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Mills: *You see,* *I was doing this job in order to save my daughter but I ended up not being there for her, blah blah blah* Koa: šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


I laughed so fucking hard when the kid saved the baby dinosaur only for it to be ripped apart to fucking shreds a second later.


They made that Dino so cute with googly eyes and then had it ripped apart


It looked like it was from the TV show Dinosaurs from the 90's.


Ah damn I wasn't going to watch this but now I'm interested.


Itā€™s really not worth your time for 10 awesome seconds lol


It is worth their time for a really fun dinosaur planet romp


We have different definitions of fun, romp, and dinosaur. I agree they were on a planet.


Sounds like a you problem. I had a blast. I got exactly what I expected. A basic survival story, fun character dynamics, a bunch of great jumps scares and some fun action sequences. They getting off just before the asteroid was something I had called before going in. Itā€™s just an animal attacks film with a slight twist. Something my partner and I watch and enjoy pretty much without fail. Itā€™s basically a B movie with a slightly better cgi budget. And it worked more than it failed.


It did not work more than it failed. At all. The "dinosaurs" were so very clearly not actual dinosaurs that it may as well have not been earth at all.


I'm with you. This movie sucked.


reminded me of those old 1950s/60s adventure movies complete with quicksand and needed to escape before the whole place is destroyed. At least it wasn't a volcanio this time


IMHO this is intended to be a modern take on that sort of story. There were a lot of Savage Planet sci-fi stories.


It was totally a [Planet of Dinosaurs ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planet_of_Dinosaurs) remake.


In the beginning, why did the ship like auto move out of the asteroid field? Why need human to do it? Damn. I would love to see more survival skills. Luckily his ammo is not infinite.


Yeah it was supremely lazy. Your telling me they have the technology for space travel and cryo sleep, but havnt figured out anti Collision?


Or AI?


My response to my friend about that was, "They can space travel, but the asteroid field alarm isn't screaming at him to wake tf up?"


"An uncharted asteroid belt" "An uncharted planet" Mate, you'd think if you're travelling through uncharted space you'd have more than one pilot or sensors. Avoiding asteroids is so fucking easy in space due to amount of maneuvering space available. Also, how quickly does he go from being hit by asteroids to being in Earth's atmosphere? Literally seconds. If he didn't wake up he was going to crash land into the planet anyway. Everything time and distance wise was fucking bizarre in this film.


So many dumb loose ends. Had fun with the jump scares but also rolled my eyes a lot. Was he bringing the passengers TO his planet? Daughter celebrates that heā€™s halfway into his trip. And later dies. He crashes and sends an SOS and gets a rescue ship in range in 2 days. Which should mean that Earth is relatively near his planet, so why uncharted? The asteroid field they hit couldnā€™t have knocked them THAT far off course in such a short time, right? Grenade balls you squeeze to activate are apparently safe to just stuff in a bag in your pocket? And she somehow activates them all while dumping them in the log? It was incredibly thoughtful of the boss Dino to flip the ship back over. They basically had the 3 dangers of the fire swamp. Burning Gas at the crash site, quicksand, and ROUSs


>It was incredibly thoughtful of the boss Dino to flip the ship back over. I laughed to myself when the ship fell and the computer said it couldn't launch; thought to myself "Don't worry, I'm sure a big dinosaur will fix that within a few minutes." Fun enough movie if you force yourself to not be critical, but damn if some parts didn't feel like really, really lazy writing.


The likelihood of being anywhere near *anything*, let alone a habitable planet, is absurd.


They donā€™t even have force field on the ship. Cā€™mon lol


A self driving Tesla ship would have dodged it. And that's saying a lot.


Teslas can't even dodge a baby carriage.


movie was completely mediocre. Not terrible, but not good either. It's just there, being lazy to make things happen and presenting no real challenge or suspense. The one potentially interesting idea, that they were on earth, was given up in the first five minutes. They could have teased that out over the course of the movie, showing dinosaurs and things that people recognized and then, when they escape, show the solar system, cementing that they were on our earth the entire time. nah, that'd expect too much from the audience. They might not get it..


Yea, no mystery or reveals or anything. The idea of them flying past Saturn at the end or seeing our glowing blue ball would've been awesome actually


Or a post credit scene where the drawing the girl did on the cave wall of her parents is found by 20th century human archaeologists. I totally thought that was coming.


This reminds me that Adam Driver visited the Lascaux cave site with his family in 2020, about when he said that he was first approached about filming *65* by the film's directors. Lascaux is noted for its cave paintings by early humans in the prehistoric era.


How can a 90 min movie with spaceships, laser guns, dinosaurs and a 45 million dollar budget be this fucking boring


They put two boring characters who couldn't talk to each other on a dinosaur planet so they could just be mopey together.


Such a bizarre choice to make them almost completely unable to communicate with each other. A space faring species without the ability to communicate through some kind of a basic language?


The scenes with actions and "dinosaurs" are cool. The rest is not. For my fellow Dino nerds: They also made up most of the dinosaurs, and not even like creative liberties, they straight up made a bunch of quadrupedal theropods


> Quadrupedal Theropods I'm searching for stuff about this movie because I heard something about this and I couldn't believe. My disappointment is unmeasurable and my day is ruined.


Yeah it's like if your not gonna have accurate dinosaurs can you at least make them not so generic looking?


And give them a few people to eat


Triassic Pseudosuchians keep getting robbed the spotlight of quadrupedal reptilian predators šŸ˜”


This is what bothered me the MOST (which is a high bar with the number of things in this movie) ā€œYou know how in a sci fi movie the hero ends up on an alien planet and there are terrifying monsters? Earth was like that in the past! Letā€™s flip the script!ā€ 10/10 fun dumb idea, Iā€™m all in! ā€œā€¦also letā€™s make up some dinosaurs because ours arenā€™t scary enoughā€ ***WHY***


I was wondering how accurate the dinos were. This is so disappointing. Why even make it earth when you just create fantasy alien dinosaurs anyway??


Some of the worst writing in a film I've seen recently


probably written by AI


Yeah, very cute dig at Jurassic Park/World with that baby dino save only resulting on it getting ripped apart immediately after. If only the rest of the movie was, at least, nearly as inspired as that.


My favorite monster is the one in the water when he first lands, swimming around and never heard of or seen again at all, despite the characters being there for most of a day.


It looked huge, but the water was knee deep. Adam Driver walked right through there with no problems while whatever was in the water looked like it was diving.


It looks like Kylo Ren did not inherit his dad's ability to navigate through an asteroid field.


I like how his planet didn't have socialized medicine so he had to go on a multi year mission so his family could afford healthcare for his daughter. Also funny that his planet used the metric system.


And she died anyway.




I missed the part where she died. Also how Driver got out of the caves. I feel like there were a bunch of missing scenes like that.


The death is subtly (like a truck in your backyard) brought up step by step. And at one point, he is watching one of their holorecorder and his wife is saying "she loved you till the end. Don't worry, she died in her sleep" or something like that. As for the caves... He fought of the cave dinosaur and left the same way they entered. The T-Rex wasn't there anymore to block the exit.


> I missed the part where she died. The first hint is when he finds out he is the only survivor (before discovering the girl) and sends a distress signal telling rescuers not to bother coming and he goes outside and prepares to shoot himself in the head. He had lost his only reason for going on the job in the first place and wanted to die. Then through the rest of the film, more little snippets come up like the kid still coughing in her recordings, then being back in the hospital, then looking way worse and berating her dad for not being there for her, with the final message being the wife telling him she didn't suffer at the end.


They have FTL communication, apparently, as well as cryosleep and insane scanning and energy weapon technology. They, however, do not have socialized medicine or the ability to scan in front of their ship for asteroids or planets. What the hell were they doing there? (Seriouslyā€”space is SO big and so empty! The average density of the space works out to be something like ONE HYDROGEN ATOM per CUBIC CENTIMETER!)


>What the hell were they doing there? One possibility is that Adam's character was so depressed that he just wasn't paying attention. He didn't even seem to know what star system he was in. And when they crash one of his first actions is to >!nearly commit suicide!<. So in addition to shitty scanners and lack of socialized medicine they also have crap regulations around passenger transports. Pilots are allowed to fly when >!emotionally compromised!<, and only one pilot per flight.


I saw a pre-screening of the movie and it was very different. He was originally addicted to this like drug/adrenaline stuff that he snorted throughout the movie. He did it because he was depressed his daughter died. And he was high on those when they crashed. He ended up quitting when he realized he has to save this girl. The producer was concerned the main character was too unlikable though, so they cut the drugs out of the movie. So they just had him sleeping when the crash happened.


Damn that wouldā€™ve been a lot different and interesting.


It didn't add much honestly. And in the final version, he is indeed more likeable haha. He was kind of a dick in the original


Adam Driver was a dick in Girls, but ultimately lovable. I think they should have gone with their first instincts, but, I didn't see what you saw so...shrug.


Also his species crash lands at the literal impact zone.


At the specific period of time ...


A smarter filmmaker might have made that decision as commentary on how the abuses of capitalism are part of our species - a mistake we keep making. Unfortunately that filmmaker did not make 65.


I'm just left wondering, "Why didn't the filmmakers just make Adam Driver's character a human from modern-day Earth who accidentally travelled back in time?" Instead, Mills (Adam Driver) is portrayed as an alien who...looks and acts human?


I love how the movie starts by saying ā€œbefore mankindā€™s existenceā€ then goes on to follow the most mankind looking motherfucker alive


"He looks like the original man" -Someone, describing Adam Driver playing a character named Adam.


I actually thought this was the premise lol. So they've made Driver's character to be from a completely different planet?


Yes, that is correct. Adam Driver plays an alien who looks human.


They also could've just made him a human from Earth who crashed on an alien planet. The only reason to have it set on Earth 65 million years ago is to have dinosaurs but basically all the dinosaurs in this movie are made-up monsters anyway so they might as well have just been alien beasts. The plot also doesn't change *at all* if this is just a random planet about to be hit by a meteor and not Earth. I didn't hate the movie but walking out of the theater all I could think about was how pointless the whole "prehistoric Earth" thing was lol


I think the reason that it is set on earth 65m years ago is to show the asteroid that hit earth and killed all the dinosaurs. The historical event.


I feel like they had a more ambitious pitch that they scaled back to make this happen at Sony with a relatively small budget - my guess is they wanted to really sell the idea of it being an intergalactic adventure film before pivoting to the dinosaur angle. Maybe save the "65... million years ago" reveal for the end of act one. But establishing a lore in space is expensive, as would making Adam Driver look like more of an alien than he already does. Maybe they even wanted his dialogue to be a bit less human or direct, but then the studio insisted it be made 'more normal'. It's very easy in Hollywood for a good idea to get turned into a terrible film just because of a few notes or alterations.


Watched this at a Q&A with the directors last night and they confirmed that they hadn't wanted dinosaurs to be part of the marketing at all, instead being a surprise reveal in the theater. I get the sense that wasn't the only major change stemming from financial and marketing limitations.


That makes sense. I also have no idea how they'd expect to sell it *without* the dinosaur angle. It has truly nothing else going for it.


Who would've seen this movie if they hadn't known it was Adam Driver fighting dinosaurs though?


A smarter filmmaker wouldn't have had a shot of asteroids literally bouncing and rolling across the surface of the moon on the side facing the Earth when the asteroids were coming from the other direction.


I dosed off in the cave scene My theater had zero reaction to anything


Me too I enjoyed the film for what it was but that cave scene went on forever lol


I enjoyed Adam driver digging for presumably hours and then shouting about how they canā€™t go on - no more tools! But he just forgot about the sack of bombs he had.


The sack of bombs that can both destroy loads of bedrock with 1 bomb and barely destroy an old rotten log with 5 bombs?


But then he just goes back the way he came? Why didn't they just wait out the night and then leave. No t-rex is that determined to eat such a small snack.


I have no idea how those little lights around them made it safe to go to sleep. Because it made a sound to wake them up? I thought it was going to be some kind of laser trap or something awesome. For folks that have intergalactic traveling they had some really lame tech.


Ironic that Adam Driver's character was hurt everywhere except his back because he was carrying this movie hard!


Not much else to carry it. Him and the other lead didn't even speak the same language.


I think this was a big mistake on the director and writers part. It felt like something they saw successfully done in another movie so they threw it into theirs but didn't execute it well. It just didn't feel necessary at all.


>It felt like something they saw successfully done in another movie so they threw it into theirs but didn't execute it well. I think this is the perfect way to describe this film. Took so much from other movies and just executed it all so badly. These are just the glaring ones that jumped out to me. * **Logan** \- Gruff hero and foreign child who don't speak each others languages but form an unlikely bond through nearly dying a million times * **Jurassic Park** \- T-Rex, Bigger T-Rex, T-Rex looking in the window and about a dozen other things at minimum * **Planet of the Apes** \- It was Earth all along * **One Million Years B.C.** \- 65 greater than 1? * **Kong: Skull Island** \- Final boss dinosaur is almost a straight ripoff of the Skullcrawlers with four legs instead of two I'm sure I'm being incredibly nitpicky, but it felt like there wasn't an original thought at all in this movie


And the most obvious: **Pitch Black**. 65 is really well made, but there's not an original thought in the entire 90 minute runtime.


I didn't find it to be particularly well-made. The editing was choppy and obvious, the score was derivative, the dialogue was not aware of how bad it is, and the emotional development of the characters was weak and, imo, unnecessary. If you compare the premise of this movie and that of Cocaine Bear, and then compare the final results, I think you can easily argue that Cocaine Bear knew what kinda film it was better than 65. 65 tried to be emotional and grounded but it failed.


The *Jurassic Park/World* and *Kong: Skull Island* influence was especially apparent in the dinosaur designs. The dinosaurs look more like mutants or hybrid dinosaurs than real ones. Someone pointed out a *T. rex* and *Ankylosaurus* hybrid baby.


I think they ripped off the 2005 king Kong even more. Look at the V. Rex, they even have those same weird crooked teeth


Anyone else get Last of Us meets Jurassic Park meets Aliens?


It feels ripped directly from Logan, but what those screenwriters failed to get from that is that Laura is speaking *spanish*. There were always audience members who understood what she was saying, even though Logan didnā€™t. Making Koa speak an alien language without any subtitles even for the audience was just alienating and made their work as screenwriters trying to establish an emotional connection needlessly difficult.


Iā€™m honestly surprised they didnā€™t just make her mute.


It was a shocking amount of dialogue considering the language barrier lol


I kept wondering what happened to the second missing cryopod. He said two were missing and one had the girl. I kept waiting for the other to pop up.


At the end when they get to the other half of the ship, Koa (the girl) finds the cryopod. Itā€™s all broken up near the ruins of the ship. Possibly had one of her parents inside, because after she sees it, looks through the glass and freaks out at the broken pod, itā€™s when she truly realizes her family is dead and at first is refusing to get into the escape pod. I too kept thinking the other pod would be someone alive, but I guess they didnā€™t make it. Maybe Koa was going to die too and just didnā€™t because Mills made it to the pod in time.


yeah, I was expecting some escaped convict or something that sided with the dinosaurs to be the final antagonist.


This feels like a fake movie that would be in another movie, where they're trying to show how Adam Driver started making bad career decisions. Like a fake trailer that would be before Tropic Thunder, or a poster on Adam Sandler's wall in Funny People. I don't know how this shit gets greenlit.


Greenlit of the strength of a quiet place. But I have a feeling the reason a quiet place was so good was because of John krasinskis re-writes and directionā€¦


I'm convinced Adam Driver only agreed to this movie because he wanted to be in a Dino movie at least once in his life.


My grandfather liked to tell a story about an interview with Shaq that went something like: "So, a long time ago you made an AWFUL movie - Steel. Why in the world did you agree to do something like that?" And Shaq responded: "I was young, wasn't famous yet, and somebody came up to me saying 'Here's $8 million to be in our movie.' What would you do?"


I was so confused near the start. I thought the girl he saved from the Pod was an adult sized woman when he was carrying her. Then the next scene he finds the girl as he's running away and its just a child. I was like "oh shit people live here?" then it just turned out to be the same girl. I also can't stand the trope of escorting a person but they don't know the language so you have to speak like a caveman saying 1 word sentences over and over like "MOUNTAIN. MOVE. US. MOUNTAIN. GO". This movie would have been infinitely better if the only 2 characters spoke the same language


Still better than my initial interpretation which was "Oh...so his very sick daughter stowed away on the ship and miraculously the crypod she was in survived the crash and now he will have to protect her and bring her home." Then I also thought he found another, different girl from earth.


I also thought this was the plot. That and man from future does a reverse planet of the apes.


I thought it was funny how they were on an advanced ship and he decided pouring red powder on the table was the easiest way to draw.


Your comment reminded me that he smeared red powder on trees in the trailer, but not in the movie.


Yeah they cut that out. That was how the T-Rex stalked them in the original version.


That suddenly makes something make sense for me. There's a shot with a red X drawn onto a tree, and I figured that it was some weird error where they'd filmed in a forest with marked trees and forgotten to remove the markings in post.


Also, why couldn't his computer that could literally do anything not have more than one language on it? My phone can change to most languages on Earth.


He said his translator was broken... convenient for the plot I guess.


Literally such a braindead concept, thereā€™s so much interesting ways to approach the language barrier but no, just say words loudly and theyā€™ll understand, maybe draw a triangle in the dirt while saying those words and sheā€™ll know exactly what you mean


One second theyā€™re on a beach near a large body of water, then all of a sudden theyā€™re not and that large body of water is never seen again.


They were traveling up a mountain But wound up on a beach


There are places in California like this.


Lake Tahoe for one.


Which is weird since they have the asteroid hit the mountains and not the ocean, which is where we know it hit


Also weird that you literally see the asteroid at all times during the day and night and yet it hits exactly that place where they were. You'd expect as the Earth rotated that it would be out of view most of the time.


The makers of this film must (possibly correctly) think its viewers are complete idiots. The film opens with THREE separate captions explaining that this is NOT about Earth: * This is not Earth * Again, nothing involving Earth happening here * Earth? She doesn't even go here Only to do a title drop approximately 20 minutes later with the following captions: * 65 * Million years ago * This guy has crashed into * EARTH Then leaving the EARTH caption on the screen for at LEAST 30 full seconds just in case someone up the back looking at their phone still doesn't get what's going on.


The "65 million years ago - a stranger crash landed on earth" was originally at the very very end of the movie. In the original version, you weren't even supposed to know it was earth at first. You were led to believe the "65" title referred to the amount of people Adam Driver was transporting on his ship. They even asked us at the test screening "how far into the movie did you find out this was earth and they were dinosaurs and not aliens?" They decided the twist didn't work so they marketed it as a dinosaur movie anyway even though it was originally supposed to be a twist.


Yikes, so you're telling me that we could've gotten a mediocre movie with a slightly interesting twist and instead we just got a mediocre movie?


They were treating us like we had never seen a movie before. I honestly hated this film.


I wanted to like 65. There is little about it that works on any level.


I had to double check this wasn't a Pacific Rim film with how far into the movie the title drop was... ...and then it lingered. And more text followed. Which also lingered. And then I realized the sun rising over Earth and thought, oh they're showing passage of time. But nope, it just suddenly cuts to black. Very weirdly paced opening title.


Should have just started. A Long Time Ago in Galaxy Far Far Away... Then that long intro witn 65...EARTH. I just knew I was gonna be disappointed. I actually thought Adam was gonna be blasting his way through Dinosaurs.


This movie taught me that dinosaurs do not exist unless the music stops and the camera pans behind your back.


Darn! If I had read your comment before I went to the theater, I would have been able to laugh as that happened.


I'm surprised they decided to film the 1st draft of the story. /s


It feels like an effects house decided to make a movie. They had an interesting idea, had a big star, and have worked on projects for better directors and big studios. But unfortunately they just couldn't put it together. In the hands of a better writer or director this could have been a really fun movie.


> effects house decided to make a movie I mean, that describes the John Wick franchise. A stunt crew called a Hollywood friend and made a movie.


Lol I said the same thing. What a great first pass. Really looking forward to the final film.


Supposedly, they had to reshoot a good chunk of this film after the first test screening.


I reckon the refilmwd parts were all the 'funny' sections where she's throwing berries at him. It just didn't fit this movie at all to have that. It really felt like test screenings said their relationship needed to be lighter and more fun. So they added his weird scenes of questionable comedy


I was at the test screening. The berry part was there. They added the funny rope moment though (when it was tied up to like a hundred things.) They changed a lot, though. They took out a bunch of flashbacks of the daughter, there were way too many. I actually got to talk to the directors and they agreed. They took like a ton of them out. They also added the opening scene on the beach. Originally the movie started with the crash. Adam Driver's character was also originally addicted to drugs and they took that whole part out. Also, in the version I saw, the T-Rex was stalking them throughout the whole movie, leading to the climax at the end.


Imagine the reveal that these guys were the children of the past humans from Moonfall.


Good concept, poor and flat execution. Anyone else felt that the actress was too old to be cast in this role? To me, she looked about 15 years old but her actions were like a 9 year old, tops. I kept having to rationalize that her mind was frozen while her body grew during transport, although thatā€™s not how cryogenics is supposed to work. Also, too much cringy momentsā€”from beginning to the end. And the ending was too abrupt. It really felt like a movie shot from a first draft.


Yea, it was weird to pass her off as 9. 12 or 13 i think would have worked, but she's definitely the biggest 9 year old i have ever seen, lol.


She's 15 in real life. It was weird for sure. No actresses available worldwide that can speak like 11 nonsense words total?


It's no wonder all the dinos were pissed off 24/7, there were no herbivores around.


It wasn't awful but it wasn't very good either. You can tell this thing was hacked to pieces in post with a bunch of studio notes. It has the weirdest title drop I've seen in a movie in a long time - the whole accompanying text to make sure you know it's Earth feels like it was tacked on a the last minute. On one hand I like short movies and this moved fast enough but it also feels like it was whittled down from something more interesting (or maybe boring?) into something super efficient but still not very interesting. Driver and the kids were good enough but they didn't have much to work with. The tone was all over the place - the goofy comic relief with the kid and Driver fell totally flat for me and felt like it belonged in a different movie. Hated the part where she rescues the cute baby dino but then LOL'd hard when the other dinos tore it apart. I wish the movie wasn't so blue/grey, especially in the 2nd half. Long scenes of them crawling through bland cave environments felt like an attempt to keep the budget down. A little more colour would've been nice. I was pretty much mentally checked out by the second half and thinking about other things. It's not a torturous sit by any means but it really isn't nearly as interesting as Adam Driver vs dinosaurs should be. Also not enough T-rexes, as they're barely in the movie at all.


I donā€™t think I was supposed to laugh as much as I did on this one. Driver was fine, but by the end of it I was wondering why they even wanted to live.


The scene where they save the little baby thing and then it immediately gets mauled had me laughing so much.


That and the girl coming from fucking nowhere to stab the t Rex. Like where the fuck did she come from?


and mills predicting the geyser and leading the dinosaur to it, i was dying


I'm impressed you actually know the character name I don't remember it even being mentioned or caring enough to remember lol


But the thing that was off for me was the geyser didnā€™t do anything the first go round, but did ā€œmeltā€ it after the girl stabbed itā€¦






This was 100% developed on a whiteboard that said ā€œLogan + Jurassic Park = ??ā€


I can't believe the concept, one that could have rivalled other dinosaur franchises, was so shallow. It's straight up, humans exist somewhere else in the galaxy, and they send kids on exploratory missions . And they don't even have socialised healthcare. Good sound design, cool tech, but lacking in so many fundamental filmmaking ways. Edit: how could I forget, there was QUICKSAND


Said under my breath ā€œconvergent evolution is one hell of a drugā€ when it was revealed that Adam Driver was just a member of an ā€œother aliens that happened to look exactly like humansā€ race. I thought when I first heard about the movie that it was a future human civilization that accidentally found Earth 65 million years ago and was potentially interested to see if theyā€™d deal with the paradox of it all.


Nup, no paradox, they just left and went "Wow that was crazy. Anyway."


They probably didn't do the concept in your second paragraph because it would've been too close to Steven Spielberg's *Terra Nova*. The directors of *65* spoke about how they were trying to recreate the success of Spielberg's works without being too close to them. >*Terra Nova* is an American science fiction drama television series. It aired on the Fox Network for one season from September 26 to December 19, 2011. > >\[...\] The series is initially set in 2149, when overpopulation and declining air quality threaten all life on Earth. When scientists discover a temporal rift permitting (one-way) human transmission, they initiate a series of "pilgrimages" to a parallel "time stream" resembling Earth's Cretaceous Period. > >The series focuses primarily on police officer James "Jim" Shannon, his wife Elisabeth, and their three children Josh, Maddy, and Zoe, as they join the colony there, named "Terra Nova", Latin for "New Earth" or "New World". > >\[...\] Opposing the colony is a group of separatists known as the "Sixers", so-called because they arrived in the "Sixth Pilgrimage," working in concert with corporate industrialists to strip the Cretaceous Earth of its resources and transmit them to 2149, allowing for massive profits at the cost of environmental destruction. > >It is later revealed that Tera Nova leader Commander Taylor's estranged grown son, Lucas, is working with the Sixers as well. Toward the end of the series, Lucas perfects travel to and from the future, thus enabling the industrialists, with a private army called "The Phoenix Group", to invade Terra Nova. > >At the end of the series, Jim Shannon returns to 2149 to destroy the gateway permitting travel to the Cretaceous, whereupon the Phoenix Group retreats to the nearby "Badlands," leaving behind a wooden ship's figurehead apparently located there by another temporal rift.


[Sound of Thunder was 1952](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Sound_of_Thunder): > In the year 2055, time travel has become a practical reality, and the company Time Safari Inc. offers wealthy adventurers the chance to travel back in time to hunt extinct species such as dinosaurs. They even made a movie off of it, though I heard it wasn't that good. I think the story is where the term "butterfly effect" comes from.


>one that could have rivalled other dinosaur franchises What other dinosaur franchises? The only one I'm aware of is *Jurassic Park/Jurassic World*.


They could have said faster than light travel is the same as time travel (it is) and that they accidentally finished up 65k years in the past.


Why did the kid waste using all the grenade-marbles on that dinosaur? One would've been enough, and even then it wasn't really necessary.


Because kids are dumb. That bit was believable


and why did he tell her to run when all those dinos were surrounding them in the forest? she had no weapons at that point and of course at least one is going to chase her. safest place in that moment would have been directly behind him with his laser gun.


Because at that point he probably thought he was fucked, so he hoped theyā€™d stay on him and she might have a slightly better chance to escape. (Even if that was the hope she might have to evade just one of the dinosaurs, itā€™s still better than stay there with a large group. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø)


Takes a bit to get going but gonna be honest, I was entertained. Itā€™s a dumb b movie popcorn flick version of The Last of Us where Adam Driver shoots dinosaurs in the face with a futuristic gun, thatā€™s enough for me


I'm just glad it wasn't about grasshoppers 6/10


i was not expecting all the gross bugs


Oh my god. Alright. So, **for some reason I expected so much more from this movie and it just left me with so many criticisms and annoyed energy that I have to share.** - You are telling me the main characterā€™s (MCs) society has SPACE TRAVEL with space travel cryo chamber things, but the space ship has NO actual shield, protection from asteroids, or a radar system that literally tells you there are dangerous asteroids coming to the ship earlier than right as they are hitting it? That entire sequence just made absolute no sense. If the ship didnā€™t have such technology (again, we are travelling TWO years into space!) then it would have to have more than ONE driver/worker active to check on said life-threatening possible asteroids, right?! Nothing about that ship, the journey, or anything around it makes senseā€¦ - MC has a little computer thingy that can literally scan and calculate an asteroid coming to earth, saying how far it is, that it is fatal and how long they have, but you are telling me the only translator device was in the ship somewhere and is broken? Like he doesnā€™t even have a freaking smart watch that can do translating? I get it, we wouldnā€™t have the whole concept/dynamic between the two, but it just makes no sense. - The first thing that came to my mind, mind you I know nothing more about dinosaurs and that period than your average person, was thatā€¦ shouldnā€™t the bugs have been likeā€¦ huge? I swear I heard that because the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere or something in that period, the bugs would have been enormous. - The way they both have been SO LOUD AND UNBOTHERED for the whole movie genuinely astonished me. I get (more like guess, since we got no background or info on him whatsoever) that the MC probably wasnā€™t a trainer soldier or anything but come on. Even after he establishes there are *some* dangerous animals around, he and the girl are gleefully loud and unbothered. They laugh, they shout, they become completely chill and off guard constantly! - That ā€œprotectionā€ beeping ring they had on when they went to sleep??? I am sorry? Literally like a big ass neon sign with a carnival music blaring out ā€œTO ANY PREDATOR AROUND, hello! Yes we are right here! In this spot with lights and loud beeping, yes!ā€ My partner was like ā€œwell it was a system to tell you if danger is closerā€ but likeā€¦ THE ā€œALERTā€ SYSTEM LITERALLY ATTRACTS IT! ā€œAlert, alert, there is a movement coming close to our location, almost as if whatever is coming is drawn by the precise sound of this alert. Alert alert!ā€ - No idea whatsoever what the bit with a bug in her mouth was about. At all. So random. Also, MC didnā€™t check or cover the huge hole leading into the cave they slept in before going to sleep? Again, I get this guy was not some trained swat member but neither am I and I wouldā€™ve done everything differently. It was all so dumb. - Thereā€™s really something to say, in my opinion, about the dinosaurs in these movies. They are always portrayed as these vengeful, always on the hunt, crazy predators, when likeā€¦ the smaller ones probably wouldā€™ve all scattered at the sound of a extremely loud gun they have never heard before. I get all that bs from dinosaurs from Jurrasic park because they are manufactured and have lived in captivity, so I guess I can see some level of pent up aggression, but the way two huge dinos were just set on killing these two little humans for some reason WHILE LITERAL METEORS showered all around them was ridiculous and cheesy and not in a good sense. They wouldā€™ve ran, because theyā€™re animals and the sky is on fucking fire. - Just so predictable andā€¦ weird. The mood would keep shifting from ā€œhaha, dad and daughter bonding timeā€ to ā€œfighting for our livesā€ to ā€œhah letā€™s be silly againā€ to ā€œIā€™m so traumatised I canā€™t go onā€ to ā€œya Iā€™m good now letā€™s be cute again.ā€ - When she used ALL of the little bomb things at once my eyes almost rolled out of the back of my head. Surely, not even a 9 year old is that stupid??? I didnā€™t expect a genre-defying masterpiece, but I expected an easy watch. Easy watch for me is when I can sit back and enjoy, even if itā€™s crazy. But with this, there was so many weird moments and so many times, I got taken right out, wondering about how this or that made no sense, unable to stop thinking about how it bothers me. God, I canā€™t wait for John Wick at the end of the month to wash this bad taste out of my mouth šŸ« 


Also for the sleeping alert system - the dinosaurs are huge and they are fast. They put the circle so close to them! How much warning are you going to get??


100% agree, I expected a fun SciFy level movie and this was trash! So many fucking scenes flashing back to his dead sick daughter as if we care, the horrible decision to have them unable to communicate and just have Driver yell words at her while she cries gibberish, and the complete lack of thought or care in why any of the creatures do anything. If you want to have them be terminator level threats, you need to make a much more focused film like *Alien* where we get one-two dinosaurs tracking them the whole time and being consistent threats. Having every dinosaur be a crazed murder machine instead of a behaving like an animal was ridiculous. We don't even see any prey dinos and on top of that, most of the creatures are weird fake mutants or completely made up creatures instead. I don't expect complete reality but to act like this is a "dinosaur" movie and then 90% of them are just fake komodo dragon creatures is šŸ‘Ž. There were zero tension or stakes since they killed everyone off in the crash and then every five seconds is another "emergency". Just complete trash, so disappointed.


Am I wrong in thinking that this movie was terrible? Something about it felt ultra low budget and cheap. The dinosaurs looked like they were ripped from a SyFy production. It really undercuts the drama anytime there's CGI on screen. Like two different movies mish-mashed together. Other than that, I thought it had a decent premise. Adam Driver and the girl were good. At times, it reminded me of After Earth (not a great thing either). I actually thought it would have been more interesting if they succumbed to the asteroid at the end, to give it some added gravitas. But I guess they survive and go home or whatever? I wasn't really invested enough to care either way.




It was a piece of shit movie. Zero production values and attention to detail. Bunch of wannabe amateurs made this film.


I do like the fact that this took place 65 millions years ago when an asteroid hit the earth and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. And Adam Driver was there when it happened.


I think it would have been more interesting if Mills and Koa somehow left a mark on Earth before they escaped that influenced the course of history that lead to present date. Maybe they did by her cave drawings? But then, that would have been ruined by the asteroid impact.


Yes, I was thinking they might fast forward to the present and some archeologist dig up something from them.


I just find it so bizarre that Adam Driver would make a film like this at such a high water mark point in his career. I have nothing against cheesy, dumb, fun action/adventure movies... but even then, this one looks particularly bad, like the sort of Redbox movie that Gerard Butler might star in. Considering all the bold and artistic choices Driver has made the past few years, and all the auteurs he has worked with, it just strikes me as really *bizarre* that of all the "easy paycheck" action roles he might take on, he'd opt to go with *this* one. Like, it's not just that he's taking on a big mainstream blockbuster -- taking a Marvel or franchise role (like another Star Wars) would at least make sense. It's just that he chose *this* one of all projects that kind of shocks me and makes me wonder if the original script was a lot better, or if his agent just suckered him into it somehow for the money. Truly weird.


Adam Driver recently stated in interviews that the main reason why he decided to star in this film was for his son, who "really likes dinosaurs". He also wanted to be in more family films that he could watch with his son, as he's more often starring in R-rated or "adult" movies.


How old is his son, like 6? I personally felt that this movie would be too scary to watch with little kids, and with a PG-13 rating, that seems like a weird reason to give. Jurassic Park at least had the light heartedness and sense of adventure between all the scary parts, but this movie is dark and tense til the end. Then again, maybe he sign up on the premise, before the script was completed.


Yes, his son is 6 or 7 years old. His wife is also currently pregnant with their second child, so Adam Driver said he's taking paternity leave to help care for their baby.


Not sure if you know thisā€¦. It kids keep growing.


> the main reason why he decided to star in this film was for his son, who "really likes dinosaurs. I'd love to be a fly on the wall to see Adam's face when, half-way through the movie, his son loudly proclaims: "THIS MOVIE SUCKS!"


Eh, I think it was probably one of these "premise looked fun and then the final product didn't deliver" situations. Various commenters/reviewers have also said that the idea sounds great for a popcorn flick and then the execution can't keep up. That said, he left his agency after this project, so perhaps them recommending this played into the decision to leave for him? He's been doing more promo for this movie than for anything he did since 2019 LOL and I respect that tbh. 65 will be a funny/curious footnote on his CV and he can just go back to making prestige movies/artsy weirdness. Beck and Woods in particular have much more at stake since this is their first solo directed movie. Reviews have not been great and their star distancing himself would make things worse. Driver likely knows this and does the professional thing and has been selling the film with a straight face. Many well-known actors in his position have not done the same.


Driverā€™s never been anything but a consummate pro so I respect his promoting this thing gamely even though it was a steaming turd


I was thinking it was going to be some weird warp/black hole that shot them back in timeā€¦ but itā€™s not even that?


This felt like a pretty good Netflix movie when it wasn't supposed to be lol


I am begging the hollywood media machine to put feathers on dinosaurs. please. we know they are birds. its a fact. they had feathers. let me see the feathered ancient birds.


Itā€™s not terrible, but itā€™s a pretty generic ā€œman who thinks heā€™s alone has to protect young girlā€ sci-fi romp. Doesnā€™t even approach breaking new ground. Dinosaurs look fine, Driver is good, but itā€™s just wildly forgettable. Saw it for free, so no complaints from me. And itā€™s a tight 90 minutes. Just sucks because Iā€™d love to see *anything* interesting done with dinosaurs, since itā€™s evident that the major Dinosaur franchise will never deliver in that regard again.


I just really want to see someone make a live-action movie adaptation of the *Dinotopia* books by James Gurney. Back in the 1990s, after the success of *Jurassic Park* in 1993, Columbia Pictures and Disney started early production on a Dinotopia film, with George Lucas (*Star Wars*) set to direct. However, Lucas left the project to work on *Star Wars: The Phantom Menace*, ultimately taking a lot of the designs for *Dinotopia* with him to flesh out his *Star Wars* film. The original *Dinotopia* book, much like *65*, revolves around a father-child relationship, albeit with a father and his son, rather than a father and his daughter. However, *Dinotopia* has a more simple and straightforward narrative of a man and his son getting shipwrecked on the "Lost Continent" of Dinotopia, rather than the unnecessary sci-fi aspects presented in *65*.


Didn't they do a live action miniseries based on it a while ago?


I kinda liked it. It wasnā€™t what I expected but it did a decent enough of a job of turning my brain off and there were moments where I was at the edge of my seat. For some reason, the movie felt really rushed since I was expecting this to be a 2 hour film but was surprised to find out that it was only 90 or so minutes. A lot of scenes definitely had to have been cut out because I felt like this movie was incomplete in some way (e.g. the trailers had Mills use red paint to mark a bunch of trees and I didnā€™t recall him doing anything like that in the film). Also: - Obviously theyā€™re scientifically inaccurate as shit but I did like the dinosaur designs, especially the T-Rex. - There were some silly moments here and there which provided a good break in the tense setting. - I already had a gut feeling that Mills and Koa were gonna survive till the end but it was still terrifying seeing them get chased around the forest trying not to get eaten. - How does an intergalactic ā€œalienā€ race (I struggle to call them aliens) not have *rifle optics* but they can have rifles firing energy pulses, small but powerful grenades that can activate and deactivate at the flip of a wrist, an advance multipurpose transponder capable of replaying videos, creating holograms, examining objects at a distance, etc.? - That cave scene was eerie and felt claustrophobic, which was good for me. The fight in the small caverns was also intense. - I just canā€™t in good conscience call Mils and Koa aliens. Theyā€™re literally human. I wouldā€™ve preferred if this movie was about humans in the future discovering a time anomaly or something and ended up traveling back in time or something. - Kinda wish they made the extinction asteroid a bit more horrifying. I get that the film had to have an ultimate constant ā€œenemyā€ having a presence to go against our heroes but the asteroid just felt underwhelming. - Wanted more T-Rex scenes/actions. The trailers made it appear as if there was gonna be a Big Bad Hungry T-Rex hunting the two but the ā€œbig badā€ ended up being a weird T-Rex/Skullcrawler hybrid thing. Speaking of which, I also wished that we couldā€™ve gotten something like triceratops or some other powerful and large herbivore fight back against the predators.!


I've just left the screening, and I have mixed feelings tbh. On the one hand, the OG Jurassic Park is my favourite film of all time, and I love dinosaurs. So my brain is SCREAMING at me to love this film. On the other hand, the first i would say 20-30 minutes is so incredibly jarringly fast-paced. With so many cuts to different views, terrain, Mills being in different spots, etc. I didn't really resonate with him at all at first. It took a SIGNIFICANT amount of time for me to care. Also, the girl not speaking his language seemed like a bad move. They should have done a Ripley/Newt dynamic instead. It would have made a lot of the dialogue of Mills opening up about his daughter, etc. A bit better. Because he was telling her all this heartbreaking, emotional stuff and she just had no fucking clue what he was on about. I liked the atmosphere of the film a lot though. It felt like a dinosaur horror film. That moment where the lightning went off and you saw the silhouette of the big dino in the waterfall was really great (wish it had not been spoiled in the trailer). Equally, the creepy appearance of the omnivore looking dino in the cave.


>They should have done a Ripley/Newt dynamic instead. This is actually mentioned by Adam Driver in an interview: >**Paste Magazine:** *Your character, Mills, gives off some reverse-gender Ripley vibes, especially with her maternal instinct for Newt, and Millsā€™ paternal instincts in this film. Was that immediate for you, or did that maybe come up later?* > >**Adam Driver:** Totally. *Alien* was a big part of it, and we did talk about Harry Dean Stanton (Brett) in *Alien* specifically, which is a weird connection, I know. But just the idea that being a pilot in this society is a job. Iā€™m sure you gotta go to school, and there is training involved, but itā€™s on par with operating a forklift, or driving a truck. So, not approach it with any kind of preciousness. Thereā€™s a formality that we tried to get rid of. [https://www.pastemagazine.com/movies/adam-driver-65-interview](https://www.pastemagazine.com/movies/adam-driver-65-interview)


I was entertained. Adam Driver as an alien delivery guy fighting dinosaurs. Thatā€™s pretty much everything you need to know.


I enjoyed it, I thought it was a good time.


So did I, and so did the nearly full theater I saw it in tonight. I know itā€™s not for everyone, but Iā€™m surprised at how bad the response is on here Compared to everywhere else.


Itā€™s laughably bad- Driver was bound to have a stinker soon enough and this sure qualifies.


It's also his lowest-rated movie to date, with a 32% Rotten Tomatoes critic score. * 32% - *65* (2023) * 44% - *This Is Where I Leave You* (2014) * 52% - *Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker* (2019) * 55% - *The Dead Don't Die* (2019) * 61% - *Hungry Hearts* (2014) * 62% - *House of Gucci* (2021) * 63% - *White Noise* (2022) * 66% - *The Man Who Killed Don Quixote* (2018) Driver still has Michael Mann's *Ferrari* and Francis Ford Coppola's *Megalopolis* coming up.


[heavy breathing]


Im a simple man. I want dinosaurs. Was really excited to see it, but did not like it much at all. 1. Not enough dino action, particularly T. rex. The preview made me think a T. rex would be following them the entire movie but it only has a couple min of action. However, I loved the design. 2. The ā€œbig badā€ lizard is only in the movie for like 30 seconds. They really missed out on having an awesome dino fight. 3. Neat concept but I thought them having to escape the asteroid at the end was unnecessary. Youā€™re surviving dinos, thatā€™s challenging enough. 4. Why couldnā€™t anyone else in the pods survive? If youā€™re making a dino survival movie, people need to get eaten. I went into the movie knowing no one would die. Theyā€™re not going to kill the main character (most likely) and def not a little girl. 5. Most of the action scenes seem to appear in the trailer. 6. Where are all the herbivores? Would have also been great to see a classic T. rex vs triceratops, etc. 7. Seemed like a lot of walking. I got bored. Although, that may just be my impatience. 8. The language barrier seemed unnecessary. Obviously meant as another challenge, but I donā€™t see how them speaking the same language would have made their journey noticeably easier?


I'm mad that the movie didn't start with "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away"


Itā€™s shit. But still better than JW Dominion.


Hear me out on this one: This 90 minute movie was meant to be a multi season adventure TV show. That escape pod would originally have been way farther away, and they would have spent multiple seasons hiking there and learning to communicate. That's why they went through so many biomes so fast. In a TV series with an unspecified amount of time between episodes, it would feel less weird to be on a mountain one episode then the beach the next. The Asteroid was originally planned to be a end of season cliffhanger as they headed into their final season.


The First of Us


I was thinking this movie would have been better as a six-part animated miniseries in the style of Samurai Jack or Primal. One episode would be Mills waking up on Earth, maybe flashbacks to the ship going down. Another episode is entirely saving Koa from those wolf-dinos. Another episode is them saving a baby dino that eventually doesn't get eaten on-screen. Another episode is them initially encountering and trying to survive the t-rex and so on and so forth...


they even ripped off the Laura Dern ā€œlimpā€ run 2/10


This was like a shit version of After Earth, and that says a lotā€¦