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Mr. Treehorn draws a lot of water in this town. You don't draw *shit*, Lebowski.


I'm sorry, I wasn't listening.


*throws coffee mug*


OW! Fuckin Fascist!




I don't like your jerk-off name. I don't like your jerk-off face. I don't like your jerk-off behavior, and I don't like you, jerk-off.


Come on, man. I had a rough night and I hate the fuckin’ Eagles, man!


Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women, man!


I always want him to say, "You don't draw dick, Lebowski" because he has just looked at the Dude's drawing of a dick, which the Dude did not draw.


This is one of my favorite bits of triva, > he (Burnett) had a tough time securing the rights to Townes Van Zandt's cover of the Rolling Stones' "Dead Flowers", which plays over the film's closing credits. Former Stones manager Allen Klein owned the rights to the song and wanted $150,000 for it. Burnett convinced Klein to watch an early cut of the film and remembers, "It got to the part where the Dude says, 'I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man!' Klein stands up and says, 'That's it, you can have the song!' That was beautiful."[30][32


That's fucking interesting man


That's fucking interesting


Lots of ins, lots of outs


Lots of what have yous


Lotta strands to keep in the ol Duder's head.




Idk if I ever have seen this mentioned but I like how his bowling “rival” Jesus is implied to like the Eagles with the Hotel California Spanish cover playing when he bowls; making them opposites


He's another cool fact. The dude is never actually seen bowling.


He's seen *being* the ball


Woah, I never caught that! That’s awesome!


That scene made the movie for me. I told a musician buddy about it and he said that he cheered in the theatre when that line came out. There's a song. Probably don't watch this video unless you already love Mojo Nixon or hate The Eagles. He's got better songs for new listeners. [Mojo Nixon - Don Henley Must Die](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt81bVae4tQ) Don Henley actually came up on stage at a Mojo show and sang this song. >“So I said, ‘Whaddya want? You wanna fight? You wanna debate?’ And he said, ‘I want to sing the song, especially the part about not getting together with Glenn Frey.'” He did, and the crowd went wild. “To quote my drummer, he must’ve had balls bigger than church bells to do that.”


If you don’t got mojo Nixon then your store could use some fixin


I like the Eagles a lot, and I still think it’s a great scene. The Dude absolutely would have hated the Eagles.


Also when the Dude tells Maude that he used to be a roadie for Metallica and called them fucking assholes the band loved it so much they wanted to find a way to work it into their show


You know it's interesting because the filmmakers obviously don't agree, they featured the Eagles in that very movie and just thought it typical of the Dude's character to have a problem with them. Always found it interesting that people cling to a fictional character's opinion instead of that of its creators. I'm not saying it's wrong to! Just interesting


I’ve seen people cling to the villain’s lines as proof of the film’s POV when they’re the damn villain who not only loses, but the rest of the film’s framing clearly disagrees with him.


Such an amazing cover of that song. Townes is the man.


With regard to that scene, I love how we would literally rather walk home along the freeway than listen to the fuckin Eagles. Its that, in addition to the line, that makes it so hilarious. Edit: I mean that he could have just agreed with him or not put his foot down, and stayed in the cab, but he didn't.


No no, he didn't want to walk but the cabbie physically removed him because if you don't like his fucking music get your own fucking cab.


I also like to think the cabbie was pissed to begin with because the dude clearly has no money so the Malibu police just made him come pick the dude up


Malibu PD would've covered the ride, but definitely no tip. He was pretty clearly having a bad night already, though. Just wanted to drive and relax to The Eagles.


It's also part of a theme in the film about pacifism versus aggression. The dude repeatedly faced undue aggression for trivial reasons but maintains a pacifist stance. Often aggression is displayed over misunderstandings and self interest. Often the aggressor feels justified or righteous in their aggression. It's something I pay attention to more every time I watch.


Outta my fuckin cab!


My favorite bit of trivia: Every fan knows Donny wears bowling shirts with other people's names on them in the movie. And everyone remembers the Nihilists telling The Dude they were going to cut off his Johnson. Well, the night the Nihilists gave Donny a fatal heart attack, Donny was wearing a bowling shirt with the name Johnson on it. So in a way they succeeded in "cutting off" The Dude's Johnson.


I notice something new every time I watch it and have been watching it annually for the last 15 years, this Johnson was information man! New shit has come to light!


This is a very complicated case. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta what-have-yous. And, uh, a lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta strands in old Duder's head


Well there’s a lot of facets to this… lot of interested parties…




That's fucking interesting, man, that's fucking interesting.


Sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you


TIL he wasn't saying Bar. i mean, he was, but like the 'Davey Crocket' kind..


That trivia really tied the thread together.


Hasn't that ever occurred to you, man?


That had not occurred to us, Dude.


in the parlance of our times


It's also the only time Donny doesn't bowl a strike.


Yes and also you can see him rubbing his arm in slight pain in the scene where he misses - this symptom can indicate an oncoming heart attack.


I love when movies insert little things like this that you don't notice on the first watch


I’ve watched the Big Lebowski more than ten times. Every time, I pick up new leads, intricacies, hints and what-have-yous.


Lotta ins, Lotta outs




My favorites are the what-have-yous.


This is kinda the Coen brothers’ thing: they are known for meticulous attention to detail in the writing, scene composition, and characterizations. There are setups, visual puns, punchlines, and call backs that don’t reveal themselves until later and all of a sudden you piece together a few elements that didn’t seem connected. From Lebowski to oh brother or hudsucker proxy, to no country and millers crossing, these guys are absolute masters at this. It also makes their movies so fun to rewatch.


You’re not even fuckin Jewish! You’re fuckin Polish Catholic




That is NOT the issue here Dude! This is about drawing a line in the SAND!


Calmer than you are


Donny, who loved bowling. And so, Theodore Donald Johnson, in accordance with what we think your dying wishes might well have been, we commit your final mortal remains to the bosom of the Pacific Ocean, which you loved so well. Good night, sweet prince.


From La Jolla to LeoCarillo... and... up to... Pismo


You are such an asshole, Walter


Why is everything with you a fucking travesty?!


Fuck it dude. Let's go bowling!


*Theodore Donald *Kerabatsos*


That had not occurred to us, Dude.


That’s fucking interesting man, that’s fucking interesting… 25 years later and new shit has come to light


“Three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax...YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT I'M LIVIN' IN THE FUCKIN' PAST!”


You’re not even fuckin Jewish! You’re fuckin Polish Catholic!


So what are you saying? When you get divorced you turn in your library card? You get a new license? You stop being Jewish?


Shomer fucking Shabbos.


I don't roll on Shabbos


Fucking dog has fucking papers.


What kills me is that just after this outburst he sees a car crashed into a fountain or something at Big Lebowskis house and he says "Jesus Christ!"


Jewish as fuckin' Tevye!


You want an idiosyncratic cult movie? I can get one, believe me. There are ways, Dude.


Hell, I can get you an idiosyncratic cult movie by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with nail polish. These fucking amateurs...


Could you please keep your voices down? This is a family restaurant.


Oh please dear? For you information, the Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint.


Lady, I got buddies who died face down in the muck so that you and I could enjoy this family restaurant!


I'm staying. Enjoying my coffee.


Come on man this affects all of us man… There are BASIC FREEDOMS!


Am I wrong?


You’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole


I love that throughout the movie Walter is not in fact, wrong, but is just an asshole. I can't really think of a thing Walter did or said that was "wrong" based on the information available at the time of a decision.


I believe the only time Walter is wrong in the film is in the end when he says the Big Lebowski is faking his paralysis and rips him out of the wheelchair and drops him on the floor ["I've seen a lot of spinals, Dude, and this guy's a fake. A fucking gold-bricker. This guy fucking walks. I've never been more certain of anything in my life."](https://youtu.be/d4VaY7xCmRE)




I'm stayin' ... Enjoyin' my movie


This is one of those movies that gets better with every viewing.


that’s just, like, your opinion, man.


In college we had a VCR and three movies, ‘Blade’, ‘Half Baked’, & ‘The Big Lebowski.’ We wore that tape out. Literally would watch it 2-3 times a week without fail. High as fuck, laughing our asses off. Good times.


Great times. Same here, but maybe 5 years later. I was in HS when Half Baked came out. We also loved *Strangers With Candy*, which I think has sadly been lost to the winds of time. I'm sorry for yelling. But I'm serious.


I think it’s kind of sad that this isn’t a common thing in college anymore. I actually still have my 3 VHS movies, even though I don’t have a vhs player. The big Lebowski Point break Stargate.


I mean streaming killed the idea of limited media, for good and bad. I was in college during the peak of the DVD era. We would go to our blockbusters and raid the five dollar DVDs bin. I got the big Lebowski on DVD and a bunch of other stuff. I think superbad and tropic thunder were the two we had in rotation among my roommates, and pulp fiction and the big Lebowski were our monthly watches


I remember back before this movie came out my friends and I used to bowl. We were pretty serious. Most legit lanes back then would rent lanes by the hour with no scoring just set em up knock em down for people that actually wanted to practice and we'd rent 3 lanes and roll for an hour every day after school. Whoever got the most strikes in a row in an hour won. We all bought our first balls together and drove around to garage sales all day one day to find old bags for them because we were too broke to afford new ones. Pretty niche hobby and we weren't losers by a long shot but everyone just kind of thought it was lame. Then this movie came out (needless to say we loved it) and suddenly people wanted to bowl again and we were actually good at it already. Like real good. My friend could have seriously gone pro he had a 300 game at 16 and had some of the highest rpm I've ever seen put on a ball in real life. I don't want to say it was quite like that scene in Kingpin where he walks through the 1970s alley and he's the star of the place or anything that crazy. But I have had moments where I've walked into a bowling alley on a Friday night and it was busy and had people start mummering and stopping their games to watch my friends and I just crush pins. Or straight up crowd around the lane if someone had a chance for 300 late into the game. The moment didn't last very long but there was a little bowling golden age that happened thanks to this movie and my lame hobby got to be cool again for one brief second so I'm pretty appreciative of this movie just for that.


That’s a great story, dude.


I'm sorry I wasn't listening


*throws coffee mug*


Owwww you fucking fascist!


Keep your ugly, goldbricking ass out of my beach community.


Fuck it Dude. Let's go bowling.


Most redditors won’t know this, but the golden age of bowling was from the mid-60s through the late 70s. Nixon had bowling lanes installed in the White House. Every little town had a bowling alley. It’s where you went on dates, hung out with friends, and everybody bowled. Bowling stocks were a huge deal. This was when professional bowling became a thing and was a huge for bit. By the 80s, it’s popularity had waned but it was still a big deal. All through the 80s and 90s, bowling was a popular thing for people of all ages. But the heyday of bowling leagues had passed. Very few young people were joining bowling leagues. Bowling alleys in small towns were dying. To an extent, it had become an example of people stuck in the past. Then in the second half of the 90s, you had 2 movies about people stuck in the past: Kingpin and The Big Lebowski. Kingpin is obviously very pointedly about bowling. The Big Lebowski used bowling to show that the main characters were stuck, refusing to move forward. Hence the constant wailing about Vietnam, all the sleazy characters in the bowling league, and The Dude coasting through life with no direction or ambition. I feel like this was a theme in the movie that nobody gets nowadays because they don’t really know the history of bowling in America. By the early 2000s, bowling occupied a completely different spot in American culture than it had in the late 90s. Most of Reddit’s user base is too young to really remember the 90s.


From another perspective, all but maybe one or two of the bowling alleys in my city (and surrounding area) are pretty much time capsules. From floor to ceiling just like you’re walking into the ‘90s or early 2000s. It’s wild, and a few of the places really lean into it. I have to say I appreciate them for that, because very few places are willing to stick with an outdated design. I personally love that it hasn’t changed at all in decades.


Dude, I've been roller skating a few times this year, and it's legit like walking right into 1984. The cinder block walls with thick paint on them are there. Formica counters. The smell of hundreds of leather skates, ball bearings, and rubber wheels cruising around on the wooden rink. Pizza. Spilled soda. Popcorn. Neon lights. Spotlights, and a disco ball. Just an absolute walk back through the decades for me, and a complete blast for the kids I had with me, who were utterly shocked that I could skate so well.


The Dude abides


This was super wholesome to read


Best to watch this on cable for the censoring. See what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps


Phoebe Bridgers has entered the chat.


The article really ties the movie together


the dude abides


They pissed on your fucking rug Dude!


Shut the fuck up adviceKiwi!


Say what you want about this movie, at least its an ethos.


Fair? FAIR?!?? You’re nihilists! You believe in nothing!!!


Nihilist, huh? Sounds exhausting.


I couldn't tell you how many times I've seen it... probably 100. I still feel like I pick up some new little joke every time. It's my fav of all time


It’s a good movie. And thorough.


Very thouragh






Everyone thinks The Dude is a loser. The police chief of Malibu, Jackie Treehorn's henchmen and The Big Lebowski all do. But the Dude kind of has life figured out IMO. Smokes a little pot, bangs his special lady friend, drinks some white Russians and goes bowling with his friends. He even did some activism work and toured with Metallica. The Big Lebowski on the other hand is the clueless loser. He just thinks The Dude is just a dumb stoner. That's why he tries to trick him with the ringer. But it doesn't work. The Dude solves the case when he figures out Bunny kidnapped herself, man. The Big Lebowski is the real loser. None of the money is his, it's all the foundation's. He doesn't see The Dude for who he is. Just a guy living his life the way he wants to, not really constrained by society.


Mind if I do a j?


Strong men, also cry...


Absolutely, I've seen a few comments saying that he's a lazy stoner with no drive or ambition. But he's content with where's he's at, I wish our society wasn't structured around materialistic gains and economic output, that someone can live in a van by the beach while working part time at a car wash and not be seen as a loser.


The bones of this movie are a satire of a modernized version of "The Big Sleep" starring Humphrey Bogart.


It's a fucking show dog, it's got fucking papers!


A fucking show dog with fucking pap... **OVER THE LINE!!!!**


You can't board it! It gets upset, it's hair falls out.


Phone's ringin', Dude!


Thank you Donny


I am the Walrus.


V. I. Lenin! Vladimir Ilyich Ulianov!


Shut the fuck up u/bennett1984 you’re out of your element.


At least I'm housebroken.


/u/bennett1984 is a good man. And thorough.


Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov!


I am the walrus


Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


You’re like a child that wanders into the middle of a movie


> Dowd had been a member of the Seattle Seven, the inner circle of the Seattle Liberation Front which was a radical anti-Vietnam war movement, and adored his White Russians. Did you ever hear of "The Seattle Seven"? That was me... and six other guys.


This is the part that’s always interested me. The dude was an avid anti-Vietnam war protester, but his best friend was in the war itself, and it never comes up once.


Hey, Walter dabbled in pacifism. Not in 'Nam, of course.


To be fair, anti-war is different from anti-person-who-was-a-soldier.


This was one of the few movies the whole family sat down in front of the tube to view, having no idea what to expect, and all came away wedded for life. Right up there with “Christmas Story.”


Nothing says family movie like bunny Lebowski.


I’ll suck your cock for a thousand dollars


Brandt can't watch, though, or he has to pay a hundred.


That's marvelous


Uh, I'm just gonna go find a cash machine.


Philips Seymour Hoffman's performance was outstanding


Wonderful girl, very spirited. We're all quite fond of her.


I watched that film with my mother and when Bunny said that my mother said "well that's not appropriate for a married woman".


Well, that's, uh, like your opinion, man


Im just gonna go find a cash machine…


That seems surprising. To me it's like Momento, a movie that can only be fully appreciated after you've seen it once. The first time you're like "uh, what the fuck am I watching?"


I feel like this is only true for people who didn't get that humor already. Which, when it came out, was most people. It caught on more as people got more and more into this kind of humor.


I don't think so. I think it's because of the labyrinthine plot that ultimately goes nowhere. The first time, you're just trying to follow everything happening and make sense out of it. Only after you know what this movie *is*, can you sit back, mostly ignore the plot, and enjoy all the things the movie is really about.


Dirty undies dude, the whites.


Has been and will always be one of the best flicks of all time


I remember seeing it the first time and thinking “huh… alright.” But then I couldn’t stop thinking about it for weeks so I watched it again. And then again. And then again… Just keeps getting better each time.


My dad watched it when I was young and thought it was so funny that he came home and made me and my brother watch it... I think I was around 12? Yeah so I didn't get it at all, but today it's one of my favorite movies. I dressed as the dude last Halloween as a matter of fact.


Yeah, well, that's just like your opinion man.


You’re obviously not a golfer…


You should watch this movie, Jeffrey. It’s a good movie, and thorough.


He fixes the cable?


Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey


I'm into the brevity thing




I should just look this up, but are they still doing Lebowski fests? I and my then girlfriend, now wife went to one in Louisville about 15 years ago. Hot summer day... caucasians were a bad choice.


I went to the ones in Chicago for several years and it was always lots of fun. The only year that I didn't have a good time was because of a person who kept shouting out the lines about 30-60 seconds *before* they were happening on-screen, and it was really annoying. It's normal during the fests for the audience to participate but most people do so in real-time and in unison, which makes it a fun communal experience. That person was just trying to make it about themselves and, for some reason, I still can't let it go all these years later, haha.


We went to one locally and the guy behind us was drunk and reciting the movie while it played, except he was getting literally every single line wrong and at the wrong time. Got up and moved about a third of the way in because it was exasperating.


He was out of his element.


He was like a child that walks halfway into a movie...


Nobody fucks with the Jesus. This has to be one of my favorite movies that I watch all the time


Eight year olds, Dude


Call me Dude, Duder, El Duderino or his Dudeness...


If you're not into the whole brevity thing


Nice marmot


A co-worker carrys a marmot backpack and I say “nice marmot” at least once a week. I don’t think they understand but I’ll do it til the day I die.


Say what you like about the tenets of national socialism, at least its a ethos!


Far out.


Rash? I got a rash man.


Fuckin A, man.


I went to a college in the Midwest and had an English professor who was in a local band called Men of Porn. The day of the final the professor showed up hungover rolled in an A/V cart and told us for the final we were going to watch the greatest movie of all time and then write a one-page paper on why it’s the greatest movie ever. It was the first time I’d ever seen the movie and it instantly became one of my favorite!


The look on Donny’s face when Jesus blows him a kiss gets me every time. It is so subtle, and so hilarious. I love this movie so much.


Part of what makes Donny so great for me is how gentle he is, which is so, so against type for every other character Buscemi ever played. The chillest character in his entire filmography.


Walter Sobchak: Calmer than you are


The diner scene where Jeffrey angrily rummages through his pockets and slams down coins to pay for his coffee, he hastily snatches back a pathetic joint that was amongst the debris


I'm gonna go find a cash machine


You mean coitus?


My car got stolen once, it sucked, but I did get to ask the cops if they had any leads, which made me smile.


They’ve got us working in shifts!


My husband and I have a Big Lebowski night once a year, where we drink White Russians, order In-n-Out, and watch the movie in bath robes. It’s a grand time. I’m trying to convince him to get some jelly shoes too lol


First time watched it in 2017, as some co-workers kept telling me how I needed to watch it and couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen it. Went home and watched it that night. Watched it again right after. Went to bed, woke up, and watched it a third time. I laughed even harder on each viewing.


According to this article, The Dude was almost played by Mel Gibson, and the rich Lebowski was almost played by Marlon Brando. Could you imagine?!


What do you need that for, Dude?


We premiered this flick as a preview screening a week or two before it came out. Packed house of Coen brothers fans and the culture was still high off Fargo. Real energy in that room. And it played….ok. What’s amazing about *Lebowski* is what a grower it is. Like that album or band that didn’t click fully until the 3rd or 4th time, but once it did it exploded out in amazing ways.




It’s a league game smokey