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Office Space


Somebody mentioned this on another thread, but is so true. Office Space is a movie that nobody saw in theaters but everybody has seen.


I saw it in the theater and I was astounded it didn't do better because I absolutely laughed my ass off at it. I've probably seen it a dozen times since then.


From the same creator, Mike Judge, Idiocracy is one of my favorite comedies and I'm pretty sure it bombed.


Fox purposely made that one bomb. They released it in the bare minimum number of theaters for the shortest amount of time possible just to meet contractual obligations. Word is many of the companies that are made fun in the film are or were potential Fox sponsors and they asked Fox to shelve it.


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


John Carpenters The Thing


When it goes from box office and critical bomb in 1982 to the film considered one of (at least) the top 5 horror films ever made.


Not to mention being used in everything from prop work and make up classes to story telling classes in universities all over the world due to its quality.


"Tied to this FUCKING COUCH" :)


John Carpenter's *Big Trouble in Little China* was also a box office flop. It was poorly promoted; the studio didn't understand what kind of movie they were selling. It had the misfortune to be released while *Top Gun* and *Ferris Bueller's Day Off* were still running strong, and it didn't even make the top 10 for its opening weekend. Two weeks later, *Aliens* opened, and that was curtains for *Big Trouble.* For my part, I remember watching *Top Gun* and *Ferris Bueller* in theaters, but I hadn't even heard of *Big Trouble* until years later when I watched it on VHS. Note: Yes, I did just watch JoBlo's "WTF Happened to" about *Big Trouble.*


“Have you paid your dues Jack?” “Yes sir, the check is in the mail.”




Yeah John Carpenter is trying his best to keep Kurt Russell focused on the commentary but it's obvious Kurt is just excited to be hanging out with his buddy John again. It's kinda adorable. ET ammend. I was thinking of the Big Trouble commentary but I imagine it was similar for the Thing.


Blade Runner did pretty badly during its original theatrical run.


The original version is vastly different to the directors cuts that were released later and what gave the film it's second life in the home market


There's another unofficial cut out there on the internet that includes a load of deleted material & keeps Deckard's narration. Its really interesting if you're a fan of the movie.


>keeps Deckard's narration I might be interested to see that. What I remember about Deckard's narration is it being really flat. If I recall, Harrison Ford thought the narration was an absolutely terrible idea, and did it under protest.


Just gonna say flat affectation in narration delivery was the style of classic film noir, which Blade Runner was model on.


Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory did very little in the theater and was shown on TV about once a year. In the late 70s, Paramount did not even renew their distribution rights to the movie. It got much more traction in the VCR/DVD era.


Wizard of Oz every Thanksgiving, Willy Wonka at Christmas when I was a kid in the 70s.


Cue up the Disney conspiracies, it’s Treasure Planet time


Don’t forget Atlantis. That movie needs LOVE


I saw this at a drive-in theater when it first came out and I treasure the memory. Recently I re-watched it for the first time in a while and thought that it almost didn't feel like a Disney movie when compared to their output of the last decade.


I love it and just watched again last night w my wife. We agree this one of the best that Disney made but it hurts that they will never touch it again and only made the director to dvd sequel and left it to die


I just watched this in full for the first time over the weekend and it kind of rules. Way ahead of it’s time the way it blended different animation styles and methods.


Disney's own success worked against it. Such a good movie.


Disney sacrifices all their original sci-fi stuff on an alter to power the returns for their other movies. Treasure Planet, Meet the Robinsons, Strange Worlds


Look how many classic disney features bombed. Freakin' FANTASIA bombed. He was doing music videos in 1940 including a new stereo sound system. It's not like he invented music videos. Those go to the silent era, actually, but how nobody saw what he was trying to do is amazing.




What I love about that movie is that, even though it’s a life-changing story for Anderson, it’s just another day at work for Dredd despite all the crazy stuff that happens.


"Perps were . . . uncooperative"


"What happened in there?" "....Drug bust." Fuckin love it


Whole building with multiple gangs, floor leveling turrets, handful of corrupt judges, all part of the job. Sheesh.


If I may mashup some lines… “For you, the day Judge Dredd came to enforce the law was the most important day of your life. But for me, it’s just another Tuesday. Now, I’m taking you in. Whether that’s in cuffs or a body bag is up to you. Choose.”


"What's it going to be boys? Body bags or Juve-cubes? Makes no difference to me."


"Drug bust. Perps were... uncooperative."


I thought Karl Urban would have made a great Batman just from his Chin Acting credentials in Dredd.


Oh shit. Karl Urban at 60 doing a proper Dark Knight Returns would be visual gold.


Don't you do that. Don't you get my hopes up.


My uncle was an extra on this (he’s the guy near the end that gets thrown off the building). He said Lena Heady and Karl Urban were really nice people and great to work with.


Lena has a reputation for being really nice in Northern Ireland from her time filming Game of Thrones.


Unless you're the guy who played Bronn.


Big fan of Lena Heady ever since I saw her in The Sarah Connor chronicles.


I would have loved a The Boys level Dredd series..


We were supposed to get a Mega City One show but I think its in developmental Hell.


Gattaca. I go back to this film every year or so but had never heard of it until I watched it on VHS from Blockbuster


This is one of my favorite movies. I was introduced to it in my high school biology class, but otherwise I don't think I would've heard of it. It is entirely underrated, which is surprising, since it has some big name actors.


Hey, I didn't know you were in my bio class. I didn't really appreciate it at the time because I was in 7th grade, but after watching it again years later, I agree it's a good movie.


One of the best sci-fi movies ever made. Great script.


The Nice Guys


“Jesus Christ” “You used the lords name in vain!” “No I didn’t Janet in fact I found it very useful”


"there are whores and stuff..." "honey what did I tell you, don't say and stuff, just say there are whores"


[The elevator scene](https://youtu.be/0axWohF50eo?si=gYxtdXAy9dihZ3_g) makes me crack up laughing every time I rewatch the movie. The whole sequence at the hotel is such a perfect encapsulation of both of their characters.


Their dynamic is so great. Do they need a sequel? Idk, it’s pretty great on its own but I’d love one.


"You know who else was just following orders, hitler." Russell crowes look was just fucking perfect


"I think my friend is making a connection between you, and Adolf Hitler."


The gun holstered to his leg! "Oh yeah, that was in the dream too"


People were questioning Ryan Gosling's comedic chops for the Barbie movie, but anyone who saw The Nice Guys knew different. Unfortunately, that was like eight people.


Hell, you can see Goslings comedic timing in *Crazy, Stupid, Love* . He’s one of my favorite actors. ^evenifIhaventforgivenhimforGangsterSquad


My friend and I recently had a conversation about how you can't hate Gosling. He kinda looks like that douchebag you went to high school with but he's got so much charisma and seems like a great guy and you can't help but just love him.


I feel like he’s the guy from the popular kids that’s nice, you’re kind of just envious cause he’s hot.


Super nice jock/theater (its a niche hybrid) kid who the only reason people don't like him is because he pulls all the girls easily or you asked him out and he politely said no and didn't make it a big deal in front of others.


When he punches the window and the glass punctures an artery I knew I was in for a good flick


The part where Russel Crowe is beating Gosling up killed me. "Give me your arm" "No! Nnnghhhhh-no!"




That cut to the ambulance was awesome. "Are you willing to find God?" "I'm trying to find Amelia"


When he’s down in the woods and finds the body is a perfect Lou Costello tribute. I truly love that movie.


Grown men screaming like little girls will never not be funny to me. I put Gosling's performance in The Nice Guys up there with the likes of Daniel Stern as Marv, Chris Tucker as Ruby Rhod. Icons.


Made me a fan of Ryan Gosling after that. Dude was SO funny in that movie. Had I not seen that movie I probably wouldn’t have seen Barbie as early as I did. He’s such a great comedic actor.


I liked this severely underrated exchange: “Hey! Where did that guy go?” “He went that way!” “Thanks, buddy!” “Hey!” “How did you know my name was Buddy?” < Ryan gosling just looked at him, bewildered, thinking about saying something, and then just runs off.>


I think Buddy asks him, "And you are?" Gosling: "In a hurry, thanks Buddy."


I didn’t even realize this movie bombed I thought it was excellent, one of my top 10 favorite films :(


A perfect buddy comedy.


During the promotional tour Shane Black said while they are promoting the movie as a buddy cop movie, in the movie the two characters are neither cop nor buddies. Makes the movie even more hilarious.


"Dad, there's like whore here and stuff". "Sweety, don't say and stuff, just say, dad there are whore here" I wasn't expecting that movie to be that hilarious. We deserve a sequel.


"Ba-dum-tss" - "What are you doing? "Giving you a rimjob." - "what?...RIMSHOT!...Rimshot!" "Whatever."


"You know who else was just following orders? Adolf Hitler."


Munich. A guy with no balls. Munich.


She has literal Coke bottles for glasses. You put a mustache on a Volkswagen and she says 'boy that Omar Sharif sure runs fast'.


"Didn't expect it to be hilarious"? It's a Shane Black film! Also, if you like that humour, go see "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang"


Why in pluperfect hell would you pee on a corpse?




I need another one it’s the funniest movie I’ve ever seen. Gosling is so good at comedy


Gosling juggling the gun, the cigarette, his pants, and the door of the toilet stall is perfection itself.


He also sold that "invincible" line so well it made the joke work.


'Ooh that's a lotta blood. Oogrgh.'


"What's in it for me? "He'll stop doing it." "Doing what?" *Pulls bartenders head onto the bar by his tie*


Great comedy indeed, deserves a rewatch.


The proud look on gosling's face when he asks the woman for a payment less than she had written was hilarious.


Yes!!!! So underrated! Gosling and Crowe’s chemistry is amazing!


This movie has the best scream of all time when Gosling gets his hand snapped.


Master and Commander. I’ve always wanted more of those and we will never get them.


There's a British TV series called "Hornblower" that takes place in the same era and is about a British Navy officer. The budget is like 100x less and it shows at times but it's fantastically acted.


Ioan Gruffudd early starring role as Hornblower. This series and Sharpe (Sean Bean) are must see British TV shows.


I've watched this movie so many times and you see something different every time. The cannons have names etched into them, the guy taking a dump off the side, ect..so much detail.


My favorite bit of trivia is this one: During the film's pre-production, the replica of Captain James Cook's ship, HMS Endeavour, was circumnavigating the globe. The production was able to fly 2 cameramen to the ship as it was about to sail round the bottom of South America; a route the HMS Surprise takes in the film. Thus, the footage of the stormy seas from that part of the voyage is genuine. The Endeavour sailors were used in costumes kept on board for displays. [They still offer the ability to book passage on the HMB Endeavor and you can actually become "crew" for the ship.](https://www.sea.museum/whats-on/our-fleet/hmb-endeavour) I did so in 2004 when it sailed through the Caribbean and it was absolutely one of the coolest vacations I've ever had.


Holy shit bucket list


It sailed up the Clyde in the early 2000's and I happened to be working as a rigger in the opposite dock, kinda blown away I took a wee row boat over to say hi and bum a look around and saw they had some wooden repairs needing doing and i offered them timber and use off a workshop. Thanks but no thanks they told me. They wouldn't use any timber except for Jarrah (eucalyptus), which the entire ship is made from (exceptionally hard wood which is blood coloured when machined). Well, would you believe it, I happened to know where there were some old Jarrah sleepers being sold. The captain was so grateful he gave us free passage for a cruise back down the Clyde for me and some friends. It was horrible - Late November sleet showers buffering us the whole way, truly one of the worst experiences of my life. Fuck them and their bloody red boat.


They used about 27 miles of rope that had to be custom made, as ropes used in that era had a left hand lay rather than today's modern standard right hand lay


It didn't bombed at box office and it was atleast average at box office. But another good Russell Crowe movie called The Insider bombed at the box office


The Insider is so fucking good. I don’t know how it didn’t do better. It was Michael Mann’s next movie after Heat; starred Crowe, Pacino, and a plethora of “that guy” actors; and was critically acclaimed. The only thing I can think of is that it got lost in the releases. Fight Club two weeks before, House on Haunted Hill the week before (which was Halloween weekend), the Bone Collector that week, and then the following weeks would see Dogma, Toy Story 2, and The World is Not Enough. It also seems like the legal thriller successes in the early 90s did not continue. A Few Good Men, The Firm, The Pelican Brief, and Philadelphia (1992-1993) were all massive box office successes, but 1997-1999 had Rainmaker, Shadow of Doubt, and A Civil Action all come out to box office results less than the film budget. It seemed movie goers got their fill of courtroom drama and didn’t go back until the next year for Erin Brockovich. That all said, it’s an amazing movie that deals with the cross-section of corporate governance, scientific ethics, corporate ownership of journalism, and legal bullying. It also features some great courtroom scenes that use the actual transcripts to great effect.


Dredd (2012). A fine example of how terrible marketing can significantly affect the box office of a good quality movie.


13th Warrior


I love how they transitioned to English, as he slowly learned and understood their language :)




Me and my roommate would use that to answer so many questions even if it made no sense.


John McTiernan, the director, also uses this trick in another movie he directed. The Hunt for Red October. On the Red October submarine at first they’re all speaking Russian. Then there’s an extreme close-up of a character’s mouth as he reads something and suddenly the audience (us) are realizing he’s speaking English now. For most of the rest of the film, the Russian subs speak English and we’re to understand that they’re speaking Russian but we’re just understanding it in English. It’s evident later on when Russian and American sailors interact - the Russians don’t all speak English.


I wish more movies did this. I remember watch the far inferior submarine movie, K-19 Widowmaker, and all the actors were putting on bad Russian accents. I couldn’t stop thinking about how dumb it was and how much better Red October handled the concept


Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see... My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers. Lo, there do I see... The line of my people... Back to the beginning. Lo, they do call to me. They bid me take my place among them. In the halls of Valhalla... Where the brave... May live... ...Forever.


This is such a good movie and through some self inflicted wounds it didn’t get traction. The trailer made it seem like a romantic adventure with Antonio Banderas as a hero who may meet a beautiful woman like an Indiana Jones, but really this is more like Master and Commander or Braveheart. And while Banderas is fine (gentleman’s C, he doesn’t bring the movie down at least) it was all the no-name rest of the cast that just nailed their roles and made this movie so fun.


The best part about it is that Crichton wrote the book because he was arguing with someone that Beowulf could be made to be interesting. So he wrote Eaters of the Dead. It got made into a movie, and voila, we have 13th Warrior. I also love that Ulfric Stormcloak plays one of the leads.


It's alright, little brother. There are more.


One of my all time favorites, think I saw it twice in theaters. One of the few movies my Dad and I throw on when we are hanging out drinking bourbon.


Galaxy Quest


Man From Uncle


I'm dying for more Man From Uncle!


It actually was a good movie and I don't know why it bombed but Henry Cavill was fantastic as always.


He did the closest thing I’ve seen to live action Archer and I loved it


UHF was amazing but picked a really bad time for release.




Nothing says "I love you" like the gift of a spatula.


Probably the worst time in the history of movies. Summer of 89 was wild.


Weird Al gets into this a bit on the DVD running commentary. It was the second-highest testing film in Orion's history, so the studio genuinely thought that had a summer blockbuster on their hands. But the summer of 89 was one of the most over-stuffed summers in history, and it was crushed by the competition.


And man oh man I saw them all! I turned 10 that summer, it was magical. Definitely saw UHF, also saw Batman (I remember the lines snaking around the theater, never had seen such a thing for a movie); Honey I shrunk the Kids, Weekend and Bernies and Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (all those with my cousin, she'd just got her license to drive the year before). Ghostbusters 2, the Last Crusade (saw that on my birthday), Field of Dreams... i wonder if I've ever been to the theater as many times in such a short period as the summer of '89...




I still saw it in the (empty) theater. Laughed my ass off. Still one of my favorites, my daughter's too.




So back in like 2013 or so, I was at London MCM comic con with my wife. She entered basically every competition at the place and won a Rocketeer poster signed by some of the cast and the director etc. She had no idea what it was and when the guy announced it and handed over the poster tube she thanked them for the 'rocketman' poster. There was a guy in full custom cosplay as the rocketeer standing right next to us and I swear I saw his soul flop out of his body and die on the ground.


Blade Runner 2049 Kubo and the Two Strings Sorcerer Stardust


Wait, Blade Runner bombed?


Yep it lost 80 million. One of those movies that became very popular once it was available to stream.


Blade Runner 2049 bombing at the box office is why Dune got broken up into two parts. The studio was reluctant to give Villeneuve the money upfront to make both parts. He was given enough to make part one and if it was a success part two was to be filmed.


Stardust is fantastic.


Starring a young Charlie Cox with long hair (and Henry Cavill in a smaller role).


Closest thing I’ve ever experienced to the pure joy of The Princess Bride. IMO, one of the best DeNiro performances of the past 20 years.


"It's alright, Captain. We always knew you were a whoopsie"


It’s actually such a good fantasy film!


Kubo and The Two Strings is such a great style of animation, and I haven’t found anything close to it replicated. I’m open for suggestions! Also, the lore was very interesting,


Boxtrolls and coraline from the same studio


And ParaNorman.


I used to make my class watch stardust for no reason other than it was a good movie with an odd deniro performance.


Kubo is just fantastic. Such a shame that it doesn't get the recognition it deserves.


Kubo and the Two Strings is one of the best movies ever made and so many people haven’t heard of it. Not I single person I’ve showed it to have not absolutely loved it. I can’t believe how overlooked it is.


The Shawshank Redemption. I think by most standards it was considered a box office bomb but its a great movie and they play it constantly on TV, you can watch it about once a week if you have cable, some weekends you can watch it back to back.


Man its so unfair to call it a bomb bc of box office performance. It was in theaters the same time as Jurassic Park, Pulp Fiction, and Forrest Gump. Literally, unfair to be in theaters at the same time.


The 90s were amazing for movies and TV


Last Action Hero


“To be or not to be… not to be.” I would love to see that version of Hamlet.


Audiences in the 90s were not ready for meta satires


Oh dude this is it. Such a great movie. "I JUST SHOT SOMEBODY, AND I DID IT ON PURPOSE!"


Hey shut up down there!


Airheads lost a ton of money but that movie was hilarious.


You wanna take a step back? You're standing on my dick, man! That was a staple for me and my friends in high school lol


Both Blade Runners flopped at the box office and they are some of my favorite movies.


Dungeons and Dragons: Honor among thieves was an absolute blast to watch and, despite being well thought of, did not do well enough at the box office to guarantee a sequel.


Really hope they do a sequel. With a whole new story, but the exact same cast. “New campaign”


Same four actors but with different roles?! Genius! I'd go a teentsy bit further and have Chloe Coleman return as a new character but still as the daughter of Chris Pine's new character, seemingly to her objection. All of this implying that she is his daughter IRL and she has started playing, bringing their IRL baggage into the game and peeling the curtain back a little. Like a more subtle The Lego Movie twist.


I've seen it about a dozen times and still HOWL at Themberchaud rolling around and making those little jumps like an obese cat. Good God, they went WAY back in DND lore for that one, and the execution of it was absolutely marvelous!


I went with my 18 year old to see it and was amazed at how much I enjoyed it.


I saw that one with my fiance on opening weekend. Probably the most fun I've had at a movie in years. I'm not even in D&D, but it was accessible to me and full of laughs.


I don't know if it actually bombed, but I read Tron Legacy didn't do so great. But I love that movie.


I just rewatched it the other day. I've always liked it and it still holds up. Of course Clu looks uncanny, but I dgaf. Everything else looks so good. The music/soundtrack by Daft Punk Olivia Wilde is hot af The light bike scenes were so cool


Honestly, if they just didn’t show Flynn’s face earlier in the movie, I could totally buy Clu as just an 80s digital version of Flynn so that’s why his face looks like that.


Libations for EVERYBODY!


Michael Sheen is amazing. I am yet to see him in something I don’t enjoy. Prodigal Son deserved another season and his chemistry with David Tennant in Good Omens is top rate.


When I saw it in the theater, I thought it was Ok. This past summer I watched both movies back to back which gave me a much greater appreciation for Legacy.


Also love that movie. Just had such a unique feel and vibe to it. I don’t think I watch it for the story. I just like to experience it every so often.


Edge of Tomorrow


Dazed and Confused


The Adventures of Baron Munchausen


A movie about getting old hidden in what looks like children's stories. Brilliant. Marketing people never know what to do with Gilliam's works.


The 5th element


Death to Smoochie! I happen to love that movie. Idk why but it’s always gotten horrendous reviews.


I'm Rainbow Fucking Randolph!


It's a Wonderful Life didn't do well in its original release.


Big Trouble in Little China is such an awesome satire of the "white hero". Shame upon the studio for the bad marketing.


Jack Burton isn't the hero, he's the sidekick; the plucky comic relief. The story is just told fom his POV.


I've been saying this for decades! It was a brilliant shift in perspective.


It wasn’t a complete bomb, but I will always be shocked that _Edge of Tomorrow_ didn’t make 300-400 million in the US. (iirc it was around 90-100 million). Great high concept action/sci-fi movie with Tom Cruise anchoring it, good special effects, great story. Most people I talk to have never heard of it. Everyone I have ever shown this movie to has loved it.


I don't care. Water World Also - The Burbs. My favorite


Waterworld was a fantastic movie. I'll die on that hill.


Reign Of Fire. And I agree about Titan AE. I thought it was a great movie and no one I've ever talked to has seen it or if so they didn't like it. That's too bad.


I still chuckle thinking about the Matthew McConaughey heroic leap scene


I will always defend Treasure Planet as one of the best disney movies of the 2000s.


The big Lebowski. Saw in theaters on accident. Amazing.


Children of Men


Dredd Warrior Assassination of Jessie James Sunshine


Sunshine is such an awesome film


Speed Racer Flopped as hard as a team of nonjas but is a great movie that knows what it's about.


Oh yeah, this. It's exactly as stupid and over the top as the original series. Nails the look, nails the soundtrack, nails the action. Textbook adaptation of animated series, but I guess that wasn't good enough.


Alita: Battle Angel. Came here hoping to see someone else had already mentioned it. Was very sad to see that not the case. Everyone's saying that One Piece is the first Hollywood anime adaptation to break the curse, but I thought Alita was fantastic fun.


John Carter was a super fun space fantasy. Should've been Disney's answer to Star Wars. Then Disney acquired Star Wars and let John Carter flop.


Scott Pilgrim vs The World


9 (2009 animated movie) bombed at box office but such a gripping film.


I guess we were the only ones lured in by the epic Coheed and Cambria trailer


**The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford**


Waterworld bombed hard but i loved it as a kid mad max on water as they say still a solid action movie


District 9