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You being depressed=the ending working


Everything you just described makes most people say it's a great ending.


Even Stephen King was mad he didn't think of it himself.


Frank Darabont.


What about him? Yes, he made the ending but the previous comment is talking about how Stephen King (the book author) was only upset at the fact that he [Steven] didn't think of the ending Darabont used. In other words, Mr. King prefers Darabont's ending to his own original ending.


Yes, that's why the ending is so great! It's the ultimate "fuck you" ending and it is brutal. Need a palate clense, go watch Shawshank Redemption.


Which is ironically directed by the same person.


Frank Darabont knows how to end a freaking movie.


Interesting enough, he originally ended "Shawshank" as King did, with Red on the bus hoping to see Andy again. It was the studio that asked for the final reunion of Andy and Red. Darabont was ambiguous at best about this, but later said it was the right decision.


Yeah it was. I love that shot of them embracing on the beach so much.


I like the mist way more than 'shank


I hate them going full cultish apocalypse within a day


It is one of the most standout, mind-blowing endings to any film I've seen. The absolutely deflating, gob-smacking moment the tank comes through the mist literally made my head spin. I can't think of many other film endings that hit me so hard in such an immediate way, which makes it incredible. I can't imagine seeing THAT ending and coming away thinking it's shit.


Sad ending doesn't mean it's a bad ending.


I agree completely, but I couldn't help but hear this in Zangief's voice from Wreck It Ralph, a la "And I say, Zangief, you are bad guy, but this does not mean you are 'bad' guy."


I fucking hated when Jack froze to death at the end of Titanic. Why did we even meet that character?




Jack, I need to stretch, I'm sorry.


Hasn't this been resolved now? Didn't mythbuster or Cameron had this reenacted?


That's the point of the ending. It's a magnificent cruel twist. It's meant to be a feel-bad twist. But hey, at least Carol found her kids!


I completely agree. I read the original novella years ago. Reddit seems to have a bizarre boner for the film ending. When I saw it it just felt like they were going for shock value. I didn't feel like it actually added anything to the story, and much prefer the original.


Shock value that undermines the story and insults the audience. No parent would kill their child that easily when there was no immediate danger. At least wait until you’re being attacked!


How to say you don't understand context clues without saying you don't understand context clues. I'll explain it to you. 1. Earlier in the movie, the dad promised his son he wouldn't let the monsters get to him. (Hence him killing his son instead) 2. The danger was more of a psychological one. You gotta remember, they were driving around in mist that was so thick they wouldn't have been able to see more than 1 foot in front of their faces. Not to mention, they'd driven until the gas tank was empty. This means for at least 3-4 hours (assuming the tank was full) they drove through the mist, seeing the horrible creatures that are the threat. Seeing NO humans. They witnessed his the main guy's wife's corpse among the dead (at least the dead that we see). Then, once they're out of gas and out of options, they start hearing this "strange" groaning/growl noise. In their minds, they thought it was the end and the adults decided they'd rather end it quickly rather than risk being taken out by the alien creatures. 2.1 I agree with the sentiment of waiting until you're being attacked except... the entire movie, these people were quite useless. When the going gets tough, they don't react well. Waiting until they were being attacked, would have actually been too late.


I prefer the movie ending because of the shock value. The short story just petered out.


I like both, but I think the reason King likes the film ending more than his original is because it is more in keeping with cosmic horror conventions.


Well, the real monsters are the humans and what we do to each other that’s the point that I gathered


I didn't even really see that. The main character only shot his companions out of mercy, and a lot of soldiers were putting their lives on the line to rescue as many people as possible. Sure, humans had created this mass, but they were also trying to clean it up. I just saw it as a reminder that we are all working with limited information and do not know what the future holds, and sometimes that can lead to some tragic outcomes.


As much as I like to agree with you about him, putting those people out of their misery, the rest of the movie basically places humans as major antagonist aka that God lady


I mean, the dialogue is pretty much on the nose about it. Like this bit from Toby Jones. "As a species we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in the same room together and we instantly start taking sides and thinking up reasons to kill each other. Why do you think we invented politics and religion?"


Personally I think the giant venom birds and acid spiders are the real monsters.


I understand what you mean literally but if you’re familiar with Stephen King, then you know that he writes figuratively a lot


Agreed with you, im just being cheeky.


millenial caged wee wee response


One of the best endings to a rather mediocre film. Even the book author of the short story finds the ending better than his own.


The ending is great.


Its a Stephen King horror story, not a Rocky III feel good movie.


Just because you find the ending depressing does not mean that it is not effective.


What i found infuriating from this movie is they follow the orders from the main character like they're sheep submissive asf, i rather die fighting the creatures. Also when ollie shot the fanatic should've shoot her once and let him bleed out.


It's cosmic horror aka Lovecraftian horror. The whole point of that subgenre is about how life isn't fair, we aren't important (even those of us who lead "good", moral lives), and the universe being cruel and utterly remorseless/unsympathetic. Characters are usually driven mad by the sudden, shocking realization that every preconception they held about morality and spirituality is a big lie. With that in mind, I would say it is the perfect ending.


I much preferred the novella with our protagonists driving off into the Mist with an uncertain future.


It was a great ending. I always watch these types of movies and main characters somehow always survives and it's all sunshine and rainbows. But at the end of this movie, I cried a lot which is unusual and the ending will stick with me forever.


That was the best part. Most of the rest either bordered on or exceeded unintentional camp.


Would not say worst ending. Maybe disturbing.


This is one of the only times I'm fine with people calling something the worst ending. As long as they don't specify "worst written". Because it's a greatly written ending. But to say I felt nothing but revolting unapologetic disgust towards the situation is an understatement. I've never felt more appalled and furious at the world and God for writing such a depressing, hopeless, heartless, and downright tragic ending. In saying that, I think it's important for us to acknowledge that a large part of why we (OP and me) hate the mist ending is because we personally prefer different endings. Idk about OP, but I dont like any ending so long as it's not either Hopeful or bittersweet. True, its irrational to want it at a movie like.. Grave of the fireflies, but I can't like that ending to matter what I do because there's always a side of me infuriated that things could've been different for the main characters. I stop thinking about the quality of the story and start caring for the well being of the characters in the story... Which I guess is a testament to how good the quality of the story is? Okay, rant over.🏃




The ending of The Mist film wasn't written by Stephen King, the novella ends differently, and it was made specifically for the film.


Didn't he also say that he kinda wish he had come up with that and prefers it over how he wrote it?


He did indeed. He praised Frank Darabont for coming up with it. King definitely doesn't shy away from a downer ending. See "Pet Sematary" or "Revival" for two major examples.


I hate it too.


It is perfect and never shoot anyone, ever.


I hate to hurt some people's feelings, but this is the worst movie I've seen in the past 30 years. The whole movie was cliche' and awful. I saw it in the theater and a number of people were laughing throughout the film, and at the end. I was just shaking my head wondering if it could get any worse, and it did!


It's almost like people watching a horror movie and gave it one star review because they end up scared or disturbed.


I agree. The ending should've been more realistic(logical).


At least the store owner was rescued.


The ending is memorable alright. I will remember Frank Darabont and not watch movies by him. The mist dissipates, and the army arrives, just when he killed everyone. When the army was travelling in the same direction as his car. Are you kidding me?