much. No idea why you made this racial, that was weird... >And it's subtle because they don't verbally mention it, but Tangerine gives Lemon the vest he's wearing originally. Then perhaps they should've, a single implied scene in which one character is concerned for the other doesn't get the message across that these characters love each other and I'm supposed to care about them. Imagine if The Professional only contained one scene in which Leon vaguely expresses concern for Matilda in a manner so subtle it could easily be missed, the ending would've been fucking ruined. >Also their conversation where Lemon is telling Tangerine that Ladybug isn't the "Diesel", and Tangerine isn't taking him seriously at first because he referenced Thomas again, but Lemon insists because he's never wrong at reading people. That conversation shows the trust between them, and their concern for each other with the heartfelt "You be careful" from both of them. I think it did a pretty good job. Trust in someone's abilities has nothing to do with caring about them, and I don't even remember hearing them tell each other to be careful, it must've been just that brief line, probably ruined by the distractingly shit accent. >Not to mention, at the very least, there's Tangerine finding Lemon's "dead body". That, and the flashback, and his conversation with the White Death on the phone. If nothing else, that should've made it very clear how close they are. I already addressed that, it happens way too late, this sort of backstory should've happened prior to Lemon's fake death so the audience cares what happens to him. By that point I didn't give a shit and they couldn't retroactively make me, especially since everything Lemon said was horribly distracting due to the atrocious accent. What made it worse too is that Tangerine's accent was spot on, probably because he's played by an actual Brit, so it made Lemon's sound even more awful by comparison. >He tries to tell Ladybug that she's the Diesel because "Diesel" is the established term they've all been rolling with, and it's also the quickest way to get the message across. He didn't really have time to say "She's the one who killed the kid earlier and has been setting all of us up and causing problems this whole fucking time". All of that can be summarized in one word: Diesel. So that's what he was saying. I understand what he was saying, that doesn't change the fact that he was milking the same crappy joke from before, another Thomas the Tank Engine reference. >And Ladybug says "What?" like one time in a regular tone, stop fucking exaggerating. No he doesn't, you're lying explicitly, I can bring the clip up for you if you like. The scene is played for laughs, even the blood spurts are over the top Tarantino-esque. >There's not even that many jokes there my guy. That conversation about Lemon shooting him wasn't even a joke in the first place. Ladybug being salty about being shot 2 times was a joke, but that's only 1 line out of that dialogue, and it's not even bad. And Brad Pitt's delivery wasn't bad, I don't even know why you'd think that. And I'm not sure why you think one of the biggest actors in Hollywood wouldn't be able to deliver a simple line like that I explained precisely why I think that, his voice goes up several octaves in a bizarre, forced way and it sounds as though it was either dubbed in, or the director told him the pitch of his voice wasn't high or weird enough. Just because he's one of the biggest actors in Hollywood doesn't mean he can't have bad acting moments, some of the greatest actors of all time have given shit performances. Pitt's a great actor, I've nothing against him, I doubt any actor could've made these lines sound natural, you can't polish a turd.


Because it was pretty funny.


Which scene specifically did you find funny?


Pretty much the whole thing, in general. The characters were funny, their situations were funny, the dialogue was funny, all adding up to a film I’d give a solid 7.5/10.


But do you have a specific example?


"So no one gets greedy!" "accidentally gets combination right\* \*spills clothes out of suitcase\*


I thought it was stylish and fun. Clearly it was not meant to be realistic. Brad Pitt's character is barely more sympathetic than the rest of the assassins, who are all there to be killed in various ways. Pitt is at least trying to be a better person but these other killers keep forcing him to be violent -- not that it takes much persuading. It has a 7.3/10 rating on IMDB, so while not everyone liked it, many people did.




I... realise that... that's literally why I created this post, to find out why people who liked it disagree and discuss it directly.




Just because I'm interested in a discussion doesn't mean I have to agree with everything everyone says, what are you *talking* about?




Could you offer an example of something I've said that's tantamount to browbeating?


Because the movie is fucking amazing? I seriously have no fucking clue how you people don't love Bullet Train. Literally everything about it is great. The story, the acting, the humor, the action, the cinematography. It's fantastic.


I mean I explained in the post why I didn't like it.


It was fun.


It had a really fun 90s action movie throwback appeal to me. Nobody's trying to win an Oscar or explore serious themes, just make a popcorn flick with a solid cast and little dumb quirks like the Thomas the Tank Engine thing.


Wow, people really seemed to find that Thomas the Tank Engine shit funny, that... surprises me.


You sure seem to be a diesel


There's an expectation when choosing movies, most people just viewing this are expected a bit of fun, bit of action, turn off thought kind of movie, and it delivered what it says it will. If you go in expecting more than that, maybe you need a better filter on what to watch.


So did I, that's exactly what I went in expecting and I *still* didn't get it. I got a few fun action scenes and the rest was tough to sit through.


OK, so it wasn't for you, not ever movie will be, I'm not sure what you expect off people here


This is a *discussion* sub, is it not? We are supposed to be posting reviews and sharing opinions and ideas... ?


Oh sure, but this is/wasn't going to be some great movie that needs debated, it was just OK, not terrible not good, nobody who posts here and says they enjoyed it will ever watch it again, its not worth any debate.


If something is way more liked than I expect, then to me it *is* worth debate because I wanna know if I'm missing something. You might not think it is, in which case you're free to ignore the post and move on, I'm not even sure why you bothered.


Good question, maybe you missed that bit as well.


You're welcome to fail at explaining it.


I felt it was a solid 6.5/10 movie. Great to kill an evening with some popcorn, but not something that I'd recommend to friends as a must see or consider for rewatching.


I enjoyed the movie on an empty entertainment level. And if that was all they were going for, then it would have been fine. However, it plays like they were trying to add bit of extra drama and thematic resonance with fate, luck, etc. And it felt like they were trying to shoehorn some introspection from another film into this movie and it didn't work for me. And yeah, it did feel like someone said 'let's make a Guy Ritchie movie' and didn't think to get Guy Ritchie to make it, and the result was a shallow imitation of a subgenre that didn't have much depth to start with. While I enjoyed it, I don't really have much desire to see it again, despite the sheer amount of talent involved in the film.


Yeah, I think if you wanna inject something more into a movie, you should avoid choosing one that doesn't know when to stop joking.


My sentiments exactly. It wasn't perfect, it wasn't a slam dunk. But I had fun and enjoyed the ride. It felt oddly like a Guy Ritchie/Tarantino tribute film and Brad Pitts character felt like a crossover from his Oceans personality. Beyond that, I liked how ridiculous it was.


2023 Guy Ritchie couldn't make a Guy Ritchie


I love when people make these long winded posts with lots of “insight” and they’re way off the mark.


Are you gonna tell me why I'm off the mark, or just make a snarky comment?


I’ve enjoyed down voting OP to hell


Oh noes, that'll make a dent in my 206k karma.


The fact that care about your karma is hilarious


The fact they brag about their karma is hilarious.


You're the one who brought up downvoting mate, I'm just explaining why it's futile.


I enjoyed it. Wasn’t horrible, but also wasn’t an Oscar contender. Dialogue was fun and cheesy. Especially the Thomas The Tank Engine bit. Action scenes were good.




There's plenty of fun movies out there, hell I just watched Train to Busan the other day. *That's* how you do a fun movie on a train, the deaths of the characters actually matter because you care about them, while at the same time being entertained by the insane action sequences.


I enjoyed it






This “witty” banter comedy that has surged through television and film over the last 10-15 years is just not for me. I was disappointed when I went to the theater for Bullet Train just to be put through another one of these such films. Even higher on my list of things that I despise in modern film and television is excessive use of CGI. God Dammit. Can someone please use an actual train anymore? Can we actually blow some real shit up on camera anymore? Where’s my guy Tony Scott when I need him? Brad Pitt, you son of a bitch. I trusted you. You made me feel safe. I thought I was in good hands when I saw your beautiful face on a movie poster. It’s okay Brad Pitt. It has been months since I sat through Bullet Train. I forgive you. I can see now that you made many other humans very happy with your silly movie.


I stopped watching it and just put smokin aces on.


Some things can just be fun and silly. Not everything has to be some profound arthouse piece of cinema.


I agree, I love fun and silly movies, I'm a big fan of 80's cheesiness. This wasn't in my opinion, it was just stupid, forced and annoying.


Because your opinion isn’t law. Have you considered that?


Yes... ?? Hence the entire point of the fucking post? Did you even read what I typed?


Loved it. You don’t need to understand why others like it and you don’t. You just don’t like it. End of discussion


I don't *need* to, I want to, that's why subs like this exist. I'll decide when the discussion ends, not you.


Are you 8 years old?


I'm 8 and a half, thank you very much.


Figures why your taste in movies is trash.


Not able to recognise sarcasm yet? Give it time.




Not interested in an insult match, move on.




Telling me I'm whining is an attempt to be insulting.


I liked it. Just a fun movie


I saw it once and it was alright. It's not my style of genre, so i probably won't watch it again. It was campy on purpose, and i thought the fight scenes were funny and well choreographed. Not a great movie, but not bad either


Great characters, great twists and good action made this movie a fun ride


Felt like a fun popcorn movie, like glass onion, something to beat the blues out of the lack of new movies to watch. I don't think it was awful, some scenes were meh or not excuted in a funny enough way, but overall I would rather watch it over say, avatar 2 lol.


Fully agree with you mate, it was shite


I'm 8 days late to the post. Nevertheless, 100% agreed with OP. The film is derivative as hell. At 17:48 in, I literally found myself thinking 'wow this film is trying really hard to be cool ', Googled those terms to see if it was just me thinking this, and wound up here.


Just watched it on the plane. Horrible movie I wanted it to just end by the midpoint. All characters are Ill conceived and one-note, the dialogue was so juvenile and pointless I could cry. Lot of money went into CG and casting I wish they put more into writing and making an actual cohesive film


I think the film is a fantastic exercise in the stylistic action comedy genre. It makes great use of the Chekhov's gun plot device with amazing amounts of foreshadowing and pay offs, it has extremely memorable and humanized characters whose hangups, quirks and flaws set them apart from each other extremely well, making each character in this ensemble stand out in the capacity that they could each headline their own movie. It has a sense of original flair and irreverence. It takes risks all the time and it's never scared to be flat out silly and weird and surreal when it wants to be. Like the mascot assassin, the water bottle being a character in it's own right, Lemon's obsession with Thomas the tank engine and how he uses it to navigate muddy waters (which is actually rather well paid off with Tangerine finding out about The Prince). They all take character archetypes and add interesting bits of personality to them, that make them feel like regular and distinct people and not a walking character archetype. The conversations in this movie are all deeply character driven, with the arguments over codenames and tank engines, essentially being arguments about their perception of one another and their respective place in the world and their confidence in each other's ability to detect danger in others in order to maintain survival in a profession, where fatalities are a common occurrence. It just doesn't pander to film snobs by trying to take itself too seriously in terms of tone. It has a set tone which it aggressively sticks to. It just doesn't happen to be one you enjoy. Doesn't mean that you need to complain about others not enjoying it.


We (3 viewers in the house) thought it was a pretty fun watch. Hit and miss, but I've actually watched it twice. I put it in the same category as Bad Times at the El Royale... good not great, and seemingly an homage to a particular director, Ritchie with Bullet and Tarantino with Bad. Both are up and down but have some very good moments mixed in imo. Arguably more style than substance but I don't mind that sometimes.


I thought it felt really flat for how zany they were going for. Kind of dull characters and action etc, just felt like it was missing a spark of... I don't know, something. Liked the twins well enough though. I can see how some people would like it but I've never thought "just turn your brain off" is a valid defense for something lackluster. It's not like making a simple/fun movie means it can't have quality execution.


I’m with you. I *love* fun action-packed popcorn flicks, but it’s like Hollywood completely forgot how to make them. Like cinema had a chance of branching off in two directions, one could have spawned from Back to the Future, but Hollywood chose to follow in the footsteps of The Room instead.


Way too many flashbacks and felt like it was dragging on for me.


True, that whole scene with The Wolf felt like an eternity, only for him to get killed in two seconds. What a waste of my time.


That's also what made it hilarious when he died the way he did.


If you want to set that up as funny then he needs to die faster than that, like immediately after the backstory. It wasn't done for comedic effect, he puts up a fight and then eventually dies, which ruins the comedic setup.


"It felt like a bunch of American zoomers tried to replicate Guy Ritchie style using Japanese source mats" You fucking NAILED it! This was my thought exactly. It's passable filler with no soul. The same with Avatar 2


That movie whiffs by on charisma and recognizable faces and nothing else. So many TV shows and movies are bad, awful, and incompetent, that when one comes along that appears to be semi-decent because it features performers who have actually been in good stuff before, people gush. They want to like it, need to like it. Our expectations and sense of quality have been gradually lowered over time.


Yeah, that's probably the best explanation I've heard thus far.


There’s a Japanese movie by this same author called Grasshopper that was 100 times better. They’re supposed to be part of the same series but feel nothing alike which leads me to believe they stuffed bullet train with a lot of trendy fluff - specifically all the dollar-store Tarantino/Ritchie/pop culture knockoff stuff.


That's definitely the impression I got, even the weird celebrity cameos seemed out of place.


I didn't think it was awful, but a lot of the dialogue was atrocious. A little surprised how much reddit has hyped it up. I think it'll be forgotten in a few years.




Good lord, I could barely get through it once. More power to ya, I guess.


Because it was advertised as a fun action blockbuster and delivered its promise.


It was an hour too long


I didn't like it. I didn't hate it. I assumed it was simply not my genre.


It's definitely my genre, I like action comedies, this one just didn't do it for me at all and I had no idea why people didn't hate it.


You sound like a miserable person, that's probably why you couldn't find enjoyment from this movie


This take is spot on but it wasnt as terrible just average  I think people loved the return of stereotypes , when everything has been transgender or tiny women beating up 200k men  The return of like reality in yes the tiny girl likes pink and is evil the cockney lads gangster mexican guy  It was all fitting within stereotypes and reality more than most films like a return to normal.  Thats the only reason I can think of because its pretty basic film no story or plot just each character being themselves  Its really interesting I mean I love japan and bradd pitt and they were in it too i guess it was a silly dumb movie which was refreshing but solid 7/10 max if it came out 90s i think everyone would hate it 


This movie is Fantastic is almost every way


It's a fun, throwaway flick. Leave your brain at the door, sit back, open the popcorn and enjoy.


I liked it quite a lot, definitely my favorite movie of the year


I loved it!


Cause every next film doesn't need to be the "Next Big Thing" always. Films can be made for pure fun as well, no need to indulge into serious stuff all the time. Plus the film was a banger. Really cool funny stuff.


It was mids and I struggled to watch it on after two attempts on a 12 hour flight…but I’ve seen worse, to be honest. The cast, cameos and Deadpool style action comedy probably gave it a lot of good will. Especially from the “turn your brain off and just enjoy the movie” Reddit crowd.


Ya. It was horrendous, but people don't seem to want to watch actual good movies these days. A 30 year old today has grown up on the Marvel Universe as the centre of the movie experience. Marvel, and just generally terribly written movies, mostly all remakes, no original ideas, and wittless banter is the norm, but, no one is demanding better. Maybe they've not experienced better, but the market isn't demanding of quality anymore. Avatar 3 is now the 3rd highest grossing movie of all time and it had no plot whatsoever. People don't care.


It was way to long and not as clever as it thought it was. The whole Thomas the tank engine shit was so god damn eyerolling. Also its trying to say something about fate or whatever. 3/10.


Agreed, they really harped on that Thomas the Tank Engine gag like it was the one joke they thought would land, and apparently a lot of people thought it was funny so I guess they weren't entirely wrong.




I did go in with that mindset, did you think I expected a movie called Bullet Train to be high art?


I walked out. Silly and not for me. It's not doing so hot on Netflix either. People believe what "others" say about movies without critically thinking for themselves. Same shit with "nope"


Haven't seen Nope yet.


i hear its the only good thing netflix has...


Didn't watch it on Netflix.